11 Jan 2013
11 Jan 2013
11 Jan 2013
No : 9 11th January 2013
I do hope you managed to have an enjoyable break and that the children have
recharged their batteries ready for the new term. The theme for this long term is Buildings and the teachers have an exciting set of learning experiences planned for the children. I know that Cherry class have already planned a number of visits to different buildings in Carterton and that Maple will be investigating St Matthews church. This term also sees the start of our Burford Partnership sports events with different year groups joining other schools from our partnership at Burford School to compete and enjoy a wide range of sporting activities. The opportunities this short term include indoor athletics and dance. One of the issues raised through last terms parent questionnaire was mud! Although I cant guarantee pristinely clean children we have had the Astroturf deep cleaned over the break so hopefully that will help the situation.
Quick Reminders
Club starts next week School Dinners must be paid in advance or on the day at the latest, sealed in a named envelope cheques payable to Oxfordshire County Council please Oak & Willow started swimming this week as advised in the last newsletter voluntary contributions for swimming are now due. Cheques payable to Oxfordshire County Council please. Thank you if you have already done so.
DAILY FROM 7.45AM (PRE BOOKED) 3.00 8.15AM (DROP IN) 2.00 Booking forms for January & February now available from Mrs Brindle or the School Office SCHOOL UNIFORM St Christophers uniform can be ordered from: www.simplyschoolwear.co.uk Tel: 0800 404 6644 or tesco.com/ues
Gammon & Pineapple With Jacket Potato Seasonal Vegetables Cinnamon Bun
Roast Beef Yorkshire Pudding, Roast Potatoes & Seasonal Vegetables Oak cookie with glass of orange juice
Breaded Fish Chips, Peas or Beans Ice Cream with Toffee Sauce
Week Commencing 21st January 2013 Pizza With Jacket Potato Seasonal Vegetables Apple Crumbe & Custard Chicken & Bacon Pasta Seasonal Vegetables Chocolate Sponge with Chocolate Sauce Roast Pork Yorkshire Pudding, Roast Potatoes & Seasonal Vegetables Krispy Cake Breaded Fish Fillet, Chunky Chips Peas/Baked Beans Neapolitan Ice Cream with Fruit
Also available every day: Yoghurt, Fresh Fruit & Water - 2.00 per meal. Cheques for dinners please make payable to
Diary Dates
14th January 15th January Swimming Oak & Willow 3.15pm Hockey Club 7.30pm Cotswold Voices 21 January Burford Partnership Indoor Athletics Tournament 3.15pm Nature Club
16th January
Forest School Cherry & Year 1 3.15pm Zumba Club
17th January
18th January 8am Badminton & Breakfast 2.45pm Celebration Assembly 3.15pm Outdoor Games
23 January
25th January 8am Badminton & Breakfast 2.45pm Celebration Assembly 3.15pm Outdoor Games Cook 4 Books Maple 1st February Yr 6 Junior Citizen 8am Badminton & Breakfast 2.30pm Oak Class Assembly 3.15pm Outdoor Games 8th February Last Day of Term 8am Badminton & Breakfast 2.45pm Celebration Assembly 3.15pm Outdoor Games
Swimming Oak & Willow 3.15pm Hockey Club 7.30pm Cotswold Voices 29th January Swimming Oak & Willow 3.15pm Hockey Club 7.30pm Cotswold Voices
28th January
30th January
Forest School Cherry & Year 1 3.15pm Zumba Club
31st January Mobile Library Year 4 Violins Lunchtime Bookshop 3.15pm Football Club 7th February
4th February
5th February
6th February
Swimming Oak & Willow 3.15pm Hockey Club 7.30pm Cotswold Voices
for reserved books and stamps. Dont forget your pennies in a sealed envelope please!
All Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 children are given a healthy snack daily. Key Stage2 children may bring in a healthy snack if they wish. However, concerns have been raised about the appropriateness of some of the snacks being eaten by children at morning break. As a school we believe it is important that all children do have a healthy morning snack. It is clear that crisps, sweets and chocolate do not fall into the healthy category, but there are a number of other snacks such as cereal bars which might sound as if they could fall into the healthy category but in fact dont.
If your child has a medical condition or allergy e.g asthma, that may require medication e.g inhalers, during school hours, then please send in to school in a clear plastic box/bag, with a photograph of your child along with a completed medical consent form which can be obtained from the school office. In accordance with our policy, we are not able to administer non prescribed medicine at school (this includes, calpol, soothers, lip balms etc. Prescribed medicines are permitted at the discretion of the Headteacher. Any medicines should be handed to an adult as children must not have unsupervised access to medicines. Further clarification and details can be found in the First Aid & the Management of Medicines in School Policy, a copy of which can be found on the website. .
The image of cereal bars as a healthy snack is a "myth", according to a study by Which? The consumer group found all but one of the 30 bars it analysed were high in sugar, with more than half containing over 30% sugar. BBC News The "prize" for a product containing large quantities of sugar went to Kellogg's Real Fruit Winders, a wound-up length of fruit flavoured jelly. The Parents Jury said the product claims to contain more than 50% real fruit but "neglects to mention that each fruit winder is 47% pure sugar". BBC News
Can I therefore ask you to be extra careful when choosing a morning healthy snack for your child? If you are in doubt - Fresh or dried fruit or vegetables will always be a good choice Obviously the school will be sensitive to any specific medical dietary needs,
Mr Goodwin Headteacher
The adventure playground equipment is ONLY designed for primary school age children. For health and safety reasons when collecting your child/ren from school please ensure you DO NOT let your pre-school age children and older siblings on the equipment at all times.
WATER BOTTLES - a quick reminder that we do encourage all children to bring a water bottle to school each day. Water bottles (with a sports style top) can be kept on desks for continuous use during the day. We recommend the bottles be named!
please note that Oxfordshire County Council policy is that dogs are not allowed on school premises thank you.
Help us keep the spread of germs in school to a minimum by following this advice from the NHS.
'Church @ 4'
A relaxed service of songs, prayers, Bible readings and a talk. Groups for children aged 3-12, and toys for babies and toddlers. If you missed us last week please do come & join us on the 1st Sunday of every month from 4pm at Bradwell Village Hall. For more information contact: Rev'd Patrick Wheaton - 01367 860846 Rev'd Alex Ross - 01993 824871
Please ensure that you let us know if arrangements change during the year to keep our records up-to-date. Forms are available from the School Office.
school bus service is provided directly by Oxfordshire County Council, who are responsible for the bus contract not the school. Below are the contact details for OCC Integrated Transport Services. If you experience any problems with the bus service provided we would be grateful if you could report them directly to OCC. Thank you. Oxfordshire County Council - Integrated Transport Service Tel: 01865 871670
Parking Around School - As we are at the start of a new term, please may we remind parents to respect our neighbours when parking near the school. From time to time we do receive complaints please help us keep this to a minimum by not blocking drives and gateways and keeping clear of the zig-zag lines thank you
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year. As many of you may be aware there have been some burglaries in the local area recently that the police are continuing to investigate. With the weather improving and gardening starting again in earnest ensure that your shed security is up to date and in good working order and mark all your garden tools where possible with your postcode. Crime has been very low in the Shill villages over the festive period. Thames Valley are actively using the Crime Alert scheme in West Oxfordshire to be involved in reducing crime look at the link(www.thamesvalleyalert.co.uk) or contact your neighbourhood team to discuss. Community vigilance remains a high priority so keep an eye on your neighbours properties, and if you see anything suspicious such as vehicles or people hanging around please report it on the numbers below. In an emergency always call 999
Meet: Carterton Pavilion, Manahan Way, Carterton Time : 6.30 7.30PM Cost: 32.00 for an 8 week course The course will enable Beginners to Jogging to progress to a 5k over an 8 week period whilst improving fitness in a fun and sociable way. The course will be lead by a qualified Jog Leader. For more information please contact at Lisa.booth@gll.org or phone 07764466017.