1957 Layne Coming of The Guardians PDF
1957 Layne Coming of The Guardians PDF
1957 Layne Coming of The Guardians PDF
The Guardians
Compiled by
** ** ** ** ** **
The same reasons which result in this 'bog-down• of the hUlll8.ll in-
telligence will Qbviously hinder the present acceptance of this booklet 1
and they may be swnmarized somewhat as followSl (1) There are meta-
physical and philosophical ideas involved in any real understanding of
the Aeroforms, and the Western mind is strongly preconditioned against
importing such ideas into what is called 'science• - even though specu-
lative science and mathematics always end in metaphysics unless arbi-
trarily del¥nited. (2) The purely scientific ideas and concepts
touched on in these pages have no text-book status and are regarded as
too speculative for serious consideration (by technical science, at
least). (3) The explanations of the Aeroforms and other phenomena
given here, are sanctioned and expounded by excarnate human beings, who
can and do commlinicate with here-living .people in various ways• as well
as by etheric beings themselves, who are not excarnate hUlllans. This, of
course, raises a huge question-mark in the minds of millions of the
2 -
*Note: At the time of this third printing (May, 1956) the etheric inter-
pretation is receiving much favorable attention, especially among the
English investigators. Comments in the United States also show increas-
ing interest and approval. ML
3 -
remarkable gifts. These ~ommunications have been under intensive study
for some eight years past, and we have found our invisiQle friends to be
learned and honorable persons, and in every way well disposed and anx-
ious to help.
To those who regard it as sheer effrontery, tQ preswn~. an ~xplana
tion cf the Aeroforms given by those on 'the other side of life•, we
have only one request to make: Will you not disregard ~h~ aii~ged sour-
~ of the information and ionsider the material on its own merits,--aB'""
science and as metaphysics, apd as the only explanatiQn offered which
1 saves 1 all phases of the phenomena. What do you care whence it comes,
IF it answers your questions rationally and with rea~onable gomplete-
ness? Or, try to say something rational and intelligible yourself -
remembering that many millions of people accept "transgendental 11 qom-
munications as often valid and authentic.
There are also those who say: 'We believe in survival and communi-
cation - and there are thousands of 'seances' held every night in the
year. Why was not the whole matter cleared up long ago?' Without de-
preciating the psychic contributions of spiritism, this is too important
a question to be hand.led with over-nice diplomacy. The average exca;rnate
human knows nothing of the etheric worlds. He does not linger in them
after death, was taught nothing about them here, and enters and dwells
in the vibratory rates of astral vrorlds and substance. The univers~
swarms with life in every part, and each of us goes to his own place
by his own physical-and-mental •gravitational' compulsion, as truly as
iron sinks or cork floats or gas rises. A few humans do enter the eth-
eric regions at times, through some karmic conditions (as may be the
case with some of the Rolf Telano Communicators.) We are told that the
Etherians die on their own plane, and usually reincarnate there after a
very short time. Let us always remember, in trying to explain and und-
erstand these phenomena of the Visitation, that they are enormously gom-
plex, complex as the universe itself, that there is no simplified ex-
planation possible, and for our thinking there are only hints and Qlues
and 'lines of probability'. No, 'spirit communication' in the broad
and usual sense has not been helpful during these last eight years of
puzzles and ~omplexities. And the great occult Orders, as previously
hinted, have hardly been in better case so far as any worthwhile pro-
nouncement is con~erned. But the Mark Probert Controls, at least the
16 or more who QOmpose the 11 Inner Circle 11 , have long shown themselves to
be persons of a very high level of intelligence. They have personally
studied various aspects of the Etheric worlds and have access to th~m ~
which is possible 1 like all other things, to those who have persistent
• will and desire. Here and there, of course, there are others of simi-
lar caliber~ both on our plane and on astral and etheric levels, who
also have the knowledge and desire to serve humanity. To them, as to
the Mark Probert Controls, we acknowledge a great and unpayable debt~
' i~ the best place to remind our readers that what is
Perhaps this
reported here i~ in the nature of informal conversation - n9t legtures
or scientific essays or treatises. The same ideas are restated from
different angles, and some expressions at first glance seem contradic-
tory, but these will usually clear up with a little reflection. And the
lack of any scientific training and vocabulary on the part of the inter-
mediary (Mark Probert) makes it difficult for the Controls to be pre-
cise and accurate. Such matters will be easily understood by readers
familiar with psychism and mediumship generally. It seems advisable,
also, to take a few pages more for a summary of the Etheric Explana-
tion, or 11 4-D 11 theory, to facilitate understanding of the talk of the
The Etheric or The Aeroforms (flying discs, etc.) are for the
11 4-D" Explanation most part EMERGENTS; that is, they emerge onto our
of the Aeroforms: plane of perception from a space-time frame of refer-
ence which is different from our own. This process
can also be described as a conversion of energy and a change of vibra-
tory rate, When this change is effected, the disc or saucer becomes vis-
ible and tangible. It appears to be, and IS what we call solid substance,
until the energy rate is reconverted, It amounts to a process of mater-
ialization and dematerialization (mat and demat). Energy is forever
changing its forms. Invisible steam becomes visible vapor, the vapor
becomes a liquid and the liquid becomes a solid (ice). This solid trde-
materializes11 under a blast o.f heat. Electricity, the 1flow 1 of in-
visible electrons, can be produced by radiant energy, but it appears to
our senses as light, heat, color, sound, and motion. There are colors
we cannot see (below the red and above the violet), and sounds we can-
not hear. We live in a sea of waves, radiations, emanations, vibrations,
but our senses can respond directly to only a few of these, our instru-
ments to only a few more. 1..11 this is the commonplace of science - and
has been known equally well to metaphysical and occult thought for thou-
sands of years.
This extremely dense matter of the invisible worlds equates with the
Ethers, and also with Space. Space is not nothingness. "Empty space"
is not even an idea, but merely a vocal sound to replace thinking. It
is probable that there is an "infinite" series of ethers, i.e., of vibra-
tory rates of extremely dense substance~~ - and this substance responds
to the play of the finer forces, including the "energy"** of mind or
thought. Any shape can be thought into existence in etheric matter,
and if its vibration rate can then be lowered to the right point (de-
crease of density) the shape or object can be seen and touched on our
plane. If the vibratory rate is increased again, the object will dis-
appear. If we were to vaporize and then recondense a brick, keeping the
vapor-form within the same original volume, the operation would be an
analogous one.
Relativists who feel convinced that the concept of the ether has
been abandoned and wholly displaced by the contemporary mathematical
approach, should examine the studies of R. Wussow, C. F. Krafft, and
Hermann Fricke,
One of the communicators quoted, the Yada di Shi'ite, gives us a
! ver-y helpful illustration. Consider, he says , a nest of ten balls all
free to move within eacQ other, sucn. as are often carved out by oriental
craftsmen. For any point on, say, the inside of the outermost ball,
there will be a corresponding point on its outside, and on the outside
and inside of the second ball, and of the third and so on, through all
the ten concentric spheres. Any object on any sphere can emerge at its
corresponding point on any other; and since there is no "empty space"
to be crossed, but the massive continuity of the ethers fills every-
thing, the •crossing' will not require time. What does take place is,
once again, a conversion of energy, or a-change of vibratory rates, or
action appearing in change of form. The illustration, of course, can-
not be pushed too far, but it is difficult to do without some degree of
picture-thinking, and it often helps to simplify matters. This same
picture of concentric spheres is useful in understanding the "Fortean
falls", of all kinds of stuff 'from the skies' -- a well-attested phen-
omenon. It fits in, too, with the remarkable graph or sketch of the
earth and the proximate etheric zones, given by Etheric communicators to
Dr. Gerald Light, and reproduced at the end of this booklet.
There is a very profound occult saying, that "you are where your
consciousness is" (for if not, where are you?). It is just as true to
say, that a disc or ethership rs · wherever its vibration ra~e puts it 1
on Venus or Mars or on our earth or within it, or five miles deep under-
sea. Etheric matter can be 'tuned in', and here and there are matters
of frequencies, densities, wave lengths - notc)f spacraI""Position in, a
three-dimensional voidJl Of course there is no end to the metaphysical
subtleties involved in all this, or to spe9ulative scientific thinking
either - or to our ignorance. But the human race en masse now seems
to be getting its ABC instruction - and perhaps a few of us may get as
far as D and E - which, at any rate, should b~speak an intelligent
hearing for our "4-D" explanations.
Science is only now beginning its exploration of sub-atomic matter;
along with this must go new concepts of space, time, the ether(s), tele -
or apportation, the energic character of thinking - and also of high
importance, the reality of communication with etheric peoples, the Star-
Wanderers and Guardians, and with wise and good people of our own race,
who are in the regions of the so-called dead but indeed very much alive -
far ~ alive than we are here, cloistered in self-conceit and ignoran::e.
It may also facilitate a sympathetic understanding of the "Com-
munications" if we supply a brief biographical data concerning the Con-
trols. As to the meetings themselves, they are always held in full
light, without any formalities or special restrictions; the intermediary
(medium) sits behind a small table and simply 'goes to sleep•, and one
Control after another talks through him, with free exchange of questions
and answers. The personalities are very distinct and fully integrated,
and have been extensively questioned by scientists, linguists and re-
search workers. There are no physical phenomena in the usual meaning
of that expression. Meetings have been held at least once a week for
some eight years past, and in all the large cities of the Pacific Slope.
LO SUN YAT : 11 In th.e year 1650 A.O. ~ boy c-hild was bor n t o a very
poor family by the name of Chqi Fu Yang. He was of such delicate build
it was thought he should h.i,ve be en a gi rl , unti~ i t was disoovered his
body contained both sexes• ThiP was thought to be an ill omen and his
father intended to drown hiJn, but hi s 10.other secret ed him . One day whils
wandering about the countrysicl.e wit h him, she encountered a kindly priest
who offered to take good care of him. At the age of ten years he was
taken to Ti bet, where h P. st ayed unti l he was t wenty, becoming a lama of
the Yellow Robe. Unable to tolerate the corrupt ion of the lamasaries,
he fled to India, where he waa taken into the mystery School of the
Light, and where he diedi s ixty years la.ter, a venerated and much-loved
Master of the Order.
"This personalit y ~ s born i n 1.812 and died i n 189J. He was of
English and German pare11tage and was born in Nor th London. After com-
pleting his secondary ed,ucation c.t Eton he enrol le4 at the University of
~ Heidelberg, where he s tudied philoscphy and comparative religion, and
This personality was born in 1598 and died in 1652. He was an as-
R4.MAKALOH..~: Very little information has been given about this person-
ality, apart from the fact that he was a Guru and a Hindu of great age,
who appeared from time to time in the Indian Parliament when critical
issues were at stake. His first noticeable appearance was in the latter
half of the 17th c., and the last when Mahatma Ghandi was killed and
Nehru came into power.
THE YADA DI SHI'ITE: The title of Yada means High Priest, and also
11 spirit life"; Shi'ite means clan, also "mystic Order". 11 This person-
11 -
When will you people learn that there are worlds within
worlds - that the etheric worlds interpenetrate with your plane
and with each other? I know I should not be sticking my neck
out by talking so much about these saucers, as you call them,
at least until I have investigated more fully. But they are
not craft constructed on your planet*, nor is it necessary to
assume that they come from any other planet. It seems impos-
sible to get it through your heads, that objects can pass from
an etheric to another level of matter and will then appear to
materialize there. Then they disappear by dematerialization,
returning to an etheric condition.
The fact that the study of what are called light and quan-
ta seemed to take away from the particulate theory and add some-
thing called wave does not change the fact that ALL is of
particulate nature, or the law of change would be invalid. I
think, however, the greatest trouble in the field of physics
is the present meaning attached to the word atom. An atom is
not something in itself that can be broken up into parts. To
pour a stream of neutron bullets at an atom of uranium does not
smash it or knock a piece of it off, for actually, while I do
state in a very definite manner that all is particulate, we
must not think of that word as implying a final bit of something,
but rather as a field of motion and frequency degree extended
or contracted in a given radius -- as, for instance, we may say
when an atom bomb is exploded: 11 A dwarf star in the solar sys-
tem of the uranium universe has become a giant nova" - which
simply means that a field of energy has become more extended in
13 -
its mode of motion, and needs a larger volume of space to ope-
rate in. Nevertheless, whatever measurable extent a body may
be operating in, it is discharging from itself other bands of
energy in an ever-widening radius as infinitum, and up to
the present your scientif ir, minds have not devised an instru-
ment sufficiently sensitive to detect these fields of action.
It is out of these that not only the Discs make their ap-
pearance into your lower vibrations, but also such things as
ice falls, rains of blood, and materializations of objects and
materializations of former living things.
No, I have not. Do you suppose for a moment that any act-
ual mate r ial thing such as you know could rip and tear across
the sky without burning up? I don't mean to say it is not
material, but the material is such it can stand the heat and
(Q. Is there any relation between the discs and the things
that have been found (fallen)?)
14 -
There are various ways of running things by remote control
• other than those you know of. There are energies yet unknown
to science. Do you remember the picture s Dr. Cosman had·? Do
you recall seeing those things in the sky? They are the same
kind of beings as created these phenomena (of the discs). Did
you note in the pictures how giant of size they are? These are
etheric dwellers who have not known physical life. I am refer-
ring to your •flying saucers'. They come out of that plane of
Yes, I believe man will abandon this planet, but not for
many years to come. Nature is vast and man fits in as a part
of it. He may try to destroy himself but he will be unsuccess-
ful and it will make him unhappy. But a time will come, and
science knows it, when if the human race hopes to survive it
will have to have a new planet to survive on.
Some time ago one of your Controls hinted that man was an
awesome creature in many ways. I could never begin to tell you
how awesome he really is. Horror upon horror is in him - and
beauty beyond conception also - his many-sidedness is appal-
ling •.• I want to add about the discs, we haven't given any
wrong information. The predictions of that woman, about the
discs being of Russian origin, are incorrect. There is no new
information at present, but the Russian source is ridiculous •
• I do know that they come from the etheric world.
(The reader will again note the date of this last foregoing
section. The Lingford Control had evidently not grasped the
magnitude of the Disc incursion or its deeper significance - at
least as these are now partially understood, But nothing in his
earlier statement has been discredited by later events, and his
later 1953 statement bears it out.
"You ask why they are now suddenly present in large num-
bers. I shall t ell you. Always, when a civilization, a cul-
ture has reached its height and is destined to collapse, the
Ethereans have appeared in numbers. They come to make an ex-
amination and final record, for their own knowledge, of the
status of that civilization - somewhat as you might do with
di sappearing tribes and races. And it is true also that they
have been alerted and disturbed by your release of atomic
enBrgies. But all past civilizations and races have had their
day, and failed in some way, and passed out of earth existence.
Go with your civilization. The Etherean people came, and ob-
• served, and made their historical r ecords. So they come now •
18 -
LO SUN YAT, Control
August, 1948
(Q. Will you tell us more about the astral and etheric;
and also why anyone should want to come back to the earth·?
Also, we do not understand the use of the word 1 death 1 for
19 -
It is, in my opinion, a bad term; it is demoralizing to
the average person -- but it is not anything like what the word
implies. 'Death' -- no; it is merely a different form of liv-
ing. But this door between the astral and etheric and the
physical is always left open, because man so desires it. He
must have channels between his worlds i f he is to learn and
progress in knowledge.
(Q. Would you say that the etheric planes we have been
speaking of correspond with the 'lokas' of Oriental philoso-
phy? Answer: Yes.
(Q. But we have understood that man does not enter into
the etheric at all, but into the astral? Answer: He does on
hi s return, though.
(Q. All matter has what you would call a dynamic etheric
force? Answer: Yes.
"It is only when coming down into the lower etheric that
one begins to run into the first stages of particulate substan-
ces or directional motion. In the physical, in order for one
si1bs tance to become something else, there is a change or a re-
2.:.>rangement of the atomic pattern. This is the beginning of
22 -
what I call directional motion. It is at a period slightly
before directional motion that physical man has, for the most
part, lost his··- ab1lity to control substance with mental energy
and must of necessity revert to his hands -- the hands being
extensions of the mind.
Note that I say 'for the most part' and not completely;
- 1948 -
(Q. I made the point here a little while ago that we ex-
pect many inquiries as to the people of the etheric realms. We
shall be grateful if you can tell us anything about them --
their culture, if any, etc.
(Q, But ether permeates our dense world? All ethers are
particulate, not homogeneous?
- 1950 -
We say that light does not travel, but that certain part-
icles change their rates of motion at certain times, and these
changes create a vibratory rate that causes what I can only
call a reflection. I do not know that I make myself clear?
- 1949 -
- 19.50 -
(Q, Are you saying that what we call the planet Mars and
Venus are under the control of their etheric counterparts'?
Answer: Yes, they are.
(Q. Would you say that all of these skycraft come from
the etheric region of some particular planet? Answer: I most
assuredly would.
(Q. And the others come from other planets? Mars, for
example? Answer: Yes, from the planets
(Q, And our Earth, from the etheric region of our Earth?
Answer: They must pass through the etheric region of your
Earth, of course, and to do so must have the permission of the
Etherians. Each comes from its ovm particular rate of vibra-
tion which is an unseen pattern of the seen body.
(Q. You are suggesting that the 'discs' have their first
material existence on our side, that the etheric prototype of
them is only a thought-form, and that this thought-form acts
to bring them into being in dense matter on our plane of per-
- 1953 -
(Concerning the "little men" observed at the Brush Creek
'disc' landings (and elsewhere. See "Round Robin" IX-2, last
3 pages.):
- 1950 -
craft and countl ess other things come to your notice, you can
be assured that i t is one f orm of matter merging with another
that has an affinity or s trong pull of attraction for it. Some-
times the force of attraction is s o great that the speed at which
they meet causes them to do what you call explode. An explo-
sion is but one of the many ways that one dj_mension has of
merging with another by sudden and violent breakdown, or deter-
ioration, and almost instant regrouping to form new substance."
38 -
RAMA-KA-LO, Control
- 1950 -
(Q. Would you say that this event is still remote? Ans-
wer: Some things we are not allowed to say and you know that
this is one of them. Please excuse me from answering).
(The Yada): All this earth talk about the Discs! The
mere existence of these objects is nothing new or remarkable.
Man has been flying for many centuries in one way or another.
But earth people cannot be given the secret of building these
objects right away, because if it fell into the hands of any
one government it would make war inevitable - though it is,
** ** ** ** ** **
46 -
by Rolf Telano, Tk. Com.
12. The third phase, that of coping with the evil influences,
is handled by a mixed group. Actual direction is in the hands
of the Lemuians, with the Nors functioning when anything of a
mechanical nature is involved. Much work is also done by the
more advanced groups in the caverns, and by groups on the vari-
ous astral planes.
15. Thero are several types of carriers, but the only one
so far used in the present operations is known as the "Voku"
class (b). It is about 7,000 feet long, and about $00 feet in
diameter. It normally carries a crew of about 2,500, includ-
ing the technicians and the pilots of the smaller fliers. They
can use several different types of propulsion, according to cir-
cumstances. They are heavily armed.
eter. Robot and remote controlled from some other craft. Used
for visual observation where larger craft would attract too
much attention. Electro-magnetic drive.
(7). "Pomider" type. A smaller version of the "Pomid 11 ,
being only about one foot in diameter. Frequently mistaken for
a "fireball".
21. Aside from the Viknor craft described, various other
types are seen at very infrequent intervals. Some groups on
your planet and plane have found and re-activated very ancient
fliers which were left here by the old 11 Elder Races". These
are mostly predecessors of the 11 0lon" class. Visitors from
other solar systems occasionally come to this one for various
purposes. If their purpose is not malicious, they are permitted
to proceed. Otherwise they are usually intercepted and turned
back in the outer limits of this solar system.
22. The craft most deserving of the name "flying saucers"
were brought to this planet in 1949 by a midget race from your
moon (c). These were slightly less than 100 feet in diameter,
but much of this area was areo-dynamic surface, the actual cabin
being only about 16 feet in diameter. They used an electro-
magnetic, or "earth induction" drive, but different in construc-
tion than that used by the Nor craft. It was their first inter-
planetary flight, and their purpose was peaceable exploration.
They became stranded here, without base or supervisory control,
when the carrier craft became disabled. The small fliers were
unable to return to Luna, because they were incapable of space
23. One of the Lunar fliers was shot down over northern Mex-
ico by the over-anxious pilot of a Nor patrol craft, when it
failed to respond to signals, or otherwise identify itself.
Several others were caused to crash by r adar, to which they were
particularly susceptible because of insufficient shielding of
their drive and control apparatus. As soon as it became appar-
ent that the return of their carrier would be indefinitely de-
layed, and that the craft and pilots were unable to cope with
conditions on this planet, they were rounded up and returned to
Luna by a Viknor carrier. Of the original 37 fliers, 26 were
safely returned to their home base. Eight are known to have
crashed. It is assumed that the remaining 3 went down un-
53 -
Note (a). The word "material" is used as a matter of conven-
ience to indicate your particular vibrational plane. It is,
of course, technically incorrect, since all other planes are
also "material", usually more so than this one, but merely on
a different frequency.
Note (b). The class names of the various craft listed are the
nearest English spellings of the actual phonetic names.
- Rolf Telano.
The Intermediary or 'Receiver' of the foregoing material,
'Rolf Telano', is an electronics engineer by profession and a
resident of the Middle West. He has never publicized or ex-
ploited his psychic gifts. The above material was received by
a kind of inner dictation or clairaudience, with partial con-
trol of the hands on the typewriter. I have found no reason,
during my near-decade of contact with him, to question his
integrity or the authentic nature of the psychism involved.
54 -
(Mark Probert Trance Control)
Borealis Telano
LO SUN YAT: Yes, there are such Guardian Races, and their res-
ponsibUity stems from the facts described. This
cross-breeding actuall y took place , in the dim past, but the
race resulting from t his union came to an end with Lemuria •••
The "man-like animal native t o your planet" was originally
created by the Etheric "colonizers" , • , 'l'he 1 cr:) ss 1 was not a
true ancestor race, it was a kind of ancestral pattern resemb-
ling man in form. Man ori~inated from a later experiment ••••
58 -
In one of their experiments to become one with the material
world, some forms. that were made resembled the anthropoid apes •
••• Yes, there was actual mating between the Etherians and these
earth-animals. 11 Sons of God mating with daughters of men 11 - a
fine rhetorical statement but not a pretty thing by any means
- if you could only see what they looked like •··About the
KUIS - these are the 11 servient spirits" of your Huna. Yes,
they are a kind of fragmentation of a human entity. The Higher
Mind may for various reasons leave the Low Self in control of
the body. Many KUIS are now in human bodies. Very many indeed
in Asia, Africa, India. They possess animal instincts only.
Those who seem to have no aura possess the chemical-radiation
aura only. One may say that the I\UIS are the lower or the
lowest part of the mind. They are a dissociated part.
However, they point out that this did not make him an
Earthling 11 • The material body is not the individual, and the
real entity who was temporarily wearing the body would still be
a high-plane dweller, and would return to a high-plane body
upon his return.
(signed) Associate R. T.
- and -
Comment on the Same
By Edward S. Schultz, Regional Director B.S.R.A.
(v. note at end ) 1. It is true that a few human beings -
of article) : ) ( 1Earthians') have entered Discs and
other aerof orms and have taken short
rides in them,
11. When the material of which the craft appears to be made has its vib-
ratory rate raised to ultrasonic frequencies it becomes invisible
and intangible ipso facto.
12, When converted as in 11 11 11 sup., the craft may remain in situ, trans-
lucent, transparent and invisible, tangible or intangible; or it may
depart without being perceived.
15. According to their vibratory rates, the ether ships pass through
each other and through other objects, and penetrate the depths of
the sea and the 'solidity' of earth. The ultrasonic force field
about them will also on occasion destroy aircraft and other ob-
jects, with effects resembling those of extremely violent col-
lision. Mantell's plane, and his body, were almost certainly des-
troyed in this manner.
16. As often pointed out by us heretofore, there is no crossing of
space where transit of free space is in question - since the speed
of light is then without limit, instantaneous, not requiring time.
Light does not 11 cross space 11 •
65 -
18. Recur to "16 11 , last sentence, Light, etc. There is a gravity time-
lag in occupied space, but light and darkness are permanent condi-
tions of the ethers, or frequencies of the ethers - not •something
that is going somewhere 1 •
on the 19 Para., ) 1. This appears to more or less corroborate
by Edw. 0, Schultz-) the Saucer visit and/or ride stories of
Bethurum and Dan Fry, in terms of physic-
al body adventures, in full, physical cons-
ciousness and within the ear th's gravitational and magnetic fields.
9, It would seem that, in such "free space 11 , light quanta might par-
take of the properties of "mental matter". In terms of the higher
realities, all matter, on all octaves of manifestation is basical-
ly "mental matter 11 , i.e., projected and sustained in the conscious-
ness of the Absolute.
12. This means that Etherians have the secret of tuning in on various
octaves of matter, in and out of our range of perception, or half
way between. In the latter case a Saucer craft would appear to be
semi-transparent, as in the reported cases of "jellyfish" appear-
E-11, and was also sent out as a brochure - No. 1-1-6. We of course a-
void lengthy reprints of our own material - but in this case the Para-
graphs are of great importance - and so too is the Commentary on them by
Assoc. E.S.S. This latter, however, will not be intelligible unless the
Paragraphs are at hand for easy reference.
We have r epeated literally scores of times, in various BSR publications,
simplified statements of the 11 Etheric 11 or "4-D" interpretation of the
Aeroforms (UFO). We will spare our readers further repetition here. If
you have use for them, ask for our 11 Public Information 11 brochure. We
have also explained many times the source from which the Etheric inter-
pretation was derived.
This interpretation has stood the test of time. It was received by us
in the fall of 1946, and practically all subsequent phenomena can be
subsumed under it. It has been expanded and elaborated somewhat, but
none of the basic statements have been abandoned or withdrawn. It is
steadily gaining favor among investigators, especially in England - and
will do so in this country whenever the word metaphysics comes to be
properly used and understood. And let me again make plain, that the
!. 11
etheric interpretation" is not the invention of any BSR Associate -
nor is it cultist or religionistic, but rather a new factual impact of
very ancient knowledge~ m.l.
From BSAA 11 Round Robin" of Mar-Apr 19.56: issue XI-6
68 -
Concepts of the Ether
"The real electron, the part that acts, is the surrounding ether
which is outside its geometric boundary; and the electron theory is the
science of the properties of the ether ••• 11 (c. W. Richardson in Electron
Theory of Matter).
"It may be found that the ether is, after all, what is fundamental
and that electrons and hydrogen nuclei are merely states of strain in
the ether". (Bertrand Russell, in A.B.C. of Atoms).
"The foremost men of the age accept the ether, not as a vague dream
but as a real entity". (Tydal, in Light & Electricity).
ether, most intense at one spot ••• It is equally possible that a hydro-
gen nucleus may be explained in a similar way". (Russell, op. cit.)
(NOTE: The term vibrasonics refers to the upper stages of the sound
spectrum or harmoni c scale, beyond ultra-sonics. The word is coined by
R. R. Russell, in his article in Flying Saucer Review (Lon.) for Nov.-
Dec., 1955 .-i~
~ ---------------------------------
*Pub. at 1 Doughty St., Lon. W.C. 1, Eng. Every other month, $3.50.
70 -
preconditioning as has been mentioned;and even so it is doubtful that he
could return to normal earth life.
7. Etherian craft in free space (or where desired) travel at the speed
of light waves, or greater: there is no limit to the 'speed of light'
in free space. This 'travel' is a matter of conversion of frequency
rates and can be controlled by mind energy and by the use of ultrasonic
(electronic) apparatus.
These frequencies can act as a gravity screen or shield. This statement
will be verified by earth scientists and it is unnecessary to point out
its extreme importance.
8. Conversion to ultra-sonic frequencies affects all parts of the human
body at the same instant and the Etherians experience no ill effects.
They travel as conscious living light waves where the 'crossing' of
inter-stellar distances is concerned. More correctly, there is no tran-
sit of space, but only the change of frequency which is equivalent to a
change of location.
9, An aeroform at rest is surrounded by a super-sonic field; when in
flight it produces an ultra-sonic or vibrasonic field. These craft pass
easily through each other and through other objects, and can penetrate
the sea and the seeming solidity of the earth, merely by converting their
frequency rate as the situation may demand.
B. I would not for a moment ask anyone to accept anything on the 'auth-
ority' of supernormal sources. I do respectfully ask that useful infor-
mation should not be disregarded because of personal prejudice and hasty
generalizations concerning 1psychism 1 or spiritism.
E. They are not Etherians, but normal humans from various astral :l-evels
who possess knowledge superior to our own - and desire te share it with
Since the combined knowledge of our own time - our science, reli-
gion, and philosophy - has as yet no worthwhile interpretation of the
phenomena of the aeroforms, it might conceivably be the part of wisdom
(and common sense) at least to listen to these would-be friends from the
'other side' - of course with all due reservations, suspicions, and face-
saving provisos - and to put their offered knowledge to the test of stud~
and practical application,
The scientifiction writers who love to dart about the stellar im-
mensities with the joyous abandon of junebugs never openly admit that
they are colliding with Professor Einstein's mathematics - in addition
to the meteorites, bolides or what-have-you.
So, what these etheric people are really doing, is not discrediting
Einstein, but making a masterly detour. They're not talking about mot-
·i on at all, nor about transit of space. They 're talking about being
here and then being there.
In his book called Space Travel, Harold Goodwin remarks: "The Ein-
steinian conclusions are not entirely a matter of pure theory. When
atomic particles are accelerated in the cyclotron, they do gain mass.
Wouldn't it be odd if one of them some day exceeded the speed of light? 11
Yes, indeed, Mr. Goodwin - but the world seems to be full of very
11 odd 11 happenings.
Too bad that Mr. Goodwin-:~ had to drag in that alleged demise of the
ether 1 theory 1 - since one could fill half this page with names of phys-
icists who do not agree with him, and do agree with "it" -- subject, of
course, to careful definition of the word ether and itsdsrivatives.
"It may be found that the ether is, after all, what is funda-
mental, and that electrons and hydrogen nuclei are merely states
of strain in the ether • • •
*(Ref. to Goodwin): The Science B6ok bf Space Tra:vel: Cardinal Edition
of Pocket Books, Inc., N.Y., 1955.
74 -
11 It is possible that an electron is a kind of disturbance in
In like manner the ether ships emerge from one frequency into
another, and thereby appear in a different place. There is no "empty
space" to cross, and hence no time required for the transit.
~ (15) Such a statement as "I am here" means simply that I am "tuned in"
to objects, sounds and colors of my surroundings. If this receptivity
were altered so that 11 1 tuned out", the environment would disappear, but
would be replaced by a different one unless the change destroyed me.
This would be a space-time operation and a change of location without
transit of space.
(16) Contemporary distrust of the concept of the other is unjustified
and must be left to physicists who do not seem sufficiently familiar
with the literature of their own subject.
(17) So far (August 1955) the whole mass of material on aeroforms, with
some tentative exceptions, has not produced an over-all interpretation
which is at once intelligible science and sound metaphysics. Yet the
interpretation reported by us and here summarized is steadily gaining
ground, and we bespeak its thoughtful consideration on its own merits.
It will be expanded and altered in details but it is basically correct.
80 -
avoid the end result. They apparently are doomed, but it would be cruel
to tell them so. Very few would believe in any event, but those who did
believe would die daily from then on. If they are allowed to remain in
ignorance of their fate, they will go about their usual and ordinary oc-
cupations, and their passing will be relatively brief and with the mini-
mum amount of terror. B.S.R. Associates, on the other hand, have more
realization of the fact that the act of passing from this plane is not
tragic or important in itself. The reasons and circumstances may be
important, but not the act per se.
It might be well for even B.S.R.Associates to fix more firmly in
their minds that life is a continuing thing. It cannot be destroyed,
only transformed to some other plane. Thus one does not really lose
his 'life'. He merely loses hi s ma·~erial body, and this is a relatively
unimportant and transitory thing. What happens to it is important only
in a few exceptional circumstances. What happens to the real person who
is inhabiting that body at the moment is very important. There are often
times when it is better to lose the mortal body, if the real immortal
inner self would be degraded by the circumstances of retaining it.
In the times of great stress which seem to lie ahead, it will often
come to pass that a man must lose his "life" in order to gain his life.
January 23, 1956 Fraternally --- R. T, *
creating his own space-time world, and 11 B11 is creating his. Also, these
two spearate mind~oreated worlds have much in common, in the form of
what you call the "same" experiences at the "same" time, very often.
This last fact usually leads the philosopher to postulate something
in addition to individual minds. A postulate is a necessary assumption.
85 -
He can't think the universe without this postulate (nor with it either,
perhaps). If you try to think of the Absolute, or God as a First Cause,
you are thinking in terms of time and causation, and these are functions
or forms of your own mind. And a "first cause" is something which has
no cause itself, and this destroys the whole principle of causation or
reasoning by which you are working. The reason always commits suicide
when it looks for a first explanation or first cause - and yet it cannot
get along without one. All the reason can do, really, is to operate in
the field of manifestation, and neither to affirm nor deny the Absolute •
••• Of course, when you speak of emotions and instinct and religious
faith you are in another field of discourse.
Going back to the form of your first question, remember that the
world of your physical senses, of phenomena, of sense impressions, is a
world which is projected by or perhaps through your individual minds.
Your minds are so made that the external world, as you call it, is sub-
ject to time and space and causation. And so matter and energy also has
to be discrete or particulate. And the mind finds in itself the laws
which obtain in this mind-made world. It is the mind discovering itself.
That is what s.e ience is. Nature is always Nature-as-known-to-conscious-
ness. There is nothing else to appeal to. You cannot say anything at
all about Nature-in-itself, but only about nature as perceived by you.
Intuition and instinct will give you certain experiences, but now we are
talking about reason and logic and the world of sense perception.
The Thing-in-Itself (Bing-an-Sich):
The question as to whether the thing-in-itself exists is like the
question about the continuum. It is not a yes-or-no question as it
Your mind is·a centralized or focalized activity. It forms ideas
and images - say, the image of a cube. That energy or power that takes
the cube form might be called the cube-in-itself. You don't need to say
it is your own mind making the cube; but the cosmic energy or life is
functioning through your center and making it. Of course, it is silly
to talk as if there is some kind of 'material stuff' put 'out there' in
space to make a cube. That is not philosophy but only childishness.
Stuff and shape and distance and form are things ~reated by mind - like
time and space and causation~ The cube-in-itself is the creative force
which produces the cube-form, and that force is of a mental order, All
energy is of this same type in the last analysis.
Other subjects discussed by the Controls include CHANGE -- THE SUB-
and some of these will be summarized in CQC-E-5. Its publication here
is somewhat e:Kperimental and we would like to hear -the opinions of our
"(from CQC E-4, Aug. 15' ,1955)
• 86 -
by C. F. KRAFFT.
This rece~tly discovered sub-atomic particle has about the same mass
as the proton, but carries a negative electric charge instead of ~ posi-
tive charge, and is about twice the size of the proton. Under the pre-
vailing doctrines of theoretical physics, such a particle cannot be ac-
counted for. If its size is determined by its mass, as most physicists
seem to think, then it should be of about the same size as the proton
and not twice the size thereof. On the other hand, if it were a compos-
ite structure formed of one proton and two electrons, then its size would
be over three times the size of the proton. Neither can it be a combina-
tion of a neutron and an electron because neutrons have no affinity for
On page 36 of my book, The Ether and its Vortices, published long be-
fore the negatron was discovered experimentally, I have shown two of these
negatrons as constituent parts of the carbon atom; and it will be observed
that my negatron does have a size just about twice the size of the proton.
No doubt the physics profession will eventually find some "explanation" for
~he negatron, but the successful prediction of an unexpected fact is more
convincing than any amount of wisdom after the fact.
- end -
87 -
The SPACE -CRAFT will not run on magnetic propulsion beyond the
ionosphere. The ionosphere would destroy any magnetic sink between
the craft and the earth. Beyond that limit they operate on solar energy.
There is a)lllost no effect of the earth's magnetic fjeld beyond the
ionosphere. The magnetic field will change according to the density of
the nearest body. The craft will depend almost entirely on the solar
energy. The colors noted about these craft are not due to temperature
changes, but to electronic changes.
No earth metal could stand such heat changes without becoming very
brittle. It is the play of electrons produced by the solar radiation
on the body of the craft and produces conditions similar to those that
cause the Aurora Borealis.
-- Dictated by the Natalli control,Nov.3,1954
88 -
Mark Probert was born in Bayonne, Neu Jersey, in 1907, and at-
tended the grammar sehool there through t he sixth grade. He went
to sea in t he merchant marine for two years, and afterward came to
California, where he was a dancer and entertainer for a time, and
held various 'odd jobs'. He developed a talent for portraint paint-
ing (uithout any instruction) and still prefers that to any other
occupation. There was a touch of psychism in his family, and he
himself had many odd experiences while still a boy.
The more systematic development of his mediumship began in
1945-L~6, when a series of sittings were held at his home in San
Diego. They were marked at first by a remarkable xenoglossy, or
' gift of tongues', and for some weeks it was difficult to get
any communications in English . Soon, however, the first of the pre-
sent Controls took charge, a~n there has been a steady improvement
in the receptivity - and in the physical health - of the medium.
The quality of the 'messages' received has been uniformly high -
concerned for the most part with questions in science, philosophy,
metaphysics and cultural subjects generally. No religionist or
cultist approach is i nvolved, nor will the controls permit it.
All the meetings are held in full light and no 'physical phe-
nomena' occur. Mark simply ' goes to sleep' and the various Controls
talk through him. They are fully integrated personalities, highly
informed, and anxious to serve their friends on this side in every
possible way. The communications are now widely known in the Wes-
tern States, and thousands of pages of reports and transcripts of
them have been made available in mimeographed form. The Director
and Associates of the Borderland Sciences have cooperated in all
this, so far as their limited resources have permitted. We con-
sider Mark Probert to be one of the most remarkable deep-trance med-
iums now living, and that knowledge of the highest importance has
become available through his powers.
M. L.
E &D: The Planetary Logos " undifferentiated
The Universal Mind. •