University of Akron Biology Syllabus
University of Akron Biology Syllabus
University of Akron Biology Syllabus
Course Description and Objectives: This course is designed for non-science majors and does not count toward a biology degree. It is intended to illustrate concepts of living organisms with emphasis on mankinds position in, and influence on, the environment. My goal is to cover broad topics important in the field of biology (such as scientific investigation, genetics, evolution, and ecology) in enough detail that you will understand the core concepts and appreciate how they relate to your life. We will cover information in your book but will also supplement with additional material. How to Succeed in this Course: 1. Attend class 2. Read the book (focus mainly on information weve discussed in class) 3. Reorganize and rewrite your notes 4. Use the books resources - 5. Work with Katie McClenahan, our course Learning Assistant (LA) 6. Consult outside resources if youre still confused 7. Ask questions 8. Study with others in the class 9. Come see me during my office hours or set up an appointment Springboard: Class information and some, but not all, of the lectures will be posted to Springboard. - log in using your UAnet ID and password Class Policies: I expect students to treat one another with the utmost respect. I also hope we can interact in an environment that enhances learning. Distractions not only affect you, but also those around you. In order to minimize distractions, I ask that all electronics be turned off and kept off while you are in class (this includes cell phones, iPods, iPads, etc.). The only exception to this is if you are using a personal laptop to view or take class notes. All electronics must be put away during a test; if I see any electronics in use during a test, I will be forced to assume that you are cheating and you will receive a zero for the test. Please note that there is to be no talking while I lecture. If you have a question at any time, or just want me to slow down, please feel free to raise your hand and ask! I will gladly repeat any material or answer content-specific questions. There have been issues in the past
with chronic talkers who hold conversations about material that does not pertain to class. Such chatter is not only disrespectful to me, but also others within the class. If you choose to chat with those around you, I will ask you to discontinue your conversation; if the problem persists, I will be forced to ask you to leave the class and you will forfeit all in-class points. Course Communication: I may need to contact you with course updates and will do so using your UA e-mail address. If you do not intend to check your UA e-mail account on a regular basis, you should forward all mail sent to that account to the commercial account you check most often. To have your e-mail forwarded log into 1. 2. 3. 4. Click/Select Settings in the upper right corner Click/Select Forwarding and POP/IMAP Click/Select Forward a copy of incoming mail Enter the forwarding mail address into the email address field
When sending emails to me, please put the class name in the subject line and sign your full name to the email. Use proper grammar, spelling, and capitalization (emails written in textspeak will not get a response). Please allow up to 24 hours for a reply. Grade Distribution: Points will be distributed as follows: 93% - 100% 90% - 92% 87% - 89% 83% - 86% 80% - 82% 77% - 79% 73% - 76% 70% - 72% 67% - 69% 63% - 66% 60% - 62% 0% - 59% A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF
Three Highest Exam Grades = 75% (25% each) Lab Grade = 25% = 100%
I do not curve. I will not allow any exam to be retaken. No extra work will be accepted for extra credit.
Exam Description (75% of your final grade): Assessments for this course will include three (3) multiple choice unit exams and a comprehensive multiple choice final. The three unit exams will be given during the semester and are REQUIRED. The final exam is cumulative and not required IF you have taken ALL other lecture exams AND you are happy with your grades. If you wish to drop your lowest exam score, you may take the optional cumulative final. If your final exam score is higher than your lowest semester exam score, the final exam score will replace the lower grade. Final exam scores lower than your lowest semester exam score will be dropped from the overall grade. In other words, even if you attempt the final but do not score any higher than you did on your previous three exams, the final exam will not hurt your grade.
Exams will consist of questions related to text readings with major emphasis on topics covered during lecture. The three unit semester exams will be multiple choice scantron assessments taken in our classroom. You will need to bring a #2 pencil to record answers and your UA Zipcard to show proof of identification. For each exam, you will be provided with question sheets and a scantron sheet. You are welcome to write on the question sheets, but only answers marked on your scantron will be scored. A common question I often receive is whether you HAVE to include your name on the question sheets. Since the question sheets are not graded, you are not required to include your name, but if by chance your scantron is lost or destroyed by Computer Based Testing (CBT) (not likely but possible), the only proof I will have that you took the exam is your name on your question sheets. If you choose to not include your name on the question sheets, I will not have any way to verify that you took the exam. Once exam scores are posted to Springboard and score sheets are returned, you will have one week to notify me of any issues or discrepancies with your grade. This policy also applies if you do not see a score but took the exam during the assigned exam period. The final exam will be given during finals week in CBT, located in Schrank Hall North, room 152. The date of the final exam is set by the UA Registrar and cannot be changed. Since the final exam will be a CBT-based exam, it will open at 8 a.m. on the date of the scheduled exam, and close at 8 p.m. Since this is an optional final exam, the open period of the exam cannot be changed and make-ups will not be offered. Exam Policy: If you know before an exam that you will be absent (e.g. trip as a member of a UA athletic team, funeral, etc.), notify me prior to the time that the exam is scheduled to be taken, either by calling (330.972.7899) or e-mailing ( If your absence will be due to a university-approved excuse (i.e. ROTC, sports event, medical excuse, etc.) and you can provide me with written documentation, we can arrange for you to take your exam prior to the scheduled exam period. There will be no make-up exam opportunities after an exam is given. You will instead take the cumulative final exam as your make-up. Once an exam is handed in no others will be handed out, so be sure to arrive on time! Lab (25% of your final grade): There is a mandatory lab component that accompanies the lecture portion of this course. You must register for a lab section (at UAs main campus) independent of your lecture. Lab assignments and point allocations will be discussed by your lab instructor in lab. Labs will meet the first week of the semester. Attendance at each and every lab is mandatory.
Missing Class: It is your responsibility to find out what was discussed if you miss a class. If you have specific questions after you have reviewed the material I will be happy to assist you. Special Accommodations: If you require special accommodations (in-class accommodations or testing accommodations), please call the Office of Accessibility at 330.972.7928, or visit Simmons Hall, room 105.
Academic Dishonesty: Any form of cheating or plagiarism of assignments will not be tolerated. Cheating and plagiarism are defined in the Student Academic Integrity Policy found at No hand-written, printed, photocopied, or electronic material may be used during lecture exams. The use of cell phones and other wireless communication devices during an exam is also prohibited. If you cheat, you will receive a zero on the assignment, quiz, or exam. In severe cases of academic dishonesty, the assignment of a failing grade may be given for the course and expulsion from the University may occur. Bonus Opportunities: CPS Clickers and Class Participation (+1% Bonus): I will ask multiple choice or true/false questions during class that can be answered using a remote CPS clicker. Clicker questions will offer me a way to break-up lecture and check for understanding. You will not be required to participate in clicker participation questions, but for any day that you do participate, Ill record the number of questions you answer correctly and divide by the total possible. If you would like to participate in clicker questions, you must purchase a CPS clicker at the bookstore and register it online. You cannot just purchase the clicker and expect it to work out of the box. Once you register your clicker, you will need to enroll your clicker in our class using a class key. A PowerPoint presentation posted to Springboard outlines how to register a clicker and includes our class key. Other participation opportunities may include (but are not limited to) Springboard assessments, quizzes, in-class group assignments, and take-home assessments. At the end of the semester your average participation score will be applied to your final grade as a 1% bonus. BioPortal and LearningCurve Modules BioPortal ( is the student resource package associated with your textbook. It includes an ebook, student media sources, and assessment features, such as the adaptive quizzing program called LearningCurve. Please note that you are not required to use BioPortal. I will offer bonus points if you choose to complete any of the LearningCurve modules listed below. You will receive 10 points for each module completed, for a total of 100 possible points. There will be no partial credit awarded for modules that are only partially completed. At the end of the semester your average LearningCurve score will be applied to your final grade as a 1% bonus. Unit #1 LearningCurve modules due by 5:10 p.m. on 2/14/13 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Unit #2 LearningCurve modules due by 5:10 p.m. on 3/21/13 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Unit #3 Learning Curve modules due by 5:10 p.m. on 5/2/2013 Chapter 8 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16
Final Grade Calculations The first thing you must do when calculating a final weighted score is to put all scores on an "equal playing field." To do this, calculate all points earned out of 100 possible points (or as a percentage). For instance, imagine you earned 230/250 points in lab. You can set up the problem as 230/250 = x/100 and quickly cross multiply and divide (x=92). Let's look at an example: Exam 1: 90/100 Exam 2: 70/100 Exam 3: 89/100 Final Exam: 84.8/100 Lab: 92/100 Now weigh your scores and add together: Exam 1: (90)(.25) = 22.5 Exam 2: 70 -->dropped Exam 3: (89)(.25) = 22.25 Final Exam: (84.8)(.25) = 21.2 Lab: (92)(.25) = 23 88.95% Given the example above, the final grade would be an 89%, a B+. Ill also add the participation bonus (+1%) and the LearningCurve bonus (+1%). Let's say your participation score was 65/100 = (65)(.01) = 0.65 Lets say you completed six (6) LearningCurve modules --> 60/100 = (60)(.01) = 0.6
Add these to the final grade --> 88.95 + 0.65 + 0.6 = 90.2%, an A-.
5 5 5 6 7 7
11 12 13 14 15 Final
8 10 14 15 15 16 16
This is a tentative schedule. I reserve the right to make any necessary changes. Lecture topics may be covered over a longer or shorter period of time than proposed. Exam dates may change, as well. It is your responsibility to attend class and check Springboard regularly for announcements of lecture topics and exam dates. Also note that since the pace of the lecture delivery may differ from the tentative schedule above, material not covered on an exam will be included on the next scheduled exam.