Organic Photochemistry 2004 - Fulton

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This material is excerpted from the full -version of the text. The final
printed version will be more concise due to further editing and
economical constraints. A Table of Contents and an index are located
at the end of this paper.
James T. Fulton
Vision Concepts
1 (949) 759-0630
September 1, 2004 Copyright 2001 James T. Fulton
Photochemistry 5- 1
Released: September 1, 2004
Gutmann, F. Keyzer, H. & Lyons, L. (1981) Organic semiconductors: Part B Malabar, FL: Robert E. Krieger
Publishing Co. Pg. 319
Saari, J. in Sporn, M. Roberts, A. & Goodman, D. (1984) The retinoids. NY: Academic Press pg. 351
5 The Photochemistry of Animal Vision

Solid state events involving conduction are evident in animate aggregations and may well be an
essential characteristic of life, which may be an electromagnetic phenomenon.
Gutmann, Keyzer & Lyons (1983)
5.1 Introduction
Saari said in 1994; Nature has exploited the relatively simple retinoid structure to full advantage. The molecule
mediates a bewilderingly complex set of biologic functions with only a single functional group and a set of conjugated
double bonds.
This chapter will show that when Nature added a second functional group, resulting in two distinctly
different sets of conjugated double bonds, She expanded this exploitation considerably.
The vision community within the field of biology has sought to determine the detailed nature of the chromophores of
animal, and particularly human, vision for a very long time. Even after the industrial and technological revolutions,
these chromophores are not known, except in conceptual form, in the vision literature. This is unfortunate since the
necessary scientific knowledge has been available since the 1930-50's in other non biological disciplines. In the
absence of the transfer of this knowledge into the vision community, the community has suffered from a lack of
knowledge about exactly what they are seeking and the conditions required in the laboratory to isolate it. On the other
hand, the specific conditions under which the chromophores of vision can be isolated and identified are extremely
demanding compared to conventional chemistry. Many conventional chemical tests lack the specificity required to
isolate the chromophores completely. This Chapter will provide the background and detailed conditions required to
isolate the chromophores of vision, and the exact formula and state of matter of the chromophores of vision.
Example: The four chromophores of animal vision are resonant conjugate retinoids that only
exhibit their unique spectral performance when in the liquid crystalline state. They must not
be attacked by strong detergents or either oxidizing or reducing agents. Their spectra can only
be measured in the transient mode unless they are in quantum contact with another material
that can continually de-excite the excitons created by the incident photons.
This Chapter will present the actual chromophores of vision, labeled the Rhodonines and derivable from a number
of feedstocks, including the retinol family, consist of relatively small molecules with a molecular weight of either 285
(R5 & R9) or 299 (R7 & R11). They are retinoids of the resonant conjugate type. They are also carboxylic-ion systems
and exhibit a negative charge in their fundamental form. The molecules are relatively easily generated in the
laboratory in pure form. However, they exhibit a number of unique properties that have made their isolation difficult.
They only exhibit the properties of a visual chromophore when in the liquid crystalline state. Their absorption
characteristic is a transient one unless a means of de-exciting the molecules of the liquid crystal is present. Finally,
they are extremely sensitive to destruction by oxidants and alkali metal ions.
2 Processes in Biological Vision
Goldsmith, T. (1994) Ultraviolet receptors and color vision: Evolutionary implications and a dissonance of
paradigms. Vision Res. vol. 34, no. 11, pp 1479-1487
The Rhodonine chromophores consist of a family of twelve, four related to Retinol (Vitamin A1 and found in saline-
based animals), four related to 3,4 dehydroretinol (Vitamin A2 and associated with the freshwater-based animals) and
four related to 3-hydroxyretinol (Vitamin A3 and found primarily in the two-winged flies, the Diptera Order of
Arthropoda). The functional absorption spectra of these three sets, when in the liquid crystalline state, are virtually
identical. This is due to the primary quantum-mechanical mechanism involved and the identical form of their
chromophoric structure. The members of each set are spaced at 95 2 nm.
Each Rhodonine molecule exhibits a large number of functional groups. It requires careful laboratory technique to
differentiate them from simpler structures which may not have all of their characteristics. They satisfy all of the
historical tests for a retinene but are not retinenes. Their carboxylic-ion structure exhibits the characteristics of both
an alcohol and an aldehyde simultaneously. This fact has caused confusion in the literature for years.
When utilized in the vision process, the Rhodonine chromophores are formed into a liquid crystalline state on the
surface of a substrate, known generically as the protein opsin. It appears that the chromophores are held to the opsin
substrate by very weak bonds of the hydrogen bond type. This linkage does not disturb the unique electronic
configuration of the chromophoric material.
The unique spectral absorption of the Rhodonines contains two visual band components, an isotropic absorption
associated with the conjugated dipole molecular structure of the molecule, and a anisotropic absorption associated with
an additional resonant slow-wave structure intimately associated with the triplet electrons of the oxygen atoms of the
molecule. The unusual relaxation properties of these molecules are also associated with these triplet state electrons.
The Rhodonines do not fluoresce or phosphoresce significantly while in a dilute liquid solution.
The chromophores are aggregated into a liquid crystalline structure wherein they are able to conduct the excited
electrons resulting from photoexcitation at a given location to a second location where they are de-excited in the
process (developed in Chapter 11) of generating a signal within the dendrites of the photoreceptor cells. The
chromophores of vision are produced in the RPE cells of the retina and not in the photoreceptor cells as conventionally
assumed. This complex procedure is developed in Chapter 7.
This Chapter begins with a comprehensive review of the quantum-mechanical properties of organic molecules and how
this affects their photon excitation. A series of detailed definitions and concepts are presented that are not normally
found in biological treatises. These concepts are vital to an understanding of the mechanisms involved in the
photochemistry of vision.
5.1.1 The conventional wisdom of the vision community
The vision community has had great difficulty in describing the chromophores of vision. The nomenclature has varied
from being based on the color of light absorbed, the color of light not absorbed (their appearance by reflection or
transmission), the chemical chromogen they include, or whether they are sensitive to a given short, medium or long
wavelength region, the numerical value of the absorption peak, the animal or cell from which they were obtained, or
some combination of the above
. The problem has been compounded by the different perspectives adopted by the
biological, electrophysiological and psychophysical communities.
Since the time of Walds demonstration that rhodopsin, the conceptual chromophore of vision relied upon retinol as
a chromogen and Hubbards contemporary proposal that photodetection involved an isomerism of the chromophore,
the conventional wisdom has adopted that position. To support these proposals, Collins proposed that a Shiff-base was
Photochemistry 5- 3
Goldsmith, T. (1990) Optimization, constraint, and history in the evolution of eyes. Quart. Rev. Biol. vol.
65, no. 3, pg 297
Boynton, R. (1979) Human Color Vision Holt, Rinehart & Winston. pg 156, comment to footnote 9.
Birge, R. (1981) Photophysics of light transduction in rhodopsin and bacteriorhodopsin. Ann. Rev. Biophys.
Bioeng. Vol. 10, pp 315-354
Honig, B. Ebrey, T. Callender, R. Dinur, U. & Ottolenghi, M. (1979) Photoisomerization, energy storage,
and charge separation: A model for light energy transduction in visual pigments and bacteriorhodopsin. Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, vol. 76, no. 6, pp 2503-2507 (note f on pg 2503)
Bridges, C. (1984) in Sport, M. Roberts, A. & Goodman, D. The Retinoids, Vol. 2. NY: Academic Press, pp
the mechanism connecting the protein opsin to the retinoid retinol in forming rhodopsin. This structure is defined
as N-retinylidene-opsin. Since this proposal was found to have serious problems on energy grounds, an additional
conceptual proposal was made by Bownds suggesting protonation of the Schiff-Base, to form N-retinyl-opsin. Hubbard
proceeded to promulgate a complex series of chemical reactions leading to the transition of the initial 11-cis-retinol
ligand to all-trans-retinol. However, the community has not been able to demonstrate the accuracy of those proposals
or to confirm any of these reactions under biological conditions. An extremely large volume of literature has used their
unconfirmed proposals as their foundation.
As reviewed more fully in Section, no independent laboratory confirmation of the Wald, Hubbard, Collins, or
Bownds proposals have appeared from outside of their institution in over fifty years. Goldsmith concurred in this
. Putative isomerism in the chromophore
The experimental work based on the assumption that rhodopsin consists of a conjugated protein consisting of opsin
and retinol joined via a Schiff base has been studied for over 60 years. The work has failed to discover how the
chromophores of vision achieve their high spectral absorption, broad spectral line widths and their specific central
spectral wavelengths. In 1979, Boynton
stated unequivocally that No primate pigments have ever been extracted.
Birge provided a wide ranging review of this conventional wisdom in 1981 where Rhodopsin was described as the
generic name for all vertebrate and invertebrate visual pigments
. It included a large number of other reviews and
recent references to the work of Honig and his team.
While the Birge review was in preparation, Honig, et. al. published a paper with an extremely
significant note added in proof
. In this note, they recognize that it was possible. though unlikely,
that there was no counter-ion and that the protonated nitrogen is solvated by dipolar groups in the
opsin which provide a negative environment in the vicinity of the Schiff base. e. g., the putative
protonated Schiff base may not be an acceptable model.
The note continued; our discussion would be applicable if the counter-ion would be replaced by
formal charges on electrically neutral dipolar groups such as carbonyls.
Bridges, writing in Sporn, et. al
. in 1984 said: Since the key to understanding visual pigment regeneration lies in
obtaining an insight into how 11-cis-retinoid is formed from all-trans-retinoid, this section is devoted to this difficult
as yet unsolved problem. He continued on the following page: While there has been repeated failure to form 11-cis-
retinoids from all-trans-retinoids in in-vitro situations, it is clear that this conversion can be effected by the living
organism. He offered no evidence of the latter claim and was not able to resolve the primary issue within the
following five pages. Note the generalized term retinoid used by Bridges.
4 Processes in Biological Vision
Saari, J. (1994) in Sporn, et. al. The Retinoids, 2
ed. NY: Raven Press, Chapter 9
Hargrave, P. & McDowell, J. (1992) Rhodopsin and phototransduction. International Rev. Cytol. Vol
137B, pp 49-97
Hargrave, P. & McDowell, J. (1992) Rhodopsin and phototransduction. Int. Rev. Cytol. vol. 137B, pp 49-97
Coxon, J. & Halton, B. (1987) Organic photochemistry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pg. 1
Writing ten years later in the 2
edition of Sporn, et. al
. Saari discussed the conventional wisdom concerning
biological photosensing in considerable detail, including the assertion that it was the aldehyde form that was used in
vision while the alcohol form was used in reproduction. He closed by saying: The term Visual Cycle is used to
describe the set of dark (thermal) reactions used to produce the critical 11-cis-retinoid needed for vision from all-trans-
precursors. His figure 3 defined multiple independent processes to perform these reactions. He did not provide further
evidence to confirm the reality of the set(s) of Hubbard equations. Gates in the putative Outer Segment membrane
During the 1980s and 1990s, a number of investigators have defined a wide variety of chemical process sequences that
explain the generation of an electrical signal as the result of photon excitation of the Outer Segment of the
photoreceptor cells
. These have been largely conceptual. At best they have been based on chemical kinetics. None
have resulted in a mathematical description of the luminous efficiency function or the dark adaptation function of the
human visual process.
Also during the 1980s and 1990s, many investigators explored concepts wherein gates were introduced into a putative
plasma membrane surrounding the Outer Segment. These gates were controlled following the activation of rhodopsin
by light. They have all been highly conceptual and have involved complex multi-step processes portrayed using a
variety of cyclic schematics. The proposal by Hargrave & McDowell is typical of these
. These representations are
far more complex than that presented in this work, yet they do not lead to closed form equations of any part of the
visual process. Moving toward a carboxyl ion system
In the above note, Honig, et. al. came very close to defining the actual chromophores of vision as defined in this work.
And, in the last paragraph of the first page, they continued to discuss the possibility of a carboxylate group of the
protein being located approximately 3 Angstrom from the nitrogen of the Schiff base. There remains a problem and
an alternative. The nitrogen of a Schiff base does not possess an unpaired electron that can be contributed to a
chemical resonance spanning the suggested 3 Angstrom. In addition, the two oxygen atoms of the carbonyl group are
not separated by sufficient distance to result in absorption within the visual spectral band. The solution is to employ
an oxidized form of retinol where the second oxygen atom is removed from the oxygen of the alcohol by a similar
distance, thereby forming a carboxyl-ion system instead of a simple carbonyl prosthesis. The resulting material is no
longer a retinene. This chromophore is not joined to the substrate opsin except through a hydrogen bond. The
following material will develop the details regarding the actual generic chromophores of biological vision, the
5.1.2 The definition of photochemistry
The global field of photochemistry has been defined in Coxon & Halton as the study of chemical reactions initiated
by light.
Although succinct, it may be too restrictive for the purposes of vision. The field might be better described
by replacing the expression chemical reactions by chemical processes or chemical interactions. The revised definition
would allow mechanisms, such as sensitization of one species by another without any change in species to occur. This
Photochemistry 5- 5
Maron, S. & Lando, J. (1974) /fundamentals of Physical Chemistry. NY: Macmillan pp 724-725
Coxon, J. & Halton, B. (1987) Op. Cit. pg. 11-13
Crouch, R. & Ma, X-J. (2000) The role of Vitamin A in visual transduction In Livrea, M. ed. Vitamin A
and Retinoids: An Update. . . Berlin: Birkhauser Verlag pp 59-72, pg 61
is the context used by Maron & Lando
. It would also allow extension of the field to include a critical process in
vision, the entirely quantum-mechanical sensitization of the neural system by the simultaneous de-excitation of an
excited species. An alternate wording for the above mechanism is the electronic excitation of the neural system by the
simultaneous de-excitation of the chromophores of vision employing quantum-mechanical techniques. These latter
interpretations will be employed in this work. Photochemistry will be defined as the photosensitization of a
chemical species by light followed by a desensitization of the resulting species coupled with a second process.
Coxon & Halton come close to this interpretation in their discussion of the transfer of excitation energy between species
in what they define as an intersystem crossing
. In vision, this intersystem crossing eventually results in a free electron
within the neural system. This mechanism, involving the generation of a free electron by an excited state in an
associated molecular (liquid crystalline) structure, has been defined as translation in this work. No chemical reaction
has occurred during this sequence of events.
Using the above definition, the process of a photo-induced isomerization involves an excitation followed by a de-
excitation involving a rearrangement. Rearrangement and dissociation were two of the few possibilities for de-
excitation known during the 1920-30's.
5.1.3 Redefining the baseline of photodetection in vision
Building on the experimental base of the 1920-50's, the Wald school attempted to explain the photodetection process
in vision based on the technology base available at that time. The most advanced concept available initially involved
a stereomeric change in a molecular structure. The effort was not successful although the community followed and
expanded on the defined baseline for 50 years. The technology knowledge base was not adequate. No investigator has
been able to confirm in-vitro the spectral absorption characteristic of even one of the putative chromophores according
to the Wald school and its descendants.
There are a large number of reasons to revert to an alternate baseline. The most important is the fact that the
chromophores of vision are not formed within the photoreceptor cell. There is an extensive database on how they are
formed and stored within the RPE cells and subsequently transported to the Outer Segments for coating of the protein
substrate known as opsin.
There are a large number of reasons to discount the simple photon-stereomeric approach, that is endothermic, in favor
of considering available modern choices based on quantum-mechanics. The field of photographic dyes provides a well-
understood alternative based on resonant conjugated carbon chemistry. This approach is energy neutral (marginally
exothermic). When combined with the solid state physics derived from the transistor, it offers an alternate hypothesis
that is confirmable in the laboratory.
The quantum-mechanical approach coupled with a newly discovered electrolytic semiconductor device, the Activa,
provide a traceable solution to the photodetection problem and forms the basis of this Chapter as well as the overall
work. Redefining the role of rhodopsin in vision
Rhodopsin is an interesting and complex molecule. It was defined conceptually in the 1930's. It has been defined
technically since the mid 1950's. In recent times, it has been elucidated in detail via the genetic code. Except for
detailing the two sugars shown in the box on the right, Crouch & Ma
have provided a detailed description of the
6 Processes in Biological Vision
Dratz, E. & Hargrave, P. (1983) The structure of rhodopsin and the rod outer segment disk membrane TIBS,
pp 128-131
Figure 5.1.1-1 Predicted secondary structure of salamander red rod rhodopsin as reported by Crouch & Ma. Based
on their identification of the source of this material as a red rod, it is likely that this material forms the substrate of
the disks of a M-channel photoreceptor. See Crouch & Ma, 2000 for details.
molecule in Figure 5.1.1-1. The two sugars, shown by the vertical black bars on the right, are known at least to the
level of a family. Unfortunately, this Chapter will show definitively that it is not an active participant in the visual
process. While the molecule does contain a ligand formed from retinol, this ligand is not optically active, even in
conjunction with other moieties of the molecule, in the spectrum employed by vision. Rhodopsin is used in a
conventional role for a structural protein. Rhodopsin is used to form the substrates (disks) supporting the actual
chromophores of vision. This is its exclusive, and passive, role. This assertion is supported by the fact that no
investigator has ever demonstrated the spectral absorption of rhodopsin, in any configuration, matches that of a spectral
channel of vision. The material analyzed by Crouch and Ma appears to be rhodopsin from a disk supporting the
Mchannel spectral channel of vision as discussed in Section 3.1.5. This conclusion is based on their morphological
description of the material in-vivo.
Retinol is attached to the lysine amino acid at position 296 in this unrolled representation. The seven individual helices
shown completely surround the retinoid and isolate it from the exterior environment. This is more clearly represented
in Figure 5.1.1-2 from Dratz & Hargrave
. It shows the retinol ligand completely enclosed by the individual helices
Photochemistry 5- 7
Figure 5.1.1-2 Diagram of a cross-section of rhodopsin
forming a disk.
of the opsin. Dratz & Hargrave also provide a somewhat different sequence of amino acids and highlight other aspects
of the opsin structure than do Crouch & Ma. They provide many volumetric numbers related to the opsin layer that
are useful. However, this work does not support their caricature of the large scale disk. (see Section 4.3.5). Critical niche chemistry in vision
The rapid expansion of the chemical knowledge base
during the last fifty years offers an alternate description
of the photodetection process in vison. The mechanisms
involved in vision are not normally discussed even in
upper level college textbooks because of their limited
general utility. To completely understand the very
sophisticated design of the visual system, relative to
mans current knowledge, the serious investigator must
look to the specialty literature. Key niches to explore
+ the unique status of oxygen. It exhibits a triplet
ground state that provides a unique property in
quantum-mechanics related to its excitation and its
lifetime in the excited state.
+ the unique nature of a dicarbonyl polymethine and
particularly a conjugated dicarbonyl polymethine, also
known as a carboxylic ion system. The Rhodonine
family, as a constituent of this system, exhibits a unique confluence of three different definitions of the term resonance
(See Glossary, Section 5.2.3). As a result, they exhibit a set of spectral characteristics identical with those found in
+ the unique transfer of energy between one chemical species of material and a second semiconducting structure of
other species through a more broadly defined mechanism than that described by Coxon & Halton as an intersystem
crossing (ISC). This mechanism generates a free electron in the neural system for each photon absorbed by the
chromophores (with a second order exception in the red region).
The roles of these three niches are explored in this chapter and Chapters 4 & 8. With their contribution to the
knowledge base, the operation of the photodetection process of vision can be explained without employing any crutches. Resolving the nomenclature issues between niche fields of chemistry
In explaining the photodetection process in vision, there remains the every present problem of clashes in nomenclature
as two previously separate fields of chemistry become more entwined. In this case, they are the field of
photosensitization chemistry as used in photography and the field of dye chemistry as used in the textile industry. The
reader is cautioned to review Section 5.2.4 before proceeding beyond that section.
5.1.4 Chemical Analogs to Vision Chemistry
Research in vision has followed a relatively isolated path; that is so common in science. Very few references are found
in the vision literature to concepts brought over from other fields except in the popular field where the eye is frequently
compared to a camera. When inter-disciplinarians have tried to contribute to the vision field, they have encountered
massive resistance. (Rose 1976).
8 Processes in Biological Vision
Shichi, H. (1983) Biochemistry of vision NY: Academic Press pg. 137
The resistance to cross-disciplinary ideas has now reached the stage where the Emperor of conventional thinking in
vision research has no clothes. This is particularly true in the area of photodetection where the field has been
dominated for a very long time by the concept of photo-isomerization of a molecule that has never been characterized
in terms of its chromophoric properties. More recently, this photo-isomerization has been linked to the movement of
Calcium and/or Sodium ions through an enveloping membrane (surrounding the Outer Segment of the photoreceptor
cell) that has never been observed, intact or after fracture, even under the electron-microscope. Furthermore, there has
never been an assay of Outer Segments that showed a significant concentration of calcium or sodium bearing molecules
to be present.
Based on some early work in the 1930's, the assumption has been that the chromophores of vision are based on retinol
or retinal coupled to a protein, opsin, in such a way as to form a chromophore. The variation in the location and
possibly the style of coupling has been assumed to account for the actual spectral absorption of the material. After
massive efforts, this premise has still not been demonstrated. However, it has caused a great deal of concentration on
retinol and retinal as the fundamental structure of the chromophores. To this day, no laboratory experiments have
shown either of these two retinoids exhibit a spectral absorption characteristic matching those of vision, human or
otherwise. The retinols are neither chromophores nor analogs of the chromophores of vision.
The study of structural analogs of retinol has been extensive. However, there are no reports in the literature of any of
the retinals or their analogs exhibiting the isotropic spectral peak at 500 nm or the anisotropic peaks at 437, 532, or
625 nms that characterize the chromophores of vision. A true analog of the chromophores of vision must exhibit both
an isotropic and anisotropic spectra. This requires that the material be analogous to Rhodonine in more than just the
structural sense. The material must exhibit quantum mechanical conjugated molecular resonance. This requires the
material contain two heavy atoms separated by a conjugated chain. It must also be present in the liquid crystalline state
to achieve the necessary spectral line broadening and enhanced absorption cross section. Only one material reported
in the literature has exhibited the appropriate spectra of a quantum mechanically resonant conjugated retinoid. It will
be discussed below. While this material is not a chromophore, it is an analog of the chromophores of vision, the
This work takes a completely different path based on the application of scientific tools unknown before the 1960s, and
still essentially unknown in the biological literature. It also incorporates a set of retinoid molecules into the theory of
vision that can be shown to have the required chromophoric properties that Vitamin A aldehyde clearly does not
possess. Neither retinol modified by a Schiff base nor further protonation of that Schiff base offers the required
absorption spectrum
The photoreceptors of the eye utilize "dyes" to convert the incoming light into at least the precursor to a nervous system
signal. The field of dye chemistry is extremely well developed and broad. It is also extremely complex. For many
years, dye chemistry delineated itself between natural dyes and man-made dyes. This was done for a number of
reasons; the natural dyes were generally inferior in absorption, stability and applicability to all but the first few man-
made counterparts and the natural dyes involved grossly different fabrication techniques. However, the chemical rules
derived during the development of man-made dyes are also applicable to the natural dyes. In recent years, the
separation between natural dye chemistry and man-made dye chemistry has begun to disappear. Many natural dyes
can now be classified in the same tables as the man-made dyes. This will be demonstrated below.
The term dye is frequently used to describe two major chemical classes; colorants that affect the perceived color of
other materials, and transducers that accept photons of a specific wavelength and generate a technical response that
can take on a number of forms. Dyes as colorants are not total analogs to visual photo-reception, but the chemistry
of photography is. This field has nearly all of the same constraints and requirements as does vision chemistry. It can
be very instructive to review dye chemistry as it applies to photography and transition that analog to the natural vision
chemistry arena.
Photochemistry 5- 9
Hamer, F. (1964) The cyanine dyes and related compounds. NY: Interscience publishers, John Wiley &
Mees, C. & James, T. (1966) The Theory of the Photographic Process, 3
ed. NY: Macmillan. Chap. 2
Shichi, H. (1983) Op. Cit. pp. 78-81
It was only shortly after the dawn of silver halide photography that natural organic dyes were found capable of
extending the spectral range of the basic emulsions
. The use of these dyes proceeded to expand rapidly on an
empirical foundation until the 1950-60's. At that time, the work in colorant chemistry and photographic chemistry
began to merge and even more effective progress was made, including the detailed description of the why's and how's
of the underlying chemistry.
Areas of particular interest to the vision area were in defining the rules which determined the absorption effectiveness
of a chromophore, the elucidation of the "liquid crystalline" state of matter, the electronic characteristics of useful
chromophore and the mechanisms of interfacing between chromophores and their associated "signal" receivers.
It was quickly found that any truly effective chromophore had to contain a conjugated chain of (usually) carbon atoms
terminated by a polar atom on each end. Everything else was secondary, but still important for other reasons such as
stability. It was also found that these effective materials exhibited very strange physical characteristics; they aggregated
into crystal like structures in high molarity solutions and on surfaces. These structures exhibited unusual electronic
properties, including the transmission of energy through the breadth of the structure. Although developed toward
different purposes, the man-made liquid crystal is now one of the most pervasive materials in our everyday life. In
addition, the liquid crystal is now being recognized as the predominant structure in most biological connective tissue.
Mees & James provide a variety of figures showing overall concept of, and the specific details for, individual
photographic dyes
. Shichi has presented a series of analogs of retinal that unfortunately do not meet the basic
requirement of two polar atoms separated by a conjugated carbon chain
One of the basic problems in dye chemistry as applied to photography was; how does a low energy photon get absorbed
by a dye and cause the excitation of a silver halide crystal that requires a higher energy? This "intersystem" problem
was solved when it was found that the energy could be accumulated in the liquid crystal and transferred to the silver
halide in multiples of the incoming energy. This process has been exploited widely in the photographic field and also
in the dye laser field where "frequency doublers" are now widely used. A frequency doubler is an organic dye that
accepts long wavelength photon energy, accumulates the energy and causes the emission of a photon at a wavelength
corresponding to approximately twice the energy of the incoming photons. Frequency tripling, and higher orders, are
also achieved but usually at much poorer efficiencies. This capability is exploited by the long wave chromophore of
In photography, the result of energy accumulation in the liquid crystals led to a 2-photon process which resulted in an
essentially nonlinear effect. The transfer characteristic between input photons and the number of atoms developed in
the output negative was linear for the halide portion of the spectrum but quadratic in the dye portion of the spectrum.
This caused the overall spectral response of the emulsion to vary depending on the light level of the exposure. This
became, and remains, a significant problem in color photography where the higher the exposure, the redder the hue
of the output photograph. That is why indoor and outdoor color film types are sold commercially to this day, they are
"balanced" for different color temperature light sources. This effect also arises in the mesopic range of vision where
it is associated with the Purkinje Effect.
Modern color photography utilizes highly tailored dye molecules containing multiple auxochromes (photographically
effective functional groups) to provide the widest possible spectral absorption without using multiple dyes in individual
dye layers. The auxochromes invariably lie in a plane for this is a condition for forming effective liquid crystals
capable of sharing energy within the crystal. This energy is then transferred to the silver sulphide "site" on the silver
halide crystal where development occurs. This involves the conversion of a silver ion to free silver.
10 Processes in Biological Vision
Gray, G. (1962) Molecular structure and the properties of liquid crystals. NY: Academic Press
Brown, G. Doane, J. & Neff, V. (1971) A Review of the Structure and Physical Properties of Liquid Crystals.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Brown, G. (1977) Op. Cit.
Chromophores containing more than two auxochromes can exhibit multiple peaks in their visual region absorption
spectrum. However, effective chromophores consisting of only two auxochromes in resonance exhibit a single peak
that is usually much higher than that of their non-resonant molecular and dipole based spectral absorption peaks.
These resonant peaks can be mathematically described based on first principles. Examples of these peaks are shown
in [Figure 5.5.10-1] below. Note the resonant peak(s) is far from the molecular peak and at least seven times higher
in the case of the man-made dyes. Indigo is one of the best natural plant-based dyes. Its absorption coefficient is only
one tenth of that of the man-made dyes.
One feature, only now appearing in photographic emulsions, has been effectively utilized in vision; the stacking of
individual layers of liquid crystalline material to achieve higher absorption coefficients in the desired region--and
effectively suppressing any undesired minor absorption peaks.
5.2 Glossary
Because of their family relationships, many terms in this section are grouped into subsections below. Only individual
terms are defined in this section.
Fibrillar colloidA liquid crystalline structure that appears to consist of individual fibers.
Hydrogen bondA bond between a hydrogen nuclei and two other entities. One bond is a strong ionic bond (with the
donor atom) while the second is a weak covalent bond (frequently shown by a dashed line) with a second structure.
The only elements concerned in hydrogen bonding are nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine and sometimes chlorine.
x,y,z axesused to define the spectral absorption axes of a complex molecule. x describes the length or major axis of
the molecule. y describes the width of the molecule and z describes the thickness of the molecule perpendicular to the
x,y plane.
5.2.1 Terms specific to the liquid crystalline state of matter
Gray has provided an excellent book on the liquid crystalline state as known in 1962
. It includes many detailed
definitions. Although he notes the wide occurrence of liquid crystals in biological tissue, he limited his discussion of
such crystals to the introduction. Materials in the liquid crystalline state can be divided into two major groups, those
that are thermotropic and lyotropic.
Lyotropic A material initially in solution that changes state as a function of the concentration of the solution.
Thermotropic A material that changes state primarily as a function of temperature.
AmphiphilicA compound with a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic, organic, tail.
AmphotericCapable of acting as either an acid or a base.
Each of the above groups can be divided into a series of phases describing the orderliness of the molecular associations.
The definition of these phases is still in evolution and a reference is useful
23, 24
Photochemistry 5- 11
Nematic The axes of the molecules are parallel or nearly (locally) parallel. The molecules are generally not side-by-
side. Compare to Smectic.
Smectic The axes of the molecules are parallel. The molecules are arranged side-by-side in a two-dimensional film.
The films may be stacked in layers. There are second order parameters describing the molecular array more
specifically. The basic smectic arrangement can be found in both thermotropic and lyotropic liquid crystals.
5.2.2 Terms specific to Spectral absorption
Rotational absorptionA low energy-level change in the rotational state of a molecule characterized by
absorption in the far infrared.
Vibrational absorptionA low energy-level change in the vibrational state of a molecule characterized by
absorption in the near infrared.
Molecular absorptionA higher energy-level change involving a change in the energy levels of a molecule
and characterized by isotropic absorption in the visible or ultraviolet range.
Dipole molecular absorption A medium energy-level change involving a change in the energy levels of a
molecule characterized by anisotropic absorption in the visible or ultraviolet range.
Conjugated Dipole absorptionA specific type of dipole absorption represented by a structural resonance
related to the conjugated backbone of a molecule and characterized by isotropic absorption in the
visual spectrum.
Resonant absorptionA specific type of conjugate dipole absorption associated with two auxochromes
separated by a conjugated chain of carbon atoms characterized by absorption in the visual spectrum.
The resonance is due to the low velocity of charge transport along the molecule. As a result, the
effective wavelength of the molecule is equal to that of the incident photons. The absorption is
generally anisotropic.
The shifts in the peak absorption that may result from changes in solvation are defined as:
Hyperchromicdisplaying a higher extinction coefficient, e.g., higher absorption coefficient.
Hypochromicdisplaying a lower extinction coefficient.
Hypsochromicdisplaying a peak shifted toward shorter wavelength.
Bathochromicdisplaying a peak shifted toward longer wavelength.
Since the chromophores of vision are in the liquid crystalline state and not solvated, these terms are usually not
required when discussing in-vivo absorption.
5.2.3 Terms specific to pharmacology and retinoid transport
The chemistry of the chromophores of vision are closely tied to the chemistry of natural dyes and the field of
pharmacology where many of these materials were first isolated. The following classes describe the relevant terms.
Active-A term originally used to indicate whether a given retinoid showed biological activity as a vitamin in humans.
More properly used to describe such activity in any species, order or phylum.
Carotene-A hydrocarbon consisting of a conjugated carbon chain attached to an ionone ring. Most frequently, a
conjugated carbon chain terminated at each end with an ionone ring.
12 Processes in Biological Vision
Protovitamin-A material, usually a dimer, that can be cleaved to produce one or more materials exhibiting biological
activity associated with vitamins.
Retinoid-A term undergoing nearly continual modification in order to accurately describe the characteristics of a large
family derived from the carotenes and xanthophylls. The family exhibits specific properties required in vision,
metabolism and reproduction. Many of these properties are dependent on the stereo-chemistry of the materials. Only
some of the stereo-chemical features may be required in a given application. The definition of Sporn, et. al. in 1994
is the most widely used. However, it does not stress the visual properties required to form a chromophore in vision.
The retinoids of interest in vision all contain an ionone ring attached to a conjugated carbon side
chain and two oxygen atoms with conjugation maintained between the two oxygens.
Xanthophyll-A carbohydrate consisting of a conjugated carbon chain attached to a ring structure containing oxygen.
Most frequently, a conjugated carbon chain terminated at each end with a ring structure containing oxygen.
The definiton of a vitamin and a hormone are given in Section 5.2.3. However, this work has led to the definition of
a new vitamin which is active in Order Diptera of Arthropoda. As will be discussed below, Wolf & Johnson say this
type of Vitamin A, their structure III, does show biological activity in rats.
Vitamin A3-Specifically 3-hydroxyretinol. The aldehyde and acid forms may also be effective as vitamins but it is the
alcohol in the all-trans form that is used in the vision of some Arthropoda. Generally derived from the cleavage of the
protovitamin, zeaxanthin.
The literature related to the carotenes and xanthophylls is very large because of its importance in human nutrition.
However, the scope of the literature devoted to Vitamin A
is minuscule by comparison. The literature devoted to
Vitamin A
is even smaller.
5.3 Terminology
The photochemistry of vision depends on a quantum-mechanical foundation and involves states of matter that may not
be familiar to the average investigator. These must be carefully defined. In the absence of careful definition, it is
impossible to account for the spectral characteristics of vision. Recently, science has defined a variety of states of
matter beyond the conventional gas, liquid and solid. These states may each be observed in several forms
5.3.1 States of Matter
More and more forms of matter are being found that deserve specific identification because of their unique properties
that do not fit the descriptions of the historical states of gas, liquid, and solid. These forms are recognizable at the
macro molecular cluster level and above. The most important of these in animal vision is a mesophase becoming more
widely known as the liquid crystalline state. It has an orderly arrangement of molecules and atoms and can be
described using the terminology of crystallography. Whereas conventional crystals exhibit compression strength,
liquid crystals, normally exhibit little or no compression strength.
Technology has spawned the development of many man-made liquid crystals. However, it should be noted that most
organic hydrocarbons can exist in a liquid crystalline configuration. When they exist within a very limited temperature
range, they may exhibit unusual properties. This range is frequently defined as the biological temperature range.
As the complexity of molecules increases, it is found that they can exist in a variety of liquid crystalline states.
Photochemistry 5- 13
Brown, G. & Wolken, J. (1979) Liquid crystals and biological structures. NY: Academic Press.
Brown, G. (1977) Structures and properties of the liquid crystalline state of matter. J. Colloid Interface Sci.
Vol. 58, pg. 534
Small, D. (1977) Liquid crystals in living and dying systems. J. Col. Interface. sci. vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 581-
Figure 5.3.1-1 Characteristics of the liquid crystalline materials critical to vision. Both Rhodonine and opsin are
formed lyotropically in the smectic phase in a polar environment . See text in Section
Additional categories, called phases, must be defined within the liquid crystalline state. Brown & Wolken
studied these phases of matter as they relate to biological situations. In a more specific analysis, Brown describes
many of the features of these states but concentrates on the thermotropic sub-state
. Small has addressed the liquid
crystalline state from a narrower biological perspective
. He also discusses the lyotropic state from this perspective
although he focuses on the formation of the liquid crystal by the penetration of a crystal by a solvent instead of as a
result of raising the concentration of a solution. In more detaileded descriptions of the lyotropic sub-state than found
in Brown, the labels nematic, smectic and cholosteric also appear. Figure 5.3.1-1 presents the best available
description of the two liquid crystalline materials of significance in vision. The most important fact is that the
Rhodonines are smectic liquid crystals formed lyotropically in polar solutions. This figure is discussed in greater detail
in Section 4.1.1.
A material in the liquid crystalline state can be in a pure form such as hydronium, the liquid crystalline form of water.
In this case, hydronium is described as a macromolecule consisting of a large number of individual water molecules
14 Processes in Biological Vision
Wolken, J. (1986) Light and life processes. NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold pg. 46
exhibiting a precise crystalline structure but exhibiting negligible compression strength. This is not the form of water
found in ice.
Alternately, a liquid crystal can exist as a special situation within the general category of solutions. In this case, the
material may exist in an extended molecular structure in conjunction with the solvent. The result is generally described
as a gel or colloid, materials exhibiting some structural rigidity but very little compression strength. The crystal
structure of these materials is difficult to describe by normal crystallographic techniques due to its size and its minimal
rigidity. The Liquid Crystalline State
The liquid crystalline state of matter is found in several different situations, particularly related to large organic
molecules but also occurring in the case of water.
Most large organic molecules will assume a fixed configuration if caused to precipitate from a solution or otherwise
arrange themselves. This configuration will exhibit the properties of a liquid crystal. These properties include unusual
electronic properties generally associated with a semiconductor. In most, if not all biological cases, these materials
can be described as of the p-type. Their hole conductivity is higher than their electron conductivity. With great care,
these materials can be described using crystallographic techniques.
Hydronium is a liquid crystalline state of water found under a variety of special conditions. It is usually described as
a macromolecule. It is crucial to the operation of the animal nervous system due to its specific electronic properties.
When used as the base material in the Activas of the neural system, the hydronium liquid crystal has a thickness of
less than 100 Angstrom. Hydronium is a n-type semiconductor material with a significant hole velocity in its valence
band relative to the electron velocity in its conduction band.
A sandwich-like liquid crystalline structure consisting of two large organic molecules with a liquid crystal of
hydronium between them is the key to the electronic mechanisms of the nervous system. This structure is known as
an Activa. Its characteristics and mode of operation is the subject of Chapter 8. Forms within the Liquid Crystalline State
The large organic molecules that can be described using crystallographic techniques are found to occur in several
structures not found in normal crystals. These additional structures are known as the nematic and smectic phases of
the liquid crystalline state. They are inadequately described in the vision literature. One of the few descriptions of
limited applicability is in Wolken
. These materials have assumed great importance recently in the graphic displays
associated with computer terminals. The applicable foundation in this area is presented in the terminology section of
Chapter four.
Most of the molecules of interest in vision and biology are prepared lyotropically. There are three main classes, the
nematic, the smectic, and the cholesteric-nematic (frequently simplified to just cholesteric) When deposited on a
substrate, the chromophores of vision assume a structure of smectic class. This class is further subdivided into types
A through H. Type A liquid crystals have their major molecular axis perpendicular to the surface of the film. Type
C crystals have their major molecular axis at some other angle. Assuming an analogy of similar chromophores in
photography, it is most likely that the chromophores of vision are of type C. Energy coupling between chemical structures
Photochemistry 5- 15
Coxon, J. & Halton, B. (1987) Op. Cit. pp. 9-17
Zollinger, H. (1991) Color Chemistry NY: VCH pg. 25
Figure 5.3.1-2 Expanded Jablonski diagram illustrating
energy transfer into and between different chemical
structures. The notation follows Coxon & Halton, 1987.
See text.
A variety of energy (Jablonski) diagrams have appeared to define the transfer of quantum energy within the electronic
structure of various chemical and physical structures when in a crystalline state. The figures have generally been
drawn for pedagogical purposes. Figure 5.3.1-2 provides an extended energy diagram that expands on several
important concepts. The terminology is basically that of Coxon & Halton
and similar to a slightly more complex
diagram in Zollinger
. The conventional diagram shows absorption, A, on the left coupled with a transition involving
the singlet state. The presence of oxygen introduces an alternate possibility, absorption causing the direct transition
of an electron to the excited triplet state. The figure shows two distinct types of radiative de-excitation, fluorescence,
F, and phosphorescence, P. The difference between these two phenomena is clear. Fluorescence involves a radiative
de-excitation without a change in singlet state and is very fast, typically occurring in less than 10
Phosphorescence involves a transition from an excited triplet state to a ground singlet state and involves a much longer
time interval, typically 10
seconds. V symbolizes a vibrational mode of de-excitation that is partial in extent
and thermal in character. Coxon & Halton speak of two general mechanisms for non-radiative de-excitation of an
electron within a crystalline structure of one species, internal conversion, IC, and intersystem crossing, ISC.
A more complex arrangement is shown by the couple on the right. This involves a third mechanism, the transfer of
energy to a separate structure. This mechanism can be considered a broader concept of intersystem crossing. Coxon
& Halton discuss it as involving the sensitization of the second structure and the quenching of the first. They define
two types of excitation energy transfer, resonance-excitation transfer and exchange-energy transfer, within the context
of simple molecular structures. Both involve collisional transfers over distances of nominally 5 nm. A broader
definition is needed to describe energy transfer between more complex (crystalline or semi-crystalline) structures. This
transfer may involve different concepts than discussed by those authors because the distances involved may be more
than 50 nm. Whether the coupling of energy between these structures is defined in terms of exciton transfer or phonon
transfer is inconsequential to vision. Similarly, whether this process is specifically defined in terms of an intersystem
crossing is also inconsequential. This is the process defined as translation in this work. All of the transition times
shown in Coxon & Halton are much shorter than that
required to accommodate the bandwidth of the visual
system. Transition times associated with translation
reported in other papers are also quite short, typically 10

seconds. This interval is generally less than the
time of phosphorescence.
Coxon & Halton also present specific details of the
stereometric and energy state properties of oxygen. In
addition, they present details of the stereometric and energy
state properties of the n-* transition in the carbonyl
5.3.2 The concepts of resonance important to
The term resonance is used in a myriad of different and
important ways in vision chemistry. Many of them appear
16 Processes in Biological Vision
Venkataraman, K. (1952) The Chemistry of Synthetic Dyes, 2 volumes. NY: Academic Press
Platt, J. (1964) Systematics of the electronic spectra of conjugated molecules. NY: John Wiley & Sons,
paper #20
at various places in Venkataraman
. One of the most important, the slow-wave structure associated with structural
resonance, is difficult to find in the literature and is discussed in Platt
. Virtually all of the forms of resonance
discussed below are found in the Rhodonines, the chromophores of vision. Thus, care is required to be precise in using
this term when discussing vision. Chemical resonance
At the atomic level, resonance is used to describe the unique properties associated with a pair of covalent electrons
exhibiting opposite spin vectors.
At the molecular level, resonance is generally used to describe the presence of a chemical duality that contributes to
a lower energy state than found in otherwise similar situations.
Also at the molecular level, resonance is used to describe the ability of conjugated chains of atoms, primarily carbon
but also including oxygen and nitrogen chains, to exhibit two arrangements of the conjugated bonds.
There is a special case of great significance to vision. That is the duality exhibited by a chain of carbon atoms
terminated by a polar atom of either oxygen or nitrogen at each end. This structure can exhibit conjugation over its
entire length. Quantum-mechanical resonance
There are a variety of interaction modes between photons and chemicals. They can generally be grouped as involving
destruction, ionization and excitation. They can also be sorted with respect to whether they impact a single atom, a
ligand or the entire molecule. The mechanism of interest in vision involves the quantum-mechanical excitation of the
entire molecule by photons with a wavelength within the visual spectrum.
The absorption of a photon can result in the cleaving, ionization or excitation of a molecule. Cleavage and ionization
usually involve ultraviolet wavelength photons and are not of primary interest in vision. Isomerization is a process
in the same energy regime as cleavage and ionization. Isomerization normally requires photons with higher energy
than visual (particularly long wavelengths) photons. It will be shown that no destruction, ionization or even physical
rearrangement (isomerization) is involved. It is the excitation of molecules by visible wavelength photons that is the
key to vision.
The nondestructive photo-excitation of a molecule by light is controlled by several mechanisms related to the bonding
and mass of individual elements of the molecule. These include rotation about a bond, vibrational between two ligands
separated by a bond, and the vibration of the entire molecule.
Molecular excitation by photons can be subdivided into several cases depending on the mass distribution within the
molecule. The first involves the entire molecule acting as a unit of roughly uniform mass density. Alternately, the
molecule can be considered either a monopole (with one area of significantly higher mass density) or a dipole. A
molecular dipole generally has more clearly definable modes of oscillation than the other cases. These modes are even
more clearly defined if the molecular structure between the two mass concentrations is rigidized by double-bonds,
triple-bonds or other rigidizing structures. The use of a conjugated carbon chain is a particularly well recognized
technique for rigidizing a molecule. Photons interacting with any of the above structures generally do so isotropically.
The efficiency of interaction can be described in terms of an absorption cross section for the molecule. Upon absorption
Photochemistry 5- 17
Scheibe, St. Harwig & Mueller (1943) Z. Electrochem. vol. 49, pg. 372 (pg. 364 in Venkataraman)
Venkataraman, K. (1952) Op. Cit.
Gurr, E. (1971) Synthetic Dyes. NY: Academic Press.
of a visual band photon, the molecule is raised to an excited quantum-mechanical state that generally involves singlet
electrons transferring into the sigma energy band of the molecule.
The absorption cross section associated with the above quantum-mechanical resonance is strongest for a straight
molecular structure. This leads to a maximum in the spectral absorption characteristic for a dipole molecule when in
the all-trans form. For other configurations, the structure exhibits several lesser structural resonances along different
axes that lead to shorter wavelength spectral absorption peaks. This effect was studied extensively by Scheibe
an excellent figure in Venkataraman describes it.
In the electronic regime, the excited states of the individual atoms of the structure are found to be shared energy-wise.
Any excited electrons may travel along the molecular structure (in a quantum-statistical sense). Excitation may occur
at one point and de-excitation may occur at another.
A critical feature in the conjugated molecule is the effective rate of propagation of energy along the length of the
molecule. This rate can be considerably slower than the speed of light. The result is what Platt called a slow-wave
structure. Because of this feature, the structure exhibits a resonant frequency, determined by the structural length of
the molecule divided by the velocity of energy propagation, that is equal to the frequency of photons in the visual
spectrum. As a result of this phenomenon, visual wavelength photons can interact efficiently with these structures.
This slow-wave structure is particularly apparent in dipole molecules containing two atoms of oxygen, each with at
least one unpaired electron. These electrons exist in the triplet quantum state. When excited, they remain in the triplet
state. Such electrons are recognized as contributing to the slow-wave structure of the molecule that is aligned with the
length of the conjugated chain of the molecule extending between the two oxygen atoms. As a result of the above
structural and quantum-electronic mechanisms, an anisotropic enhancement of the absorption cross section of these
molecules is observed. This unique combination can be called resonance dipole molecular absorption or just resonance
absorption for short. It is the key to the biological vision process and is a cornerstone of the photographic process.
Its interpretation can be obscured by the more familiar but less capable conjugated dipole absorption.
In complex molecules, such as the Rhodonines, it is important to recognize that both the dipole molecular and
resonance molecular absorption can coexist. It is only resonance absorption is functionally important in vision. The
spectral absorption associated with both may be observed in the laboratory. However, the dipole absorption is normally
only observed in the liquid crystalline state. The mechanics of the resonant molecular process will be detailed in
Section 5.4.3.
5.3.3 Nomenclature in photon-chemical interactions and the retinoids
The process of photodetection in vision involves processes studied in three distinct fields of chemistry. The field of
photodetection associated with photography and the field of photon absorption and reflection at the base of the dye
chemistry field of the textile industry differ over the words chromophore, chromogen and auxochrome
. Gurr has
attempted to avoid this problem by defining a colligator as a specific type of auxochrome
. The fields of biology and
dye chemistry differ over the foundation of the term chromogen. In biology, the suffix gen is usually associated with
a precursor to something, such as a chromophore, whereas in dye chemistry, chromogen is used as the overall substance
incorporating a chromophore.
The above differences stem from different starting points. The dye chemists have generally started by considering the
absorption spectra of chemicals in the ultraviolet region. In this region, a single simple vinylene group can be
considered a fundamental chromophore. However, to an investigator interested in vision or photography, such a group
18 Processes in Biological Vision
Goodwin, T. (1984) The Biochemistry of the Carotenoids Volume II, Animals. 2
ed. NY: Chapman &
Hall Chapter 1.
Goodwin, T. (1973) xxx Essay Biochem. vol. 9, pg 103
Taylor, R. & Ikawa, M. (1980) Gas chromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, etc. Methods
Enzymol. Vol. 67, pp 233-261 attached to Groenendijk in personal files
Goodwin, T. (1974) Prochirality in biochemistry, Essays Biochem. Vol. 9, pp 103-160
is completely colorless and of no significance. For him, a chromophore must absorb in the visual region of the
spectrum. In the case of an auxochrome, a dye chemist is concerned with the broad solubility of the dye while the
biologist and photographic scientist are only concerned with solubility in a much narrower range. The dye chemist
speaks of an auxochrome as weakly salt forming even though exceptions are known, consisting of large families of
auxochromes, that are not salt forming. Venkataraman provides the best discussion in this area.
This work will use these three terms in a specific context restricted to the visual spectrum. A chromogen is a chemical
precursor to a complete chromophore. There may be a series of precursors based on different criteria. A chromophore
is a material exhibiting significant spectral absorption in the visual spectrum. The actual chromophore may only exist
in a specific state of matter. In that case the same chemical species may be a chromogen when in a different state of
matter. One, but generally two or more, auxochromes are found within a chromophore and are the critical element
in the absorption of light. The auxochrome contains unshared covalent electrons when in the unexcited state. The
solubility of the chromophores is only important in the deposition of the liquid crystalline form of the materials. When
in the highly structured liquid crystalline state, chromophores may exhibit significantly anisotropic absorption at
different wavelengths. This performance is related to the orientation of the chromophores within the molecules within
the structure. While the molecules may exhibit two distinct axes, the complete crystal may exhibit three distinct axes.
Since the 1970's, the scope of the retinoid family of chemicals has evolved greatly, spurred by the focus on
pharmacology. This progress has left the description of the structure of the retinoids in disarray. The initial system
was defined by Karrer. Later, a set of structural rules was evolved by the IUPAC before the explosion in man-made
retinoids. Later, Frickel introduced a set of systematic rules. None of these sets of rules contained any elements related
to the electronic structure of the chemicals involved. This has left a void that requires attention. Section 5.5.12 will
present a modification of the Frickel proposal that focuses on the relationship between the electronic and structural
features of the retinoids of vision without detracting significantly from his systematic notation.
Goodwin has provided a useful summary of the structural chemistry applicable to the retinoids of vision
. However,
the book is not as comprehensive as needed to address all of the types of Vitamin A. He also refers to a separate essay
on the structural notation he uses
. Taylor & Ikawa have provided additional nomenclature, more semisystematic
names and excellent information on laboratory evaluation techniques
. The pharmacology of the retinoids of vision
Stereo-chemistry has played a large role in attempting to understand the visual process. While its role in the actual
chromophores of vision appears to be negligible, the stereochemistry of other retinoids is widely discussed. However,
many different systems of notation have been used over the years. Goodwin provides a broad review of this
. The pharmacology of the retinoids of vision
The trivial names of the chromogens and the chromophores used in vision appear in complete disarray because they
were assigned by researchers pursuing other avenues of study. A great number of authors have named various
chromogens independently. This section will provide a framework for proceeding based on the use of systemic names
with some of the trivial names shown in parentheses. A finding of this work that there are actually three types of
Photochemistry 5- 19
Sporn, M. Roberts, A. & Goodman, D. (1984) The Retinoids, Volume 1, NY: Academic Press, pg 2-5
Morton, R. (1974) The Vitamin Concept. In Harris, R. et. al. Vitamins and Hormones, NY: Academic Press
Pp 155-166
Wolf, G. & De Luca, L. (1970) in De Luca, L. & Suttie, J. eds, The Fat-Soluble Vitamins, Madison, WI:
Univ. of Wisconsin Press, pg 257
Vitamin A active in the visual process further complicates the matter. The general occurrence of these types of
Vitamin A were presented in Section 1.2.1. Most marine based animals (including most terrestrial mammals) rely
upon Vitamin A
form all their retinoid needs. Freshwater fish generally rely upon Vitamin A
for their needs and
certain orders within Arthropoda rely upon Vitamin A
The term active has historically been used to define protovitamins (dimers) that resulted in material biologically active
with respect to humans when cleaved (in this case Vitamin A
). It is only infrequently that an author will introduce
a caveat that some protovitamin A material can be considered active because it results in Vitamin A
. There has been
virtually no previous literature regarding Vitamin A
. In this work, a protovitamin can be cleaved to form any one of
the three types of Vitamin A. Many are dimers that can be cleaved to form two monomers of Vitamin A. The resulting
monomers need not be the same type of Vitamin A. When discussing the term active in this work, it is more closely
aligned to the phylum and order of the animal than to the chemical formula of the compound. Hormones, Vitamins and Chromophores
Our understanding of the role of Vitamins has evolved rapidly in the last fifty years. However, as pointed out in Sporn,
et. al. in 1984
and again in the 2
edition of 1994, the descriptor, Vitamin A is a global designation for a large group
of compounds affecting the growth, maturation and healing of groups of animals in a specific manner. To
accommodate the fact that certain animal groups do not respond to these compounds equally, the subcategories of
Vitamins A
, A
and now A
have arisen.
writing in 1974, reviewed the situation up to that point. He relied upon the 1969 definition of Folkers to
describe the vitamin concept.
Folkers defines a vitamin as An organic substance of NUTRITIONAL NATURE present in LOW
Writing contemporaneously, Wolf & De Luca said
: There is now, we believe, general agreement that vitamin A is
to be regarded as a hormone rather than a vitamin in the classical sense of a conenzyme. By hormone we mean a
substance secreted into the blood stream which influences tissues and organs so as to differentiate and elaborate new
cell types and new enzymes. While the retinoids of vision are secreted into the blood stream in support of the above
roles, those destined for use in the visual process are transported in a more sophisticated manner that isolates them
from the blood stream.
These definitions illustrates the fact that the roles of retinol as a vitamin and/or hormone have little connection to its
role as a vitamin. A more current description of the role of the retinoids considered part of the Vitamin A group is to
+ perform as a hormone in the role defined by Wolf & De Luca,
+ to also perform in a reproductive role in the testes, and
+ to perform in a third, and independent, role as the chromogens leading to the chromophores of vision.
20 Processes in Biological Vision
Stavenga, D. Smits, R. & Hoenders, B. (1993) Simple exponential functions describing the absorbance bands
of visual pigment spectra Vision Res vol. 33, no. 8, pp 1011-1017
Masui, S. Seidow, M Uchiyama, I. et. al. (1988) 4-Hydroxyretinal, a new visual pigment chromophore found
in the bioluminescent squid, Watesina scintillans. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta vol 966, pp 370-374
Kito, Y. Partridge, J. Seidou, M. et. al. (1992) The absorbance spectrum and photosensitivity of a new
synthetic visual pigment based on 4-hydroxyretinal Vision Res vol. 32, pp 3-10
The first two of these roles appear to focus on the conformal chemistry associated with the external profile of the
molecules. The latter role focuses on the internal, quantum-mechanical structure of the molecules. While retinol, in
its metabolic role as a vitamin participates in the manufacture of components of the disks of the Outer Segment of the
Photoreceptor cells, it primary role is the last one. It acts as the critical chromogen, independent of any vitamin or
hormonal role, leading to the production of chromophores in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells of the eye.
Morton noted this role specifically: In the retina, retinol is indubitably a precursor. The source of the monomer retinoids
There are three biological forms of Vitamin A. Vitamin A
is based on the all trans form of retinol, a conjugated
alcohol of 15 carbons and including a -ionone ring containing one double bond. Vitamin A
is structurally the same
except the ionone ring has been dehydrogenated, leading to two double bonds within the ring. A new, variant defined
as Vitamin A
is defined in this work. Vitamin A
is structurally the same as Vitamin A
except a hydroxyl ligand has
been attached to position 3 of the ring. These three vitamins can be related to their role in vision in terms of the host
animal by the following table. It also provides a consistent nomenclature for the chromophores of vision, the
Rhodonines. As will be shown below, the chromophore families are not identical to the chemicals on the left. Each
of these chromophore families consist of four members to be defined within the parentheses.
Trivial name systemic name principal occurrence in Chromophore families
Vitamin A
retinol (-ionone ring) marine based and marine derived animals Rhodonine
( )
Vitamin A
3,4 dehydroretinol freshwater based animals Rhodonine
( )
Vitamin A3 3-hydroxyretinol 2-winged flies feeding on carrion Rhodonine
( )
Vogt presents the three compounds listed by their systemic names in their aldehyde form as the structural formulas of
the known visual pigment chromophores. He names the visual pigments rhodopsin, porphyropsin and xanthopsin
respectively. Based on his work, he proclaims there are now three visual pigment chromophores known to occur in
nature. Vogt originally named the 3-hydroxyretinol form xanthopsin. This work has extended his statement to label
the 3-hydroxyretinol as Vitamin A
for continuity (A recently found 1993 paper by Stavenga, et. al. has used this
designation also
). In this work, the materials become chromophores when deposited on an appropriate substrate in
the liquid crystalline state. The opsin involved in the substrate is irrelevant.
The form of Vitamin A has historically been associated with the original environment of the species during its
evolution. However, the above table suggests the form is chosen based on the diet, the actual form of the carotinoid
or retinoid absorbed by the digestive system. This clarification provides a reasonable rationale for the change of
vitamin (and chromophore) type with type in migrating aquatic animals. It also explains why the carrion eating flies
exhibit a special type of vitamin.
Vogt suggested in 1989 that the family of forms of Vitamin A based on modifications to the ionone ring was now
complete. However, two papers by one team describing a fourth potential form of Vitamin A have appeared

. These
Photochemistry 5- 21
Goodwin, T. (1984) The Biochemistry of the carotenoids, Volume 2, Animals, 2
ed. NY: Chapman &
Hall, pg 181
Sporn, M. Roberts, A. & Goodwin, D. (1994) The Retinoids, Vol. 2. Xxx
Barua, A. & Goswami, U. (1977) Biochem. J. vol. 166, pg 133
Wolf, G. & Johnson, B. (1960) Metabolic transformations of Vitamin A. Vitamins and Hormones, vol 18
pp 403-415
Goodwin, T. (1984) Op. Cit. vol 2, 2
Vogt, K. (1989) in Stavenga, D. & Hardie, R. eds. Facets of Vision, NY: Springer Verlag, pg 140
authors suggested a 4-dehydroxyretinol form. Stavenga, et. al. noted this form briefly in 1993. The form was labeled
Vitamin A4.
As will be discussed below and in Section 7.1, whether the ingested monomer chemical is in fact the alcohol or the
aldehyde is largely irrelevant to the visual process. However, the acid form is generally not usable for vision purposes.
It appears to be the alcohol form that is initially released by the liver for participation in the visual system. When
operating as a chromophore, the actual material contains both an alcohol and an aldehyde group in a resonant state.
In the biological environment, there are a large number of dimers, either carotenes or xanthophylls, that are easily
cleaved to provide the above monomers. Some authors suggest oxygen must be present, but this is only relevant if the
aldehyde form is desired. Simple cleavage in the omnipresence of water will result in the alcohol form
. In earlier
works concentrating on human nutrition, the focus was on the symmetrical dimer known as carotene. Carotene is a
hydrocarbon whereas many of the more complex retinoids are carbohydrates since they also contain oxygen prior to
cleavage. These retinoids are defined as xanthophylls. The number of retinoids is known to exceed 1000
. Many of
these are either carotenes or xanthophylls. The symmetrical form of the dimer carotene was originally described as -
carotene to denote the nature of the b-ionone rings it contained. In the following discussion, -carotene will be re-
labeled ,-carotene to provide continuity with other precursors of the above Vitamins. By employing two scripts to
describe the individual rings, it becomes clear that there can be a large number of protovitamins depending on the
number of cardinal values for each script. At the current time, it is known that each subscript can have three values,
those describing the ring structures in the above table, that produce significant vitamin (hormonal) activity.
As simple examples, ,-carotene will provide two monomers of Vitamin A
when cleaved. The retinoid and the
xanthophyll known as cryptoxanthin will provide one monomer of Vitamin A
and one monomer of Vitamin A
when cleaved. Zeaxanthin when cleaved will provide two monomers of Vitamin A
. Goodwin (vol. 2, pg 148)
references Barua & Goswami
concerning a xanthophyll that cleaves into one monomer of Vitamin A
and one of
Vitamin A
(his structure 8.30) in the freshwater fish, Saccabranchus fossillis. Goodwin proposes that these cleavages
occur as the protovitamin crosses the intestinal wall. Wolf & Johnson, quoting Balasundraram, et. al. indicate that
Vitamin A
does have biological activity when fed to rats
. The structure of the retinoids important to vision
While most animal species use about a dozen of the known xanthophylls and carotenes for various purposes
, they
typically only cleave one into the monomer used in the formation of the chromophores of vision. When complete, these
chromophores all exhibit the same structure relative to vision, an all-trans conjugated carbon backbone separating two
oxygen atoms. Vogt confirmed the all-trans form in extracts from the fly
. The precise structure of the ring is not
relevant. At the most, the presence of the ring provides some thermal stability to the chromophore. However, it has
a negligible impact on the spectral sensitivity of the chromophore. It appears that the Vitamin used by an animal to
create the chromophores of vision is not uniquely specified. As in the euryhaline fish, it may change routinely based
on the environment. Besides the above structural requirement, there may be a second requirement relative to its
compatibility with the transport proteins specific to the formation and delivery of the chromophores to the disks.
22 Processes in Biological Vision
Baylor, D. Nunn, B. & Schnapf, J. (1984) The photocurrent, noise and spectral sensitivity of rods of the
monkey Macaca fascicularis. J. Physiol. Vol. 357, pp 575-607
5.3.4 Quantum mechanics & spectral plots
The mechanism of photon energy absorption by complex organic molecules is based on Fermi-Dirac statistics, not
Gaussian statistics. The only role for Gaussian statistics in spectral absorption is due to the effect of the Central Limit
Theorem. Careful experimental design can eliminate this effect completely.
As in individual atoms, the energy states (both empty and occupied) of electrons present in a complex organic molecule
are described by probability functions. Where multiple energy states exist in close proximity to each other, they overlap
and blend. The resulting energy profile of the resulting energy band is also expressed by Fermi-Dirac statistics. Even
more important, if it is possible for an electron to transfer from one such energy band to a second band, the probability
of this transfer occurring is also represented in Fermi-Dirac statistics. This probability of transfer is what is actually
described when an absorption spectrum is plotted as a function of wavelength or wave-number. The fundamental characteristic of spectral absorption
In the case of an energy band of a complex molecule, the profile of each edge of the band is described by a simple
exponential function. The value of this function reaches a plateau either above or below a specific energy level and
decreases exponentially on the other side of this energy value. By combining the exponential functions describing the
two profiles associated with a specific band, an energy band function is obtained that exhibits a flat top and very steep
sloping sides. By subtracting two such functions to obtain the transfer probability function, the resulting function also
exhibits a flat top and steep sides. This is the characteristic of the typical spectral absorption function for a wide band
absorber. It does not exhibit a distinct peak value. If either of the two energy bands is narrow, the resultant spectral
absorption function will have a peak value contained by the two steeply sloping sides. However, this peak will not be
explicitly defined mathematically. However, it can be determined by evaluating the derivative of the overall function
in the normal way. The important point is that there is no explicit absorption peak in the spectra of a complex organic
molecule. The variation in wavelength with solvent and concentration
To precisely quantify the spectral characteristics of the chromophores of vision, it is important that the variation in
measured spectral peak with solvent and concentration be recognized. In dilute solutions, a variation in peak
absorption of 10 nm is easily obtained by varying these parameters. A variation with temperature is also found.
However, this variation is smaller. Because of this variation, the literature contains a variety of peak isotropic
absorptions for dilute solutions of individual retinoids. The range of these peaks is from 494 to 502 nm for a putative
rhodopsin dissolved in various alcohols. Baylor, Nunn & Schnapf summarize the variety of peak wavelengths
measured by different investigators in different environments
. They give a preferred value of 491 nm but it is based
on very coarse spectral measurements (interval of 20 nm) and a sample of only ten cells. More importantly, they
describe the long wavelength absorption of this isotropic spectrum. It exhibits a very rapid fall that is precisely
described by a Fermi-Dirac mechanism. Their measured short wavelength skirt does not follow a Fermi-Dirac curve.
It is because this cumulative spectral measurement is influenced by the -peak in the absorption spectrum in the region
of 350 nm.
In the case of vision, the chromophores of vision are usually explored in the laboratory while in solution. However,
in-vivo, they are not in solution but in the liquid crystalline state. This state of matter causes the chromophores to
exhibit an entirely separate spectral absorption characteristic.
Photochemistry 5- 23
Vogt, K. Kirschfeld, K. (1984) Chemical identity of the chromophores of fly visual pigment
Naturwissenschaften vol. 71, pp 211-212 (in English)
Vogt, K. (1989) in Stavenga, D & Hardie, R. eds. Facets of Vision, NY: Springer Verlag, Chap. 7
Menzel, R. & Backhaus, W. (1989) in Stavenga, D & Hardie, R. eds. Facets of Vision, Chap. 14
Vogt & Kirschfeld have noted the significance of this situation with respect to the ultraviolet spectrum in Diptera
without providing details of their test conditions and test set
. In their figure, presented as figure 4 in Vogt
, they plot
the ultraviolet spectrum of the aldehyde and alcohol of the putative chromophore of that species along with the in-vivo
absorption spectra of a fly. Unfortunately, the data is all normalized to the same peak value. The peak in the in-vivo
absorption is quite close to the theoretical 342 nm predicted for the quantum mechanical resonance of the molecule.
They listed the peak value of their spectrum as 350 nm. However, it shows possible bleed-through of the intrinsic
absorption with a peak at 332 nm for the alcohol and 369 nm for the aldehyde. The peak in their absorption spectra
at 485 nm probably is the result of inadequate spectral filtering to separate the 437 nm and 532 nm components of the
overall spectrum. Alternately, it could the the Bezold-Brucke Peak occasionally observed at this wavelength. In figure
9, Vogt provides evidence of the in-vivo peak in the region of 437 nm for another member of the order Diptera,
Simulium, based on high spectral resolution via an electroretinogram. This figure again shows the difference between
the intrinsic UV peak near 350 nm and the resonant peak near 342 of vision. The resonant absorption characterisitic
does not show the fine structure of the intrinsic characteristic. Menzel & Backhaus, writing in the same volume
, gave
the correct peak spectral responses of another Arthropod (honey bee) as 335, 435 & 540 nm. These numbers are each
within seven nm of the theoretical values proposed by this work.
It appears that Vogt took an overly simplistic approach in his figure 6. To account for the two spectral peaks at 350
nm and 485 nm that he measured for the in-vivo fly, he suggested in caricature that two separate chromophores should
be associated with the same opsin molecule to form a chromophore with a dual peaked spectrum. The first retinoid
was attached to the protein in the conventional manner suggested by Collins, via a protonated Schiff-base. The second
was shown outside the protein and connected to the opsin by two hydrogen bonds. In accordance with the conventional
wisdom, the axes of both ligands were arranged to be perpendicular to the incident radiation when the opsin was
considered a trans-membrane component of the disks. He apparently did not appreciate that each ligand within a
molecule can introduce a separate absorption peak as a function of wavelength, whether intrinsically in solution or
in the liquid crystalline state. See Section 5.4. This situation is true in both visual band spectroscopy and NMR
spectroscopy. The frequently observed spectral absorption
The actual spectral absorption generally observed in vision research is not the actual function for several reasons, some
of which will be discussed in the next Section. However, a major reason, is related to the design of the experiment.
The visual spectra of the individual chromophores of vision are relatively narrow. If an experiment is designed where
the absorption spectrum is sampled using a finite width spectral filter, the measured spectrum is defined by the
convolution of the actual spectral transmission function and the filter sampling function. The resulting mathematics
can assume three forms.
If the function of the filter is much narrower than the absorption features of the material under a test, the resulting
convolution will closely approximate that of the original absorption spectra. In vision, this result is obtained if the filter
has a width of less than five nanometers.
If the width of the filter is approximately equal to the narrowest feature of the absorption spectra, the resultant
mathematical function will be different, it will resemble a sum of one or more Gaussian functions and it will not
correctly represent the original absorption function. Individual features will be suppressed relative to the overall
function. This is the situation normally seen in the vision literature where a filter of ten to twenty nanometers has been
24 Processes in Biological Vision
Wright, W. (1969) As reproduced in Boynton, R. (1979) Human Color Vision. NY: Holt, Rinehart &
Winston, pp. 393-405
If an even wider filter is used or a series of individual measurements is made and combined, generally by averaging
the values obtained for each of a number of distinct wavelengths, the result will be characteristically different. For the
first case, the details present in the absorption spectra will be obliterated and the result will be smoothed to the point
where it will resemble a Gaussian Function. In the second case, the result will be well represented by a Gaussian
Function due to the Central Limit Theorem. This Theorem insures that the overall result will approach the shape of
a Gaussian Function, regardless of the original physics and/or characteristics of the individual waveforms.
This later case is the true explanation for the shape of the various C.I.E. Luminosity Functions of 1924 and 1964.
Nearly all of the original data was acquired with filters of 30 nm width. The resulting waveforms were then averaged
at arbitrary wavelengths without any statistical analysis to prove the data were collected with adequately calibrated
filters. All of the details associated with the actual absorption spectra of the Human Eye have been lost. One of the
leading researchers of that time has provided an interesting and contemporaneous insight into the establishment of
these functions
. More significantly, the Chairman of the Committee essentially disowned the 1931 standard,
particularly in the blue region, within only a few years of promulgation. He offered a corrected version that has not
been widely referenced.
There is an additional difficulty in experimental design where one or both of the C.I.E.
Luminosity Functions are used as a reference function. The Central Limit Theorem insures
that any results obtained through the addition to or subtraction from these reference functions
will contain all of the errors associated with these functions. The use of spectral templates
Many experimenters and analysts have attempted to create templates describing the absorption spectra associated with
the chromophores of vision. These have generally been derived from the limited (although very significant) work of
one experimenter and his attempt to rationalize and extrapolate his work with respect to the work of others. These
attempts invariably began with the assumption that the true functions were Gaussian in form and the eye operated in
a linear mode relative to photodetection. Later optimizations deviated from one or the other of these assumptions in
order to agree more closely with laboratory results. However, these templates have always had significant limitations
and were only useful in the first order for making estimates.
With the actual detailed spectral parameters of the chromophores and the method of combining
the resultant signal now available, the use of graphical templates is no longer necessary or
Further discussion of this subject will be found in Section 5.7 of this Chapter.
5.3.5 Spectral and Cumulative Absorption Measurements
Absorption measurements have been a staple of chemistry for a very long time, with spectral absorption measurements
becoming important with the development of photoelectric detectors. The basic theory and terminology were developed
using solutions of simple inorganic salts in water. The absorption properties of these simple solutions are stable and
easy to characterize. They conform to Beers (or Lambert-Beers) Law over a wide range of molarities. In addition,
the solutions generally display a distinct saturation point above which the solute precipitates in a rapid and simple
manner. With the interest in more complex organic chemistry, the simple precepts of absorption measurements are
frequently no longer adequate or appropriate.
Photochemistry 5- 25
The fundamental characteristics mentioned above begin to deteriorate when measurements are made on more complex,
and particularly more complex organic, molecules. It deteriorates further if there is a third constituent present which
is not pH neutral. The familiar pH indicators are typical examples of this complexity in the absorption spectra of
organic molecules. A second example is the denaturing of biological molecules at high temperatures. This process
is frequently associated with a change of state of the material, from a liquid crystal to a solid, as well as a significant
change in color.
The saturation characteristic of complex organic molecules also becomes more complex. As the solution approaches
saturation, the solute may undergo changes of molecular configuration which drastically change the absorption
characteristic of the solution.
Of even greater importance is the manner in which the solute leaves or modifies the solution. In one easily identified
case, the solute does not separate from the solvent but forms a liquid crystalline lattice incorporating the solvent, a state
of matter frequently described as a gel. In another case, the solute begins to leave the solution by forming clusters of
solute molecules suspended in the solvent. These clusters are frequently liquid crystalline in nature and exhibit
individual absorption characteristics that are highly anisotropic. However, the orientation of these clusters within the
solvent is random and the externally observed absorption characteristic of the mixture (it is no longer just a solution)
appears isotropic. If these clusters continue to aggregate or to precipitate onto a substrate, they form a liquid crystal
with distinct spectral absorption characteristics that are significantly different from the parent solution.
The spectral characteristics of complex organic molecules in the liquid crystalline state are subject to an additional
parameter which is normally overlooked in the literature. The observed absorption characteristic is strongly affected
by the energy environment of the liquid crystal. This is true for both the conjugated class and the resonant conjugate
class of hydrocarbons, the dominant classes of colored hydrocarbons. The energy environment is important because
absorption measurements involve a two-step process. The molecule is initially excited and becomes more transparent.
It is then de-excited, returns to its earlier opacity and is subject to re-excitation. If the molecules are not de-excited,
the target material is said to bleach during observation and only transient measurements can be made. If the molecules
of the material are de-excited within a time period which is very short, typically milliseconds or less, the absorption
measurements can be made on a steady state basis with little error (no bleaching).
The anisotropic absorption spectral characteristics, and the related reflectance spectra, of a biological liquid crystal on
an appropriate energy substrate is typified by the appearance of a hummingbird to the eye. The bird typically appears
lime green under diffuse illumination, with regions of bright red and yellow that appear only at specific angles of
specular illumination and observation. The lime green color is related to a conjugated carbon molecular structure
similar to that of the chromophores of animal vision. However, it is not the absorption peak used in the visual process.
The bright flashes of color, due to highly anisotropic reflections, are those related directly to the spectral peaks used
in animal vision. These peaks are related to the resonant-conjugated-molecular structure of the liquid crystals,
specifically the thickness of the liquid crystalline structure measured between the two resonant auxochromes.
To obtain meaningful spectral measurements in vision, it is important that the energy environment be controlled.
This environment is represented by the pH of the surrounding solution as well as the methods of de-excitation available
to the chromophore.
Many liquid crystalline materials containing a conjugated, or a resonant conjugated, carbon chain will bleach during
measurement if they are not in a satisfactory energy environment. This is a complication that should be avoided by
the investigator in the interest of accuracy and communications. This is the specific condition found in the color
granules of the RPE. It is also the condition found in attempting to make measurements on the OS of a photoreceptor
cell after removal of, or interference with, the dendritic structure emanating from the IS.
The photographic community encountered the problem of the appropriate energy environment many years ago. They
found that the materials of interest in extending the spectral range of photography were very particular about the
26 Processes in Biological Vision
environment. Many of the materials exhibited different and transient absorption characteristics depending on the
molarity of the solution, the pH of the solvent, the specific solvent of the solution, the electrical characteristics of the
solvent, or the substrate involved in the case of a precipitate. Fortunately their substrate of choice, silver halide crystals
in the presence of minute quantities of silver sulphide, provided the necessary energy environment. It was therefore
easy to record the absorption spectra of different dyes in a permanent form.
For many years, it was not recognized by the photographic researchers that the presence of silver sulphide was critical
to the efficient exposure and recording of the spectra. It was only known that the best emulsions were made from
gelatins derived from certain cows living in certain pastures (primarily in upstate New York at the time). It was the
sulphide in the animal-derived gelatin that combined with the silver halide crystals during the preparation process that
resulted in the correct energy environment.
There are additional requirements on the required energy environment related to the spin states of the excited
electrons that will be discussed in more detail later in this PART. Suffice to say here that Oxygen as an auxochrome
exhibits a rare property related to the triplet spin state. In addition, the symmetrical nature of the resonant conjugated
carbon molecule prevents this class of molecules from de-exciting spontaneously through thermal or fluorescent means.
Thus, the resonant conjugated carbon organic molecules with Oxygen as the polar atom exhibit unique and highly
desirable properties with respect to the visual process. Summary of the Absorption coefficient measuring regime
Figure 5.3.5-1 provides a summary of the various absorption regimes that must be recognized when considering the
properties of the chromophores of vision. The Table is extensive and complex. However, no similar presentation could
be located in the literature. It will be discussed in two steps. First, a line by line description of the figure will be
provided. Second, a more global discussion of the significance of the chart will be given.
Photochemistry 5- 27
Figure 5.3.5-1 The devolution of the properties of candidate chromophoric materials. The shaded area on the right
highlights the unique properties of the chromphores of vision. This is the only state in which the functional properties
of the chromophores can be determined in the laboratory. The shaded area in the upper left is only shown for
completeness and will not be discussed in detail. See text.
The table illustrates these features:
1 The Table illustrates three distinct chemical conditions, a true solution, a mixture and a precipitate.
2 The Table is divided into solutions containing simple and complex molecules for completeness.
3 The Table is divided into inorganic and organic molecules in solution for completeness.
The activity of simple, inorganic and non-conjugated organic molecules are not of interest in vision research. These
areas have been shaded in the figure.
4G All of the retinoids within the Vitamin A Group are conjugated hydrocarbons and exhibit the same intrinsic
characteristic absorption spectra (10 nm depending on the solvent).
28 Processes in Biological Vision
5 There are two principle excitation mechanisms associated with the quantum-mechanical structure of organic
molecules, singlet and triplet excitation. Singlet excitation is the dominant type except in the presence of
terminal atoms of Oxygen. The Vitamin A Group can be divided into two subgroups, those molecules with
heavy atom terminals containing Oxygen and those that do not.
6 The above group can be further subdivided into those members containing two heavy atom terminals and
those containing only one. Those with two such atoms exhibit additional spectral characteristics of great
interest to vision--but only under specific conditions as illustrated. The mechanical condition is that they be
aggregated into clusters of molecules or precipitated as a film. In either case, the molecules are able to assume
the liquid crystalline state of matter and thereby achieve the second condition, the sharing of excited electronic
states. The result is a unique and accentuated absorption characteristic described as the J-band in the
photographic community.
6F & 6M Resonant conjugated organics will only exhibit an intrinsic spectrum when in dilute solution,
typically less than 10
molarity. The spectra will be isotropic. The material will change properties
as the molarity rises, becoming a mixture (7P) or resulting in a precipitate (8R).
7 The nonresonant conjugated molecules are not of interest in vision. The resonant conjugated molecules
appear to be lyotropic and are prone to form liquid crystals as the concentration of the solution is increased.
In the absence of a suitable substrate, they will form clusters (globules) of highly colored material. The phase
of the liquid crystal formed in this way by the chromophores is unknown.
8 In the presence of a suitable substrate, the resonant conjugated molecules are prone to precipitate as liquid
crystals with the structure of the smectic phase. They form monolayers with the molecules aligned side-by-
9 The de-excitation path available to conjugated organic molecules is controlled by quantum-mechanical rules
which are complex. Some molecules will relax spontaneously, other will not (within a reasonable time)
without assistance from another material/mechanism. The presence of Oxygen is a special case. Resonant
conjugated molecules with two Oxygen atoms will not fluoresce and there only means of de-excitation is by
means of a direct transition that is not allowed because of the presence of the triplet state. The nonresonant
conjugates normally de-excite thermally via a two-step process.
10 The energy released during de-excitation is a key to the quantum-mechanical mechanisms involved. The
energy may be released spontaneously without any assistance. Alternately, a more complex transition of the
energy to another species may be involved.
11C to H The conjugated organic molecules containing terminal atoms other than Oxygen, or only one
Oxygen, normally de-excite spontaneously through thermal or fluorescent mechanisms associated
with the terminal atom.
11M The resonant conjugated organics containing two terminal oxygen atoms are unique in the stability
of their * excited state. The symmetry associated with this molecule prevents it from de-exciting
spontaneously. Once excited, the molecule will remain excited indefinitely.
12 It is possible to assist the de-excitation of any excited molecule by providing an alternate mechanism with a
higher probability of occurrence than the native mechanism.
12M-R A unique situation occurs in vision. The dendrites of the photoreceptor cell are in direct quantum-mechanical
contact with the disks coated with the chromophores. The probability of the energy being transferred to the
suitable structure in the dendrites is much higher than the probability of direct de-excitation (probability ~0.0).
Photochemistry 5- 29
This biological union of chromophore and dendrite is only available when the chromophore has been
precipitated into the liquid crystalline state.
13 As organic molecules considered dyes become more complex, they become more susceptible to photon
excitation (absorption) without the necessary spontaneous de-excitation. They are described as bleaching
under illumination. The resonant conjugate dyes (chromophores) of vision bleach completely and become
transparent in the absence of assisted de-excitation. Many related chromogens bleach and then return to their
normal color over a short time interval (normally less than minutes).
14 The absorption spectrum of most molecules is simple, stable and considered intrinsic to the material. The
resonant conjugated organics conform to these conditions with regard to their intrinsic absorption spectra.
However, as they achieve the condition described by (7P) and (8R), they exhibit an additional absorption
spectrum. This additional spectrum is poorly defined in mathematical terms under condition (7P) because
the size of the clusters is highly dependent on the exact molarity of the solution and other parameters
determining this parameter. It is more easily defined in (8R) because the size of the film is more easily
14R The chromophores of vision when in the precipitated smectic state exhibit both their normal intrinsic spectral
absorption characteristic and an enhanced absorption characteristic related to the resonant condition that
generally overshadows the normal characteristic. It is this enhanced characteristic that is employed in vision.
15 The unique absorption geometry of the conjugated molecules as a function of their state of matter is illustrated
here. When in dilute solution, the molecules exhibit an isotropic absorption characteristic.
15P The resonant absorption spectrum of the conjugated molecules is difficult to measure when they exist as
clusters within a solvent, a mixture. The individual clusters may exhibit an anisotropic resonant spectrum
but the clusters are subject to Brownian motion within the solvent. The result is a less pronounced, apparently
isotropic, resonant spectrum superimposed on the intrinsic isotropic spectrum of the molecules remaining in
15R The absorption spectrum of the resonant conjugate molecules is quite apparent along specific axes and is
clearly anisotropic. These molecules absorb radiation preferentially. They absorb optimally when the
Poynting Vector of the radiation is parallel to the mechanical axis of the molecules connecting the two
Oxygen atoms. The spectral peak of this absorption is related to the resonant length of the chromophore. The
molecules will still absorb radiation isotropically. This absorption characteristic will exhibit a peak of lesser
intensity that is related to the length of the conjugated structure of the molecule.
One of the major paradoxes of the current time is that no investigator has isolated and measured the visual spectrums
of the chromophores of vision in the laboratory. The above figure illustrates why. The chromophores of vision only
exhibit their unique spectral characteristics when in the liquid crystalline state. Furthermore, in the absence of an
appropriate de-excitation mechanism, the molecules are excited rapidly (bleach) due to ambient laboratory light and
remain in the excited state indefinitely. To achieve a steady-state condition allowing repetitive spectral absorption
measurements, a de-excitation mechanism must be provided.
The chromophores of vision are a unique set of polymethines, the Rhodonines, employing two atoms of Oxygen per
molecule that are separated by a conjugated carbon chain. The resonance between these two molecules accounts for
the specific absorption characteristics of the material. This absorption characteristic is not apparent until the
absorption cross-section of the material is raised. This is accomplished by forming the material into the liquid
crystalline state. In this state, the molecules are able to share their susceptibility to excitation. When excited, the
30 Processes in Biological Vision
Zollinger, H. (1991) Op. Cit. pg. 13
Pokorny, J. Smith, V. Verriest, G. & Pinckers, A. (1979) Congenital and acquired color vision defects.
NY: Grune & Stratton pp. 62-63
E d c


electrons are transferred into the relatively unusual triplet state because of the unique properties of Oxygen. Once
excited, the electrons within this shared molecular structure exhibit a very long lifetime because of their transfer into
a triplet state. The transfer of these electrons from the excited triplet state back to a singlet ground state is quantum-
mechanically forbidden. These electrons can only be de-excited through an auxiliary mechanism. In-vivo, this
mechanism involves the transfer of the energy of the chromophore molecules to the hydronium liquid crystal found
within the surface structure of the vital (living) neural dendrites.
This transfer of energy from an excited state of one molecule to another medium, although
sophisticated, is found in many application. It is commonly used to excite gas lasers. It is also a
phenomenon associated with plasma discharge devices.
Special circumstances must exist to measure the spectral absorption characteristics of the Rhodonines in-vitro in the
laboratory (where in-vitro implies the separation of the chromophores from their connection to the neurons) under
steady-state conditions. The material must be in the liquid crystalline state and an artificial method of de-excitation
must be provided. Details of the absorption coefficient regime
It is important to understand that the absorption regime of the visual system is not based on material present in a
continuum. Specifically, the absorption relationship known variously as Beers Law or the Lambert-Beer Law does
not apply to materials that are not in dilute solution. The spaceframe architecture of the Outer Segment of the
photoreceptor cells is far from a continuous structure and the chromophores are not present in solution. This section
will review the basis of absorption in a dilute solution and then move on to the relevant situation. Simple solutions
A common undergraduate laboratory experiment is to measure the change in total absorption of light by a solution as
a function of concentration or other parameter. The experiment is good training but misleading in its simplicity. The
student is frequently left with the impression that the absorptions of most materials correspond to the simple material
investigated. To obtain a meaningful absorption spectrum of a given material, it is important to recognize the
parameters involved in the measurements based on theory. Most text books
provide a simplified derivation of the
absorption of light by a solution to arrive at the Lambert-Beer Law. Pokorny, et. al
. give a brief introduction to the
subject. Most basic Physics and Physical Chemistry texts give a fuller account. However, these introductions are all
limited to low molarity concentrations of simple molecules in true solutions. They do not apply to mixtures or high
molarity situations involving complex organic molecules.
This derivation is based on the molar extinction coefficient, , which is defined so as to be a positive number. For
solutions of simple molecules at low concentration, is defined using;
where I
is the incident illumination, I is the transmitted illumination, E is the total absorption factor, is the molar
extinction coefficient, d is the distance through the solution sample, and c is the concentration of the solution. By
introducing a negative sign, this equation can be written in an alternate form;
Photochemistry 5- 31
I I e
c d


The molar extinction coefficient is not a constant in most applications involving complex organic molecules. It varies
both with both wavelength and molarity in such solutions. For precision work involving the complex organic
molecules of vision, it is necessary to redefine the total absorption factor, E, as;
E = d*I I (, ) d d
In this formulation, the spectral molar extinction coefficient, (, M), can change drastically with molarity, as it does
in resonant conjugated carbon organics. This behavior is illustrated in the next figure.
In the original formulation, the absorption as a function of wavelength included two assumptions. First, it was assumed
that the absorption was uniform with wavelength. Second, it was assumed that the incident illumination was uniform
in wavelength (generally with respect to energy per unit wavelength). While the second assumption is acceptable for
passive absorbers and photoconductors, the chromophores are neither of these. The chromophores of vision are
quantum-mechanical devices, like many other photoemissive devices. For the results of absorption measurements to
be interpretable, the absorption coefficient should be measured using a light source exhibiting a constant quantum flux
per unit wavelength. Otherwise, additional complexity and further integration must be employed to obtain correct
answers. There are many conflicts in the vision literature due to this problem. The peak wavelength measured under
a constant energy criterion is not the same as that measured under a constant flux criteria.
In both of the above formulations, it is assumed that the sensor used to record the light exhibits a uniform response as
a function of wavelength over the region of interest. Here again, the degree of uniformity and whether it is with respect
to energy or quantum flux should be noted and included in the published material.
It should be noted that because of the difficulties associated with calibration, it is usual to see plots of the normalized
spectral absorption factor for each relevant material in the vision literature. It would be better to obtain relative
measurements compared to a standard than to normalize independent measurements. More complex analytical situations
As noted in (1) of the above Table, the Table is divided into three distinct chemical conditions. The first condition
applies only to true solutions, solutions that can pass through the finest physical filter without separation into two
distinct materials. The second condition, labeled mixtures, is meant to include materials that are still fluid but cannot
meet the above test. Many solutions of complex organics transition from the true solution to a mixture as the molarity
of the solution/mixture is raised. Figure 5.3.5-2 illustrates this situation as well as the appearance of an entirely new
absorption band, the j-band. The photographically active diethyl-2,2'-cyanine chloride is a member of another family
containing the Rhodonines. It is a resonant, conjugate, hydrocarbon where both terminal atoms are Oxygen. However,
the backbone chain is simply carbon atoms and hydrogen. Note first that the absorptivity within the spectral band 420
to 560 nm varies considerably with molarity. The low molarity peak at 520 nm is replaced by a new peak at 480 nm.
Even if the integral of the absorptivity coefficient with respect to wavelength had the same value for these two
molarities, there would be an obvious color change with molarity related to the absorption.
Of much greater importance is the appearance of the j band resonant peak at 575 nm. Below 10
M, there is no
significant absorption at this wavelength. By the time the molarity reaches 1.4 x 10
M, the peak at this wavelength
is dominant. At this molarity, the solution is no longer a true solution, it is a mixture of a true solution and clusters
of liquid crystalline material. The mixture is often described as having a stringy appearance.
32 Processes in Biological Vision
Figure 5.3.5-2 CR Absorption spectrum of aqueous
solutions of diethyl-2,2'-cyanine chloride at 25C: (1) 1.3 x
M; (2) 1.3 x 10
M; (3) 7.1 x 10
M; (4) 1.4 x 10
M. From Mees & James, 1966
The absorptivity of the solution and also the mixture
remains isotropic since the clusters are still discrete and
randomly oriented within the solution.
This figure provides a clear example of a material having
a distinctly different absorptivity when dissolved in a
solute and when in the liquid crystalline state. However,
this figure does not properly characterize the liquid
crystalline state as well as a pure precipitate does. In the
pure state, the J-band is much more pronounced, the
clusters are now arranged and oriented in a crystalline
pattern, and the absorptivity will be much higher along a
specific axis. Along this axis, it may be very difficult to
measure the non-resonant portion of the spectrum.
Conversely, perpendicular to this axis, it may be very
difficult to measure the resonant portion of the spectrum
in the presence of the non-resonant portion. More complex psychophysical
As noted, the uniformity of the detector used to make
absorption measurement and whether it is energy-based or
quantum-flux based should be determined. A major
problem has occurred in psychophysically determining the
apparent absorption profile of the chromatic channels of
the eyes. The widely observed assumption has been that
the visual system beyond the chromophores is linear and additive across the visual spectrum. Unfortunately, this
condition is not even approached. The visual system employs logarithmic summation of signals from multiple
independent detection channels. By mathematically manipulating the measured data based on the linearity
assumption, a putative but spurious absorption band with a peak absorption near 575 nm has appeared in the
psychophysical literature for years. Absorption in high absorbance materials
Section has addressed the spaceframe structure used in the Outer Segment of the photoreceptors. This structure
is used in part because of the very high absorption coefficient of the chromophores of vision. If the individual liquid
crystalline layers of these materials were placed directly in contact with each other, the resulting change in dielectric
index at the entrance to the disk stack would cause considerable reflection at this surface. To overcome this problem,
the individual layers are separated into a spaceframe of disks. To analyze this structure, the algebra of a continuum
used in Section is inappropriate. The net absorption of the structure must be calculated as the product of a
large number of discrete absorbing elements where each element includes an active absorber layer and a passive low
index of refraction layer. Although the net result will be much the same for the case of a complete Outer Segment of
about 2000 discrete disks, a significant difference will result if the absorption coefficient of a single monolayer of
chromophoric material is simply multiplied by the length of an Outer Segment.
The net effect of the spaceframe structure used in vision is that the overall absorption spectrum of a multilayer section
of chromophore material is considerably broader on a relative basis than that measured for a single monolayer of
Photochemistry 5- 33 Summary of the absorption regime related to vision
If one accepts the premise that the Rhodonines are the chromophores of vision,
+ they only exhibit the unique spectral properties used in vision when in the liquid crystalline state,
+ they require the presence of a de-excitation agent to exhibit the appropriate stable absorption spectra and
+ their absorptivity is so high that a space frame structure is required to simultaneously overcome the resulting
difference in dielectric constant and achieve maximum absorption.
These characteristics are developed in Chapter 4, this chapter and the remainder of PART B. [Figure 5.3.3-1 above]
provides a number of highly relevant corollaries to the premise with regard to vision. These corollaries explain many
of the conundrums found in the vision literature. Self screening as a limited concept
The literature occasionally refers to the self-screening of a chromophore. This is a concept based on an approximation
of the exponential absorption characteristic applicable to a low molarity liquid solution. The correction for self
screening is given by the ratio of the actual absorption divided by the absorption predicted by the first order term of
a series expansion of the exponential expression for the absorption characteristic. The concept is not directly applicable
to a situation involving high molarity solutions or liquid crystalline aggregations of complex organic molecules such
as found in the photoreceptors of vision. It also avoids any reflection at the interface between an absorber and the
surrounding medium. The latter factor is very important in the design of the disks and disk stack of vision because
of the very high absorption coefficient of the in-vivo chromophores. To minimize reflection, the design of the Outer
Segment relies on quantum-mechanical and spatial relationships to maintain an effective index of refraction of the
Outer Segment near 1.3 In-vivo conditions
First, the absorption spectra of the Outer Segments of the photoreceptor cells rely on the resonant condition of one of
the Rhodonines when it is present under specific conditions (Col. R of the Table). These conditions are that it is
present as a liquid crystalline surface film on the disks of the segment (8R) and in contact with a de-excitation agent
associated with the Inner Segment of the same cell (12R).
Second, the absorption characteristic of each Rhodonine chromophore is highly directional (15R). This anisotropic
absorption is only observed for radiation applied perpendicular to the surface of the film, i.e., parallel to the axis of the
Outer Segment. The peak absorption wavelength for resonant absorption by these chromophores is nominally either
342, 437, 532 or 625 nm. The chromophore is not polarization sensitive for excitation along this axis. For radiation
applied along other axes, such as transverse to the axis of the OS, only the intrinsic absorption characteristic due to
conjugate absorption and shared by all retinoids of the Vitamin A Group will be observed. This intrinsic spectrum has
a nominal spectral peak at 502 nm at 37C.
Even in-vivo, careful experimentation using transverse radiation relative to the OS will always exhibit the intrinsic
conjugate absorption spectra with a peak near 502 nm. This conjugate spectrum is polarization sensitive. It is
maximum when the E-field of the radiation is parallel to the mechanical axis of the individual molecules, generally
parallel to the axis of the OS.
The absorption spectrum of the disk stack is not polarization sensitive to radiation applied perpendicular to the surface
of the individual chromophoric films, i.e., along the axis of the OS. There is some data that the individual film layers
34 Processes in Biological Vision
Chen, S. (1999) xxx Nature, 11 Feb 1999
Norman, R. & Coxon, J. (1993) Principles of organic synthesis. London: Blackie Academic & Professional.
pg. 144
of some types of liquid crystals are polarization sensitive
Any action that disturbs the de-excitation process integral to the photoreceptor cell will cause the OS to become
transparent to continual excitation, i.e., the chromophore molecules will all become excited and the result will be the
OS will bleach to transparency (13R). In-vitro conditions
The molecules constituting the Rhodonines are extremely sensitive, as are all molecules sensitive to excitation by light
of less than 1-2 electron-volts energy, corresponding to the visual spectrum. Furthermore, these molecules will only
exhibit the appropriate spectra when in the conditions described above. In the process of transitioning to in-vitro
laboratory conditions, experimenters have inevitably destroyed the necessary conditions for observing the resonant
visual spectra associated with these chromophores. The scenario is generally as follows;
1. disconnect the OS from the IS, thereby removing the de-excitation mechanism.
2. solubilize the material in the OS, thereby removing the material from the liquid crystalline state.
3. separate and purify the non-protein material using detergents and salts of metallic ions, frequently causing a reaction
that modifies the molecules. One common result is the removal of one of the Oxygen atoms.
4. Preparing a dilute solution of the retinoid extract in either water or an alcohol-based solvent.
Each of these activities insures that the resonant absorption spectra of the molecule will not be exhibited. The result
is that all of the chromophores so processed will now exhibit only the intrinsic, isotropic spectrum associated with
molecules located to the left of the double line in the Table. They will exist in one of the states related to (6C, 6F, 6H
or 6M) depending on whether one or more of the Oxygen atoms have been removed or replaced within the molecule.
If only one Oxygen is related, these states are generally related to the retinoids known as the Vitamin A Group. Only
very sophisticated tests will determine whether the resultant molecule is now a retinene or whether it is a pseudo-
retinene with the remaining Oxygen atom attached to a carbon located along the conjugated chain instead of at location
To isolate the Rhodonines and then obtain the visual spectrum associated with the chromophore, the material must be
returned to the condition illustrated by (Col. R), i.e., (8R) assisted by (12R) resulting in a stable situation typified by
(14R) and (15R). This can be done as long as the chromophores have not been physically modified by excessively
aggressive detergents or oxidizing and reducing agents. An additional step is needed since the retinoid extract from
any retina will consist of a mixture of the individual chromophores. The extract must be processed further, probably
by re-crystallization, to separate the chromophores before they are returned to the liquid crystalline state for
measurement. This re-crystallization might be considered a racemization
The transient spectral response can be obtained after depositing the liquid crystal on any substrate. However, to obtain
a steady state spectral response a de-excitation agent must be available. This can be in the form of the appropriate
substrate or in the form of a third component. As indicated above, by incorporating the individual chromophores into
a photographic emulsion, exposing the emulsion in a spectrometer and then developing the emulsion, a permanent
graphical recording of the spectral response of the chromophore can be obtained.
Photochemistry 5- 35
Figure 5.4.1-1 The lowest five energy levels and the
ionization level of hydrogen. The spectral lines are in
Angstrom. From Millman & Halkias, 1972
To obtain an accurate absorption spectrum, and preserve the true shape of the spectrum, a filter width of less than 5.0
nm is recommended. This filter width is easily obtained with modern spectrophotometers.
As indicated in Section 5.4.5, it is not appropriate to consider the observed spectral absorption characteristic of a single
chromophore as a single function and speak of the half-amplitude points as describing the waveform. The peak
wavelength and the two half-amplitude points can be used for less critical work. However, the correct description of
the waveform requires that the waveform on each side of the pseudo-peak be plotted as an exponential function and
the wavelength specified at which this function is equal to 1/e of its peak value. These two 1/e values properly describe
the measured spectral response.
5.4 The Absorption Characteristics of Materials
There have been periodic references in the vision literature to energy level diagrams in order to explain conceptually
the spectra of vision. Up to this time, no reference has appeared connecting the elementary concept of energy levels
to the more sophisticated energy bands and then directrly to the calculation of absorption spectra. Taking these
additional steps leads to an important and precise characterization of both the requirements for the photochemistry of
vision and the straightforward specification of the absorption bands of the visual chromophores, the Rhodonines.
5.4.1 The Energy Level Diagram
The basic energy level diagram was developed at the dawn of quantum physics to explain the absorption and emission
characteristics of simple atoms, ions and molecules found in the sun and laboratory flames.
Such diagrams have been developed further to explain similar absorption phenomena in more complex inorganic
molecules and also into the organic molecule domain. It should be stressed that these energy level diagrams normally
only apply to individual atoms, ions and molecules. As
normally presented, they do not apply to aggregated groups
sharing energy levels and/or actual electrons (examples;
metals, semiconductors, crystals, and liquid crystals).
Figure 5.4.1-1 is the energy level diagram for Hydrogen, the
simplest atom. Note the transitions between the various levels
absorb or emit photons in different spectral regions. Note
also that the emission and absorption lines are extremely
narrow and well defined. The exact center of each line is
given to four and five place accuracies. The width of each
observed line is a function of temperature. This width can be
computed precisely using Fermi-Dirac Statistics. These
widths are typically given in Angstroms for atoms, ions and
simple molecules at the normal observation temperatures of
1,000-6,000 centigrade.
36 Processes in Biological Vision
Zollinger, H. (1991) Color Chemistry NY: VCH pg. 20
Coxon, J. & Halton, B, (1987) Op. Cit. pg. 9-10
McDowell, C. (1975) Magnetic resonance. Vol 4 of Physical Chemistry, series 2. London: Butterworth
pp 97-98
Bersohn, M. & Baird, J. (1966) An introduction to electron paramagnetic resonance. NY: W. A. Benjamin
Ranby, B. & Rabek, J. (1977) ESR spectroscopy in polymer research. NY: Springer-Verlag
Figure 5.4.1-2 Designation of molecular orbitals &
schematic representation of energy levels for a molecule
with one , one and one n electron pair. From
Zollinger, 1991.
Figure 5.4.1-2 from Zollinger
extends the simple energy level diagram into the realm of the complex organic
molecule where additional levels appear due to the greater physical, and therefore, electronic complexity of the
molecules. This type of diagram is very useful at the teaching level. However, it is extremely limited in its ability to
explain with precision the nature of the absorption and emission phenomena. There is no definition of the width of
any of the energy levels. Note the very simple molecules defined in the caption for this figure and the fact that the great
number of energy levels associated with the s-shell are not shown at all. The energy levels shown for the two p-levels
were carefully chosen to avoid the most frequent situation-where they are in close proximity and overlap. The fact that
the presence of oxygen introduces non-bonding n-electrons in the triplet state (parallel spin) is also a critical change
from the condition shown. Coxon & Halton address the situation with regard to oxygen more fully but still only for
. They touch on the paramagnetic property of
oxygen and its utility in research when using electron
paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Coxon & Halton present a caricature of the energy states of
the carbonyl ion. However, the situation in the more
complex retinoids appears to be more complicated. As
suggested in McDowell, the electron paramagnetic
resonance spectrum of all-trans retinal could not be
analyzed because the unpaired electron is distributed over
the entire conjugated system
. The Rhodonines can be
considered to be dicarbonyls with both of the unpaired
electrons distributed over the molecule. However, the
conjugated character of these materials suggests they are
actually carboxyl-ions. As a result, it is more appropriate
to call the Rhodonines members of the carboxylic ion
system, the practice in photography, than merely
The unique and complex properties of the Rhodonines
introduced by the paramagnetic properties of the two
oxygen atoms place them in a distinct niche area with
respect to their quantum-mechanical electronic properties.
Only one text could be located that addressed the
paramagnetic properties of oxygen reasonably
. While they discussed measurements
involving the liquid and the crystalline state, they did not
address the liquid-crystalline state (in 1966). Most other
documents only discuss molecular or atomic oxygen as
highly reactive radicals capable of quenching most
reactions involving the triplet state
On page 24, Zollinger addresses the conventional chemical
Photochemistry 5- 37
Millman, J. & Halkias, C. (1972) Integrated Electronics. NY: McGraw-Hill pg.15
views of how molecules or ions in the excited state may become de-excited. He limits radiation-less transitions to those
(macroscopically observable by heat formation). He changes position on page 302 to include A third and very
important type of reaction for newer application of dyes is the energy transfer . . . from the lowest triplet state (T
) to
an acceptor molecule. . . . Such energy transfer processes form the basis of all photosensitized reactions. Exciton-to-
exciton transfers across semiconductor boundaries need not release heat.
The importance of the triplet state is addressed in Section 5.4.5.
5.4.2 The Energy Band Diagram
When two or more molecules are brought into close proximity, the use of the Energy Level Diagram is no longer
adequate to describe their electronic states. Figure 5.4.2-1 from Millman & Halkias
illustrates a more general form
of diagram, the Energy Band Diagram and how it derives from the Energy Level Diagram. The transition is required
by the Pauli Exclusion Principle. As the individual molecules are brought into close interatomic spacing, their outer
(or valence) electronic structures begin to overlap and merge into a single electronic system. Since Pauli has shown
that no two energy levels can have exactly the same energy in a molecular system, the individual energy levels are
distorted. The result is a broadened energy band made up of many very closely spaced energy levels. The band
becomes contiguous for purposes of absorption and emission and the overall energy band width can also be computed
from Fermi-Dirac Statistics.
Note that it is impossible to assign a given energy level within each energy band to a specific molecule, the individual
levels are shared between the various molecules of the system and thus the levels cannot be described as belonging to
the s or p subshells of a given molecule-- electrons at these levels are not orbiting a specific molecule but are now free
to travel within the energy band of the system. The electrons belong to the system as a whole. This is a key
characteristic of a molecular system, whether of the crystalline or liquid crystalline type. It says that a photon need
not interact with a single molecule to elicit excitation; it need only interact with the total system. This increases the
absorption cross-section of the material immensely over that of a group of relatively closely but unassociated molecules.
This increase is a very key aspect of photo-reception in the vision process--as it is in all high performance, organically
based, photon detection systems.
38 Processes in Biological Vision
Figure 5.4.2-1 Illustrating how the energy levels of isolated atoms are split into energy bands when these atoms are
brought into close proximity to form a crystal. From Millman & Halkias, 1972
It is important to understand the characteristic differences found in the absorption spectra
related to different classes of materials, conductors, insulators and semiconductors (semi-
+ The conduction band of a conductor extends from zero energy to a specified energy level
within the material. Because of this fact, the absorption spectra of a conductor can be
considered a low pass function; any photon with greater energy than the bandgap of the
material will be absorbed and an electron will appear in the conduction band. Photons with
greater energy than the minimum energy of the valence band can actually cause photo emission
into a vacuum from many conductors.
+ The excitation levels (there may be several) of an insulator do not extend to the vacuum
level of zero energy. Any photon absorbed by an insulator will result in an electron from one
of the unexcited energy levels corresponding to the valence band transferring to one of the
excitation levels. The absorption spectra related to these photons can be considered a band
pass function; only photons with an energy bounded by specific values will excite the material.
The excited electrons cannot move about within the molecular structure of the insulator. They
are normally de-excited by fluorescence or phosphorescence.
Photochemistry 5- 39
Nassau, K. The causes of color, Scientific American vol. 243, pp 124-154
+ The excitation levels of semiconductors (semi-insulators) do not extend to the vacuum level
of zero energy. However, due to the crystal or crystal like structure of the material, electrons
excited into one of the excitation bands may travel within the band throughout the crystal.
These excited electrons may be de-excited at dislocations in the crystal, at edges of the crystal
or by fluorescence and phosphorescence.
+ Organic materials, due to their great variation in structure, can be further divided into three
classes; simple organics, conjugate organics and resonant conjugate organics. Simple organics
are generally insulators. The conjugate and resonant conjugate organics are generally
described as insulators when in dilute solution and semiconductors when in the crystalline or
liquid crystalline state. The spectral bands associated with these materials are of the bandpass
type. The width of the bandpass is related to the relative stiffness of the molecular structure.
The resonant conjugates are generally stiffer than their conjugated cousins.
5.4.3 Absorption Bands of a Molecular System(s)
Absorption of one or more photons by a molecular system is accomplished in much the same way as in a simpler system
except that now an individual photon may have any energy within a range of energies. The range of energies is
determined from the energy band diagram just as they were for the energy level diagram except there must be more
attention paid to the finite width of the bands and the shape of the band edges. Thus, there is now a finite and
calculable probability that a given photon will excite an electron found in one energy band, causing it to move up to
an empty energy level in a higher energy band. For any reasonable size molecular system, containing a multitude of
individual molecules, it is not necessary to speak of an energy level within an energy band; because of thermal line
spreading, the levels merge so completely that the energy band can be considered a continuum.
Nassau has provided a tabulation of different causes of color related to various mechanisms found in science
. If
his category transitions between molecular orbitals were expanded, it would include the mechanism found in vision.
This is the transition between molecular orbitals of conjugated oxygen atoms. He also provided a set of energy band
structures. However, these did not include the case of a pure organic semiconductor. Such a semiconductor does not
exhibit a conduction band, only an excitation band. The Energy Band Structure
Figure 5.4.3-1 illustrates a series of more complex molecular energy band structures associated with organic molecules.
Most brief descriptions of the visual transduction process begin and end with a discussion of a simple energy level
diagram (a) as usually presented in a college entry level course for non-physics majors. It is able to describe the line
spectra of simple excited molecules. The energy differences between these bands are those usually found in
undergraduate chemistry and biochemistry texts. The energy level diagram does not apply to the retinoids.

40 Processes in Biological Vision
Pauli, W. (1925) --- Hamburg, Germany: Institute of Theoretical Physics
Figure 5.4.3-1 Energy Band structure for organic molecules. See text for details.
If one analyzes a molecule as complex as even the simple retinoid, retinol, one finds a large number of electrons having
essentially the same configuration relative to their associated atom. Pauli
(Wolfgang Pauli, not Linus Pauling)
defined his Exclusion Principle many years ago specifying that no two electrons could occupy the same energy level
in a given molecule. This means that in a complex molecule, the energy level diagram is replaced by an energy band
diagram as in (b). In concept, each of these bands is made up of a large group of individual energy levels attributable
to individual electrons. However, at temperatures above absolute zero, these individual lines have finite widths and
they are found to overlap into a continuous band structure at room and in-vivo temperatures. This band structure, that
is defined by Fermi-Dirac Statistics, has a mean value near the value normally shown in (a).
Note the upper unexcited levels are broadened just like the lower bands. The quantum-mechanics
of this phenomenon are beyond the scope of this work. The complex organic molecule with a polar atom
Frame (c) shows the next most complex organic molecule containing a polar atom, an atom with at least one unpaired
electron. This unpaired electron is in the ground or neutral state. Its energy level can be precisely defined as in (a)
and is shown as the narrow n-band in (c). Excitation of this electron is difficult in dilute solution because of its low
absorption cross section relative to the other bands. The conjugated carbon bond energy band
If a complex organic molecule contains a conjugation of bonds, the impact on the electronic states of the molecule is
significant. The conjugation tends to physically rigidize the molecular structure. It also tends to allow more complete
sharing of the electrons associated with individual atoms than found in non-conjugated structures. This mechanism
tends to further broaden the bands, again due to the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Frame (d) illustrates this effect. The
arrows between (c) and (d) are meant to suggest the broadening causes the lower energy edges of the unexcited bands
move up and the higher energy edges of the excited bands move down. Since the amount of broadening is a function
of the number of electrons (or potential electrons) present at each energy level in the molecule, increasing the level of
conjugation reduces these differences. The significance of the resulting reduction in the minimum energy difference
between the bands will be discussed below. The labels related to these modified bands are shown with a c subscript
Photochemistry 5- 41
Zingoni, Y. Crouch, R. Chang, C-H, Govindjee, R. & Ebrey, T. (1986) Effect of variation of retnal polyene
side-chain length on formation and function of bacteriorhodopsin analogue pigments. Biochem. vol 25, pp
to denote conjugation.
It should also be noted that the sharing caused by conjugated carbon bonds is at its maximum in the all-trans
configuration. For cis configurations, the sharing is reduced and the subsequent absorption cross section is generally
lower with a peak at a shorter wavelength. The n-electron energy band
If there is more than one polar atom in the molecule, conjugate carbon chemistry and Paulis rules force the unexcited
electrons associated with these atoms into different individual energy bands. These bands remain difficult to detect
because of their low absorption cross section relative to the other bands.
In polar atoms attached to organics, there are frequently unpaired electrons present. These electrons are directly
associated with the polar atom(s) but indirectly with the rest of the molecule acting en mass. When only one unshared
electron is present, its energy is shown in (c). This is the so-called non-bonding or n-electron energy level. For a
single molecule having only one unshared electron, the energy level is of finite width. If there are two or more
unshared electrons in a single molecule, the n-electron levels are then in a technically shared condition and must again
obey Paulis Exclusion Principle. The result is the two discrete energy levels shown in (d).
The presence of two n-electron levels is not important until molecules are encountered with two polar atoms separated
by a conjugated carbon chain. They then participate in the same characteristic mentioned above, However, the number
of electrons involved is still quite small. If this complex molecule, containing two polar groups, is now aggregated with
other similar molecules into a liquid crystalline state, (e), the associated molecules exhibit overlapping electronic
configurations which must also conform to the Pauli Principle. Therefore, the n-electron level becomes a very broad
energy band at an energy level close to the highest energy state associated with the *-band of the diagram. The n-electron band/ B B
* band interaction
A n-electron excited from anywhere in its band can move up into a higher band, with the lowest energy choice being
the B
* band. Thus, the minimum-energy-difference band for derivatives of retinol having two polar groups connected
by a conjugated carbon chain and existing in a liquid crystalline state can exhibit a minimum energy difference band
(nY B
*) that occurs at a considerably longer wavelength than its progenitor. This band is also quite intense due to
the large number of electrons per equivalent molecule available when the material is in the liquid crystalline state.
The material exhibits a very large absorption cross-section. This is the absorption band of the aggregated retinoids
due to conjugated-dipole-molecular absorption. For retinoids derived from retinol, it typically exhibits an isotropic
peak wavelength between 495 and 502 nm depending on the solvent present. If the length of the side chain is extended
by one more methine group, the peak wavelength is moved to beyond 540 nm
This is the mechanism proposed in the model for the transduction of visual spectrum photons by the eye. It has led
to a very accurate equation for the perceived spectral response of all eyes in the animal world, including the ultraviolet
sensitivity of many animals. This is particularly true for the well-documented sensitivity of (many) insects.
When chromophores of the type described here are formed, they have a unique electronic structure due to the
delocalized bonds of the conjugated vinylene chain and the non-bonding electrons associated with the auxochromes.
42 Processes in Biological Vision
Gutmann, F. Keyzer, H. & Lyons, L. (1981) Organic Semiconductors: Part B Malabar FL: Robert E. Krieger
Publishing pg. 64 and pg. 197
Gutmann, F. Keyzer, H. & Lyons, L. (1981) Organic semiconductors: Part B Malabar, FL: Robert E. Krieger
Publishing Co. Pg. 65
The energy difference between the n-electron level and the
* level is found to be quite small compared to the
difference between the
* levels. Thus, these molecules can be excited by relatively long wavelength radiation
and, in the absence of other processes, will re-radiate this energy at a later time. Even more interestingly, when these
molecules are aggregated on a surface, they act as an ionic crystal. They exhibit overlapping energy levels that leads
to conduction within the crystal. These excited electrons when present in organics do not act quite the same as they
do in metallic materials. They are not able to contact a surface as freely as electrons in metallic or metallic materials.
For this reason, some authors in the organic semiconductor world speak of these bound but excited electrons as
excitons. The conduction band is then called an exciton band and the valence band is called the unbound exciton
band. This causes a slight problem here because these same authors call an unexcited exciton a bound exciton
(equivalent to an unshared and therefore unbound electron). Other authors in the organic semiconductor world
continue to use the labels associated with metallic semiconductors. Gutmann, et. al. use both nomenclatures in the
same book
As this aggregate structure is exposed to radiation in the region of this new spectral peak, the material will gradually
become transparent as the n-electrons are excited into the
* band. The material will remain transparent until these
electrons are de-excited by flourescent, thermal or other means.
In the literature of organic semiconductors, some authors have chosen to re-label the names of the
levels used in solid state semiconductors. The conduction band is known as the exciton band and
the valence band is known as the bound exciton band. Trap levels are known as bound phonon
. The bound exciton label may lead to problems since this band is actually occupied by non-
bonded electrons. Gutmann, et. al. also describe hole transport in their figure 13.3 without using the
term. They do use the expression holes, with its normal meaning, in later pages. Their figure 16.1
uses the conventional solid state semiconductor level names when discussing an organic
semiconductor. Figure 16.2 presents the hole mobility of the same material in the way consistent
with solid state semiconductors.
The principal features of a diagram for an organic chromophore are;
+ The presence of a band populated by non-bonding electrons associated with one or more of the
+ The presence of two bands which are normally empty, the * band and the * band
+ The close proximity of the n-band to the * band, especially in the case of the resonant organic structure.
It is possible to turn the energy band diagram into an absorption spectrum diagram by replotting it as a probability
diagram as a function of energy. However, this is only an intermediate step since it still requires the investigator to
calculate the energy differences which will result in excitation. What is desired is to plot a probability diagram as a
function of the energy differences (or more conventionally, the wavelength of the required photons) between the various
bands. Figure 5.4.3-2(a) shows the probability diagram as a function of energy and Figure 5.4.3-2(b) shows the
probability diagram as a function of energy differences. It should be noted that energy differences exhibit the same
probability shapes as due the underlying energy plots because of the exponential form of Fermi-Dirac statistics. Figure
5.4.3-2(c) shows the more conventional plot of probability versus the wavelength of the exciting photon. This figure
also shows the spectra for a simple molecule versus the spectra for the same chemical material in a molecular system.
Photochemistry 5- 43
Adamson, A. (1973) A textbook of physical chemistry. New York: Academic Press pg. 852
Witteman, W. (1987) The CO
Laser. Berlin: Springer-Verlag
Mees, C. & James, T. (1966) Op. Cit. pp 269-272
Note the change in position of peak absorption and the considerable broadening of the absorption band as the molecule
is incorporated into a molecular system. These changes are widely observed in the "dye chemistry" associated with
the silver halide photography field. The n-electron band/ B B
* band interaction for oxygen
The presence of oxygen as the polar atoms of the chromophores introduces another unique property. Atomic Oxygen
exhibits a pair of unpaired electrons. The two unpaired electrons should satisfy the Pauli Exclusion Principle in the
conventional way, by existing in opposite states of spin. This state is known as the singlet state of spin. However, in
the case of oxygen, they do not. Rather, they exist in the same spin state but in slightly different orbital planes. As
a result, the unpaired electrons are defined as being in the triplet state and oxygen exhibits paramagnetism.
The triplet state of the unpaired electrons of oxygen play a key role in both the photon excitation and the potential
relaxation mode of the excited chromophores of vision. The paramagnetic properties of oxygen provide a definitive
method of determining whether oxygen is present in the chromophores of vision, a condition that would eliminate the
Shiff-base theory of retinol reaction with opsin to form rhodopsin. The evaluation of the electron paramagnetic
resonance of the chromophores of vision is discussed in Chapter 7.
5.4.4 Transitions in complex molecules
Normally, when a complex molecule is excited by radiation, a n-electron moves up into a B* or F* band. This usually
involves a n-electron of the singlet type and the Frank-Condon principle requires the transition to proceed into an
excited state of the singlet type. The excited state of the singlet type is relatively short lived and is usually associated
with fluorescence as a method of decay in molecules. If the n-electron is initially of a triplet type, it can transition
directly into an excited state of the triplet type which is a longer life state usually related to phosphorescence as a
method of decay.
has pointed out that the oxygen ion is unusual and normally has unexcited n-electrons in the triplet state
that can go directly into the excited triplet state. This is why many oxygen containing organics do not exhibit
fluorescence that is attributable to the first excitation of oxygen. It is also why it is not necessary to discuss how an
excited n-electron from an oxygen ion moves from the singlet to the triplet state.
Witteman has also highlighted an important corollary of quantum theory
In a symmetrical molecule containing
heavy ions on the ends, it is forbidden for an excited electron to decay through dipole radiation. These molecules have
very long excited states, measured in hours, before they decay through other (usually thermal) means such as collision
with other molecules or the walls of a container.
Mees & James, and others, have noted that the absolute energy level of the top of the n-electron band (half-amplitude
of the electron density profile of the n-band) in most chromophores of photography is located at an absolute energy
level near 3.39 electron-volts
. This ground level is very near the first excited level of the hydrogen atom shown in
[Figure 5.4.1-1]. However, this may only be coincidental.
5.4.5 Absorption coefficient profiles
One frequently draws the conclusion from the above figure that the energy bands are uniformly populated and have
44 Processes in Biological Vision
sharp edges. The fact is the bands are not uniformly populated and the edges only describe the half amplitude points
associated with an exponential expression developed in the theory of Fermi-Dirac Statistics. Figure 5.4.5-1
illustrates the actual situation. The lower portion of the figure shows the two most important energy bands of vison.
When the Rhodonines move from a solution into a liquid crystalline state, the two isolated energy levels associated with
the n-band are now shared throughout the liquid crystal. However, the Pauli Exclusion Principle says that no two
electrons can share the identical state within an electronic structure. This applies to both occupied states and
potentially occupied states. Therefore, the electronic profiles of the various bands are described by the curves shown
where the ordinate is a logarithmic scale. The abscissa is a linear energy scale usually described in terms of electron-
volts. The *-band is normally unpopulated and the n-band is normally fully populated.
If the probability of an electron making a transition between energy bands is examined, a plot of the probability of
transition as a function of the energy of an exciting event can be derived. The energy of excitation can be from any
source. In vision, it is usually thought of as a photon. However, for reasons to be presented later, it is important to
note that any quanta with adequate energy, whether electromagnetic, chemical or mechanical can excite a material.
If impacted by a photon, the probability of electron excitation is determined by the probability that there is an electron
in the n-band that can be excited into an empty site in the *-band that is higher in energy by the precise energy of the
photon. Otherwise, the photon will not be absorbed by the chromophore. The resulting probability function is shown
schematically in the upper part of the figure. The actual mathematics will be addressed in Chapter 16. This frame
is drawn with two abscissas. The lower scale is linear with respect to the wavelength of the impacting photons. The
upper scale is nonlinear and represents the energy of the impacting photons. The curve is drawn to indicate the
absorption spectrum of the long wavelength Rhodonine chromophore. Note that this absorption spectrum is achieved
by Rhodonine in the liquid crystalline state without its chemical union with any protein such as opsin.
A discussion has surfaced in vision research from time to time concerning whether the spectral
absorption coefficients of the photoreceptors (which are actually probability functions related to the
absorption of a photon) should be plotted on an abscissa representing equal amounts of energy per
interval or one representing equal number of quanta per interval. The important fact is that the
relevant calculations are probability functions involving continuous equations related to energy and
the location of the individual energy band edges. They are not calculations based on discrete
numbers of particles. Specifically, the relevant algebra of absorption coefficients, although
based on quantum-mechanical theory, is not a quantum-based calculation.
Photochemistry 5- 45
Figure 5.4.5-1 Probability functions as a function of
energy--photon wavelength. Lower curves show the
probability profiles of two individual energy bands.
Normally, the n-band is full and the *-band is empty.
The probability of an electron transferring between these
bands when excited by a photon is a function of the energy
of the photon. The upper curve illustrates this probability
as a function of photon energy and wavelength for the long
wavelength photoreceptor of vision. This form is
frequently described as the Fermi-Dirac distribution or
It is true that in the case of a broadband
photoelectric detector, there will be
more electrons released per micron
interval if the excitation source is
tailored so as to provide a constant
amount of energy per micron interval.
However, this does not have any effect
on the coefficient of absorption; the
effect is on the number of quanta
actually passing through the system. In
this respect, the output signal is a
function of the number of quanta
absorbed per unit spectral
bandwidth. Most plots of this signal
output should employ a stimulus
containing equal number of photons per
spectral interval.
The photoreceptors of vision are not broadband detectors
in the normal sense. They are sensitive to a range of
considerably less than 2:1 compared to many metallic
semiconductors and many radio antenna systems which
are sensitive to ranges of 10:1 to 20:1 or more. Even in
these systems, the definition of quality is usually taken as
the coefficient of absorption as a function of wavelength
(which is usually independent of the number of quanta
incident), not how many quanta are absorbed per unit
There is a much more important consideration than how
to plot the absorption coefficients. That is whether the
overall operation of the visual system is even remotely
linear. If it is not, the signal related to the quanta out may
not be related in any linear way to the quanta in and the
above subtlety of how to plot the data becomes trivial.
The actual problem is how to define the input-output
characteristic of the visual system.
Up until the 1960s, in spite of a great deal of data to the contrary, nearly all of the discussion in the visual field
assumed the visual process to be a linear one: this is nearly so today. Frequently, the invocation was made that the
system approached linearity over limited operating ranges of interest to a particular investigator. When examined
closely, there is practically no region or regime where the visual process approaches linearity. This is especially true
in the laboratory where the experimentalist normally and traditionally applies very large stimuli to the system relative
to the natural environment.
As this work progresses, it will be shown that the photoreceptor system incorporated within the photoreceptor cell
includes a sensitivity control mechanism which is a function of the total number of incident particles per unit time (See
Chapter 12 and Appendix A). Because of this mechanism, the investigator has the option, mathematically, of
considering the absorption coefficient to be constant with regard to the input excitation or to regroup the terms in the
equations so as to define a coefficient of absorption which is a function of the total input irradiance over the absorption
band of the material. This situation is of little importance except in the case of absorption measurements in the
46 Processes in Biological Vision
Birge, R. (1977) Op. Cit.
Platt, J. (1964) Op. Cit.
presence of a background irradiance that falls within the overall absorption band of the particular material under test.
If this occurs, the effect of the total irradiance must be considered in order to extract the correct coefficient as a function
of wavelength. There are many examples in the literature where this was not done; the resulting confusion can only
be explained by properly applying the photoexcitation/de-excitation (P/D) equation of the photoreceptor.
Also to be shown in Chapter 12 is the fact that; in those visual systems employing the L-channel, the transfer function
of that channel exhibits a different transfer characteristic than the other channels. Not only are the shorter wavelength
channels nonlinear in the presence of large changes in irradiance, the L-channel has another nonlinearity that must
be accounted for. It requires care and a correct model to define these different effects independently and to illuminate
the subtleties involved. Previously calculated energy band profiles of the visual chromophores
Extensive efforts have been made to calculate the spectral absorption profiles of various forms of the retinenes and
those retinenes conjugated with opsin under a variety of conditions. Birge has summarized this work in great detail
and with many references
. These calculations have not been able to predict the spectral absorption of the visual
chromophores. The resulting graphs will not be displayed here. The technical problems have been multifold. The
primary problem has been the assumption that retinol played a role in the visual process as a chromophore when its
actual role is that of a chromogen. Even making various assumptions concerning delocalization of protons, the results
have not been satisfactory. As shown below, the actual chromophores are the Rhodonines acting alone. When the true
chromophores are examined, it is not found necessary to invoke a large bathochromic shift or a stereoisomerism to
account for the spectral characteristics of vision. The second problem has been not recognizing the liquid crystalline
state of the chromophores of vision. The investigators have encountered severe inhomogeneous broadening (lack of
distinct vibronic structure) of the measured spectral absorption which they look upon as detrimental. In vison, it is
actually an attribute brought on by the required line broadening to satisfy the Pauli Principle. Their calculations must
be modified to recognize this fact. The third problem is their attempt to treat the absorbing species as a bulk resonator
instead of treating it as a slow wave structure ala Platt
. This assumption has also led to the general assumption that
the axis of the chromophore molecules must be perpendicular to the incident irradiation. In fact, and as shown above,
the slow wave structure requires just the opposite condition for maximum absorption efficiency. The axis of the
chromophore must be parallel to the incident irradiation.
The concluding remarks of Birge are significant. He speculates on why another double-bond isomer of retinal would
not work just as well as 11-cis retinal (holding to the assumption that a 11-cis to 11-trans transformation is the critical
step in the visual process). Reviewing the earlier definition of photochemistry, it is seen that such a transition is
actually one among many possible alternative methods of de-exciting a previously excited species. This work proposes
an entirely different method of de-excitation.
5.4.6 Absorption as a function of environment
Beers Law is widely used in chemistry and it has been generally applied in vision research. This action has
significantly hindered the development of the field of vision. Beers Law applies to general solutions of low molarity
containing material that is prone to de-excitation by thermal or re-radiant means. It does not apply to solutions of high
molarity or liquid crystals. It also does not apply to materials that depend on other materials for purposes of de-
excitation. Under each of these conditions, the material assumes a different mechanical or electronic configuration
than envisioned by Beer. In the case of the chromophores of vision, the material only exhibits its absorption spectrum
at molarities greater than 10
and the material usually bleaches during in-vitro excitation due to a lack of a suitable
Photochemistry 5- 47
de-excitation mechanism.
Another problem that will be addressed later is that the chromophores of vision are members of the phthalein family.
Their observed color is very sensitive to the pH of the solution.
An additional problem related to the environment is due to the delicacy of the chromophoric molecules. They are easily
decomposed in the presence of strong metallic ions and modern detergents. Frequently these agents are applied to the
biological material in order to extract the chromophores. The result is partial decomposition of the chromophores.
The remainder of this section will assume that the chromophores of vision are the resonant conjugate retinoids
derivable from Retinol and they have no chemical relationship to any protein, such as Opsin, except possibly through
hydrogen bonding as a matter of convenience. Any more complex relationship would probably involve an undesired
shift in spectra. Chromophores in Solution
Most investigators have attempted to determine the spectral characteristics of the visual chromophores in dilute and
frequently organic solvents. Because of the conditions mentioned above, it is unusual for a research worker to observe
the actual absorption spectra of the chromophores of vision except in-vivo. To successfully record these spectra, it is
necessary to insure four conditions:
+ insure the protection of the chromophores to avoid deterioration during purification and concentration.
+ place the chromophoric materials in a liquid crystalline state to allow absorption of the radiation in the spectral
region of interest. This is normally achieved when the molarity of the solution exceeds 10
+ maintain a pH similar to the in-vivo condition.
+ insure the solvent, or a third material that is present, exhibits an excited state that overlaps the energy band of the
excited triplet state of the chromophore and is easily de-excited.
The last condition provides a mechanism for measuring the absorption spectra under steady state conditions. In the
absence of this condition, it is necessary to make transient measurements and extrapolate back to the true absorption
coefficient prior to excitation. Chromophores on a substrate
An alternate procedure for observing the absorption spectra of the chromophores is to precipitate the chromophore on
a suitable substrate. If carried out slowly, the precipitate will assume the necessary liquid crystalline form on nearly
any substrate. However, in the absence of a substrate, or a third material being present, that has an energy band that
overlaps the excited triplet state of the chromophores and is easily de-excited, the material will bleach rapidly and
steady state measurements will be inconclusive. Achieving the most accurate measurements requires two conditions,
knowing the thickness of the liquid crystal and achieving the necessary electronic contact. The first condition is best
achieved by depositing a monolayer. The second condition is most easily accomplished by a careful choice of substrate.
It is relatively easy to deposit the chromophore on a metallic semiconductor substrate that provides the required energy
band overlap (in the place of the biological material found in the retina -excited). Silver halide crystals, as used in the
preparation of a photographic emulsion, are known to be a suitable substrate for most molecules similar to the resonant
retinoids. By exposing and developing a silver chloride-based emulsion, a permanent record of the absorption spectra
of the visual retinoids is obtained that can be easily separated from that of the substrate. A different substrate should
be used to obtain the spectra of the UV sensitive chromophore.
48 Processes in Biological Vision Chromophores in the liquid crystalline state
Chromophoric materials in the liquid crystalline state exhibit anisotropic spectral absorption characteristics due to their
structure. In general, they have the highest absorption coefficient for irradiation traveling parallel to the long axis
of the resonant molecules, i.e., perpendicular to the surface of the crystal in the visual case. For radiation applied
perpendicular to the axis of the resonant molecules, the observed spectra will be that of the conjugated structure instead
of the resonant structure. This is very important for both in-vivo and in-vitro testing. The only in-vivo testing that
exhibits the true spectra of the individual chromophores in their natural condition involves illumination parallel to the
axis of the Outer Segment (in the case of Chordata). Illumination applied perpendicular to the axis of the OS will
exhibit the spectrum related to the conjugation but not the resonance of the molecule. For chromophores derived from
Vitamin A, the peak absorption for this conjugate condition always occurs at 502 nm at 37 Celsius, regardless of the
resonant chromophore present. A summary of the reported and expected absorptions of the retinoids
The vision literature contains a great variety of different absorption profiles for the chromophores of vision. They have
been acquired using a variety of means. The chemist prefers to measure the absorbance of individual chromophores
in a standard one centimeter cell as a function of wavelength. The chromophore is usually present in a dilute solution.
The psychophysiologist prefers an in-vivo test under conditions of differential adaptation. The results from these two
methods have shown considerable disparity. This work will show that, for the in-vivo situation (and adequate
differential adaptation in the psychophysical situation), the actual Lchannel peak is in human vision is at 625 nm.
This is the peak wavelength observed in all other biological species.
A primary reason for the above disparities is the critically important structural organization of the chromophores when
found in-vivo. These relationships make a major (several orders of magnitude) difference in the absorbance of the
material and also lead to anisotropic absorption. These relationships have not been maintained by the chemists. A
second reason relates particularly to the Lchannel. The chromophore of that channel exhibits a more intimate
relationship with the electronic portion of the photoreceptor neuron than do the S and Mchannel chromophores.
As a result, the Lchannel exhibits an effective absorption characteristic very different from that observed by the
chemist. This characteristic also accounts for the loss of red response in the mesopic and scotopic regions. These
relationships have not been emulated in the environment of the chemist. Failure to emulate these conditions leads to
extraneous absorption spectra for the Lchannel chromophore. A third reason is due to the frequent chemical reactions
occurring in the chemists solutions that he may not be aware of. It has been rare in the past for the chemist to
document the pH of the solutions he has measured. This is a particular problem as mentioned in a later section
[Section 5.5.12]. The chromophores of vision are members of the indicator class of chemicals. Their spectral
characteristics are intimately related to the pH of their environment. They are also complex organics. Their spectral
characteristics are a function of the organic solvent used. They are also subject to chemical attack. This mechanism
has been documented by Wald, et. al. and more recently by Ma, et. al.
Because of these conditions, it is useful to provide a summary of the various chemicals and situations that have been
studied because of their potential role as the chromophores of vision. The data in the following table has been collected
from later sections of this Chapter, Chapter 6, Section and Sections 17.2.1 & 17.2.2. In a table of this type,
it is difficult to illustrate all of the absorption lines of complex molecules. Thus, only the major absorption band is
listed. The above sections and chapters provide finer data where applicable.
Photochemistry 5- 49
TABLE 5.4.6-1
Chemical Environment Peak absorp. 8 Max. Absorbance Comment
(Optical path)
methanol 325 nm See Sporn, 1994
methanol 350 nm See Sporn, 1994
methanol 375 nm See Sporn, 1994
-Retinyl (w/o hinderance) ~443 nm See Ma, Znoika(2001)
red rod pigment hydroxylamine 500 nm 0.06 (1.0 cm) See Ma, Znoika (2001)
UV-cone (reconst) PBS* 356 nm Based on 11-cis-retinal
HCl acid 443 nm Based on 11-cis-retinal
UV-cone (reconst) PBS 360 nm Ba s e d o n 1 1 - c i s - 3 , 4
HCl acid 470 nm
S-cone pH 7 water
hydroxylamine 360-432 (fct of time) 0.06 See Ma, Znoika (2001)
S-cone 432-440 nm See Makino, et. al. (1999)
pg 1031
M-cone 502-521 nm
L-cone 562-620 nm
IN SITU (a complete outer segment irradiated axially)
UV-cone 342 nm ~0.8 (50 microns) This work & Ma, Znoika
S-cone (Green rod) 437 nm ~0.8 (50 microns) This work & Ma, Znoika
M-cone (Red rod) 532 nm ~0.8 (50 microns) This work
L-cone 625 nm ~0.8 (50 microns) This work, photopic level
Rhodonine( ) 498 nm (isotropic) All four chromophores
Rhodonine(11) (computed) 342 nm (aniso-) ~0.0004 per layer Bandwidth varies with
configuration (# of layers)
Rhodonine(9) (computed) 437 nm ~0.0004 per layer
Rhodonine(7) (computed) 532 nm ~0.0004 per layer
Rhodonine(5) (computed) 625 nm ~0.0004 per layer
50 Processes in Biological Vision
Ma, J. Kono, M. et. al. (2001) Salamander UV cone pigment: sequence, expression, and spectral properties
Visual Neurosci vol. 18, pp 393-399
Ma, J. Znoika, et. al. (2001) A visual pigment expressed in both rod and cone photoreceptors Neuron vol.
32, pp 451-461
Collins, F.(1953) Nature, vol. 179, pg 469 and Morton, R. & Pitt, G. (1955) Biochem. J. vol. 59, pg 128
Derguini, F. Caldwell, C. Motto, M. Balogh-Nair, V. & Nakanishi, K. (1983) Bacteriorhodopsins containing
cyanine dye chromophores. J. Am. Chem. Soc. vol. 105, pp 646-648
* PBS=phosphate buffered saline PSB=protonated schiff base
While the materials in dilute solution may be chromogens, their spectral peaks and their low absorbances clearly show
they are not the chromophores of vision. It appears the absorption spectra of the reconstituted UV chromophore of
Ma, Kono, et. al. in PBS was, in fact, just the base retinoid
. The wavelengths in the presence of HCl are clearly not
related to the in-vivo condition. As Ma, Kono , et. al. indicated, the observed wavelengths agree with those of a free
protonated Schiff base
. They speak of the material as being denatured by the HCl, i. e., the material reacted with the
HCl. Its relationship to a natural chromophore has become considerably less direct. The same situation appears to
apply to the S-cone of Ma, Znoika, et. al. The material appears to be either the all-cis form of either VitaminA1 or
Vitamin A2 which is attacked by the hydroxylamine.
5.4.7 Absorption by a disk of an outer segment EMPTY
5.5 Candidate Chromophores
Retinol, (a.k.a. Vitamin A) is a well-known chemical with many different properties and uses. These properties fall
in many categories, some quite far removed from the obvious pharmacological ones and some which are virtually
unknown in the literature. It is important to examine a number of these properties before exploring how retinol and
its derivatives participate in the vision process. Because of its peripheral nature, relative to vision, this discussion will
be found in Chapter 6.
From here on, our emphasis will not fall on retinol itself but on its derivatives. This is because although retinol derives
from a well-known natural dye, carotene; retinol and the retinenes are not dyes themselves. While they exhibit a minor
absorption at 500 nm in the visual spectrum when in dilute solution, this absorption feature is not used in the visual
system. Normally, it cannot be measured in-vivo because of the much greater absorption coefficients related to the
molecules when in the liquid crystalline state.
Similarly, except for Section, there will be no further discussion of the retinenes combined with nitrogen.
Because of the early proposal by Collins, et. al.
that retinol participated in a Schiff base to form rhodopsin, this option
was originally considered in this work. The overwhelming evidence that this configuration does not, and cannot,
provide a visible band absorption spectrum (even when extrapolated to a delocalized proton associated with the
) is sufficient to eliminate further consideration of this conjecture. Further, there is strong evidence that the
chromophores of vision involve two polar atoms of oxygen rather than one or more nitrogen atoms.
While the chromophores of vision are retinoids, derive from retinol in the biological environment, they are
characterized by many features not shared with the retinenes.
Photochemistry 5- 51
Sporn, M. Roberts, A. & Goodman, D. (1984) The retinoids. NY: Academic Press pg. 3
Sporn, M. Roberts, A. & Goodman, D. (1984) The retinoids. NY: Academic Press pg. 393
5.5.1 Organization of the retinoid family
Sporn, Roberts and Goodman
have recently provided a broad overview of the field of the retinoids, based on the
IUPAC-IUB Joint commission definition that; Retinoids are a class of compounds consisting of four isoprenoid units
joined in a head-to-tail manner. (The work was updated in 1994) Whereas there is only a handful of naturally
occurring retinoids; using this definition, more than a thousand man-made retinoids are known. The IUPAC-IUB
bulletin recommended that the term, retinal, not be used as a chemical designation but be reserved as an adjective
referring to the retina. They suggested that retinaldehyde be used instead in scientific literature as the name of
chemical related to vision.
Sporn, Roberts and Goodman
have attempted to catalog all of these retinoids under the following headings:
A. Retinol & Derivatives
B. Retinylamine Derivatives
C. Retinaldehyde & Derivatives
D. Retioic Acid & Derivatives with a modified ring
E. Retinoic Acid Derivatives with a modified side chain and/or polar terminus
F. Etretinate & Derivatives
G. Retinoidal Benzoic Acid Derivatives
Their text and catalog fail to address another group of retinoids that are believed to be crucial to the vision process.
These are the Resonant Retinoids, which includes the Rhodonines. It is suggested that these Resonant Retinoids be
grouped in an additional catalog heading;
H. Resonant Retinoids
The principle feature of members of this group are that:
+ they contain a resonant structure that can simultaneously mimic a molecule containing both a aldehyde
and a alcohol moiety terminating a conjugated carbon chain, i.e., an isoprenoid chain
+ they contain a $-ionone ring
+ they exhibit the same spectral absorption spectrum in the ultraviolet as their chromogens when in dilute
+ They all exhibit the same spectral absorption characteristic when in the dilute (less than 10
M) liquid
+ they each exhibit a distinctly different spectral absorption spectrum only when they are present
in the liquid crystalline state.
The unique spectrum when in the liquid crystalline state is due to the resonance phenomenon exhibited by the two
terminal groups and the conjugated carbon chain between them, and the ability of electrons to be shared between the
individual molecules of the liquid crystal.
52 Processes in Biological Vision
Gurr, E. (1971) Synthetic dyes in biology, medicine and chemistry, NY: Academic Press
Zollinger, H. (1991) Op. Cit. pg. 51 Concepts of a dye
The use of dyes is so large and the literature of dye chemistry is so correspondingly large that numerous efforts have
been made to classify dyes in a systematic manner. The basic problem is of course the immense variety available in
the realm of organic chemistry. Most organic molecules of even nominal molecular weight can be analyzed from
multiple points of view--and even named based on these points of view. There was a natural division between natural
and man-made dyes but it is now only of historical significance.
Dyes are usually divided into water-soluble and water-insoluble groups. The water soluble group is further divided
into anionic (acid) and cationic (basic) dyes. Gurr
provides a comprehensive chart of the synthetic organic dyes.
However, he does not address the resonant amphoteric dyes. The specific placement of the Rhodonines within his chart
requires additional analysis and probably laboratory measurements to determine their relative level of amphoterism.
The chart does not specifically delineate resonant dyes such as the Rhodonines.
The one nearly universal characteristic of all important (effective) dyes is the presence of a conjugated chain of carbon
atoms (and even this structure may be hard to illustrate in more complex multi-ring structures) which are normally
in E (trans) configuration. Zollinger divides this basic class into two major parts: the polyenes and the polymethines
He defines the polyenes as having chain ends consisting of an alkyl or other group that does not influence the electronic
excitation of the molecule. The most important polyene dyes are the carotenoids in which the chain usually ends with
an aliphatic or alicyclic group. He defines the polymethines as having chain ends consisting of one electron donor D
and one electron acceptor A. Zollinger also makes a distinction between the carotenoids and the polymethines based
on their source that is not defendable after recognition of the Rhodonines.
He defines the carotenoids as natural compounds and the polymethines as synthetic. He also makes a distinction
between polymethine dyes and carbonyl dyes. The Rhodonines appear to satisfy both his definitions.
Since the terminal groups do not affect the electronic excitation characteristics of the polyenes, these dyes are invariably
very long. b-carotene involves 11 conjugate bond groups to achieve absorption at a wavelength of 450 nm and 478 nm,
e=135,000 and 120,000 respectively. Retinol, being much shorter, exhibits a peak absorption at 325 nm, e=52,480
in ethyl alcohol.
The polymethines can be considerably shorter and still achieve significant absorption in the visual spectrum, typically
3 or 4 conjugated double bonds.
Zollinger hastens to point out that the "Carotenoids are natural compounds that are synthesized on a technical scale,
using methods which are unique for dyestuff synthesis. He is obviously speaking of only a few carotenoids.
The polymethines rely on the nY* electronic transition to achieve their long wavelength absorption characteristics,
a transition which is uniquely related to the presence of the polar end-groups. The polyenes must rely on the larger
energy transitions related to the conjugated chain alone, Y*, etc. Y* transitions usually occur in the near
ultraviolet and both the Y* and Y* transitions usually occur in the far ultraviolet.
5.5.2 The retinene family as a precursor of the Rhodonines Background
Although carotene is a well known, and widely used, natural dye; it is a dimer that easily cleaves into two molecules
Photochemistry 5- 53
Saari, J. (1994) Retinoids in photosensitive systems. in Sporn, M. Roberts, A. & Goodman, D. The
Retinoids 2nd ed. NY: Raven Press pg. 351
Collins, F. (1953) Op. Cit.
Hubbard, R. Bownds, D & Yoshizawa, T. (1966) The chemistry of visual photoreception. Symposia on
Quantitative Biology NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, pg 301-315
Shriver, J. Mateescu, G. & Abrahamson, E. (1982) in Methods of Enzymology, vol 81. NY: Academic
Press pg 698-703
of retinol. Retinol is not an effective visual spectrum dye. Its peak spectral absorption is in the ultraviolet and this
characteristic absorption cannot be changed significantly by any reaction involving only its single polar group. It will
remain in the polyene class no matter what changes are made at the polar termination. However, if the molecule were
modified elsewhere without disturbing its basic conjugated carbon chain, it could become a polymethine and exhibit
a significantly different absorption spectrum.
Researchers have been trying to explain how retinal (or retinol) are chromophores in the visual system for more than
40 years with remarkably little success. Dartnall et. al. even claimed that the same retinal-based chromophore
accounts for both the broad photopic spectral sensitivity of the eye as well as all three of the color-sensitive
photodetectors found in the eye. There may be a problem of semantics related to this claim. In an attempt to synthesize
an analog of rhodopsin, they formed a protonated azomethine using retinal and a simple amine, n-butylamine; the
resulting peak absorption was at 440 nm. It was hoped the material would have a peak near 500 nm (see further
discussion below). Its absorption coefficient was not specified in Zollinger. Although this chromophore exhibits a peak
in its absorption near that of the S-channel, it does not explain how the chromophores of the other spectral channels
are formed. It is an irrelevant compound.
Saari has made the bold statement that Three derivatives of 11-cis-retinaldehyde serve as the chromophores of all
known visual pigments. They are complexed with a protein component (an opsin), and the resulting protein-retinoid
interactions determine the spectral sensitivity of the visual pigment.
No reference is given for this statement nor
is any explanation of how these complexes exhibit an absorption spectrum in the visual region. However, except for
the substitution of all-trans for 11-cis in the above quotation and a slight modification to the retinoid involved, this
work agrees completely with the statement and provides an explanation for how it is applied.
Quoting Berman in 1991, "In current nomenclature, retinol (Vitamin A) belongs to a class of compounds termed
retinoids that have three structural features in common: a hydrophobic head (the -ionone ring), a conjugated
isoprenoid side chain, and terminal polar functional groups on carbon 15, which can be chemically or enzymatically
modified. . . . Except for the putative 11-cis isomers found in the retina, the retinoids in virtually all body tissues are
of all-trans configuration." This last sentence should cause any theoretician to pause. Especially if you add the
summarizing statement of Tsuda, The isomeric conformation of retinal varies from one pigment to another; rhodopsin
(11-cis-retinal), retinochrome (all-trans-retinal), light-adapted bacteriorhodopsin (all-trans-retinal), dark-adapted
bacteriorhodopsin (all-trans-retinal/ 13-cis-retinal). But overlooking that implication for the moment, these are
interesting properties of retinol but they are not the properties of a chromophore of any known dye family.
made an early attempt to define the chemical structure of the chromophores of vision based on the early work
showing retinol was involved and a protein, conceptually labeled opsin, was present in quantity in the Outer Segments
of the photoreceptor cells. He appears to have been the source of the proposal that these two materials were combined
via a Schiff base, one of the few candidates for low energy binding available at that time. Hubbard, et. al
on this concept, and attempted to find solutions to the theoretical problems that arose based on kinetic studies. Shriver,
et. al.
have indicated their quantum-mechanical calculations show there is considerable difficulty with a Schiff base
connecting a protein and retinene.
54 Processes in Biological Vision
See the following for references. Sebrell, W. & Harris, R. (1967) The Vitamins, NY: Academic Press, pg
Wald, G. & Hubbard, R. (1950) The synthesis of rhodopsin from Vitamin A1. Proc. Nat. Acad. USA. vol
36, pp 92-102
Bownds, D. (1967) Site of attachment of retinal in rhodopsin. Nature, vol. 216, pp 1178-1181
Heller, J. & Lawrence, M. (1970) Structure of the glycopeptide from Bovine Visual Pigment 500,
Biochemistry, vol. 9, pp 864-869 and vol. 7, pp 2906-2920
Rubin, M. & Walls, G. (1969) Fundamentals of visual science. Springfield IL: Charles C. Thomas. pp 57-
The work of Wald, Collins, Morton and Hubbard in this area was presented in a series of papers in 1953-55
Subsequent authors have not always recognized that there were actually two different Schiff-bases involved. In the
early work, Wald introduced the Oxime of Retinal, but only presumed that it was one of the products of his
. This was a Schiff-base, an aldimine, involving a double bond between nitrogen and C15. It did not
show an absorption peak near 500 nm. Bownds introduced the idea of a protonated Schiff-base in similar attempts to
demonstrate a retinoid with an absorption near 500 nm. This also failed. Subsequently, calculations were performed
based on a strained proton position in attempts to lower the theoretical energy of excitation and achieve an absorption
peak near 500 nm. The results supported a theoretical peak in the area of 440 nm but held little hope for a peak near
500 nm or beyond.
These initial studies assumed rhodopsin was of the form N-retinyl-opsin with the Schiff-base located at the amine
terminal of the protein. Bownds, performed experiments that failed to demonstrate this relationship
. He then
proposed that the Schiff-base must be associated with another amine group within the chain of the protein. It should
be noted that lysine is the only common amino acid within a protein with a side chain that can easily form a Schiff-base
with an aldehyde or alcohol. Therefore, there are only about six locations within the protein opsin that can support
such a Schiff-base. Working in the same laboratory as Wald, Collins, and Hubbard, Bownds then attempted to locate
the position of the retinene within the structure of the protein opsin using the protonated Schiff-base assumption and
the assumption that the chromophore should lie perpendicular to the axes of the seven elements of the 7-TMS protein.
His work was never confirmed. Two quotations from his paper are important. First, Attempts to find an N-terminal
residue in either rhodopsin or opsin have so far been unsuccessful. After considerable discussion of analogs of
rhodopsin, he focused on the putative location of the Schiff-base along the length of the rhodopsin molecule and
proposed, This is presumably the e-amino group of a lysyl side chain. He was unable to isolate such a fraction.
Heller noted in 1968 that all of the above work involved measurements that were all indirect and involved certain
assumptions about the molecular weight and molecular absorption of visual pigment. He performed a variety of
exquisite experiments based on the knowledge-base available in 1968-70
. He was able to decompose what he
described as native visual pigment (Bovine) and subsequent light-exposed material that he labeled an apoprotein. The
sequencing was limited to the binning of segments of the proteins. He found that both materials contained a significant
amount of sugar. The term light-exposed was introduced to avoid the ambiguity associated with the term bleached.
His work will be discussed in more detail in Section on the sequencing of the protein, opsin.
Subsequent investigators have not always appreciated the difference between a simple or primary Schiff-base of the
aldimine type and the protonated or secondary Schiff-base. Heller stressed this difference. He used the term
unsubstituted aldimine to describe a Schiff-base. The term substituted aldimine was used to describe a protonated
Rubin & Walls provide a conceptual discussion of the anagenesis and the neogenesis of the chromophores of vision
as understood up to 1969
. It makes interesting reading but includes a large number of conflicts enumerated by the
authors. It deviates from the common assumption of a Schiff base connecting the retinoid to the opsin, based on
Photochemistry 5- 55
The sulfhydryl proposal was withdrawn according to Heller, J. (1968) Biochemistry, Vol. 7, pg 2914.
Vogt, K. (1989) In Stavenga, D. & Hardie, R. ed. Facets of Vision. NY: Springer-Verlag, pg 140
Krinsky, N. Mathews-Roth, M. & Taylor, R. (1989) Carotenoids. NY: Plenum pg 142
Walds assumption that a more chemically active sulfhydryl group was probably required
. The discussion of the
difference between the chromophores based on Vitamin A1 and A2 is superficial. None of the comments concerning
the Schiff base or the potential of the sulfhydryl group have been confirmed outside of the Wald laboratory. Most have
not been confirmed at all.
Later, Vogt presented a caricature extending Bownds concept. He attempted to show how two chromophores could
be attached to the same opsin molecule apparently to obtain one molecule capable of two distinct spectral responses
Since his work found the residue of rhodopsin decomposition was primarily all-trans, specifically 3-hydroxyretinol
based on indirect evidence, he proposed this chromophore, in all-trans form, was attached to the outside of opsin by
hydrogen bonding between the two oxygens of the chromophore. He also proposed that this chromophore was non-
isomerizable. His caricature shows one putative chromophore as N-11-cis-retinyl attached to a lysine at position 296
and the other as all-trans-3, hydroxyretinol.
While 3-hydroxyretinol exhibits two oxygen atoms, they are not in the conjugated form required to achieve the
quantum-mechanical resonance required of a chromophore. He suggested that attaching two chromophores to one
protein molecule could lead to packaging advantages. However, he also indicated his conceptual arrangement is by
no means conclusive, . . .
Vogt did not address the question of how multicolored vision was obtained. This work introduced an entirely different
aspect of absorption chemistry, characterized by the quantum mechanical resonance of a molecule containing two
oxygen atoms separated by a conjugated carbon chain. By changing the spacing between the oxygen atoms, the four
spectral peaks associated with the UV-, S-, M- and L-channels of vision can be obtained from the same basic Vitamin
A structure. These same four peaks are be obtained whether the chromogen is Vitamin A
, Vitamin A
or Vitamin
A mathematical model of the putative binding of retinal to a lysine group at location 296 in opsin also appeared in
. Such a location would suggest a formulation such as 296, (N-retinyl-lysine)opsin. No laboratory confirmation
of either model of a retinene attached to opsin through a Schiff-base has appeared.
Two major conclusions can be drawn from the above discussion. First, no creditable demonstration has been made that
rhodopsin is a compound of opsin and a retinene. To date, no residue has been obtained from protein sequencing
experiments that contain a retinene. Second, the retinenes cannot be transformed into useful chromophore with visual
band absorption spectra without changing their defining structure. Therefore, they are of little interest to vision except
as chromogens. As chromogens, they form one of a number of direct paths to the Rhodonines, the actual chromophores
of vision. The Rhodonines are retinines. The retinines include two polar groups, both oxygens in the case of visual
chromophores, separated by a conjugated carbon chain consisting of methine groups as a minimum. The level of
conjugation determines the location of the peak absorption spectrum of the molecule when in the liquid crystalline
Because of the above situation, after the following brief section, further discussion of the retinenes will be confined to
Chapter 6. The sequencing of the protein opsin was addressed in Section Attempts to fabricate rhodopsin from retinal
56 Processes in Biological Vision
Wald, G. & Brown, P. (1950) The synthesis of rhodopsin from retinene
. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, vol.
36, pp 85-92
Wald, G. & Hubbard, R. (1950) The synthesis of rhodopsin from Vitamin A
. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA,
vol. 36, pp 92-102
Matthews, R. Hubbard, R. Brown, P. & Wald, G. (1963) Op. Cit.
Wald, et. al
. performed a set of experiments during the 1940's that purported to demonstrate the formation of
rhodopsin from either retinene
(now known as retinal) or Vitamin A
and a native protein. While their work involved
materials showing a peak absorption at 500 nm, this is the wavelength of peak isotropic absorption of a large number
of dipolar retinoids. Such a peak is not exclusive to the chromophores of vision. Neither is it relevant to the
anisotropic absorption spectrum of the chromophores of vision.
They did not start from reagent grade chemicals. The experiments involved the in-vitro bleaching of native rhodopsin
in solution. They proposed that they caused the disassociation of rhodopsin into a protein and retinaldehyde in
accordance with the conventional wisdom of the time. This wisdom conflicted somewhat with the earlier ideas of
Kuhne but became the basis of the current conventional wisdom. They claimed to have removed the native retinene
and then recombined colorless rhodopsin-protein, free of all native retinene
with synthetic retinene
in high
concentration. This was accomplished by letting the mixture set in the dark. The pH of these solutions was not
described as a function of time. They demonstrated that the material after setting in the dark for 60 minutes exhibited
a rise in extinction coefficient of 2:1 over a similar sample without the added retinene
. Both samples exhibited a peak
absorption near 500 nm following the experiments. It is not clear why the reference sample showed any absorption
at 500 nm if it was truly free of all native retinene
With our current knowledge of the photosensitive materials found in the Outer Segments of the photoreceptor cells,
it is not at all clear that these experiments demonstrated the recreation of the putative compound rhodopsin from totally
chromophore free rhodopsin. Nor is it clear that the recreated material would act as a chromophore when converted
into the liquid crystalline state. Several protocols can be described that will produce the same results as obtained by
Wald, et. al. They basically involve the excitation of the chromophore present in the native rhodopsin into its excited
but highly stable state followed by its gradual degradation back to its initial state over a period of 60 minutes (with or
without the presence of additional retinene
). The difference in extinction ratio can easily be accounted for by a small
change in pH, see Matthews, et. al
. Whether such a change was observed was not discussed.
We now know the entire amino acid sequence of the putative rhodopsin. It is noteworthy that when these sequencing
experiments were performed, there was no report of a residue containing a retinoid attached to an amino acid by a
Schiff-base. No report could be found that even mentions a retinoid in the residue. The Rhodonines
The most important characteristics of the Rhodonines are not their hormonal properties, as in the case of the retinenes,
but their electronic properties, especially when in the liquid crystalline state. These properties are not directly relatable
to their relatives, the retinenes. They are more closely associated with another group of relatives, the oxonols. The
oxonols consist of two oxygen atoms connected by a conjugated carbon chain. The oxonols and the phthaleins are
members of the carboxylic acid family, a large well-known family of dyes.
Because of the wide variety of features in complex molecules, naming them is more an art than a science. While both
the family names mentioned above have historic roots, it would be useful to consider more rational names for new, but
closely related, families based on their structure. To avoid addressing this problem directly, the tradename
Rhodonine will be used in this work to describe the chromophores of biological vision. The specific systematic
names assigned to this family by the Registry Services division of Chemical Abstracts are given below and in the
Photochemistry 5- 57
Venkataraman, K. (1977) The Analytical Chemistry of Synthetic Dyes. NY: John Wiley & Sons, pg 6
Blumstein, A. (1978) Liquid crystalline order in polymers. NY: Academic Press, pg. 3

The conjugated chain of the oxonols may be relatively straight and considered a backbone or it may exist as a
wandering path within a more stabilized molecule as it does in erythrosin, a phthalein. In the case of the relatively
straight backbone, the material is described as an oxonol, dioxonol, trioxonol, etc. based on its level of conjugation.
When the oxonol backbone is stabilized by the addition of other, usually ring, structures, the new family is given a
more descriptive name. In the case of the chromophores of biological vision, one choice would be to describe these
molecules as retinienes to reflect their importance in the retina and their conjugated carbon backbone. However, the
historical label retinenes has been used to describe a very similar family of monopolar materials with a conjugated
carbon backbone that can be considered chromogens but not chromophores. In addition, the dipolar nature of the
chromophores is not indicated.
A second name choice might be based on the carboxylic acid system as suggested in Mees. However, no simple name
would be suggestive of the most important feature of this family. That feature is the variable length conjugated chain
length between the polar atoms (as opposed to the overall conjugated chain length of the carbon atoms alone).
In photographic applications where the dyes are used in emulsions that integrate photons over long time periods (from
manufacture until final development), it is extremely important to stabilize the molecules against thermal breakdown
and thermal excitation. To aid in this, a sulphur atom is usually incorporated in the above structures. This is not
necessary in vision since integration over a long time period is not employed, although thermal breakdown over time
might account for why the retinoids in the disks are recycled. It may also be that the $-ionone ring provides a thermal
stabilization function in the Rhodonines.
It is interesting to note the statement by Venkataraman that the carboxylated dyes are very effective in dyeing proteins
such as cotton and wool
. More important, the acid form of the dyes will only dye wool and not cotton (wool being
an animal protein and cotton being a plant protein). This would suggest the Rhodonines show a particular affinity for
animal proteins such as opsin. The particular structure of the Rhodonines is presented in Section
5.5.3 Concepts of a liquid crystal
Before achieving its recent commercial importance, the liquid crystalline state of matter has been a laboratory curiosity
since at least 1888
In recent times, many if not most biological materials have been recognized as liquid crystals. In the consumer
electronics area, nearly every item sold incorporates a liquid crystal display device. The liquid crystalline state of
matter exhibits characteristics not found anywhere else in science and engineering. The important and relevant
characteristics include:
+ their ability to form monolayers on a substrate which exhibit unique optical properties.
+ their ability to transmit an excited state through the liquid crystal at speeds exceeding the
molecular relaxation times of the individual molecules.
+ their great sensitivity to environmental conditions; temperature, pressure, acidity, etc.
The photographic community was one of the first to recognize the importance of the liquid crystal to their business.
Considerable work in the area was undertaken before 1940. In photography, it was found that most sensitizing dyes
were most effective when they deposited themselves in a monolayer covering a major part of the surface if not all of
the surface of a photographic grain of silver halide. It was quickly shown that no matter where a photon was absorbed
by this monolayer, the resulting energy caused a valence change in an atom of silver found in a silver sulphide complex
58 Processes in Biological Vision
Brown, G. & Wolken, J. (1979) Liquid crystals and biological structures. NY: Academic Press
Bernal, J. (1933) Liquid crystals and anisotropic melts. Trans. Faraday Soc. vol. 29, pg. 1082
also located on the grain surface. In addition, it did not need to be a one for one interaction; in the case of long
wavelength photons, it was possible to doubly excite the liquid crystal and transmit the sum of the energies to a single
molecule of silver sulphide, resulting in the creation of an atom of free silver. This phenomenon allowed the
introduction of photographic emulsions with a spectral cutoff wavelength at two or even three times the spectral cutoff
wavelength of the underlying silver halide material.
As part of the above investigations, it was found that the organic dye molecules were most effective when they existed
in a planar form that could be fitted together like dominoes, although they were usually not rectilinear dominoes. Fundamentals
Brown and Wolken
have provided a comprehensive review of liquid crystals as of 1979. This is the appropriate time
scale for beginning this discussion. They are able to discuss the fundamentals without becoming lost in the special
conditions that have been so useful in consumer electronics applications.
The key feature is that a liquid crystal behaves like a liquid with respect to its mechanical properties and as a crystalline
solid in its optical and electronic properties. Beyond that characterization, the individual materials exhibit a very great
variety of characteristics. Many of the designations used are adjectives related to prototype members of each group,
i.e., the Greek term smectic for soap, slime or grease-like and the term cholesteric for cholesterol-like. Liquid crystals
existing in the absence of a solvent are labeled thermotropic. Lyotropic liquid crystals are dispersed in a solvent,
frequently water. One of the most important material groups within the lyotropic group are the amphiphiles. The
amphiphiles consist of an ionic group that is water soluble and an organic part that is insoluble in water. Lyotropic
liquid crystals involving amphiphiles appear to be one of the foundation materials of biology. However, the distinction
may become small between lyotropic materials containing water and thermotropic materials on the surface of an
interface involving water. As early as 1933, Bernal
suggested that the living cell was actually a liquid crystal. The
presence of liquid crystals in the animal body extends beyond the cells.
The liquid crystalline state is frequently recognized most simply by heating a thermotropic solid. If the solid transitions
to a turbid system before becoming an isotropic liquid, the turbid system is most likely a liquid crystalline system. On
cooling, the liquid may revert to the turbid system on the way to the solid phase. However, if heated above a molecular
transition point, the material may not return to the turbid state on the way to becoming a solid.
Alternately, a lyotropic material can be dissolved in a solvent. As the solution becomes more concentrated, the
isotropic characteristics of the solution may give way to a turbid medium before becoming a solid. It is this turbid state,
usually occurring at greater than 10
M, that is characteristic of a liquid crystal of the lyotropic type. Further
concentration may lead to precipitation through crystallization. The material may be quite sensitive to temperature.
Many biological materials may be denatured if heated to an excessive temperature. These materials will no longer pass
through the liquid crystalline phase as the temperature or concentration is varied. They have been permanently
modified by the heat. The biologically active range of liquid crystals is therefore quite limited.
The study of liquid crystals rapidly becomes complex because both the thermotropic and lyotropic types are
polymorphic. The lyotropic type exists in at least six phases according to Brown & Johnson. Materials of this type
generally exhibit a molecular weight in the range of 250-500. Many of these materials are described as lipids, and
frequently as phospholipids. On addition of water to a crystal composed of these materials, the molecular structure
initially collapses to form a lamellar structure. Further dilution may result in additional structural changes before
an isotropic solution is reached.
Photochemistry 5- 59
Brown, G. & Wolken, J. (1979) Op. Cit. pp 63-65 and part II of Chap. 9
Blumstein, A. (1978) Liqid crystalline order in polymers. NY: Academic Press, pp. 264-265
Baylor, D. Hodgkin, A. & Lamb, T. (1974) The electrical response of turtle cones to flashes and steps of
light. J. Physiol. vol. 242, pg 706
The lipids exhibit a unique property of forming mono- or bimolecular layers, depending on the nature of the
surrounding material or interfaces:
+ At an air-water interface, they will interject themselves as a monolayer with the hydrophilic ends of the individual
molecules closest to the water surface.
Typical: Simple laboratory demonstrations and surface tension experiments involving thin films
+ When formed within water as a solvent, they will form a bilayer with the hydrophobic ends of the individual
molecules adjacent to each other.
Typical: Formation of bilayers as found in cell membrane walls
+ When formed on a suitable substrate immersed in water, they will form a monolayer with the hydrophobic ends of
the individual molecules adjacent to the substrate.
Typical: The coating of the protein substrate, Opsin, by the chromophore Rhodonine as it is released
from the fluid filling the cavity between the RPE and the layer of photoreceptor Inner Segments.
These three cases encompass the situations found in animal vision.
The carotenoids are well known. Many of their properties are reviewed in Brown & Wolken
. However, many of
their assumptions with regard to rhodopsin are not supported by this work. The monomers of Vitamin A formed by
splitting carotene no longer exhibit the properties of carotenoids. Their absorption is limited to the ultraviolet because
of their reduced length. Nor do they belong to the class of oxygen-containing derivatives labeled xanthophylls. Spontaneous formation of liquid crystals
When materials susceptible to liquid crystal formation are brought into the proper regime either thermotropically or
lyotropically, they will spontaneously form into their characteristic liquid crystalline phase. Blumstein discusses this
capability with regard to the formation of microtubules of hemoglobin
. Change of density constant with excitation
One of the earliest observed properties of liquid crystals, dating from the 1960's, was that they changed density when
excited. Local excitation frequently caused a bulge or apparent dislocation in a liquid crystalline film. An interesting
ramification of this effect was noted by Baylor, et. al. in 1974
. They observed that a probe inserted into an outer
segment of a photoreceptor was frequently ejected when the segment was subjected to a high intensity flash of light
as if strong light caused some movement or rapid volume change in the cone.
5.5.4 The (extended) Retinoid family viewed as a liquid crystal
It is generally believed that retinol achieves its pharmacological importance due to its stereo-chemistry. Because of
its stereo-chemistry, it and many of its derivatives also exhibit an ability to form a liquid crystal, a physical form found
60 Processes in Biological Vision
The Chemistry of Synthetic Dyes and Pigments. (1965) Ed. by H. A. Lubs, NY: Hafner Publishing Co. for
the American Chemical Society Monograph Series pg. 675
Kofler, M. & Rubin, S. (1960) Op. Cit. pp 329-333
Gilardi, R. Sperling, W. Karle, I. & Karle, J. (1971) Crystal structure of the visual chromophores, 11-cis
and all-trans retinal. Nature, 232:187-188
Hamanaka, T. Mitsui, T. Ashida, T. & Kakudo, M. (1972) The crystal structure of all-trans-retinal
, Acta
Cryst. vol. B28, pg 214-222
Scheibe, K. (1948) Kollid-Z. 52: 283
Mees, C. & James, T. (1966) The Theory of the Photographic Process, 3
ed. NY: Macmillan. pg 245
widely in nature but poorly understood by the majority of researchers because of its only recent elucidation. Members
of the retinol family are able to align themselves adjacent to each other in a structured form with unique chemical,
physical and electrical (electronic) properties. These properties are only exhibited when the material is in the liquid
crystalline state, i.e., usually in an aggregated state. Apparently these properties can also be exhibited if the material
is in the presence of lyophilic colloids (particularly a gelatin). Under these conditions, a super molecule is formed
which also exhibits these light absorption properties
This last point is important since it has prevented many researchers from successfully determining the spectral
characteristics of the visual dyes extracted from retinas for many years.
The stereo-chemistry of retinol is well known in the pharmacological literature. However, conversion of retinol into
Rhodonine introduces a heavy atom at an asymmetrical location in the structure and the resulting molecules are
distinctly non-planar. Crystalline Structure of the Retinol Family using X-RAYS
Kofler & Rubin have provided excellent examples of the x-ray patterns of a variety of retinoids, but not for the
chromophores of vision
. The crystalline structure of the retinals has been determined by Gilardi, et. al.
and by
Hamanaka, et. al
. This data is presented and reviewed in Chapter 6. Typical Stacking Factor for Crystals
has presented the parameters related to the stacking arrangement of a cyanine compound when in the liquid
crystal or J-state. The data is shown in Mees & James
. In his caricature of the situation at the cyanine-substrate
interface, he suggests that each molecule of the structure has all of its polar atoms on one side of the conjugated
backbone. It appears that this is an oversimplification based on what we now know of the stereometric structure of
molecules. It appears more likely that the Rhodonine molecules are arranged as shown in [Figure 5.5.12-3] and that
the various protrusions and indentations contribute to two situations. First, they may control the formation of liquid
crystals containing only one species of chromophore. Second, they may play a significant role in the transport of the
chromophores through the body. The putative structural arrangement of chromophores
Combining the information available from X-ray studies and Scheibe (See Chapter 6), and the studies from electron-
microscopy, (See Section 4.5.1), a potential arrangement of the chromophores of vision as deposited on the surface
of a non-crystalline surface is shown in Figure 5.5.4-1. The assumption is that the non-crystalline surface is opsin.
The precise shape of the individual molecules of this extruded surface is unknown. The liquid crystalline chromophore
is a monolayer. It is shown bonded to the substrate by hydrogen bonds. These are shown as individual dots at the
Photochemistry 5- 61
Figure 5.5.4-1 Putative arrangement of a liquid crystalline chromophore on the surface of the opsin substrate. The
individual molecules are arranged with their long axis nearly perpendicular to the surface of the substrate. The angle
of tilt of the array is estimated. It is not documented in both directions and may differ slightly from a straight line
drawn between the two auxochromes of the molecules. The pitch and dimensions of the substrate molecules are from
Corliss and from Nilsson. The hydrogen bonds between the chromophores and the substrate are shown as dots. The
anisotropic absorption profile of the chromophore is illustrative due to the many quantum-mechanical factors in
determining it precisely.
bottom ends of the individual chromophores. The bonding may not be as regular as shown primarily because of the
nature of the substrate surface. The dimensions shown are from the Sections referenced above.
Although the physical thickness of the liquid crystal is only about 15 Angstrom, it is quantum-mechanically resonant
at the wavelength of the incident photons due to its slow-wave electronic structure. The spatial profile of the
anisotropic absorption spectrum is shown without dimensions. It is dependent on the absorption cross section of the
liquid crystalline film. The array factor for this array cannot be determined easily using conventional antenna theory
because of its sub-wavelength dimensions and other currently unknown parameters.
5.5.5 Minimal Requirements for an effective Chromophore
The basic requirement for any organic molecule to be an effective absorber of light, i.e., a chromophore, is that it be
able to exist in at least two states of energy. One state being the ground state of relatively low absolute energy and
the second, an excited state--not more than two electron-volts higher than the ground state-- to which it may be raised
by the absorption of energy supplied by light of some region of the visible spectrum. Organic dye molecules which
satisfy these requirements all contain one or more "chromophoric" systems. Those of greatest importance in a related
field, photography, are defined in Figure 5.5.5-1. They consist of the Amidinium-ion, the Carboxyl-ion and the
Amidic systems. Each of these systems is characterized by the presence of two polar atoms, N or O, elements which
are capable of existing in two adjacent states of covalency. These must be joined by a conjugated chain of (usually)
carbon atoms with alternating double and single bonds. Under these conditions, it is possible to write each of these
62 Processes in Biological Vision
Figure 5.5.5-1 Chromophoric systems used in
photography. It will be shown that the carboxylic system
is also used in vision.
structures in two ways which differ only in the way the electrons are disposed, not in the location of any of the atoms--
see the (a) and (b) forms of each system in the figure. In all three systems, the vinylene residue (a pair of conjugated
methine residues as a minimum) must be taken an integral number of times. Furthermore, in these simple and
relatively linear conjugated systems, each vinylene group contributes 0.1 0.050 microns to the location in the radiation
spectrum of the peak absorption of the ultimate chromophores.
Photochemistry 5- 63
5.5.6 Modification of a retinoid to become a chromophorea Rhodonine
Based on the preceding paragraphs, it is possible to look at retinol in a different light. Figure 5.5.6-1 shows retinol
and its aldehyde derivative in several equivalent diagrams. Note the ease with which these forms can be changed into
a chromophore. Retinol can be converted into an effective chromophore through the substitution of a terminating polar
atom at Z in any of the retinol diagrams. Retinal, can be converted into an effective chromophore through the
substitution of a connecting polar atom at Z in any of the retinal diagrams. [needs editing to add Zs or an additional
figure.] In either case, the molecule will exhibit a significant absorption spectrum in a region of interest to the study
of vision. An explanation is in order for the notation in the bottom row of forms. The conjugate form is maintained
across the linear chain to the ionone ring interface if the ring closes onto the leftmost carbon in the leftmost vinylene
group. This is only a diagrammatic problem when it is desired to stress the vinylene conjugation in a "tight" form.
Of more interest later will be the valuable function performed by the presence of the ring.
Before proceeding, it is important to note the additional requirements that must be met by chemicals defined as
chromophores on the basis of their structure. To be effective, it is also necessary that they be in the liquid crystalline
state of matter. And for maximum effectiveness, they must be associated with a suitable structure that can provide a
de-excitation path. This is particularly important in the case of the carboxyl-ion system. Oxygen exhibits a unique
64 Processes in Biological Vision
Figure 5.5.6-1 Conversion of the retinenes into chromophores. (a); Retinaldehyde as conventionally displayed. (b);
presentation rotated to stress length of conjugated carbon chain. (c); presentation modified to stress total conjugation.
(d); presentation modified to illustrate combined conjugation and electronic resonance over the maximum length of
the molecule. (e); presentation modified to show the potential separation of the conjugated structure from the
electronically resonant structure. See text for details
atomic structure. Because of this structure, it will not decay thermally after excitation (in a finite and useful time
interval). Therefore, the material of the correct chemistry and state of matter must also be associated with a special
contact or substrate that encourages de-excitation. In the absence of this de-excitation, the material will absorb light
efficiently until all of the unpaired electrons have been excited. At that point, the material will be transparent to
additional radiation within its normal absorption band. Potential of adding nitrogen to retinol
Nitrogen can be added to retinol through substitution or addition. As noted in Section, the proposal that retinol
is combined with opsin, via a Schiff base (through a substitution), to form rhodopsin has been the baseline of
conventional wisdom since the 1950's.
There was no published discussion at that time of the rules of dye chemistry and how the purported material rhodopsin
would exhibit compliance with these rules. As indicated above, the most widely used class of dyes incorporates two
polar atoms connected to each other by a conjugated carbon chain, and generally named a chromophoric system.
The presence of a conjugated carbon chain is required as a minimum in nearly all organic material exhibiting a color
in the visual band. Lack of such a conjugated chain leads to a colorless material. The proteins are such an
unconjugated and inherently colorless family of materials. It was proposed that rhodopsin was formed by a
Photochemistry 5- 65
Platt, J. (1964) Systemics of the electronic spectra of conjugated molecules. NY: John Wiley pp. 71-123
condensation between an amide of opsin and the hydroxyl of retinol located at the C-15 position. This Schiff base
effectively replaced the one oxygen of retinol with a nitrogen and interconnected the conjugated carbon chain of the
retinoid with a non-conjugated carbon chain of the protein. From a dye chemistry point of view, this accomplished
very little. The resultant molecule continues to contain only one polar group associated with the conjugated carbon
chain and the conjugated chain was not lengthened. Although this material may exhibit a number of absorption peaks
in the ultraviolet due to both the protein and retinoid moieties, there is no reason to believe it will exhibit any
absorption peak in the visual region and no such peak has ever been found.
Where visible absorption peaks have been found in natural photoreceptor material, no NMR or X-ray crystallographic
data has been put forward to demonstrate the presence of a retinene in the material (See Chapter 7). It is proposed
here that any such tests will demonstrate the presence of a Rhodonine instead. Rhodonine contains two polar groups
separated by a conjugated carbon chain. It is further proposed that opsin is only present as a completely passive
substrate. Its association with the liquid crystalline Rhodonine is via a weak hydrogen bond that does not change the
electronic configuration of the Rhodonines.
It is possible to add nitrogen to, rather than substitute nitrogen in, a retinene molecule without replacing the oxygen
as envisioned in the Schiff base formulation. In this case, the nitrogen could be introduced in place of either a methyl
group or possibly a hydrogen. However, to preserve the proposed requirement that conjugation be maintained between
the two polar atoms, the nitrogen can only be introduced at certain locations. It can be connected to C-5, C-7, C-9,
C-11 or C-13 (and possibly C-3) using Karrers notation.
No chromophore of biological vision has been found or proposed where an oxygen or nitrogen atom was associated
with the C-13 or C-3 positions. However, the C-5 position will be shown to be the source of ultraviolet vision in many
Nitrogen is not paramagnetic and does not offer the unique triplet state configuration that oxygen does (See Chapter
6). All of the data collected in conjunction with the retinoid binding proteins appears to point away from nitrogen as
a participant in the chromophores of vision (See Chapter 7).
5.5.7 Predicted chromophores derived from natural retinoids
Reviewing the photographic literature, it is possible to estimate the location of peak spectral absorption of the forms
shown in Figure 5.5.7-1. (Note, the absorption spectrum of the molecules alone is not necessarily the same as the
net absorption spectrum of the molecules combined with another quantum-mechanical system.) To a first
approximation, the wavelength of peak absorption under appropriate conditions is given as
= n(0.1) + x + y
microns where the last two terms are determined by the exact nature of the end auxochromes and how tightly they are
bound to the chromophoric system. N is the conjugation number of the vinylene series. Platt
( also in Radiation
Biology, 1956) develops the theoretical foundation for the first term and clearly shows that the quantum-mechanical
absorption in this situation is at a wavelength 230 times longer than the length of the individual conjugated chain, L,
=500L +x+y. He also provides us the effective velocity of electrons carrying the excitation within the structure
as c/230 where c is the speed of light.
66 Processes in Biological Vision
Figure 5.5.7-1 CR Peak spectral absorption of various dyes as a function of the degree of conjugation. From Mees,
It should be noted that the retinol-based and the retinal-based systems represent two different situations; the retinal
system requires that it be associated with another atom or molecule (at least a hydrogen atom) through ionic or covalent
bonding. However, the retinol system is complete unto itself; by merely substituting a polar auxochrome for Z in the
molecule, it will exhibit a peak absorption in the desired spectrum under the appropriate conditions.
The only data in the vision literature assumes that retinol or retinal are themselves the chromophores in the
photodetection process. There is extensive literature based on the assumption that retinal is the basic chromophore
even though it does not exhibit the necessary properties of a chromophore in the visual region of the spectrum. Its only
recorded spectra have peaks in the ultraviolet region which is typical for basic conjugated organics. The assumption
in the literature has been that the process of photodetection involves a very circuitous series of steps involving
isomerism. This assumption has persisted even after a significant energy deficit was recognized in this process.
Photochemistry 5- 67
Hubbard, R. et. al. (1966) Op. Cit.
Ignoring the isomerism hypothesis for the moment, let us continue to explore the options available if the actual
chromophores are based on the discussion above. For the moment, the possible chromophores in the visual process
will be defined as Rhodonines; chromophores with a chromogen from the retinol family and exhibiting two
auxochromes separated by a conjugated vinylene chain. It has been postulated that the auxochromes consist of a single
atom of either oxygen or nitrogen. The presence of two auxochromes of either of two atoms leaves three possible
situations, a pair of oxygen auxochromes, a pair of nitrogen auxochromes or a set of one oxygen and one nitrogen
auxochrome. Since the conjugate vinylene system is a resonant form, there is no first order difference between putting
the oxygen on one end of the chain or the other. There might be a second order effect due to the remainder of the
structure of the overall molecule. As indicated, if two oxygen atoms are used, the structure exhibits a net negative
electrical charge and the molecule is a member of the Carboxyl-ion system. If two nitrogen atoms are used, the
structure exhibits a net positive electrical charge and is a member of the Amidinium-ion system. If a mixed set of
auxochromes is used, the molecule is electrically neutral overall (although polarized) and a member of the Amidic
It is now appropriate to explore whether an ionic or neutral chromophore is most likely or most desirable. Most
discussion in the literature assumes that retinal is chemically bound to a protein opsin.

The only hypothesis in the literature that goes beyond that elementary assumption is the Schiff base hypothesis. This
hypothesis dates from the 1950's and proposes that the =O of retinal participates in a reaction with an amino group
of opsin to replace the =O with a =N-Opsin
. This is a relatively low energy transformation and does result in a stable
structure if there is at least one aryl group on either the carbon or the nitrogen (March, pg. 667 in 1968) XXX. Since
the presence of an aryl group is very unlikely in a biological environment and replacing the =O with a =N doesn't
accomplish anything in achieving a complete chromophore, it is not likely to be a relevant process.
An alternate hypothesis could be put forward that the second auxochrome is attached to the chromogen at the opposite
end of the conjugate chain from the =O or OH group. This would involve the replacement of a hydrogen or a methyl
group by either an =O or =N in the case of retinol or an O or N= in the case of retinal through substitution. The
first case results in a neutral Amidic system. The other three cases are ionic and provide for attachment of a protein
or other component. This hypothesis is also compatible with the attachment point varying along the conjugate chain;
resulting in a family of chromophores with absorption spectra in the visual region as is shown later.
68 Processes in Biological Vision
This hypothesis results in a matrix of possibilities depending on the chromogen, retinol or retinal;
=N N=
Each of these configurations offers the capability of providing an appropriate chromophore under the appropriate
5.5.8 Stereo Chemistry of effective chromophoresleading to the Rhodonines
Turning again to the related field of photography, a great deal has been learned about the sensitization of silver halide
emulsions with dyes similar to what has been defined above; although generally, more complicated structures are used
commercially to achieve broadband absorption with only one dye. The important characteristic of all of these dyes is
there stereo-chemistry and more specifically their ability to form liquid crystals which are then adsorbed to a surface.
These materials begin to exhibit a unique absorption region at long wavelengths when they are dissolved in a solute
at relatively high concentrations, typically approaching 0.01 M. When the concentration reaches this level, the
viscosity increases significantly until a rigid gel is formed. When the chromophores begin to form a gel, they typically
fluoresce (depending on the solvent) at the same or nearly the same wavelength as the new absorption peak.
Under the microscope, the dye is seen to form long filamentary structures in the solute. If the dye is allowed to
aggregate on a surface, it will form a "liquid crystalline" structure. This structure will exhibit the unique absorption
region at long wavelengths and may or may not fluoresce depending on other conditions related to the liquid crystal
and its relation to the substrate. Related physical structures
Photochemistry 5- 69
Scheibe, K. (1948) Op. Cit.
Dewar, M. (1950) Colour and constitution. I. Basic dyes. J. Chem. Soc., pp. 2329-2334
Figure 5.5.8-1 Arrangement of chromophore molecules in
the J- or liquid crystalline state of matter on the surface of
a substrate. From Scheibe. (a) in Hamer, 1964. (b) in
Mees & James, 1966. The rules of perspective used to
draw (a) originally appear to be faulty.
The detailed geometry of the liquid crystal formed by the
Rhodonine family has not been documented to date.
However, Figure 5.5.8-2 illustrates the geometries
assumed by related chromophores
. (a) shows the
configuration assumed by 2,2 cyanine when formed as a
liquid crystalline film on water. (b) shows the same liquid
crystalline configuration in more detail. Note the distance
between the two Nitrogen atoms which form the dipole of
the molecule.
In these and similar chromophores, the physical distance
between the auxochromes is much less than the physical
distance normally associated with the wavelength of the
exciting photon. However, as in many antenna types, it is
not the physical distance that is significant; it is the
effective distance. If the overall molecular structure is
resonant at the same frequency as the incident photon,
coupling is achieved and absorption is highly probable.
Dewar has defined the "slow wave" structure along the
conjugate chains of the liquid crystalline structure
. In
his analysis, the electrons in the energy bands move along
the conjugated carbon chain at a much slower speed than
that of the photons in free space (250:1). This effect,
though greater in the magnitude of the ratio, is not unlike
the situation in most "loaded" radio antennas where the
physical antenna length is shorter than the nominal length required based on the wavelength of the signal to be
received. This effect causes the peak absorption wavelength to be some 250 times greater than the length of the
chromophore itself. The Rhodonines
It is proposed here that it is much easier for a chromophore of the Carboxyl type to aggregate than those of the Amidic
or Amidinium types, particularly if the Carboxyl ion is completed by the single hydrogen associated with the alcohol
form of the chromogen; i.e., the chromophore itself is a compact standalone molecule. Based on this hypothesis,
Figure 5.5.8-2 illustrates the four chromophores of Rhodonine based on Vitamin A1. The stereo-chemistry of these
four chromophores is almost identical. They are each able to aggregate into a liquid crystal--and may be able to
intermix in a single liquid crystal. For the moment, it will be assumed that they do not normally intermix on a given
surface but as in many organic molecules will seek out their own kind in order to aggregate on a surface.
70 Processes in Biological Vision
Figure 5.5.8-2 The proposed chromophores of animal vision, the Rhodonines, based on Vitamin A1. Retinol
(Vitamin A1) is shown for reference. Each chromophore is shown in its ionic form. The oxygen
atoms are shown in red. The conjugation critical to absorption in the visual region of the spectrum
is shown by the dashed bond. The horizontal line below each molecule shows the relative length
of its resonant structure.
Photochemistry 5- 71
Mees, C. & James, T. (1966) The theory of the photographic process, 3rd ed. New York: Macmillan, pg.
Figure 5.5.9-1 CR A family of absorption spectra in
methanol for two families of resonant dyes. A, B, C, D are
for dye(9) with n = 0,1,2,3 respectively. D, E are for
dye(10) with n= 1,2 respectively. F, G, H are for dye
(11) with n= 1,2,3 respectively. The molarity was not
specified. From Mees & James, 1966.
5.5.9 Electronic structure and absorption in effective chromophores Absorption chemistry background
Section has presented background material relative to the absorption of photons by various configurations of
materials. The unique arrangement of the chromophores to utilize the high absorption of the Rhodonines per unit
thickness has been dealt with in Chapter 4. Placing the Rhodonine family of chromophores in the context of their
brethren in the photographic world, it is seen that their spectral absorption characteristics will each exhibit three
relative peaks when measured using a thin film of the material on a substrate; the molecular absorption in the region
of 0.3 microns, the dimer absorption at 0.50 microns and the J-band absorption related to the excitation described by
the nYB* transition of their electronic structure. The absorption coefficient associated with the nYB* transition and
generally defined as the resonance peak is usually from two to 20 times higher than for the next higher peak. If
multiple thin films of the chromophore are stacked, the overall absorption of the array will be multiplicative resulting
in the highest absorption coefficient becoming the dominant coefficient and the resulting overall spectral absorptance
exhibiting essentially a single peak at the long wavelength. This peak will exhibit a width determined almost entirely
by quantum and temperature considerations.
Figure 5.5.9-1 from Mees
illustrates the location of the peak spectral absorptances for three similar families of
photographic chromophores. The exact molecular structure of dyes (9), (10) and (11) are illustrated in Mees.
Notice that the spectral peaks are separated by a relatively
fixed spacing of about 0.95 microns. This can be assumed
to be the spacing exhibited by the Rhodonine family until
more accurate values are determined later in this work.
Notice also that the peak spectral wavelength of dye (9)
with n=3 is virtually the same as dye(10) with n= 1.
Looking at the structure of these two dyes, the distance
between the pairs of auxochromes is the same. The
generally accepted nomenclature indicates the level of
conjugation of the given dye. It does not define the
distance between the auxochromes. It only defines the
level of conjugation free from involvement in a ring
structure. For the purposes of vision, two factors are
significant; the level of conjugation is fixed for all of the
relevant chromophores. However, the resonant structure
length varies. This suggests that a different nomenclature
is more useful. The actual resonant distance between the
auxochromes is most important. Since the one
auxochrome is always attached to carbon(15). The
chromophore is completely described by indicating where
the second auxochrome attaches to the backbone of the
Rhodonine molecule. Thus Rhodonine(9) would have the
second auxochrome attached to carbon(9).
The various bands described above are discussed briefly in Mees and extensively in other books on physical chemistry.
All of the bands are described using relatively simple quantum-mechanical equations. If the bands are plotted as
72 Processes in Biological Vision
Wald, G. & Brown, P. (1959) Human rhodopsin, Science, vol. 127, pp 222-226
probability densities against wavelength, they are expressed by simple exponential functions. The two half-amplitude
parameters of each function provide an accurate description of the probability density function for each of these bands.
Being probability density functions, the energy difference function between the various bands is also a probability
density function conforming to the algebra of probabilities, i.e., exponentials. These probability density functions are
essentially equivalent to the probability that a photon will interact with the material in question; they describe the
absorption coefficient of the material and are essentially the foundation for Beers Law. However, Beers Law is
defined for homogeneous solvents in solution and does not apply directly to nonhomogeneous materials like liquid
crystalline materials. The two half-amplitude parameters of each energy difference function provide an accurate
description of the probability density function for each absorption band of the chromophore. Each pair of half-
amplitude parameters may be used to plot the spectral absorption characteristics of the chromophore. The conjugated-dipole-molecular absorption band of the Rhodonines
The development of the energy band structure of complex organics was discussed in Section 5.4.3.
Figure 5.5.9-2 shows the energy band structures applicable to each of the four Rhodonines with additional details
related to the absorption spectra of the materials. Both the n-band and the
*band are shown in profile as Fermi-
Dirac Distributions. This would be the appropriate description of these bands in the absence of any dopants associated
with the lattices of the individual crystalline materials. No hint of any dopant has been found in the data of the
literature. The rectangle defining each band is drawn to match the half-amplitude profile of the associated distribution.
Dimension b indicates the difference in the mean energy level of these two bands. This difference is indicative of the
mean absorption spectrum of the chromophore. Dimension a indicates the difference in the two nearest half-amplitude
energy values. The profile on the right describes the absorption characteristic of the material in terms of a relative
probability profile for a photon being absorbed by the material. The equation of this profile is commonly called the
Helmholtz-Boltzmann Equation. In this representation, the difference a would correspond to the 0.25 amplitude point
of the distribution as shown. Dimension c indicates the similar difference in the two farthest half energy values.
The probability profile on the right is indicative of the absorption characteristic of each individual chromophore. Note
the use of the symbols c and a to indicate the half amplitude points of this profile. Note also that the difference in
two exponential profiles remains an exponential profile, albeit with modified parameters. These parameters, and the
nominal center energy, represent the conjugated-dipole-molecular absorption band of the Rhodonines. This spectrum
is frequently reported in the literature for the chromophores of vision. It is usually attributed to the putative rhodopsin.
However, the presence of opsin is not required. Only a conventional concentration of Rhodonine is required to record
this isotropic spectrum since it is the only feature in the visual range of the spectrum for these materials.
The best empirical values for this spectral parameter vary somewhat due to experimental technique, particularly due
to the solvent used. Although rounded due to the width of the spectral filter used, the values of Wald & Brown are still
the most widely quoted
. They are a = 447 nm, b = 502 nm, & c = 549 nm. It would be easily to interpret the
median of this waveform at the mean of the two half-amplitude points, 498 nm. It is common to find the waveform
shifted slightly to a center wavelength at 495nm. However, the 502 nm wavelength is frequently reported in an attempt
to relate it to the peak of the scotopic spectrum when that spectrum is measured with a broadband spectral filter.
Photochemistry 5- 73
Figure 5.5.9-2 The energy band structures of the Rhodonines in the liquid crystalline state with the relevant profiles
and the associated difference in energy profile that describes the molecular absorption spectrum of the molecules when
in the liquid crystalline state. See text. Resonant-conjugated-dipole-molecular absorption band of the Rhodonines
Figure 5.5.9-3 shows both the individual functional spectra of long-wavelength trichromatic vision, and the
nonfunctional dipole-molecular spectra of the same molecules, in caricature on a linear relative ordinate versus
wavelength. This technique allows the information of the figure to be interpreted more easily. However, note that most
of the actual data from the laboratory involves a logarithmic ordinate. The ultraviolet spectrum related to R(5) has been
omitted for convenience on this graph.
As in the case of the P/D Equation, the absorption spectrum of any retinoid can be described in terms of the absorption
cross section of the material.
As discussed above, there are three pertinent situations with respect to the absorption spectrum of the retinoids in the
visual range. For most of the retinoids, there is no significant visible spectrum absorption. The dominant mode of
molecular absorption is due to bulk excitation and this absorption is most prominent in the ultraviolet. The relevant
visual band absorption cross section is zero.
For those retinoids rigidized by conjugation and containing two heavy atoms, the molecules may exhibit a significant
absorption spectrum in the visible due to dipole-molecular excitation. This absorption spectrum, peaking at 502 nm,
is shown by the solid black line. It can be described in terms of a finite isotropic absorption cross section.
For the case of resonant retinoids (category H in the expanded list of retinoids of Section 5.4.3), such as the
Rhodonines, there is another aspect of the situation. Because of the slow wave structure of the molecules, the
absorption cross section of these materials, when in the liquid crystalline state shows an enhancement that is
74 Processes in Biological Vision
Figure 5.5.9-3 Caricature of the individual S-, M- & L-spectral components of functional importance in long
wavelength trichromatic vision combined with the spectrum related to dipole-molecular absorption (solid line). The
vertical scale is linear and normalized. The width of the three chromatic spectra are shown at one fourth of their
functional width as reported for the human eye. The dipole-molecular spectrum is shown at normal width. See text.
anisotropic and wavelength dependent. This so-called resonant molecular absorption can be described as a wavelength
sensitive enhancement of the dipole molecular absorption cross section. This enhancement was labeled the J-band
within the photographic dye community beginning in the 1930's. It is directly related to the structural rigidity of the
conjugated carbon backbone between the two heavy polar molecules of the molecule and the triplet electronic state of
the included oxygen atoms.
Lacking a detailed theoretical model of how the enhancement of the absorption process should be treated in relation
to the energy band diagram, the enhancement will be treated as a multiplier to the underlying dipole-molecular
absorption in the spectral region of enhancement. This multiplication factor can be quite large relative to one.
The reason the resonant spectrums are shown at 25% of the width shown in TABLE 5.5.10-1 will be discussed below. enhanced overall spectrum of the Rhodonines
This section will discuss the enhanced overall spectrum without regard to the de-excitation environment for the
materials under test. It is critically important that this environment be addressed in any in-vitro experiments where
the de-excitation mechanism provided by the photoreceptor cells is not present (See Chapter 12).
Note as the discussion proceeds, the near total independence of the functional absorption spectra of the Rhodonines,
based on their resonant absorption cross section, from the nature of the ionone ring and whether the chromogen was
Vitamin A1, A2 or A3. While the dipole-molecular absorption of the Rhodonines in the visual spectrum may reflect
a small change relative to the parent chromogen, the enhancement related to resonant-molecular absorption does not. Spectra in the in-vitro chemistry laboratory
In the in-vitro environment of the chemistry laboratory, the overall spectrum of each Rhodonine is a composite of the
Photochemistry 5- 75
Dawson, M. & Okamura, W. (1990) Chemistry and Biology of Synthetic Retinoids. Boca Raton, FL: CRC
Press. pg 169
isotropic dipole-molecular and its specific resonance-molecular absorption spectra. In dilute solution, only the dipole
molecular spectrum is measurable. As the molarity of the solution is raised, the Rhodonine will begin to aggregate
in the solution and an additional feature of the absorption spectrum will begin to appear. Since the aggregations are
free to rotate within the solution and exhibit no unique directional orientation, this additional feature will appear to
be isotropic. As the solution approaches the molarity of a gel, the overall absorption spectrum will begin to be
dominated by the resonance-molecular component. This effect is well documented in the photographic literature. A
similar effect has been portrayed by Balogh-Nair & Nakanishi for the same reason in a dipolar retinoid with a modified
retinol backbone, although they attribute it to incubation rather than aggregation
. They did not confirm any chemical
reaction with the incubation material nor did they report the local pH of the retinoid versus time. Merely a change in
pH would be expected to produce a figure like theirs since the material is a member of the indicator group of chemicals.
It is proposed that the same result would have been obtained with any other material that could act as a site for
aggregation and no chemical reaction should be assumed.
As a result of this enhancement, when the spectral absorption characteristics of the four Rhodonines are plotted on one
graph, the resulting family of curves closely resembles [Figure 5.5.9-1] from Mees & James. Anisotropic spectra involving a tailored substrate
While the above situation resulted in an enhanced but still isotropic absorption cross section, this situation can be
changed drastically by the incorporation of a suitably structured physical substrate. If the Rhodonine is deposited as
a single layer liquid crystalline material on an inert planar substrate, it will exhibit a highly anisotropic absorption
spectrum as a function of its stereometric parameters. However, the spectrum will be transitory. In general, the peak
in the anisotropic absorption will be perpendicular to the surface of the substrate, and will be at the peak wavelength
for the appropriate member of the Rhodonine family. The relative width of the enhanced absorption compared to the
peak wavelength will vary as it does in the figure portrayed by Balogh-Nair & Nakanishi and in the photographic
If the selected planar substrate is able to discharge the excited state of the Rhodonine material, the same anisotropic
spectrum will be obtained under steady-state conditions. Spectra involving the in-vivo and quasi-in-vivo situation
Both the above experimental conditions involve the Rhodonines in situations of minimal absorption thickness.
However, in the in-vivo situation, the individual monolayers of liquid crystalline Rhodonine are about two microns in
diameter and are stacked to a depth of typically four thousand layers in humans. This stacking causes a very high
degree of absorption at all wavelengths within the absorption spectrum. The result is a much broader absorption
spectrum when plotted on a relative basis with respect to the center wavelength. The resulting, highly anisotropic
spectrum resembles very closely the spectra recorded for the in-vivo eye in the literature and one of the spectra in
[Figure 5.5.10-1] below. The parameters of [TABLE 5.5.10-1] were gathered based on this situation.
5.5.10 Spectral Characteristics of the Rhodonine family of chromophores
The Rhodonine family of chromophores, when in the liquid crystalline state and with an adequate de-excitation
mechanism consists of four distinct chromophores based on retinol
and four based on retinol
. These are the
chromophores of animal vision and their application is pervasive. The presence of all four chromophores in chordate
76 Processes in Biological Vision
Neumeyer, C. & Arnold, K. (1989) Tetrachromatic colour vision in goldfish Vision Res. vol. 29, pg. 1719-
Wyszecki, G. & Stiles, W. (1982) Op. Cit. pg. 588-591
systems is also pervasive. As noted by Neumeyer & Arnold, In contrast to earlier assumptions, the existence of
ultraviolet receptors in vertebrates seems to be the rule rather than the exception.
This work defines the ultraviolet
chromophore that Neumeyer & Arnold predicted based on their measurement but they say was unknown in 1989. Absorption spectra Absorption by complex photosensitive molecules
As discussed in previous paragraphs, the spectral absorption of the chromophores of vision is much more complicated
than that described by Beers Law for true solutions of low molarity. The absorption of the chromophores of vision
is a function of the environment, the chemical state, the spatial relationship, and the orientation of the molecules. They
actually exhibit additional, and generally dominant, absorption spectra in the liquid crystalline state that are not found
for the same material in low molarity solution. These additional spectra are highly anisotropic. They also exhibit a
high absorption coefficient along the preferred axis. Because of these properties, it is extremely difficult to make a
comparison of the properties of the chromophores when they are in-vivo with their properties when in-vitro. Because
the chromophores are not in solution, when in-vivo, it is not appropriate to use Lambert-Beers Law to evaluate them
(See Section The results of using this law are generally spurious.
The concept of self-screening by a chromophore, as found in the vision literature
, is based on the fundamental
assumptions of Lambert-Beers Law and a series of simplifications that can be misleading. First, the assumption that
the e-vector of the incident light must be parallel to the long axis of the absorbing molecule assumes broadside
absorption. This is not the case in vision. The anisotropic absorption of vision is by a separate mechanism. It involves
a slow wave phenomena as found in end-fire (as opposed to broadside) antennas. A key factor in the absorption of
a broadside antenna is the effective length of the antenna relative to the incident photon wavelength. Efficiency calls
for this length to be equal to one-half of the wavelength of the incident energy. It behooves proponents of the broadside
theory to demonstrate how this effective length is achieved in a molecule less than 0.01 times the length of the photons
Second, since each disk of the outer segment is connected to the neural system, the flux absorbed initially is not lost
to the overall sensing process. As a result, self-screening is not suggestive of a loss in overall performance. Instead,
it contributes to a broadening of the overall absorption spectrum. This is because the wavelengths closest to the
absorption peak are absorbed in the first disks of the outer segment. This leaves the photons at wavelengths further
from the absorption peak to be absorbed later in the disk stack. They effectively get an increased chance to be absorbed
compared to what would be the case for a simple thin slab of absorber. The cumulative effect is to broaden the overall
absorption characteristic in-vivo.
To obtain more meaningful results, it is necessary to examine the actual physical arrangement of the chromophore,
including their index of refraction to account for surface reflectance, and calculate their absorption properties using
quantum mechanics (basic physics).
Because of the unique spatial characteristics of the absorption properties of the chromophores of vision, the literature
can be misleading. There are frequent references to the orientation of the chromophores with relation to the surface
of the disks (or the axis of the disk stack). These references generally proclaim that the long axis of the chromophores
is located in the plane of the disks and are, in order to avoid polarization sensitivity, randomly oriented in that plane
(See previous reference to Wyszecki & Stiles). Such an assumption is based on the additional assumption that the
molecules show maximum sensitivity to radiation applied with a Poynting vector that is perpendicular to the long axis
Photochemistry 5- 77
of the molecules and with the E-vector of the field parallel to the long axis. In radio, this corresponds to a crossfire
antenna configuration. This analogy is appropriate for molecular absorption by an organic molecule. However, it is
not appropriate for the resonant absorption of the chromophores of vision. These materials, when in-vivo as liquid
crystals, operate in an entirely different mode. The mode is described as the end-fire antenna configuration. In this
mode, the material is most sensitive to radiation with a Poynting vector parallel to the length of the molecule. In this
case, the velocity of the photons traveling along the molecule is the same as the effective velocity of the electrons
(excitons) resonating between the two auxochromes of the molecular (liquid crystalline) structure. This is a condition
of maximum coupling between the photons and the excitons and leads to simultaneous absorption of the photon and
excitation of the electron.
The above explanation is in consonance with the observed situation. The molecules of the chromophore are actually
present as a layer on the surface of the disks. The long axis of the molecules is perpendicular to the surface of the disks
(as generally found in lipid layers). In this configuration, the molecules exhibit a high and anisotropic sensitivity to
spectrally unique radiation applied perpendicular to the disk surface (parallel to the axis of the disk stack). This
spectrally unique sensitivity is determined by the resonance length of the molecules. Simultaneously, these same
molecules exhibit a different and intrinsic spectral absorption that is maximal for radiation applied perpendicular to
the long axis of the molecules (perpendicular to the axis of the disk stack) and with an E-field that is parallel to the
long axis of the disk stack. This latter configuration is that used by Baylor, et. al. up until the 1990's. It always defines
the molecular absorption characteristic of the Rhodonines and retinenes as a group. The peak absorption is slightly
dependent on environment but is typically near 493 2 nm at mammalian temperatures in-vivo. Regardless of the
spectral type of photoreceptor examined, it always exhibits this peak wavelength when tested in this manner.
For experiments where the radiation is applied parallel to the axis of the disk stack, entirely different results are
obtained. This is the case of some of the later Baylor experiments and most noninvasive photo-micro-spectrometry
studies. These studies, if performed so as to only illuminate one photoreceptor at a time, produce peak spectral
absorptions that conform to the actual anisotropic absorption spectra of the chromophores of vision. These peaks are
at 437, 532, & 625 nm 2 nm at mammalian temperatures.
In the end-fire configuration, also known as the slow-wave configuration in antenna theory, the orientation of the E-
field of the Poynting vector is irrelevant. To achieve polarization sensitivity, animals use a different chromophore
arrangement and orientation, such as rod-shaped microvilli of the arthropod photoreceptor cells. Predicted Spectra
Figure 5.5.10-1 presents the predicted spectra of the Rhodonines in the liquid crystalline state and arranged in the
spaceframe structure of the Outer Segments of the human photoreceptor cells. The spectra for other animals may be
slightly different because of the lower number of disks in individual Outer Segments.
The curves are presented in normalized form based on the model developed above and the work of Platt and of Dewar
(1950 & 1952). Their procedures give the separation between the peak absorption spectra of adjacent homologs of a
polar resonant conjugated chain molecule as 100 5 nm. By closely examining the available data base, it appears the
actual separation of the peaks in the spectra is 95 2 nm. The half amplitude points of the spectra, when plotted
against wavelength, exhibit a slightly different spacing reflecting the variation in the resonance quality, Q, of the
individual spectrums. Since the resonance phenomenon employed in these chromophores is based primarily on photon
frequency, these curves look somewhat different when plotted as a function of frequency.
Using these values and the resulting parameters from TABLE 5.5.10-1, the photopic and scotopic luminosity functions
can be computed precisely (See Chapter 17).
78 Processes in Biological Vision
Neumeyer, C. & Arnold, K. (1989) Op. Cit. Pg. 605-625
Figure 5.5.10-1 The calculated absorption spectra of the Rhodonines, the visual pigments of animal vision, when
configured as found in the Outer Segments of the human photoreceptor cells. The parameters of these spectra are those
of TABLE 5.5.10-1.
Normally, the distance between the resonant peaks is equally spaced if the parent molecule is a simple conjugated
chain. Similarly, the resonant quality, Q, would be expected to be a constant in a structurally uniform molecule. If
the molecule contains other groups at various locations along the chain, these may affect the resonant properties of
the chain, usually thought of as rigidizing the chain. This may cause the resonant peaks to be nonuniformly spaced
or broadened. In the Rhodonines, this would be of primary concern to Rhodonine(5) where the conjugated chain is
amalgamated with the cyclogeranyl (ionone) ring.
The above spectra were calculated at a wavelength interval of less than one nm. They exhibit no rounding due to the
finite filter width of a spectrometer measuring real spectra. The curves are in good agreement with the data of
Neumeyer & Arnold
. Their data for goldfish is shown in Figure 5.5.10-2. This is a composite figure of data from
multiple species, multiple experimenters and collected with a spectrometer of unspecified filter width. It can be
assumed from the shape of the curves that a filter width of about 30 nm was used. The transmission characteristic of
the eye media of the goldfish is also presented by Neumeyer & Arnold. It varies systematically among species and is
apparently a genetically controlled variable optimized for the environment. The greater thickness of the lens group
of terrestrial animals tends to move the half amplitude of this spectrum toward longer wavelengths. This mechanism
significantly limits the ultraviolet capability of any terrestrial eye.
The theoretical half amplitude parameters defining the width of the absorption band of each chromophore are not
Photochemistry 5- 79
Fulton, J. (1968) The structure and mechanisms of vision CBS Laboratories, Inc. (Unpublished)
Fulton, J. (1985) The perception of luminance under various states of adaptation, Hughes Aircraft Co.
Mees, C. & James, T. (1966) The theory of the photographic process, 3rd ed. New York: Macmillan, pg
known analytically. However, it should be pointed out that although the experimentally derived peak amplitudes of
the various homologs are recorded in Mees and elsewhere, the equations involved do not define the peak, only the half-
amplitude parameters. These half-amplitude parameters are actually equally spaced. Based on an iterative process
developed below, the actual values for both the peak absorption wavelengths and the half amplitude parameters have
been refined to 95 2 nm. There has been considerable discussion in the vision literature as to whether the bandwidth,
generally loosely defined as the distance between the half amplitude points of an absorption spectrum taken to be
Gaussian, is constant for the chromophores in a given animal or whether the bandwidth increases or decreases with
wavelength. It has been primarily concerned with how to draw templates. Dartnal used a constant bandwidth approach
as a function of frequency. Others have used constant bandwidth approach as a function of wavelength. This work
has attempted to use a more fundamental approach by determining the precise frequency of each half amplitude point
for each chromophore based on the specific interactions between their spectrums as they are measured in the luminosity
and chromaticity functions or as measured by specific experiments measuring the skirts of each absorption function
over many orders of magnitude. This approach has provided some very precise values. This method has resulted in
the definition of a set of chromophores exhibiting a Q(quality in electronic terms) for the chromophores. The Q is
normally defined as the resonance factor =(mean of the frequency of the two half amplitude points)/(frequency
difference between the half amplitude points). In this case and for vision generally, the Q has been defined in terms
of wavelength instead of frequency. For values of Q greater than about 20, the difference becomes small. However,
this choice of definitions does highlight a problem for low Q situations. The peaks of the absorption functions are quite
flat. They are based on Fermi-Dirac, not Gaussian statistics. The computed mid frequency is different from the
computed mid wavelength using the same half amplitude points.
The equations and their parameters for the spectra predicted by this work for a body temperature of 310 Kelvin are
given in the following Table 5.5.10-1. The precise values were obtained by comparing a large amount of data in the
literature as well as the ability of these values to accurately predict the precise parameters of the human luminosity
functions under a range of spectral adaptations. The equations do not exhibit a term describing a peak wavelength
for each chromophore. The precise peaks can only be determined by setting the second derivative of each equation
equal to zero or by making a graphical assessment of each equation. For convenience, the peak absorption wavelength
has been taken as the algebraic average of the short (8
) and the long (8
) half amplitude parameters for each
chromophore. The resulting equation for the absorption peaks of each Rhodonine in the series is then given by the
equation 8
=0.095n + 0.147 microns

, where n is the number of conjugated isoprene units incorporated between
the polar atoms of the chain. The bands are separated by 0.095 +/-0.005 microns which is a typical spacing for these
. These values are believed to be accurate to two digits and can be refined to three digit accuracies by
means of this model. The ultraviolet spectrum is only observed in aphakic human subjects.
80 Processes in Biological Vision
Sliney, D. Wangemann, R. Franks, J. & Wolbarsht, M. (1976) Visual sensitivity of the eye to infrared
laser radiation. J. Opt. Soc. Am. vol. 66, no. 4
TABLE 5.5.10-1
Tables of Parameters based on the constant frequency bandwidth assumption
for humans in-vivo at 310 degrees Kelvin (37 degrees Celsius)
The Helmholtz-Boltzmann Equation (based on Fermi-Dirac Statistics)
x x
x xs xl x
( )
exp exp






1 1 1 1 1 1
where x can be replaced with u, s, m, or l to indicate the spectral band of interest. The values of
taken from the appropriate row of the following table to define the short and long wavelength half-amplitude
wavelengths for that band.
Receptor Spectrum Res. chain

Label length nm. nm. nm. Factor Q
Rhodonine(11) a
(8) 2 300 342 385 4.0
Rhodonine(9) a
(8) 3 400 437 475 5.82
Rhodonine(7) a
(8) 4 500 532 565* 8.18
Rhodonine(5) a
(8) 5 595* 625 655 10.4
* The difference between the long wavelength half-amplitude point of one chromophore and the short wavelength
half-amplitude point of the next longer wavelength chromophore varies between 15 and 30 nm in this table. A
difference of 30 nm between the M and L channel is mentioned in Kraft, et. al. (1990) based on Loppnow et.
al. (1989), but without further substantiation.
K = 0.0000862 electron volts/degree Kelvin, T = 310 temperature in degrees Kelvin, KT = 0.0267
The resonance factor, Q, can be used as a guide to compare the laboratory results of various experimenters. It is
calculated as the quotient of the peak wavelength divided by the difference between the wavelengths of the two
half-amplitude points for the spectrum of each chromophore. When computing the precise spectral characteristics
of the chromophores of vision as found in laboratory experiments (that occurs in Chapter 16 & 17) the appropriate
Q was determined.
The absolute value of the long-wavelength parameter for Rhodonine(5) is known precisely from the work of Sliney,
et. al.
in defining the human eye response in the infrared spectra. They showed that the long wavelength half-
Photochemistry 5- 81
Wald, G. (1964) The receptors of human color vision. Science, vol. 145, pg. 1009
Wolbarsht, M. (1976) The function of intraocular color filters. Fed. Proc. vol. 35, no. 1, pp 44-50 (caption
to figure 3)
Stockman, A., Sharpe, L. & Fach, C. (1999) The spectral sensitivity of the human short-wavelength cones
derived from thresholds and color matches. Vision Res., vol. 39, pp. 2901-2927
amplitude point for Rhodonine(5) matches the human visual data over a range of 13 orders of magnitude, a
remarkable result of their test accuracy and this theory. There is a slight deviation between the measured and
predicted sensitivity in the region beyond 650 nm that will be accounted for in Section It has been
explored by Brindley. It is explained by the change in chrominance in this wavelength region unrelated to the
actual luminance.
The difference in wavelength between the short wave parameter of Rhodonine(5) and the long wavelength
parameter of Rhodonine(7) is known precisely because of the sensitivity of the Purkinje Shift to this difference.
Similarly, the difference between the short wave parameter of Rhodonine(7) and the long wavelength parameter of
Rhodonine(9) is known precisely because of its effect on the visual spectrum in the region of 495 nm, the Bezold-
Brucke phenomena. These dependencies will be discussed in Section 15.5. The short and long wavelength
parameters for Rhodonine(9), as well as the very flat top of the spectrum, are known quite precisely from the work
of Wald
. The short and long wavelength parameters of Rhodonine(11) have been confirmed from the composite
spectrum of aphakic humans. See Section 17.3.3.
The half amplitude full width of these absorptions are in good agreement with the estimates of Wolbarsht when the
broader peaks of Fermi-Dirac statistics compared to Gaussian statistics are recognized
Recently Stockman, et. al.
reported on experiments designed to improve on Walds data. However, it appears
their figures incorporated a large number of assumptions and adjustments to the psychophysical measurements.
Although they used a very narrow band spectral filter, they appear to have made an unfortunate choice of flicker
frequency which introduced a time constant related to the adaptation amplifiers of the photoreceptors. Although
titled the spectral sensitivity of the short-wavelength cones, the measurements were actually of the perceived
sensitivity of the combination of the S chromophores and the associated adaptation amplifier together in the
photoreceptor cell. The paper includes a great amount of material and is well worth reviewing. They adopt the
latest template suggested by Lamb to fit their curves. Although they compute two
values for the S-channel
photoreceptors to five place accuracies, their conclusion is that the most likely photopigment peak is at a different
value of 0.43 microns (pg. 2921). This value agrees well with this work.
It should be noted that the Lamb equation is appropriate for a low frequency filter rather than a resonant
phenomenon such as spectral absorption by the chromophores. Its asymptotic character at short wavelengths leads
to a half-amplitude value that is quite different from the similar half-amplitude value for a resonant phenomenon
of arbitrary resonance factor, Q.
82 Processes in Biological Vision
Stockman, A. et. al. (to be published) data available at
Gaydon, A. (1938) Colour sensations produced by ultraviolet light. Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) vol. 50,
pp. 714-720
Crone, R. (1999) A history of Color. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pg. 155
Recently, a long-wavelength skirt of the absorption spectrum of a putative long wavelength pigment has been
presented by Stockman, et. al
. Their analysis assumes linearity in the visual system. They provided their
empirical formula for this response and generated very detailed values based on their analysis of many features of
the empirical data base. They have new values for each of the chromophores of vision on their website while
awaiting publication. One is cautioned that their values are empirically derived and their equations are generally
based on an arbitrary mathematical power series. The computed peak wavelengths they quote are both arbitrarily
defined and more precise than the underlying data is either precise or accurate. They also appear to have used
average values for the absorption of the macula and the lens group across the visual spectrum. While their peak
and half amplitude values for the S and M channel chromophores agree reasonably well with the above table,
their values for the L-channel photoreceptor vary dramatically from those shown in this table and as summarized
in Section 5.5.10. It appears the psychophysical data they relied upon to compute the L-channel response was not
the result of adequate spectral adaptation prior to the measurements. It peaks at 566 nm and resembles curve C of
[Figure 5.5.10-5].
Although, Rhodonine(11) is not normally associated with human vision, some aphakic patients have been found to
respond to irradiation in the 310-360 nm region
, the very same region to which many UV sensitive animals
respond (and far beyond the skirt of the Rhodonine(9) spectra). See Section
Applying basic antenna theory, it is clear that a single molecule of Rhodonine will be sensitive to the wavelength
specified, due to its slow wave structure, but its absorption cross-section is extremely low. This is where
aggregation into a liquid crystal becomes important. As the size of the aggregated group of molecules increases,
The absorption cross-section increases proportionately until it approaches the wavelength of the light in the
medium of concern. The shared electrical properties of a liquid crystal approximately the size of the wavelength
of light will exhibit a very high absorption cross-section (i. e. absorption coefficient to a chemist). Other empirical spectra
As early as 1866, Helmholtz predicted the individual spectra of human vision. He showed them as three equally
spaced and overlapping spectrums peaking in the red-orange, green and blue-violet regions
. Subsequently, many
psychophysicists have presented unequally spaced component spectrums based on a mathematical disassembly of
the C.I.E Standard luminous efficiency function using linear algebraic techniques. This has led to the repeated
publishing of putative spectrums for the chromophores of vision which are misleading with respect to the location
of the spectral peak of the long wavelength chromophore.
Figure 5.5.10-2 compares the typical putative spectrums based on such a linear analysis, , , compared to the
actual chromophores, Rhodonines 5, 7 & 9 [with Rhodonine(11) shown for completeness. It is not significant in
human vision except for aphakic patients.] Hunt describes the , & spectrums as probable sensitivity curves of
the three types of cones. He did not discuss any rod spectrum in his figure. The probable sensitivity curves
appear to have been normalized individually. The peak in the spectrum appears to be at a longer wavelength
than frequently suggested. However, it is still at too short a wavelength to support the known spectral response of
the human eye as illustrated by the Photopic Luminosity Function.
The proposed functions for the Rhodonines are all plotted to the same reference excitation level. The corners of
the ultraviolet spectrum are truncated slightly because of the computer graphics program to implement the
Photochemistry 5- 83
Backhaus, W. Kliegl, R. & Werner, J. Color Vision: Perspectives from Different Disciplines NY: W de
Gruyter pg 177
Stockman, A. & Sharpe, L. T. (2000). Spectral sensitivities of the middle- and long-wavelength sensitive
cones derived from measurements in observers of known genotype. Vision Research, 40, 1711-1737
Lamb, T. (1995) Photoreceptor spectral sensitivities: common shape in the long wavelength region. Vision
Res, vol. 35, pp. 3083-3091
Baylor, D. Nunn, B. & Schnapf, J. (1987) Spectral sensitivity of cones of the monkey Macaca fascicularis.
J. Physiol. vol. 390, pp 145-160
Figure 5.5.10-2 A comparison of various sets of spectrums. Vertical bars, R, G & B are theoretical components used
by the CIE 1931 Standard Colorimetric Observer. Solid curves are probable sensitivity curves of the three types of
cones using the words of Hunt in 1991. Dashed lines are the theoretical spectra of the photoreceptors based on this
work when excited and viewed axially.
equation in TABLE 5.5.10-1. The longer wavelength chromophores exhibit a slightly lower peak amplitude
because of the variation in resonance factor, Q, associated with these materials. This causes the peak to be lower
than the asymptotic value associated with an exponential function fitted to just one side of any of these responses as
done by Lamb. The nominal center wavelengths of the Rhodonines differ by very nearly 95 nm. This value is very
close to the nominal value (ca. 100 nm) given in and discussed by Backhaus, et. al
The figure also shows the arbitrary wavelengths used to define the 1931 Standard Colorimetric Observer.
At this time, Stockman, et. al
. and Lamb
and Baylor et. al.
are using empirical expressions for the absorption
spectrums of human chromophores. Stockman, et. al. are using a conventional arithmetic series in even powers of
the variable. They make no claim to a physical foundation for their series. Lamb says It needs to be emphasized
that the above (his) represents no more than an exercise in curve-fitting, and that neither equation (1) nor equation
(2) has any known physical significance. . . These equations (his equation 2' in particular) are basically attempts
to approximate the Helmholtz-Boltzmann equation as it is derived from the Fermi-Dirac equation, by empirical
84 Processes in Biological Vision
means. In fact, Lambs equations from curve fitting can be rearranged to the form of the Helmholtz-Boltzmann
Equation plus a residue. The residue represents other components on the short wavelength side of the composite
absorption spectrum. These components in the empirical data are due to other higher-energy bands of the
chromophore. Similar comments apply to the sixth-order polynomial in log lambda adopted by Baylor et. al.
Baylor, et. al. also note, The polynomial has no theoretical significance but provides an empirical expression for
It is proposed that the closed form equation in Table 5.5.10-1 does not suffer from the lack of significance noted by
the above authors with regard to their equations.
As addressed above, the ratio of the peak absorptions of these components is a function of test configuration. See
Section Relaxation modes of the Rhodonine family
To aid in the preparation of the Rhodonines and the understanding of the materials as used in-situ, it is important
to discuss the relaxation modes of the family. In solution
The Rhodonines, like other aromatic members of the carboxylic family are not very soluble in water. They would
be expected to be soluble in less polar solvents like ether or alcohol. In dilute solution, their absorption cross
section for both their isotropic and anisotropic spectra would be expected to be very small. To the extent they can
be excited, their structure would continue to suggest, they will not relax via fluorescence or phosphorescence.
Their remaining modes of thermal relaxation and energy transfer to another medium would depend on the
electronic characteristics of the solvent. In general, dilute solutions of these materials are found to have relaxation
times measured in hours.
As the molarity of the solution is increased, the Rhodonines will begin to coalesce into filaments and globules that
show liquid crystalline characteristics. These individual structures will exhibit anisotropic absorption at their
resonant wavelengths. However, from a global perspective, the overall absorption of the solution will still appear
isotropic but with an added absorption peak. Their relaxation modes will remain the same as above.
If the molarity is further increased, and the material is allowed to precipitate on a substrate, the liquid crystalline
structure of the precipitate will exhibit a highly anisotropic absorption spectrum at the resonant wavelength of its
chromophore as well as its normal isotropic molecular absorption spectrum. The relaxation characteristic will
either remain unchanged or be impacted by the electronic characteristics of the substrate.
The use of a suitably doped silicon substrate could be used to relax the material more quickly. In situ
The uncomplexed Rhodonines are found in two locations within the retina. They are found within the pigmented
globules of the RPE and they are found deposited on the disks. When in the globules, it is likely that they are in a
liquid crystalline state and probably sorted spectrally due to their separate stereo-graphic features. Each individual
globule may show significant anisotropic absorption. Their means of relaxation while in this configuration is
currently unknown.
When coated onto the disks of the Outer Segment, the materials show both an isotropic absorption spectrum due to
Photochemistry 5- 85
Lythgoe, J. & Partridge, J. (1989) Visual pigments and the acquisition of visual information. J. Exp. Biol.
vol. 146, pp 1-20
their molecular structure as well as the various individual ligands present. However, their primary, and functional
mode of absorption is anisotropic. This absorption, due to the resonant properties of the chromophores, is related
to the liquid crystalline arrangement of the material on the opsin substrate and is maximized along the axis of the
Outer Segment.
The relaxation mode of the chromophores is strictly by energy transfer to the dendrites of the photoreceptor cell
when in-situ. The transfer is controlled by the unified Photoexcitation/De-excitation mechanism. Comparisons with the biological literature
The spectral data in the literature agrees quite well with the spectral performance of the Rhodonines predicted by
the theoretical part of this work. This is particularly true with regard to the data from the 1970's forward. Of
course, it requires that one segregate the isotropic absorption data from the anisotropic data.
Prior to 1960, the conventional wisdom in the textbooks was that humans and only a few other animals could see
in color. This changed rapidly beginning at that time as a flurry of laboratory activity showed that nearly all
animals had multiple channels of spectral sensitivity
. It then became popular to discuss whether the animals
with such sensitivity actually processed the collected data in order to perceive color. The laboratory explorations of
this subject, primarily psychophysical, were frequently hampered by the indifference of the animal to the
investigators desires. Cats in particular were felt to not see in color while in fact they did not want to actively
participate in the experiments.
It now appears that nearly, if not all, chordates are tetrachromatic in retinal capability and it would be very strange
if this capability was not used to process chrominance as well as luminance information. It is also clear that the
human retina is tetrachromatic and that the human processes all of the available information (in spite of a blockage
of irradiation at wavelengths shorter than 400 nm by the lens).
During the 1960's, most of the laboratory effort was exploratory in nature. A variety of techniques were employed
to differentiate the spectral channels. In animals, electrophysiological techniques were most rewarding. In
humans, the techniques were limited to non-invasionary techniques. These were based primarily on differential
(chromatic) adaptation and reflection densitometry. The results for humans will be discussed in Section Limitations on the applicability of the published database
As discussed in Sections 17.2.1 & 17.2.2, the vast majority of the experimental data associated with the luminosity
functions has been collected using spectrographic techniques using a 30 nm wide filter and usually 30 nm binning.
The data points were then connected to form a smooth curve. The resulting curves always approach a Gaussian
form due to the Central Limit Theorem. As a result, the peak wavelength(s) of the underlying function is
frequently distorted and the half amplitude points are obscured. Even under these conditions, the resulting curves
were frequently interpolated, in some cases down to one nm spacing. Until the recent work of Stockman, et. al.
with filters of 4 nm FWHM (full width at half maximum) and a bin spacing of 5 nm, attempts to collect data on
chromophore absorption spectra have suffered the same shortcomings. These shortcomings are easily seen by
comparing the theoretical curves in [Figure 5.5.10-2] with the measured curves in Figure 5.5.10-3. The figures
of Stockman, et. al. are the first to clearly illustrate the exponential shape of the long wavelength portion of the
absorption spectra of the visual chromophores. This shape is identical to that shown in [Figure 5.5.10-2].
At the level of spectral resolution and bin spacing used by Stockman, an additional feature is clearly resolved
86 Processes in Biological Vision
Merbs, S. & Nathans, J. (1992) Absorption spectra of human cone pigments. Nature, vol 356, pp 433-435
Oprian, D. Asenjo, A. Lee, N. & Pelletier, S. (1991) Design, chemical synthesis, and expression of genes
for the three human color vision pigments. Biochemistry, vol 30, pp 11367-372
Stavenga, D. Smits, R. & Hoenders, B. (1993) Simple exponential functions describing the absorbance
bands of visual pigment spectra Vision Res vol. 33, no. 8, pp 1011-1017
Partridge, J. De Grip, W. (1991) A new template for rhodopsin (vitamin A
based) visual pigments Vision
Res vol. 31, pp 619-630
(figures 1, 2, 7 & 9, etc.). The breaks from the main response, generally about 1.5 to 2.0 orders of magnitude down
from the peak of the subject waveform are usually due to inadequate spectral adaptation. The same distinctive
breaks appear in Walds best earlier data. Figure 11 of Stockman, et. al. appears to show remnant absorption by
both the M and L channel in the S-channel waveform.
The vast majority of the experimental techniques used to record in-vivo spectral characteristics have relied upon
differencing techniques based on an assumption of linearity and without great attention to the presence of other
moieties. Merbs & Nathans have provided an index to these methods in their introduction
. Figure 3 in Oprian,
et. al. provide a sample of the before-and-after in one of these differencing experiments
. These methods have
consistently failed to provide the correct spectral wavelength for the long wavelength spectral channel. Many of
them have also recorded the isotropic spectral characteristic with a peak at 495-502 nm. This characteristic is not
a functional response employed by the visual system.
A common problem in animal measurements has been the failure to track and report the temperature to a precision
of better than 1.0 Celsius during experiments. Other mathematical analyses related to spectral absorption EDIT
[combine with xxx]
No other closed form solution of the quantum-mechanical absorption characteristic based on Fermi-Dirac Statistics
(as presented in Table 5.5.10-1) could be found in the literature. A flurry of activity in the 1990's introduced a
variety of extensions to simple expressions aimed at curve fitting empirical data.
Based on their supposition that no theoretical description of the spectral absorption of a biological chromophore
would become available for some time to go, Stavenga, et. al. championed staying with the qualitative, heuristic
methods as the only ones available
. After discussing the so-called log-normal function of Metzler & Harris
(which includes a significant extrapolation), they introduced their own variant. These variants all add arbitrary
terms (and arbitrary constants) to their putative log-normal function. Lacking a theoretical function, Stavenga, et.
al. and others have attempted to fit their empirical forms to what they believed was the most precise available
measured data
. Stavenga, et. al. focused on calculating the errors between the various empirical equations and
the empirical data of Partridge & De Grip.
The log-normal function is unique and does not deserve modification. It occupies a unique position in both botany
and biology that is critically related to the processes involved in growth. There are four major classes of statistics
of interest in vision. They are the normal, the log-normal, the Stefan-Boltzmann and the Fermi-Dirac statistics.
The first is often spoken of as Gaussian Statistics. It relies on a totally random series of outcomes in a linear
numerical space. Log-normal statistics rely on a totally random series of outcomes in a logarithmic space. This
space is the logarithm of the linear space of Gaussian Statistics. The Stefan-Boltzmann class of statistics apply
directly to totally random events constrained in their total energy. They explain the thermal radiation from a
physical body. The Fermi-Dirac Statistics are also known as quantum-mechanical statistics. Fermi-Dirac
Statistics represent totally random events constrained as to the amplitude of a specific outcome. While Fermi-
Photochemistry 5- 87
Lamb, T. (1995) Photoreceptor spectral sensitivities: common shape in the long wavelength spectral region.
Vision Res. vol. 35, pp 3083-3091
Baylor, D. Nunn, B. & Schnapf, J. (1984) The photocurrent, noise and spectral sensitivity of rods of the
monkey, Macaca fascicularis. J. Physiol. vol. 357, pp 575-607
Palacios, A. Srivastava, R. & Goldsmith, T. (1998) Spectral and polarization sensitivity of photocurrents
of amphibian rods in the visible and ultraviolet Visual Neurosci vol. 15, pp 319-331
Dirac Statistics involve exponential functions, their form is not log-normal or Gaussian. Fermi-Dirac Statistics
apply directly and specifically to the absorption spectra of chromophores. No arbitrary terms need be added to the
Fermi-Dirac Function of well behaved crystalline and liquid crystalline absorbers.
Trying to explain chromophore absorption using the heuristic approach leads to the same problem as encountered
in explaining thermal radiation prior to the Stefan-Boltzmann Law. A Eureka Moment must be added to the
heuristic process. The tendency among investigators has been to assume absorption is symmetrical about a central
value. Fermi-Dirac Statistics describe the probability that an electron will transition across a void defined between
two quantized energy states. Their assumption is that the regions beyond the void extend indefinitely. If Fermi-
Dirac Statistics are applied to more complex energy state diagrams, the absorption spectrum of any crystalline,
liquid crystalline or semi-crystalline material can be described with precision. The resulting calculations do not
involve a central moment as that term is used in Gaussian (and indirectly log-normal) mathematics.
Both Stockman, et. al. and Lamb have used general binomial expansions to attempt to fit an equation to the
measured data. Stockman, et. al. used a linear series in even powers of x. Lamb used an exponential series. In
theory, the Stockman, et. al. expansion can fit both the rising and falling characteristic of an absorption spectrum if
they are symmetrical about the mean. The resulting equation is necessarily no more accurate than the underlying
data and it gives no insight into the underlying process. The simple exponential series in the Lamb approach
asymmetrical and not simultaneously compatible with both the rising and falling portions of an absorption
spectrum. However, it should be noted that only the first term in x is required to fit both the long wavelength
portion of the theoretical absorption spectrum (of the equation in Table 5.5.10-1) and the measured spectra of
Stockman, et. al. in the absence of any perturbations due to poor spectral adaptation or other artifacts. It is a
stretch to think either the Stockman or Lamb approach provide any insight into the underlying absorption process. Figures from the published database for isotropic Rhodonine
Baylor et. al. have provided recent in-vitro isotropic absorption spectrum for Rhodonine based on Macaca
. The data was collected over five and one-half orders of intensityusing transverse illumination at
near 37 Celsius. Baylor, et. al. also provide a review of other available measurements and perform a circuitous
calculation to compare the isotropic spectrum to the human scotopic luminous efficiency function attributed to
Carpenter rather than the C.I.E. Based on ten photoreceptors, the peak sensitivity was estimated to be 491 nm.
This is lower than most other investigators. However, data points were only collected at 20 nm intervals using
filters of 10 nm nominal half-widths. This sampling plan does not support three digit accuracy in their peak value.
Palacios, et. al
. have provided recent data on the peak spectral response of the isotropic spectra of three species
assumed to be based on different forms of Vitamin A
and Vitamin A
. A suction pipette approach was used with
transverse illumination through the pipette. They did not report the temperature of their in-vitro material during
the experiments. Neither did they explicitly state the condition of the animals with respect to their retinol
concentration. The retinol state of many amphibians can change over a period of weeks based on their diet. They
claimed they only examined red rods. A mid wavelength chromophore appears reddish because it absorbs
maximally at 532 nm. A more precise designation for their samples based on observed color would be magenta
instead of red. A more technical description of their results would be the isotropic absorption of mid wavelength
88 Processes in Biological Vision
Wolken, J. (1966) Vision, Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, pp. 40-43
Figure 5.5.10-3 CR Composite of in-vitro absorption spectra and psychophysical responses. The discontinuous lines
are in-vitro. No continuity was claimed between these two data sets although some variants of this figure show 11-cis-
retinal connected to curve C, the M-channel chromophore. See text. From Wolken, 1966
photoreceptors examined with transverse illumination of the outer segment. They found the peak to be 503.9 +/
2.6 nm (n=86) for Rana pipiens (frog), 505.8 +/ 1.8 nm (n=24) for Ambystoma tigrinum (salamander) and 519.3
nm for Xenopus laevis. Their data was difficult to analyze based on these numbers. They therefore performed
additional tests on one member of their Ambystoma group. Palacios, et. al. say the concentration of retinal
23% and that of retinal
was 77% in one of their specimens of Ambystoma. The range of peak absorption in
various subgroups of their Ambystoma specimens far exceeded the accuracy range of their peak spectral data
reported above. The smaller animals averaged 505.8 nm while the larger averaged 514.6 nm. Clearly, their study
did not employ specimen groups that were adequately differentiated based on their retinal concentrations.
The results in their Table 1 show the exploratory nature of their experiments. The peak in the isotropic absorption
of the mid wavelength photoreceptors of these species ranged from about 504-505 nm for the largely Vitamin A
based animals to a peak near 514-523 (n=11) for the presumed Vitamin A
based animals. This is the largest
difference based on Vitamin A type found in the literature. Figures from the published database for long wave trichromats
Figure 5.5.10-3 provides a composite of spectra related to vision taken from Wolken
who attributes the left half
to Dartnall and the right half to Wald. The labels on the right have been changed in order to provide the
comparison in Table 5.5.10-1. Note the dotted and dashed lines on the left do not connect with the solid lines on
the right. Unfortunately all of the curves are drawn individually to a relative height of 1.00. Because of this, no
information is conveyed about the relative heights of one curve to another.
Photochemistry 5- 89
Sporn, et. al. 2
ed. pp. 188-189
Menzel, R. & Backhaus, W. (1989) In, Stavenga, D. & Hardie, R. Facets of Vision. NY: Springer-Verlag,
pp 282-283
Figure 5.5.10-4 CR Spectral responses of the bee and goldfish as assembled by Wolken in 1986. Solid lines are for
goldfish, dashed lines are for the worker bee, Apis mellifera.
Note also that the curves on the right are obtained in-vivo while those on the left are in-vitro and probably in dilute
Note carefully that the short wave peak in the curve for the dilute retinoids (alias rhodopsin), and labeled A, does
not correspond in wavelength to the peak for any of the in-vitro materials. This is to be expected since the in-vitro
experiments are usually performed with an alcohol solvent. Shifts in wavelength of 15-20 nm as a function of
solvent are frequently encountered in in-vitro experiments
Menzel & Backhaus have provided a figure showing how the quality of the spectral recording has improved over a
period of 22 years
. The waveforms were obtained by intracellular recording. Not only does the quality improve
significantly, but the recording of the nonfunctional isotropic spectrum with a peak at 500 nm does not appear in
the more recent recordings. The recent spectral values correspond to those of this theory within +/- 4 nm.In 1986,
Wolken provided a similar set of curves summarizing the data from two other sources. Figure 5.5.10-5 reproduces
this data. The dashed lines are from the worker bee, Apis mellifera and are plotted versus the relative scale on the
left. The solid lines are from the goldfish and are plotted against the scale on the right. Note the likelihood of
loss in short wavelength sensitivity of the goldfish near 432 nm due to the absorption in the lens group of the eye.
The goldfish curves were obtained by spectral adaptation of a complex eye. Note the likelihood this process was
incomplete when measuring the S and M channels in the region beyond 600 nm and in the case of the L and
M channels for the measurements at wavelengths shorter than 500 nm. Here again, the letter labels above the
90 Processes in Biological Vision
waveforms have been added to support Table 5.5.10-1.
Photochemistry 5- 91
Stockman, et. al. (1999) Op. Cit. pg 2921, 2
Wald, G. (1968) The molecular basis of visual excitation. Nature vol. 219, 24 Aug. pg. 806
Wolken, J. (1966) Vision. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas. pg. 43
TABLE 5.5.10-1
Source of spectra in Figure 5.5.10-5
Curves in Nominal Visual This Theory Names by Wald Curves in
Wolken 66 Peak Channel Wolken 86
342 Rhodonine (11) X
437 S Rhodonine(9) Y
A 495 nm Dilute Retinoid (from Vit. A) Rhodopsin (see text)
B 532 M Rhodonine(7) Porphyropsin B
C 575 Artifact (see text) Iodopsin
D 625 L Rhodonine(5) Cyanopsin D
The peak wavelengths in the table for X, Y, A, B and D have been assigned on the basis of this theory. The peak
wavelength for C has been assigned based on the value most commonly found in the literature. Whereas X, Y, A,
B and D can be measured directly by reflection spectrophotometry, C is actually obtained by an algebraic
calculation based on the assumption that the eye is linear in the psychophysical response following photodetection
and signal processing. This assumption is unsupported and unsupportable. A similar peak response has been
found by many making psychophysical measurements under conditions of inadequate spectral adaptation and a
spectral filter bandwidth of 30 nm or more. Wald has presented a single figure showing both this single broad
peak and its equivalent measured with a narrow passband filter. This subject will be developed more fully in Part
D. Curves X, Y, B, & D correspond well with the theoretical wavelengths of this work.
There is another complication with regard to the curve with a peak at 502 nm. There are three situations in vision
where a spectral curve with a peak near 502 nm is encountered. They can only be distinguished experimentally
using spectrophotometers with resolution of 10 nm or better. One is the psychophysical response represented by
the CIE 1931 Standard Scotopic Observer (representing smoothed 30 nm data). The second is the isotropic
spectral absorption of dilute retinoids structurally related to Vitamin A. Unfortunately, these two curves have been
assumed to be related by the vision community for a long time. The result has continued the idea of a single
chromophore with a spectral response identical to the smoothed CIE Scotopic Observer, i. e., a rod chromophore.
The actual, and mathematical, derivation of the CIE 1931 Standard Scotopic Observer will also be developed fully
in Part D. The third situation is where a photoreceptor is stimulated by transverse illumination such as in the
early suction pipette measurements. In this measurement, the isotropic (nonfunctional) retinoid spectral
absorption characteristic is recorded regardless of the actual chromophore present. A concurrent measurement
using axial illumination would record the actual anisotropic (and functional) absorption characteristics of the
chromophore of the cell. This failure to differentiate between these two spectra of the same Outer Segment has led
to considerable confusion in the literature
Wolkens figure did not include any spectral response associated with the Schannel (alias blue channel) of vision.
This spectral response has been included in the Table for completeness. The Schannel is clearly represented in
Walds papers
at a peak wavelength as suggested here.
Wolken has also presented Figure 5.5.10-5 based on the frog
. The measurements were taken in-vitro and in an
unspecified (three possibilities are mentioned) dilute solution. He also provided similar data for cattle rhodopsin.
92 Processes in Biological Vision
Figure 5.5.10-5 CR Absorption spectrum of putative frog
rhodopsin as a function of bleaching level. Curve 1 is
unbleached. The material was prepared as a red powder
and then placed in dilute solution. From Wolken, 1966.
(A) Intrinsic ultraviolet peak of a retinoid. (B) intrinsic
isotropic absorption peak of a retinol (al) complexed with
opsin. From wolken, 1966.
The data was interpreted as representing a mixture of retinene
and rhodopsin that changed its spectrum depending
on the state of bleaching. However, the fact that the two short wavelength peaks did not agree between the two
samples suggests that retinene
was not present in both samples. There is a simpler explanation. The curves show
the typical properties of an indicator dye, such as the Rhodonines, in dilute solution. The difference in the
wavelength of the short wavelength peak is due to the fact that the system of fresh water frogs is based on retinol
and that of cattle is based on retinol
. The long wavelength peaks are the same because these peaks are related to
the resonant wavelengths of the chromophores in dilute solution.
Based on this theory, the labels can be replaced as follows:
Label Peak Wolkens Descriptor Descriptor based on this Theory
For the frog;
A 368 nm Retinene
<------> Any Rhodonine
in dilute solution bleached with long light
B 495 Rhodopsin <------> Any Rhodonine
in dilute solution, unbleached
For cattle
A 375 nm Retinene
<------> Any Rhodonine
in dilute solution bleached with long light
B 495 Rhodopsin <------> Any Rhodonine
in dilute solution, unbleached
Photochemistry 5- 93
Wolken, J. (1966) Op. Cit. pg. 63
MacNichol, E. (1964) xxx Sci. Am. vol. 211, pp. 48-xxx
Cronin, T. & Goldsmith, T. (1982) Quantum efficiency and photosensitivity of the rhodopsin <>
metarhodopsin conversion in crayfish photoreceptors. Photochem. Photobiol. vol. 36, pp. 447-454
Baylor, D. & Hodgkin, A. (1973) Detection and resolution of visual stimuli by turtle photoreceptors. J.
Physiol. vol. 234, pp 163-198
A similar shift in wavelength between the two peaks could have been obtained by changing the pH of the solution.
If this material contained the undamaged chromophores of vision, it would have been interesting to raise the
concentration of the solution to the point where the material precipitated. If only one chromophore was present,
globules of the concentrated chromophore might have precipitated. This would have surely led to further
experiments that would have confirmed the nature of the chromophores of vision.
It should be noted that the bandwidth of the spectrometer used above was not given. It appears that it was about 30
nm. This is too wide to provide definitive data on the shape of the long wavelength feature. Wolken did provide
one narrower band (5 nm) spectral scan of the putative rhodopsin from the frog
. This scan matches the spectral
response of the combination of multiple Rhodonines when logarithmically summed under conditions creating a
Brezold-Brucke peak near 487 nm. It also exhibited a secondary peak near 515 nm that cannot be associated with
the conventional peak at 500 nm that was also present. This finer resolution scan shows that the long wavelength
feature cannot be associated with a single broadband chromophore with a peak at 495-500 nm.
On a subsequent page (69), Wolken shows the spectral scans of a goldfish showing excellent agreement with the
predicted spectral absorption characteristics of the above Rhodonines. Broad peaks are shown in the vicinity of
437 nm, 532 nm and 625 nm and there is an indication of a fourth peak near 342 nm. There is either a labeling
problem or the background level is too high to make definitive comments about the Q exhibited by these
waveforms. However, they suggest a higher Q (narrower characteristic) at shorter wavelengths. A very similar
graph is provided by MacNichol that shows the individual absorption characteristics over a range of 100 to 25
percent of peak absorption
. These curves also suggest a higher Q at shorter wavelengths.
Cronin & Goldsmith have provided some uniquely precise information on the photoreceptors of the crayfish,
Orconnectes, procambarus
. They give a peak spectral absorption as 535 nm for what they define as rhodopsin.
They quantify this peak in terms of a molecular absorption coefficient multiplied by a quantum efficiency for
photoconversion of 0.69. This wavelength does not correspond to the frequently quoted peak of 502 for Rhodopsin.
Historically, the 535 nm peak has been associated with porphyropsin. If the expression rhodopsin
Ymetarhodopsin transition is replaced with RhodonineYRhodonine* transition, the material fits the model of this
work precisely. They also present a peak at 510 nm that is based on difference measurements following an
adaptation process.
The data collected by Baylor and Hodgkin is shown in Figure 5.5.10-6
. It leaves little doubt concerning the three
spectral peaks found in the absorption spectra of the turtle. It also leaves little doubt as the the broadness of these
peaks as described by Fermi-Dirac statistics rather than Gaussian statistics. Notice that there is no absorption with
a peak at 502 nm in this figure. They illuminated the photoreceptors end-on and measured the anisotropic
absorption expected from this configuration.
94 Processes in Biological Vision
Fyhrquist, N. Govardovskii, V. Leibrock, C. & Reuter, T. (1998) Rod pigment and rod noise in the
European toad, Bufo bufo. Vision Res. vol. 38, pp 483-486
Figure 5.5.10-6 Absorption spectra of three photoreceptors in turtle. The ordinate is relative quantum sensitivity.
From Baylor & Hodgkin, 1973.
On the other hand, Fyhrquist, et. al
. have provided data for the toad using the suction pipette approach
originated by Baylor, et. al. This technique illuminates the individual photoreceptor from the side. The result is
the isotropic absorption spectrum. Although the passband of their spectrometer was not defined, measurements at
10 nm intervals gave a well defined spectrum with a peak at 502 nm at 22C as expected by this theory. They gave
the peak value for two different species of toad. However, the difference of 1.5 nm at 502 nm is probably within
the error range of their instrumentation. Their statement that the long wavelength tail of the spectrum between
650 and 750 nm is virtually zero cannot be supported by this work. Their noise measurements will be useful in
describing and evaluating the noise model of the visual process in Chapter 11.
Photochemistry 5- 95
MacNichol, E. (1964) Retinal mechanisms of color vision. Vision Res. vol. 4, pp 119-133
Hanaoka, T. & Fujimoto, K. (1957) Absorption spectrum of a single cone in the carp retina. Jap. J. Physiol.
vol. 7, pp 276-285
Stiles, W. & Burch, J. (1959) N.P.L. colour-matching investigations: Final Report. Optica Acta, vol. 6, pp
Neumeyer, C. & Arnold, K. (1989) Tetrachromatic colour vision in goldfish and turtle. Xxx pp 617-630
Douglas, R. Bowmaker, J. & Kunz, Y. (1987) Ultraviolet vision in fish. In Kulikowski, J. Diskinson, C.
& Murray, I. ed. Seeing Contour and Colour. NY: Pergamon Press, pp 601-616
MacNichols has provided spectral data
similar to that of Baylor & Hodgkins and also summarized the three long
wavelength absorbers presented by Marks (See next section). He also included some rare electophysiological
recordings from the S-plane of fish that clearly show the long wavelength spectral peaks at 625 nm in fish. His
data shows spectral peaks near 455, 530 and 625 nm. He develops the fact that the absorbers operate in a manner
consistent with Young-Helmholtz, the neural responses conform more closely to the Hering approach.
Hanaoka & Fujimoto published data focusing on five relative peaks in the composite absorption spectra
. These
were given as 495, 530, 570, 630 & 685 nm. As will be seen in Section 17.2, these values, other than the last, are
features of the normal composite spectrum of all animals.
Brief mention will be made of the experiments of Stiles & Burch
. They chose narrow band laser radiation at
wavelengths of 444.4, 526.3 and 645.2 for their experiments. These wavelengths are as closely aligned with the
peaks spectral absorptions of the Rhodonines as could be easily obtained with gas laser sources at the time. These
wavelengths remain wavelengths of choice today. Figures from the published database for tetrachromats
The spectral data for various tetrachromats also agrees very well with the above theory. Both Neumeyer &
and Douglas, Bowmaker & Kunz
have provided excellent data for the tetrachromats. The Douglas
data is truncated at 360 nm but clearly shows the three long wavelength peaks and a peak near 342 nm. The
Neumeyer data extends to 300 nm and clearly defines all four peak wavelengths. Both groups used a linear
ordinate. Their can be little doubt that these curves support the proposed peak absorptions of the Rhodonines
proposed here. It is also clear that these spectra do not conform to a Gaussian shape. The short wavelength tails
drawn in these figures are based on templates. As seen in Figure 5.5.10-7, the actual data points of Douglas, et.
al. do not follow these predicted tails well. The reason is that the templates were originally drawn based on one
chromophore . The chromophore showed one anisotropic absorption peak superimposed with the -peak
associated with that chromophore. While investigators slide the long wavelength portion of the template
horizontally to overlay other anisotropic spectral absorptions, the isotropic absorption near 350 nm is not slidable.
Douglas, et. al. also provided data on the absorption by the lenses of the fish.
96 Processes in Biological Vision
Hawryshyn, C. & Harosi, F. (1994) Spectral characteristics of visual pigments in rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss), Vision Res. vol. 34, no. 11, pp 1385-1392
Cronin, T. Marshall, N. Quinn, C. & King, C. (1994) Ultraviolet photoreception in mantis shrimp. Vision
Res. vol. 34, no. 11, pp 1443-1452
Figure 5.5.10-7 Mean absorption spectra of the four roach photoreceptors. From Douglas, Bowmaker & Kunz, 1987.
It is significant to note the shape of the anisotropic spectrum of the ultraviolet absorber, Rhodonine (11) measured
by these workers, does not correspond to the isotropic absorption characteristic of the dilute retinoids. The
anisotropic spectrum reflects resonant conjugate absorption in the Rhodonines. Note also the lack of any
absorption characteristic with a peak near 502 nm.
Neumeyer and Arnold did not provide the data points to support the shapes of their spectral waveforms. However,
they did attempt to create a three dimensional chrominance diagram based on linear algebra. A more satisfactory
diagram will be shown in Chapter 17. They also provided data on the absorption of the lenses in their fish.
Recently, Hawryshyn & Harosi have presented additional in-vitro data for the rainbow trout
. Their data appears
to suffer from the chemistry used in preparation and unorthodox scaling of their data. The retinas were washed in
glutaraldehyde solution and examined under immersion microscopy using glycerine. These materials are known to
be antagonistic to reactions involving GABA and glutamic acid reactions. It appears they may have interfered with
any electrostenolytic mechanisms associated with these retinas leaving them vulnerable to bleaching without
coincident regeneration (See Chapter 12). Cronin, et. al. address this chemical sensitivity
. As a result,
Hawryshyn & Harosi recorded very small absorbances (which they described as optical densities). Maximum
values of only 0.015-0.030 were recorded. After recording these small values, they multiplied them by 60:1 as part
of their normalization process used in building their figure 5. Their peak long wavelength recorded under these
non-functional conditions was reported as 576 nm. They did note that their absorption bands were wider than
expected for retinal based chromophores and suggested this was due to a mixture of vitamin A
and A
Photochemistry 5- 97
Schwemer, J. & Paulsen, R. (1973) Three visual pigments in Deilephila elpenor (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae).
J. Comp. Physiol. Vol. 86, pp 215-229
Backhaus, W. Kliegl, R. & Werner, J. Color Vision: perspectives from different disciplines. Berlin: W.
de Gruyter pg 57
Chapman, R. & Hall, A. (1967) Electroretinogram characteristics and the spectral mechanisms of the
median ocellus and the lateral eye in Limulus polyphemus. J. Gen. Physiol. vol. 50, pp 2284
chromophores. While such mixtures are encountered seasonally in eurahaline species, the more consistent
explanation is due to the liquid crystalline structure of the chromophores and the Pauli Principle. Their technique
did not allow for the normal long wavelength absorption encountered in viable photoreceptors.
An unexpected result of recent research is that the human retina is also tetrachromatic. Although the ultraviolet
absorption spectrum has not been isolated, the composite spectral absorption function has been defined in detail.
See Section 17.2. Selected figures from the published database for short wave trichromats
There are an immense number of spectral profiles for the photoreceptors of insect eyes, and the eyes of other short
wavelength trichromats, in the literature.
Schwemer & Paulsen have provided a summary of their spectral findings
. However, it is not clear how they
normalized their data. They show the three absorption spectra of the moth, Deilephila elpenor along with curves
showing the net absorption of the eyes under various states of adaptation. Unfortunately, they do not show their
actual data points, only smoothed curves probably based on templates. They list the peaks as 345, 440 and 520 nm.
These values are very close to the values predicted by this work. They say The visual pigments found in the moth
Deilephila elpenor are the physiological bases of trichromatic vision. It is proposed they omitted the critical
adjective short-wavelength. They form the physiological bases of short-wavelength trichromatic vision.
They also show three curves peaking in the region of 480 +/-10 nm. This range does not contain 502 nm. The
curves were obtained following chemical processing of their extracts.
Backhaus, et. al. have recently provided a similar set of responses for what they label the UV, B & G spectra of
. They label them best-estimate functions based on intracellular recordings. Although data points
are not given, the smooth curves for the UV and B spectra agree very well with this work. The G spectra appears
to be following the Dartnall nomographs. It shows a peak slightly beyond 550 nm. Both the B and G responses
show significant responses in the region of 350 nm due to molecular absorption. $-band absorption of retinol vs Rhodonine(11)
During the 1950-60 time period, there was speculation that the ultraviolet sensitivity of animals was due to a
secondary absorption band of retinol and retinal designated the -band. More recent data does not show a good
correlation between the peak spectral absorption in the UV band and the peak absorption for these two -bands. In
Section 17.3.3, the absorption in the lens due to these two -bands is seen to occupy a distinctly different spectral
region than that of the UV chromophore in humans. If the absorption in the UV was due th the presence of these
bands in the chromophores of the S, M or Lband photoreceptors, the measured sensitivity in the UV band
should correlate with the measured sensitivity in at least one of these other bands. Multiple authors have
performed these experiments. They have noted the lack of correlation between the UV sensitivity of their subjects
and the state of adaptation of the subjects other spectral bands
98 Processes in Biological Vision
Aurebach, E. & Wald, G. (1954) Identification of a violet receptor in Human color vision, Science, vol. 120,
pp 401-405 Comparisons with the human literature
A flurry of exploratory work in the 1950's and early 1960's focused on determining the spectral channels of the
human visual system. Aurebach & Wald summarized the challenge in 1954: One of the most pressing tasks of
visual physiology, still largely unfulfilled, is to identify the various types of cone concerned with human color
vision and to learn their properties
. The challenge remained largely unfulfilled thirty years later. No
chromophore of human vision has been isolated to date. No spectrum of the long wavelength absorber has been
quantified by the community to date. The fact that the human visual system exhibited ultraviolet sensitivity was
only documented in 1971. The fact that this sensitivity was due to a fourth chromophore is presented for the first
time in this work.
Unfortunately, the studies of the above years were limited to non-invasionary techniques in live humans. They
were all based on the assumption of linearity in the visual system. Based on this assumption, they also made the
false assumption that spectral absorptions would add linearly. This was in spite of the realization that artifacts
frequently appeared in the spectra that suggested additional mechanisms. Finally, when discussing deutranopia
and protanopia, they all focused on the Young-Helmholtz model. Hsia & Graham struggled with the
inconsistencies associated with this approach and its extension suggested by Leber and by Fick in the 1870's.
Photochemistry 5- 99
Hsia, Y. & Graham, C. (1957) Spectral luminosity curves for protanopic, deutranopic and normal subjects.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. vol. 43, pp 1011-1019
Graham, C. & Hsia, Y. (1969) Saturation and the foveal achromatic interval J Opt Soc Am vol. 59, no. 8,
pp 993-997
Figure 5.5.10-8 Comparison of 5 protanopes and a normal. Note the significant rise in sensitivity in the region of 625
nm for the normal subject. Each pair of curves were normalized at 500 nm.
Hsia & Graham presented a paper based on psychophysics
. Their data shows a consistent hump in the
spectral sensitivity function in the region of 625 nm. They also note the tendency of this hump to be suppressed
when many spectra are averaged. This is primarily due to a variation in the region of 560 590 nms of their
spectra. Figure 5.5.10-9, their figure 2, compares seven normals and five protanopes. It clearly shows the
systemic difference between the two types. The normals exhibit significant spectral sensitivity, in the region of 625
nm, not shared with the protanopes. Major features of these spectra are obvious in the region of 437 and 625 nm.
Only the mid-wavelength absorption near 532 nm is obscured by the logarithmic summation involved in the
overall absorption spectra (See Section 17.2).
Although a leader in the community of his day, Rushton was frequently equivocal and used very simple floating
100 Processes in Biological Vision
Rushton, W. (1955) xxx J. Physiol. vol. 129, pg 272
Ripp, H. Weale, R. (1964) On seeing red, J. Opt. Soc. Am. vol. 54, pg 272
Rushton, W. (1964) Interpretation of retinal densitometry, J. Opt. Soc. Am. vol. 54, pg 273
Rushton, W. (1965) A foveal pigment in the deutranope, J. Physiol. vol. 176, pp 24-37
Hsia, Y. & Graham, C. (1957) Spectral luminosity curves for protanopic, deutranopic and normal subjects,
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. vol. 43, pp 1011-1019
Baker, H. & Rushton, W. (1965) The red-sensitive pigment in normal cones. J. Physiol. vol. 176, pp 56-72
Ikeda, M. (1963) Study of interrelations between mechanisms at threshold. J. Opt. Soc. Am. vol. 53, pp
Ikeda, M. (1964) Further use of the summation index for the study of color vision. J. Opt. Soc. Am. vol.
54, pp 89-94
Marks, W. Dobelle, W. & MacNichol, E. (1964) Science, vol. 143, pp 1181-1183
Boynton, R. Ikeda, M. & Stiles, W. (1964) Interactions among chromatic mechanisms as inferred from
positive and negative increment thresholds. Vision Res. vol. 4, pp 87-117
Bowmaker, J. Dartnall, H. Lythgoe, J. & Mollon, J. (1978) The visual pigments of rods and cones in the
rhesus monkey, Macaca mulatta. J. Physiol. vol. 274, pp 329-348
models. Rushton presented a paper in 1955
(based on retinal densitometry), along with a series of talks. This
material claimed the long wavelength spectral absorption occurred near 590 nm. In a 1961 paper, he changed his
position and defined the peak as occurring at 575 nm. He was criticized in detail in 1964 for this change in
. Simultaneously, he responded to the criticism (by disclaiming the validity of the material) and
presenting a new series of papers
. The summary of his 1965 paper listed a peak absorption near 635 nm .
However, he did not associate it with the term erythrolabe. That paper did include a figure from Hsia & Graham
showing a Brezold Peak near 575 nm. It was compared with his own data showing a peak near 570 nm and a clear
inflection at a longer wavelength near 625 nm. He claimed chlorolabe had a peak absorption near 540 nm but did
not explore the blue region.
Baker & Rushton continued to show that erythrolabe was present in both normals and deutranopes
. They also
showed the results of differential adaptation but without any calibration of the bleach parameter and a sparse
sampling of the spectrum. The figures do not provide unequivocal separation of the spectra.
Ikeda presented two papers which he described as exploratory
. They did not contribute significantly to
determining the spectral response of the individual spectral channels of human vision. Marks, et. al. used end-
on microspecrophotometry to measure the spectra of the retinas of both humans and monkeys
. The work,
admittedly difficult, was performed in-vitro. Difference spectra were obtained from dark adapted sections of
retina. Only two spectra were presented from humans. While orderly, the spectra show a variety of unexplained
artifacts. These include rises in absorption at wavelengths longer than 650 nm and a number of unexplained
relative peaks in the spectra peaking near 560 & 580 nms.
Boynton, et. al. described psychophysical measurements using an incremental threshold technique
. Figures 21
and 22 of their paper show primary spectral channels with peak absorptions near 437, 532 and 610 nms but a
caveat concerning the views of individual authors.
Wald continued the effort to quantify the long wavelength chromophore in 1964. This effort will be explored in
the following section.
Bowmaker, et. al. reviewed part of the literature in this area in 1978
. They also provided data on difference
spectra obtained by transverse illumination of in-vitro outer segments based on bleaching and red safe lights.
They noted that less than 20 primate cones had been examined up to that time. They also noted a comment by
Liebman in 1972 concerning the quality of the database. The frequently reported difference between in-vivo and
Photochemistry 5- 101
Personal communication and response in 1985.
in-vitro data was also noted. Without qualification, they chose to use the C.I.E. scotopic luminosity function as an
absolute reference in their experiments. Use of a red safe light with outer segments separated from their biological
support essentially disqualifies their measurements in the long wavelength region, if not all regions. Separation of
the outer segments from the Activa of the photoreceptor cell also eliminates the role of the 2-exciton mechanism in
biological vision. It is this mechanism that is used to achieve long wavelength sensitivity in the biological vision
They also reported difficulty in isolating any outer segments from blue cones although they showed spectral data
for two short wavelength absorbers. Apparently they required the cells to recover from bleaching to be considered
The only figure adopted widely from all of the above studies was Fig 7 of the 1964 paper of Wald. This paper was
based on psychophysics and not more intrusive physiology. Because of Dr Walds charisma and position, no one
within the community ever questioned or confirmed his findings. People from the photographic community did
raise a flag in 1985 but with little success
This work shows that the overall spectra obtained by Hsia & Graham, by Rushton, et. al. and by Wald are all
reproducible using the chromophores defined in this work and the logarithmic summation process at the heart of
the perception of luminance (See Sections 16.3 & 17.2). Contrary to the widely reproduced proposition by Wald,
the three chromophores exhibit peak absorptions near 437, 532 and 625 nm. The differential adaptation experiments of Wald
Wald first wrote about differential adaptation in Aurebach & Wald. At that time, they used strong orange-to-red
lights (> 520 nm) to isolate the short wavelength spectral channel. They then made spectral measurements at one
and ten minutes after adaptation and compared the results to Stiles blue mechanism. They did not measure an
isolated short wavelength spectrum. However, they describe the peak absorption near 436 nm as violet since they
say most people report this color name when viewing this wavelength. It is suggested that this peak is a major
component of their recordings at the end of one minute. They provide a similar figure showing a degree of
suppression in the short wavelength region due to chromatic adaptation involving violet light. Neither the
wavelength or intensity of this light was given.
Figure 5.5.10-9 is presented to illustrate what can be expected based on their observations. Valid measurements of
the peak absorption must be made quickly following adequate suppression of the unwanted spectral channels.
Auerbach & Wald did not prescribe a maximum time following adaptation within which a meaningful peak in the
spectrum could be determined. Neither did they specify a maximum time within which to collect the complete
spectral characteristic of the subject. The range of peak absorptions for the L-channel given in the subsequent
literature, varying from 565 to 580 nm, is easily understood from the figure.
102 Processes in Biological Vision
Wald, G. (1964) The receptors of human color vision. Science, vol. 145, pp 1007-1017
Brindley, G. (1970) Physiology of the retina and visual pathways. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins,
pg 55
Figure 5.5.10-9 Caricature showing perceived peak
spectral sensitivity following suppression of the M-channel
by various factors. The true peak in the absorption
characteristic is only observed if the suppression due to
differential adaptation is adequate and the measurement is
made immediately after adaptation.
Ten years later, Wald presented a more comprehensive
. It involved two separate sets of experiments.
One set was designed to isolate each spectral channel of
human vision. The second was designed to confirm the
data in the first set by suppressing the mid wavelength
spectral channel. The work continued to assume linear
addition leading to the perceived responses of human
vision even though it is widely supposed that the
responses are linearly related to the logarithm of the
strength of the stimulus
In the first set of experiments, there is a considerable
difference between what is said in the introduction and
the experiments carried out. Whereas he said he used
blue light to isolate the red-receptor and red light to
isolate the blue-receptor, he did not. He used light with
wavelength greater than 550 nm (distinctly yellow) to
isolate the blue. This suppressed both the middle and
long wavelength receptors. He used light with
wavelength shorter than 500 nm and heavily weighted
toward 430 nm in an attempt to isolate the long
wavelength receptor. The stated Wratten #47B filter has
an optical density of 1.0 at 480 nm and 2.5 at 500 nm
compared to its peak near 430 nm. This stimulus only suppressed the short wavelength receptor. In a secondary
test, he used a Wratten #47 filter. This lowered the sensitivity of the middle wavelength receptor marginally but
did not isolate the long wavelength receptor. As a result, he studies the perceived (logarithmic) sum of the middle
and long wavelength receptors. Figure 5.5.10-10 reproduces his figure 2 with two overlays added. The overlay at
the top of the figure is provided only to illustrate the capability of the overall spectral sensitivity equation
developed in Section 16.3.3 and presented graphically in Section 17.3.3. This equation is so accurate that the
parameters used in it are subject and test set specific. In this case, the Wald curve for subject R.H. is marked dark
adapted. However, the test stimulus was undersize (1 degree) and the small shoulder on the right is missing. This
shoulder separates the photopic from the scotopic response of the subject. The subject was operating in their
scotopic region. The dashed overlay is drawn for the nominal peak absorption amplitudes of
::100:1000:250 and half-amplitude absorption spectrum widths of 400 to 460, 495 to 550 and 595 to 645
nms respectively. The shoulder in the region of 450 nm was less prominent in Walds other subject, D.G. Wald
did not discuss the precision of his intensity measurements nor provide range bars for his data. The precision of
the overall sensitivity equation of this work surfaces variations in the length and/or density of specific spectral
types of outer segments in individuals. These variations are treated by adjusting the half-amplitude absorption
edges in 1-2 nm increments.
The overlay to the upper of two curves labeled blue adapted (short dashes) is also based on the overall spectral
sensitivity equation of this work. The function as drawn includes contributions from all three spectral channels
Photochemistry 5- 103
Figure 5.5.10-10 Walds figure 2 with overlays. The
upper overlay (dashed line) shows the overall spectral
sensitivity function of this work. The lower
overlay(dashed line) shows the overall spectral sensitivity
function of this work for a chromatically adapted subject.
See text.
with peak absorptions at 437, 532 and 625 nm. Their
relative amplitudes are k
::50:850:1000 with half
amplitude absorption widths of 400 to 460, 495 to 550
and 595 to 645 nms respectively. The data points of
Wald can be matched with arbitrary precision by varying
the above parameters slightly in the overall spectral
sensitivity equation. However, the points to note are:
+ The half amplitude wavelengths for the subject must be
known to a precision of <1.0 nm. These vary with the
length of the outer segments of the retina of the
individual and these lengths vary with location.
+ Wald was not successful in isolating the L-channel
spectral characteristic for this individual. The
measured response included a 3% contribution from the
S-channel and a 45% contribution from the M-channel.
In addition, a considerable contribution from the
Brezold-Brucke Effect has caused the peak absorption to
appear at 575 nm.
By more completely suppressing the M-channel, the true
spectral peak of the L-channel receptors can be
determined. The long-dash overlay is for such a
condition. The relative amplitudes for this overlay are
::50:50:1000 with the same half-amplitudes as
above. Under this more complete adaptation, the peak in
the long wavelength receptor channel is seen to occur at
625 nm.
The above discussion combined with that in Section have serious ramifications. It
is this curve of Wald that has been widely reproduced as authoritative and fundamental.
Virtually all of the experiments in psychophysics of the last 50 years have assumed the long
wavelength chromophores of vision peaked in the region of 575 nm. They have relied upon
a false assumption! The peak spectral absorption of the L-channel in human vision is at 625
To isolate the long wavelength receptor, he should have used a stimulus extending more uniformly from 570 nm to
430 nm.. Among the Wratten filters, #44A would be the preferred choice. A better choice would be a cyan (minus
red) filter such as Edmund Scientific #H2536.
In isolating the middle wavelength receptor, he used a Wratten #35 filter. This magenta filter suppressed both the
short and long wavelength receptors. He found a significant difference between his subjects in this test. This 60%
difference in blue sensitivity more effectively isolated the middle wavelength receptor in subject D.G. Subject R.H.
continued to show a distinct shoulder due to the short wavelength receptor at 436 nm. His figures 2 & 3
summarize his isolation experiments. His conclusion was that the receptors exhibited peaks near 430, 540 and 575
In the second set of experiments, he green adapted R.H. in order to isolate both the short and long wavelength
receptors. The observed short wavelength peak remained near 430 nm. However, the long wavelength peak
104 Processes in Biological Vision
Hurvich, L. & Jameson, D. (1955) Some quantitative aspects of an opponent-colors theory. J. Opt. Soc. Am.
Vol. 45, pp 602+
moved closer to 580-585 nm. He then red-adpated R.H. to isolate the short and middle wavelength receptors.
The results are shown in his figure 4, reproduced here as Figure 5.5.10-11. It is discussed more fully in Section The conclusions are the same. Wald did not employ sufficient differential adaptation to isolate the L-
channel chromophore of human vision. The peak wavelength of the chromophore is at 625 nm. His figure 6
shows his data corrected for ocular and macular absorptions. The curves for the short wavelength receptor clearly
show that isolation was not achieved in the 500-700 nm region. His curves for the putative middle and long
wavelength receptors show virtually no roll-off at short wavelengths (less than a factor of 4 to 6 at 400 nm). The
curves also show significant absorption beyond 600 nm for the long wavelength receptor. [All of the curves in
figures 4 and 6 can be shown to remain composite curves, and can be matched quite closely by theoretical curves
developed in Section 16.3 of this work.]. He then re-plots these curves in normalized form on a linear scale in
figure 7. It is this form that is most often found in the literature to this day. The scatter among the data points is
considerable. More critically, the waveform shown for the L-channel is questionable.
Summarizing the first set of Walds experiments;
+ The Sreceptors were successfully isolate by suppressing both the L and Mreceptors
+ The Mreceptors were successfully isolate by suppressing both the L and Sreceptors
+ The Lreceptors were not isolated since only the Sreceptors were suppressed in the experiment.
The second set of experiments were less than successful because of the minimal amount of suppression of the
Mreceptors. By suppressing the Mchannel by a factor of about 25:1, a logarithmic mixture of nearly equal
amounts of M and Lchannel receptors were active. To successfully isolate the Lchannel receptors, the
Mchannel must be suppressed by a factor of at least 1000:1.
Wald proceeds to calculate the contribution of each of his putative receptor spectra to the overall spectra using
linear algebra. This subject will be addressed in Section 17.3.3 where it will be compared to the more appropriate
(logarithmic) approach.
The problem with Walds assertion of a peak spectral response for the L-channel near 565-580 nm is in the
protocol. This protocol has led others to the same awkward results. This protocol should not be relied upon in the
light of the data, including that in the following section. The mixture data of Wright, Hurvich and others
Both of the above authors have provided differential psychophysical data that differs substantially from the position
of Wald. Wrights XXX data clearly shows differential curves showing peak sensitivities in the region of 500-530
nm for the M-channel and less than 450 nm for the S-channel. These values are both consistent with the view
based on electrochemistry that the peak wavelengths are near 437 and 532 nm in all animals. The same data
would suggest the L-channel chromophore must be at a wavelength longer than 620 nm, even based on the linear
assumption. His curves were accepted and adopted by the CIE as a Standard in 1931. His value is consistent with
an L-channel peak wavelength at 625 nm as used in this work.
Hurvich & Jameson have provided similar chromatic response functions
. However, they show an even better
agreement on the location of the M-channel chromphore near 532 nm. The show the S-channel peak very near
437 nm. Finally, they show the L-channel peak as near 610 nm +/ 5 nm.
Photochemistry 5- 105
Ingling, C. Russell, P. Rea, M. & Tsou, B. (1978) Red-green opponent spectral sensitivity: disparity between
cnacellation and direct matching methods. Science, vol. 201, pp 1221-1223
Figure 5.5.10-11 Wald figure 4 with overlay. Wald used
the curve labeled green adapted to justify his claim that the
long wavelength photoreceptor had a peak absorption at
575 nm. The short dashed curve through the same points
contains k
::1000:110:275. The peak near 575-580
nm is actually due to the Bezold Effect. The alternate
(long dashes) adaptation curve correctly isolates the peak
absorption of the Lchannel at 625 nm. See text.
Ingling, et. al. have shown very convincing spectral
curves suggesting peaks in the spectral performance
spectra associated with 437, 532 and 625 nm
. They
noted in their title the disparity between various
psychophysical methods. The next theoretical stage, the
quality factor of the Rhodonines
The above figures justify the reliance on the theory of
this work related to the chromophores of vision. What
is yet to be quantified is the quality factor of the Outer
Segments. MacNichol commented on the relative
difference in the width of the absorption spectra
presented by Marks. MacNichol and Bowmaker, et. al.
both noted the long wavelength absorber had a narrower
spectrum than that of the middle wavelength absorber.
This quality factor is usually described by the equation
(1 +/- 1/2Q) where is a unit of spectral
frequency. Alternately, it can be expressed by =
+/-1/2Q) where is in wavelength. Figure 5.5.10-12
illustrates the impact of selecting the value of Q when
the criteria is based on wavelength. The nominal
center wavelengths were 342, 437, 532 and 625 nm.
Note the significantly different amount of overlap
between the spectra. The curves for Q = 4.8 most
closely match the curves of Douglas, Bowmaker and
Kunz given above. As the available laboratory data
continues to improve in precision, it will be possible to
choose a more precise value for Q and it may be possible
to narrow the +/-2 nm tolerance on the nominal peak
wavelengths. Once the methodology question is
resolved, it may also be possible to assign quality factors
to the Outer Segments based on phylum and/or species.
The ancillary peaks related to the Bezold-Brucke and the Purkinje Effects are particularly relevant to determining
the precise amount of crossover between the spectral absorption characteristics. A putative peak near 390 nm in
the aphakic human eye would also be very useful in evaluating these parameters. See Section 17.2.4.
106 Processes in Biological Vision
Figure 5.5.10-12 Defining the quality factor associated with the chromophores of vision. Upper curves are for a Q of
4.8 based on wavelength. Lower curves are for a Q of 7.0. Nominal peaks are at 342, 437, 532 and 625 nm. Inferences from Genetics
This section is designed to address the current work in genetics as it applies to the chromophores of vision.
Section addresses the question of the genetic code as it applies to the protein substrate, opsin. There is
reason to consider merging these sections in the future. This section will present some fundamental background
related to research into the genetic code and an overview of what work has been presented.
Genetics is becoming a powerful force in understanding the nature of the normal and abnormal human. With the
transcription, and subsequent interpretation of the genetic code, many questions will be answered about vision.
However, at the current time, matching genetic information with the results of behavioral experiment is the
ultimate inferential science. In specific cases, experiments are now being conducted (even on humans) to confirm
the inferences between specific readings of the genetic code and specific diseases. These experiments are being
approached with the appropriate caution since there may be many undocumented promoters, enhancers and
Photochemistry 5- 107
Shicchi, H. (1983) Biochemistry of Vision. NY: Academic Press pg 107
Jones, M. (2001) The Molecule Hunt. NY: Arcade Publishing pp 50-52
Shapiro, R. (1991) The Human Blueprint: The race to unlock the secrets of our genetic script. NY: St.
Martins Press
silencers associated with these genes that are not yet recognized in the laboratory. An interesting experiment has
been performed. Shichi states, The opsin synthesized in a wheat germ system containing mRNA for the opsin has
the identical amino-terminal sequence to that of rod membrane-associated rhodopsin but the N-terminal
methionine is not acetylated. Therefore, acetylation of the N-terminus occurs as a posttranscriptional process.

If this is true, a straight forward reading of the genetic code may not describe rhodopsin. The genetic code for the casual reader
Watson & Crick first defined the genetic code by its structure, the famous double helix.. They went on to show
that each helix consisted of a long string of amino acids. However, the string only contained four types of amino
acids (called bases in that community), adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T). Each helix
consists of a very long string of these amino acids along with a sugar and a phosphate group. The name for the
complete entity is deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Individual sequences (called genes) within each helix defined the
code necessary for the ribosomes of a cell to create a specific protein. These codes are copied and transported to
the ribosomes by a simpler nucleic acid, ribonucleic acid (RNA). Ribose is the sugar. RNA is slightly different
than DNA. In place of the base, thymine (T), it uses one of its close relatives, uracil (U). It typically has a length
of 80 to a few thousand bases.
Jones summarized the gross properties of both nuclear DNA (representing the full genome) and the more
specialized mitochondrial DNA (representing a specialized region of the genome) in 2001
. Using a library
analogy, he compares DNA to a small library while RNA can be compared to a pamphlet in that library. The
DNA within the nucleus of the human cell is enormous, made up of 2-3 billion base-pairs distributed among
twenty-three pairs of chromosomes, and coding for between 30,000-40,000 genes. The complete human genome
is currently under intense attack, with the goal of a complete listing before 2005. The entire human mitochodrial
DNA was sequenced in 1981 and contained 16,569 base-pairs. It was first listed, with great fanfare, in Nature for
April 1981. Printed above portions of the listing describing the specific protein associated with that segment of
code (that gene). Other portions were boxed in to represent specific command sequences used to implement
specific parts of the gene code (genetic code).
The more focused DNA within a mitochondria contained
When deciphering the genetic code, each base in one of the DNA helixes is uniquely associated with a particular
base in the other string. Each G on one string is paired with one C on the other. Each A is paired with a T on the
other string. Thus, the second string can be considered the complement of the first, since each of its members is
completely defined in terms of the first string. Each pair is labeled an unlike pairing.
The main purpose of the genetic code is to control the manufacture of proteins. The RNA acts as an intermediary
between the DNA of the genetic code and the ribosomes that actually manufacture proteins. The ribosomes are
made primarily of RNA and other proteins. To distinguish which is which, the RNA carrying the message is
labeled messenger RNA. Note that neither DNA or RNA are proteins.
For those interested in understanding the field of genetic code analysis without becoming immersed in it, Shapiro
has presented a very readable primer
. He has defined a variety of terms used in the field along with equivalent
terms in the vernacular. He uses the analogy of a long string of text, such as produced on a narrow strip of paper
by an old teleprinter.
108 Processes in Biological Vision
Specific codes
Within a gene as defined below, a specific protein is defined by a sequence of three-letter groups (triplets). GTG
indicates valine; CAT, histidine; CTG, leucine; ACT, threonine; CCT, proline; and GAG, glutamic acid. With
four possibilities in each location, the potential number of codes is 64. This is more than sufficient to encode the
twenty amino acids usually found in animal proteins and allows for a variety of additional codes used for control
purposes (much like control codes in a computer program).
General concepts
genotype the observed spelling in the genome related to an observed body type.
phenotype a body type relating to a specific portion of the genetic code
COS cell xxx
transfected xxx
Operational concepts
Cloning inserting a snippet of DNA into a viral DNA at a controlled location, allowing the virus to reproduce and
then removing all of the pieces corresponding to the original DNA snippet.
Codon A three-letter group (triplet) defining a specific amino acid in a protein.
text cutters restriction enzymes
text splicers DNA ligases
text matching hybridization. The basic process of
shotgun experiment A nucleic acid experiment where the outcome of the experiment is not well controlled. A
mixture of materials may be produced but with a predictable statistical variation in content
unlike pairing The fact that a specific base is never associated with a base similar to itself
Control codes
Exon the start of a protein-coding area, defined by the base sequence ATG
intron an interruption in the code, defined by Shapiro, 1991, as the base sequence TG (Nathans, 1987, says GT).
stop end of protein definition, defined by the base sequence TAA and two others
Sections of DNA
plasmids a snippet of DNA, typically a few thousand bases
gene that length of DNA, the protein code, lying between an exon and a stop code (except for that part defined by
intron sequences) describing a particular enzyme (protein).
Second order codes
These are areas of the code that may lie outside of the boundaries of a specific gene (as defined above) but play a
major role in controlling the actions promoted by that gene. They may lie upstream or downstream of the gene.
promoters Sequences such as TATA (the TATA box) and CCAAT (the CAAT box), etc.
There is currently a large amount of code that is not understood. It is generally called garbage, junk or nonsense.
Some of it may be critically important to defining functions not currently understood. It is very dangerous to
discount such code.
Important variations
The genes employ a significant amount of alternate codes to the above codes. These spelling differences come in
two forms. Short changes in spelling are called polymorphisms. Longer changes can be called text differences.
The formal name for the latter is restriction fragment length polymorphism (frequently abbreviated RFLP and
spoken as rifflips) Text differences can be significant enough to deserve special study. These differences can be
isolated by specific probes. Some of these differences can be the key to understanding certain genetic diseases. If
some of these differences are present in the genetic material from both parents, the resulting condition can range
from incidental to lethal.
Analytical tools
chain termination method dideoxy method. A method of modifying one of the bases so it can participate in the
formation of DNA but causes the copying process to terminate at that specific location.
probe A section of DNA modified by man to exhibit some easily identified property (fluorescence is common).
Photochemistry 5- 109
Shapiro, R. (1991) Op. Cit. pg 89-94
Drayna, D. & White, R. (1985) xxx Science vol. 230, pp 753-xxx
Used to locate its compliment in a single DNA string of a helix.
Interpretation tools
sequencing ladder a two dimensional table showing the length of fragments obtained when the modified bases of
the chain termination method are introduced into a DNA sequence. When completed, the ladder specifies the
complete sequence of the DNA sample. Shapiro provides an excellent tutorial on reading these
published transcriptions The convention is to publish the compliment of the DNA code being discussed. This
compliment is the actual code of the probe used to identify the DNA snippet.
As Shapiro points out, it is normal in genetics to first determine a change in the amino acids of a gene and only
later (historically much later) decipher the genetic text that accompanies the change. This text may contain many
polymorphisms that are not completely understood for an even longer time (such as the differences noted in
Section Shapiro has provided an interesting figure, credited to Drayna & White
, describing the
differences in the X chromosomes as it is passed to nine siblings by their mother. They are extensive. Brief summary of the literature
[XXX consolidate with section or reference. one section applies to the substrate and cell, the other to the
chromophores ]
A key feature of the above technology is the fact that (as Watson first said) DNA makes RNA makes protein.
This idea was labeled the Central Dogma of biology by Crick in the late 1950's. The important point is that DNA
itself does not specify fats, sugars, and retinoids. DNA defines proteins. Where necessary, the proteins must take
other steps to acquire or manufacture the associated non-proteins, i. e., retinoids.
To date, the genetic literature is unanimously based on the trichromatic theory reflecting the operation of the
human eye in object space. It does not reflect the fact that human retina (along with other chordate retinas) is
known to be, and is demonstrably, tetrachromatic (see Section 17.2.2).
The terminology being used by the geneticists may also be a problem. They appear to be using the term rhodopsin
to include three spectrally distinct chromophores (without regard for a fourth UV sensitive chromophore) that only
vary in the arrangement of the amino acids in the opsin moiety. Other communities label such materials iodopsins
with the term rhodopsin reserved for a fourth (or fifth) achromatic photoreceptor. The geneticists have not
addressed the possibility of two types of achromatic photoreceptors, such as the red and green rods of the broader
Experimental work in the genetics of vision requires a broader understanding of the functional performance of
vision. Any inferential relationship between the human genes and the chromophores of vision must accommodate
four spectrally distinct narrowband chromophores of vision (including an ultraviolet, UV, sensitive chromophore).
If a truly achromatic rhodopsin is also needed, the total number of genes to be located must equal five.
There has been significant effort expended in trying to relate the genetic code to the simpler conditions of color
blindness. However, the papers reviewed below have consistently taken a very elementary view of the operation of
the visual system. They have assumed that all failures related to abnormal color vision are based on the chemistry
of the chromophores. Section 18.1 provides a more comprehensive description of the types and potential sources
of such failures. Section documents the very important work of Lakowski. Lakowski documents the
variety of failures that can occur within the neurological portion of the visual system.
While the papers reflect the highly sophisticated techniques used in DNA and protein analysis, they reflect the use
110 Processes in Biological Vision
Nathans, J. (1987) Molecular biology of visual pigments Ann Rev Neurosci vol. 10, pp 163-194
Nathans, J. Piantinida, T. Eddy, R. Shows, T. & Hogness, D. (1986) Molecular genetics of inherited
variation in human color vision Science, vol. 232, pp 203-210
of only the simplest of spectral absorption techniques. Only simple numbers reflecting the absorbance over a one
centimeter distance have been reported, rather than absolute absorption coefficients defining the absorption per
unit of material present. This matter is extremely important because the chromophores of vision are not present in
low concentrations solutions. They are present in highly organized, but extremely thin, layers. While the
absorptions reported by the geneticists are typically 0.05-0.20 per cm, the actual absorptions of the chromophores
when configured operationally exceed 0.6-0.8 in 50 microns. Thus, the actual absorption is a factor of 500:1
higher in the operational case than in the reports.
The material also appears to use the term solubilization as if it produces a true solution. However, the protein and
retinoid materials involved are not water soluble. They do not dissolve in water, even in the presence of detergents
and other dispersing agents. The result is the dispersal of the insoluble material into a suspension. Such a
suspension can be expected to introduce considerable scatter into any light beam projected through a test cell.
A number of groups have undertaken the task of defining the chromophores of vision based on the genetic code.
One of the earliest was Nathans
. His papers of the mid 1980's rely upon the conventional trichromatic theory
and the putative three forms of rhodopsin. He proposed three specific genes that he inferred were related to three
chromophores of vision. No UV gene was identified. The most prolific has been the team consisting of Neitz &
Neitz and their associates. More recently, a team led by Oprian has played a major role in the discourse. There
are significant differences in the proposed structure and characteristics of the chromophores among these papers.
Not all of these can be addressed here. It is indicative of the early stage of the work in this area and the dogged
attempt to associate this work with the conventional wisdom of the tricrhomatic theory and the putative rhodopsin
The 1986 paper of Nathans, Thomas & Hogness include considerable background aiding in identifying their four
genes of vision (rhodopsin, red, green & blue) in the larger context of the genome. However, they rely upon the
trichromatic theory of the conventional wisdom. They include base sequences (and amino acid equivalents) for
their red, green & blue genes. They do not provide such a sequence for rhodopsin or the UV channel of human
vision (See Section 17.2.2). Their discussion includes a quandary concerning the number of genes for color vision
found in their subject, J. N, and the conventional wisdom of the trichromatic theory and their perception of
abnormal color vision. The words must, surprising and presumably enter the discussion at this point.
Another 1986 paper by Nathans, Piantanida, Eddy et. al. explore the genetics of color blindness they continue to
rely upon a very simple trichromatic theory and do not recognize a parallelism between the luminance and
chrominance channels of vision
. Their analysis of color defects does not distinguish between anomalous
trichromats, and the multiple forms of incomplete trichromats (functional trichromats and functional dichromats).
This leads them to associate all forms of red-green color blindness with chromophore substitutions, even though
complete deutranopes are known to exhibit normal luminance threshold functions at all wavelengths. They do not
address the existence of a UV chromophore in humans.
The 1987 Nathans paper is one of the earliest reviewing the relationship of the genetic code to the form of the
chromophores of vision and includes many references to other areas of vision. It includes several code sequences
associated with three entrons he believes relate to the rhodopsin molecule. Nathan notes that one school of
analysis associates color blindness with chromophore deficiencies while another associates the problem with errors
in the neural circuitry. However, his paper focuses on deficiencies in the chromophores. He presents a
simplified explanation of color blindness wherein a total loss of the Mchannel chromophore results in
deuteranopia while a similar total loss of the Lchannel chromophore results in protanopia. These are not the
Photochemistry 5- 111
Merbs, S. & Nathans, J. (1992) Absorption spectra of the hybrid pigments responsible for anomalous color
vision Science vol. 258, pp 464-465
Neitz, J. Neitz, M. & Jacobs, G. (1993) More than three different cone pigments among people with normal
color vision Vision Res. vol. 33, no. 1, pp 117-122
definitions usually found in the vision literature (see Section and the absence of the M-channel
chromophore has not been reported in the psychophysical or physiological literature. While he associates the
human visual process with four light sensitive pigments, he defines these as one achromatic (apparently
broadband) pigment and three narrower band chromatic pigments. He does not address the presence of an
ultraviolet pigment in human vision (see Section The paper does not address the spectral impacts of any
errors in the genetic code. Nathans does introduce the proposal that the Lchannel chromophore may involve a
cyanine like resonant retinoid. However, he does not represent that the retinoid contains two nitrogen atoms. His
baseline proposal is that the genetic code controls the expression of the protein (opsin) portion of the putative
rhodopsin molecule. He provides the genetic code believed to correspond to a small portion of the complete opsin
Nathans does introduce the similarity of the chromophores of vision and the cyanines of dye chemistry, although
he does not explicitly recognize the requirement for two atoms of either oxygen, nitrogen or phosphorus in a
successful chromophore. His conclusion is that only the long wavelength chromophore resembles a cyanine while
the others remain polyenes. His figure 4 (from Suzuki, 1967) is interesting in that he shows the nominal peak
absorptions of a series of polyenes and cyanines. The uniform progression of wavelength shift with conjugation
level of both the polyenes and cyanines are shown. The particular cyanines shown have peak absorptions at 520,
627 and 734 nm. No absorption is shown in the 560 to 575 nm region. The magnitude of the shift for the
cyanines is very similar to that of the visual chromophores and about three times larger than for the polyenes.
Nathans also presents a series of genes showing the extensive base differences he predicts between rhodopsin and
the distinct narrowband chromophores for the S, M & Lchannels.
The 1992 Merbs & Nathans paper addresses anomalous color vision based on a dichotomy, the possible complete
absence of either the Lchannel or Mchannel chromophores of vision
. Their definition of a complete
deutranope as one completely lacking a green, or Mchannel, chromophore does not conform to the original
definition of the term or as it is used in this work (Section 18.1). No report has been found in either the
electrophysiological or psychophysical literature of any sighted human, color-blind or not, who totally lacked an
operational Mchannel in his visual system. At photopic levels of illumination, the most chromatically limited
deutranope exhibits a luminous threshold function within the normal statistical variation of color normals.
Merbs & Nathans present the thesis that Dichromacy and anomalous trichromacy are caused by unequal
homologous recombination with the tandem array of genes that encode the red and green visual pigments. This
statement suggests that unequal homologous recombination is the only cause of these chromatic shortcomings.
Such a position does not recognize the other demonstrable failure modes associated with abnormal color vision.
The 1993 Neitz, Neitz & Jacobs paper is very important and references a large number of papers
. It summarizes
the changes in their thinking from that in their earlier papers on page 120. This summary is a caution to those
reading their earlier papers. It also defines the conventional wisdom under which they were working at that time.
They support the trichromatic theory approach and the rhodopsin hypothesis (the chromophores are formed as a
molecule containing a protein opsin and a retinoid). However, they claim a variety of differences in specific
chromophores that result in small shifts (3-6 nm) in peak absorption among the chromophores of individuals with
otherwise normal vision. They also ascribe these differences to the protein part of the putative rhodopsin molecule.
In a 1990 paper, they describe how they have collected psychophysical data on essentially color normals who
exhibit small differences in Rayleigh matches. The protocol and instrumentation are not sophisticated by modern
112 Processes in Biological Vision
Oprian, et. al. (1991) Op. Cit. pg 11371
standards. This data was used in support of the 1993 paper.
This work suggests the portions of the genetic code ascribed to controlling the expression of the chromophores of
vision should be associated with an entirely different mechanism than suggested by Neitz, et. al. Since it is shown
in Chapter 7 that opsin and the retinoid portions of the visual process are formed in entirely different location
within the body, it is not logical to associate potential changes in opsin with changes in the spectral performance of
the chromophores of vision. This work shows it is the retinoids themselves that are changed to exhibit different
spectra. But, the retinoids are not proteins. The method of changing the chromophores must be tracked back to a
protein intermediary. Two such intermediaries are known. The first is the plasma transport protein, TTR. If this
protein exists in four forms, it can cause the delivery of four different chromogens (the rhodonines) to the RPE.
These chromogens can then be transported to the disks of the outer segments and be converted to chromophores by
their selective conversion to the liquid crystalline form. The second is the IPM transport protein IRBP. This
protein transports the chromogens from the RPE to the disks of the outer segment (see Nickerson later in this
Under this scenario, the small changes of 3-6 nm between the spectral performance of individuals is accounted for
by other (possibly genetically controlled) changes in the signal processing system of stage 2, and possibly changes
in the physiological optics of stage 0, rather than in the chromophores themselves.
The literature contains a number of other references to the matching of parts of the genetic code to the putative
three variants of rhodopsin. Oprian, et. al
. have followed a different path of research. However, it appears to
remain wedded to the trichromatic theory and the concept of rhodopsin as a single molecule. They have also
discussed the quandary resulting from the assumption that all three pigments of human vision result from only one
putative 11-cis-retinal chromophore. They indicate their future activity will focus on resolving this dilemma.
Many of their matches have involved comparing the genetic material of siblings where one is known to be color
blind, generally red-green color blind.
Oprian, et. al. relied upon an early Neitz & Neitz paper of 1986 to define the location of three genes responsible for
the chromophores of vision. A blue gene was localized to an autosome, chromosome 7. It is not clear what led
them to chromosome 7. The inference appears to rely upon the fact that blue color deficiencies are known to be
inherited autosomally. Two genes were localized to the X-chromosome. These were identified as green and red
because inherited green/red color vision deficiencies are known to be X-linked. They note, The identification of
the color vision genes rests largely on indirect evidence. They did note that the genes they focused on were 350-
380 base units long and all ended in a specific sequence including a carboxyl group.
Their paper claims to demonstrate that these genes do in fact code for three proteins that when reconstituted
(incubated) with 11-Cis-retinal and purified have absorption spectra, apparently in dilute solution, that have
maxima at 424, 530 and 560 nm. The incubation procedure allows for many uncontrolled chemical reactions.
Some of these can convert the retinal into an indicator substance. This makes the pH of the solution of major
significance when performing spectroscopic examination. Hubbard showed similar shifts in spectral peaks to those
of Oprian, et. al. in the 1950's by changing the pH of the incubated retinal containing solution. The Oprian
absorbances were determined using a 1.0 cm cell length at 4 Celsius. The absorbance of the red solution was 3:1
less than the green solution. They did not search for or identify any gene coding for the ultraviolet sensitive
chromophore of human vision (see Section 17.2.2).
Oprian, et. al. did confirm that each of their genes they described in detail (including their sequence) contained the
same terminal sequence. This sequence of eight amino acids is known to be identical to the terminal sequence of
opsin (putative portion of rhodopsin) at its carboxyl end. However, they did not discuss how many other proteins
Photochemistry 5- 113
Zhukovsky, E. & Oprian, D. (1989) Effect of carboxylic acid side chains on the absorption maximum of
visual pigments Science vol. 246, pp 928-930
Zhukovsky, E. Robinson, P. & Oprian, D. (1991) Transducin activation by rhodopsin without a covalent
bond to the 11-cis-retinal chromophore Science, vol. 251, pp 558-559
Ma, J. Kono, M. et. al. (2001) Salamander UV cone pigment: sequence, expression and spectral properties
Visual Neurosci vol. 18, pp 393-399
Ma, J. Znoiko, S. et. al. (2001) A visual pigment expressed in both rod and cone photoreceptors Neuron vol.
32, pp 451-461
Dawson, M. & Okamura, W. (1990) Chemistry and Biology of Synthetic Retinoids Boca Raton Fl: CRC
Press fig. 2.
exhibited this same terminal sequence.
Zhukovsky, et. al. have provided two papers from the Oprian school
. These focus on the proposal that Glu
acts as a counterion needed to bring the absorption spectrum of the putative Schiff-base to near 500 nm (contrary to
earlier studies that showed a counterion could not accomplish this). They conclude although these data are also
consistent with a model in which Glu
provides a crucial tertiary interaction in the protein that brings a different
anion into contact with the Schiff base. The second paper claims the counterion approach was shown to be
correct in the first paper without addressing the above caveat. This paper opens with the premise that Rhodopsin
and the visual pigments are a distinct group within the family of G-protein-linked receptors in that they have a
covalently bound ligand, the 11-cis-retinal chromophore, whereas all of the other receptors bind their agonists
through noncovalent interactions. The paper attempts to show, inconclusively, that the covalent bond between the
retinoid and the protein is not required. Both papers appear to involve dilute solutions.
Ma, et. al. presented two papers in 2001 based on the salamander
. The papers are very broad but contain a
number of important proposals. First, they conclude that the morphologically defined green rod and the Schannel
cone contain the same chromophore. They did not demonstrate the corollary, that the morphologically defined red
rod and the Mchannel cone contain the same chromophore. They were not able to isolate the Mchannel
chromophore. They define four chromophores of vision corresponding to the UV, S, red rod and Lchannels.
Their studies were complicated by the use of larval stage salamander that exhibited a mixture of Vitamin A
Vitamin A
based retinoids. The Ma, Kono, et. al. paper suffers from a criticism, apparently raised during the
review process, that their proposed UVchromophore is in fact only retinol in solution. Their spectra for their
proposed reconstituted UV cone pigments in a phosphate buffered saline solution are very similar to the narrow
spectral peak (peak near 356 nm and FWHM bandwidth = 50 nm) associated with Vitamin A
and Vitamin A
methanol as presented by Sporn and shown in [Figure 6.2.1-1]. It is also similar to a variety of spectra associated
with other of isomers of retinol in hexane
. It does not show the broad spectral peak (FWHM bandwidth =100
nm) near 342 nm expected of the in-vivo UV chromophore (see Section 6. xxx). It appears their spectral sample
involved a physical mixture of opsin and a retinoid and not a true compound. They claim that the samples were
compounds because when 1l of concentrated HCl was added to 90 l of the sample, they exhibited the spectrum
of a protonated Schiff base free in solution. These ostensibly free compounds exhibit a peak absorption at 443
and 470 nm respectively. However, the authors did not demonstrate the presence of a free protonated Schiff base
by any other means. Their claim that their material shows the same spectral peak as other attempts to isolate UV
chromophores in solution is understandable. However, the in-vivo chromophores show a peak absorption near 342
nm, not 356-360 nm (see Figure xxx). This paper did not draw many conclusion but presented a number of
options for further study. It did present a listing for the bases in the proposed gene for the UV chromophore of
salamander and its amino acid equivalent.
The Ma, Znoiko, et. al. paper begins with a thought provoking Summary. They seek to show that the response of
rods and cones cannot be correlated with a topological designation or by their putative associated transducins. The
paper tends to use the term opsin, as opposed to rhodopsin. Although discussed indirectly, the conclusion can be
114 Processes in Biological Vision
Hisatomi, O. Satoh, T. & Tokunaga, F. (1997) The primary structure and distribution of Killifish visual
pigments. Vision Res. vol. 37, no. 22, pp. 3089-3096
Tokunaga, F. et. al. (1999) Evolution of visual pigments and related molecules. In rhodopsins and
phototransduction. NY: John Wiley & Sons. pp. 44-53
drawn that they claim the Schannel cone and the green rod are the same entity. They claim that the spectra of
green rods and blue-sensitive cones were nearly identical. They also claim several features supporting the
conclusion that these cells are functionally identical. First, recognition of a 14 amino acid, N-terminal epitope of
the pigment is shared by green rods and blue-sensitive cones. Second,380 base pairs of the mRNAs encoding the
pigments are also identical. Third, cell spectra, which reflect the opsin-chromophore interactions and are very
sensitive to the opsins tertiary structure, are the same in both cell types. See Section for a discussion of
the origin of red and green rods. This paper follows the Ma, Kono, et. al. paper in defining four spectral channels
in the salamander. They are identified as the UV, S, red rod & Lchannels. They claim that they and others
have cloned the opsins relating to each of these channels.
Ma, Znoiko, et. al. also provide data on the effect of adding hydroxylamine to one of their samples at 4 C. The
change of the absorption spectrum with time is reminiscent of other tests involving the change in pH of a
chromophore. It once again demonstrates that the chromophores of vision involve a retinoid with the complexity
and form of an indicator. Within the context of this work, the chromophore, rhodonine(9) shifted its spectral
peak from its functional (anisotropic) peak at 432 nm to its intrinsic (isotropic) peak at 350-360 nm.
The two Ma papers do not discuss the visual appearance of their spectral samples. However, the absorbance levels
they report are very low (compared to the peak spectral absorptions of in-vivo photoreceptor cells which are in the
80% range). The measurement of absorbance values in simple spectral cells may not be meaningful due to the fact
the sample material does not participate in a true solution.
As developed in Chapter 18, it is important to differentiate between color blindness due to the absence of a
chromophore and color blindness due to a signal processing anomaly. These two different types of disorders may
be due to two different genetic problems, or other medical reasons.
Some of these inferential efforts have found it necessary to define four genetic paths, representing proteins
associated with three chromatic paths and one achromatic path. Unfortunately, there is no achromatic
photoreceptor type and there are actually four variants of the visual chromophores, instead of the commonly
recognized three. The fourth is in the ultraviolet. Further, these chromophores are not proteins. As shown in this
work, the protein opsin may come in many varieties but such a variety would have no effect on the chromophore
coating it.
The fact that there are four saline-based chromophores and the experimental evidence that they appear in at least
two distinct but overlapping sets of three should be important in inferring the actual relationship between the genes
and the chromophores. Comparing the genetic code for the common chromophores between the ultraviolet
sensitive members of Arthropoda who are believed to lack a Lchannel chromophore and the members of Mollusca
and Chordata who do exhibit Lchannel sensitivity should prove beneficial. Since most members of Chordata are
known to be tetrachromatic, focusing on the presence or absence of the ultraviolet chromophore may not be as
fruitful. Recent data has confirmed that the system architecture of the human system is tetrachromatic. Our vision
in the ultraviolet is limited primarily by the absorption of our lens group.
Very recently, a large group in Japan
presented their inferential studies that attempted to trace the molecular
phylogenetic tree of vertebrate visual pigments. They showed a figure containing four chromatic limbs and one
achromatic limb associated with a putative rhodopsin. They used a mixture of amino acid sequencing and
deduction in the absence of sequencing. They came to an interesting conclusion that the original ancestral
Photochemistry 5- 115
Nickerson, J. Borst, D. Redmond, T. Si, J-S. toffenetti, J. & Chader, G. (1991) The molecular biology of
IRBP: application to problems of uneitis, protein chemistry, and evolution. In Molecular Biology of the
Retina: basic and clinically relevant studies. NY: Wiley-Liss, Inc. pp. 139-161
Dratz, E. & Hargrave, P. (1983) The structure of rhodopsin and the rod outer segment disk membrane
Trends Biochem Sci vol. 8, pp 128-131
chromophore branched into a pair of chromophore groups. One of these they labeled the L-group. In their
nomenclature, both the human red and green chromophores were members of their L-group. Subsequent
branching produced their S group (which contained blue, violet, & UV pigments), the MS group (made up of
blue pigments), then the ML group (containing mostly green pigments), and finally the Rh group containing
unlabeled but apparently achromatic chromophores (based on rhodopsin). Their analysis is not supported by this
Another group led by Nickerson
has been exploring the retinoid-binding protein, IRBP, found in the IPM from a
genetic perspective. They have found that the numeric four plays an important role in the genetics of IRBP in
humans. They discuss the fourfold repeat of a portion of the gene associated with IRBP. They also discuss the
fact that the repeats are 80-90% identical cross-species and 30-40% identical intraspecies. They propose three
tentative models for the genetic evolution of IRBP. At one point they also note the presence of two separate
populations of human IRBP within the IPM based on Edman degradation.
While Oprian, et. al. highlight the fact that each of their gene codes specifies a specific sequence that is the same
as that near the carboxyl terminal of opsin, they do not discuss the fact that this terminus is not critically important
to the operation of the chromophores in the rhodopsin concept (based on the caricatures of Dratz & Hargrave
Nor do they discuss how many other proteins exhibit this same terminus. In the case of SRBP and IRBP (see
Section 7.1), the presence of the carboxyl group would provide a ready source of oxygen for converting the retinal
(a precursor of the chromophores) into the rhodonines (the chromogens in dilute form and the chromophores of
vision when in liquid crystalline form). It is quite possible that opsin, SRBP and IRBP all exhibit a carboxyl
terminus with the same sequence of eight amino acids next to it. The fact that the transport protein SRBP is
discarded after delivering retinal to the RPE is a significant indication that it has provided an oxygen atom to the
retinal, converting it into a rhodonine, during the transport operation.
It remains an early day in correlating the chromophores of vision with the genetic code. However, an alternate
explanation of the fourfold repeat would suggest that each fold is related to one of the individual chromophores of
vision. This explanation does not include any hierarchal inference and it does not suggest any evolutionary aspect.
The same fourfold repeat is found in the earliest animals as suggested by the high cross-species factor mentioned
above. Analysis of the connection of genetics and vision
The introduction of nearly every paper on the genetics of vision defines the Young-Helmholtz Theory of vision and
the putative rhodopsin molecule as its baseline. Only recently have a number of papers concentrated on the term
opsin, in lieu of rhodopsin. These papers uniformly suggest that incubating opsin and 11-cis-retinal results in the
spontaneous formation of a (generally protonated) Schiff-base linkage at the highly protected e-amino group of
of the opsin. No justification for this position was offered except for references to earlier unverified work
(see Section The discussions of color abnormalities lacked a clear definition of protanopia and
deutranopia, and generally lacked any discussion of tritanopia or tetartanopia (see Section 18.1.2). No discussion
of the potential lack of a chromophore on the luminous threshold function, T(8,F), as compared with the
chrominance threshold function, C(8,F), could be found among the discussions. While several papers alluded to
the total absence of the Mchannel chromophore in deutranopes, no justification for, or documented case
supporting, this potential condition was offered. No such condition is reported in the general literature.
116 Processes in Biological Vision
Ma, J. Kono, M. et. al. (2001) Salamander UV cone pigment: sequence, expression, and spectral properties
Visual Neurosci vol. 18, pp 393-399
No paper found in the genetic literature contained any graphic describing the signal flow within the visual system.
Only one paper even commented on the possibility, and the belief by others, that color vision abnormalities might
arise within the neural system. Uniformly, the papers support the position that the primary source of color
abnormalities is the shift in the peak absorption wavelength of one or more chromophores in response to
polymorphism within the appropriate genes. No discussion of the possibility that a variation in amplitude of the
signals appearing in the neural system and associated with the normal chromophores could account for the
abnormal perception of color could be found.
The early papers focused on the existence of three cone chromophores and one rod chromophore in human
vision. No recognition of the ultraviolet chromophore of human vision has been encountered (see the work of
Griswold & Stark in Section 17.2.2 and Wright (1952) in Section 17.3.2 ). On the assumption that there are only
three narrow spectral band chromophores in human vision, only three genes related to these chromophores have
been defined. In the broader context, recent papers have described four cone chromophores and two rod
chromophores among chordates. The latter are interesting because one is described as a red rod and the other as
a green rod. Again, no graphic, even in caricature, has appeared to explain the operational significance of these
two rods.
The current literature appears to adopt the view that the retinal portion of rhodopsin remains unchanged among the
various chromophores except for the electronic impact on the protonated Schiff base between the retinal and the
opsin. This impact was studied to exhaustion in the 1950s, without showing how such impact could successfully
generate the absorption spectra found in biological vision. Bownds first proposed the lysyl amino acid as a possible
location of the Schiff base in 1967. He was unable to demonstrate it was the junction point with the retinal moiety.
With a better understanding of the sequence of amino acids in opsin, it is being studied again. The recent papers
have not attempted to explore this impact, with respect to all four spectral channels, in a comprehensive, and
quantum mechanical, manner (see Sections &
Recently, Ma, et. al. have investigated a gene they feel is associated with the UV sensitive chromophore of
biological vision
. The complete gene sequence is given. The paper did not specify the precise location of the
gene. However they did experiment with both the A1 and A2 variants of the retinoid. Their figure 3 can be
compared to [Figure 6.2.1-1] and the data of Hubbard & Wald in the sections listed in the previous paragraph.
The effect of pH on the absorption spectrum of the pure retinals, in the absence of any opsin, is well documented.
Figure 3 appears to reflect these same spectral shifts irrespective of the incubation of opsin and retinal. Their
commentary on page 398, regarding the potential of a protonated versus unprotonated Schiff base, becomes moot if
the chromophores are present in the liquid crystalline form, as suggested in this work. Alternate propositions based on this work
The use of a more comprehensive model of the visual system, specifically a multipath, multistage model, brings an
additional degree of clarity concerning the potential source of abnormal color vision. Such a model is presented in
Figure 17.1.1-1 of this work (and in several other places). A more detailed model appropriate to this discussion
appears in [Figure 17.1.4-1]. The potential failure modes of color vision are developed in Section 18.1.5. This
level of detail supports a much broader involvement of the genetic code in the list of potential degeneracies in the
visual system. The recognition that the luminance and chrominance channels of vision operate in parallel beyond
the pedicles of the spectrally specialized photoreceptor cells is critically important. This recognition allows the
identification of the failure modes of the system with much greater precision. A particular example is useful here.
The classic deutranope of the literature exhibits a loss in ability to discriminate between red and green but suffers
no loss in the perception of luminance. This condition strongly suggests he has no deficiency in the spectral
Photochemistry 5- 117
Pugh, E. (2001) Rods are rods and cones cones, and (never) the twain shall meet Neuron vol. 32, pp 375-
sensing portion of his visual system. Alternately, the classic protanope exhibits a loss in red-green discrimination
capability similar to that of the deutranope and also suffers from a significant loss in luminance sensitivity in the
red portion of the spectrum. This condition suggests a failure in the Lspectral channel of vision. However, such a
loss can occur in a variety of ways totally independent of the chromophore supporting that channel. Although less
well documented a similar situation arises with respect to the Schannel, resulting in either tetartanopia or
tritanopia. As indicated earlier, a documented case of the complete loss of the Mchannel chromophore of vision
has not been reported in the literature to date.
Pugh has recently provided a Preview article on the features segregating rods from cones, and rationalizing
the existence of green rods.
Interestingly, his caricature of cones is diametrically opposite to the position of
both Wald and Dowling who were writing in 1965. They both thought they had the last word in this discussion
(see Section 3.1.53). The Pugh caricature relies primarily upon a caricature by a medical illustrator working with
Young in 1971. Although very photogenic, and widely reproduced, that caricature has suffered from a lack of
careful confirmation. The field began to move away from it in the latter 1970's (see Section 4.2). It would be
more useful if Pugh replaced his caricature with an actual micrograph demonstrating his morphological thesis and
then proposed a more detailed electrophysiological model of his two cell types. This work does not propose or
support a broadband achromatic chromophore of vision as frequently associated with a putative rod. The
luminance threshold function of scotopic vision is well represented by the logarithmic summation of the S and
Mchannel neural signals. There is no requirement for a broadband chromophore in biological vision.
While there is a large variation in the short wavelength region of the luminance threshold function of humans (see
Section 17.2.2 or Wright, 1952), most cases of anomalous color vision within the photopic region appear to
involve errors in the neural system. The magnitude of these errors are generally linear digressions from the
nominal as documented extensively by Lakowski (see Sections 18.1.2 & 18.1.5). Such linear digressions are not
easily supported by a simple genetic explanation of their occurrence.
The material presented in Sections 4.6.2 & 7.1 of this work focus on a specific problem in vision terminology.
The problem focuses on the term rhodopsin. The term has two incarnations. In its most conceptual form, the term
rhodopsin defines the chromophores of vision, or at least of achromatic vision as typified by scotopic vision. On
the other hand, the chemist describes rhodopsin as a particular compound, or closely related family of protein
based compounds containing the moiety opsin combined with a retinal (a simple type of retinene) via a Schiff base.
It is not at all clear that these two incarnations can be equated. Two points are becoming clear. First, the
chemists rhodopsin is not a chromophore of vision but is used as the passive element forming the disks of chordate
outer segments. Second, the visual scientists rhodopsin is actually a non-protein retinoid of unique liquid
crystalline configuration deposited on the passive substrate of the chemist. With its long history, the chemists
name for rhodopsin is likely to survive in that domain. However, the conceptual rhodopsin of the visual scientists
and pedagogue is not a protein and does not contain retinene. The light sensitive material they are speaking of is a
small family of retinines, called Rhodonine, when present in a liquid crystalline form.
The work of Papermaster and others have clearly shown that the protein used in the substrates (disks) of the outer
segment of photoreceptor cells is formed within those cells. The material (opsin + retinal) is secreted by those
cells and formed into disks within a cavity associated with the inner segment of the photoreceptor cells. The work
of Bridges, et. al. shows clearly that the retinoids used in the functional part of the visual process, the Rhodonines,
do not pass through the photoreceptor cells. They are delivered to the outer segments via the RPE.
The above distinctions require a clear separation between the passive substrate material (even though it contains a
retinoid) and the photon sensitive chromophores of vision (which contain a different family of retinoids). For the
118 Processes in Biological Vision
remainder of this Chapter, the term opsin will be used to define a complete protein that contains a ligand of retinal.
This material does not participate in the functional aspects of vision. The term Rhodonine will be used to describe
the functional chromophores of vision.
The above interpretation says the genetic code calling for the formation of the protein opsin has very little to do
with the formation of the chromophores of vision. Study of the code to understand the manufacture of opsin is very
useful. However, it does not lead to an understanding of color performance, or color abnormalities in vision. The
data shows that there are a variety of genes on at least two different chromosomes that code for an opsin like
material. Whether the polymorphism found in the code at these sites are significant is less clear. Many
researchers have been attempting to equate this polymorphism with variations in the structure of individual opsins
that result in a family of materials exhibiting spectrally distinct absorption characteristics in the visual range. This
work has not been fruitful. It has not demonstrated peak absorptions for the various opsins at the wavelengths
associated with vision.
To support vision throughout the animal kingdom, including in chordates, it is necessary for the genetic code to
support the formation of four distinct forms of Rhodonine. These forms are the four distinct narrowband
chromophores, Rhodonine(5) for the Lchannel, Rhodonine(7) for the Mchannel, Rhodonine(9) for the
Schannel and Rhodonine(11) for the UVchannel. All four of these chromophores and channels are employed in
the human visual system. The performance of the UVchannel is only restricted by the transmission properties of
the physiological lens.
As discussed in Section 4.6.2, the creation of the non-protein chromophores of vision from retinal involve the
proteins SRBP, Serum-Retinoid-Transport-Protein and IRBP, Interstitial-Retinoid-Binding-Protein. It is likely that
one of these two proteins exists in four very similar forms. These forms would determine how retinal from the
liver is transformed into one of the four chromophores of biological (including human) vision. Finding the genes
defining these proteins could be a major step in finding the cause of protanopia and tritanopia. Alternately,
another set of proteins appears to be involved in the transport and storage of retinoids within the RPE. CRBP,
Cellular-Retinol-Binding- Protein and its close associates could interfere with the orderly transport of the retinoids
through the RPE.
5.5.11 The anisotropic absorption of the disks of humans and other chordates
The material presented above can be combined to illustrate the absorption properties of a complete disk of a
chordate photoreceptor cell; and by extension, the absorption of a complete outer segment. The overall absorption
characteristic is quite complex because of the unique structure and chemistry used. It is also slightly different from
the perceived absorption because some of the absorbing constituents are not in contact with the neurological signal
path. [Figure 5.5.4-1] can be expanded to illustrate the overall situation in Figure 5.5.11-1. In this figure, the top
half illustrates the structural and quantum-mechanical situation more completely and the bottom half illustrates the
result more completely. A critical factor is the size of the two retinoids, the Rhodonines in the chromophore layer
and the retinals in the opsin (or substrate) layer. They are nearly the same size, about 7 Angstrom in diameter and
15 Angstrom long. Those in the chromophore layer are closely packed, in a nominally single layer, with their long
axes parallel and perpendicular to the surface of the disk. The long axes of the retinoids within the opsin
molecules are parallel to the surface of the disk and separated by the pitch, in two directions. of the opsin
Because of their cross-section and the packing aspect alone, the absorption cross-section of the Rhodonines is about
50 times that of the retinals for light incident perpendicular to the surface of the disk. This ratio is suggested by
the vertical diameters of the two ellipses in the bottom frame. The scales of the two axes of the figure are roughly
logarithmic. Both the Rhodonines and the retinals exhibit a molecular absorption with a peak near 500 nm. The
retinal is a retinoid with a single polar (nitrogen) atom but subject to a variety of other polarizing mechanisms due
Photochemistry 5- 119
Figure 5.5.11-1 Absorption characteristics of a complete disk showing the variation in absorption properties as a
function of spatial angle and absorbing species. Top; 3-D isometric view. Bottom; 2-D projection, plane contains
vertical axis perpendicular to disk surface. The shared quantum-mechanical structure of the liquid crystalline
chromophore(s) creates a highly focused (anisotropic) absorption profile. This structure is in quantum-mechanical
contact with the microtubules surrounding the disk. The retinoids within the opsin proteins are not in quantum-
mechanical contact with each other or the microtubules.
to the amino acids of the opsin. This electrical polarization suggests an absorption spectrum similar to that of a
retinoid with two polar atoms. Because of their polar state, both types of molecules exhibit individual bulk or
molecular absorption spectrums with a peak near 500 nm that are isotropic. This condition is illustrated by the
small circle at the center of the lower figure. The net absorption of the array associated with each of these
materials is not isotropic because of the array factor associated with each one. The apparent molecular absorption
will be higher for light incident parallel to the surface of the disk because the light will encounter more absorption
opportunities. This is illustrated in caricature by the elliptical shapes for the two materials.
120 Processes in Biological Vision
Okada, T. Le Trong, I. Fox, B. et. al. (2000) X-ray diffraction analysis of three-dimensional crystals of
bovine rhodopsin obtained from mixed micelles J. Struct Biol vol. 130, pp 73-80
The Rhodonine of the chromophore exhibits another form of absorption because of the quantum-mechanical
properties of each atom in the array. The Rhodonines have two polar atoms (most likely oxygen) which are
separated by a conjugated carbon chain of variable length. This configuration creates a resonant absorption
spectrum unique to these characteristics of the molecule. This resonant absorption is associated with the effective
travel velocity of excitons along the length of the shared energy levels within the liquid crystalline state and the
length of that path between the two polar atoms. It is the quotient ( effective length over effective velocity) of these
two quantities that determines the frequency of peak in the resonant absorption characteristic for each of the
Rhodonines. In the case of the Rhodonines, this peak is found near 342, 437, 532 or 625 nm. In resonant
absorption, the molecule is most sensitive to radiation incident to the long axis of the molecule (perpendicular to
the surface of the disk). This type of absorption is negligible, compared to molecular absorption in a single free
molecule. However, there is major impact when the molecules of this type are formed into a liquid crystal. The
energy levels of the molecules become shared across the extent of the liquid crystal. As a result, the absorption
cross-section of the array rises dramatically relative to the individual molecules. This causes the absorption
coefficient for light incident perpendicular to the disk to rise dramatically. This is illustrated by one of two lobes
symmetrical about the zero point of the axes of the graph. The peak in resonant absorption is typically 30-50 times
the maximum in the molecular absorption of the same material (see Section 5.5.9). Features and drawbacks of the complete disk configuration
The cone angle associated with resonant absorption is determined by the lateral extent of the liquid crystal and the
wavelength of light. For two micron diameter disks, the cone angle is well matched to the output f/# of the
physiological optics of the human eye. To optimally use this absorption cone angle, it is important that the axis of
the outer segment formed from many disks point directly at the center of the exit pupil of the physiological optics
(and not to the second node defined by Gaussian Optics). This is found to be the normal case (Section A
pathological situation is encountered if the outer segments are not pointed properly over the entire retina.
The sharing of the energy levels of the chromophores of the liquid crystal has two major impacts on the operation
of the photoreceptor cell. The sharing has a major impact on the overall absorption of the structure. The Pauli
Exclusion Principle says that the available number of electrons within a given energy level cannot exceed a specific
number. To overcome this problem, the energy levels are broadened. This broadening accounts for the broader
absorption spectrum associated with resonant absorption in the chromophores of vision (Section 5.4.3). Secondly,
the sharing of the energy levels allows rapid transport of the excitons generated by photoexcitation to the edge of
the liquid crystal and the interface with the microtubules (dendrites) associated with the photoreceptor cell inner
segment. In humans, there are usually nine of these microtubules arranged in furrows at the edge of the disks.
The de-excitation of the excitons at these interfaces restores the overall liquid crystalline chromophore to its
original ground state without employing any change in the isomeric state of individual molecules or their removal
from the chromophore. De-excitation usually occurs within a few milliseconds of photoexcitation (Section 7.2).
The asymmetry, in both spatial and spectral content of the absorption characteristics are particularly important
when employing the suction pipette approach to measuring in-vivo photoreceptor performance (see Section The experimental results are crucially dependent upon the incidence angle of the stimulus irradiation.
Okada, Le Trong, et. al. have found that the combination of opsin and N-retylidene in crystalline form is unstable
when exposed to visible light
. It appears the excitation of the retinoid, or the subsequent de-excitation through
an isomeric rearrangement, distorts the individual molecule and degrades the overall crystalline structure of the
Photochemistry 5- 121
Zollinger, H. (1991) Op. Cit. pp. 56-58
/ Kennard, O. Allen, F. & Watson, D. (1977) Molecular structure and dimensions : guide to the literature
1935-1976, organic and organometallic crystal structures. Utrecht : Bohn, Scheltema and Holkema
Sebrell, W. & Harris, R. (1967) The Vitamins, 2
ed. vol. 1. NY: Academic Press, pg. 12.
Sporn, M. Roberts, A. & Goodman, D. (1984) The Retinoids, in 2 volumes. NY: Academic Press, vol. 1,
pg. 11
Sporn, M. Roberts, A. & Goodman, D. (1994) The Retinoids, 2
ed. in one volume. NY: Raven Press
substrate. A similar distortion may or may not occur in the chromophore layer. It is likely the effect is more
diffuse in that layer because of the shared energy levels. As noted in Section 4.6, the continual degradation of the
substrate due to the non-reversible isomeric conversion of the retinoid ligand may be the reason for the continual
replacement of the disks in the chordate photoreceptor system.
5.5.12 The Rhodonines as retinoids
The Rhodonines, as defined in this work, are the actual chromophores of vision when in the liquid crystalline state
and supported by an auxiliary de-excitation mechanism. They can be placed in the chemical hierarchy in a number
of ways. Some of these are addressed by Zollinger
from the perspective of a dye. Others are addressed by
Kennard, et. al from a crystallographers perspective
. At the current time, it is most appropriate to define the
Rhodonines in terms of the broad retinoid family. This family also includes the retinenes which the Rhodonines
resemble. The retinenes are chromogens of the Rhodonines. It is the Rhodonines which are the actual
chromophores of vision. Within this family, the unique characteristic of the Rhodonines is their carboxylic-ion
The chromophores of vision appear to be in the all-trans configuration throughout their participation in the visual
process. There is no need to discuss their possible cis configurations. Retinoid naming systems
As the science related to the retinols has expanded in recent years, the question of terminology and naming has
been repeatedly addressed. Karrer provided the original description of the retinoids following the synthesis of
Vitamin A in the 1930's. As early as 1967, Frickel, writing in Sebrell & Harris
explored the naming of new
members of the retinol family, both natural and synthetic. In 1982, the IUPAC-IUB Joint Commission on
Biochemical nomenclature provided a specific definition of the retinoids based primarily on structural rules which
immediately came under attack from the pharmacological community as inadequate. Frickel, writing in Sporn et.
al. (1984), wrote that there were more than one thousand retinoids in their view
. These substances exhibited
many of the biological activities of the common retinoids but bore only superficial resemblance to them from a
structural perspective. In 1994, Sporn & Roberts, writing in a major expansion of their 1984 work
, called for a
new definition of the retinoids derived almost totally on pharmacological reasoning and based on the relationship
with receptor cites of associated materials and not the characteristics of the retinoids themselves. The types of
receptor sites discussed were limited to sites associated with metabolic processes. The types of receptor sites
employed in the formation of the chromophores of vision were not discussed.

There is a broadening gulf between alternate methods of describing the retinoids. The 1982 definition is obviously
inadequate as will be discussed below. The proposed 1994 definition is probably too broad unless it is subdivided
into subclasses. In the above attempts at definition, the electronic configurations of the various molecules were not
considered. This work highlights the importance of systematically relating the structural form and the electronic
form of the retinoids involved in the visual process. It is suggested that it is time to subdivide the retinoids into at
least two classes, those used in the visual process and those used in the combined metabolism and growth process.
122 Processes in Biological Vision
Machlin, L. (1984) Op. Cit. pg. 15
Birge, R. (1981) Photophysics of light transduction in rhodopsin and bacteriorhodopsin. Ann. Rev. Biophys.
Bioeng. vol. 10, pp 315-354 Retinoid numbering systems
IUPAC in 1973 set down the rules for numbering the constituent atoms in the carotenoids following the work of
Karrer. These rules were reaffirmed in 1982 by the IUPAC and have been used by Chemical Abstracts
subsequently for the known natural carotenoids. Frickel, writing in Sporn et. al. (1984), discussed the fact that
Chemical Abstracts does not use the Karrer notation for the more general types of retinoids but used the more
standard systematic system which calls for the carbon atom bonded to the functional group (the carbonyl carbon)
to be given the number 1. They then proceeded to also give the carbon atom at the junction of the $-ionone ring
and the side chain a second number 1 with a number 2 assigned to the carbon in the ring with a single methyl
group attached to it. Obviously, there is a difference of opinion as to which group is the functional group in even
the simplest retinoids. In the more complex retinoids, the question becomes academic. It depends on the use of the
material. The use of two carbons with a designation 1 in the same molecule should be avoided. Following their
formal objections to the IUPAC approach, Sporn, et. al. continued to use the structural approach in their 1982
edition. In the 1994 edition, they strayed further from the orthodoxy of the IUPAC by stressing the discovery of
many additional structures exhibiting pharmacological activity and many chemical receptors associated with the
pharmacological retinoids. In the 1994 edition, a system of retinoid numbering was introduced to simplify the
description of structural analogs.
The retinoids involved specifically in vision do not relate to the same chemical receptors as those found in the
nutrition aspects of pharmacology. There is a different set of chemical receptors involved in the transport of
retinol from the liver to the RPE cells of the retina. These receptors are found on the surface of the RPE cells and
are specific for the retinoid binding proteins (RBPs) that transport the retinoids to the RPE. These RBPs play a
unique role in the chromophore forming process that is not shared with the transport of retinol for purposes of
metabolism and growth. Machlin says there are as many as 50,000 RBP receptor sites on the exposed surface of
each RPE cell
Because the molecules employed as chromophores in vision are relatively complex and include many subgroups
defined in the literature, there is a confusing array of diagrams used to represent members of the Retinol Family.
Most of them are used to aid in the process of fabrication or in teaching. They frequently define a "functional
group" at the end of the conjugated chain that includes the last carbon atom of the chain. Figure 5.5.12-1 will be
used to develop the preferred nomenclature for describing the chromophores of vision. Many diagrams found in
the literature stress the conjugated nature of the side chain in its relationship to the isoprene groups. While the
isoprene structure is prominent in the formation of the natural chromophores of vision, it is not a required
structure. The methyl groups associated with the isoprene unit are not required for vision. This work will stress
the conjugated nature without reference to the methyl groups by referring to the vinylene (or even simpler methine)
Frame A of the figure shows the numbering system developed by Karrer in the 1930's following the cleaving of
Carotene to form Vitamin A (retinol). The nomenclature was based on a two dimensional representation of retinol
without regard to its actual stereometric form. The carbons were numbered in order beginning with the carbon
sharing two methyl radicals and initially progressing counterclockwise around the ionone ring. This is the
numbering scheme adopted by the IUPAC for the carotenoids beginning in 1973 and reaffirmed in 1982. It is the
scheme used by Chemical Abstracts for the simple retinoids.
Over the years, the form shown in frame A has been loosely defined as all-trans retinol.
However, it is important to note the fact illustrated by Birge
, that the version shown, and all of
Photochemistry 5- 123
the retinenes, actually have a distorted linkage between C6 and C7. Figures displaying carbon
C16 & C17 at the top of the drawing are technically described as all-trans, 6-s-cis retinol
although the 6-s-cis descriptor is usually omitted. To be precise, only the form shown in frame C
is truly all-trans retinol according to Birge. The form normally labeled 11-cis retinol is more
formally labeled 11-cis, 6-s-cis retinol.
The form shown in frame D corresponds to the all-trans form of Rhodonine according to Birge.
Frame B shows an alternate system that separates the carbon count into two parts. The carbons of the ring are
counted beginning at the point of the connection to the backbone and progressing clockwise around the ring. The
count reaches the carbon sharing two methyl radicals last. The carbon count of the backbone begins with the
carbon at the extreme end of the structure and progresses toward the ionone ring. This is the so-called systematic
numbering scheme proposed by Frickel in the 1982 edition of Sporn, et. al. and repeated in the 1994 edition.
Frame C shows a third system also found in the literature. This scheme begins with the carbon at the extreme end
of the backbone and counts up until it reaches the ionone ring where the count proceeds counterclockwise around
the ring, ending at the carbon sharing two methyl radicals.
As Frickel has pointed out, Chemical Abstracts is inconsistent in using the Karrer nomenclature for simple
retinoids derived from carotene but not for other retinoids of similar complexity. In the case of a simple retinoid
containing a five-carbon ring, such as at least one carboxylic acid, it uses the systematic notation of frame B.
A more important physical aspect of the problem relates to the actual stereometric structure of the molecules and
two features related to that structure. First, it is important in the transport of the retinoids through the bloodstream
that the carbon of the ionone ring in contact with only one methyl group is as exposed as possible. Second, the
formation of liquid crystalline structures by the simple retinoids is critically dependent on the location of the
carbon of the ionone ring sharing only one methyl group. As will be shown later, the stereographic arrangement of
the retinoids of vision can be equally well represented on two-dimensional paper by the configuration of frame A or
B. However, the configuration of frame C is more descriptive of the retinoid as it is employed in vision. The
reason is shown in frame D.
Frame D uses the IUPAC nomenclature but rotates the ionone ring to place the carbon sharing only one methyl
group at the top of the ring. This frame shows the single methyl group replaced by an oxygen atom for three
reasons. It stresses the carboxylic ion system character of the molecule, with conjugation shown extending
between the two oxygen atoms (This feature will be discussed in the next paragraph). It stresses the fact that, in
this retinoid, the terminal, or chemically functional, groups do not include the last carbon. The "electronic
functional group" of interest here consists of a polar atom, either an atom of nitrogen or an atom of oxygen at each
of two critical locations along the conjugated backbone. This backbone is defined as extending from carbon #5 to
carbon #15 in the case shown. When both of the polar atoms are oxygen, this case corresponds to the long
wavelength, or S-channel, chromophore of vision. This molecule is named Rhodonine(5) to indicate its particular
structure and derivation from retinol when based on the IUPAC coding. It is one of the four chromophores used in
the visual system of all animals. Finally, frame D stresses the physical (quantum-mechanical) resonance that exists
between the two oxygens, particularly when in the all-trans configuration. These are key features in understanding
the chemistry of the chromophores of vision.
124 Processes in Biological Vision
Figure 5.5.12-1 Alternate nomenclatures for the retinoids associated with vision. A; the Karrer based nomenclature
adopted by the IUPAC. B; the systematic nomenclature proposed by Frickel and others. C; a second systematic
nomenclature found in the literature. D; the modified pictograph of the IUPAC nomenclature used in this work.
Frame D also stresses the methine chain aspects of the molecule in a somewhat different manner than other
presentations. The presence or absence of the methyl groups along the length of the side chain are not significant
in vision. Similarly, whether the ionone ring is that ascribed for Vitamin A1, A2 or A3 is of little importance in
Frames A and D are equally appropriate representations of a molecule where the ionone ring is not in the plane of
the paper relative to the backbone. However, the modified IUPAC notation of frame D is considerably more
instructive pedagogically.
Karrer was an industrial chemist and his scheme reflects his view of how to manufacture the simple retinoids from
a ring structure and a side chain. Frickel exhibits a more theoretical approach but does not reflect the significance
Photochemistry 5- 125
Figure 5.5.12-2 Three numbering schemes for the
retinoids. Top, carotenoid based structural scheme used by
the IUPAC. Middle, systematic scheme of Frickel.
Bottom, proposed chromophore based serial systematic
scheme. See text.
of the electronic configuration of the materials. The proposed alternative stresses the electronic and chromophoric
properties of the molecules, especially when modified for the purposes of vision.
In the top view, IUPAC stressed that retinoids are a class of compounds consisting of four isoprenoid units joined
in a head-to-tail manner; all retinoids may be formally derived from a monocyclic parent compound containing
five carbon-carbon double bonds and a functional terminal group at the terminus of the acyclic portion. While
Sporn and Roberts objected to this definition because compounds have been found that exhibit significant
pharmacological activity without incorporating a poly-isoprenoid structure, this work suggests that the
conventional presentation of both variants are arbitrary and awkward for purposes of vision. This is partly due to
the desire to draw a three-dimensional structure on a two-dimensional medium. The bottom frame shows the
cyclic element rotated to emphasize the conjugated portion of the molecule. This view clearly shows that there are
five (not four) isoprenoid units in the common retinenes. The fifth unit plays a critical role in the formation of the
long wavelength chromophore of vision. To avoid the introduction of two carbons bearing the designation (1), the
proposed serial systematic approach numbering sequence continues sequentially as in the IUPAC (structural)
approach but it starts at the carbonyl carbon as in the Frickel (systematic) approach. It proceeds around the cyclic
portion and then numbers the more remote groups.
This work will continue to use the IUPAC notation to avoid adding to the confusion in the literature. Description of the Rhodonines as
The Rhodonines appear to be a unique family of retinoids
derived from retinol. However, contrary to the simple
retinenes (that include retinol) which are polyenes, the
Rhodonines are polymethines. The complete family
consists of eight members, four of which are based on
and four of which are based on retinol
. They all
exhibit the same basic structure as retinol except they
incorporate two oxygen atoms at specific locations along
the side chain.
Unfortunately, the Rhodonine family defined here is
found to cross a very arbitrary boundary suggested by
Sporn et. al. Whereas three members of the family would
fall in the category labeled Chain Modifications, the
fourth member would fall in the category labeled Ring
Modifications. This may or may not be significant in
terms of the industrial synthesis of the Rhodonines.
However, it is not significant in the natural formation of the molecules. If the number 11 carbon of the suggested
serial systematic notation (number 5 carbon of the $-ionone ring using the structural notation of the IUPAC) is
considered a member of the isoprene chain for the purposes of synthesis, the material in Sporn et. al. relative to
modifications to the Chain is probably useful.
The complexity of the chemical structure of the Rhodonines is such that they can be described using a large variety
of chemical terms, aldehydes, alcohols, ketones, carbonyl carbon, etc. Their electronic resonance adds an
additional level of complexity to even these designations. In general, the reactivity of the Rhodonines is not of
interest in vision. However, their structure does suggest how the materials must be protected from undesired
126 Processes in Biological Vision Structural description of the Rhodonines
The four principal chromophores of vision based on Vitamin A1 presented in [Figure 5.5.8-2], the Rhodonines are
shown again in Figure 5.5.12-3 along with a chromogen, Vitamin A1 or retinol
. The auxochromes (oxygen
atoms) of the Rhodonines are shown in red. A horizontal line is shown below each Rhodonine to illustrate the
relative length of its resonant structure. It is this length that determines the center wavelength to which each
chromophore is quantum-mechanically sensitive.
Photochemistry 5- 127
Figure 5.5.12-3 The four chromophores of vision, the Rhodonines. Retinol (Vitamin A1) is shown for reference. The
oxygen atoms are shown in red. The horizontal line below each molecule shows the relative length of its resonant
128 Processes in Biological Vision
Photochemistry 5- 129 IUPAC naming of the Rhodonines
On the assumption that the Rhodonines of vision are as described above, the Chemical Abstract Service of the
American Chemical Society provided systematic names for these chromophores using the IUPAC 1982 notation.
The names, expressed as ions based on Vitamin A
and provided in 1998 were:
Rhodonine(5), the long wavelength chromophores
2,4,6,8-Nonatetraenal, 9-(2-hydroxy-6,6-dimethyl-l-cyclohexen-1-yl)-3,7-dimethyl-,ion(l-),
Rhodonine(7), the medium wavelength chromophores
Retinal, 7-hydroxy-, ion(l-)
Rhodonine(9), the short wavelength chromophore
2,4,6,8-Nonatetraenal, 7-hydroxy-3-methyl-9-(2,6,6-trimethyl-l-cyclohexen-1-yl)-,
ion(l-), (2E,4E,6E,8E)-
Rhodonine(11), Ultraviolet wavelength chromophores
Retinal, 11-hydroxy-, ion(l-)
Since Rhodonine(7) and (11) only differ from the retinenes in the replacement of a hydrogen by a hydroxyl group,
they were named by using the short hand of retinal in the systematic names. In the case of Rhodonine(5) and (9),
no shorthand notation was available. The systematic names for the chromophores based on Vitamin A
and A
be found in the Appendices.
5.5.13 The Rhodonines as indicators
To avoid problems in the laboratory, it is important to recognize that the Rhodonines are members of the indicator
family of chemistry, related to phenolthalein. In dilute solution, the absorption spectrum is a function of the
environment due to the chemical resonance associated with its structure. This feature requires that the parameters
of the solution be specified when recording spectra of the Rhodonines.
5.5.14 Laboratory fabrication of the Rhodonines
The Rhodonines share the extreme sensitivity of the retinoids to heat, light, oxygen and strong chemical reagents.
In fact their sensitivity to destruction exceeds that of the retinenes. Therefore, both their extraction and
preparation require special care. Because of the unique resonant character of the Rhodonines defined in this work,
there has not been any previous planned effort to fabricate these materials in the laboratory. Most of the previous
work appears focused on maintaining the hormonal character of the resulting material. This has called for
maintaining the methyl groups at C-5 and C-9 as a minimum. This focus insures that the chromophores of vision
will not be synthesized. However, the general methods for the fabrication of similar retinoids have been developed.
130 Processes in Biological Vision
Aig, E. et. al. (1986) A European patent application, See Sporn, et. al. (1994) pg 7 & 8.
Aig, E. Focella, A. Parrish, D. Rosenberger, M. Scott, J. & Zenchoff, G. (1987) Synthesis of the major
metabolites of . . . nonatetraenoic acids. Synthetic Communications. Vol 17(4) pp 419-429
Redfern, C. (1998) Retinoid Protocols. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press.
Dawson, M. & Okamura, W. (1990) Chemistry and Biology of Synthetic Retinoids. Boca Raton, FL: CRC
Derguini, F. Caldwell, C. Motto, M. Balogh-Nair, V. & Nakanishi, K. (1983) Bacteriorhodopsins
containing cyanine dye chromophores. J. Am. Chem. Soc. vol. 105, pp 646-648
Kaegi writing in Sporn et. al. (1984) [particularly page 169] and Dawson & Hobbs writing in Sporn et. al. (1994)
provide a broad overview to the synthesis of the retinoids (utilizing the broadest definition of a retinoid). They
discuss the synthesis of various modifications to ring structures, including the attachment of an oxygen to the
carbon at position 18 of retinoic acid, but not the replacement of the entire methyl group at that position by an
oxygen atom ( 8 in Fig 3.). The Rosenburger team at Hoffmann-La Roche
has provided data on the synthesis of
many individual retinoids. Their structure #7 in Sporn is very close to Rhodonine(5), but involves an addition
rather than a substitution. It is described as (E)-4-oxoretinoic acid. Aig, et. al. have provided a detailed synthesis
procedure for a group of metabolites of retinoic acid
. However, these metabolites did not include any of the
Rhodonines. The ability of experimenters to create these similar materials assures the feasibility of creating the
Rhodonines in the laboratory or extracting them from biological material.
Redfern has prepared a group of protocols for the retinoids
. He also does not address the liquid crystalline state
of these materials or any family similar to the Rhodonines. The Rhodonines are even more sensitive to degradation
than he suggests for the other retinoids.
Table 2 on page 21 of Sporn (1994) shows the extent that laboratory research has explored the retinoids related to
vision (with one exception). That particular table involves retinoids containing a complete benzene ring rather
than an ionone ring. A similar but simpler organization more directly related to vision is shown in Table 5.5.14-1.
The conjugate structure associated with quantum-mechanical resonance and the resulting spectral absorption only
extends between the two oxygen atoms present.
Dawson & Okamura have provided a more extensive text on synthetic retinoids
. It does not address any family
with the resonant dipolar characteristics of the Rhodonines, nor does it address the liquid crystalline state of
matter. Balogh-Nair & Nakanishi provide information on one material that is functionally very similar to the
Rhodonines except it contains one additional methine group, formula 27 on page 169 of that text. The report is
based on Derguini, et. al
. They synthesized a series of merocyanines, consisting of a ring and a side chain, that
resemble retinaldehyde. However, they do not appear to be derivable from retinaldehyde. The material is an
amidic system (merocyanine) instead of a carboxylic-ion system. At 10 mM and a pH of 7.0, it exhibited a dipolar
molecular absorption at 480 nm and a j-band (resonance absorption band) at 662 nm following incubation with an
apomembrane (?) of Halobacterium halobium. The character of the resonant absorption changed with incubation
period. Note the variation in FWHM for this material as a function of time in their experiments. Although
Derguini, et. al. discuss the half-bandwidths of the enhanced spectrums as narrow, this parameter is seen to be a
clear function of the aggregation level in their figure. It is suggested here that the appearance of the j-band was
due to aggregation of the material without actual chemical combination with the apomembranes. It should also be
noted how the growth in the absorbance of the enhanced spectrum is at the expense of the 480 nm spectrum. The
suggestion of those authors that this merocyanine could combine with a protein to form a cyanine is probably true.
However, there is no data to support the presence of nitrogen-based cyanines (amidinium-ion systems) within the
visual system in place of the oxygen-based Rhodonines.
Photochemistry 5- 131
Dawson, M. & Okamura, W. (1990) Chemistry and Biology of Synthetic Retinoids. Boca Raton, FL: CRC
Figure 5.5.14-1 Ligand binding sites
TABLE 5.5.14-1
Table of Rhodonine Ligands Critical to Vision
Chromophore | Spectral | Loc. C5 C7 C9 C11 Functional
| Range | Grp. R18 R19 R20 R21 Group @ C15
Oxygen @ C-15
Rhodonine (5) L O H Me H O
Rhodonine (7) M Me O Me H O
Rhodonine (9) S Me H O H O
Rhodonine (11) UV Me H Me O O
Dawson et. al
. have provided a large work on the synthetic methodology for constructing a wide range of
retinoids involving chain modifications. While the study of more complex retinoids can be useful, the unique
stereo-chemistry of the chromophores is very important. Large ancillary ligands are probably not compatible with
the transport of chromogens within the visual system. It is also important to note that the chromophores of vision
only exhibit their unique spectral characteristics when assimilated in the liquid crystalline state.
Table 4 of Dawson & Hobbs in Sporn et. al. includes the replacement of the methyl group at position 20 in retinol
by bromine and figure 44 illustrates the synthesis of a retinoic acid with bromine replacing the methyl group at
location 19. Figure 45 shows a configuration with an oxygen replacing the methyl at position 20 with an oxygen
in a compound very close to retinol. With only slight modification, this compound would correspond to Rhodonine
13. Its spectral absorption would be in the ultraviolet region. The remainder of that work goes into ever more
complex variants of the broadly defined retinoid family, many of them non-planar.
pg 94 of Sporn (1984) begins a discussion of structures simlar to that of the Rhodonines.
+ eq. 469 shows the synthesis of an analog of Rhodonine 9. It replaced oxygen with bromine.
132 Processes in Biological Vision
Ganguly, J. (1989) Biochemistry of Vitamin A, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press pg. 102
Berman, E. (1991) Biochemistry of the eye. NY: Plenum Press, pg. 48
Fatt, I. & Weissman, B. (1992) Physiology of the eye. Boston, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann. pg. 218
Sebrell, W. In Sporn, et. al. (1994) The Retinoids. NY: Raven Press. page 195
+ eq. 491displays a variant that could be described as Rhodonine 10 (except for an extra double bond). This
structure does not exhibit conjugation extending between the two oxygens.
+ eq. 502 could be interesting.

+ eq. 526 thru 530 are interesting for synthesis.
In summary, the Rhodonines are retinoids consisting of a -ionone ring, an isoprenoid chain and TWO polar end
groups (frequently described as R-groups) containing oxygen. The two oxygen atoms form the terminal groups of
a resonant conjugated structure ( derived from a polyene chain). The physical distance between these two oxygen
atoms incorporated into the polar end groups is the distinguishing feature of each Rhodonine and defines its peak
spectral absorption when in the liquid crystalline state (the absorption is typically anisotropic when in this state).
The -ionone ring stabilizes the molecule against thermal deterioration. All other molecular groups and features
associated with the molecule are merely decoration. When in dilute solution, the (isotropic) spectral absorption
characteristic of these molecules (peak absorption near 500 nm) appears to be determined by the length of the
conjugated system formed by the -ionone ring and the oxygen atom associated with C
. Structural features of the Rhodonines
[Figure 5.5.6-1] is repeated here as Figure 5.5.14-2 for convenience. It provides a description of the important
features of the Rhodonines from the perspective of a physical or radiation chemist. The description derives from
a similar description of the retinaldehyde from the perspective of a reaction chemist. (a) is a diagram similar to
one for retinol presented by Ganguly
. Berman
has presented a similar family of diagrams for other members
of the retinene family. Fatt
has also presented a similar diagram. Sebrell
speaks of this diagram as
illustrating the S-cis form of the retinol molecule relative to the 6-7 bond. The presentation is a combination of a
structural diagram and a formula. It is designed to show the functional chemical groups that might be important in
forming the molecule and in understanding its solubility. It indicates a carbon conjugation level of four since C15
is considered part of the polar end group. (b) presents an alternate view formed by rotating the above conventional
2-dimensional structural presentation without making any change in the actual molecule. Sebrell speaks of this
figure as representing the S-trans form of the molecule relative to the 6-7 bond. Clearly, the distinction made by
Sebrell is unnecessary. The actual molecule did not change, only the human method of presenting it on paper.
In (b), the leftmost dotted line is shown bifurcated to indicate an additional level of conjugation if the carbons of
the ionone ring are considered. This view stresses the fact that the conjugation level of the molecule can be
considered to be either five or four. (c) provides a pure structural diagram of the same molecule. The terminal
oxygen is shown connected to the end carbon by a double bond. This view is drawn to stress the total conjugation
level of the molecule. Note the level of conjugation is now clearly six.
It is interesting to note, but of little significance to vision, that the form of retinaldehyde related
to Vitamin A
contains an additional double bond within the ionone ring. This bond is located
between C3 and C4 using Karrers notation. Overall, this molecule exhibits a conjugation level
of seven. However, the conjugated backbone is no longer straight and the absorption spectrum of
is not shifted as much as would be expected relative to retinaldehyde
. It is
shifted a fractional amount as seen in Section
Photochemistry 5- 133
Figure 5.5.14-2 Comparing the Rhodonines to the retinenes. (a); Retinaldehyde as conventionally displayed. (b);
presentation rotated to stress length of conjugated carbon chain. (c); presentation modified to stress total conjugation.
(d); presentation modified to illustrate combined conjugation and electronic resonance over the maximum length of
the molecule. (e); presentation modified to show the potential separation of the conjugated structure from the
electronically resonant structure. See text for details.
(d) shows a second oxygen atom added to the molecule by substitution at C5. The molecule is no longer a retinene,
i.e., a neutral molecule based on a conjugated isoprene structure. It has become a retinine, in this case,
Rhodonine(5), a negatively charged ion with a resonant structure terminated by an oxygen at each end. This
molecule can be described as a carboxyl-ion system. However, this description is awkward due to the distance
between the =O and -OH units. It can also be described as a member of the phthalein family. Under laboratory
condition, this ion will normally be associated with a hydrogen ion taken from the solvent bath. However, the
location of this hydrogen ion is indeterminate.
When the hydrogen ion is considered to be attached to the rightmost end of the Rhodonine ion, Rhodonine will
appear to be an alcohol and respond to simple chemical tests almost identically to Retinol. When the hydrogen ion
is considered to be attached to C5, Rhodonine will appear to be an aldehyde and respond to simple chemical tests
almost identically to retinaldehyde. The chemical ambiguity in the properties of the Rhodonines due to this
resonance condition is the principle practical reason for the confusion in the literature concerning the chemical
properties of the chromophores of vision. The principal conceptual reason is the prior failure of the community to
recognize the existence of the resonant form of the retinoids, the Rhodonines.
It should be clear that when the terminal group of any Rhodonine responds as an alcohol, the oxygen and carbon
associated with the side chain will respond in a manner similar to an aldehyde. The converse is also true.
134 Processes in Biological Vision
Wolf, G. & Johnson, B. (1960) Metabolic transformations of Vitamin A. In Vitamins & Hormones, vol.
Under the proper conditions, Rhodonine(5) will exhibit a long wavelength absorption peak at P625. The
presentation now stresses the resonant chain extending from one oxygen to the other. The stabilizing linkage
associated with the ionone ring is still present. However, the ring plays no significant role in the absorption
characteristics of the molecule. It does play a part in stabilizing the ring relative to thermal degradation. Because
of the chain being terminated by two oxygen atoms, the molecule is able to exhibit quantum-mechanical resonance
under proper conditions.
(e) is presented to demonstrate two additional features.
+ By introducing the second oxygen by substitution for the methyl group at C9, the molecule becomes
Rhodonine(9). Rhodonine(9) exhibits both the resonant structure extending between the two oxygens, and the
conjugate structure between the methyl group attached to C5 and the rightmost oxygen. The conjugate structure
and the resonant structure respond independently to radiation. Under the proper conditions, the molecule exhibits
either two separate and essentially independent absorption peaks or one composite waveform. The two separate
and distinct peaks in its long wavelength absorption spectrum occur at P502 for the conjugate peak and at P437 for
the resonant peak.
+ All of the Rhodonines exhibit the P502 spectral absorption peak when interrogated while in dilute solutions.
This peak is due to the conjugated structure these molecules share with the retinenes.
By introducing the second oxygen by substitution for the hydrogen at C7, Rhodonine(7) is formed. This molecule
also exhibits two separate long wavelength absorption peaks, one at P523 due to resonance and one at P502 due to
conjugation. It should be noted that the absorption peaks in the spectra of these molecules do not depend on the
presence or absence of the various methyl groups. Although the presence of these groups plays an important role
in the natural formation of the retinoids, they play no significant role in the visual application of the Rhodonines.
The long wavelength spectral characteristics of the Rhodonines depend only on the conjugation of the carbon
atoms to and including the two terminal oxygens, the resonant condition. Because of this fact, the conjugated
chain can be considered as a series of vinyl groups, occasionally modified by the presence of a methyl group
attached to one or more of the carbons. Similarly, the stabilizing linkage related to the ionone ring plays no
significant spectral role. Testing for the Rhodonines
The above figure illustrates diagrammatically the functional features of the Rhodonine family. Continuing to
assume the actual chromophore is a dicarboxyl as opposed to an amidic system, it is clear that many tests for
simple functional groups will return positive results when applied to this chromophore. Between its two polar
components, it can exhibit properties of an aldehyde, an alcohol, a carbonyl group, a dicarbonyl, a ketone and
many other functional identifiers. It may exhibit one or more of these functional groups depending on the
environment in which it is interrogated. It will also test positive for a vinylene chain, a terpene or isoprene chain
and a cyclohexene ring. Because of this ability to display many functional characteristics, it will require more
sophisticated testing than used currently to distinguish the Rhodonines from their simpler precursors, the retinenes.
Stated more explicitly, each of the Rhodonines will test positive using most of the gross tests used currently to
identify the retinene family--in fact they will each test positive for both retinal and retinol. However, they are not
Wolf & Johnson
tabulated some of the more conventional tests for the various functional groups present in both
the retinenes and the Rhodonines. None of these tests seeks to identify the resonant structure of the Rhodonines
Photochemistry 5- 135
Frickel, F. in Sporn et. al. (1984) pg. 91
Dawson, M. & Hobbs, P. Chap. 2 in Sporn et. al. (1994) 2nd ed.
and thereby differentiate between the retinenes and the Rhodonines. These authors do refer to the alleged hidden
forms of Vitamin A suspected in the 1960's.
To test for the Rhodonine family by chemical means, it is necessary to test for the simultaneous presence of both
auxochromes and the conjugated carbon chain. To test for the individual Rhodonines, even more sophisticated
procedures will be required than that to identify the family characteristic. The difference between the Rhodonine
with a polar atom at position C7 and the Rhodonine with a polar atom at C11 is quite small. Fortunately, as it will
be shown later, the C11 form is only found in the insect world. The differentiation between the C5 and C9 form
can probably be achieved by testing for the unique cyclohexene ring structure associated with the carbonyl group at
C5. It is most useful to utilize an NMR test to explicitly determine the specific retinoid present. This test is highly
deterministic and virtually foolproof. The details related to NMR testing appear in Chapter 6.
Note that when a biologist or other researcher attempts to separate the chromophores from a retina, he typically
uses detergents as solvents. These harsh agents will cause the chromophores to go into solution and no longer
display their molecular system properties; thereby hiding the very property the researcher is seeking to use as a
method of separation and/or confirmation. They will not exhibit their individual high absorption coefficients in
the visual spectral region. Further, until they are separated through special techniques, probably through liquid
crystallization on different areas of a substrate, they are almost impossible to separate through simple chemical
techniques. This accounts for why earlier researchers have not been able to isolate the individual chromophores
from the fluids decanted from the retinal extract in the process of isolating the protein material opsin. It also
explains why opsin has never been found to display the sought after chromophoric properties. Fabrication from feedstock
If the Rhodonines are members of the Carboxyl family, their fabrication in pure form in the laboratory is
conceptually straightforward. Beginning with the chromogen, retinol, substitute an oxygen for the element or
group associated with the carbon at either IUPAC location 11, 9, 7 or 5. If there is adequate control to insure the
substitution only occurs at one location, an essentially pure chromophore will be obtained. If a mixture is obtained,
further steps will be needed to separate these chemically different but quite similar chromophores. Figure 5.5.10-2
illustrates the spectra of the resulting four chromophores. Note their color will be quite intense when prepared in
solutions at high molar concentration or when precipitated individually on a substrate. However, as indicated in
Section 5.4.4, the color may be transient if the chromophores are unable to be de-excited after excitation
(bleaching). The C-7 chromophore will absorb strongly in the yellow-green and appear purple (the "visual purple"
described in the literature). The C-5 chromophore will absorb strongly in the red and appear greenish. The C-9
material will absorb strongly in the blue and appear yellowish. The C-11 material will absorb strongly in the UV
but not in the human visual spectrum, so this material will appear essentially colorless to human eyes (it will
absorb in the shortwave region of the insect eye and appear as the complimentary color to the insect).
If the Rhodonines are members of the $-ionone family, their fabrication in pure form in the laboratory is also
conceptually straight forward using the same steps as are used in the production of Vitamin A.
has provided a comprehensive review of the chemistry of the retinoids which shows that most of the
literature relates to molecular modifications aimed at pharmaceutical purposes. It has been rare to find a retinoid
designed to include a polar element at a side chain location, although some work has been done on substituting
fluorine into the side chain. Dawson & Hobbs
updated Frickels review to 1994 and noted some additional work
136 Processes in Biological Vision
Motto, M. & Nakanishi, K. (1982) Heavy atom labeling of retinal in bacteriorhodopsin. Methods n
Enzymology, vol 88, pp 178-19
Sebrell, W. & Harris, R. (1967) The Vitamins. NY: Academic Press pg. 25
Tokunaga, f. Ebrey, T. & Crouch, R. (1981) Purple membrane analogs synthesized from C17 aldehyde.
Photoehem. Photobiol vol 33, pp 495-499
Zingoni, et. al. (1986) Op. Cit.
in introducing halogens into the side chain. If the work of Motto & Nakanishi
could be repeated with the intent
of introducing oxygen instead of bromine in place of the methyl group attached to C-9, it should be possible to
obtain Rhodonine (9) in the laboratory (i.e., non-biologically).
Sebrell & Harris
has provided a comprehensive review of the starting materials for Vitamin A synthesis,
Figure 5.5.14-3 . Many of these materials could be modified before further processing to obtain any one of the
Tokunaga, et. al. have provided details concerning the fabrication of a variety of retinal analogs that might provide
suggestions on how to fabricate the Rhodonines
. Zingoni, et. al. have provided similar material
. However, it
is important to remember, the chromophores sought are the Rhodonines and not analogs of the retinols.
Photochemistry 5- 137
Figure 5.5.14-3 Starting materials for the synthesis of the Rhodonines based on the synthesis of Vitamin A. From
Sebrell, 1967
138 Processes in Biological Vision
Groenendijk, G. Jansen, P. Bonting, S. & Daemen, F. (1980) Analysis of geometrically isometric Vitamin
A compounds. Methods Enzymol. vol. 67, pp 203-220
Groenendijk, G. De Grip, W. & Daemen, F. (1980) Quantitative determination of retinals with complete
retention of their geometric configuration. Biochim. Biophysica Acta, vol 617, pp 430-438
Packer, L ed. (1990, vol. 213, and 1993, vol 214) Methods in Enzymology: Carotenoids, NY: Academic
Redfern, C. (1998) Retinoid Protocols. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press. Pp 6-7 Relationship between Opsin and the Rhodonines
The Rhodonines, when in the liquid crystalline state, are complete chromophores. They need not be associated
with any other material to accomplish the absorption process. When still suspended in a liquid medium, they will
not, as a large group, display any unique polarization properties. If they are brought to an ever higher level of
concentration in a liquid, they will form a gel which will exhibit preferred polarization planes. They can also be
precipitated onto a surface after which they will exhibit preferred planes of polarization. They can be precipitated
onto glass as well as a protein substrate. They must, of course, be associated with some type of nervous tissue in
order to generate the necessary nerve signals. This is clearly not a role for opsin, defined as a protein, to play.
There are records in the literature of recombining the opsin extracted in the laboratory with the previously
decanted material resulting after a period of time in a material that does absorb light in a manner described as
similar to the original in-vivo or in-vitro process. This effect is reported without reporting any chemical activity
involving any change in energy. This data could be interpreted as supporting the proposition that;
+ the chromophores are recombining on the surface of the substrate opsin in a liquid crystalline form and
+ the chromophores are in fact attached to the substrate opsin by very weak forces and not strong chemical
Based on the requirement that the chromophore be able to form a planar liquid crystal with its peers, it is very
unlikely that Opsin and Rhodonine can be attached at the C5, C7, C9 or C11 positions. It is possible that they
could be attached at the C15 position as long as the conjugation requirements are met. It is clearly more likely that
they are not attached at all in the full bonding sense. It is more likely that they are associated with each other in
the sense of a substrate host to an overlaying precipitate. If this is true, opsin is relegated to the role of a passive
physical structure.
5.5.15 Extraction, Separation and Chemical Analysis of the Rhodonines
The Rhodonines share the extreme sensitivity of the retinoids to heat, light, oxygen and strong chemical reagents.
In fact their sensitivity exceeds that of the retinenes. Therefore, both their extraction and preparation require
special care. Groenendijk, Jansen, Bonting & Daemen noted the extreme risk of contamination when extracting
retinoids from rod outer segments, noting their low initial concentration (0.5%) relative to the associated
. Groenendijk, De Grip & Daemen also noted the difficulty of extracting any retinoid from rod
outer segments using the best techniques available in 1980
. Their attempts to achieve significant extraction
using solvents were unsuccessful. They chose to convert any retinoid present to the oxime before further analysis.
Using this technique, they continued to assume that the chromophore present was retinal. Somewhat later, Packer
contains many papers on the nature and processing of carotenoids by man
. An entirely new protocol is needed to
replace those used previously for the extraction of the retinoids within the retina
. In those protocols, it appears
that the chromophores of vision were routinely and unknowingly reduced back to retinenes (or retinene like
Photochemistry 5- 139
Berman, E. (1991) Biochemistry of the Eye, NY: Plenum pp 332-333
Sporn, M. Roberts, A. & Goodman, D. (1984) The retinoids, vol. 1. NY: Academic Press, pp. 189-225
Papermaster, D. (1982) Preparation of retinal rod outer segments. Methods in Enzymol. Vol. 81, pp. 48-53
residues). Even if still present as chromophores, they were evaluated in dilute solution and only exhibited their
intrinsic, isotropic absorption spectrums. Previous protocols and procedures have led to glaringly inappropriate
conclusions concerning the chromophores of vision.
If the actual chromophores of vision were present in the above experiments as the oximes of Rhodonine, the data
representing them may have been looked upon as due to artifacts. There is the possibility of two distinct oximes
being present due to the chemical resonance between the two oxygens of Rhodonine and two distinct isomeric
configurations for each oxime. The molecular weights of these oximes would be higher by the weight of one
oxygen than expected for oximes of the retinenes. Conventional methods of extracting the retinoids
Berman discusses the difficulty of extracting the proteins of vision from the retinal outer segments based on the
assumption that the chromophores of vision are an integral part of the protein rhodopsin
. She discusses the
various extraction techniques based on this assumption and the resulting percentage compositions reported in the
Frolick & Olson describe the conventional methods of extracting retinoids from biological samples
. They stress
the delicacy of the retinoids and describe two important points to consider, (1) whether the method chosen will
result in complete extraction of the retinoid of interest, and (2) whether it will contribute to the production of
artifacts. Unfortunately, they do not consider whether the product itself could be degraded. They do stress the
sensitivity of these labile compounds to both hydrolysis and oxidation. They also address the use of fluorescence in
assays. This work points out that the use of fluorescence is a negative test for the retinoids of vision when in liquid
crystalline form. They point out that mass spectrometry is one of the most specific forms of assay for the retinoids.
The utility of this technique will be discussed in Chapter 6. They do not describe how the techniques mentioned
are able to remove a retinoid from within the putative rhodopsin molecule, or how to do in without damage to the
retinoid. Special methods for extracting the Rhodonines
Many of the steps discussed in the literature for obtaining retinol from biological samples are not applicable to the
Rhodonines. These steps inadvertently destroy the chromophores being sought, the Rhodonines, and produce
retinol by default. Most of these steps will insure that the end product is in fact retinol because of the sensitivity of
the Rhodonines to hydrolysis, saponification, etc. Furthermore, the Rhodonines exhibit the same ultraviolet
spectra as their chromogens, the retinenes and many other retinoids including retinyl esters and retinyl ethers; only
their visible spectra are different. Whereas all of the Rhodonines, as members of the Vitamin A Group, exhibit an
isotropic visible spectrum peaking at or near 495 5 nm. in most dilute solutions, their individual enhanced
absorption profiles will only appear under the proper conditions. Therefore, confirmation of the presence of a
specific Rhodonine requires very careful methods. When in the liquid crystalline state of matter and deposited on a
planar substrate, the enhanced absorption profile is highly anisotropic and peaks at 437, 532 or 625 3 nm.
Recovery of the individual Rhodonines from biological sources is not difficult if the proper methodology is
adopted. The methods and suggestions of Papermaster
are not supported.
Sporn, Roberts & Goodman give a thorough review of the difficulties of handling the retinoids in order to obtain
140 Processes in Biological Vision
Roberts, A. Nichols, M. Frolik, C. Newton, D. & Sporn, M. (1978) in Cancer Research, vol. 38. pp.
Sporn, et. al. (1984) Op. Cit. pp. 193-198
repeatable results. However, they do not recognize or discuss the additional precautions that must be taken with
regard to liquid crystalline materials. Basically, if a liquid crystalline material is converted to a different state of
matter, its characteristics can be assumed to change. Therefore, one cannot expect to characterize the
chromophores of vision that involve the liquid crystalline state of matter (as when present in the disks of the retina)
by using material that has been converted to another state of matter during the extraction and separation process.
In addition, these chromophores are very delicate molecules from an energy state perspective and should not be
subject to detergents and other reactants such as sodium based complex salts. Although, it is possible (and
actually easy) to return the chromophores of vision to the liquid crystalline state after extraction and purification, it
is not easy to prevent conversion of the chromophores into their chromogens or similar retinoids. These
decomposition products do not exhibit the resonance phenomena (and resulting spectral characteristics) no matter
what state of matter they are in.
Of the two primary methods of isolating the retinoids, saponification and direct extraction, saponification is almost
bound to destroy any actual resonant retinoids present. Direct extraction promises more success. However, even in
this method, care must be taken to avoid oxidation, or other modifications (including rearrangements) of the
chromophores. Roberts, et. al.
has shown that significant levels of hydrolysis occurred in both the direct
extraction method, using the sodium sulfate procedure of Ames et. al., and the lyophilization method of Ito. It
appears that hydrolysis leads to retinol as an end product. This accounts for the common assumption that retinol
(which was found in the final residue) must have been the original chromophore (with or without an associated
It must also be recognized that after suitably isolating the chromophores, their resonant configuration and polar
end groups make their identification by chemical tests difficult. If the chromophores are members of the oxonol
family, as proposed here, they can exhibit both an aldehyde moiety and an alcohol moiety at the same time.
Because of this, conventional colorimetric testing, as used for the non-resonant natural retinoids, is not likely to be
sufficiently precise to identify the resonant retinoids--either as a group or individually. If the chromophores of
vision are actually members of the merocyanine family instead of the oxonol family, they may still give unusual
results in chemical tests because of their resonant properties involving the polar group containing oxygen. NMR
testing is a more suitable and definitive test to identify the individual chromophores of the Rhodonine family.
It should be relatively easy to separate the individual chromophores of the Rhodonine family by re-crystallization.
Because of their liquid crystalline properties, they will tend to crystallize out in separate domains, each exhibiting a
different color (apparently as they do when stored in the RPE of the eye).
When attempting to extract and characterize the retinoids of vision, it is best to consider the above factors and then
to follow Sporn, Roberts & Goodmans advice
: In conclusion, before any extraction procedure is applied to the
removal of retinoids from tissue samples, it is essential that the method be thoroughly examined with the
appropriate controls. Without this close examination, of methods used, the data obtained could be both difficult to
reproduce and unrelated to physiological events. More specifically, the data will probably only apply to the
residue, retinol, resulting from excessively aggressive extraction techniques. At best, it will apply to the
Rhodonines in dilute solution.
5.6 Physical configuration of the chromophores
5.6.1 Adsorption versus reaction between the chromophores and opsin
Photochemistry 5- 141
Rubin, M. & Walls, G. (1967) Fundamentals of Visual Science. Springfield IL: Charles C. Thomas pg.
There are at least three methods by which the chromophores of vision could be associated with the substrate
proteins. It has generally been recognized that the actual method should be nearly energy neutral or slightly
exothermic. Historical Background
Synopsising the relevant history concerning the association of opsin with the chromophores presented by Rubin &
Kuhne first extracted a photosensitive material from the retina in 1877 and called it Rhodopsin.
Krause in the 1930s proposed that the chromophore of rhodopsin was similar chemically to the
polymethine compounds known as cyanine dyes which are also used to sensitize photographic
emulsions to the longer wavelengths of the visible spectrum. He proposed that the chromophore
was bound to a very large lipid/protein complex with a molecular weight near 800,000.
Wald took a different approach than Krause and considered the chromophore a carotenoid which
he named retinene. He associated this chromophore directly with a protein resulting in a
molecular weight on the order of 25,000-50,000.
Kuhne proposed that the association of the chromophore and the substrate occurred
spontaneously and he called the process anagenisis.
Collins proposed that the chromophores were attached to the opsin through a Schiff
base formed by substitution for the oxygen atom of the retinene.
Wald claimed to have separated the chromophore from the substrate and found that they
recombined in the dark to form the original rhodopsin. See Section
Wald speculated that the association was by means of a sulfhydryl group (-SH), the sulfhydryl
radical being one of the most active ones known to biochemists at the time.
The sulfhydryl proposal did not gain support and has disappeared from the literature. More recent investigations
have generally assumed the association is by way of a Schiff Base reaction.
Wolken has worked with similar materials and converged on a molecular weight between those proposed by
Krause and by Wald. He has proposed a molecular weight of 275,000 to 295,000 for the putative rhodopsin.
It is worth noting that the proposed chromophores are minuscule compared to the molecular weight of the protein.
This difference makes it difficult to demonstrate the chromophore is present in the molecules being evaluated.
All of the above experiments and proposals assumed the opsin and the chromophore were firmly linked through a
substantial chemical bond. Another possible association is by way of a process poorly understood in the 1950s.
This coupling appeared under a variety of names initially but it is now called the hydrogen bond.
142 Processes in Biological Vision
Rattee, I. & Breuer, M. (1974) The physical chemistry of dye adsorption. NY: Academic Press.
Venkataraman, K. (1977) The analytical chemistry of synthetic dyes. NY: John Wiley & Sons. pg. 6
Rattee, I. & Breuer, M. (1974) Op. Cit. Pg.152-153
Wolken, J. (1966) Vision. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas. pg. 45
Dawson, M. & Okamura, W. (1990) Chemistry and Biology of Synthetic Retinoids. Boca Raton, FL: CRC
Press. pg 169
Dartnall, H. (1953) The interpretation of spectral sensitivity curves. Brit. Med. Bull. Vol. 9, pp. 24-30
Partridge, J. & De Grip, W. (1991) A new template for rhodopsin (Vitamin A1 based) visual pigments.
Vision Research vol. 31 no. 4 pp. 619-630
Most materials that precipitates onto a surface are now known to utilize hydrogen bonding as the glue holding
the composite together. These forces are quite weak but adequate for the purpose. Hydrogen bonding does not
involve any true chemical reaction. It does not impact the electronic configuration of either of the materials
The simplest and most direct method of association between the chromophore and the substrate, and the one most
compatible with what is known about the coating of the substrate in the IPM region, is the process of hydrogen
bonding. This method has no significant effect on the spectral characteristics of the chromophore, involves very
small energy changes and is completely compatible with the results (but not the interpretation) Wald reported. Current status
The adsorption of dyes to proteins has been studied extensively in the textile industry
. A critically important fact
is that acid dyes do not dye cotton
. They can dye wool, silk and other natural proteins. Rattee & Breuer have
provided considerable information concerning the mechanism of dye interaction with proteins, including
amphoteric proteins. Their Chapter 5 discusses the molecular nature of proteins. They have also addressed the
subject of hydrogen bonding between dyes and proteins.
It is well known that a chromophore or other dye will self assemble into a liquid crystalline monolayer on both a
protein substrate and a silver halide substrate. The process is known by various names, stacking, aggregation,
. but the result is the same. Wolken noted this aggregation when a precipitate formed in a solution of
and a variety of proteins that were dissolved in acetone and shaken
. In the photographic field, the
progression of the process is monitored until maximum sensitivity is reached. At that point, no more deposition is
supported. Under examination, the resulting film is always found to consist of a monolayer covering the entire
surface of the substrate. This is apparently the same procedure used by Balogh-Nair & Nakanishi
5.7 The use of templates
Templates have played a significant role in the early understanding of animal vision. In 1953, Dartnall provided a
series of templates that many researchers found useful
. Unfortunately these early templates were based entirely
on empirical data--with some attempts to align them to putative mathematical equations that were in themselves
inappropriate. If possible, a template should represent the form dictated by the underlying physics whether based
on Gaussian, Fermi-Dirac or other statistics. Many of the templates have relied upon the linearity of the visual
system to support their legitimacy.
Partridge & De Grip
have provided a review of the different templates used in vision research over the last 50
years and suggested a new one. They indicate clearly some of the problems with the different templates. In
general, their proposed template completely ignores the ultraviolet spectra of the chromophores. Therefore, they
are attempting to scale only the visual portion of the overall absorption curve. Because of the difference in
Photochemistry 5- 143
Palacios, A. Varela, F. Srivastava, R. & Goldsmith, T. (1998) Spectral sensitivity of cones in the goldfish,
Carassius auratus. Vision Res. vol. 38, pp. 2135-2146
Stockman, A. Sharpe, L. & Fach, C. (1999) The spectral of the human short-wavelength sensitive cones
derived from thresholds and color matches. Vision Res. vol. 39, pp. 2901-2927
Stockman, , MacLeod, D. & Johnson, N. (1993) Spectral sensitivities of the human cones. J. Opt. Soc. Am.
A. Vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 2491-2521
wavelength between the UV and visual peak for each chromophore, the short wavelength sides of the absorption
spectrums are asymmetrical with respect to the long wavelength sides. Partridge & De Grip utilized the long wave
side of the visual peaks in their calculations. They also stress that their template only applies over a limited ratio
of 8
/8 (where 8
= 497.63 nm) and only to the peaks of the spectral waveforms. They also point out that their
work was carried out under dim red light (8 greater than 620 nm). Unfortunately, this level of illumination has
the potential of significantly bleaching the Lchannel chromophore in an uncontrolled manner.
More recently, Palacios, et. al.
touched briefly on each of a wide variety of templates proposed during the last ten
years, including one based on a log-normal distribution. This latter distribution mandates a significant asymmetry
between the long and short wavelength side of a given spectrum. They also hint at how the variation in bandwidth
between the various absorption spectrums has played a role in shaping these templates. Stockman, et. al.
also discussed various templates, discoursed on the subject of bandwidth as a fraction of center frequency (or
wavelength) in various spectrums and offered their own template. Stockman offered a template based entirely on
curve fitting by a computer expanding a series in even powers of the unknown. This approach is guaranteed to
provide a symmetrical absorption spectrum. The approach was substantially based on data in a 1993 paper
That paper suggests why an absorption spectrum is frequently reported near 576 nm. The experimentation used a
17 Hz. flicker rate. The paper presents data with a statistical variance on the order of 1-2 nm that is consistent
with the theoretical values of this work. Based on the theory of this work, obtaining a higher degree of accuracy
will require measuring, and reporting, the core temperature of subjects to an accuracy of close to 0.1 Celsius.
144 Processes in Biological Vision
Lamb, T. (1995) Photoreceptor spectral sensitivities: common shape in the long-wavelength spectral region.
Vision Res. vol. 35, pp. 3083-3091
has offered a template using an empirical series based on an exponential expression. Lamb also
summarizes the long wavelength slopes for a variety of photoreceptors as measured by the various authors
mentioned here. Both the Lamb approach, the Palacios observation, the tabulation supplied by Lamb, and the
measurements of both Stockman and Sliney are consistent with a feature of the Fermi-Dirac difference equation.
The response far from, and on either side of, the absorption peak falls off exponentially with wavelength. This
feature is not found in a one dimension normal (Gaussian) or a one dimension log-normal function. By using,
Stockmans approach, it can be emulated to an arbitrary degree of accuracy. However, Stockmans approach has
already been questioned based on its length, eight terms (with associated arbitrary constants) and the use of 18
place numbers (twelve after the decimal) to define these arbitrary constants. With the actual Fermi-Dirac
difference equation available, it can be used to rearrange Lambs equation into the Fermi-Dirac difference equation
plus a residue (which represents the transformation from a
-based formulation back to a half-amplitude-based
formulation and could also include an experimental error term).
As remarked by Palacios, et. al. when discussing templates: Although with limited (or no) theoretical basis, such
templates are nevertheless very useful in characterizing noisy MSP data or spectral sensitivity measurements made
from single cells at widely separated wavelengths. This work provides a traceable theoretical foundation to the
absorption spectrum of each visual chromophore and a specific theoretical equation, based on Fermi-Dirac
statistics, that can be used to draw a precise template for each absorption spectrum. However, with the availability
of such an equation, the term template is no longer needed. The graph is an expression of the underlying
theoretical equation. The availability of the equation also highlights the fact that there is no precisely defined
maximum wavelength for any of the absorption spectrums. The absorption spectrum of a given chromophore is
defined by the energy (directly proportional to frequency and inversely proportional to wavelength) of its two half
amplitude points. A peak wavelength can be calculated from the equation. However, it is at a very flat part of the
characteristic. This peak will generally not agree with the values found in the laboratory for two reasons. The data
is usually smoothed by a finite width spectrometer filter and individual spectral scans are usually combined. The
resulting function is invariably a more Gaussian characteristic than appropriate in accordance with the Central
Limit Theorem. An alternate method of characterizing the spectrum would be to take either the mean or median
of the two half amplitude points. It is the difference between the half amplitude points of adjacent spectral
responses that can be determined most precisely by calculating the theoretical luminosity function. By adjusting
the theoretical half amplitude points, the best values can be obtained when the theoretical luminosity function best
describes the amplitude and shape of the Brezold-Brucke peak near 494 nm and the Purkinje peak near 600 nm.
This approach is used in Chapter 17 to define the half-amplitude points to an accuracy of 2 nm based on the
experimental data.
Palacios, et. al. provide a tabulation of most of the recent work on defining the peak spectral wavelengths of the
goldfish, Carassius auratus. Except for the short wavelength chromophore, the theoretical values presented here
are within the standard deviation of virtually all of the values given in their table. These values are all based on
axially illuminated photoreceptors, either using conventional microspectrophotometry (MSP) or using MSP in
conjunction with the suction pipette electrode (SPE) technique. The black body temperature of the light source was
not specified in the summary table and it is quite likely that the source was not operating at a high enough
temperature to obtain correct experimental values for the Schannel. Palacios, et. al. also reported a UVchannel
chromophore with a peak wavelength at about 356 nm. Again considering the light source used, and the
additional fact that a quartz bulb is required at this wavelength for good transmission, this value is close to the
theoretical value of 342 nm proposed here.
Figure 5.7.1-1 from Hoglund, et. al. illustrates how Dartnalls templates of 1953 deviate from the actual spectrum
Photochemistry 5- 145
Hoglund, G. Hamdorf, K. & Rosner, G. (1973) Trichromatic visual system in an insect and its sensitivity
control by blue light. J. Comp. Physiol. vol. 86, pp. 265-273
Platt, J. (1964) Systemics of the electronic spectra of conjugated molecules. NY: John Wiley pp. 71-123
Brindley, G. (1960) Physiology of the retina and visual pathway 1
ed. Baltimore: The Williams & Wilkins
Co. pp. 251-252
Boynton, R. (1979) Human color vision. NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston pp. 147-155
Figure 5.7.1-1 Spectral sensitivity (mass recording) of
Deilephila elpenor retina compared to the templates of
Dartnal Individual curves were obtained during
differential adaptation. From Hoglund et. al., 1973
of Insecta, including the ultraviolet portion, as represented by the moth, Deilephilia elpenor
. Note five points.
1. The skirts of the measured responses are not tracking each other.
2. The widths of the measured responses are not similar to the widths predicted by the template.
3. The above deviations are systemic, indicating the theory underlying the template is not adequate. Clearly,
when extended to the S and UV channels, the template derived from the Mchannel is less than ideal.
4. The template was apparently derived on the basis that the chromophoric spectra were related incrementally
based only on spectral frequency rather than wavelength.
5. The measured peak wavelengths track the peaks proposed in this work, 342, 437 and 532 nm, quite well.
The figures and the theory developed in this work assume the spectra are based on Fermi-Dirac statistics and are
related incrementally based on spectral wavelength. In addition, an analysis has been performed to determine if
the individual chromophoric spectra show a variation in the ratio of peak wavelength to amplitude wavelength
difference. A similar ratio, based on frequency at the lower frequencies used in the radio spectrum, is considered a
quality factor and is designated by Q. The best available estimates of the Q of the visual chromophores of the
human eye appear in Table 5.5.10-1 and in the appendix describing the Standard Eye.
The wavelength corresponding to the peak in the spectrum is directly related to the (effective) physical length of
the chromophoric portion of the retinoid. The term effective is included in the above sentence to avoid confusion.
The physical length of the resonant portion of the molecule is too short to be resonant at the proper frequency if the
speed of propagation is assumed to be equal to the speed of light. However, these molecules exhibit a slow wave
structure where the speed of propagation is approximately 200-250 times slower than the speed of light
. Thus,
the effective resonance length of the molecule is approximately 200-250 times longer than the physical length. As
shown elsewhere herein, this effective length can only be used in a structure containing many molecules such as a
liquid crystalline structure.
The peak wavelengths in the figure appear to be within a
few nanometers of the theoretical. This is the best
attainable agreement without carefully specifying the
temperature of the animal at the time of data collection.
Note, the temperature of a nearby substrate is not
sufficiently accurate unless a calibration procedure has
been used to ascertain the offset between the specimen
and the substrate. Whereas significant spectral changes
can be measured by varying the temperature of cold-
blooded animals, Brindley claimed in 1960 to have
detected a similar change in warm blooded animals
under thermal stress
. The section containing this
claim did not appear in his second edition, in 1970.
discusses the inadequacy of the available
templates, with specific emphasis on their use in
abnormal color vision.
146 Processes in Biological Vision
With the detailed models and precise mathematical equations available from this work, the old templates found in
the literature are seen to be obsolete. New templates, if desired, can be derived that provide much more accurate
predictions. However, the equations themselves are available. Predictions by scaling are no longer required.
Furthermore, the equations avoid the problems arising from linearly subtracting two nomographs representing
processes that are not linearly related.
Photochemistry 5- 147
Table of Contents--1/21/02
5 The Photochemistry of Animal Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
CHAPTER SYNOPSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
5.1.1 The conventional wisdom of the vision community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Putative isomerism in the chromophore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Gates in the putative Outer Segment membrane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Moving toward a carboxyl ion system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
5.1.2 The definition of photochemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
5.1.3 Redefining the baseline of photodetection in vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Redefining the role of rhodopsin in vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Critical niche chemistry in vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Resolving the nomenclature issues between niche fields of chemistry . . . . . . . 7
5.1.4 Chemical Analogs to Vision Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5.2 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5.2.1 Terms specific to the liquid crystalline state of matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5.2.2 Terms specific to Spectral absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5.2.3 Terms specific to pharmacology and retinoid transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
5.3 Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.3.1 States of Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 The Liquid Crystalline State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Forms within the Liquid Crystalline State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Energy coupling between chemical structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.3.2 The concepts of resonance important to vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Chemical resonance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Quantum-mechanical resonance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.3.3 Nomenclature in photon-chemical interactions and the retinoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 The pharmacology of the retinoids of vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Hormones, Vitamins and Chromophores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 The source of the monomer retinoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 The structure of the retinoids important to vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5.3.4 Quantum mechanics & spectral plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 The fundamental characteristic of spectral absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 The variation in wavelength with solvent and concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 The frequently observed spectral absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 The use of spectral templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.3.5 Spectral and Cumulative Absorption Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Summary of the Absorption coefficient measuring regime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Details of the absorption coefficient regime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Simple solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 More complex analytical situations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 More complex psychophysical situations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Summary of the absorption regime related to vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Self screening as a limited concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 In-vivo conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 In-vitro conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.4 The Absorption Characteristics of Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
148 Processes in Biological Vision
5.4.1 The Energy Level Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
5.4.2 The Energy Band Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.4.3 Absorption Bands of a Molecular System(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 The Energy Band Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 The complex organic molecule with a polar atom . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 The conjugated carbon bond energy band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 The n-electron energy band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 The n-electron band/ B
* band interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 The n-electron band/ B
* band interaction for oxygen . . . . . . . . 42
5.4.4 Transitions in complex molecules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.4.5 Absorption coefficient profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Previously calculated energy band profiles of the visual chromophores . . . . . 45
5.4.6 Absorption as a function of environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Chromophores in Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Chromophores on a substrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Chromophores in the liquid crystalline state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 A summary of the reported and expected absorptions of the retinoids . . . . . . 47
5.4.7 Absorption by a disk of an outer segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.5 Candidate Chromophores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.5.1 Organization of the retinoid family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Concepts of a dye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.5.2 The retinene family as a precursor of the Rhodonines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Attempts to fabricate rhodopsin from retinal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 The Rhodonines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.5.3 Concepts of a liquid crystal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Spontaneous formation of liquid crystals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Change of density constant with excitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
5.5.4 The (extended) Retinoid family viewed as a liquid crystal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Crystalline Structure of the Retinol Family using X-RAYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Typical Stacking Factor for Crystals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 The putative structural arrangement of chromophores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.5.5 Minimal Requirements for an effective Chromophore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.5.6 Modification of a retinoid to become a chromophorea Rhodonine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Potential of adding nitrogen to retinol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5.5.7 Predicted chromophores derived from natural retinoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.5.8 Stereo Chemistry of effective chromophoresleading to the Rhodonines . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Related physical structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 The Rhodonines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
5.5.9 Electronic structure and absorption in effective chromophores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Absorption chemistry background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 The conjugated-dipole-molecular absorption band of the Rhodonines . . . . . . 71 Resonant-conjugated-dipole-molecular absorption band of the Rhodonines . . 72 enhanced overall spectrum of the Rhodonines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Spectra in the in-vitro chemistry laboratory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Anisotropic spectra involving a tailored substrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Spectra involving the in-vivo and quasi-in-vivo situation . . . . . . . 74
5.5.10 Spectral Characteristics of the Rhodonine family of chromophores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Absorption spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Absorption by complex photosensitive molecules . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Photochemistry 5- 149 Predicted Spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Other empirical spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Relaxation modes of the Rhodonine family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 In solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 In situ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Comparisons with the biological literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Limitations on the applicability of the published database . . . . . 84 Other mathematical analyses related to spectral absorption . . . . . 84 Figures from the published database for isotropic Rhodonine . . . 85 Figures from the published database for long wave trichromats . 85 Figures from the published database for tetrachromats . . . . . . . . 92 Selected figures from the published database for short wave
trichromats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 $-band absorption of retinol vs Rhodonine(11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Comparisons with the human literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 The differential adaptation experiments of Wald . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 The mixture data of Wright, Hurvich and others . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 The next theoretical stage, the quality factor of the Rhodonines . . . . . . . . 101 Inferences from Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 The genetic code for the casual reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Brief summary of the literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Analysis of the connection of genetics and vision . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Alternate propositions based on this work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
5.5.11 The anisotropic absorption of the disks of humans and other chordates . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Features and drawbacks of the complete disk configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
5.5.12 The Rhodonines as retinoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Retinoid naming systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Retinoid numbering systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Description of the Rhodonines as retinoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Structural description of the Rhodonines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 IUPAC naming of the Rhodonines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
5.5.13 The Rhodonines as indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
5.5.14 Laboratory fabrication of the Rhodonines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Structural features of the Rhodonines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Testing for the Rhodonines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Fabrication from feedstock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Relationship between Opsin and the Rhodonines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
5.5.15 Extraction, Separation and Chemical Analysis of the Rhodonines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Conventional methods of extracting the retinoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Special methods for extracting the Rhodonines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
5.6 Physical configuration of the chromophores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
5.6.1 Adsorption versus reaction between the chromophores and opsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Historical Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Current status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
5.7 The use of templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
150 Processes in Biological Vision
Figure 5.1.1-1 Predicted secondary structure of salamander red rod rhodopsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Figure 5.3.1-1 Characteristics of the liquid crystalline materials critical to vision. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Figure 5.3.1-2 Expanded Jablonski diagram illustrating energy transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Figure 5.3.5-1 The devolution of the properties of candidate chromophoric materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Figure 5.3.5-2 CR Absorption spectrum of aqueous solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Figure 5.4.1-1 The lowest five energy levels and the ionization level of hydrogen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Figure 5.4.1-2 Designation of molecular orbitals & schematic representation of energy levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Figure 5.4.2-1 Illustrating how the energy levels of isolated atoms are split . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Figure 5.4.3-1 Energy Band structure for organic molecules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Figure 5.4.5-1 Probability functions as a function of energy--photon wavelength. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Figure 5.5.4-1 Putative arrangement of a liquid crystalline chromophore on the surface of the opsin substrate . 60
Figure 5.5.5-1 Chromophoric systems used in photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Figure 5.5.6-1 Conversion of the retinenes into chromophores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Figure 5.5.7-1 CR Peak spectral absorption of various dyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Figure 5.5.8-1 Arrangement of chromophore molecules in the J- or liquid crystalline state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Figure 5.5.8-2 The proposed chromophores of animal vision, the Rhodonines, based on Vitamin A1 . . . . . . . . 69
Figure 5.5.9-1 CR A family of absorption spectra in methanol for two families of resonant dyes. . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Figure 5.5.9-2 The energy band structures of the Rhodonines in the liquid crystalline state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Figure 5.5.9-3 Caricature of the individual S-, M- & L-spectral components of functional importance . . . . . . . 73
Figure 5.5.10-1 The calculated absorption spectra of the Rhodonines, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Figure 5.5.10-2 A comparison of various sets of spectrums. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Figure 5.5.10-3 CR Composite of in-vitro absorption spectra and psychophysical responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Figure 5.5.10-4 CR Spectral responses of the bee and goldfish as assembled by Wolken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Figure 5.5.10-5 CR Absorption spectrum of putative frog rhodopsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Figure 5.5.10-6 Absorption spectra of three photoreceptors in turtle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Figure 5.5.10-7 Mean absorption spectra of the four roach photoreceptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Figure 5.5.10-8 Comparison of 5 protanopes and a normal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Figure 5.5.10-9 Caricature showing perceived peak spectral sensitivity following suppression . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Figure 5.5.10-10 Walds figure 2 with overlays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Figure 5.5.10-11 Wald figure 4 with overlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Figure 5.5.10-12 Defining the quality factor associated with the chromophores of vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Figure 5.5.11-1 Absorption characteristics of a complete disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Figure 5.5.12-1 Alternate nomenclatures for the retinoids associated with vision. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Figure 5.5.12-2 Three numbering schemes for the retinoids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Figure 5.5.12-3 The four chromophores of vision, the Rhodonines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Figure 5.5.14-1 Ligand binding sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Figure 5.5.14-2 Comparing the Rhodonines to the retinenes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Figure 5.5.14-3 Starting materials for the synthesis of the Rhodonines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Figure 5.7.1-1 Spectral sensitivity (mass recording) of Deilephila elpenor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Photochemistry 5- 151
(Active) SUBJECT INDEX (using advanced indexing option) for Chapter 5
activa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 14, 98
adaptation amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
amino acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 53, 55, 105, 107, 110, 111, 113
anisotropic absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 11, 17, 24, 32, 47, 55, 60, 74-76, 83, 90, 92, 115
antagonistic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44, 142
architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29, 111
auxochrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 25, 65, 66, 70
bilayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
biological temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
bleach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 25, 28, 33, 46, 97
blood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Brezold-Brucke Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Brezold-Brucke Peak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90, 141
broadband . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44, 67, 71, 90, 107, 114
broadside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
C.I.E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 81, 85, 97
C.I.E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 85, 97
carboxylic acid system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
carboxylic ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 35, 120
carboxylic-ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 2, 118, 127
cholesteric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 57
chrominance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80, 93, 107, 112, 113
chromogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 17, 19, 45, 54, 66-68, 73, 123, 132
chromophore . 1-4, 7-9, 11, 17, 19-22, 25, 28, 29, 31-34, 41, 43, 45-47, 49, 52-55, 58-60, 62, 64-71, 75-79, 81-84,
86, 88, 90, 92, 94, 95, 97, 100, 101, 106-120, 122, 123, 126, 128, 131, 132, 135, 137-141
chromophores . . 1-9, 11, 14, 15, 17-34, 40, 42, 45-49, 52-56, 59-62, 64-71, 74-76, 78-84, 89, 90, 93, 94, 98, 100-
103, 106-115, 117-120, 123, 124, 126-128, 130, 132, 133, 135-139, 142
chromophoric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 7, 8, 26, 31, 32, 46, 47, 60, 61, 63, 64, 122, 132, 142
colour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68, 75, 81, 92
CRBP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
cyanine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 30, 49, 59, 68, 107, 127, 138
dark adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
default . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
differencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
differential adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 97, 98, 100, 142
dipole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 9, 11, 16, 17, 40, 42, 68, 71-74
dogma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
electrolytic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
electrophysiological . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 84, 108, 114
electrostenolytic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
end-fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75, 76
flash of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
flashes of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
fluorescence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 37, 38, 42, 83, 105, 136
GABA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
152 Processes in Biological Vision
Gaussian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 23, 78, 80, 84, 90, 92, 117, 139, 141
genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103, 105-107, 111, 112
half amplitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43, 71, 76-78, 80, 81, 84, 100, 141
half-amplitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 42, 71, 78-80, 99, 141
Helmholtz-Boltzmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71, 79
hole transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
hydronium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 14, 29
hydrophilic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 58
hydrophobic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 52, 58
hydroxylamine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48, 49, 110
ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
incubation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74, 109, 113, 127
indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 74, 89, 109, 110, 126
IPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108, 111, 139
irradiance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44, 45
isomerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 7, 16
isotropic absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 11, 28, 55, 72, 74, 83, 85, 89, 91-93, 136
IUPAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 50, 118-122, 126, 132
j-band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 30, 31, 70, 73, 127
Karrer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 118-121
Lepidoptera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
linearity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31, 44, 81, 84, 95, 139
lipid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76, 138
liquid crystal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 9, 12-14, 24, 27, 29, 33, 43, 46, 50, 56-60, 67, 68, 81, 117, 135
liquid crystalline . 1, 2, 5, 8-14, 17, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27-33, 36, 38, 40, 43, 45-50, 54-60, 62, 64, 67, 68, 71, 72, 74-
76, 83, 94, 108, 112-114, 116-118, 120, 127-129, 135-137, 139, 142
magnetic resonance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
merocyanine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127, 137
mesopic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 47
microtubules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58, 116, 117
molecular absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 40, 53, 70-74, 76, 83, 90, 115, 117, 127
narrow band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80, 92
nematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 14
noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 85, 91
object space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
oxime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53, 135, 136
P/D equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
paramagnetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 42, 64
paramagnetism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Pauli exclusion principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 39, 42, 43, 117
Pauli Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40, 45, 94
pharmacology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 17, 18, 119
phonon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 41
photodetection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 5-7, 17, 23, 65, 88
photoexcitation/de-excitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45, 83
photon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 16, 17, 21, 28, 36-38, 41-43, 56, 68, 71, 75, 76, 114
photopic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48, 52, 76, 81, 99, 108, 114
photoreceptor cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 7, 25, 27, 33, 44, 80, 83, 98, 115, 117
protonated Schiff base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 49, 110, 113
psychophysically . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Purkinje Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Photochemistry 5- 153
Purkinje peak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Purkinje shift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
quantum mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 22, 54, 113
quantum-mechanical . . . . . . . . . 2, 5, 12, 16, 19, 27, 30, 32, 35, 43, 52, 54, 60, 64, 70, 85, 115-117, 120, 127, 131
resonance . . 4, 7-9, 11, 15-17, 22, 28, 35, 42, 47, 50, 54, 62, 70, 74, 76, 78-80, 82, 120, 122, 126, 127, 130, 131,
136, 137, 142
resonant absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 28, 32, 33, 73, 76, 117, 127
Rhodonine . . . . 2, 7, 8, 13, 32, 43, 48, 58, 59, 62, 64, 68, 70, 71, 73, 74, 77-81, 83, 85, 88, 93, 94, 110, 112, 114,
117, 120, 122, 123, 126-133, 135-137
saponification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136, 137
Schiff base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 4, 8, 49, 52-54, 63, 64, 66, 109, 110, 113, 114, 138
scotopic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 71, 76, 85, 88, 97, 99, 114
secondary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 8, 53, 90, 94, 99
singlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 16, 27, 29, 42
smectic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 12-14, 27, 28, 57
spaceframe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29, 31, 76
SRBP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112, 115
Stockman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-82, 84, 85, 88, 140, 141
suction pipette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88, 91, 117, 141
templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 78, 92, 94, 139-143
test set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 99
tetrachromats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
trichromats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85, 94, 107
triplet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 7, 14, 16, 25, 27, 29, 35, 36, 42, 46, 64, 73, 105
TTR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 14, 16, 64, 76, 117
Vitamin A1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 18-20, 53, 55, 68, 69, 73, 93, 110, 121, 123, 124, 126, 139
Vitamin A2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 12, 18-20, 49, 54, 110, 126, 129
Vitamin A3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 12, 18-20
Wratten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99, 100

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