Evidence of Laryngeals in Albanian

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1. It is amply clear that in IE there were phonemes, in a number exceeding one, whose
later reflexes are most clearly to be seen in
a) certain phonemes of the languages of the Anatolian group (e.g. Hittite b);
b) certain complex correspondences (e.g. IE schwa, r e e k ~ vs. rough breathing,
vowel length and the voiceless aspirates in Indic, the Germanic Verschii.rfung);
c) certain subtle relational entities by the introduction of which our statement of
the underlying phonemic and morphophonemic sets and functions become greatly
simplified (e.g. *-A in the a-stems).
Point (c) is of course the general case, ofwhich (a) and (b) are the most transparent
The greater part of this paper has to do with phenomena analogous to that men-
tioned under (a) above.
2. The question then remains: How many laryngeals are we to assume? The alter-
native to this question is the less likely, but, for the cases here in point, structurally
indifferent consideration: What componential clusters were possible in addition
to the basic units?
Lehmann, Sturtevant, and Crossland
give us a sampling of the answers that have
been proposed; Lehmann,
following Sapir assumes four: fx y h ?/.
After the work of recent years in Anatolian philology and linguistics, it is impossible
to deny the attestation, e.g., in Cuneiform Hittite, of reflexes of what we may call
/x/ and /y/.
Proto-Indo-European Phonology (Austin, 1952); The Indo-Hittite Laryngea/s (Baltimore, 1942);
"A Reconsideration of the Hittite Evidence ... ", TPS, 1951, 88-130.
PIEP, section 12.8.
It is simplest, throughout the rest of the discussion, to follow Lehmann's symbols for the separate
laryngeals, regardless of whose doctrine is referred to in details. For reasons of convenience, it would
be useful if scholars could agree in some measure on the symbols to be used for discussion of the
laryngeals. Following in general Lehmann (PIEP, fn. 1, pp. 7-8) and Sturtevant (IHL sec. 12) I
propose to use the following cover symbols:
X any laryngeal
H any voiceless laryngeal
E a non-a-colouring laryngeal
A an a-colouring laryngeal
Q an a-colouring laryngeal
U a laryngeal retained in Hittite
Z a laryngeal not retained in Hittite
Apart from well known, but more intricate, considerations based on comparison
from several IE dialects, Hittite further seems to provide evidence of a less direct
sort for the recovery of*/?/ in a pair such as eszi 'est' : asanzi 'sunt'.
More recently, Martinet (Word 9, 253-67, 1953) has taken up very persuasively
the argument for an a-coloring laryngeal, which he would add to the list. I have
tried (Word 11, 399-403, 1945) to credit this behavior to /y/, which might thereby be
better labelled jyw f.
Still more recently," Martinet has proposed two matching sets totalling ten entities.
This proposal seems to follow notions of pattern symmetry more than straight re-
covery of phonemic correspondences.
For the present, therefore, the question as to the number of laryngeals may be
restated: Are we or are we not forced to assume * /h/?
3. The purpose of the present paper is to introduce evidence from Albanian to show:
a) that we cannot attempt to avoid the assumption of *h, which is preserved to the
present day in Albanian,
b) the reflexes of laryngeals in Albanian so far as I have been able to formulate
them on the basis of etymologies which 1 now find acceptable.
From the material offered below several advantages are gained:
1. Satisfactory etymologies are reached for forms that had previously been explained
either unsatisfactorily or not at all.
2. For a language as problematical as Albanian, a not inconsiderable number of clear
cases can be adduced.
3. Most of the forms involved belong to the most common "basic" portion of
Albanian vocabulary.
4. A sizeable portion of IE (IH) phonology is greatly strengthened at the same time
that a less well-attested area is buttressed.
5. Further refinements become possible, as a consequence, in determining the char-
acter of laryngeals in instances otherwise left ambiguous.
6. Certain long-range implications, alluded to below, emerge.
4. The Albanian evidence for the laryngeals. Albanian forms must be used with
caution, since there are seven.! sources of difficulty in dealing with them: Normal
phonological change sometimes momentarily conceals a perfectly straightforward ety-
mology (ftet < Lat. ueritdtem via loss of final syllable, pretonic syncope, loss of
medial r in triconsonantal clusters, voiced-voiceless assimilation in clusters, regular
representation by -tet- of Lat. -tiis, -tiitis whether by umlaut or by suffix-substitution;
cf. fqin < Lat. ufcfnum); under such conditions, troublesome ambiguity may fre-
See my Addendum to Crossland's article, TPS, 1952, ll0-13, and also PIEP, section 3.60.
Proceedings of the VIII International Congress of Linguists (Oslo, 1958), 36-43.
This point has been briefly made by me in print in Studies Presented to Joshua Whatmough (The
Hague, 1957), 88, and references there cited.
quently be expected. Thorough descriptive work of individual dialects on a scientific
basis is painfully lacking; consequently the grammatical literature abounds in forms
eclectically lifted from sundry and often unspecified sources. I avoid this difficulty
by citing forms so far as I can from the Calabrian-Albanian dialect of Vaccarizzo
Albanese (Prov. Cosenza) and from the Greek Albanian dialect of Sophiko (Corin-
thia), which I know at first-hand; most other forms cited I have heard from Albanian
informants whose dialects I can control; I accept book-forms as a last resort, and only
from sources which I consider dependable.
Much work of value lies scattered and little-read in numerous isolated articles and
monographs in an annoyingly broad range of journals. Some points have received
a wide variety of interpretations, and in some cases one interpretation has been
transmitted in the standard works to the exclusion of others long after its time. In
this fashion the better known books sometimes fail to reflect accurately the state of
knowledge in this field. I hope at some future date, on the basis of my collections, to
present a unified and sifted account of the comparative and historical grammar of
4.1. *h. This phoneme has been posited mainly to account for a-vocalism where no
b(!J) occurs in Hittite and for certain associated voiceless aspirates in Indo-Iranian.
Up to the present it has appeared to be lost as a separate phoneme, particularly in
position between juncture and syllabic, in all attested languages. Evidence: */#h/
before syllabic (when stressed in Proto-Alb. time) > Alb. /#h/, Vaccarizzo f#y/,
Greek Albanian enclaves f#x/ (or /#h/).
4.1.1. Vaccarizzo fyap-/, Sophiko /Mp-/, Alb. hap 'open' : Hittite apa 'afterwards',
'again, back'; Hieroglyphic Hittite apan(a) 'back, again', Lycian epii; Skt. apa 'away,
forth'; Greek ci1t6, Lat. ab 'from'; Greek a 'If 'backwards, back again'; Lat. absque
'without'. On the basis of the non-Albanian forms Sturtevant
reconstructs IH *hep-.
This fits the Albanian evidence perfectly (Proto-Albanian *hapo:), and is preferable to
who remarks "wohl *skep 'spalten'." In Alb. prape, Vaccarizzo jprap-/
'back, behind', it appears we have *per-f*prV- plus *hap-; in that case *h seems to be
subsequently lost after I+ I, or else after close juncture.
4.1.2a. Vaccarizzo fyin/, Sophiko /hlin/, imperative sg. /hira/, Geg hjj 'I enter' :
Except for allophones of Vaccarizzo /a:/, virtually identical dialects are spoken in the villages of
Santa Sofia d'Epiro (native name San Demetrio Corone Macchia (/mal</),
which was the 19th century poet Girolamo De Rada's home village, San Cosmo Albanese (/strig{lr/),
and Giorgio Albanese (/mbuzat/); all these villages lie along the same mountain slope forming the
south wall of the valley of the River Crati, to the north of the rugged Sila Grande and between the
towns of Bisignano and Corigliano Calabro. For Greek Albanian, I illustrate throughout from the
dialect of Sophiko (Corinthia), which is the most conservative dialect known to me for Proto-Tosk
vowel length. Doubtless through Hellenization, the prenasalized and voiced stops are often inter-
changed medially and are never distinguished initially in Sophiko.
A Comparative Grammar of the Hittite Language
, vol. 1 (New Haven, 1951) (hereafter abbreviated
HG), 76.
Etymologisches Worterbuch der alba11esischell Sprache (Strassburg, 1891).
Hittite u-, we-, wa- 'hither', awan (an adverb used with other location forms; 'apart'?);
Skt. ava 'off', A vest. avt!i fauaf 'hinzu, hinan'; Slavic u-, 0. Pruss. au-. Lat. au- 'away',
Olr. 6, ua, Welsh o 'from'; prefix *h(V)wV- in Alb. v-des 'die', Gegf-toft, Toskf-
tohi!ti! 'cold', Vacc. /ft6yetf. On the basis of the non-Albanian forms Sturtevant (HG
76) reconstructs IH *hew-. The ancestor for our form would be Proto-Albanian
*hunyo: 'I enter', *huni:t 'he enters', or *hU:n-; Meyer gives no etymology. This
could be analyzed as *hw- plus the very common verbal suffix *-ny-f-ni- which has
been productive throughout the history of Albanian; cf. Vaccarizzo fK.anf, Castroregio
/klail/, Geg qaj (Proto-Albanian *klaw-nyo :) : Barile
fklaj, Greek KAairo 'I weep'.
On the other hand, if the Hittite awan has old *-n, and not an old case-ending, it is
also possible to divide the Albanian form *hwn- plus the inherited (and productive)
verbal suffix *-y-f-l-; cf. Vaccarizzo /klasf 'I insert', jklet/ 'he inserts' < Proto-
Albanian *kVkit-yo: *kVkit-i:t. One might also wonder whether we have here a
refashioned trace of the form found in Hittite unnai 'drives hither'.
4.1.2b. Geg hut 'empty', Tosk hutonj 'gape, daze', and allied forms.
Jokl, in Studien zur albanesischen Etymologie und Wortbildung (Wien 1911), p. 31,
has already resourcefully connected this word with Greek aihroc;, aucrtoc; (Doric for
tllucrtoc;) 'empty, useless', Gothic aupeis, OHG odi 'empty'; see further Boisacq
and 1099. These forms, in turn, are assumed to be related to the base seen above in
Skt. ava, Lat. au-, Slavic u-, etc. On the Albanian form, Jokl remarks (p. 32): "Das
anlautende h ist unorganisch." Instead, we find now that this h- is just what we would
expect, and the association already made by Jokl neatly confirms the status and re-
construction of the forms just dealt with in 4.1.2a.
Thus we have Proto-Albanian *hUtVs < *hwt-, perhaps *hwt6s, with zero-grade
of *hew-.
4.1.3a. Vaccarizzo fyif, Sophiko /hii/, def. fhiri/ or /hiit/, Geg hi, def. hint, Tosk
hi, def. hiri 'ashes' : Hittite ari 'is hot', an 'hot', Greek ateoc; 'heat', Skt. edhas 'fire-
wood', indhanam 'das Anztinden', perhaps Arm. ayrem 'I burn' (which has been
related to A v. iitar- 'fire').
On the basis of the non-Albanian forms Sturtevant (HG 76), by analyzing ari
< *aya-ri, reconstructs IH *hey-. The Albanian form has always been a vexing riddle,n
but may now be compared with the Skt. form with the verbal n- infix cited above, and
may be reconstructed as *hyd<Vno- > *hiVn- (by intervocalic loss of voiced stops
and loss of final syllables) > Early Alb. *hi:ni (def.). The proximate final nasal
gives Geg nasalization, regularly converted to length in Tosk; the intervocalic
nasal gives Tosk -r-. The entire development is thus quite regular, although it must
be pointed out that on the basis of my present theory that loss of intervocalic ob-
struents produced Early Albanian length, I would expect this length to be preserved in
Castroregio is a village north of the River Crati; I have heard one informant from that town.
Barile is a village north of Potenza; I have spent about four days in Barile. I have recorded similar
forms elsewhere in Italy and Greece.
See Tagliavini, L'albanese di Dalmazia (Firenzc, 1937), p. 132, s.v. i.
Sophiko def. /hiri/. On the other hand, there are analogues whereby the Sophiko
vocalism could have been shortened by analogy.
4.1.3b. Geg (h)idhune, Tosk hidhur, Geg (h)idhite, Tosk hidhete 'bitter'; hith
'nettle', Sophiko /hii9/, pl. fhii9e/, Geghith, (with diminutive suffix) hidhes, Barile hioza.
These forms are not attested, to my knowledge, in Vaccarizzo, though Meyer
(p. 152) cites a Calabrian yiO, and Acquaformosa has xfOi. They have all been related
by Jokl (see Tagliavini p. 136, s.v. iO, p. 134, s.v. ilum, and Pokorny JEW 12) to Skt.
inddhe 'entziindet', though he was obliged to consider the h- "inorganic." It is true
that h- is lost in some dialects of Albanian; dialect mixture also produces anomalous
distributions. But note in Dushmani h[OafO[Oa (: *fjOa; cf. hi 'ashes' beside fi
'1essive', which is supposedly identical in origin) 'nettle', yet iot 'bitterly'.
From earlier times we find a similar picture. Bogdan (Cuneus proph.) writes
hUndete 'nose (plural in form)', Hyji 'God', te hijnjene 'that they were to enter',
ndihme'help', but aqa i idhunil'so bitter'. And for S. Marzano in Italy, near Taranto,
which preserves old h-, Meyer (ZRP 1891, 546 ff.) gives idre 'amaro'; my own field
notes from S. Marzano agree in showing /iddr'J/. Kristoforidhi (p. 131), for the
various forms glossed 7ttKp6c; and 1tlKpaivro, lists Tosk forms with h-and Geg forms
without h- throughout, whereas (p. 478) for Tj KviOl'J, forms are listed from Scutari,
Kruja, Elbasan, Permet, K o r ~ a and Tirana, all with h-.
This attempt to disregard an h- when convenient will be seen to have marred several
otherwise sound Albanian etymologies; see most recently in this etymological tra-
dition W. Cimochowski, Lingua Posnaniensis 2.224 (1950).
We now need not hesitate a moment in associating *hinO- or *hi: nO- 'nettle' with
those forms discussed in the preceding etymology. But because of the outlying Geg
and Tosk dialect forms, we must for the present exclude the word for 'bitter' from
this etymon.
4.1.3c. Vaccarizzo /yi'f/ 'nettle'.
I have record of the above form in the sequences fyi'ft/ 'nettles' and /ntr6p yi'f/
'a nettle plant', but have not succeeded in finding record of such a form in any of the
published materials from other dialects. Unless this is a reshaping of the form cited
above (in which case the source of the contamination is not clear), we appear here to
have the same base with an -r- suffix; but with so ambiguous and isolated a form there
is no useful purpose served in attempting a reconstruction.
From Sophiko I have record of a form kindly supplied to me by Demetrios Moutsos
/hii/ 'nettle', def. /hiri/ also fhiu/, homophonous with 'ashes'. While it is just possible
that this is the original simplex, it may also be an analogical backformation by
treating /hii9/ as a descriptive diminutive, which !t no longer is. In light of this form,
it is conceivable that Vaccarizzo has made a new indefinite from *hiri, conflating fr/
with /'f/, as sometimes happens.
4.1.4a. Vaccarizzo jyipin/ 'I mount (e.g. a donkey)', Sophiko /hipinf (transit.),
/hipem/, Barile /hip'Jm/ 'I go up', Geg hyp, hypij : Hittite upzi '(sun) rises', Skt. upa
'up, hither', updri 'over'.
had suggested the association of this form with Slav. vysok-, Greek \mtp, but
the etymology is doubted by Tagliavini, who shows commendable restraint in such
matters. In this case, however, it turns out that Baric was on the right track. I re-
construct here a base *hwp-, from which one may posit a Proto-Albanian *hupyo:
'I mount', *hUpi:t 'he mounts', or *hu:p-. This should resolve the reservation on the
character of the laryngeal expressed by Hoenigswald (Lg. 28. 184) in discussing this
Paralleling the *s- forms discussed by Hoenigswald in that article and exemplified
by Lat. super 'over', we may have a reflex of this variant within Albanian. Meyer (p.
152, s.v. hip, for which he offers no etymology) cites a form from Piana dei Greci
(now Piana degli Albanesi, near Palermo, in Sicily) unglp 'ascendit'. This might be
analyzed u- (medio-refiexive prefix), plus n-glp- < prefixial *Vn- +sup-; for initial *s
before accent, cf. gjume, Vaccarizzo fgumf 'sleep' : u7tvo<;.
4.1.4b. Sophiko /hllmbin/ (transit.), /h11mbem/ 'I go down', Standard Alb. hump,
aorist humba 'lose, go down', hup, hupem 'get lost', hupete 'dry (of bread), firm (of
snow)', Borgo Erizzo (Dalmatia) umbiit 'deep', Barile iii puc hUmtu 'a deep well'.
I have no record of these forms in Vaccarizzo. Meyer leaves them unexplained.
Baric,tS less happily this time, suggested *supo. I suggest a nasal present from the
base *hwp-, Proto-Albanian *humpo: 'I go down (or the like)'. Semantically, then,
humb- and hyp stand in relation to one another as Goth. uf to ufar, Greek 07t6 to
il7ttp, Irish fo to for, Lat. sub to super and sus- < *sups- (: OCS V'bs-/vbz-). For
parallel polarities, cf. Skt. delhi 'on' : adhdl;z, Eng. under; Skt. ava, Lat. au- 'away' :
Avest. faua/, Hittite u- 'hither'.
It is convenient at this point to call attention to the sets of verbs and particles
derived from the same bases that have now been set up:
Alb. hap : U1t6, li'l'
Alb. hyj : Avestan faua/, Hittite u-
Alb. hyp, Hittite upzi : 07ttp
Alb. humb : 01t6
To these we may add:
Engl. sit, etc. : Engl. at
Lat. uerto : Olr. frith-, Welsh wrth
Hittite parb- : Lat. per
Hittite tarbb-, Lat. in-triire, trans : Olr. tar, Skt. tirdl;z
I now propose adding another item to this list, an Albanian form that has thus faJ
resisted analysis.
Geg ve, Vaccarizzo fvrej, Sophiko 'I put' (Sophiko imperative
See conveniently Tagliavini, p. 135, s.v. ip. On the connexion with Messapic hipa-, see BUSII
BB. 18.195, 1892, and Hamp, Studies presented to Joshua Whatmough (1957), 88. If the Messapi
evidence is relevant, in hyp and hyj we seem to have secondary "dehnstufe" of *u parallel to tbl
familiar phenomenon in Balto-Slavic.
See Tagliavini, p. 279, s.v. umbQt.
See Tagliavini, p. 279, s.v. "luogo'.
jv5r'J/) may be reconstructed *ven < *?6no: ; vend, Vaccarizzo /ved/ 'place' becomes
the participle *?onto-. These verb forms may now be set beside Eng. on, OCS Vb.
At this time it is not possible to do more than note the productivity of such bases
as verb stems, and very basic everyday ones too, that Albanian shares with Hittite.
This line of reasoning may suggest a solution for the ambiguous Latin verbs aperio
and operio. It is clear that such particles had a limited suffix morphology: We find an
*-r (of 'opposition'?) in
Skt. upa, Greek u1t6 : im6p, etc.
Skt. adhab, Arm. and : adharaf:z, Goth. undar, etc.
perhaps Greek bti : Old Irish iar ( < *er- < *e(p)ir).
There was, moreover, an *-i:
Hittite ser : Lycian hri
Greek sv : &vi, Ogam Irish INI-GENA 'daughter'
Skt. upar : upari, A v. upairi
Skt. adhab : ddhi, Gaulish ande-
Lat. ob ( < *op) : Skt. api, Gk. s1ti, Mycenaean o-pi.
We may therefore suppose a defective substantive paradigm (associated with a special
syntactical subclass which we might call "directional") *hap, *haps, *hapy, *hapo, and
*haper, *hapery; similarly for *Eef
p, etc. These would yield possible verb stems
*haper(y)-, * Eoper(y)- or * Eopyr(y)- (with ambiguous yod).
4.1.5. Sophiko /her6e/, def. fher6af, pl. /her6ef, Standard Alb. herdhe f. 'testicle' :
Avestan arazi {dual) 'testicles', Arm. orj 'virile', Greek opxtc; 'testicle'.
Vaccarizzo does not use this form. Meyer (p. 151) correctly etymologized the word,
remarking "fiir erJe." We may now more satisfactorily posit a Proto-Albanian
*ho(:)rdiya: < *horg<-. Note the Armenian vowel-initial.
4.1.6. Vaccarizzo fXe6-f, fxi6-f, Alb. hedh- "' hjedh- 'throw, winnow, fall thickly
(of snow)', Sophiko jXee;, aorist fx66a/ 'winnow', but fhi6em; (medio-passive) 'rush
on, climb, threaten' : Greek li:yro, Arm. acem, etc.
The Albanian forms are obviously the result of a cross, but the elements are hard
to sort out. Mann (Lg. 26, 384, 1950) doubts that these forms are related to OE
sceotan, Engl. shoot, insisting that the latter match the Geg form hudh 'throw'. His
argument carries no weight since there are other examples for *ew > Alb. e, and
hudh could just as easily be the old zero-grade. I assume that * s/Cewdo: 'I throw' and
*hOgeyo: 'I drive' could have met in the above forms. It is also thinkable that we
could have here *hOdeyo:, representing the s-less variant seen in Lat. ad, etc. (cf.
Hoenigswald, Lg. 28, 183, set number 8). See Sturtevant IHL 61c. It should be
noted that Vaccarizzo and Sophiko /X/ is from Alb. /hj/, which has been generalized
in these forms. For further remarks on the vocalism of this verb see Hamp, Studies
presented to Joshua Whatmough, 88-9.
4.1. 7. harr, De Rada (see fn. 7) tii-yaf 'prune' : Hittite arnumi 'bring', Greek lipvuf.Ull,
Arm. a;num 'take'?
This is doubtful. Meyer (p. 158) compares it to OHG sciiran, which is quite possible.
If the above suggestion is the source, or fell together with the other, we have *her- >
Proto-Albanian *harn(w)o :.
4.1.8. Vacc. /t-y61/ 'small sticks ofbrush used for burning', Sophiko /i-h6uf, pl. m.
pl. f. Alb. ho/le'fine, thin': perhaps Gk. aA.tro, aA.wpov, aA.ttptoc;,
Arm. a/am 'I grind', aliwr 'flour', alawri 'mill'.
Albanian would here show the lengthened grade (a common phenomenon in the
language) *ha:IV-. If we may also associate hale '(fish) scale, husk, chip', the latter
could be *halna:, or possibly *halya:. For earlier attempts on these words, see
Tagliavini, s.v. ol.
4.1.9. There are a number of very basic Albanian words in h- which have consistent-
ly resisted etymology. Some or all of these may show *h, but I can find no suitable
cognates. They are listed here in the hope that their solution may perhaps thereby
be hastened.
Vaccarizzo fyaf, Sophiko /haa/, imperative fha/, Alb. ha 'eat' (present stem)
fyekurf, Sophiko /hekurf, Alb. hekur 'iron'
fyu5erf, Sophiko Alb. hudhere 'garlic'
fyuf, Sophiko fhuuf, def. fMri/, Geg hU, def. hani 'stake, peg'
fyudf, Sophiko Alb. hunde 'nose'
It has been suggested (Meyer p. 153) that the last two are related. They can be ten-
tatively reconstructed to *hUn- and *hunta:, respectively. Beyond that, however, one
is reduced to mechanical reconstruction. Forms like *hUdVno- and *hudVnt- (a
participle?) might seem possible, both containing an element *hwd- meaning something
on the order of 'project'; but I think they are ruled out because the form for 'nose' in
Sophiko (Greece) has a short syllabic. Perhaps we might consider *hun- as meaning
'*insert' and related to the base of hyj ( 4.1.2a). Then *hunta:, as an old neuter
plural, could be '*nostrils' < '*entrances'.
hekur was compared by Meyer to Skt. sificati 'pours' and reconstructed as *soikros,
but this was rejected by Pedersen (see Tagliavini, p. 112, s.v. rkur). It is tempting in
the light of the present thesis to account for the he- as < *hay- < *hey-, and to try
to link this with the family represented by Goth. aiz, but the need for clarification of
the rest of the form makes this at best merely a suggestive line of enquiry.
4.1.10. Vaccarizzo /fii/, ;6-/, Alb. mbi, mbe 'on, at': Gk. UJ.Upi 'around', Arm.
amb-olj 'complete'.
If this comparison is correct and the Armenian development is undisturbed, the
Armenian vowel-initial might point to *h. In that event, it would seem that Albanian
*h- is lost when the initial unaccented syllable is syncopated. This is quite in accord
with the structure of the language, since initial clusters beginning with h do not occur.
We therefore may consider *hemb'y "' hmb'y. However, the development of initial
laryngeals in Armenian is so ambiguous that initial *xis not here excluded.
4.1.11. It might be profitable at this time, now that a new value has been proposed
for Albanian h-, to review briefly the supposed sources of this phoneme:
(1) loans: a) Turkish : e.g. han 'inn'
b) Greek : e.g. Vaccarizzo fyare/ 'joy', Sophiko jhareef < *xapia
Spezzano Albanese harepsemi 'we rejoice' < *xapeucr-
c) Artificial Latin : e.g. Vaccarizzo j'er/, Sophiko Alb. here
'time' < hora
(2) IE *sK- and *sk- : Vaccarizzo jye/, Sophiko fxee/, def. jxea/, Alb. hie 'shadow' :
Skt. chtiyd, Gk. crKta; Vaccarizzo fyrenza/ 'the moon', Sophiko jMn;)zaj,
Geg hiinl! : Skt. scandra-, candra-, Med. Breton cann 'full moon'
(3) IE *ks- : Vaccarizzo fyuafl/, Sophiko /Man/ 'I lend' Vaccarizzo f-yuayj, So-
phiko /-Maj/, Alb. huaj 'foreign' : Greek
Vaccarizzo /yir/, Alb. hirrl! 'whey' (*ksyrna:) : Skt. Avestan
xsira-, Pers. sir, Mungi xsir 'milk' (Sophiko fxira/ 'whey, def.' must show a
Hellenized palatal before fi/)
(4) IE *h-. It has been supposed ever since Gustav Meyer that one source of Albanian
h- is IE *s- under certain circumstances. The supporting examples have gradually
been whittled away to a point where the sole survivor to my knowledge is (h)yll
Feist (412b) and Walde-Hofmann (LEW
2, 553, 1951) are still helping to
keep the myth alive. How the h- got there in dialects that have it I cannot with
certainty say; it is not the only example in the language of such fluctuation. At any
rate, Vaccarizzo, every other village that I know in Italy, and all the Greek enclaves
universally, show the form jiA.j; Sophiko shows jiiw/, pl. /iA./. However attractive
etymologies look, one cannot in conscience argue for * s here. It is convenient to
leave discussion of the form here and to resume it under what may be the appropriate
section below.
4.2. *x. Before a syllabic, this laryngeal gives zero in Albanian. Evidence:
(1) Vaccarizzo jre-f 'swells, blows up', Tosk l!nj, Borgo Erizzo vi : Skt. aniti
'breathes', Lat. animus 'soul', Greek aveJ.lot;; 'wind', vftveJ.lOt;; 'calm', Welsh anadl
'breath' - *xan- (X-), Proto-Albanian *an-yfi-.
Pokorny (lEW 39) rejects the association of Armenian holm 'wind'. Apart from
other considerations, this form would fit Austin's thesis of Armenian h- < *x-.
But this is not the place to discuss the Armenian evidence. The Greek Albanian
vocalism represented by Sophiko 'it swells', aorist /u-aa/, is not clear to me;
I should expect M.
Turkish loans are understandably completely absent in my records from Vaccarizzo, because the
speakers settled there about the time of the Turkish invasion of Albania. Lambertz reports a couple
of Turkish loans in the Molise villages; they were settled under approximately the same circum-
stances as Vaccarizzo. From Villa Badessa, a village settled much later than the rest of the Italian
colonies, Lambertz has reported several Turkish loans. Moreover, we must beware of forms which
the Turks have borrowed early from Greek (and independently of the Albanians).
Cf. gone < yrovui; Jokl IF, 44.33. The detailed attestation of this suffix in the Greek enclaves
needs to be further studied, and compared with the Italian enclaves.
I happen offhand to find no h- from Slavic, but there must be such loans current near the Serbian
area. It is just possible that here could be inherited *hayr-, beside Greek ropa < *hyo:r-.
See Tagliavini, p. 273, s.v. lie!. Another form heq, Tagliavini's ic (p. 133), will be dealt with below.
(2) Alb. ah 'beech', Sophiko /ah/ (obsolescent): ON askr, OE :rsc, Arm. hari 'ash',
perhaps Greek ol;tnl 'beech', Tv1aced. Cil;oc;. (\/..11 - *xasR- or *xaks-.
Note again .Albanian zero vs. Armenian h-. On the other hand, it can be argued
that this belongs under 4.3, in which case the Armenian vocalism would come from
the zero-grade.
(3) Vaccarizzo /Mp/. Sophiko /elp/. Alb. e!b 'barley, sty (in the eye)' : Greek ii/..qn-
It is tempting to compare the first part of this form with Hittite [zalki- 'Korn,
Getreide' Y' For Acquaformosa, J aberg-.T ud ALI gives h/baza 'orzaiuolo': I cannot
explain the unexpected initial.
4.2.1. *xw. Before non-syllabic *w the laryngeal appears not to have disappeared
in Albanian. The evidence is slender.
(I) Vaccarizzo /'Yef.'K/, Sophiko /hCii.'i../ "' /hef.h:iil/, aorist fhof.'Kaf, Alb. heq 'pull' :
Hom. /..Keffi, &/..1;, iio/..1; 'furrow', Greek EAKffi, 6/..Koc;, -ij 'ploughed furrow', Lith.
velkt't, OCS vlekp 'pull', Arm. helg 'Iangsam, trage' - *xwelk-, Proto-Albanian *xw6!-
keyo: : Lat. sulcus 'furrow',
OE sulh 'plough'- *sw(o)lk-.
On the basis of the non-Albanian evidence Sapir
reconstructed what I write as
''xwelk-. This formulation accounts for the Albanian much better than previous
explanations involving *s-.
lf Alb. hullf 'furrow' goes back to this same base,
Proto-Albanian *ul- V- ( < ''.nvl:) would seem to have been conflated with the above
The s- forms appear to reflect an alternation *xH' : of the sort discussed by
Hoenigswald in the article already cited.
(2) Alb. (h)yll- 'star' : Gk. Dor. a6/..toc;, Lat. sol, Welsh haul, Bret. heol, Goth.
sctuil, Lith. saute, Latv. smi.le : Oir. sui/ fsu:l'f, Skt. silrab : Ved. suvar, A vest. hvara.
Though the Greek and Italian enclaves agree in showing a vowel initial (see above),
there is fluctuation in Albania, which may require a more penetrating explanation;
for example, Dushmani has hyiil, while neighbouring Malagjia has ,Vel. The following
train of reasoning is offered as a possibility.
The Gothic, Greek, and British Keltic forms point to something like *saAwel;
according to Martinet (Word, 9, 262-3 [1953]; Economie 226-7) this would be *seA we[.
The Lithuanian and Lettish give Scherer (Gestirnnamen 48) cites Bezzen-
berger's and Trautmann's *siitte/fii and Specht's *saulijii, but a better formulation
would be * siiul(i)jii, or * saAwl-yaA.
Avestan hvara is not decisive, but Vedic suvab (svcib) is clearly *swAel; Ma1tinet's
AWl- may perhaps represent an earlier stage. Thus, the gen.-ablative swib is
*sli'Aels, the dative sure is *swA!ey, while silrab = Av. hilro and Olr. sui! represent
Friedrich, Hethitisches Wiirterbuch (Heidelberg, 1952), 47b.
2,627 (1952).
" "Glottalized Continuants in Navaho, Nootka, and Kwakiutl", Lg. 14. 248-74 (1938); Mandel
baum's reprint (Selected Writings of Edward Sapir), p. 246.
" See Tagliavini, p. 133, s.v. ic.
*swAI-. Gath. xvang points to *sw(A)en-s, while Germanic *sun-non- would be
Lat. sol, with its o-vocalism looks clearly like Martinet's *seAwf, or perhaps *sweAwl.
Serbian sunce is ambiguous. We find the circumflex from the dropping of jers in
sMiisce (*sfdbcbce) and zfnce (*zfnbce : zrno). Indeed, the pattern is productive:
Ragusavecchia ganac giinca 'il gancio', porat porta 'il porto' (M. Deanovic, Studia
romanica et anglica Zagrabiensia 5.12 and 14, 1958). Presumably srce syncopated,
perhaps by assimilation of the dentals (*sfdbce), before the lengthening took place; I
cannot explain groce (*gf!bce : gi/o). On the other hand, Slovene so/nee matches
dolg 'debt' and not d6/g 'long'; similarly, Czech slunce matches dluh and not dlouhy
(with lu, lou < /after dentals). Thus from the accents attested and the short Czech
vocalism we reach *sblnbce. This would in turn be a neo-circumftex by Lehr-Spla-
winski's metatonie before jer; therefore, we have older *s-blnbce < *sitln-ik- <
*suln-ik-, or *suXln-. The latter schematic shape would be a contamination of *swAt-
and *swAn-.
A. Vaillant (BSL 46.48-53, 1950) arrives directly at *.sbln- (with acute), on the basis
of the South Slavic forms, by comparing Cakavski stince and the rare Stokavski gen.
pl. sunacii. He argues that Slovene so/nee is not displaced like volk, volkii; but the
latter is not strictly comparable, since it had no medial jer. He also posits *sui- plus
derivative -no-; that is possible, but not necessary.
The above cognates, then, yield (apart from the lfn alternation) *saAw(e)l-, *swA(e)l.
Even though these may in turn go back to Martinet's *seAwf, they must be posited at
least as allomorphs, on the IE level, in a single ablauting paradigm.
Now, if we view the initial as s-mobile, we would also have the allomorph pair
*Awel-fwAI-. If *A was *x, then *xwel-/wxl- would give Proto-Albanian *he/-fu:/-
according to the above thesis. This could have produced the analogical alternation
*hu:l-fu:l-, yielding the observed (h)yll.
Now, on the other hand, Alb. diel/, Vaccarizzo /diel/, Sophiko /diew/ 'sun', must
go back to an apparent *swe/V-, with the development of initial *sw- to d-; cf. dirse
'sweat' < *swldrVtja. In that case, we have either an earlier analogical formation,
with a new ablaut, or else the laryngeal dropped without trace in *swAel- (see above)
> *swel-.
If the above reasoning is correct, *xw- and *h- seems to have yielded similar results
in Albanian. This might point to a lip-rounded articulation for *h (or at least some
"h"s). This brings us to the task of considering the merits of Householder's *<p and
allied notions stemming from Martinet's Aw, together with the arguments of phonemic
patterning and spirant interpretations of the laryngeals; see Householder, AJP 78,
435, 1957. But that would take us far beyond the scope of the present paper.
4.3. *y. Before syllabic this laryngeal appears to give zero in Albanian. Evidence:
Vaccarizzo /astj, Alb. asht 'bone' : Hittite ljastai, Luwian bassa-, Arm. oskr, Greek
ocrt&ov - *yost-.
From the Hittite evidence the laryngeal must be *x or *y. From the a-vocalism,
it is best to consider it *;, though the lack of h- in Armenian is disturbing.
4.3.1. *yy.
*/#YY/ >Alb. /#g/. Evidence:
(1) Sophiko jgesin/ 'gird', /zgesift/ 'ungird', Alb. n-gjesh, Dushmani nes (with *n-),
jCs (without *n-), zjes 'disarm': Gk. Lith. jzlostas 'girt'. - *)'yoys-, Proto-
Albanian *yyo: s-. For previous discussion of this item see Sturtevant (HG sect. 75)
and Lehmann (PIEP, sect. 10.4a), though the assignment of the Anatolian items to
this set is doubtful.
(2) Vaccarizzo /gesmi + b1tkt/ 'we knead the bread', Sophiko jgesin/ 'knead', Alb.
gjesh : Greek 'seethe', Alemannic jesan 'ferment', Engl. yeast, Toch. A yiis-
'boil'.- yyes-. For previous discussion see Lehmann (PIEP sections 10.5, 10.4d, 7.6).
(3) Geg gjane 'alluvial mud',
Tosk gjer
'soup' : Gk. 'dough', Lith.
jilse 'poor soup', OPruss. iuse 'meat broth', OCSjuxa (> Mod. Germ. Jauche), Skt.
yii$cin, Finnish juusto 'cheese' ( < Gmc., cf. ON ostr), Lat. iiis 'soup' - *yyew-X-,
Proto-Albanian *yye:(w)n- (?). For the non-Albanian forms see Lehmann (PIEP
sections 10.4e, 10.5). Because of the ambiguity in the Albanian forms it is difficult
to be sure of the vocalism for these.
(4) Vaccarizzo /geg-/, Sophiko jgigemj, aorist 'hear'; in various dialects
'hear, obey, follow, consent, reply'; Alb. pergjegj 'answer' : Swabian jagajjaxa,
Swiss jagen, Bavarian jagen 'hunt'
- perhaps Proto-Albanian *yyog<eyo:.
Meyer (p. 67) paired these forms with the whole complicated group which we may
now attest by (n)degjonj 'listen', Dushmani nigjue, Borgo Erizzo diilgua, E. Geg
(Tagliavini) (n)digue (with reflexes of *g/), Variboba ndiglgon /ndiA.g6n/, Barile
/dihgM/ 'capire', and which he derives from Lat. intelligere, by assuming assimilation
of initial g to the medial g < *gl < */g. The occurrence of such forms as upergeK 'he
replied' in Piana degli Albanesi and geget 'hears' in the book ofBuzuk (1555), both of
which regularly preserve old g/ clusters as do the Greek Albanian dialects, makes this
impossible; furthermore, we find in the Molise dialects of Italy (Lambertz) gligon
'verstehe', beside geg 'hore'.
Perhaps we may see this same base in Alb. gjii f. (*yyog<eA : OHG jagon) 'hunt',
gjanj 'I pursue', gjuaj 'I pursue', where it could have been crossed with forms from
*gw<en- (: Slav. goniti 'hunt').
4.3.2. For a long time now it has been customary to regard /g/ as the normal
development of IE *y initially, and that may well be true. But laryngealists have also
argued that there may have been no simple y after juncture in IE. We have just seen
This section and the following one are presented essentially as they were written in 1952, so that
they may be compared with Minshall's treatment of the matter, Lg. 32, 627-30, 1956.
Recorded for Berat dialect byKristoforidhi, Ael;tKov 1:i'j<; 'AA.j3avtKi'j<; yA.cilcrcr11<; (Athens, 1904),
p. 76.
Pedersen, Vergl. Grammatik der keltischen Sprachen (Gottingcn, 1909), 1.65 ( 44, Anm. 2).
Schwiibisches Worterbuch 4.59; Schweizerisches Idiot ikon 3: 15; Schmeller, Bayerisches Worter-
buch 1. 1203. Further possible connexion with Skt. yahU and Greek (v. Kluge-Gotze
s.v. Jagcl) remains uncertain.
that all the above Albanian instances of Jg/ which may go back to * Xy
match evi-
dence elsewhere that has been claimed for *yy; but these could equally well be
simple *y-.
Though most instances of inherited vocabulary in j- go back to older accented
initial *e- (see below), it was earlier thought that Alb. j- could also represent IE *y-.
Pedersen however argued
that such cases were older vowel-initials with a developed
"hiatus-}." There is one case, at least, where we may wish to reconsider:
Vaccarizzo jyuj, Alb.ju 'you (plu.)' perhaps : Lith. jus, Goth. jus, Gk. Toch.
Byes, Toch. A yas. Meyer (p. 163) related these forms as shown (minus of course the
Tocharian dialects). It is a pity that the Hittite form is not attested. Pedersen derived
ju from *u : *wos. From the vocalism it appears that the Tocharian forms get con-
flated with the oblique case; the same may well hold for the Greek and Albanian.
If so, perhaps we may see more than just an oblique form in the Greek, and if this is
true the Greek and Albanian initials (rough breathing : j-) become significant. It is
possible that as in Greek Skt. yaj-, pple. i${d-, we have here an initial * Hy-.
If the puzzling Armenian oblique forms in je- (i.e. [dze-]) also belong here, we may
have a further correlate in Armenian: *Hy- > Arm.j-; *yy- or *y- >Arm. f- [dz-]
(cf. fanam 'I try' : Greek
4.4. * ?. This laryngeal gives zero in Albanian. Evidence:
(1) Vaccarizzo /yam/ 'I am', jrestj, Sophiko /ist'd/ 'is', Geg jam, tisht : Engl. am,
Hittite esmi 'am', eszi 'is', asanzi 'they are', Skt. dsti, sdnti, Germ. ist, sind, Osc.-
Umbr. est, sent, Hieroglyphic Hittite a-s(i)-t(e) 'he was'- *?esmy,* ?esty, *?senty.
It is not known under what conditions *e > ya instead of *ie (> ye "' fe ,..., i);
the vowel in the 3 sg. is obscure. But the forms are clearly *e(s)m, *Vst-.
(2) Vaccarizzo /im/, Alb. im 'my (masc.)' : Hittite amug 'me', Hieroglyphic
Hittite amu '1', Lycian emu 'I, me(?)',
em- 'my', Lydian amu 'I, me',
em- 'my',
Arm. im 'my', Gk. BJ.lol), Gaulish im- 'my'
- *?em-, * ?m-.
The initial is discussed on the basis of Hittite and Greek by Sturtevant (HG
169, 170c ). Because of their isolation and because of the possibility of different accent
(enclitic) conditions, it is difficult to be sure of the vocalic development in all of these
forms; it is therefore hard to say which grade of vowel originally applies.
There are, of course, other sources of /g/: *s immediately before stressed vowel (Vaccarizzo
/gak/ 'blood' : Serb. sok, gen. soka); *g(h) before front vowel (Vaccarizzo fgren/ 'I find' : Lith.
pa-si-gendu); Lat. g, Turk. g, Greek r before front vowel (Vaccarizzo /gid/ 'people' < gente(m));
Lat. j- (Alb. gjyq fgli'i.f 'judgment' < iudicium). Most Albanian dialects have /g/ where a few still
retain /gl/ (Vaccarizzo fgu/ Barile /gl'u/ 'knee' : Olrish gliln; Vaccarizzo /gat/ Barile /gl'at/ 'long'
< *dlakt- : Hittite dalugaes, OCS dlb!Jb). Virtually all the Greek Albanian enclaves retain /gl/.
"Bidrag til den Albanesiske Sproghistorie", in Festskrift til Vi/h. Thomsen (K0benhavn, 1894).
Pedersen, Lykisch und Hittitisch (K0benhavn, 1945), section 28.
Friedrich, Kleinasiatische Sprachdenkmiiler (Berlin, 1932), p. 117, 23.6, 8, and 14.
Friedrich, op. cit., 23.19 (here in accusative: em(nu)).
Whatmough, Lg. 25, 391 (1949). For gabi buooutton imon, instead of 'give me a kiss' (lit. 'my
kiss'), I should prefer to read 'take my kiss', and compare gabi to Olr. gaibid fgava6 I 'takes'.
(3) Alb. inj 'up to'; Vaccarizzo /D.-era/ Sophiko f i l e r ~ 'up to' < *eny + (Lat.)
hora : Greek EV, evi 'in', Arm. i, etc. - *?en, *?eny.
Presumably in ablaut with Vaccarizzo /vre/ 'put', OCS Vb 'in' < *?on- (see above
(4) Alb. ndifr 'among, between' : Lat. inter, Ann. ;mderk< 'intestines', OCSj(!tro
'liver' - * ?nter (: * ?entr-).
Sturtevant (HG 63a) relates Hittite andurza 'within' to these; for reasons
which I have stated (BSL 50, 44-6, 1954) I prefer his older identification * ?n-d<wr-
(with syllabic w), which still appears in HG 84. Oscan-Umbrian anter,
ptrb 'within' (if the latter is not o-grade, like Vb) might represent a different syllabifi-
cation of* ?n- from that of Latin; one can of course choose to regard an- as the regular
Oscan-Umbrian development of *?n-. Czech vnitf 'within' (*vn-jutf) matches OCS
(5) Vaccarizzo (d-/ 'in' (e.g. /dspit/ 'at home'), Alb. nde : Hittite anda 'in', Hiero-
glyphic Hittite anda, Lycian nte, OLat. endo,- *?ndo; or : Greek EV'to<;, Lat. intus-
The initial laryngeal is assumed by Sturtevant (HG 63a).
(6) Vaccarizzo jer3a/ 'I came', /ar3urj 'come (pple.)', Geg erdha, ardhun : Greek
EpX,Ojlat 'I go', Olr. eirg(g) jergj 'go (2 sg. impv.)'.- *?erg<-, *?org<-.
The assumption here is that these are related, by an extension *-g<-, ultimately to
Hittite ar-, er- (see below). One must suppose that it is by analogy with aro- that
the expected diphthongization of *yero- was levelled out.
(7) Alb. epere 'upper' : Greek e1ti, Arm. ew (?).
If this etymology is sound (Meyer p. 96), it is hard to explain the absence of diph-
thongization in the e-, or else we have the unlikely ablaut grade *o :. Perhaps a better
comparison is with Gothic iup (see E. P. Hamp, MLN 39-41, 1954), in which case
we have *Eewp-.
(8) Vaccarizzo j-atj 'father', Alb. at : Hittite at(t)a-, etc.- *?tit(t)- (??).
This comparison is by no means new. But the reconstruction furnished is neither
familiar to traditional formulations nor the typical situation envisioned by laryngeal
theory. It may still, of course, be objected that this set of words is to be regarded as
Kindersprache or the domain of Lallworter. But there is good reason to object that
we must be prepared to deal systematically with all correspondences that force them-
selves on our attention.
It is possible to envision in these words the systematic impingement of another
cultural (paralinguistic) system on the linguistic. Thus, we might schematically posit
for IE something like G = tense gemination and A = open vocalism (perhaps ac-
counting for some of Meillet's "plebeian" a, as well as Lallwort vocalisms). Then our
Serbianjetra shows the place of the :.tccent in PSlav. *Ntro, and also shows by the circumflex that
we do not have *?fiX-, which would give Balto-Slav. acute, but it does not with certainty show the
vowel-grade (*?entr- or *?ntr-).
"' Buck, A Grammar ofOscan and Umbrian
, 1928, sect. 98c and pp. 356-57.
form would be *fGA?VtVGAj, with a phonemic vocalism hard to specify. But this is
in the realm of speculation.
Meantime, since I assume that phonemic */a/ must be posited for IE (see Lg. 33,
530-1, 1957), the sequence *j?a/ is quite plausible.
4.4.1. * ?r. Most conservative dialects of Albanian have two r-phonemes; Vac-
carizzo and Sophiko both have /r/ and /f/. The assignment of loans to one or the
other phoneme is a complex question that has not yet been satisfactorily worked out,
and which need not trouble us here. Non-initially, inherited *r produces, to state
matters very generally, /f/ as the result of certain clusters, jrj otherwise (when the
older adjacent phoneme is preserved). Initial "r" has, however, always been a riddle
in Albanian; there is a fair number of very common Albanian words in r- and in ;-.
We are now in a much better position than Meyer or Jokl to see why there has been
such difficulty (though confessedly we are still not swamped with etyma that leap into
view). As Lehmann has shown,
IE had bases beginning with *wr *sr, and *Xr, but
apparently none in *r. In other words, the sequence juncture plus *r probably did not
occur in IE. Whatever the fate in Albanian of *wr-
and *sr-, with four laryngeals
there is plenty of room for differentiation in the case of* Xr-. A first attempt at one
set of forms is offered here:
(1) Vaccarizzo /fi/ 'stand, remain, be (in a state)', Sophiko /fii/, imperative /fi/,
Barile /ria/, Alb. rri, Buzuk (1555) rrie.
(2) Vaccarizzo jfon/ 'last', Sophiko /f6it/, Alb. rroj, rrnoj'exist, live', rrofte'long live,
(3) Vaccarizzo /frenj, aorist /fura/ 'reach, overtake', Geg rriij 'visit'; Sophiko jaffJ'dnj,
aorist /affJ'djta/ must represent a conflation with another verb ( < arrivare?).
( 4) Vaccarizzo /fin/ 'grow', aorist /rita/, Sophiko /fin/, aorist /rita/ 'bring up, rear',
/fitem/, aorist ju-ns'd/ 'grow up', Alb. rris 'I grow', rrit 'grows' : Skt. rdh-n6ti
All four may be related to Hittite ar-, er- 'arrive' (active), 'stand, continue' (middle),
Skt. rcchdti, pf. iira 'go, send', Greek opvliJ.lt, etc. Suggested original forms, which
are difficult to guarantee in all respects:
N- < ?r- (ri is the usual development of *r)
Mn < ?reX- plus familiar verbal n-suffix
*;an < ?r X- plus familiar verbal n-suffix (?)
NT < ?r-d<- (both with and without n-suffix)
4.5. */hw/ or */?w/. A couple of Albanian forms have cognates which clearly involve
a laryngeal initially, but the exact laryngeal cannot be stated with certainty.
One possible solution is to assume that /f/ originates in IE "initial" *r, while /r/ reflects the Al-
banian loss of original initial unstressed vowel.
Lg. 27, 13-17 (1951).
I think it likely that Albanian shares with Balto-Slavic the loss of *win *w/- that Liden observed
(Ein ba/tisch-sklvisches Anlautgesetz, Goteborg 1899). It is therefore likely that old *wr- may give yet
another source for the split in the *r phoneme.
(I) Vaccarizzo jves-/ 'dress', Alb. vesh : Hittite 1res-, Greek Hom., Att-Ion.
Lesb. EJl).ta, Cret. ffjJla (FEMA), Toch. B wiisstite 'he dressed', Toch. A l1'Se 'I
dressed', Sk t. pf. viivtisa.
A laryngeal is guaranteed by the Greek and Skt. forms. If it were *xw, we should
expect Hittite lnv- and Toch. By-; cf. Hittite [nrantas, Toch. B yente, Toch. A want
(2) Vaccarizzo jvycO/ '1 steal', Alb. 1jedl1 : Skt. rah- (samprasarana pf.), Toch. B
yakne, Toch. A wkiif!l 'manner, way', etc.
If we have *xw, the Albanian result conflicts with rMJ( above (4.2.1); if *hw,
Vaccarizzo ju5j, Alb. udhe 'road' (not *hudhi!), which has been plausibly suggested
as a cognate, cannot be related (though udhi! may equally well be related to Lith.
vedit, Olr.fedicl); if we have *?where, then ves- above must be *hwes-. We could of
course have *ywe,f-. But if *y was lip-rounded, would it occur before *w?
4.6. Laryngeal uncertain and vanished. We know from other languages or may be-
lieve for structural reasons that the following forms once contained laryngeals.
4.6.1. *?or *y. Forms withe-vocalism, with o-vocalism, or excluding A:
(I) Vaccarizzo /yeter/ 'other', Alb. t-jeter 'the other' : Umbrian etro-, OCSjeterb-
(2) Vaccarizzo jyastj 'outside', Sophiko Alb. jashte : Locr. Delph.
(*ekstos), beside Olr. echtar, Med. Welsh eithyr (*ekter) - * Eekstos.
(3) Vaccarizzo jemerj 'name', Sophiko def. /em'Jri/, Geg emen : Olr.
ainmn Jimm'N/, OCS im(!- *E1imen.
The e-colouring is guaranteed by OPruss. emnes (* Enmnes); the zero-grade by the
absence of diphthongization in the Albanian forms.
(4) Vaccarizzo jvesj 'ear', Alb. vesh : Gk. (Dor. exactly = vesh), Arm.
unkn- *E6Xws- >Proto-Alb. *6:(w)s-.
For the development within Albanian, cf. Vaccarizzo /val./, Tosk vaj, Geg voj
'oil' <Lat. oleum, and ve 'egg' below. Martinet has proposed his Aw for this etymon.
(5) Vaccarizzo jvej 'egg', Sophiko jveej, def. jveaj, Alb. ve : Gk. <{16v, Lat. ouum,
etc.- Proto-Alb. *dwy- from apparent *Aew- or *AeAwy- (< earlier *Aw- ?); see
Hamp, Word 11, 400 (1955).
(6) Vaccarizzo juyj 'water', Sophiko Alb. uje: Hittite wadar, etc. - * Eid- :
* Ew(e)dr, * Ewdr-yaA. Here the absence of Alb. h- and Hitt. b- eliminates *h and
4.6.2. *? or *y or *x.
(1) Vaccarizzo /ul.k/ 'wolf', Alb. ujk : Lith. vilkas, etc.-* XMkwos : * Xwfkwos. It is
possible that the Albanian represents *(X)wfkwos > *wufkwos > *ulk-, with de-
velopment of *I > ul parallel to *tt in mund 'be able' : Lith. is-mintis, and sub-
sequent loss of *w before *u.
(2) Alb. are 'field' - see Hamp, KZ 75, 237-8 (1958).
4.6.3. *X plus non-syllabic. A couple of clear, but unclassifiable, cases occur.
(I) Vaccarizzo jmyef.j 'I milk', Sophiko fmil.eiJ, aorist jmola/, Alb. mjel : Greek
UJ.lEA.yro, Skt. (pf.) mamrjur - *X me/g-.
Somehow, probably in cluster-combination with suffixes, the Albanian has lost the
expected *o.
(2) Vaccarizzo jgreuj, Sophiko /gru/ 'get up!', Vaccarizzo jgnk/, Sophiko /griij/
'raise!', Sophiko 'I got up', Alb. ngre, ngrej, Sophiko /griin/ 'I raise' : Greek
yd pro, Ved. jiigarti- *(?en-)X gre-/ Xger-; Alb. ngreh 'I raise' is *?en-Xgr V-
sk-o :. The detailed vocalisms of these are very difficult.
4.7. Medial Laryngeals. Traditional "long vowels" that are traceable to laryngeals
are not dealt with in this paper, since their interpretation would be the same as that
for any IE language; there are still a number of aspects of Albanian vocalism that
badly need cleaning up, but it is unlikely that the use of laryngeals will improve the
old difficulties in this respect. There are, however, a few cases of probable prevocalic
laryngeals that may briefly be noted here.
(I) Vaccarizzo j6ul-/ 'to close', Sophiko /biwin/, aorist jbiiwtaj "' /biwa/, Alb.
(a) if to Greek eiMro 'wrap, cover', Skt. vnu)ti, Lat. uoluo- *ywe/-, *ywl-.
(b) if to Greek dA.ro, dA.ro 'shut in'- *xwel-, *xwl-.
The laryngeal would be lost after mb- 'in, around' (see 4.1.9 above) in close juncture.
(2) Vaccarizzo j6it/ 'drown', Sophiko /bitin/, /bitemj (medio-passive), Alb. mbys,
mbyt 'drown', zhys, zhyt 'immerse', perhaps : Skt. unadmi 'I wet'.
By stripping off the prefixes mb- and zh- fz-/ we obtain -yT, which may be recon-
structed (via *-yz, *-yd, by very common devoicing) *-Udyo:, *-Udi:t (3 sg.). This
could then contain the base * Ewd 'water'.
For Scutari (N. Geg), Lowman shows jmysj 'I kill', with a nasal vowel. This could
perhaps be from *mbunz"' *mbynd < *mbV-undyo:, etc., with a nasal infix matching
the Sanskrit. But it is more likely that the nasality has been recently phonemicized
and derives from the allophonics of the emphatically articulated /m/ in these dialects.
(3) Sophiko 'urine' ( =1= fsuurj 'sand'), Alb. shur "' shurr, shurre : Hittite
sebur, etc. - *seywr.
Jokl (Stud. z. alb. Etym., p. 89), following Pedersen (KZ 36, 281), remarks that
Albanian s- would not arise before an original back vowel. His proposed etymology
of Lat. ex- or IE *s'fl-, plus *ur-n- (: Gk. oopov, ouptro > Lat. ilrfna, ON ur 'fine
rain', Lith. jures 'sea') seems, however, as forced as those it is designed to replace
(viz. Meyer's comparison with OHG sur 'sour', OCS syrb 'cheese', and Pedersen's
derivation from Lat. *exurinari).
If we compare the Hittite form, an interesting implication appears to present itself.
Ignoring the f, which may reflect a later suffixation, our form seems to require a
disyllabic reconstruction, since a stress immediately following *s- would lead us to
expect g- in the present form (see fn. 26). With that premise, a front vowel in the
first syllable would give the resultant s-. Therefore Proto-Albanian *se(X)ur- <
sey1vr would fill the requirements. This seems, in turn, to imply that at least some
intervocalic laryngeals remained in Albanian for some time; otherwise it is difficult to
see how a monosyllabic *sewr- would not have arisen.
(4) Vaccarizzo jma.f:j 'I take', /m6raj 'I took', Sophiko /mar/, jm6ra/, Alb. marr,
mora : Arm. afnum 'I take', af 'he took', Greek !ipvuj.tut, aor. uptcreat - *(s)med-
See 4.1. 7 above. The assumption here is that the particle me (*med) 'with' formed
a compound with *hdrno:. Note the parallel n-present formations. The aorist would
have been *ha: r-, the familiar Dehnstufe of Albanian aorists. This etymology is,
however, offered very tentatively.
The particle me, incidentally, has not, l think, been associated with its nearest
cognates heretofore.
I associate it with Skt. smat, Avest. ma! jmadj 'with' <
*(s)med(h). According to Feist (s.v. mi[>), Kluge-Gotze
(s.v. mit), and Boisacq
(s.v. jlEta), the Germanic and Greek forms are not to be directly related to these.
Another possibility is that the base here is * xar- and that the compound is to be
compared rather with Hittite pe-!Jarzi 'carries'.
4.8. Evidence against the argument. To present the evidence fairly, we must now
list all the forms that have been found which argue against the thesis. Since a fairly
thorough canvass was made of the up-to-date reference works, it would seem rea-
sonable to suppose that in so far as a representative number of additional instances
was found in support of the argument, those antithetical cases which were turned up
should also be a fair sampling. Such cases are:
(1) Alb. edh 'kid' : Greek an;, Arm. aye > * Aciyg-? The possible difficulty in this
case is that neither Albanian nor Armenian shows h-; in principle, therefore, if we
were to follow Austin's thesis, we have neither *x- nor *h-, yet we find a-vocalism.
This is not however, the only problem with this form, since Pokorny says (JEW 13)
"vielleicht orientalisches Kulturwort." It is also thinkable that the Albanian form
could have lost its h- by analogy with dhi, Vaccarizzo j5i/ 'goat', if indeed the latter is
related to Lith. ozys, OPruss. wosee, Skt. ajcil), and not to Germ. Ziege, OHG ziga.
Finally, edh has been considered a loan from Lat. (h)aedus, but this seems dubious
since from a popular Latin jrtdu-/ we might expect a diphthongized *jedh.
(2) Alb. arf 'bear' : Greek Skt. !:k$a-, Oir. art, Arm. arf.
Vaccarizzo has replaced this form with a loan from Italian. Once again, we have
Albanian and Armenian both without h-. On the other hand there are on record by-
forms (presumably dialectal) with h- in Albanian, especially for the female bear:
Jokl, in Zur Erforschung der albanischen Mundart von Bargo Erizzo in Dalmatien ( Archivum
Romanicum 24) (1940), a long critique of Tagliavini's work, relates (p. 32) me, with mjet 'middle'
( < *meta-) and Illyrian Metu- (v. Ebert's Reallexikon 1.86.2 and 87.1), to Goth. mijJ < meti. I see
no reason for separating these from m(j)ez 'middle' (see Jokl, op. cit., p. 33, and the places cited from
Tagliavini), which can be derived just as well directly from the widespread IE *med'yos as from a
borrowed Lat. medius. Forms such as mes and mjet would then show the final devoicing familiar in
harushii beside arushe. If the identification is correct in the Hittite form !Jartaka-
it would appear, contrariwise, that somehow Armenian has lost its *h-, if we must
assume a-vocalism and if we subscribe to Austin's thesis. But again, the Hittite ar
could be old syllabic *r (zero-grade); if, before the unusual cluster in this word, we
may assume the Albanian to be likewise syllabic *r, it is then possible to assume the
Hittite h to be *y. In that case all forms are in agreement as *yftkos, or IE yftskos.
But, though one is reluctant to separate the Albanian word from this close-knit
group, the nature of the connexion remains highly problematic, and the sequence is
sui generis.
(3) Alb. ende 'flower' : Arm. and 'field' (Pokorny, lEW 40). There is the same
difficulty as in (1), but it is not at all semantically necessary that these forms be related.
(4) Vaccarizzo jexj, Alb. eh 'edge (of a knife)', Sophiko jexin/ 'sharpen', Albanian
athete 'sour' : Arm. aseln 'needle'.
These forms are supposed to be from the prolific base traditionally reconstructed as
*ali- (Pokorny, lEW 18-9). Neither language shows h-. Moreover, Hittite aku-
'spitzer Stein, Klippe',
if related, shows no lt-; on the other hand, the Hittite form
shows k, and not s, before u for the IE palatal. I can see no argument around this fact.
To summarize, against thirty-seven different bases that support the argument we
find one, and perhaps three or four, that argue against it. And those that appear to
argue against it require our acceptance of Austin's thesis on Armenian h-, which seems
by no means certain to me, or, in one case, involve a poorly attested Hittite word
which itself is not free of difficulties.
5. Every now and then we are able to reaffirm the value of painstaking structural
analysis by producing a reflex of a feature that was predicted by the pure mathematical
properties of the system. Brugmann predicted a Greek optative, and later it was dug
up on a new inscription. Saussure predicted "lost consonants" for PIE, and Kurylowicz
identified two such in Cuneiform Hittite a half-century later. Kurylowicz and Sapir
posited an a-colouring laryngeal other than the source of Hittite !;(!;) without having
seen a unitary reflex of it. I propose that we may now see its descendent in Albanian h-.
Friedrich, Hethitisches Worterbuch, 61a.
o It is likely that dentals assibilated not only before dentals, but before stops generally. Such
clusters would account for most of the instances of Brugmann's dental-spirant. In any event, from
their distribution and frequency and from the gaps in other reconstructed cluster distributions, it is
clear that these were not phonemic units, as Benveniste would have them.
n Friedrich, Hethitisches Worterbuch, Erganzungsheft (1957), p. I.

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