Introduction To Financial Econometrics Chapter 4 Introduction To Portfolio Theory

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Introduction to Financial Econometrics Chapter 4 Introduction to Portfolio Theory

Eric Zivot Department of Economics University of Washington January 26, 2000 This version: February 20, 2001

Introduction to Portfolio Theory

Consider the following investment problem. We can invest in two non-dividend paying stocks A and B over the next month. Let RA denote monthly return on stock A and RB denote the monthly return on stock B. These returns are to be treated as random variables since the returns will not be realized until the end of the month. We assume that the returns RA and RB are jointly normally distributed and that we have the following information about the means, variances and covariances of the probability distribution of the two returns: A = E[RA ], 2 = V ar(RA ), A B = E[RB ], 2 = V ar(RB ), B AB = Cov(RA , RB ). We assume that these values are taken as given. We might wonder where such values come from. One possibility is that they are estimated from historical return data for the two stocks. Another possibility is that they are subjective guesses. The expected returns, A and B , are our best guesses for the monthly returns on each of the stocks. However, since the investments are random we must recognize that the realized returns may be dierent from our expectations. The variances, 2 and A 2 , provide measures of the uncertainty associated with these monthly returns. We B can also think of the variances as measuring the risk associated with the investments. Assets that have returns with high variability (or volatility) are often thought to be risky and assets with low return volatility are often thought to be safe. The covariance AB gives us information about the direction of any linear dependence between returns. If AB > 0 then the returns on assets A and B tend to move in the 1

same direction; if AB < 0 the returns tend to move in opposite directions; if AB = 0 then the returns tend to move independently. The strength of the dependence between the returns is measured by the correlation coecient AB = AB . If AB is close to A B one in absolute value then returns mimic each other extremely closely whereas if AB is close to zero then the returns may show very little relationship. The portfolio problem is set-up as follows. We have a given amount of wealth and it is assumed that we will exhaust all of our wealth between investments in the two stocks. The investor s problem is to decide how much wealth to put in asset A and how much to put in asset B. Let xA denote the share of wealth invested in stock A and xB denote the share of wealth invested in stock B. Since all wealth is put into the two investments it follows that xA + xB = 1. (Aside: What does it mean for xA or xB to be negative numbers?) The investor must choose the values of xA and xB . Our investment in the two stocks forms a portfolio and the shares xA and xB are referred to as portfolio shares or weights. The return on the portfolio over the next month is a random variable and is given by Rp = xA RA + xB RB , (1)

which is just a simple linear combination or weighted average of the random return variables RA and RB . Since RA and RB are assumed to be normally distributed, Rp is also normally distributed.


Portfolio expected return and variance

The return on a portfolio is a random variable and has a probability distribution that depends on the distributions of the assets in the portfolio. However, we can easily deduce some of the properties of this distribution by using the following results concerning linear combinations of random variables: p = E[Rp ] = xA A + xB B 2 = var(Rp ) = x2 2 + x2 2 + 2xA xB AB p A A B B (2) (3)

These results are so important to portfolio theory that it is worthwhile to go through the derivations. For the & result (2), we have rst E[Rp ] = E[xA RA + xB RB ] = xA E[RA ] + xB E[RB ] = xA A + xB B by the linearity of the expectation operator. For the second result (3), we have var(Rp ) = = = = var(xA RA + xB RB ) = E[(xA RA + xB RB ) E[xA RA + xB RB ])2 ] E[(xA (RA A ) + xB (RB B ))2 ] E[x2 (RA A )2 + x2 (RB B )2 + 2xA xB (RA A )(RB B )] A B 2 2 xA E[(RA A ) ] + x2 E[(RB B )2 ] + 2xA xB E[(RA A )(RB B )], B 2

and the result follows by the de& nitions of var(RA ), var(RB ) and cov(RA , RB ).. Notice that the variance of the portfolio is a weighted average of the variances of the individual assets plus two times the product of the portfolio weights times the covariance between the assets. If the portfolio weights are both positive then a positive covariance will tend to increase the portfolio variance, because both returns tend to move in the same direction, and a negative covariance will tend to reduce the portfolio variance. Thus & nding negatively correlated returns can be very bene& cial when forming portfolios. What is surprising is that a positive covariance can also be bene& cial to diversi& cation.


Ecient portfolios with two risky assets

In this section we describe how mean-variance ecient portfolios are constructed. First we make some assumptions: Assumptions Returns are jointly normally distributed. This implies that means, variances and covariances of returns completely characterize the joint distribution of returns. Investors only care about portfolio expected return and portfolio variance. Investors like portfolios with high expected return but dislike portfolios with high return variance. Given the above assumptions we set out to characterize the set of portfolios that have the highest expected return for a given level of risk as measured by portfolio variance. These portfolios are called ecient portfolios and are the portfolios that investors are most interested in holding. For illustrative purposes we will show calculations using the data in the table below. Table 1: Example Data A B 2 A B AB AB B 0.175 0.055 0.067 0.013 0.258 0.115 -0.004875 -0.164 2 A The collection of all feasible portfolios (the investment possibilities set) in the case of two assets is simply all possible portfolios that can be formed by varying the portfolio weights xA and xB such that the weights sum to one (xA + xB = 1). We summarize the expected return-risk (mean-variance) properties of the feasible portfolios in a plot with portfolio expected return, p , on the vertical axis and portfolio standard-deviation, p , on the horizontal axis. The portfolio standard deviation is used instead of variance because standard deviation is measured in the same units as the expected value (recall, variance is the average squared deviation from the mean). 3

Portfolio Frontier with 2 Risky Assets

0.250 0.200 0.150 0.100 0.050 0.000 0.000

Portfolio expected return





Portfolio std. deviation

Figure 1 The investment possibilities set or portfolio frontier for the data in Table 1 is illustrated in Figure 1. Here the portfolio weight on asset A, xA , is varied from -0.4 to 1.4 in increments of 0.1 and, since xB = 1 xA , the weight on asset is then varies from 1.4 to -0.4. This gives us 18 portfolios with weights (xA , xB ) = (0.4, 1.4), (0.3, 1.3), ..., (1.3, 0.3), (1.4, 0.4). For each of these portfolios we use q the formulas (2) and (3) to compute p and p = 2 . We then plot these values1 . p Notice that the plot in (p , p ) space looks like a parabola turned on its side (in fact it is one side of a hyperbola). Since investors desire portfolios with the highest expected return for a given level of risk, combinations that are in the upper left corner are the best portfolios and those in the lower right corner are the worst. Notice that the portfolio at the bottom of the parabola has the property that it has the smallest variance among all feasible portfolios. Accordingly, this portfolio is called the global minimum variance portfolio. It is a simple exercise in calculus to & the global minimum variance portfolio. nd We solve the constrained optimization problem
xA ,xB

min 2 = x2 2 + x2 2 + 2xA xB AB p A A B B

s.t. xA + xB = 1.
1 The careful reader may notice that some of the portfolio weights are negative. A negative portfolio weight indicates that the asset is sold short and the proceeds of the short sale are used to buy more of the other asset. A short sale occurs when an investor borrows an asset and sells it in the market. The short sale is closed out when the investor buys back the asset and then returns the borrowed asset. If the asset price drops then the short sale produces and pro& t.

Substituting xB = 1 xA into the formula for 2 reduces the problem to p min 2 = x2 2 + (1 xA )2 2 + 2xA (1 xA ) AB . p A A B x

The & order conditions for a minimum, via the chain rule, are rst 0= d 2 p = 2xmin 2 2(1 xmin ) 2 + 2 AB (1 2xmin ) A A A B A dxA

and straightforward calculations yield xmin = A 2 AB B , xmin = 1 xmin . A 2 + 2 2 AB B A B (4)

For our example, using the data in table 1, we get xmin = 0.2 and xmin = 0.8. A B Ecient portfolios are those with the highest expected return for a given level of risk. Inecient portfolios are then portfolios such that there is another feasible portfolio that has the same risk ( p ) but a higher expected return (p ). From the plot it is clear that the inecient portfolios are the feasible portfolios that lie below the global minimum variance portfolio and the ecient portfolios are those that lie above the global minimum variance portfolio. The shape of the investment possibilities set is very sensitive to the correlation between assets A and B. If AB is close to 1 then the investment set approaches a straight line connecting the portfolio with all wealth invested in asset B, (xA , xB ) = (0, 1), to the portfolio with all wealth invested in asset A, (xA , xB ) = (1, 0). This case is illustrated in Figure 2. As AB approaches zero the set starts to bow toward the p axis and the power of diversi& cation starts to kick in. If AB = 1 then the set actually touches the p axis. What this means is that if assets A and B are perfectly negatively correlated then there exists a portfolio of A and B that has positive expected return and zero variance! To & the portfolio with 2 = 0 when nd p AB = 1 we use (4) and the fact that AB = AB A B to give xmin = A B , xmin = 1 xA A + B B

The case with AB = 1 is also illustrated in Figure 2.

Portfolio Frontier with 2 Risky Assets


P ortfolio e x pe cte d re turn





0.000 0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 0.350 0.400 0.450 P ortfolio std. de via tion



Figure 2 Given the ecient set of portfolios, which portfolio will an investor choose? Of the ecient portfolios, investors will choose the one that accords with their risk preferences. Very risk averse investors will choose a portfolio very close to the global minimum variance portfolio and very risk tolerant investors will choose portfolios with large amounts of asset A which may involve short-selling asset B.


Ecient portfolios with a risk-free asset

In the preceding section we constructed the ecient set of portfolios in the absence of a risk-free asset. Now we consider what happens when we introduce a risk free asset. In the present context, a risk free asset is equivalent to default-free pure discount bond that matures at the end of the assumed investment horizon. The risk-free rate, rf , is then the return on the bond, assuming no in! ation. For example, if the investment horizon is one month then the risk-free asset is a 30-day Treasury bill (T-bill) and the risk free rate is the nominal rate of return on the T-bill. If our holdings of the risk free asset is positive then we are lending money at the risk-free rate and if our holdings are negative then we are borrowing at the risk-free rate. 1.3.1 Ecient portfolios with one risky asset and one risk free asset

Continuing with our example, consider an investment in asset B and the risk free asset (henceforth referred to as a T-bill) and suppose that rf = 0.03. Since the risk free rate is & xed over the investment horizon it has some special properties, namely f = E[rf ] = rf 6

var(rf ) = 0 cov(RB , rf ) = 0 Let xB denote the share of wealth in asset B and xf = 1 xB denote the share of wealth in T-bills. The portfolio expected return is Rp = xB RB + (1 xB )rf = xB (RB rf ) + rf The quantity RB rf is called the excess return (over the return on T-bills) on asset B. The portfolio expected return is then p = xB (B rf ) + rt where the quantity (B rf ) is called the expected excess return or risk premium on asset B. We may express the risk premium on the portfolio in terms of the risk premium on asset B: p rf = xB (B rf ) The more we invest in asset B the higher the risk premium on the portfolio. The portfolio variance only depends on the variability of asset B and is given by 2 = x2 2 . p B B The portfolio standard deviation is therefore proportional to the standard deviation on asset B: p = xB B which can use to solve for xB xB = p B

Using the last result, the feasible (and ecient) set of portfolios follows the equation p = rf + B rf p B


which is simply straight line in (p , p ) with intercept rf and slope B B f . The slope of the combination line between T-bills and a risky asset is called the Sharpe ratio or Sharpe s slope and it measures the risk premium on the asset per unit of risk (as measured by the standard deviation of the asset). The portfolios which are combinations of asset A and T-bills and combinations of asset B and T-bills using the data in Table 1 with rf = 0.03. is illustrated in Figure 4.

Portfolio Frontier with 1 Risky Asset and T-Bill

0.200 P ortfolio e x pe cte d re turn 0.180 0.160 0.140 0.120 0.100 0.080 0.060 0.040 0.020 0.000 0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300

Portfolio std. deviation Asset B and T-Bill Asset A and T-Bill

Figure 3 Notice that expected return-risk trade o of these portfolios is linear. Also, notice that the portfolios which are combinations of asset A and T-bills have expected returns uniformly higher than the portfolios consisting of asset B and T-bills. This occurs because the Sharpe s slope for asset A is higher than the slope for asset B: 0.175 0.03 0.055 0.03 A rf rf = = 0.562, B = = 0.217. A 0.258 B 0.115 Hence, portfolios of asset A and T-bills are ecient relative to portfolios of asset B and T-bills. 1.3.2 Ecient portfolios with two risky assets and a risk-free asset

Now we expand on the previous results by allowing our investor to form portfolios of assets A, B and T-bills. The ecient set in this case will still be a straight line in (p , p ) space with intercept rf . The slope of the ecient set, the maximum Sharpe ratio, is such that it is tangent to the ecient set constructed just using the two risky assets A and B. Figure 5 illustrates why this is so.

Portfolio Frontier with 2 Risky Assets and T-Bills

0.350 0.300 0.250 0.200 0.150 0.100 0.050 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600

Portfolio expected return

Portfolio std. deviation Assets A and B Asset A and t-bills Asset A Tangency and T-bills Tangency Asset B and T-bills Asset B

Figure 4 If we invest in only in asset B and T-bills then the Sharpe ratio is B B f = 0.217 and the CAL intersects the parabola at point B. This is clearly not the ecient set of portfolios. For example, we could do uniformly better if we instead invest only r in asset A and T-bills. This gives us a Sharpe ratio of A A f = 0.562 and the new CAL intersects the parabola at point A. However, we could do better still if we invest in T-bills and some combination of assets A and B. Geometrically, it is easy to see that the best we can do is obtained for the combination of assets A and B such that the CAL is just tangent to the parabola. This point is marked T on the graph and represents the tangency portfolio of assets A and B. We can determine the proportions of each asset in the tangency portfolio by & nding the values of xA and xB that maximize the Sharpe ratio of a portfolio that is on the envelope of the parabola. Formally, we solve p rf s.t. A B p p = xA A + xB B 2 = x2 2 + x2 2 + 2xA xB AB p A A B B 1 = xA + xB max x ,x After various substitutions, the above problem can be reduced to max x

(x2 2 + (1 xA )2 2 + 2xA (1 xA ) AB ) A A B 9

xA (A rf ) + (1 xA )(B rf )


For the example data using rf = 0.03, we get xT = 0.542 and xT = 0.458. The A B expected return on the tangency portfolio is T = xT A + xT B A B = (0.542)(0.175) + (0.458)(0.055) = 0.110, the variance of the tangency portfolio is 2 = T
2 2

This is a straightforward, albeit very tedious, calculus problem and the solution can be shown to be (A rf ) 2 (B rf ) AB B T , xT = 1 xT . xA = A 2 2 (A rf ) B + (B rf ) A (A rf + B rf ) AB B

xT A

2 + xT A B

2 + 2xT xT AB B A B

= (0.542)2 (0.067) + (0.458)2 (0.013) + 2(0.542)(0.458) = 0.015, and the standard deviation of the tangency portfolio is q T = 2 = 0.015 = 0.124. T

The ecient portfolios now are combinations of the tangency portfolio and the T-bill. This important result is known as the mutual fund separation theorem. The tangency portfolio can be considered as a mutual fund of the two risky assets, where the shares of the two assets in the mutual fund are determined by the tangency portfolio weights, and the T-bill can be considered as a mutual fund of risk free assets. The expected return-risk trade-o of these portfolios is given by the line connecting the risk-free rate to the tangency point on the ecient frontier of risky asset only portfolios. Which combination of the tangency portfolio and the T-bill an investor will choose depends on the investor s risk preferences. If the investor is very risk averse, then she will choose a combination with very little weight in the tangency portfolio and a lot of weight in the T-bill. This will produce a portfolio with an expected return close to the risk free rate and a variance that is close to zero. For example, a highly risk averse investor may choose to put 10% of her wealth in the tangency portfolio and 90% in the T-bill. Then she will hold (10%) (54.2%) = 5.42% of her wealth in asset A, (10%) (45.8%) = 4.58% of her wealth in asset B and 90% of her wealth in the T-bill. The expected return on this portfolio is p = rf + 0.10(T rf ) = 0.03 + 0.10(0.110 0.03) = 0.038. and the standard deviation is p = 0.10 T = 0.10(0.124) = 0.012. 10

A very risk tolerant investor may actually borrow at the risk free rate and use these funds to leverage her investment in the tangency portfolio. For example, suppose the risk tolerant investor borrows 10% of her wealth at the risk free rate and uses the proceed to purchase 110% of her wealth in the tangency portfolio. Then she would hold (110%)(54.2%) = 59.62% of her wealth in asset A, (110%)(45.8%) = 50.38% in asset B and she would owe 10% of her wealth to her lender. The expected return and standard deviation on this portfolio is p = 0.03 + 1.1(0.110 0.03) = 0.118 p = 1.1(0.124) = 0.136.

Ecient Portfolios and Value-at-Risk

As we have seen, ecient portfolios are those portfolios that have the highest expected return for a given level of risk as measured by portfolio standard deviation. For portfolios with expected returns above the T-bill rate, ecient portfolios can also be characterized as those portfolios that have minimum risk (as measured by portfolio standard deviation) for a given target expected return.


Efficient Portfolios


Efficient portfolios of Tbills and assets A and B

Asset A 0.150 Portfolio ER Tangency Portfolio 0.103 0.100

Combinations of tangency portfolio and T-bills that has the same SD as asset B

0.055 0.050 rf Combinations of tangency portfolio and T-bills that has same ER as asset B 0.039 0.050 0.114

Asset B

0.000 0.000


0.150 Portfolio SD





Figure 5 To illustrate, consider & gure 5 which shows the portfolio frontier for two risky assets and the ecient frontier for two risky assets plus a risk-free asset. Suppose an investor initially holds all of his wealth in asset A. The expected return on this portfolio is B = 0.055 and the standard deviation (risk) is B = 0.115. An ecient portfolio (combinations of the tangency portfolio and T-bills) that has the same standard deviation (risk) as asset B is given by the portfolio on the ecient frontier nd that is directly above B = 0.115. To & the shares in the tangency portfolio and T-bills in this portfolio recall from (xx) that the standard deviation of a portfolio with xT invested in the tangency portfolio and 1 xT invested in T-bills is p = xT T . Since we want to & the ecient portfolio with p = B = 0.115, we solve nd xT = B 0.115 = = 0.917, xf = 1 xT = 0.083. T 0.124

That is, if we invest 91.7% of our wealth in the tangency portfolio and 8.3% in T-bills we will have a portfolio with the same standard deviation as asset B. Since this is an ecient portfolio, the expected return should be higher than the expected return on 12

asset B. Indeed it is since p = rf + xT (T rf ) = 0.03 + 0.917(0.110 0.03) = 0.103 Notice that by diversifying our holding into assets A, B and T-bills we can obtain a portfolio with the same risk as asset B but with almost twice the expected return! Next, consider & nding an ecient portfolio that has the same expected return as asset B. Visually, this involves & nding the combination of the tangency portfolio and T-bills that corresponds with the intersection of a horizontal line with intercept B = 0.055 and the line representing ecient combinations of T-bills and the tangency portfolio. To & the shares in the tangency portfolio and T-bills in nd this portfolio recall from (xx) that the expected return of a portfolio with xT invested in the tangency portfolio and 1 xT invested in T-bills has expected return equal to p = rf + xT (T rf ). Since we want to & the ecient portfolio with nd p = B = 0.055 we use the relation p rf = xT (T rF ) and solve for xT and xf = 1 xT xT = p rf 0.055 0.03 = = 0.313, xf = 1 xT = 0.687. T rf 0.110 0.03

That is, if we invest 31.3% of wealth in the tangency portfolio and 68.7% of our wealth in T-bills we have a portfolio with the same expected return as asset B. Since this is an ecient portfolio, the standard deviation (risk) of this portfolio should be lower than the standard deviation on asset B. Indeed it is since p = xT T = 0.313(0.124) = 0.039. Notice how large the risk reduction is by forming an ecient portfolio. The standard deviation on the ecient portfolio is almost three times smaller than the standard deviation of asset B! The above example illustrates two ways to interpret the bene& from forming ts ecient portfolios. Starting from some benchmark portfolio, we can & standard dex viation (risk) at the value for the benchmark and then determine the gain in expected return from forming a diversi& portfolio2 . The gain in expected return has concrete ed
The gain in expected return by investing in an ecient portfolio abstracts from the costs associated with selling the benchmark portfolio and buying the ecient portfolio.


meaning. Alternatively, we can & expected return at the value for the benchmark x and then determine the reduction in standard deviation (risk) from forming a diversi& portfolio. The meaning to an investor of the reduction in standard deviation ed is not as clear as the meaning to an investor of the increase in expected return. It would be helpful if the risk reduction bene& can be translated into a number that is t more interpretable than the standard deviation. The concept of Value-at-Risk (VaR) provides such a translation. Recall, the VaR of an investment is the expected loss in investment value over a given horizon with a stated probability. For example, consider an investor who invests W0 = $100, 000 in asset B over the next year. Assume that RB represents the annual (continuously compounded) return on asset B and that RB ~N(0.055, (0.114)2 ). The 5% annual VaR of this investment is the loss that would occur if return on asset B is equal to the 5% left tail quantile of the normal distribution of RB . The 5% quantile, q0.05 is determined by solving Pr(RB q0.05 ) = 0.05. Using the inverse cdf for a normal random variable with mean 0.055 and standard deviation 0.114 it can be shown that q0.05 = 0.133.That is, with 5% probability the return on asset B will be 13.3% or less. If RB = 0.133 then the loss in portfolio value3 , which is the 5% VaR, is loss in portfolio value = V aR = |W0 (eq0.05 1)| = |$100, 000(e0.133 1)| = $12, 413. To reiterate, if the investor hold $100,000 in asset B over the next year then the 5% VaR on the portfolio is $12, 413. This is the loss that would occur with 5% probability. Now suppose the investor chooses to hold an ecient portfolio with the same expected return as asset B. This portfolio consists of 31.3% in the tangency portfolio and 68.7% in T-bills and has a standard deviation equal to 0.039. Let Rp denote the annual return on this portfolio and assume that Rp ~N (0.055, 0.039). Using the inverse cdf for this normal distribution, the 5% quantile can be shown to be q0.05 = 0.009. That is, with 5% probability the return on the ecient portfolio will be 0.9% or less. This is considerably smaller than the 5% quantile of the distribution of asset B. If Rp = 0.009 the loss in portfolio value (5% VaR) is loss in portfolio value = V aR = |W0 (eq0.05 1)| = |$100, 000(e0.009 1)| = $892. Notice that the 5% VaR for the ecient portfolio is almost & fteen times smaller than the 5% VaR of the investment in asset B. Since VaR translates risk into a dollar & gure it is more interpretable than standard deviation.
To compute the VaR we need to convert the continuous compounded return (quantile) to a simple return (quantile). Recall, if Rc is a continuously compounded return and Rt is a somple t c return then Rc = ln(1 + Rt ) and Rt = eRt 1. t


Further Reading

The classic text on portfolio optimization is Markowitz (1954). Good intermediate level treatments are given in Benninga (2000), Bodie, Kane and Marcus (1999) and Elton and Gruber (1995). An interesting recent treatment with an emphasis on statistical properties is Michaud (1998). Many practical results can be found in the Financial Analysts Journal and the Journal of Portfolio Management. An excellent overview of value at risk is given in Jorian (1997).

Appendix Review of Optimization and Constrained Optimization

y = f (x) = x2

Consider the function of a single variable

which is illustrated in Figure xxx. Clearly the minimum of this function occurs at the point x = 0. Using calculus, we & the minimum by solving nd min y = x2 . x The & order (necessary) condition for a minimum is rst 0= d 2 d f (x) = x = 2x dx dx

and solving for x gives x = 0. The second order condition for a minimum is 0< d2 f (x) dx

and this condition is clearly satis& for f (x) = x2 . ed Next, consider the function of two variables y = f(x, z) = x2 + z 2 which is illustrated in Figure xxx. (6)


y = x^2 + z^2

5 y 4

3 2 1.75 1 0 -2 -1.75 -1.5 -1.25 -1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 -0.5 -1.25 0.5 0.75 1.25 1.5 1.75 -2 2 1 1 0.25 z

Figure 6 This function looks like a salad bowl whose bottom is at x = 0 and z = 0. To & nd the minimum of (6), we solve min y = x2 + z 2 x,z and the & order necessary conditions are rst y = 2x 0= x and y 0= = 2z. z Solving these two equations gives x = 0 and z = 0. Now suppose we want to minimize (6) subject to the linear constraint x + z = 1. The minimization problem is now a constrained minimization min y = x2 + z 2 subject to (s.t.) x,z x+z = 1 16 (7)

and is illustrated in Figure xxx. Given the constraint x + z = 1, the function (6) is no longer minimized at the point (x, z) = (0, 0) because this point does not satisfy x + z = 1. The One simple way to solve this problem is to substitute the restriction (7) into the function (6) and reduce the problem to a minimization over one variable. To illustrate, use the restriction (7) to solve for z as z = 1 x. Now substitute (7) into (6) giving y = f(x, z) = f (x, 1 x) = x2 + (1 x)2 . (9) (8)

The function (9) satis& the restriction (7) by construction. The constrained minies mization problem now becomes min y = x2 + (1 x)2 .

The & order conditions for a minimum are rst 0= d 2 (x + (1 x)2 ) = 2x 2(1 x) = 4x 2 dx

and solving for x gives x = 1/2. To solve for z, use (8) to give z = 1 (1/2) = 1/2. Hence, the solution to the constrained minimization problem is (x, z) = (1/2, 1/2). Another way to solve the constrained minimization is to use the method of Lagrange multipliers. This method augments the function to be minimized with a linear function of the constraint in homogeneous form. The constraint (7) in homogenous form is x+z1=0 The augmented function to be minimized is called the Lagrangian and is given by L(x, z, ) = x2 + z 2 (x + z 1). The coecient on the constraint in homogeneous form, , is called the Lagrange multiplier. It measures the cost, or shadow price, of imposing the constraint relative to the unconstrained problem. The constrained minimization problem to be solved is now min L(x, z, ) = x2 + z 2 + (x + z 1).

The & order conditions for a minimum are rst L(x, z, ) = 2x + x L(x, z, ) 0 = = 2z + z L(x, z, ) 0 = =x+z1 0 = 17

The & order conditions give three linear equations in three unknowns. Notice that rst the & order condition with respect to imposes the constraint. The & two rst rst conditions give 2x = 2z = or x = z. Substituting x = z into the third condition gives 2z 1 = 0 or z = 1/2. The & solution is (x, y, ) = (1/2, 1/2, 1). nal The Lagrange multiplier, , measures the marginal cost, in terms of the value of the objective function, of imposing the constraint. Here, = 1 which indicates that imposing the constraint x + z = 1 reduces the objective function. To understand the roll of the Lagrange multiplier better, consider imposing the constraint x + z = 0. Notice that the unconstrained minimum achieved at x = 0, z = 0 satis& this es constraint. Hence, imposing x + z = 0 does not cost anything and so the Lagrange multiplier associated with this constraint should be zero. To con& this, the we rm solve the problem min L(x, z, ) = x2 + z 2 + (x + z 0).

The & order conditions for a minimum are rst L(x, z, ) = 2x 0 = x L(x, z, ) 0 = = 2z z L(x, z, ) = x+z 0 = The & two conditions give rst 2x = 2z = or x = z. Substituting x = z into the third condition gives 2z = 0 or z = 0. The & solution is (x, y, ) = (0, 0, 0). Notice that the Lagrange multiplier, , is nal equal to zero in this case. 18


Exercise 1 Consider the problem of investing in two risky assets A and B and a risk-free asset (T-bill). The optimization problem to & the tangency portfolio may nd be reduced to max

(x2 2 + (1 xA )2 2 + 2xA (1 xA ) AB ) A A B

xA (A rf ) + (1 xA )(B rf )


where xA is the share of wealth in asset A in the tangency portfolio and xB = 1 xA is the share of wealth in asset B in the tangency portfolio. Using simple calculus, show that (A rf ) 2 (B rf ) AB B xA = . 2 (A rf ) B + (B rf ) 2 (A rf + B rf ) AB A

[1] Benninga, S. (2000), Financial Modeling, Second Edition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [2] Bodie, Kane and Marcus (199x), Investments, xxx Edition. [3] Elton, E. and G. Gruber (1995). Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, Fifth Edition. New York: Wiley. [4] Jorian, P. (1997). Value at Risk. New York: McGraw-Hill. [5] Markowitz, H. (1987). Mean-Variance Analysis in Portfolio Choice and Capital Markets. Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell. [6] Markowitz, H. (1991). Portfolio Selection: Ecient Diversi& cation of Investments. New York: Wiley, 1959; 2nd ed., Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell. [7] Michaud, R.O. (1998). Ecient Asset Management: A Practical Guide to Stock Portfolio Optimization and Asset Allocation. Boston, MA:Harvard Business School Press.


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