17 Apr 12
17 Apr 12
17 Apr 12
No 17: Tuesday 17th April 2012
Dear Parents/Carers
Welcome back! I hope you have all had a relaxing and happy Easter break. This term our focus will be on the Jubilee & Olympics. Class Topic Webs for the term can be viewed on the website. At the end of the Summer Term, Mr Cornish will be leaving St Christophers and moving to Richmond, North Yorkshire, to run a B&B with his wife, Liz. On behalf of all our families, staff and Governors, I would like to wish them great success in their new venture.
If your child is absent from school for any reason, please dont forget to let us know. Absences are recorded in our registers with the appropriate reason code, i.e illness, holiday, medical appointment etc. Where no reason is given the absence is recorded as unauthorised and may be investigated by the Educational Welfare Officer. Please remember that requests for holiday should be authorised before booking. See website for Absence Policy for further details. Please notify us about the absence by telephoning school on 01367 860318 and selecting option 1 to leave a message. Thank you
Friday 20th April 2.45pm Celebration Assembly Everyone Welcome Monday 23rd April Year 4 Dance Festival at Burford slips back please asap please & dont forget packed lunch! Monday 23rd April Clubs start - see details attached. Tuesday 1st May Years 3 & 5 swimming starts see details attached . Wednesday 2nd May Year 1 & 2 Forest School Dinners should be paid in advance on a Monday of the week in which dinners are taken. As usual, the correct money in a named envelope is very much appreciated. Cheques payable to Oxfordshire County Council.
Quick Reminders
DAILY FROM 7.45AM (PRE BOOKED) 3.00 8.15AM (DROP IN) 2.00
Booking forms for May now available from Mrs Brindle or the School Office
SCHOOL UNIFORM St Christophers uniform can be ordered from: www.simplyschoolwear.co.uk Tel: 0800 404 6644
Missed a Newsletter? If you have missed a newsletter, they are available on our website www.st-christophers.oxon.sch.uk
Week Commencing 30th April 2012 BBQ Chicken with Rice & Seasonal Vegetables Chocolate Marble Cake with Hot Chocolate Sauce Toad in the Hole with Jacket Potato, Seasonal Vegetables Lemon Crumble Slice with Custard Roast Turkey, Yorkshire Pudding, Roast Potatoes & Seasonal Vegetables Strawberry & Chocolate Dessert Beef & Potato Pie with Chessy Thatch & Seasonal Vegetables Fruit Salad with Honey & Yoghurt Breaded Fish, Chunky Chips, Peas/Baked Beans Peach Melba
Also available every day: Yoghurt, Fresh Fruit & Water - 2.10 per meal. Any cheques for dinners please make payable to Oxfordshire County Council. Dinners should be paid in advance on a Monday of the week in which dinners are taken. As usual, the correct money in a named envelope is very much appreciated. DINNER REGISTERS - are taken in class every morning. The children tell the teacher whether they are having dinners (hot school meal) or sandwiches. There have been a few instances last term of children being recorded as sandwiches but actually having dinners, and vice versa. Please could you help minimise this problem by reminding your child whether they are dinners or sandwiches in the morning, as unfortunately, this does cause confusion and may result in parents being charged for meals not taken thank you.
Diary Dates
23 April Year 4 Dance Festival at Burford 3.15pm Nature Club (F/S & KS1) 30th April
24 April 7.30pm Cotswold Voices 1st May Yrs 3&5 Swimming 3.15pm Computer Xplorers 7.30pm Cotswold Voices 8th May Yrs 3&5 Swimming 3.15pm Computer Xplorers 7.30pm Cotswold Voices
25th April 8.30am Choir 3.15pm Zumba 2nd May 8.30am Choir Yrs 1&2 Forest School 3.15pm Zumba 9th May
26th April Mobile Library Lunchtime Bookshop 3.15pm Kwik Cricket 3rd May
27th April 8.am Multi-skills 3.15pm Nature Club (KS2) 4th May 8.am Multi-skills 3.15pm Nature Club (KS2) 11th May
Please ensure that you let us know if arrangements change during the year to keep our records up-todate. Forms are available from the School Office.
If your child has a medical condition or allergy e.g asthma, that may require medication e.g inhalers, during school hours, then please send in to school in a clear plastic box/bag, with a photograph of your child along with a completed medical consent form which can be obtained from the school office. In accordance with our policy, we are not able to administer non prescribed medicine at school (this includes, calpol, soothers, lip balms etc. Prescribed medicines are permitted at the discretion of the Headteacher. Any medicines should be handed to an adult as children must not have unsupervised access to medicines. Further clarification and details can be found in the First Aid & the Management of Medicines in School Policy, a copy of which can be found on the website.
If you feel this applies to you, then please call into the school office for an application form.
HEALTHY EATING - All Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 children are given a healthy snack daily. Key Stage2 children may bring in a healthy snack, no crisps or chocolate, if they wish.
WATER BOTTLES - Just a quick reminder that we do encourage all children to bring a water bottle to school each day. Water bottles (with a sports style top) can be kept on desks for continuous use during the day. We recommend the bottles be named!
Children in all classes are expected to have their PE kits in school all week. PE kits may be taken home over the weekend for washing, but please make sure its back in school on Monday morning. No football kits may be worn for PE lessons. May we remind parents that all children are expected to wear school uniform with suitable school shoes (no trainers or open-toed sandals) and long hair must be tied back for health and safety reasons. Children will also need to bring their coats to school as wherever possible we like the children to play outside at morning break and lunchtimes.
Swimming Programme
Swimming will continue again after the Easter Holidays commencing Tuesday 1st May 2012 for all children in YEAR 3 and YEAR 5. Once again, we will use Brize Norton swimming pool and transport will be provided by Rebound Coaches. To help cover the cost of the coach, instructors and lifeguards, we need to ask parents to pay a contribution of 1.50 per lesson form attached. Please see below which year groups will be swimming which term.
Term 5 Years 3 & 5 1st May 8th May 15th May 22nd May 29th May
Term 6 Years 3 & 6 12th June 19th June 26th June 10th July
It is important that all children attend the swimming sessions available to them as the ability to swim is a requirement of the National Curriculum. Children will need a swimming kit, which must include a swimming hat (available from the school office at a cost of 1.00) in a suitable bag. Boys must wear swimming trucks, not shorts. Oxfordshire County Councils policy does not allow children to wear goggles. If your child needs to wear goggles they need to be BS 5883:1996 - please return the permission form below. Please ensure that all watches and earrings are left at home on swimming days Please note that a letter from a parent is required if a child is to miss a swimming lesson for any reason. Generally, if a child is well enough to be at school then they are well enough to swim.
Goggles in Swimming - (for completion and return only if you have not already done so this school year) I wish to request that my child .. be allowed to take part in swimming lessons wearing his/her goggles which meet BS 5883:1996. I understand that the regulations recommend that goggles are not worn for school swimming lessons. I further understand that in the event of injury arising from my child wearing goggles, neither the County Council nor the Governors of the School will be prepared to accept liability for such injury.
Date ..
Cheques payable to Oxfordshire County Council please
I enclose a contribution of 7.50 to cover the costs for Term 5 I enclose a contribution of 15.00 to cover the costs for Term 4 if not already paid and Term 5(Yr3) Class/es . Date ...
We are now busy counting the Sainsburys vouchers which stores have now stopped issuing. If you have any please do send them in as soon as possible so we can place an order as soon as possible. Vouchers for Tesco are still being issued until the middle of May so please do send in. Collection boxes are outside the school office.
Thank you to all those families who entered in the The Great Sport Relief Bake Off at the end of last term. All the cakes were spectacular and were judged by appearance, texture and blind tasting. We are delighted, therefore, to announce that we raised 93.50 for Sport Relief and the winners were:-
Thank you
PHOTOGRAPHY IN SCHOOL - From time to time children are photographed at school for internal displays and we would like to use these photos on our website. Occasionally, the local press may wish to use photographs to celebrate events happening in school.
Unless you inform us to the contrary, we will assume that you are happy for your childs photo to be used in this way.
for reserved books and stamps Dont forget your pennies in a sealed envelope please!
If you have any left over indoor wall paint or unused pots, preferably magnolia, that you no longer need and are happy to donate to school, then please do drop off at school by this Friday, 20th April 2012, so we can freshen up our Rainbow Room thank you
THE MUSIC FOR SCHOOLS FOUNDATION visit the school every Monday for lessons. There have been a few occasions when the wrong instrument has gone home with the wrong child by mistake. Please ensure that your child knows which instrument belongs to them and that they are named. Thank you.
Provided by Petit Enfant @ St Christophers Please contact Kelly on 01993 841700 or 07584661571 for further details.
We have a parent who is resident in Carterton and is looking to car share. If you are interested, please contact the school office for further details.
A good range of school clubs will start again this term please see below. We request a voluntary contribution to help cover resources and staff costs. To register your child(ren), please return the reply slip attached
Led by
Janet Hobbs
3.15pm 4.15pm 3.15pm 4.30pm 3.30pm 8.30am 9.00 3.15pm 4.15pm 3.15pm 4.15pm 8.00am 8.45am 3.15-4.15pm
Year Group
F/S & Yrs 1&2 Yrs 1, 2&3 Yr 1-6 All
Cost Numbers
Max 10 8.00
23rd & 30th April 14th & 21st May
Claire Goodenough
Mrs Brownjohn
Mrs Brownjohn
Janet Hobbs
Forms available Starting 1st May later in the week 29th May To book Tel 07970 481707 or cd.hand@yahoo.co.uk Free 25th April, 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd May Min 10 10.00 25th April, 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd May Min 10 10.00 25th April, 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th May 10.00 27th April, 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th May Max 15 10.00 27th April, 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th May
Please note:
Once your child registers, we do expect that they will attend each session For ease of banking & administration, payments are due at the start of the course Payment and commitment is for the whole course to cover staff/coach costs & resources Please collect your child promptly as staff may need to go home!
Tick/Initials Club
Nature Club Mondays Choir Zumba Kwik Cricket Multi-skills & Breakfast Nature Club - Friday
No. of Sessions
5 5 5 4 4 5
8.00 Free 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
I enclose (cheques payable to St Christophers School please) Preferred telephone number in case of emergency/club cancelled: Child(rens) name(s): .. Class(es) .. .. .