AE Lesson 1
AE Lesson 1
AE Lesson 1
_______1. The inflation rate in the Philippines in the last quarter of 2019
was 4.8%.
_______2. A P340-billion deficit in the Philippine budget is expected in
the year 2021.
_______3. Prices of Tire Less vehicles are predicted rise up in December.
_______4. Garlic prices in the past months have risen because producers
hoarded their
supplies in their bodega.
_______5. The unemployment rate has dropped because of the increase
in the number of OFWs.
5. The unemployment rate has dropped because of the
increase in the number of OFWs.
_______6. In the past year, Soda Cola was named the
fastest-selling product within the market.
_______7. Land owners could not increase their rental on
land, because of the Rent Control Law.
_______8. Prices of apples and grapes tend to rise up
during the Christmas season.
_______9. The Philippine economy grew at the rate of
5.8% in 2019.
_______10. Philippine congress passed the Value Added
Tax Law to strengthen the Philippine tax system.
-is a situation wherein the
amount of something
available is insufficient to
satisfy the desire for it.
-the process of combining
inputs in order to make
something for consumption.
It is the act of creating output.
-labor, capital, land, and
entrepreneurship that are used to
produce goods and services also
known as factors of production.
-a good or service which has
value and contributes to the
utility of individuals
-the allocation of the total
product among members
of society.
-the use of a good or service
Methods of Economics
Positive Economics : focuses on causes and effects,
behavioural relationships, and facts involved in the
evolution and development of economic theories. Often
called “what is” economics