Hillsboro 1940

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Nelle Y. McLaughlin
Second Ave.
Marlinton, W. Va.


CHAPTER 4 – Sec. 4 – part a -- _ues. 5


The town of Hillsboro is located in a rich and beautiful

valley. It is two and one-half miles from the nearest railroad

station called Seebert, and named in honor of a family by that

name that settled here in the wilderness in the early days.

Hillsboro was named for Richard Hill, the pioneer from North

Carolina, who built his home on a good farm in the neighborhood

of Lobelia. His house was an unusually good one for that age. It

was built of hewed logs, and the space between the logs was

filled with mortar or mud and then whitewashed. It had three

porches, two tall chimneys, and eight rooms. Hills Creek was

named for Mr. Hill and because of his sterling worth, will sing

of his glory as long as its waters flow. The creek flows through

a narrow channel which increases its velocity until it plunges

over a precipice sixty or more feet and creating the falls of

Hills Creek.

Bruffey’s Creek named after the first settler, John

Bruffey, son of Patrick Bruffey, the pioneer, a revolutionary

soldier under General Wayne, unites in time to flood with Hills

Creek where their waters sink under Droop Mountain to appear

again in the lower end of Little Levels. Hills Creek forms

Locust Creek and empties into the Greenbrier River. Many of the

numerous progeny of Richard Hill founded their homes in the

Hillsboro Community.

The majority of the people of the Hillsboro Community are

of the Scotch-Irish descent, their chief pursuits being

agriculture and stock raising. Many fine herds of cattle and

sheet, from time immemorial, have been prepared for the eastern

markets and at the present time the farmers are becoming aroused

to the importance of pure bred stock.

Hillsboro has always been a religious and educational

center. In extracts from the journal of Rev. Francis Asbury we

find that in the years 1788, 1790 and 1796, he made three

evangelistic tours through this section of the country coming up

through Greenbrier County each time and being entertained and

preaching at the home of McNeel in the Little Levels, going from

there to the Drinnom home in the Edray neighborhood. His course

led from there to Cloverlick down through Tygarts Valley in

Randolph County enroute to Morgantown. At the McNeel home lively

religious discussions were indulged in by the whole community.

Oak Grove Presbyterian Church was organized in the year

1793. The early records of the church were lost and no one

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remembers when it was built. A substantial brick structure was

later built southeast of Hillsboro, where the cemetery is still

kept up. The most distinguished ministers who served this church

from 1820 to 1872 were Rev. Joseph Brown, Rev. Wm. G. Campbell,

Rev. John S. Blain, Rev. Mitchell D. Dunlap, and Rev. D. S.


The new church, a frame building, was built in the town of

Hillsboro, where the present church is now located in the early

ministry of Dr. D. S. Sydenstricker. He was succeeded by Rev. J.

C. Johnson. The frame church was torn down in 1910 and a new

church was built. A new brick church now occupies the site and

bears the name “Oak Grove Church” in memory of the pioneer

church although surrounded by a maple grove.

In the early part of the eighteenth century a very

important educational work flourished in what was then the

village of Hillsboro. Under the supervision of Rev. Jos. Brown

the brick Academy was built and contained one large central room

and two wings. The name of Hillsboro was abandoned in deference

to that of the “Academy”, so strong was the school’s influence

on the minds and hearts of the people. In recent years the old

name Hillsboro has been restored to the town.

M.A. Dunlap of Poca City, Oklahoma, remembering

conversations heard in the home of his uncle Rev. M. D. Dunlap,

thinks the first teacher ever in the Hillsboro Community was a

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man by the name of Keenan, who taught more than a hundred years

ago. This teacher was considered a very learned man from the

fact that he could read and write, and had figured in the

arithmetic as far as the rule of three. The next teacher was the

Rev. John S. Blain, a Presbyterian preacher, a teacher, and a

physician. Next came Rev. Joseph Brown whose gentle Christian

spirit greatly endeared him to the people. It is thought that as

he was instrumental in building the new brick building that he

was the first teacher within its walls. Rev. M. D. Dunlap

succeeded him and taught from 1835 to 1845. His school had a

wide reputation among his pupils and enjoyed the patronage of

the Lewises and Irwins of Kanawha County. There were also pupils

from Fayette, Greenbrier, Monroe, Bath, and Highland Counties.

He taught throughout the entire year and sought the aid of the

more advanced pupils, notably Rev. Wm. T. Price and Rev. James


Mr. Kelso of Pennsylvania, and Miss Priscilla Ramsey of

Augusta County, Virginia, taught one session, and after the

close of school were married, and went to western Pennsylvania

to conduct a boarding school. Rev. Daniel A. Penick filled the

position of teacher one year, boarded at Colonel Paul McNeel’s,

and the following autumn married the latter’s eldest daughter.

Rev. Emerson taught two sessions, boarded at Colonel McNeel’s

and made a compass that ran a perfect line from the McNeel gate

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to the Academy. Miss May Sprinkle taught in the home of Colonel

McNeel the first year of the Civil War and was betrothed to John

Burgess the first man from this community to be killed by the

Northern soldiers in their initial raid through this county.

From the foregoing, it is easy to understand why so many

notable people came from this fine institution of learning. The

lives of Mr. Harmanius Stulting and family deserve special

mention. They were natives of Holland, and to escape religious

persecution, came to this country when it was in its infancy.

They were valuable additions to the social life of the community

and through their piety accomplished much good in this land of

their adoption. Mr. Cornelius Stulting, eldest son in the

family, was a fine teacher for many years, and died not so many

years ago. Mrs. Carrie Stulting Sydenstricker, a daughter of the

family, gave her life as a missionary in China, being sent as a

member of the Oak Grove Church. She was the wife of the

missionary, Andrew Sydenstricker and the mother of the famous

novelist, Pearl Buck.

The first permanent settler in the Hillsboro community was

John McNeel of Frederick County, Virginia. He came here in the

year 1765.

John McNeel built the White Pole Church on the hill set

apart for the McNeel cemetery, the first church in the community.

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In the northern section of the Hillsboro community we have

Mill Point, a small industrial village, including within its

limits proper a store, a blacksmith shop, two flour mills, and

three homes. Just above the village is a wonderful spring. The

spring gushes forth so abundantly that it forms a miniature

cataract. The water is so pure and cold that it is called the

Blue Spring. There is a tradition that herds of buffalo formerly

gathered in the valley facing the spring and drank from this

water, and that it was from the stamping of the buffalo that

“Stamping Creek” derived its name. Two of the tribes of Indians

that frequented this region were the Ottawas and the Shawnees.

Pontiac and Cornstalk were among their leaders. The death of the

Bridger boys is the most dramatic story of Indian cruelty we

know of in connection with the Mill Point fort.

The people who live in the Hillsboro Community are: the

McNeels, Beards, Clarks, Morrisons, Clendenens, Bruffeys, _ills,

_oores, Clutters, _uldridges, Harpers, Kinnisons, Wades,

Lewises, McCartys, McCoys, Smiths, C_ckleys, Ruckmans,

McLaughlins, and others.

Little Levels Academy was established in 1842 under a

charter granted by the State of Virginia. The incorporators were

Josiah Beard, S. D. Poage, Samuel Mathews, James Lewis, Poses

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Poage, John Hill, Thomas Hill, James Miller and Richard McNeel.

The first Principal was Rev. Joseph Brown, who served seven

years. He was succeeded by Rev. M. D. Dunlap who remained at the

head of the institution for eleven years, until 1860, when the

Civil war came on and the school closed. The school was re-

opened in the sixties under the name of Hillsboro College, but

was closed again before the end of the war.

This was the first school of higher order in the County,

and it left its impress upon the educational interest of the

County. In 1865 the county purchased the building and it was

used for public schools from 1870 throughout the eighties. Large

contributions from the citizens and the public school money

again made it a school of high order for boys – combined with a

grade system under the name of Hillsboro Academy. A school of

high order for girls was also established in the large basement

of the Methodist Church, known as Hillsboro College, also as

Little Levels Seminary. The teachers in the girls school were

Miss Lizzie Gibson, of Staunton, Va., Principal, Miss Bettie

Fulwider, Miss Henrietta Goldman, Miss Lydia McNeel, and Miss

Nettie Stulting. Teachers in the boys school were Prof.

McCutcheon, Principal of Lexington, Va., Randolph Smith and his

brother John of Richmond, Va. and C. J. Stulting, Hillsboro, W.


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The old brick Academy was torn down and a new frame

building took its place. The building had six rooms. Prof. C. A.

Brown of Virginia, Principal, who was regarded by the people as

an excellent teacher. Both boys and girls went to the same

school, and the little town of Hillsboro and the farm homes were

filled with boarders.

The frame building was finally set aside and an handsome

brick high school building known as the Hillsboro High School

was built, and later a large gray brick building for the grades.

The grounds of these handsome buildings open on the Seneca Trail

State Road. Large school busses transport the students for miles

in every direction. The school is equipped with modern

equipment. The teachers are Prof. Frank K. Johnson, of Virginia,

Miss Brake of Ohio, Miss Helen Smith, Marlinton and Alexander

McLaughlin, of Hillsboro.

The county has good schools for the negroes. The Board of

Education employs good teachers for the negroes and they are

doing good work.

The little White Pole Church mentioned elsewhere was the

first Church built in Little Levels District. The growing need

of a large Church was seen when Nathaniel Kennison and William

Kennison gave a lot in the eastern part of the town of Hillsboro

for a new Church. Soon a fine Church with a large basement for

schools was erected. The members of the White Pole Church

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transferred their records to Wesley Chapel – the new Church.

Many noted preachers proclaimed the gospel in that Church. Among

them the noted Bishop Asbury.

Among the noted supporters of this Church were James Lewis

& his wife Rebecca, Joseph Beard, Mattie Beard, Joel Hill,

Rebecca Hill, Thomas Hill and Annie Hill, William Kennison and

Nancy Kennison, Nathaniel Kennison and wife, Samuel Auldridge

and wife Susan. Among the younger members who loved this Church

were the late R. W. Hill and Margaret Hill, George R. Curry,

William Clendenen, George Hill.

The first Presbyterian Church organized within the present

limits of the county was known as Oak Grove Presbyterian Church

on the Little Levels in the year 1793. For a period of thirty

seven years after its organization it had neither pastor nor

stated supply. The only preaching being Ministers from distant

fields who visited this mountain section. Rev. John McCue was

the first Minister. After him came Rev. Loomis. He was succeeded

by the celebrated John McElheny, D. D. who preached for many

years at the Oak Grove Church and did much in securing its


In the year 1830 this Church was reorganized by Rev. S. L.

Graham and at the time numbered but nine members, including four

deacons, who were Josiah Beard, George Poage, John Jordan and S.

D. Poage. Mr. Graham was pastor of this Church for thirty nine

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years when he was succeeded by Rev. J. S. Blaine, then by Rev’s

D. S. Cunningham, William Brown, Joseph Brown, M. D. Dunlap, and

D. S. Sydenstricker. Oak Grove Church was one mile from

Hillsboro, built of an excellent quality of brick. During the

years of 1870 and 1874, the Church was moved to Hillsboro and a

large frame Church was built, with a basement for Sunday School

rooms and which was built with the bricks of the old Church.

About thirty years ago the frame Church gave place to a modern

new brick Church. Rev. J. C. Johnson was a pastor of the New

Church for a number of years – then Rev. Randolph Adkison and

now Rev. Marlin B. Curry.

An old and honored ruling elder in this Presbyterian Church

is Mathew John McNeel, aged 92 years. He is still an active

elder and has served the three Churches. He is regarded as a

pillar of old Oak Grove Presbyterian Church.

Mathew Lee Beard, aged 84 years is another honored elder.

He has been faithful in his services as ruling elder and a

pillar in this Church. These old elders are loved and honored by

the entire congregation.

Hills Creek Falls

Hills Creek Falls is one of the most wonderful natural

curiosities of Pocahontas County. We travel into the heart of

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the Mountains to see these falls, yet the pen fails to give

adequate description of the manner in which the water falls over

the rocks. It is an hours climb up the mountain to the lower or

main fall which is a clear drop of seventy feet, the water being

transformed into spray before it reaches the bottom. About three

hundred yards above is the second fall, where the water has a

drop of thirty five feet, and two hundred yards beyond is the

third fall which as a drop of forty feet.

Hills Creek is a wonderful stream in southern Pocahontas,

fifteen yards in width. It disappears at the foot of Droop

Mountain and had an under ground passage under this tremendous

mountain for about four miles, when it emerges, and is called

Locust Creek for about two miles where it enters Greenbrier

River. Large parties visit Hills Creek Falls ever summer and

express themselves delighted with the wonderful outing.

Another scene that cannot be described but must be seen to

be appreciated, is the sunrise from top of Drooping Mountian. We

will give it as described by two ministers who were on top of

this mountain to see nature in her great beauty. Drooping

Mountain overlooks much of southern Pocahontas and commands an

entrancing view of Hillsboro and its charming rural surroundings

of grove, field and orchard. They slowly ascended the broad

winding road up the mountain side toward the summit. Their view

on every hand was shut by the dense misty barriers. Upon

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reaching the crest of the mountain, the sun was seen in all its

glorious power and light, ready to roll away the mists that were

over the hills, vales and the streams, keeping them from view.

The scene was one of adoration and awe. Words could not fitly

express the scene. The radiant power of the sun had come and was

working miracles. The surface of the vast cloud beneath began to

rise and roll like waves and as one would tower above the others

near, it seemed to draw them along, till all had vanished in its

upward viewless flight.

Drops of dissolving mist were on the leaves like pearls and

they hung the bushes with brilliance and shone like diamonds on

the grass.

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