The Journal of Borderland Research 1966-10
The Journal of Borderland Research 1966-10
The Journal of Borderland Research 1966-10
Round Robin
10 - 14 . . 15 - 20
CLIPS, QUOTES & COMMENTS Our Haunted Dream The Earth, Parastudy Supplies ESP Teachers, Descartes On Sirius II?, Passing of Harold Kinney, What Says Arthur Conan Doyle?, Passing of Louise Long, Max Freedom Long on End of Vietnam War, Dr. Jamison and the MWO, The Natural Hygiene Cure-All, Timely Warning From Trevor James, Effective Use of Vitic and Eeman Screens, Universal Cure for All Disease, Invocation To The Flame, Moment of Truth for J. Allen Hynek, Revolutionary Influence of Uranus, and BSRA Literature . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 - 34
THE JOURNAL OF BORDERLAND RESEARCH Edited by Riley Hansard Crabb v ' * >\ . A Publication of Borderland Sciences Research Associates Foundation, Inc. The Journal is published at the rate of eight or nine issues a year, with the assistance of the Associates, at BSRA Headquarters, the home of the Director, 1103 Bobolink Drive, Vista. Phone No. 714-724-2043. The Foundation was incorporated under California law, May 21,1951,#254263, and has been in continuous existence since then. Address all correspondence to PO Box 548 Vista, Calif., 92083. The Journal is included in the Association membership of $5.00 a year. Persons who do not care to join the Association, may receive the Journal b/ donating $5.00 or more a year to the Foun dation. Single conies may be purchased for a dollar. Membership has not been increased since BSRA was foun ded by N. Meade Layne in 1946, but delinquent members desiring back issues will be charged a dollar for each copy. Office manager for BSRA is Mrs. Judith Crabb. PURPOSES OF BSRA BSRA is a non-profit, informal organization of people who take ?a active interest in unusual happ- uings along the borderland between the visible and in visible worlds. In the words of the late Meade Layne, founder and director of BSRA from 1946 to 1959, BSRA publications are scientific in approach but employ few technical expressions. They deal with significant phenomena which orthodox science cannot or will not in vestigate. For example: the Fortean falls of strange objects from the skies, Teleportation, Radiesthesia, PK Effects, Underground Races, Mysterious Disappear ances, Occult and Psychic Phenomena, Photography of the Invisible, the Nature of the Ethers, and the pro blem of the Aeroforms (Flying Saucers). In the year 1946 the Associates obtained an interpretation of the phenomena which has since come to be known as the Etberic or 4-D Interpretation, and which has not been radically altered since that time. This continues to be the only explanation which makes ggod science, sound metaphysics and common sense. The chief present concern of the Association is to make this information available as a public serv ice, with Headquarters acting as a receiving, coun seling, coordinating and distributing center. A list of BSRA publications is available on request, send 25$ in coin or stamps for a copy.
EIBLS KAHUNAS IN HAWAII By Riley Hansard Crabb From Our S66 Lecture On "Psychic Surgery In the Philippines, Pagan Healing Magic In Hawaii and New Age Healing in California". Mrs. Crabb and I have had contact with Christian Caucasian healers here in the States, and with Bible Kahuna healers in the Hawaiian Is lands. She and I have done some healing ourselves, both the "laying on of hands" and so-called Absent Treatment. Kahuna is the Hawaiian name for priest, a student of occult sci ence. A healing priest is a Kahuna Lapaau, an herb doctor. During ny thirteen year3 in Hawaii Mrs. Crabbs younger brother became deathly ill at one time and was getting weaker and weaker. He was thoroughly checked over by the orthodox MDs, several times. Their clinical con clusion was that there was nothing physically wrong with him. But he was wasting away, hadnt worked for months and was headed for the grave. I had learned of this Kahuna Lapaau, Kino Lau was her name, and Judy persuaded her brother to allow this Bible Kahuna to try to succeed where modern medical science had failed. In five treatments he was well. She scarcely touched him during the treatments, just made long magnetic passes up and down the length of his body. We could also see tiiat she was chanting under her breath. The climax of the cure cycle came with a cleansing drink made from Hawaiian herbs properly bles sed of course. This really purged his system physically from stem to stern! Kino Lau told us of a more spectacular cure she gave under emer gency conditions to a Hawaiian soldier native Hawaiian during World War II. Her summer home is on the windward side of Oahu. Thats the island on which Honolulu is situated. For those of you who have been over there, her home is near the Mormon settlement of Laie. One night early in the war, two Hawaiian soldiers were careening along the windward highway at full speed in a jeep. They were drunk. They crash ed into the ditch on a curve and one of them vras killed instantly. The other was pretty badly busted up with compound fractures. People heard this crash at four oclock in the morning and came running. One of the neighbors remembered that Kino Lau was at home nearby. She was awakened and brought to the scene of the crash. She immediate ly sat down beside him there in the ditchannd prayed. Actually, she went into trance. This means shifting the gears of the mind to another level of consciousness where time and space disappear. Fron our limited pcint of view thi3 is the only way that a so-called miraculous healing can take place. What was happening? She and her spirit guides vere gathering up the beys mana, his vita?.ity. It was steadily leaking October 1966 RR, Tage 1
away thers, along with the blood, through the open wounds. How did she and her guides do this? By their trained will? They willed that boy's vitality back into his unconscious form by visualizing him per fect, whole. The key to the success of the healer in this kind of healing is the clarity of the picture he holds or she holds in the mind. The image must be backed by a trained, dedicated will either yours or the Master who stands above you. By the time the military ambulance came Kino Lau had that bueted up Hawaiian soldier in pretty good shape. She told us that he wasn't healed completely. Perhaps there wasn't time for that. Perhaps his karma wouldn't allow it. He didn't deserve such perfect treatment. She was told afterward that the breaks in the bones still showed up in the x-rays at the hsspital; but they were all linea up properly; and the wounds from the compound fractures were healed* SECRET SCIENCE BEHIND MIRACLES Some of you have read Max Freedom Long's first book on Hawaiian magic. It details the principles by which the Kahunas work their magic, how they operate, TThey believe there are three levels of consciousness to be considered and drawn from and you would do well to remember them. 1. The Aumakua, the God-Self. As Christians we might call th the Christ-consciousness. 2. Then there is the Vital force. This is known to the Hawaiians as Mana. I believe this corresponds to trhat the Yoga techniques of the East call Prana. This is one of the reasons for doing rhythmic breathing. It builds up extra charges of Mana, or Prana. 3. Finally, and equally important, there is the Aka. This is the invisible substance or force through which the healing, force acts. Under special conditions this Aka can be photo graphed. European psychic researchers developed the term ectoplasm for some forms of Aka. These three things then are essential to any magical operation, whether it is black or white. The Kahuna symbol for this force is water. Water flows; so does vital force. Water fills things; so does vital force or Mana, Water leaks away and so does vital force. You all know this when your energy is depleted. This happens during your work day. It happens when you are in a crowd almost impossible to prevent sone leakage here; or if you are in the presence of a vampire type. They take and you give. All of a sudden you are exhausted. The first curator of the Bishop Museum in Honolulu was Dr. Brig ham, a great naturalist and scientist. He associated with Kahunas quite a bit in his field trips. He learned some of their magic at first hand. Mr. Long got much of his knowledge of Hawaiian magic from Dr, Brigham, who had a couple of inches of credits in the Who's Who of 19th Century scientists, Brigham told Mr. Long of the special use of Mana in war between October 1966 RR, Page 2
the tribes on the different islands. Certain Kahunas were a part of the army. They were chosen because .of their special ability to build a quick charge of Mana and to transfer that charge to a special throw ing stick. These Kahunas worked directly behind the first line of battle. He would charge a throwing-stick, hand it to a warrior, and the warrior would throw it at an enemy soldier. If it struck the en emy, he would fall over senseless as though from an electric shock. It was easy then to pick him up as a prisoner, or to kill him while he lay senseless and before the shock wore off, VITALITY IS INTELLIGENT J Here you might very well ask, why doesnt the Mana charge affect the warrior who receives the throwing-stick from the priest? Because Mana or vitality is intelligenti It responds to the rdlli The Kahuna mentally qualifies the charge, commanding that it react only on the enemyi Thats why, Brigham had the effectiveness of this type of psychic warfare demonstrated to him by a Kahuna, A stick was given a light charge and handed to Brigham. The old scientist said that when he touched the stick it felt just like an electrice shock and a wave of giddiness swept over him. The shock actually numbed his arm for a few moments. We know that the vitality of the body is electrical in nature. It flows just like an electric current. This can easily be demonstrated with the Eeman screens, Brigham was one Caucasian, one Haole, who had it demonstrated to him in a shocking way. This secret is known in other lands. One of ray Caucasian friends in Honolulu learned of it from his Japanese judo teacher. A real ini tiate in the art of judo learns to add this shocking, numbing Manacharge to his physical blows. The Japanese teacher called it Kee-eye (phonetic spelling) and claimed that his Japanese Master kept in prac tice by knocking down birds in full flight. There would be a few short, quick breaths, a jabbing motion toward the flying bird, a shout of command, and down would come the bird. This is psychokinetics, action at a distance. Filipino healer Tony Agpaoa developed this same skill at the age of nine, but he prac ticed on cocoanuts, bringing them down on command from high in the tree. The apports of the seance room are another manifestation of this same invisible power. But the most beneficial use of this psychokinetic power is in heal ing. Now I d like to give you the personal experience of one of our BSRassociates, Floyd Fitzgerald, a Navy chief formerly stationed at Barking Sands missile range on the west coast of the island of Kauai. Floyd married into a pure Hawaiian family. It was only afterward that he discovered he had married into a family of Kahunas! His young wife didnt claim to be one; but her mother was a Bible-Kahuna; and so was one of the brothers. A Bible-Kahuna as you would expect is one who successfully blends the old Pagan ways with the leavening love and compassion of the Christ, 1 October 1966 RR, Page 3
A NIGHT TO REMEMBER One night Fitzgerald received an uig6nt call from his mother-inlaw. He and his wife were to come over immediately. There had been an accident. His sister-in-law had been out riding with her husband. Both had been drinking, quarreling. The husband had become so angry and violent he finally pushed his wife out of the car, while they were traveling along at high speed. She went cartwheeling in to the ditch. The Hawaiian wasnt too drunk and angry to be bereft of all reason. He went back and picked up his wife, and brought her immediately to the mothers home there on Kauai. The bag of bones was carried in and dumped on a bed. When Fitzgerald saw her she was out cold and bleeding at the eyes, ears, nose and month. There was no telling how many bones were broken, if any, and the extent of the internal injuries. Of course no doctor was called in. The family was going to take care of its own problem by healing with the old Pagan methods. Each member would be drawn on, or would contribute to, the extra supply of Mana necessary to repair the damage. First of all there had to be a purifying ritual. The house and the participants must be temporarily cleansed and harmonized in prepara tion for the work to be done. The Kahuna-mother prepared a bowl of holy salt water, blessed it, and sprinkled every room and those in it. At the same time she chanted an old ritual prayer. Now I dont know which one she used. Fitzgerald didnt record it, but here is one from David Malos "Hawaiian Antiquities ; so lets use it a3 we sprinkle with the salt water. Lele uli el Lele wai e! He Uli, he Uli! He wai, he wai! A lele au i ke au, e Kane-mehane o nehe-lani. Nehe is pikana ka lani. A lama, he mu oia. He mu oia. He mu ka aiku. He mu ka aia. He mu ka ahula. He mu ka paani. He mu koko lana. I koko puaa I koko ilio I koko kanaka make He mu oia. He mu. October 1966 RR, Page 4 Fly, 0 Uli Fly, 0 Water! Here is Uli, Uli. Here is water, water. I fly to the realm of Kane, the bene volent, noiseless in the heavens. Heaven is appeased by the sprinkling. Light comes, he is gracious. He is gracious. Awed into silence are the uncermonious ones. Awed into silence are the atheists. Awed into silence are they who gather at the hula. Awed into silence are those who sport. Awed into silence are the hot-blooded one s. Give the blood of the swine! Give the blood of the dogs! Give the blood of a dead man! These are of God-like power. Of God-like power.
After cleansing the house and the family gathered there for the healing the mother retired to the bedroom where her daughter lay in shock. She took into the room with her the one son who was interested in carrying on the Kahuna Lapaau tradition in the family. He was a Kahuna. They closed the bedroom door and went to work while the rest sat quietly in the living room, praying. Fitzgerald couldnt say for sure what went on in there. He did hear some chanting. I suppose both the mother and the son made mag netic passes up and down over the unconscious form on the bed. After an hour or so the bedroom door opened. The mother said the ceremony was finished. There was the daughter sitting up in bed, fully conscious intact, as though nothing had happened to her. She said she was hun gry and food was given her. THE SACRILEGIOUS HAOLES Floyd wants to learn the Kahuna practices but his mother-in-law doesnt quite trust him. He is a talkative haole, white man; so he cant be trusted with the Secret. He will desecrate the .sacred Myster ies by discussing them and analyzing them with this friends, according to their view. But, this Navy chief is learning the principles of Hawaiian magic from Max Freedom Long; so he may understand them better than his mother-in-law; but without the actual practice and the ne cessary purification, dedication, and drill in concentration he will never be a successful healer. Over the years he may win her confidence to where she will gradually divulge some of the secrets to him. Only time will tell. To my knowledge there is only one Hawaiian Kahuna who is willing to teach their science to white men and that is Daddy Bray. He isnt pure Hawaiian because he has both Yankee and Hindu blood in him. I believe one of his immediate ancestors was an American ship captain who married an East Indian girl. I tried to get acquainted with Hawaiians in those years I was there and got nowhere. I was too young and impatient to take the time and trouble to develop such a close relationship as is necessary. Then vhen Mr. Longs "Secret Science Behind Miracles'* was recommended to me and I read it, I knew fa*' more about Hawaiian magic than does the average Hawaiian. But when you start asking a Pagan magician why his stuff works, hell very likely tell you to shut up. You have to ap prentice yourself to him without question, just as Dr. Nelson Decker apprenticed himself to Tony Agpaoa in the Philippines. In the Master Craftsmans aura you learn by wrote. You gradually soak up his way October 1966 RR, Page 5
of doing things. Finally the apprentice is ready for initiation; the ' laying on of hands bestows te "apostolic succession; there is a trans o fer of spiritual power. But in addition to learning by doing, the thinking white man has to know why. and how, power is evoked to do useful work. He is not satisfied with just rule-of-thumb methods. We must work from a higher level of consciuusness. All of our Pagan lives, in primitive societies, are behind us. To submit to these earlier, more primitive ways of doing things other than for a brief learning period is retrogres sion, going backward* THE PATIENT WHO REFUSED TO GET WELL The healing power of the Christ, in psychic surgery, was demon strated to me 30 years ago in Minneapolis. That was where I did my first psychic research. While working at Minneapoiis-Honeywell Company as a trucker, I ruptured myself. While home sick with the injury I was told I would be healed at night during my sleep. I was healed. This kind of background of experience gave me a sustaining faith in spirit* ual healing., It was during my Hawaian experience and study that I de cided to try my own hand at mind over matter. I chose as my subject a paraplegic, a 30-year-old woman who had suffered polio at the age of nine. Consequently she had never develop ed a normal, adult body. She weighed only 60 pounds, had only partial use of her left arm, and was cared for by her parents almost like a baby. She had a brilliant mind, however, was a fair painter; and I hel ped her market some of her writings and poetry. She agreed to the experiment and loaned me a portrait picture of herself as a magnetic contact for the absent treatment. This was to be a demonstration of psychokinesis. The distance involved was five er six miles. She lived with her parents in Pearl Harbor housing. We lived on the opposite side of Honolulu toward Kairauki. Every night at 11, alone in a quiet room, I set her picture on a couch and visualized her lying there. I stood in front of the couch, leaned over and took her imagined hand, asked aloud that she sit up, then stand up; and I then walked her imagined form around the room and brought her hack to the couch again. There I imagined her sitting down, lying down, and thanking me for trying. This ended the ritual. I felt some reaction inside of me, as though power were being drawn and used. After about a week of this I discovered suddenly one night I could no longer focus on her. I tried several times without success and so gave up. It was about six weeks before I had to go out Pearl Harbor way on business, I stopped by her house. She was home of course, and lying on her special couch, with the electric typewriter and radio close by. During our conversation I told her, rather apologetically, how I had carried on the healing experiment for a week or so and had to give up. She wondered if that wasnt about the time she had had a most unusual experience. October 1966 RR, Page 6
Her folks had gone to the show that evening and she was alone. It was about 11 ofclock that she suddenly had an irresistible urge to turn and sit upright, with her feet hanging down over the edge of the couch. This was something she couldnt possibly do by herself and had not doner, without help and support, for 20 years! She pinched herself to make sure she was awake and not dreaming. "For the first time in my life," she told me, ,I saw the adult f world as you see it, with all its trouble and responsibility. I sud denly realized I didnt want that, not ever! So I turned and thank fully lay down again, and waited for ray parents to come home." WHAT SAYS A KAHUNA? 1948 was the year Max Freedom Long first published "Sccret Science Behind Miracles". Max was one of the first members of BSRA two years earlier and when he learned of Mark Proberts exceptional trance mediumship he suggested to Meade Layne, director, that the San Diego group ask for contact some time with a Hawaiian Kahuna through Mark. The opportunity for such a contact occurred in August 1948. Meade asked the Inner Circle if they could bring a Kahuna to talk to them through Mark, one who could understand and speak English. The follow ing is from BSRA 8-C of the Seance Memoranda, 91 pages, mimeo, $1.25. "Are you one of the Kahunas?" asked Meade after they could see that a new control had taken over. "I am. My Teachers, my Masters now say I come talk with you make more clear teachings." "We are very grateful," replied Meade. "Could you speak to us abotit the way you accomplished instant healing?" "Is same as mastery of fire-walking, given to some one who does not even believe it can be done! It is giving different force to another giving mind-substance that is clean, is good. "If you were to heal a broken ankle," said Meade, "would you form a mental image of a perfect ankle?" "Yes." "What more would you do?" "Forming in mind a perfect bone you make a pattern, a good one. You change broken mould for complete mould." "Into this mould you particles of dense matter by your will?" "Yes, by the will, by the power of the mind. You change the vibratory rate, like making new cells in the body," "Is this what take3 place in so-called miraculous healing?"
!Yes, same thing." , "Is this what Jesus usedi" asked Dr. Cosman. "You people of white race; you do not have the faith we have. Your teacher, Jesus, said, Unless you become like little children you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.' All he means was to fix your mind so you receive understanding." "We are trying to use this healing art," said Meade. "Believe, please believe me, peoples. Thought is substance? In a country long plaace from here is natives in bush. They have thing they throw? Boomerang? It comes back and kills you? So your thought, because it is energized substance, does same thing." "Is it right to invoke the Aumakua in acts of worship?" "Aumakua is great man, great Lord, Great Mind or protector of body.A "Before the power can flow to Uhane, the Middle Self, must the channels of Unihipili, Che subconscious self, be cleared?" "Yes," replied the Kahuna, "must be cleared of not thinking of yourself, that you are guilty of doing this or that." "You mean the clearing of the guilt complexes?" asked Meade, "that they must be cleared before the power can descend?" "Yes, or else you have a block of which there is no getting through. Please tell Mr. Long our peoples are very, very happy to him for bringback allteachings of Hawaiian peoples to present peoples. The white man is very high in mind and can understand and have to work different law of our teaching. Much better have this present generation than any generation which was ever on earth." BLESSINGS FROM ON HIGH Healing starts from within and above, from the Christ-Self, or as the Kabnna would say, from the Aumakua. For Catholic Tony Agpaoa in Manila it is the Holy Spirit that does the work. Above the Holy Spirit on the Tree of Life is the Son, the Christ, and above Him, the Father. This is where the Power really comes from and it cant get down into you, the personality, if it is blocked by complexes. You might conceive of these complexes as ugly thoughtforms of past misbehavior, in your aura. So the first essential is to remove the complex, if there is to be a real cure. If you cannot or will not face up to these complexes you really dont want to be healed, and there are millions like you in this world. Any general medical practitioner will tell you this. People dont want to do what is necessary to get well; they just want to be patched up so they can go on living in the same old way, continuing to indulge their vices. This is the meat-and-potatoes of medical practice here in the
United States. The doctor knows very well that youll be back in two or three months for another dose of pain-killer. So dont be so foolish as to expect that any doctor, any Filipino psychic surgeon, any Kahuna Lapaau, or any New Age healer here in Cal ifornia is going to cure you, or cure anyone else of anything, if in your heart you dont want to get well. Remember, the heart is the Sun or Christ-center in the body. The surgeon, whether psychic or orthodox MD, can correct organic difficulties you have created; but if you havent experienced a change of heart if you havent forgiven yourself or those who have wronged you you will re-create the same disease again or another one some where else in the body* PSALMS 103S3 I told you of successful "psychic surgery" performed on me 30 years ago in Minnespolis and long forgotten until this year 1966. I purchased a bicycle early this year and for exercise make the threemile round trip downtown several times a week. Several routes are open to me and one includes a fairly steep hill close to our home in Vista. In a few weeks of riding I was in good enough condition to as say this hill, standing up all the way. But my triumph was short-lived; for a few hours afterward I was painfully aware that the long-forgotten rupture had opened up again* This re-opened the memories of the time and circumstances of the ori ginal injury. My work then was to move batches of material through the H o n e y w e l l plant by hand truck. Some stupidvisor was annoyed by the noise of the iron truck wheels on the paved floors of certain cor ridors, He ordered a black-top compound spread on the floor to soften the sound. For two or three days we truckers were damning management with every straining step we took, pulling our trucks through the goo. This was the physical and emotional combination which caused the break. That break was perfectly healed 30 years ago but the complex was not worked out of my system. Now, in going over the situation again I was startled at the flood of pentup anger and bitterness which swept out of me in a session of self-psychiatry. But now it was easy to forgive the stupidvisor and to forgive myself for ay youthful lack of self-control. This apparently cleaned out the complex associated with that old injury To put it in religious terras, I sought and received the for giveness of the Christ; for the rupture has gradually healed itself. I can now make that hill in good shape without painful after affects of any kind. The Eeman Screens, music and color helped in the healing. "Bless Jehovah, 0 my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless Jehovah, 0 my soul and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities. Who healeth all thy diseases." Psalms 103:1-3 October 1966 RR, Page 9
CHRISTIANS HAVE A MORAL OBLIGATION TO BE INTELLIGENT! By Rev. George W/ Goth Metropolitan United Church of London, Ontario
Modern man is terrified by the winds of change in the 20th Century. He has an insatiable nostalgia for the simpler days of the frontier. The complexities of these days give him nightmares. He likes those persons, in public life, who repudiate all ambiguities and divide us into the good guys and the bad guys. We are threatened with the return of the demon of the absolute. The Americans are good. The Communists are bad. Christian leaders today are putting great stress on ecumen icity. They argue that Christians, regardless of distinctions, must come together. To be sure, no Christian can afford to disassociate himself from the growing spirit of understanding which exists between the various branches of the Christian church. The hour has passed for the hurling of thunderbolts and anathemas against those Christians who dont belong in one particular fold. Barry Goldwater and the John Birchers notwithstanding, most responsible men and women accept co-existence between the East and the West. The al ternative is war. We are confronted today, with the peril of the mass mind. The danger will not come from radicals and deviates. It is more likely to come from those who would compel us to fit in to their little beds. The pressure for conformity can be felt everywhere. Individual ity is being smothered by the togetherness boys who want to smooth down and polish up until all distinctions have been removed. The Church, too, appears to be afflicted by this mania for a mon olithic oneness. The emphasis seems to be on bigness-. We have to get together, we are told, in 'order to combat communism. Surely, bigness is no guarantee of creative power. If the price of unity means a ton ing down of convictions and standards, in order to reach the lowest common denominator, we may have to take another look. Let me illustrate what I mean by some quotations from a letter which I received. The man who wrote these words calls himself a Chris tian. He is a hate-monger. "You," he writes, "are a whited wall, a sepulchre full of all uncleanness, even though the outer facade appears to be sanitary. You are a child of Satan, by choice. I hope you have no family as, no doubt, they also will go to Hell. You are on your way to Hell in a bobsled." Dont dismiss this as the hysterical babbling of a half-wit. . My files contain scores of letters from right-wingers and funda mentalist clerics who desecrate the name of Christ in their claims to some silly absolute position. Only recently, at a service club lunOctober 1966 RR, Page 10
cheon, a minister, whose church imports evangelists fncm the Bible belt in the United States, made the statement.that he had incontrovertible proof that Martin Luther King was a member of the Communist party. It isnt only the Republican party that is threatened by extremists. We have them in the Christian Church. Please dont tell me that because they call themselves Christians, I have to accept them as brothers in Christ I HATE IN THE NAME OF JESDS These two illustrations should serve us as a warning. We are con fronted with an alarming number of these Neanderthal types who spread their poisonous vapor and hate in the name of Jesus. These self-styled evangelicals, by and large, sympathize with their perverted brethren in the Southern States who believe in, and practise, segregation. They identify liberalism with communism, an enlightened Christianity with atheism and tolerance with heresy. The New Testament proclaims love as the way of life. Jesus is the norm for those who accept Christianity. He who abides in love abides in God. He who spawns his twisted doctrine of hate and suspi cion against a Martin Luther King, a John F. Kennedy, a Jew, or anyone who refuses to accept his paranoiac barbarism is not of God. I am not proposing a holy war against these apostles of discord. I am prepared to co-exist with them in the same way that I believe we should co-exist with communists, segregationists, and fascists. But I will not, forthe sake of questionable unity, join hands with these people and pre tend that vast differences do not exist between us. They say that I am a whited sepulchre. One of their leaders, in the United States, suggests that I should withdraw from the ministry of the church. They are the only ones who know Gods will on these matters. The Bible tells them when the world is coming to an end. They look upon the United Nations as the advance guard of a communist take-over. Their spokesmen, in the Southern States, come to their church conventions in Canada, and toll us that segregation is the will of God since it has the sanction of the Holy Scriptures. These people, usually with littleknowledge and less charity, know who has been saved. They have blueprints of heaven and hell. They fume and rant against anyone who uses his mind in an interpretation of the Bible. The mighty achievements in science, industry and learning since Copernicus have made no impression upon these human dinosaurs. It isnt necessary to go into details about those who preach hell fire and damnation. One can hear their sanctimonious belching on a Sunday evening. They prey upon the credulous and fearful. They ex ploit the weak by concentrating upon their feelings of emptiness and insecurity. Then they wrap up their message in the sickening slogan that, if we come to Jesus through their slanted vision, we shall be given a passport to heaven. These pied-pipers have been attacking the established churches for over half a century. If a Christian has any affinity with the modern mind he is consigned to the outer reaches of hell. Bishop James Pike of California has said that these people seem to know so much more than he knows. He admits that we see through a glass darkly. The Christian fundamentalists, like the John Birchers, October 1966 RR, Page 11
are under no such handicap. The Ultimate Vision has been given to them. All others must be cast intp outer darkness where there will weeping and gnashing of teeth. HONEST TO GOD, WE SHOULD BE HONEST It is suggested that Christians of all ilk must get together. Why? I do not speak the same language as these people. Their God is not my God. Their understanding of the Bible is alien to my training and beliefs. Their harsh conviction that anyone who isnt a Christian is going to hell runs against my belief in a God of love. I accept, for myself, the Christian revelation. I believe that Jesus Christ can be likened to a window who opens to us the wonder and beauty of Gods purpose and character. He who has seen him has seen the Father. But, I have a profound respect for the adherents of the great nonChristian religions. I have talked to Moslems, Jews, Buddhrsts, and Hindus. I am prepared to say, without apology, that I have more in common with a Radhachrisnan of India, a Martin Buber of Israel, and even a Bertrand Russell, than I have with those whose fanaticism would make God over in their own puny image. My critics say that we ougbt to keep these differences behind closed doors. I disagree. The time has come to stand up and be count ed. We should be honest honest to God. This does not mean that each word, having gone through many translations, represents the exact, literal word of God. The liateralists are lacking in faith. They in sist upon proof. Jesus said that only wicked and adulterous people would demand signs and wonders. Moreover, I cannot pretend that these right-wingers and I are one * in Christ since we differ in our approach to Gods world. The authori tarians seem to hate Gods created world, although many of them have accumulated big chunks of the earthly pie. Their ideas and values bother me. They say that dancing is a sin. Segretation, on the other hand, is acceptable to God. It is wrong to go to a movie. It is quite in order to take a great hymn, jazz it up and turn religious services into jamborees. Frankly, since I believe in the Kingdom of God on earth, I am not persuaded that this would be a better place if we were to achieve the kind of salvation that these people offer. Narrowness and bitterness have never been a part of Gods program. There seems to be more hatred in Alabama and Mississippi than anywhere else in the Christian world. There is more talk about salvation there than in any section of North America. So, I throw down the gauntlet to those who are outside the mainstream of the Christian tradition. I do not believe that the United Nations was conceived in sin. I do not believe that the World Council of Churches is an apostate org anization, I do not believe that Moslems, Jews, humanists, agnostics and questioning Christians are riding a bobsled to hell, I do not be lieve that the thnught-forms and searchings of the contemporary mind must be condemned. The Bible encourages us to worship God with our October 1966 RR, Page 12
minds. I do not believe in some illusory second coming of Christ. I cannot believe that the creator plans to destroy the good earth and the whole temple of mans achievement in history. "PERFECT LOVE CASTETH OUT FEAR I do not believe in the leadership cult. No one, and this means our opinionated evangelists and preachers, is good no one but God. Apart from an American political convention, can you think of anything more of an affront to our dignity than some immature evangelist, with a guitar, who offers us salvation in a one night stand? If I sound belligerent in this article, I am sorry. My only de fence is that there can be too much compromise with false teachings. Fascism triumphed in Germany and Italy because decent people didnt take the trouble to oppose it. So, too, everything that is healthy, intelligent and good in Christianity could be lost, by default, if we allow the hate-mongers and the fanatics to have a monopoly of this mighty faith. Surely, an interpretation of Christianity which caters to our fears, our ignorance and our suspicions cannot have much in com mon with him who said; "Perfect Love castech out fear." It isnt good enough to dismiss these people with the oft-heard comment: "Leave them alone. They are Christians, too, and they are sincere." Sincerity is not necessarily a Christian virtue. Hitler was sincere. Our mental hospitals are crowded with sincere people. Sincerity should be coupled with integrity and charity. There is a moral obligation to be intelligent. We are living in a pluralistic society. The old absolutes are gone. A new world is struggling to be born. Christians do not have all the answers. God can make himself known through non-Christians. The scientists, the agnostics, the humanists and the peoples in Asia and Africa will make their contribution, too. Bigotry and ^elf-right eous claims will do little to advance Christs kingdom. Christian separatists are creating pockets of misunderstanding and suspicion. I will not march with these people in my procession. God has made of one blood all the peoples of the world. There are no end of individuals outside the Christian Church whose purposes and values I respect. I am united, in depth, with Dr. James Robinson, the Negro crusader for Crossroads Africa. I admire the writings of Julian Huxley, scientist and humanist. I shall not forget a quiet evening in Belgrade when I discussed the problems of a new Europe with a Communist professor of the humanities. He wa9 gentle and humble. God is love. The enemy is fear, hatred, fanaticism and exclusive ness. Anything which prevents me from appreciating the dignity and religion of others is not of God. A new world is struggling to be born. Communists will play a part in this undertaking. Jews, Arabs, Que beckers, Africans and Asians will be called upon to make their contri bution. It is too much to ask that this would be Christian, Moslem, socialist, capitalist. It is mere likely to be a mosaic. Those who insist upon an absolute will destroy the last best hope of earth. October 1966 RR, Page 13
I shall continue to work for understanding and an appreciation of the differences within the churches. I will not pretend that all those who go by the name of Christian must put on a united front against the world. My position is flexible and cooperative with men and women of good will everywhere. I do not ask or expect them to become my type of Christian. I shall continue to respect the diversities of culture and belief which exist in this wondrous creation. I shall continue to op pose the lilliputian creatures whose arrogance and one-sidedness would reduce everyone to the level of the ant heap. I am hopeful that God has in store for me a destiny which, at the moment, I have not achieved. I am equally certain that he doesn't expect me to chop off my head and carry it around in ray arms in order to qualify for his kingdom. * * *
THE CHALLENGE OF HEAVENLY HARDWARE To refute our government's ridiculous claim that not one piece of an interplanetary spaceship has ever been found, Dan Fry, head of Understanding, Inc., has in his possession a piece of a Flying Saucer. He says the metal is magnetically permeable. An Alnico magnet will pick it up. It is a flexible material and very easily bent. Mr. Fry has repeatedly challenged any group to take this Flying Saucer artifact and have it analyzed by a competent research organiza tion. His offer is this: If the testing orgnization verifies his claim that this material is a combination of minerals impossible to be combined or manufactured here on earth, he, Dan Fry, will pay the cost of the analysis. He is willing to be bonded if necessary to guar antee the payment of the bill. If, on the other hand, the testing organization proves that the artifact was manufactured here on earth by known methods, the person or group challenging Dan's claim must pay the bill for the analysis. Dan made this offer or challenge on Long John's radio program from New York City seven or eight years ago, and later from KFI in Los An geles. No one took him up on his offer. Later, he loaned the artifact to Major Keyhoe's NICAP group in Washington D.C. for testing. A year later he visited NICAP headquar ters in the nation's capitol. The artifact was laying there on a desk, untouched and untested. Dan quietly picked it up and placed it in his pocket without comment. It seems that this would have been a great opportunity for Major Keyhoe to have had analyzed and presented to the public a tangible piece of hardware from outer space, to back up his own belief in Flying Saucers. But, if the test had verified Dan Fry's claim, it would have put Keyhoe in the position of backing up the story of one Flying Saucer contactee, and this Keyhoe apparently is not will ing to do, as yet. * * * SPACECRAFT FROM BEYOND THE SUN - The title of the Director's latest UFO talk, to be given Sunday afternoon, 3 p.m., Oct. 30th, at the 10th An nual Northerp California Spacecraft Convention, Hotel Claremont, Berke ley, California. October 1966 RR, Page 14
THE SUN BEHIND THE SUN Excerpted From "Letters From Christopher" He was an 18-yaar old English schoolboy. He drowned in the north Atlantic in 1943. He was returning home to England from America. The convoy of ships in which he was a passenger was sunk by enemy action in April of that year. His mother, Ruth Tristram, was a "sensitive" from birth. Another son, Lancelot, had died at an early age. She had been in communication with him for several years at the time of Christophers death. There was shock and lose, of course, but no grief. The necessary work of Samael, the Angel of Death, held no terrors for her. Death is a change, not an end. So Mrs. Tristram was not surprised when, during a quiet time only one month after recieiving word from her government that the boys ship was "greatly overdue", she felt her sons consciousness blending with hers. It was June 3, 1943. "Yes, I am here, Mummy darling. I am being instructed in my new life. I was afraid of death but I was glad when it was over, and I had to be in a place of quiet for a long time till I lost my fears I am longing to be with you again and Dad aad be at home. It is funny to be like this not able to make you hear when I speak to you, and all my plans of going into Dads regiment are upset, but I suppose they will let me help a bit even here. I have guides who are helping me to find my way about. It is all very confusing at first, because you see I never thought of coming into this funny sort of life. . . I thought If I died I should be floating about in the clouds somewhere, but I am in quite a solid sort of life only you cant see it yet, but quite real. I will you more about it next time, but they say I must go now. I dont know who my guides are but they are very nice to me and help me all the time. Goodnight, Mum, from Chris." Young, eager to live and learn, and to take his part in the great war, Chris soon became an Invisible Helper. Because he had known fear in the sinking of his ship, and his drowning, he could sympathize with the soldiers of both sides. He rapidly learned to choose healing col ors with his active mind, and to direct these healing rays into the auras of soldiers who were obsessed by fear. He worked with those in the flesh and with those who came out of shattered bodies with shat tered minds and emotions. In two years of earth time Christopher had progressed so well in his work as a Color-Ray Healer that his Teachers decided to send him outside the solar system for advanced training. Lancelot broke the news to their mother on Easter Sunday, April 1, 1945. "Mum, darling, I am going to be more with you now Chris will be October 1966 RR, Page 15
SIRIUS, THE SUN BEHIND OUR SUN Map of Christopher's voyage into deep space. Our Solar System
away and helping about your cases and all that. Chris tells me he was giving treatment to several, and I Can go on with it on the same lines as he did. Chris is joining a stellar radiance course which will teach him complete control over ray products here and give him possibilities of higher development than he could by remaining here (on earth). . . You can count on me twice a week, Mum darling, and 1*11 come Saturdays and Wednesdays like Chris used to, shall I? . . THE VOYAGE INTO DEEP SPACE He was gone almost two months of earth time and made a surprise visit to his mother on May 27th: "You thought I was Lance, but I am Chris! I am coming overland so got home before Lance thought, and glad to be back, but had no end of a good time. Darling, it*s great to be home with you again and I did so enjoy our flowery walk, though you kept thinking I was Lance! Can we have time for a good talk or are you busy? O.K. "Now for a description of the starry skies! All I could do was gasp with wonder at first, but it was all natural after all, and no thing conflicts with ideas from our planet if we take it all as One Godl I am much grown in spirit as a result of the marvels of the Uni-* verse, and feel greatly better for it all. Can you visualise the mean ing of Christ*s birth here on earth? God indwelling Humanity? That is shown in other forms in the far distant stars, and He is creating and indwelling all. I was lost in wonder at His Great Love. "Let me tell you a bit of the lighter side of our journey. We were lifted by our combined wishes into a current of ray-force to as sist our efforts to leave the planetary system to which we belong. All spirits belong to their own planet until perfected, and it needs great desire to leave our sun's control; so this current was set in the di rection needed by our part by one of the higher controllers of our planet. I must mention my companions who were all from earth and most ly new to stellar space. I was one of the youngest in the band, though a few had joined our life in the war. HOur commander was a grand spirit, with years of experience and full of longing for the earth*s enlightenment, Cushna knows him well. His name on earth was - . Oh no you cant quite get it, C---. How queer I cant get it into your mind but you ought to know him. Charles Wesley, that*s more like it. Only you havent spelt it right, have you Later: . Now, Mumsie, have we time for a description of a glory of colour you cant conceive? We gathered speed on the current I spoke of before, till planets looked dim in the distance, and a star came nearer and nearer, showing as a great green ball, then paler and * bluer until left behind too. After what seemed hours (but time is un intelligible there) we closed in on our destination, the star Cereos or Sirius. Rays of glory penetrated our auras, and protecting hoods were pulled around our minds. Colours, Oh such colours. I have no words for the glory of them. Sirius is a home of radiant spirits who have evolved from many planets into perfection of love and beauty. God*s Presence was so near I fell on my face in worship. Oh Mumsie, October 1966 RR, Page 17
I cant describe it, only a fraction can be absorbed by your dear mind. Clear radiance all around. We were supported by our Leader and told to try to see after a time we got accustomed to the glory and filled with strength to learn what we camG to know. It concerns our little earth so far away yet home to all of us, and we then knew how far we had to grow before we attained the glory of spirits we saw. I cant explain what we were taught; it is too far from human words; but it has made me grow in spirit as I never before could have thought of. "Clear shilling hills of jewel colors, green mantle of soft light, glory of brilliant focus points of blazing light. Colours you cant get near in mind at all. God in all His Beauty. Oh, Mumsie, I .have been far and learned much. Some day you will know; more I cannot describe," TOUR OF THE SATELLITES The next day, or night, May 28, 1945, Chris returned again to tell his mother more of the interstellar trip, but still within our own Zodiac, the 15th Path, to Chokmah on tbe Tree of Life, ", . . After leaving Sirius we toured some of the Satellites around that great home of light. After Sirius they seemed so insignificant and shone with only his reflected light. I saw many forms of life on them all and curious some of them were too, indescribable in human words. Quaint living beings without any resemblance to earth forms so little that any words I might use would give a false im pression. They, the Satellites, circulate round Sirius as our planets round our sun, so they have day and night much as we on earth. Clouds were rare as few had any moisture or air as we know it. All have life but our scientists cant get the idea of airless life, yet most other planets are airless. May I stop and think it out a bit." May 29th. (Music on the wireless.) "Cant you write later? Do let's listen. You are so anxious for our talkl I T11 begin, but the Silent Minute comes soon. I want you to be very receptive and try to take in colours you've never seen] Coo, you nearly saw it! I never ventured to suppose you'd get so near! Let's have a big talk after Big Ben. Cant get you quiet before no good, Mumsie. (Pause for chimes of Big Ben in London, over the wireless.) Oh, I was surprised when you came on my wish wave just before Big Ben. You soared right over my head till I could scarcely follow you. Now shall we have a try to car ry you all the way to Sirius? "I meant to tell you more about our crossing but decide it is too difficult to describe. I cannot get words, but you imagine glory of self-luminous world is far beyond that of planets lighted by external rays. Silver-blue and amethyst are the only human colours I can name. No, there was green in many shades. I cannot describe contour, for there was no form as we know it. All was harmonious movement, a blend ing and forming to be swiftly changed at the volition of Beings whose home it was, unutterably beautiful. Beyond this a further depth I could not fathom in mind." (Here, at Sirius apparently, the 2nd Sephirah on the Tree of Life, Christopher got a glimpse of that 11th Path October 1966 RR, Page 18
leading to an even higher state of consciousness, Kether, the Crown of the Tree of Life. This is the Great Central Stillness of our Milky Way galaxy.) "I cant express it, Mumsie darling, it goes too far be yond words. We absorbed as much as we were individually capable of, and our guide gave us further directions to remove protective cloaks as we fell out of light into comparative dimness on to the Satellites in turns. PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BEESSINGS FLOW "Night on one of these. Queer beings bending in worship to God. All absorbed in praising Him from Whom they came. Not beautiful to earth thought of beauty. Impossible to describe. Lance might draw them, but it wouldnt convey the reality. Grotesque, I thought, but their minds had Love in them. Life was there in many forms but all completely alien to ours on earth. Our guide explained that all were within the aura of Sirius and therefore attuned to high vibrations we have no conception of on earth. "Each star has a different vibration of its aura and those within this are in bodies attuned to this. Can we go on a little? I wondered so much at all I saw that I failed to take in some of the teaching, so had to stay behind on one Satellite and miss out the next. My guide said it was not so important. Have you done higher mathematics? It was something like grasping the Calculus before one has learnt ones numbers. I just had to go back to learn a bit before I could go on. Now I think you had better stop and go to bed. I can see your mind is tired. Tomorrow sometime? Righto." May 31st, "Your cat is so affectionate. I can see his little mind working in love for you and Dad, Yes, I think we can manage without turning him off. nI want to try and focus your mind on another aspect of my tour that of taking radiance back to Sarth. We were not only learning, but helping conditions here by collecting radiance in our minds to flistribute here at home. You cant understand how this is done, but it follows as a matter of course on our attaining a certain stage of dev velopment. "The swift flowing current carried us on our return, but we made a halt at Orion where a few joined us who had not been so far. Orion is a peaceful star of great power; it is controlled by overseers of star systems who give out far reaching influence through the surround ing universe. Blue is the prevailing colour and overwhelming forces are in the blue rays which proceed from it. Very scientific they seem to be there with knowledge unobtainable by us. I was scarcely able to breathe there with so much wisdom all over the place. Orion came out of creation long before our sun was born well go on later, darling. Your mind was so nice and she smudged it all! However, Mumsie, you are wonderful clearing up so well. Gorgeous colours of thought pene-tration all over Orion and marvellous kaleidoscopic patterns of intri cate design. I have said blue was the prevailing colour, but other colours were there which you dont know. Human words arent much use October 1966 RR, Page 19
after leaving earth so I cant attempt descriptions. Our way home was interspersed with smaller stars all of great beauty; and some over, some under the radiance of our sun. I am glad to have seen it all, although I cant explain to you as I should like to," VAST MECHANISMS REACH OUT TO OTHER STARS June 3rd, 1945. "Can we go over to Orion for a few minutes? I am hoping to give you some idea of the dimensions of a visible part of the globe of marvellous creations. You keep thinking of clear blue, but that is not the colour at all. Blue of an opaque turquoise shading into green or white in parts, all illuminated by light given out in bands of colour from within. A million bodies the size of earth would scarce ly reach the circumference stretched into line. All beings are very high, and gifted with extradorinary intelligence, which makes our earth minds seem babyish indeed. Only kindness makes them receive us with gracious hospitality, and explain their vast mechanisms reaching far out to other stars. I was, of course, too small to begin to understand, but took in that help to others was the purpose of it all. . . " THE TREE OF LIFE Our roadmap of the Universe is the Tree of Life of the Western Mystery Tradition. With this as a guide it is easy to plot Christophv.** Tristram's 1945 escorted tour of the Zodiac, with the Central Sun if * the system, Sirius, as his destination. We hope hhe personal experience of this young Englishman will encourage others to take up the study of the Kabala. For this wonderful old system is designed to help the seeker free himself from the tomb of the flesh and range the cosmos at will, and equally important. to share Saturri his wider knowledge, powers and un derstanding with those who follow him on the Path of Life. Mrs. Ruth Tristram, the Mumsie of "Letters From Christopher", sent a review copy to Meade Layne in 1947. Apparently she had the little, 116page book privately printed, no price given. Her address is: Cox's Mill, Dallington, Nr. Heathfield, Sussex, England. If there were further com munications from Christopher, we would like to know it We have more material on the Sun behind the Sun and will try to get it into the Nov-Dee 1966 Round Robin Journal. It will also be in- corporated in our newest Flying Sau cer talk, "Spacecraft From Beyond the Sun", for the Convention at the Claremont, Berkeley, Oct. 30, 1966.
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OUR HAUNTED DREAM, THE WORLD From the "Parastudy Review", July-August issue, Chester Heights, Pennsylvania cores this report of Mark Proberts summer trip. "Parastudy members were treated to an unusual experience on July 6 when Mark Probert delivered a trance lecture during which an Inner Circle teacher from the higher planes took over and shared a number of occult and metaphysical views with the audience. Just before this teacher appeared on the scene Mark told us how he became a channel for this kind of work. During the 1940s he started talking in his sleep at night, in a strange, unknown language. Through the cooperation of Dr. Meade Layne, an expert psychic consultant, it was finally dtermined by various language scholars that some of what he was saying was in an cient Sanskrit. When English started coming through the channel for these odd manifestations, the source was revealed. A group of beings from the higher planes was testing him; and when his talents as a nat ural born trance medium were fully developed, he decided to beoome a channel for these beings to they could share their greatly extended knowledge of other dimensions of life with people on earth. For the next 20 years Mark traveled and lectured all over the United States. "At this point Marks foremost teacher took over and greeted the audience in a few words of Sanskrit before lapsing into English. The change in personality was amazing. The tone of the voice, the marked accent, the gestures, all were a complete transformation from the quiet rather unostentatious personality of Mr. Probett himself. This partic ular teacher had lived 500,000 years ago in the Himalayas in a City of Temples* where levitation was practiced. The lecture consisted of a discourse on the various branches of psychic phenomena, and the philo sophy relative to the many manifestations of life in other dimensions. "One of the points emphasized was the vastness of mind encompas sing these spiritual planes. Earth people, because of their conditioned and limited mental processes, cannot begin to grasp the significance of the tremendous expansion encountered in the spirit the ramifica tions of thought and feeling. It is unfortunate to reflect that our limitations are self-imposed,; our beliefs have locked the door and no body can open it but ourselves. "Man is in a more spiritually-fluid utate than he believes. The body appears solid but thought is flexible. To think of a place is to be there even though ones waking consciousness remains put. This phenomenon is greatly enhanced in the after-death state. Actually, this creation is the most gossamer of dreams. Man is a dreamer and haunts his dream, the physical world. If we could comprehend this our fears would vanish because we know that nothing can destroy us. The astral world is a mental condition, not a place. Everyone assigns himself to the state of consciousness commensurate with his evolvement, and this October 1966 RR, Page 21
continues after he has shed his earthly garment. Those who are lacking in understanding cannot go on but remain earth-bound until they arc pulled back into incarnation by unfulfilled desire3. The external world changes only a3 the individual changes. Hence, we do not have to tear around trying to change the world. We need only change ourselves. It would seem that the majority of mankind are victims of a magnificent delusion lasting for untold periods of time. In contrast to this State of ignorance there are higher, more comprehensive states of mind man can adopt if he chooses. Illumination, or awareness, will come in an instant if we ci.n only see it, / "Many different aspects of the psychic field were covered during the coursc of the evening. The techniques used by materialization me diums in seances were disclosed, including an explanation of the strain placed upon the system of the materialization medium. We were cautioned against trying to learn and acquiring enlightenment from those who have passed over. They do not know any more than they did on earth only something different. Man's finer bodies in relation to time and space were discussed. 'I am where my consciousness is. This observa tion does much to place time and space in their proper perspective. It is reassuring to know that man has at last stepped onto the ladder of mental evolution and is returhing to the light of wisdom and under standing." PARASTUDY SUPPLIES ESP TEACHERS Evidence that Parastudy members are actively pushing "mental evo lution" in the Chester Heights, Pa., area is in this brief note in their May 1966 "Review": "The success of the Adult Night School courses in ESP sponsored by Parastudy throughout the area was attested to by Haverford's completing registration for the class three days before registration night. The class totaled 60. A bit of consternation oc curred when the Wilmington Y.M.C.A. forgot to notify us they wished us to conduct another series of classes for the vinter term. Someone hap pened to observe an announcement of Parastudy-sponsored classes in their winter catalogue, which resulted in much last-minute scurrying around on the part of Parastudy to procure the necessary speakers for the right nights. With an ever-increasing interest in the ESP field, there indications that classes on these subjects may very well become a perm anent feature of local night-school activities." DESCARTES ON SIRIUS II? "Your Augu3t-Septemb3r Journal has a fascinating article on the Sirius System, You will be interested to know that a man calling him self Diaphantes claims he is in contact with Descartes (French Catholic philosopher and physicist of the 17th Century) on Sirius II. This may be the Sirius B in your article. If you or Mr,, Schultz wish to commun icate with Diaphantes, here is nia address: 642 No Thorne Ave., Fresno, Calif. 93728. Enclosed is v3.75 check for a copy of Flying Saucers Uncensored and The Invisible Rgality Behind Appearances. We enjoyed Mark Proberts visit here in June very much." Adele Darrah Westford, Mass. October 1966 RR, Page 22
THE PASSING OF HAROLD KINNEY "I was saddened and many of you tfill be, too to hear of the recent death of Hr. Harold Kinney of Los Angeles. Mr. Kinney, who in the early 1950s learned from the distinguished magazine Arizona High ways* of the use by native Indians and Mexicans of the Gobernadora desert herb for relieving many rheumatic and arthritic conditions -and who found that it cured him had made it his major life interest to supply this herb to others who found it helpful. He would take his pickup truck to the desert and throughout a long, hot day strip the leaves and small twigs from the Gobernadora bush (scientific name, larrea divarticata); then drive the 100 miles or more back home, where the pickings* had to be cleaned and dried for several weeks. This cured herb (cresote bush. RHC) he would then package and make available at a ridiculously low cost to anyone asking for it. At first he charg ed $1 for a sackful, which could be brewed into two or three quarts of tea. Later, as the demand grew and he had to hire Indians to help him gather the raw herb, he had to raise the price to $2.50 the sack. "As our longer term RRFA members know, I finally tried this herb for a traumatic arthritis which had become both painful and actionlimiting, and was healed. I brought this report in November, 1962 (Indix: VII-20-a through i), and a two-year later follow-up Dec. 1964 (VII-20-j,k) after various of our own members who had tried it had sent me their reports. A year or more ago the post office department forbade Mr. Kinney from stating that the herb was sometimes helpful in rheumatic and arthritic conditions. I only trust that, in scientific pursuit of truth as well as in common decency, the proper authorities of the Food and Drug Administration, and the proper medical research groups, were advised that here was a simple method which helping and even curing many persons. I know Mr. Kinney helped many persons at essentially no profit to himself. The reward to which he has now gone is doubtlessly enhanced by his service while among us. And we send him our thankful and loving appreciation still yet, even as we did while he walked among us. "A card dated Aug. 25, telling of Harold*s passing, stated that the herb could be received as long as supplies last, from L. Mills Beam, P.O. Box 3146, Inglewood, Calif. 90304. Two sacks Gobernadora, $5. postpaid." Rev. Franklin Loehr Religious Research Foundation of America, Inc. 189 Carter Road, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Let us ignore the lack of common decency in the Post Office Dept, and the Food and Drug Administration in slugging Harold Kinney with police state action, and thank Rev. Loehr for this eulogy of a Border land scientist who practiced what he preached. Harold, in his 60s, did use Gobernadora to cleanse his system of arthritic poisons, but it was cancer that finally made the physical body uninhabitable. Associ ates will be interested to know that Harold had the use of a Lakhovsky Multi-Wave Oscillator for a covple of years before the end which merely proves that the choice of whether or not to stay in the body is the prerogative of the soul, the Individuality or Higher Self, not the October 1966 RR, Page 23
personality. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he," said the Healing Christ. The heart i^ the Sun-center of Christ-conscionsness, not the mind. Two years ago in Los Angeles, Harold Kinney told your BSRA director that he was trtaying in the MWO field *5or as long as 45 minutes at a time! He must have known then that something was "eating" him. He also complained that the long stay in the MWO field made him dizzy. Of course, all that excess "mana" or vitality in his body would do that, too positive. He could have drained some of it off by ground ing himself aft~r the MWO exposure, to a water pipe, for instance. Whether you are being treated by an allopathic phy3ician and sur geon, by a psychic surgeon like Tony Agpaoa of the Philippines, or by an MWO, Vitic, or a set of Eeman Screens or diet, no phvsical crutch is going to effect a cure of a condition which starts in the mind or the emotions, or which started in the previous life! A disease which starts in the spirit must be cured by the spirit, and that spirit is the Christconsciousness as Tar as your director is concerned. WHAT SSYS ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE? I It was two years after his death in 1930 that Doyle came back through medium Grace "Minesta" Cook, to lecture again from a higher spiral of evolution, with New Age ideas on philosophy and healing. We quote from Chap. IX on the Healing of All Disease, from "The Raturn of Arthur Conan Doyle", published by The White Eagle Publishing Trust, Liss, Hampshire, England, price not given, send for list. " . . . The soul of man always possess foreknowledge of what is to happen, and power to accept or reject the kind of life which is offered to it. It is impossible for man with his very limited insight into these deeper matters to grasp the motive which induced a soul to accept and undergo a life of suffering, or even to glimpse the degree of suf fering that soul is undergoing. Still more must he refrain from judg ing that omnipotent Power which man, even when appalled by some horror he has seen, still tries to call good, God, the first great Cause; that Cause which seeth little children suffer and heedeth them not! "Over here we do not judge anyone; with broader vision we do not see a God vindictive or cruel in any aspect; but we are always aware of an infinite Love, a divine and compassionate Intelligence, ever mer ciful to nan. We see an All-wise Fatherhood ever giving His childrenpower of freewill to choose their path; a path which either by suffer ing or joy, by conquest over egoism and selfhood, ever wends its way upward and back into the supreme consciousness of the Cosmos wherein perfection dwells, . . The suffering so apparent around us cloaks a method of bringing a realisation of Gods supreme harmony, love and beauty into the consciousness of Gods creatures yes, even the least of them." The above selection, pertinent to our present subject, is a small sample of 200 pages of excellent metaphysical material. The ninth chap ter especially, lays the basis for New Age healing by combining color and astrology. Youll hear more about this in our Journal and in our lecture-demonstrations on Borderland Science, October 1966 RR, Page 24
THE PASSING OT LOUISE LONG v" 1 >" s r "REMEMBERING Louise, loved and greatly missed wife of Max Freedom Long. October 15, 1886 July 14th, 1966. After an illness of several months: anemia and cancer of the lungs. Added to the burden was partial blindness from cataracts, all sight being lost near the end. The escape was most welcome when it came, and the step into a fresh and perfect spirit body a joyous one. Louise always led the way, planning the vacations and little trips in between whenver we could get away from the d mands of business. It is quite in keeping that she has gone ahead to explore the new lands and beauties of the other side* side, and, undoubtedly, to plan for our trips across when our times come. With our partner of the years, Miss Ethel Doherty, I will con tinue the book business, at least for a time. Later we may decide to retire. . . also to finish the work with the Huna Research Associates. VIETNAM WAR END S Also from Mr. Longs Aug-Sept 1966 "Huna Vistas Bulletin we have 1 his comment on Cardinal Spellmans war in Southeast Asia: "Vietnam wars end was predicted on May 7th to be about 90 days off by the famous psychic, Jean Dixon, according to V. Barton writing in the June/ July issue of the Cosmic Star. . . I write these lines on Aug. 5th, so we have two more days to go to reach the date of Aug. 7th, which would make 90 days. Mrs. Dixon was speaking before an audience of the University of Southern California when questioned, and she said that the United States would make the peace but not on our terms. As you may recall, the Tarot Cards in my hands have long indicated that we would come out of the little end of the horn in this adventure. I have just cut the cards and the forced end of hostilities is indicated as of the very near future, with the three of hearts showing minor sadness at our having to give in. With the peace we seem to assume a heavy financial load. "Unfortunately, the cards do not give definite information to show what forces us to accept the peace not on our terms*. The major trumps, Justice and The Devil*, come up in the draws, the first sug gesting that the World Court or the United Nations may be instrumental in bringing about a truce, while the *Devil* would indicate some very unsavory influences at work behind the scenes. The *Devil* also seems to be an indicator of revolt and rebellion as well as the doublecross . . . Hunger and rage walk side by aide in much of the East; while greed and rage pair up in the West. At the very worst, one can imagine a man or group so filled with rage they would blast the earth out of existence just to get even with those who stand in the way of getting what they demand. History shows how men have slowly tried to work from savagery into rule by justice and law, but progress stopped and the clock turned back periodically by the outbursts of the savage, greedy and impatient *angry men* who blindly kick over the applecart. One wonders whether at this point in history men are going to listen to reason in the Vietnam situation, or chance the wrecking of civiliza tion (fragile as it is) to gain some ideological advantage. . . * * Over ten years ago the Yada di Shi*ite said the civilizationwreckers were planning cn fleeing to the moon! to escape the con sequences of atomic war. October 1966 RR, Page 25
\ HITTING THE HEALING TRAIL WITH THE MVO , !It would be appreciated if you would put an announcement in the ! next issue of the Journal that Dr. S.L. Jamison, D.V.M., N.D. (Gr.Br.) announces the opening of a practice of naturopathy in Santa Cruz, Cal ifornia, Write PO Box 2086 E.S.C., Santa Cruz 95060 for information. "The climate has changed greatly from the old burning-of-books days by the FDA. We cannot all stand back and wait for George* to do something. I have the advantage of a lot of training in a legitim ate field of allopathic medicine. Only a veterinarian would be able to make such a move and escape retribution for it. A regular M.D. would be branded a traitor to his fellows. "Our Universal Life Aquarian Center in Turlock is still in busi ness, same adress (PO Box 1002, Turlock, Calif. 95380) but no phone. My technical staff (one person, hai) is running it. No phone because it ran up costs. Since we do not charge, our income from the Aquarian Center is miniscule. I think we took in $30 one month for the high. I have moved to Santa Oruz to set up practice as a naturopath, using the M.W.O. unit, spiritual healing and diet along with naturopathy measures for the healing of old injuries and chronic degenerative diseases. There will be no charge if there are no results. Since my fees will have no legal status, this will be made clear to the people using the service so they will be under no compulsion to pay, even if results are satisfactory! "There are no incurable diseases but there are uncurable patient ! "With the MWO we have not gotten uniform results classified by the disease the patient had. About two out of ten people do not re spond to the MWO unit at all. You had just as well breathe on them. I strongly suspect that these people should consult an allopathic physican, M.D., as they would be helped better by conventional medicine. You might say our cases were selected, as people came to us in the last stages of sheer desperation conventional methods (including chiro practic) having failed, "Some of these (not many) also do not respond to the MWO. They usually respond to spiritual healing methods when this happens. This I have not figured out good as yet. Once in awhile an arthritic will claim to have been worsened by the unit. This occurs usually in an arthritic with arthritis in a number of joints. One treatment seems to break the poison loose in their body, and they fall like the wrath of hell about two days after. Get them in immediately and run them again, and everything is alright. "To sum it all up, I have got so I do not care what disease a per son has got as long as it is not an acute infectious disease, or a re cent stroke case. I have been afraid to try it on either of these as all we would need is for somebody to fall over dead while on the unit and we would be wearing striped suits or breathing HCN in a gasper cham ber, . . The unit regenerates the whole body." S.L. Jamison, D.V.M. October 1966 RR, Page 26
NATURAL HYGIENE, THE CURE-ALL FOR MANKIND * ' "About the health articles you publish from time to time, I m sure that if you would try it out you would find that Natural Hygiene stands head and shoulders about such systems or health helps as B-Cell Water, the Multi-Wave Oscillator, Effulgence of Flowers, Vis Yita Min eral, spiritual healing, hypnotism, etc. Better let me send you a sub scription to Dr. Sheltons Hygienic Review so you can start bringing this important health knowledge to another segment of the 190 million unhealthy Ameri as who need it so badly! "As you point out in your Journal some time ago, I m not at all happy as a conservative Natural Hygienist to be a bedfellow with the American Medical Association. However, you can rest assured that I m* not so unhappy with your liberal viewpoint that I van: y BSRA member ship cancelled." H.M. Lowe 1416 NW 32nd St Oklahoma City, Okla. 73118 A TIMELY WARNING FROM TREVOR JAMES "In the July Fate Magazine* James Crenshaw reports that plans are underway to bring Tony Agpaoa, the psychic surgeon of the Phillippines to the USA where, under *controlled conditions*, it is hoped he will remove all *doubt* as to his miracles. If Tony Agpaoa has friend of this stripe he certainly needs no enemies. Such a venture can yie?d nothing but the drivelling bewilderment of ignorant Americas at best. At worst and the worst is the likeliest probability the young mans good works may end in a welter of savage abuse from official sci ence and leave him not only broken-hearted and disillusioned, but stripped of the power that now manifests through him. "Dont Messrs Harold Sherman and William Henry Belk yet appreciate that nothing in this world approaches Big Medicine for sheer, malignant stupidity? How incredible it seems that Tonys friends are not only willing but eager and anxious to remove him from the scene of his min istry and expose him to the full force of the medico-scientific jugger naut, on its own grounds and on its own terms. "Photographs, motion pictures and responsible professional eye witness testimony are not sufficient for those who have seen Tony func tioning in his native habitat. There arises this irrational drive to have what he is doing accepted, i.e. approved and endorsed by some one in Authority. Authority is ideally possessed of a university de gree and speaks for some large, prestigious, thoroughly safe organiza tion. Past disastrous experiences with these allegedly controlled conditions shows that they are nothing more or less than a carte blanche for orthodoxys well-known penchant for mischief, chicanery and harrassment. Albert Abrams, the genius who set radionic medicine afoot, was an early victim of such controlled* conditions. The notor ious Chicago University *tests* of Dr. Ruth Drowns diagnostic and radiovision work were the scene of appalling and almost incredible chican ery. All of these reports were excluded from the official versions de October 1966 RR, Page 27
lightedly circulated by Big Medicinc. Wilhelm Reich suffered a simi- lar fate, at the hands of FeAerally-financed persecutors who never tried* to reproduce even one of Reichs numerous published experiments. These were all people well-grounded and experienced in American ways, and they all were crushed under the vicious heel of anti-Life orthodoxy. Does anyone seriously believe that an uneducated Filipino boy and his slack-jawed, pop-eyed American admirers can succeed where Abrams, Drown et al failed? THE BLIND LEAD7 NG THE BLIND "From an occult standpoint, Tonys friends are setting up an arrangement under which a motley collection of orthodox experts think that they can dictate to the spiritual world! In this age, where the functional world is bearing in on our own as never before, do these people think that their controlled experiments mean anything? I am reminded of the highly paid charlatans in our space effortt who babble neurotically to -he newspapers about how the Russians are sending un sterilized hardward out of this world to other bodies in space. They point with pride to their so-called clean rooms where electronic as semblers walk around in surgeons masks. They do not realize that every time they cross the room millions of etheric beings have to get out of the way! "Which brings us to the heart of this psychic surgery business. By his own admission, Tony utilizes a power which is conferred on him by spiritual beings. He is an example of the spiritual worlds tran scendental response to a crying human need that has been backed with prayer by the Filipino people in Tonys region. All such happenings must be seen as a totality. It is in the nature of mechanistic science and many so-called psychic investigators to fragment such happenings. Does he really have such powers?* He wouldnt do that under control led conditions! Or, Let us test him.* And they proceed to sunder him from all that sustains him and gives his work meaning and purpose. When the destructive deed is done, *1 always knew there was hothing to it. "Instead of rushing Tony to a controlled confrontation with the people least able to understand his work and with the greatest power to hurt him, Tonys friends would be well advised to spend a little time and effort studying the copious literature that deals with the etheric double. As any half-way informed borderland scientist knows, it is possible against a solid black background with fluorescent light ing to see with the unaided vision the rays that extend from the fin ger tips of the human being and which are undoubtedly the cutting agency in Tony's surgery. I have shown these rays to many medical doctors, and never saw any reaction in any of them save stupefied in credulity. By putting ordinary infrared film in a 10-fold Reich Orgone accumulator for a few days, it ought to be possible to record these etheric rays on film; and perhaps, make a comparison between those emanating from Tonys fingers, tongue and other extremities and those coming from normal people without his surgical power. "Unless the theory and fact of the human etheric double is introOctober 1966 RR, Page 28
r 4 duced into any presentation of Tonys power, it will never be understood. Even if all were to go right, and Tofty werre to survive controlled con ditions his promoters and friends would still have only a report on what it was, not hew it arises. If this element were injected into what is being done, there is a chance that the spirit beings involved would cooperate. As for being dictated to by alleged scientific ex perts and votaries of the medical juggernaut, they will undoubtedly have none of it, For my part, I expect nothing to come out of Tonys visit to the U.S. but chatter and bewilderment even if every fall of the dice favors the young Filipino. A wiser course is to leave him un molested in his ministry, where he is needed instead of exposigg him to the full force of a culture virtually dedicated to sickness and death.'1 Trevor James 17732 Forest Lane Huntington Beach, Calif. article See Trevor James /on etheric manifestations, "Col John Glenns Fireflies", in the December 1962 Journal. One of the best books on the etheric double is by BSEAssociate, Col. A.E. Powells "The Etheric Double", published by the Theosophical Press, Wheaton, Illinois, $3.00. You can prove the existence of your etheric double the very lifeforces of your body -- with the Eeman Screens. This invisible, dynamic stuff flows like electricity. You can also get an extra charge of this vitality from Vitic, the carbon and magnet, all described in earlier Journals. NORMALIZING A PAINFUL CONDITION THROUGH BORDERLAND RESEARCH "I have been doing a little experimenting with the relaxation cir cuit of the Eeman Screens. I also tried the technique described in your letter, of putting the carbon on the floor and the sore, bare heel on the carbon, and holding the iron rod of my Vitic device in the hand. I did this for about an hour one evening and the next day the heel felt different. It was still sore but it seemed that some change had taken place for the better. I noticed no difference when the right hand or left hand was used on the iron rod. Continuing the treatment two or three more times, and also using the Eeman Screens in bed, I find the heel much improved as of this date in fact it seems nearly normal. I have played several games of badminton lately with no ill affect. Enclosed is a clipping of a UFO sighting in this area, it seems to fol low the usual pattern of acceptance." Donald G, Brunner Minot, North Dakota Associate Brunner might have achieved a balancing of life forces even more quickly if he had used the carbon and magnet in conjunction with the Eeman Screens. This adds outside power to the relaxation cir cuit! Try it. Sit in a deep, comfortable chair where you can lean your head back against the upper Screen, handle to left hand of course. Place the lower Screen on the floor under your bare feet. Place the carbon rod under your bare feet also and dont cross them. Then in your right hand or left hand hold the magnet or the iron rod of the Vitic device. If this combination is strong, stay in circuit only a moment. October 1966 RR, Page 29
THE UNIVERSAL CURE FOR ALL DISEASE . No talk on healing the ills of mankind would be complete without direct reference to the High Self, Kether on the Tree of Life. .The triune powers of the I Am manifest at a lower level through the heart, This is Tiphareth on the Tree of Life, the Sun, representing the Christ consciousness in each individual. Allopathic medicine and electronic gadgets can only relieve symptoms until you reach an understanding with the Divine in you, the Cosmic Physician. For the mass of people these transcendant ideas are incorporated in myths and legends by the Teachers of the race. In the Mother Goose stories, for instance, Prince Charming is the High Self. The Magic Garden is the physical world. There lies the Sleeping Beauty who for a hundred years has lain under a magic spell. She represents the per sonality entombed in the flesh. The kiss of Prince Charming, your High Self, awakens the sleeper, you, to your own Divinity. In cur talk, "Psychic Surgery in the Philippines, Bible Kahunas in Hawaii, and Body Energizers in California, we use the wonderful music of Ravels "Mo ther Goose Suite" for background for the following readings, specific ally, the "Magic Garden" movement from the Suite. Here is one wonderful verse from the Bible. If you chant this over and over again in the privacy of your meditations, it will put you in touch with the Divine Physician in you. Try it, Revelations 3:20: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him and sup with him, and he wtth me." THE INVOCATION TO THE FLAME Far more dynamic is the powerful Invocation to the Flame. This mantram out of our Western Mystery Tradition goes back to ancient Egypt, to the Atlantean adept Osiris, himself a messenger from the Sun behind the sun, Sirius. The Comte de Gabalis taught it to the Abbe de Villars in Paris in 1670. We found the Invocation in the English translation of this enigmatical piece of Ancient Wisdom: "I call upon Thee, o Living God, radiant with illum inating fire. 0 unseen parent of the Sun? Pour forth Thy light-giving power and energize thy Divine Spark. Enter into the flame and let it be agitated by the breaths of Thy Holy Spirit. Manifest Thy Power and open for me the Temple of Almighty God which is within this fire? Manifest Thy Light for my regeneration, and let the breadth, the height, the fullness and the crown of the Solar radiance appear, and may the God within shine forthj" * * *
The full, hour-and-a-half tape recording of the talk is available from BSRA hdq, on a 5 in. reel, Monaural, 3 3/4 speed, $4,50 postpaid. * October 1966 RR, Page 30 * *
r * MOMENT OF TRUTH FOR J. ALLEN HYNEK, WE HOPEI Associate Jean Taneyhill, Washington, D.C, sends us this Chicago Sun-Times news item appearing in the Washington "Post" for Aug. 29th: "J. Allen Hynek, recognized as the nations leading authority on unidentified flying objects, has criticized the American scientific establishment for failing to investigate the persistent UFO phenomenon. (And then be called frauds, dupes or racketeers by Hynek? RHC.) "Head of .he Northwestern University astronomy department and Air Force consultant on UFOs since 1943, Hynek detailed his criticism in an unpublished letter to Science Magazine, dated Aug. 1. He charged that American science has demonstrated a form of provincialism1 in failing to tackle one of the great mysteries of the 20th Century. Al though the Air Forces continuing military investigation shows that UFOs do not appear to threaten national security, the Nation needs a scientific inves"igation to dispel 20 years of confusion (to which Hynek and the Air Force have been the main contributors! RHC.). . . "Hynek said that only a negligible handful* of UFO reports were the products of hysterics and crackpots or cranks, that most are re ported by reliable, stable and well educated people, that some of the most startling reports have came from scientists, that many UFOs have appeared to be close at hand and were clearly visible, and that unex plained objects have been registered on radar and on film. . . I can not dismiss the UFO phenomenon with a shrug, Hynek said. I have be gun to feel there is a tendency in 20th Century science to forget the : there will be a 21st Century science." Note here that Gobbledegook Hynek gives no hint of the governments 18-year "silence policy" on Flying Saucers, nor of the fat research grants by which the Air Force has hired him as its official civilian mouthpiece. Under instructions from his Psycho-Political Warfare boss in the Air Force, Hynek has placed the blame for all of the Flying Saucer "confusion" on the civilian scientists. Perhaps this astronomer artist in flumduddery had hopes of heading the $300,000 UFO research project when he wrote his letter Aug. 1st; if so, his hopes were dashed on Oct. 7th when the Air Force announced from Washington, D.C. that the University of Colorado would undertake the 18-month, $300,000 stddy of reports of Flying Saucers. Dr. Edward U. Condon, physics professor at Colorado, will head the project. Perhaps this is becaase Hynek sacrificed his scientific credibility when he belched forth that "swamp gas" explanation of Michigan Flying Saucers last April. The Washington news item noted public criticism of the Air Force because of its "vested interest in downgrading authenticity of such (UFO) sightings and was withholding information from the public. As* signment of research to an independent outside agency is intended to still or at least mute such charges." There you have the real reason for the University of Colorado Flying Saucer research project, not to prove the reality of Flying Saucers, but to clean up the tar- nished image of the Air Force and its official spokesmen! That "si lence policy" will only be changed by powerful outside pressure. October 1966 RR, Page 31
V THE REVOLUTIONARY INFLUENCE OF URANUS A * "Behold, we make all things new!" say the aerial gods of Aquarius as the solar system carries the earth into new regions of the Zodiac. And what planet rules Aquarius, the Water-Bearer? It is Uranus, the planet of revolution and violent change. But in this day and age the changes are more likely to be mental and emotional, than physical, as we add a new dimension to consciousness by moving out into space. Heres an example of it in Dr. Gilbert Holloways Sept-Oct Newsletter: "Never ha>a the fields been so white unto spiritual harvest? In thirty years of touring the U.S.A. and ether countries we have never seen the public so hungry for Spiritual Truth. In all recent cities there have been as many as 200 persons desiring spiritual counsel that I could not possibly serve due to limitations of time and energy. In September in St. Louis over powerful radio station KMOX (CBS owned) we broke all records for telephone calls coming into the station, when 21,000 calls wer clocked on the mechanical computer during a one-hour ESP broadcast, and our grand total in six appearances at the station was some 81,000 callsj , . My new book ESP And Your Superconscious* is just off the press and our publisher, R.C. Allen of Best Books, Inc., in Louisville reports that 1100 books were sold the first few days. We are hoping and believing it will become a best-seller. If you would like a copy send your check for $4.75 to our home office in Miami, New Age Church & School of Truth, 1900 SW 27th Ave., Miami, Fla. 33145." ESP, THE SPACE-TRAVEL PROBLEM Our own printed contribution to the borderland science of ExtraSensory Perception is the 47-page, illustrated, mimeo brochure, "ESP, the Space-Travel Problem". In this we analyze the changes in conscious ness induced by space travel. Gemini 4 Astronaut Ed White experienced dual consciousness twice during his four day space trip. He saw his body in its pressure suit in the contour chair. "It was a strange thing," wrote White in Life Magazine afterward, "each of my dreams was reality, because I was sound asleep and dreaming that I was doing what I was doing at the time sitting in my seat while Gemini 4 orbited." We give many important references for further study, and there are practical suggestions for developing ESP in this $1.25 BSRA brochure. INNOCENT III, HIS LAST YEARS One of our first sustained attempts in the use of ESP was the writing of this 98-page biographical sketch of the last years of one of the great Popes of the Middle Ages after his supposed death in 1216 A.D. It*s an adventure story, really, starting with Innocent*s kidnapping in the gardens of the Vatican, the stormy voyage across the Atlantic, and his self-imposed seclusion in a pagan temple on a Yucatan hilltop to the end of his days. Is it a true story? Who knows? I hope so. I do know that during my ESP experiments in "cosmic mediumship" I have been told, to my great surprise, that President Abraham Lincoln was a reincarnation of Innocent IIIJ As an example of the workings of the Law of Rhythm, connecting two historical characters in this way certainly arouses endless speculation, including my being chosen to write it? Mimeo book, 8^x11, $2.25 post and tax paid. October 1966 RR, Page 32
< * . The Director of BSRA here analyzes the UFO landing at Edwards AFB in 1954, the launching of an anti-gravity research program which will con quer gravity for us in another five years! There is a large section, illustrated, on occult chemistry and vortexian physics, on which tech nical and mental control of gravity can be established, including Dr. Puharichs famous Chapter 11 on PSI Plasma, from "Beyond Telepathy". New and old UFO sightings are illustrated and analyzed. Lao Tse of the Inner Circle tells us why UFOs are here, and M.K.Jessup relates what happened o him after his suicide in Florida in 1959, and his present mental work in science. 49 pages, 8^x11 mimeo, $1.25 THE LETTERS OF A LIVING DEAD MAN Thirteen radio dramas from the nationally famous (1915) Letters from the other side of the Veil by Judge David Patterson Hatch, adapted from the bo.k by your BSRA director. Youll find that these heart-warming, highly dramatic, deeply spiritual stories contain the profound philosophy of the Masters of Wisdom in easily understandable, shrewdly illustrated form. Read them for entertainment. Study them for enlightenment. Mimeo book, 95 pages, 8^x11. .................... $2.50 THE INVISIBLE REALITY BEHIND APPEARANCES By Riley and Judy Crabb Now in book form (mimeo book) we offer you the first three of a ser ies of lessons in Occult Science, developed by Americans for Americas , living within the Western Mystery Tradition. Each lesson has three sub-sections: 1. Theory, 2. Practice of Workshop, 3. Discussion. There are also many drawings and illustrations to help the imagination. There is an index. The material was developed in class work in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and in Carmel, Los Angeles and Escondido, Calif. There are drills in concentration, relaxation, rhythmic breathing and visualization. all necessary conditioners for controlled ESP or ex pansion of consciousness beyond the physical. The Ground Plan is the Kabala and Tree of Life of the Western Mystery Tradition. 95pp. $2.50
We continue our researches into the hidden life of Englands great Poet-Lawyer-Philosopher-Occultist-Statesman, with a romantic look at three harried days in 1597, July 26, 27 and 28. All London Playhouses were closed down by royal order of the Queen. A warrant was issued for the apprehension and ar rest of the writer of the Plays put forth under the name of William Shakes-peare. Actor Will fled for his life across the Channel and Francis Bacon tried to commit suicide at Gorhambury. But, there was the beauteous Lady Hatton to save him from his folly and to give him loving consolation. Mimeo book, 125 pages, illustrated. . . $2.50 IN NEED OF PSYCHIC SURGERY? The work of the Filipinos is wonderful but who can afford a trip to Manila? If you want to, or have to, bal ance your life forces through your own efforts, borderland science offers helpful experimental devices. Write to us for details. .October 1966 RR, Page 33
SPACECRAFT FROH BEYOND THE SUN * Even as the Flying Saucers are here to make an examination for the record, of the last days of this civilization; so are the Visitors here to oversee the birth of the Aquarian Age. Those who have our best interests at heart come from three places in the Zodiac: from Sirius, the Sun behind the sun; from the Oreat Bear; and from the Pleiades. There are interlopers from Orion and from the Little Dipper. We have nothing to fear from these latter if we live by the higher principles of Aquarian brother hood, cooperation and friendship. To convince earthmen of their reality, an all-out attempt was made by the Visitors in the 9th Century in France. They failed. Now, in the period of 1966 to 2000 A.D., there can be no fail ure because the Cosmic clock demands it. There will be mass landings of Fi/ing Saucers, Those who cannot rise to the chal lenge will be removed from the earth. Even the Moon will be come a cosmic bus, removing the fearful and the crystallized from the earth and its vicinity. As a part of the great changes our sun will take a mate and the earth will move into a new orbit. Masters and other advanced beings who have work ed behind the scenes will come into public view to lead the forward-looking into the New Age, Some of these leaders will be from our own evolution, some from Venus and Jupiter, some from Sirius and other great sun systems in the Zodiac, About 35 pages, illustrated, 8^x11 mimeo, . , , , , . $1.25
T h e J O U R N A L of Borderland Research /
PUBLISHED BY BSRA PO Box 548 Vista, California 92083