Brand Clout
Brand Clout
Brand Clout
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Brand Clout by Dennis C. Flynn
Shift Happens
To say that we lived in a fast-paced world has become passé. People and
companies are caught in a perpetual state of motion, and for businesses, it becomes
a choice of keeping the pace or becoming defunct. Because of the constant
changes the marketplace goes through, companies are faced with the complex and
unique challenge of applying fundamental principles to the newer and more
intimidating market arena.
Technology has changed almost everything we know about products. Not only has it
affected the ways a consumer perceives, evaluates, and buys a product, but it has
also begun to change ways companies buys, makes, sells and delivers its products
or solutions.
Not knowing your business model leaves you vulnerable. You will not be able to
respond to changes as quickly or as well
Target Audience - Your specific group of customers. Who are these people, and
what are their needs and issues? How are they motivated?
Profit Protection (Strategic Control Points) - How will you protect your position
from competitors?
Portfolio - What does your portfolio contain today? What are you providing your
customers with? How does your portfolio change over time?
Brand - How are you defining your brand? What is its personality, as a person, as a
product, and as an organization?
Brand Clout by Dennis C. Flynn
Anticipating Shift
The Sonar Model®
The Sonar Model® is a tool for guiding a company through an evaluation of their
current business model. This model helps to see the future, in the sense that it allows
a company to clearly see where it's headed, and thus design a business model with
the goal of the future in mind.
It is not a strategic planning process, but rather a template for strategic thinking.
What's the difference, you say? The author quotes Henry Mintzberg's 1994 obituary
for strategic planning: “Planning always as been about analysis - about breaking
down a goal or set of intentions into steps, formalizing those steps so they can be
implemented almost automatically, and articulating the anticipated consequences or
results of each strep. Strategic thinking, in contrast, is about synthesis. It involves
intuition and creativity. The outcome of strategic thinking is an integrated
perspective of the enterprise, a not-too-precisely articulated vision of the direction.”
While strategic planning assumes that the world will hold still as you implement the
plan, that the planners can detach themselves from its implementation, and that all
plans should be formalized, strategic thinking allows for the dynamism so needed in
this day and age.
The sonar Model is a tool and catalyst that will enable companies to:
Solution Share
An evaluation of a company's ability to provide a combination of goods and services
that satisfy a company's/customer's needs beyond a specific product or service.
Opportunity Share
A reference for competing within an as yet undefined or emerging future
marketplace. This is what helps to define a flexible business model.
Brand Clout by Dennis C. Flynn
Sonaring is the menu of 12 questions that an organization's management team must
ask themselves from a current market view and a future market view (6, 12, or 18
months out).
Experience Reflex
This is the sum of a customer's accumulated experience with your company or
product. It can usually be summed up into two or three sentences, and is usually
made up of the first things that come to a consumer's mind when asked, “What do
you think of company X?”
In light of this, companies should always aim to add value to the customer
experiences, in order to create positive Experience Reflex.
Moments Of Truth
Every moment that a customer interacts with your product counts - access points,
touch points, and experience reflex. These are proof points, or moments of truth, on
which your brand will be built.
Brand Clout by Dennis C. Flynn
Satisfaction is the name of the game - and in order to find out whether or not you're
satisfying your costumers, you have to ask them, and ask constantly! Otherwise you
may never know what your customers expect, or if you're giving satisfactory service
or producing satisfactory products.
Brand Equity
Brand equity is a multi-variable equation consisting of the following:
It should be mentioned that even though a product has strong brand equity, it is no
guarantee that it will dominate the market.
Brand Identity
For the purpose of this book, the author makes use of David Aaker's model of brand
equity, which consists of two segments: Core Identity and Extended Identity.
Core Identity -The core identity of a brand is something that is critical and central to
a brand's identity. It can also be transferred to other businesses or categories with
the same brand name.
Brand Clout by Dennis C. Flynn
This is what alliances, better known as Multiple Brand Solution Sets, which are
becoming quite popular.
An example of such a solution is the case of Kodak and Sony. When Kodak was
introducing a new product concept, they did research on how many customers
preferred the new product when it was offered with the Kodak name alone, as
opposed to when it was offered in tandem with Sony.
The results were astounding. 82% of those polled said they'd buy a new concept if it
was offered under the tandem brand name, as opposed to the 22% who'd buy it
under Kodak. Such is the power of co-branding activities.
Brand Leadership
It is indisputable that the CEO of a company has a great deal to do with the brand
strength. They motivate their people to become the brand, really live it and work to
bring out its ideals.
Real power is not in the size of a company's advertising budget, it's in the ability of
the company to maintain consistent and continuous brand communications
throughout their organization.
Brand Clout by Dennis C. Flynn
For example, when comparing Bayer Aspirin with a generic brand of aspirin, the
people who choose Bayer trust this brand more, feeling that there is something
“extra” in the branded aspirin, and are wiling to pay a premium for this added benefit,
real or not.
The tool used to harness this fount of information is the Voice of the Customer®
research. It is a qualitative methodology for generating a view of the brand form all
its stakeholders.
However, the author is quick to point out that it s not the information alone that is an
invaluable asset to a company, but also its ability to analyze the data that is
presented to you.
Generational Markers
Over the next ten years, the four major age groups will undergo major transitions and
life stage passages. These four groups are Gen Y, Gen X, Baby Boomers, and
Knowing how each of these age groups react and function will be highly beneficial to
the customer-driven company. For example, as Baby Boomers age, there will be a
marked shift in their sending, investing, and wealth patterns.
Brand Clout by Dennis C. Flynn
Southwest Airlines' Chairman, Herb Kellher, says, “You have to treat your
employees like your customers. When you treat them right, then they will treat your
outside customers right.”
· Communication - Listen to your employees. Don't just tell them “no” when
they're suggesting something. Making them feel like a valuable part of the
enterprise will encourage them to be more productive.
· Direction - Communicate your Mission, Vision, and Values as clearly as
· Empowerment - Give your employees the real thing and not just lip service.
True support, autonomy and direction will go a long way.
· Create a Risk-Free Environment - Reward smart failures.
Brand Clout by Dennis C. Flynn
This defines a desired end-state for the entire organization. The entire organization
should be behind it 100%.
This states what the company does in pursuit of the vision. It should be able to make
the individual employee realize the answer to the question: “How is my small role
0974414956 within the organization contributing to the corporate mission?”
Giggle Test - To test if you have a good mission statement, gauge your employees'
reaction to it when you're not around. Do they joke about it around the water cooler?
When your mission statement passes this test, you're good to go.
Many companies refer to these as core values. They represent the guiding
principles of an organization.
Brand Clout by Dennis C. Flynn
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