Project On Employee Satisfaction
Project On Employee Satisfaction
Project On Employee Satisfaction
I, S Dhanabalan hereby declare that this project report titled Employee Satisfaction at Air Force Station Sulur, submitted to RVS Institute of Management Studies and Research, Sulur, Coimbatore, affiliated to Bharathiar University, Coimbatore in partial fulfillment to the requirements for the award of the degree Master in Business Administration is a record of original work done by me, during the period 2010-2013 of my study under the supervision and guidance of Mr. N . Kanakaraj, MBA, M.Phil and it has not formed the basis for the award of and Degree/ Diploma / Associateship / Fellowship or other similar title to any candidate of any other University. Signature of the candidate (S Dhanabalan) Date : Place : Sulur, Coimbatore
The highest happiness that accompanies the successful completion of any task would be incomplete without the expression of gratitude to all those people who have helped me throughout this project as success is the abstract of hard work.
I sincerely thank Dr. XXXX Director, RVS Institute of Management Studies & Research, Sulur, Coimbatore, for steering me to take up this project. I would like to express my sincere and deep sense of heartfelt gratitude to Mr. N .Kanakaraj, Coimbatore, for his inspiring guidance, encouragement and keen interest in completion of this project work. I express my heartfelt thanks to Wing Commander S Ram Mohan President Mess Committee (PMC), Officers Mess, AF Station Sulur, for giving an opportunity by permitting me to do the project at Air Force Station Sulur, and for his valuable ideas that helped me to complete this project in a successful manner. Last but not the least; I would like to take this opportunity to thank my parents, wife, brother and my friends for their constant support, valuable suggestions and co-operation with out which I would have not completed this project successfully in the stipulated time.
S Dhanabalan
What does the term Satisfaction imply to an employee? It implies nothing else than the feeling of either being contended or non-contended on using a product. Employee Satisfaction is a prerequisite for the customer satisfaction. Enhanced employee satisfaction leads to higher level of employee retention. A stable and committed workforce ensures successful knowledge transfer, sharing, and creation - a key to continuous improvement, innovation, and knowledgebased total customer satisfaction. When companies are committed with providing high quality products and services; when companies set high work standards for their employees; and when employees are empowered through training and development, provided with knowledge and information, permitted to make mistakes without punishment, and trusted; they will experience an increase in their level of satisfaction at work. This level of satisfaction can be enhanced further if teamwork and visionary leadership are introduced. Continuous improvement comes from the efforts of the empowered employees motivated by visionary leadership. This is supported by the findings that empowerment and visionary leadership both have significant correlation with employee satisfaction. Teamwork is also supported by the findings. In addition, the study found significant correlation between employee satisfaction and employees intention to leave. The success of a corporation depends very much on customer satisfaction. A high level of customer service leads to customer retention, thus offering growth and profit opportunities to the organization. There is a strong relationship between customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction. Satisfied employees are more likely to stay with company and become committed and have more likely to be motivated to provide high level of customer service, by doing so will also further enhance the employees satisfaction through feeling of achievement. Enhanced employee satisfaction leads to improved employee retention; and employee stability ensures the successful implementation of continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction will no doubt lead to corporate success and greater job security. These will further enhance employee satisfaction. Therefore, employee satisfaction is a prerequisite for customer satisfaction.
Employee Satisfaction is a process in organizations, which enables its members at all levels to participate actively and effectively in shaping the organization environment, methods, and outcomes. The objective of the study is to help the organization to know the level of satisfaction of the workers and executives at various hierarchical levels, towards the facilities and welfare amenities provided by them and also to find out the challenges and difficulties faced by the management in providing better quality of work life to the employees.
Introduction to the topic Objective of the study Scope of the study Profile of Defence Industry Profile of the Indian Air Force Profile of an Air Force Station Methodology of the Study Limitations of the study Organization of the study
Although committed and loyal employees are the most influential factor to becoming an employer of choice, it's no surprise that companies and organizations face significant challenges in developing energized and engaged workforces. However, there is plenty of research to show that increased employee commitment and trust in leadership can positively impact the company's bottom line. In fact, the true potential of an organization can only be realized when the productivity level of all individuals and teams are fully aligned, committed and energized to successfully accomplish the goals of the organization.
As a result, the goal of every company should be to improve the desire of employees to stay in the relationship they have with the company. When companies understand and manage employee loyalty - rather than retention specifically - they can reap benefits on both sides of the balance sheet i.e., revenues and costs.
On the revenue side of the balance sheet, loyal and committed employees are more likely to go "above and beyond" to meet customer needs and are highly motivated to work to the best of their ability.
On the cost side, loyal employees stay longer, resist competitive job offers, do not actively look for other employment and recommend the company to others as a good place to work. These four behaviors positively influence the cost side of the balance sheet.
In other words, rather than focusing only on retention (that is, trying to retain employees who have already decided to leave), organizations should
proactively recognize the benefits of understanding, managing and improving employee satisfaction. The most successful organizations are those that can adapt their organizational behavior to the realities of the current work environment where success is dependent upon innovation, creativity and flexibility.
One of the key steps to understanding and improving employee satisfaction is by acknowledging the importance of the following factors in building loyalty and satisfaction:
Broadly-defined responsibilities rather than narrowly-defined job functions Effective and regular performance evaluations, both formally and informally A corporate emphasis on employee learning, development and growth Wide-ranging employee participation in the organization as a whole.
Typically, a combination of factors influences employees' decisions to stay at their current job. Contributing factors include satisfying work, a sense of job security, clear opportunities for advancement, a compelling corporate mission combined with the ability to contribute to the organization's success, and a feeling that their skills are being effectively used and challenged. Specifically, employees who enjoy their work identify themselves with their employer and perceive that the company is flexible regarding work and family issues also intend to stay with the organization.
In particular, consider the following elements of effective strategies designed to build satisfaction and retain key employees:
Include opportunities for personal growth and invest heavily in the professional development of the best people in the organization.
Provide employees with well-defined career paths (including a succession plan), mentors and tuition reimbursement for job-related education.
Train employees, even if it makes them more attractive to the competition. Without seeing an opportunity on the horizon, few high potential employees will stay with a company and allow themselves to grow stagnant. Acknowledge non-work priorities by recognizing and responding to employees' needs for greater balance in their lives, since employees will develop loyalty for organizations that respect them as individuals, not just as workers.
Definitions of Employee Satisfaction: The term Employee Satisfaction was brought to limelight in 1935.the studies conducted prior to 1933 by Hoppock observed that Employee Satisfaction is combination of psychological, physiological and environment circumstances that cause a person to say I am satisfied with my job. Some of the definitions of Employee Satisfaction: 1. Employee satisfaction is defined as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones job or job experience.
2. Employee satisfaction is a set of favorable or unfavorable feelings with which employees view their work.
3. Employee Satisfaction will be as the amount of overall positive affect (or feelings) that individuals have towards their jobs.
To compare the satisfaction in different levels i.e. female and male Employees, juniors and seniors and within different teams.
ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY Organization of the study deals with the arrangement of the entire study. The entire work is organized in order to facilitate easy identification of 5 chapters. Chapter-1 Deals with the objectives, scope, methodology and limitations of the study. The objective of the study aims at reviewing the working conditions including total environment to bring in positive change for betterment of the Employee Satisfaction of employees. Chapter-2 Deals with company profile. Chapter-3 Deals with literature review Employee Satisfaction refers to fair remuneration, safe & healthy environment, opportunities for growth. Better Employee Satisfaction leads to motivation and satisfaction. Motivated and satisfied employees make better contribution to production, quality and productivity Chapter-4 Deals with analysis and interpretations. The employees in general felt that the work culture in the company is good. The employees are optimistic, sincere and never try to avoid work. Chapter-5 deals with conclusions and recommendations It is better to keep employees aware of the company goals, vision, mission and they are kept informed of all the changes being occurred in the company then it would definitely increase the efficiency of the employees
Profile of Defence Industry (An overview) Since beginning of the human race, people have directed efforts of others in a team effort, towards attainment of various specific goals. Total work to be done, as required for attainment of the goals, necessitated the efforts of more than one person. Hence many hands and minds were brought together and their activities coordinated, so that not only the collective actions were effective, but also that contribution of each individual was valuable and acknowledged, in terms of skills and knowledge. Organisation is a manifestation of group activity which is essential for attainment of certain stated goals/objectives. Defence Services in India, comprising the Army, Navy and Air Force is a group or association of persons, the aim of which is to maintain the territorial integrity of the country. To achieve this aim, the Army, Navy and Air Force is organized in a manner to be able to wage offensive and defensive warfare.
Structure of the Higher Defence Organisation Defence of a country is a time honoured function of its Govt and an essential attribute of sovereignty. The armed forces provide the means for the performance of the defence function and are the source of physical power of the Govt, Hence higher direction of war consists partly of political decisions and partly of operational matters. The political leadership confines itself to the political decisions and grand strategy and is not normally expected to interfere with operational matters. The organization for higher direction of war comprised the apparatus for formulation of defence policy and decision making pertaining to national security. It is also concerned with the relationship between the political and military spheres.
The President of India, as the Head of the State, has been vested with the supreme command of the Armed Forces. However, de-facto control of defence rests with the Cabinet, which is collectively responsible to the parliament on the subject of defence of the country. The President of India is the supreme commander of all the Indian Armed Forces and by virtue of that fact is the National commander of the Air Force. Indias Ministry of Defence under the Defence Minister oversees the Air Force, by way of direct civilian leadership. The Prime Minister and the National Security Council provide indirect leadership by shaping Govt security policy. The organization chart of higher defence organization is given below :-
Ministry of Defence
Defence Secretary
Motto of Indian Air Force The Motto of Indian Air Force has been taken from eleventh chapter of the Srimad Bhagavadgita, the Discourse given by Lord Krishna to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra during the Great War of Mahabharata. The Lord is showing his Supreme Divine form to Arjuna and the great form to the Lord is reaching the sky with glory, evoking fear and loss of self-control in the mind of Arjuna. The Indian Air Force, similarly, aims to overwhelm the adversaries with application of aerospace power in defence of the nation and it can be annotated in single line as Touching the Sky with Glory.
Profile of an Air Force Station Every Station or Wing is broadly classified in to two categories depending upon the role of the station 1. Flying Station 2. Non-Flying Station They are further classified as:Flying Station
Operations Maintenance Administrative
Non-Flying Station
Maintenance Administrative
CO Unit A CO Unit B
C Adm o
Signals/IT Armament
Aircraft Servicing
MechanicalTrasport Logistics
Fire Fighting
AN OVERVIEW ON EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION Employee Satisfaction has assumed increasing interest and importance in both industrialized as well as developing countries of the world. In India, its scope seems to be broader than much labour legislation enacted to protect the workers. Employee Satisfaction is a process in organizations, which enables its members at all levels to participate actively and effectively in shaping the organization environment, methods and outcomes. Employee Satisfaction is also defined as an environment in the organization which motivates the employees to enhance their abilities on continuous basis and which facilities them to have social co-operation among them. The safe work environment provides the basis for the person to enjoy working. The work should not pose a health hazard for the person. The employer and employee, aware of their risks and rights, could achieve a lot in their mutually beneficial dialogue. The working time has been established by the state according to legislation which is a 40- hour working week in Estonia. The standard limits on overtime, time of vacation and taking of free days before national holidays have been separately stipulated. The differences regarding the working time have been established for the persons less than 18 years of age, pregnant women, breast-feeding mothers and the person raising the disabled child.
The appropriate salary is agreed upon by the employee and the employer. The Government of the Republic establishes each year the rate of minimum salary, the employer should not pay less than that to the employee. Work represents such a role in life which has been designated to it by the person himself. On the one hand work is an earning of one's living for the family, on the other hand it could be a self-realization providing enjoyment and satisfaction.
Who Needs Employee Satisfaction? We know that we just can't stop "working at it", discovering, creating and sharing new stuff. We're all so busy psychologically, work has always been one of the most significant of human experiences. But when for many people sex and relationships are troublesome since they are often hazardous to our health work plays an even greater role in keeping us "out of trouble." Regardless of how much we earn, most of us have some kind of agenda or work plan. And with so many people opening a home and a cyber-office, with mounting levels of technology-related stress, owner turned content. Many of us end up involved in more than one job, which we feel compelled to get done, spending the greatest portion of our lives in what we consider our workplace. So Employee Satisfaction is not some notion of frivolous luxury. Employee Satisfaction is just as real and useful as virtual reality itself. Objectives of Quality of Work Life:
To increase in individual productivity, accountability and commitment. For better teamwork and communication. For improving the morale of employees. To reduce organizational stress.
To improve relationships both on and off the job. To improve the safety working conditions. To provide adequate Human Resource Development Programs. To improve employee satisfaction. To strengthen workplace learning. To better manage on-going change and transition. To participate in management at all levels in shaping the organization.
Importance of Quality of Work Life: Improved Quality of Work Life was not considered as important factor in India until recently as there were important impending factors like resource deficiency, environmental threats and some services of financial problems. Quality of Work Life programme has become important in work place for the following reasons: 1. Increase demands at work 2. Loss of long term employee guarantees 3. The need for enhanced work place skills 4. Greater competition for talent 5. Increased women in work fore
Good quality of Work Life leads to an atmosphere of good impersonal relations and highly motivated employees who strive for their development. Though monetary benefits still occupy the first place in the cost of elements like physical working conditions, job restructuring and job re-designing, career development, promotional opportunities etc. are gaining importance rapidly. As such, workers expect the management to improve all these facilities which thereby improve Quality of Work life. If provided with good Quality of Work Life,
employees concentrate more on both individual as well as group development which in turn leads to overall development.
According to Walton (1975) proposed eight conceptual categories. They are as follows:
o o o o o o o o
Adequate and fair compensation Safe and healthy working conditions Immediate opportunity to use and develop human capacities Opportunity for continued growth and security Social integration in the work organization Constitutionalisation in the work organization Work and the total life span The social relevance of work life
According to Herrick & Mac by (1975) have identified four basic principles which summaries the humanization.
o o o o
The principle of Security The principle of Equity The principle of Individuation The principle of Democracy
Successful organization is turning through the introduction of Quality of Work Life strategy to the people who work in them to maintain competitive advantage. The benefits to both management and workers include: 1. Improved organization performance through the development of people. 22
2. Increased co-operation and team work within and across all the levels of the organization including movement towards management or trade union partnership. 3. Increased environment in doing a good job . 4. Improved quality performance. 5. Increased commitment to the values and goals of the organization. 6. The anchoring of the development of a quality organization 7. Increased flexibility and responsiveness as the organization moves away from hierarchical, bureaucratic structures 8. Easier introduction and development of new technology and of few competitive systems for example, Total Quality Management (TQM) and Just in Time (JIT) 9. Increased worker satisfaction as a result of better jobs and organizational environment. 10. Increased opportunities for personal learning and growth
WORK LIFE BALANCE BENEFITS TO THE ORGANIZATION Measured increases individual accountability commitment Better teamwork and negative communication Improved morale Less in and
WORKLIFE BALANCE BENEFITS TO THE INDIVIDUAL More value and balance in your daily life Better understanding of what your best individual work life balance is Increased productivity Improved relationships both on and off the job
organizational stress
Reduced stress
About QWL Strategy: Improve communication with employees Strengthen family friendly programs Provide all employees with Internet access Increase investment in workplace learning Improve the effectiveness of supervisors and team leaders Evaluate the effectiveness of diversity management practices and Improve ability to manage change and transition
The programs, policies and services through Quality of Work life Programmes: a. Support faculty and staff efforts to manage the competing demands of work and personal life b. Support health promotions and wellness c. Express appreciation for faculty and staff contribution to the university, highlight outstanding individual contributions and recognize long term commitment.
Quality of Work Life as a process: As a process Quality of Work Life calls for efforts to release this goal through the active involvement of people throughout the organization. It is about organization change usually from a control to an Involvement organization.
The concept of Quality of Work Life views a work as a process of interaction and joint problem solving by work in people, managers, supervisors and workers. This process is: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Co-operative rather than authoritarian Evolutionary and changing rather than static Open rather than rigid Informal rather than rule based Problem solving Win-win rather win-lose
Quality of Work life programme has become important in the work place for the following reasons:
o o o o o o o
Increased women in work force Increased male involvement in dependant care activities Increased responsibilities for elders Increased demand at work Loss of long term employment guarantees The need for enhanced work place skills Greater competition for talent
The following are the some of the specific issues in Quality of Work life
o o o o
Pay and stability of employment Occupational stress Organizational health programme Alternative work schedules
o o o o o
Participative management and control of work Recognition Grievance procedure Adequacy of resources Seniority and merit in promotions
Problems of implementing Quality of Work Life programmes: Bohlander has identified three common problems of implementing Quality of Work Life programme. The three areas are:
Strategies to improve Quality of Work Life: By implementing some changes, the management can create sense of involvement, commitment and togetherness among the employees which paves way for better Quality of Work Life. a. Job enrichment and Job redesign b. Autonomous work redesign c. Opportunity for growth d. Administrative or organizational justice e. Job security f. Suggestion system g. Flexibility in work schedules h. Employee participation Quality of Work life improvements are defined as any activity which takes place at every level of an organization which seeks greater 27
organizational effectiveness through the enhancement of human dignity and growth. A process through which the state holders in the organization, management, unions and employees - learn how to work together better to determine for themselves what actions, changes and improvements are desirable and workable in order to achieve the win and simultaneous goals of an improved quality of life at work for all members of the organization and greater effectiveness for both the company and the unions.
Key elements:
o o o o
Promote human dignity and growth Work together collaboratively Participative determine work changes Assume comparability of people and organizational goals
Factors affecting QWL are enumerated below: Attitude Environment Oppourtunities Nature of the Job Stress Level Career prospects Growth and development Risk involved and reward Challenges Attitude The person who is entrusted with a particular job needs to have sufficient Knowledge , required skill and expertise enthusiasm energy level willingness to learn new things, dynamism sense of belongingness in the organization, involvement in the job, interpersonal relations adaptability to changes in the situation openness for innovative ideas, competitiveness zeal ability to work under pressure leadership qualities and team spirit. Environment The job may involve dealing with customers who have varied tolerance level preferences behavioral pattern level of understanding or it may involve working with dangerous machines like drilling pipes cranes lathe machines welding and soldering machines or even with animals where maximum safety precautions have to be observed which needs lot of concentration alertness presence of mind quick with involuntary actions synchronization of eyes hands and body sometimes high level of patience tactfulness empathy and compassion and control over emotions. Environment
The job may involve dealing with customers who have varied tolerance level , preferences behavioral pattern level of understanding; or it may involve working with dangerous machines like drilling pipes cranes lathe machines welding and soldering machines or even with animals where maximum safety precautions have to ve ovsermed which needs lot of concentration alertness presence of mind quick with involuntary actions synchronization of eres hands and body sometimes high level of patience tactfulness, empathy and compassion and control over emotions. Stress Level All these above mentioned factors are inter-related and inter-dependant. Stress level need not be directly proportional to the compensation. Stress is of different types mental, Physical and psychological or emotional stress. An MD of a company will have mental stress a labourer will have physical stress a psychiatrist will have mental stress. Mental stress and Emotional stress cause more damage than physical stress. Career Prospects Every job should offer career development. That is an important factor which decides the qwl. Status improvement more recognition from the Management appreciations is the motivating factors for anyone to take keen interest in the job. The work atmosphere should be conducive to achieve organizational goal as well as individual development. Challenges The job should offer some challenges at least to make it interesting. That enables an employee to upgrade his knowledge and skill and capabilities; whereas the monotony of the job makes a person dull, non-enthusiastic, dissatisfied frustrating complacent, initiative- less and uninteresting. Growth and Development
If an organization does not give chance for growth and personal development it is very difficult to retain the talented personnel and also to find new talent with experience and skill. QWL has increasingly gained recognition as employees want to feel respected at work for they do and who they are. Literature on QWL is limited and several studies commonly correlates with job satisfaction but no study on QWL has associated with career related factors. This empirical study can be done to predict QWL in relation to career-related dimensions. The result will indicate that three exogenous variables are significant. That are: (a) (b) (c) Career Satisfaction Career Achievement Career Balance
Basic Salary :
The Basic Salary is the remuneration that is paid to all employees based on position, classification and rank. The basic is generally 40% to 45% of the Gross. Other allowances and perquisites are linked to the basic salary.
Conveyance Allowance is given to employees for the purpose of helping them meet the expenditure incurred pertaining to conveyance in their performance of official duties. Generally CA is 10% to 15% of Gross.
Gratuity: This is a statutory obligation to the employer to pay gratuity to the employee who is completed 15 years of service(pensionable service) and unwilling to extend his/her service.
Provident Fund: The Provident Fund is a mandatory savings account made up of contributions deducted from the employees salary monthly equal to 13.5% of base pay .The amount is remitted to the Provident Fund Account of the employee. Thus the PF Account at any given time consists
Employees contribution
Other Benefits: Free Medical facilities/Medical claim: Medical claim is provided only when no service medical facility is available. LTA: All married P Staffs are entitled for LTA annually. Cash T/A on T/Duty and Permanent Posting Training and Confirmation: Training helps the organisation to develop the new recruits and to take developmental/corrective action at the initial stage of employment. All newly recruited individual of IAF will be on basic training for a period of 6 months from the date of their enrolment and their trade/branch training depends on their allotted trade/branch. Employee Benefits: The following are the Existing Benefits/Best Practices at Ling Technologies: 1. ESI & PF Statutory benefits 2. Survival benefit to all the employees 3. Free medical facility/Medical claim Policy up to 4 family members including employee (for people not covered under ESI) 4. Free Meal 5. All National Holidays & 2 Restricted Holidays 34
6. Extensive Departmental Training Programs 7. Cultural Celebrations 8. Picnics/Outings 9. AFNET mail ID for any sort of grievances, criticism & suggestions from employees
Employee Initiated Resignation: On completion of regular engagement of 20 Years or on obtaining a higher grade in other Govt organizations depending upon the existing policies. Minimum of 15 yrs of service including training is considered for pension. On receipt of the Unwillingness letter, the record office will provide details of procedures, which need to be completed prior to leaving the organization. You will have to repay the outstanding loan if any and obtain No-Dues Certificate from the loaning agency and send it to the AF Record Office through AR Flight before your full and final settlement will be done. Organization Initiated Separation/Termination: Termination of service is a conscious act on the part of the organization and generally results from a disciplinary action, except where it is the termination or non-renewal of a contract of employment for a specific period. The record office, as directed by the court of inquiry proceedings, will handle all cases of termination of service and will ensure compliance with all legal formalities while undertaking these actions.
Personnel Welfare Programs: Keeping in mind the need to expand IAFs cultural enthusiasm, initiativeness and employee interaction, in a defined manner, the organization have come up with various Clubs with the employees taking charge of it. The various clubs are as follows: Sports/Recreational Club -For all sporting/recreational activities in the organization Cultural Club - It takes care of employee recreation and takes responsible for organizing annual day cultural events.
Community Service Club By this we involve in many activities for social causes like orphanage visits, Blood donation camps etc. Grievances: If there is any problems, complaints or suggestions can intimated to the concern authority through the respective application and they will assure to take care of it.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research is an art of scientific investigation. The research is to discover answer to questions through the application of scientific procedures. The research is a careful investigation or inquiry especially through search of new facts in any branch of knowledge. Research is an organized, systematic, data based, critical, objectives, scientific inquiry or investigations in to a specific problem, undertaken with the purpose of finding answer of solution to it. Research methodology is a method to solve the research problem systematically and involves gathering data, use of statistical techniques, interpretation and drawing conclusions about the research data. Research design Research design is the plan, structure and strategy of variance. It is the blue print for the collection, measurement and analysis of data Descriptive research design is adopted for analyzing the data. This is defined as fact findings investigation with adequate interpretation the main purpose of descriptive research is description of state of affairs, as it exits art present. The researcher has no control over the variables and they are independents of state of affairs. The study has been covered based on the following steps: A) DATA COLLECTION: The data for this study has been collected from the two main Sources of data namely:
PRIMARY SOURCE Primary source includes the data that is collected from the selected personnel of Indian Air Force posted at AF Station, Sulur. The required information is collected in the following ways:
Administered a structured questionnaire. On the basis of observation. By interacting with the concerned employees.
Unstructured Discussion: Under this method of data collection the researcher personally interviews the respondents to gather the information. The respondents are asked to present their views and opinions about the topic under discussion. The opinions of the respondents are used as the primary source of information for preparing the study report.
Structured Questionnaire: It is usually associated with the self-administered tools with items of the closed or fixed alternative type. The respondents feel greater confidence in the anonymity of questionnaire than in that of any interview. It places less pressure on the subject of immediate response. These were the reasons for choosing questionnaire as one of the tools for data collection.
SECONDARY SOURCE Secondary source is that information that is obtained from those sources other than direct sources (past history, profile of the organization) and the information is collected through the mentioned ways.
Organizations Website and Search engines.. Magazines and Journals. Text books published on Human Resource Management. Other records.
Target Respondent: A sample is known as the sub-unit of population which shares the similar features. The defence employees are the target respondents of this study.
Sample Size: The number of units in the sample is known as the sample size. The survey is conducted by taking a sample of 150 personnel. Here, in this context a sample refers to the employees of the related departments covered by the study
After the selection of sample, the sampling was done based on convenient sampling method. C) TOOLS USED FOR THIS STUDY 40
A tool used to conduct the study was Questionnaire consisting of Closeended questions(it consists of multiple choices, which offer the respondents with a choice of specific answers) and Open-ended questions(with no choice but respondents are free to express their view). By selecting these parameters and measurements , I am confident that the results will be optimum in this study.
Percentage Analysis The collected data has been represented in a tabular form and the percentage for all values are listed in the last row to help deduce accurate results about each and every analysis. Percentage = (Number of respondents/Total sample)*100
Chi-Square The Chi-Square (X) test is used to determine whether there is significant difference between the expected frequencies and the observed frequencies in one or more categories. Formula X = (O-E)/E
Where O-Observed frequency in each category E-Expected frequency in each category df degree of freedom(n-1)
Test of independence Chi-Square test enables to explain whether or not two attributes are associated and deducing their significance of association and not their degree of assiciation. For instance, knowing whether a new medicine is effective in controlling fever or not. Here we proceed with the null hypothesis that the two attributes(new medicine and control of fever) are independent which means new medicine is not effective in controlling fever. On this basis we first calculate the expected frequencies and then work out the value of chi-square. Case 1 : If the calculated value of chi-square is less than the table value at a certain level of significance for degrees of freedom, we conclude that null hypothesis is true which means new medicine is not effective in controlling fever) Case 2: If the calculated value is greater than its table value our inference will be null hypothesis does not hold good means the two attributes are associated. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY
The time taken for my project study was 45 days to gather opinions from the personnel and the management which was very short.
The study is applicable and limited to a particular place and organization and hence it may not be applicable for other place of the organization or other organizations.
One cannot judge the attitude of an individual to be always consistent it may change from time to time. The data collected other than the questionnaire is from the secondary source and hence accuracy of interpretation entirely depends on its geneuinety .
Interpretation The above table shows that : Inference 33.3% the maximum fall between the age group 21-30 and 6.7% the minimum above 50. 20 % of the respondents are at the age group of below 20 33.3% of them are at the age group between 21 and 30 26.7% of them are at the age group between 31 and 40 13.3% of them are between 41 and 50 9.6% of them are at the age group of above 50
Sl No 1 2 Total
Interpretation The above table shows that : 93.3 % of the respondents are male and rest 6.7 % are female. 93.3 % of the respondents are male and rest 6.7 % are female. Inference
Sl No 1 2 Total
Percentage(%) 60 40 100
Interpretation The above table shows that : 60 % of the respondents are married and rest 40 % are unmarried. 60 % of the respondents are married and rest 40 % are unmarried. 4.Table showing the category of the respondents Inference
Sl No 1 2 3 Total
Interpretation The above table shows that : The major respondents are from airmen category with the response of 80% 13.3 % and 6.7 % are respondent category from Officers and Civilians respectively Inference The highest respondents are from Airmen category ( i.e 80 %) and the least from Civilian Category ( i.e 6.7%). 5.Table showing the Branch of the respondents
Sl No 1 2 3 Total
Interpretation The above table shows that : The major respondents are from Maintenance branch with the response of 53.3% 20 % and 26.7 % of the respondents are from Flying operation and Administration branch respectively Inference The Major respondents are from Maintenance branch ( i.e 80 %) and the lowest respondents are from Flying Operation branch ( i.e 20%). 6.Table showing the satisfactory level of working in Air Force 1. How do you feel working in Air Force?
(a) Excellent (b) Good (c) Satisfactory (d) Poor
Sl No
1 2 3 4 Total
Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor
Interpretation: The survey depicts that with IAF. Inference: The survey depicts that most of the employees (73.3%)feel good about working with IAF. So the company should ensure that this percentage increases by providing promising environment. Hence should show a little more care and concern. 7. What do you like the most about Indian Air Force? (a) Job Profile (c) Growth Opportunities Sl No Category (b) Work environment (d) Compensation & Benefits Respondents Percentage 73.3% of the employees feel good working with Indian Air Force and 20%of the employees feel excellent and 6.7% feel satisfactory about working
1 2 3 4
Job Profile 66 Work environment 34 Growth Opportunities 18 Compensation & Benefits 32 Total 150
70 60 50 40 Percentage 30 20 10 0
A B C D 1 Category
Interpretation: The survey depicts that 44% of the employees of IAF like the job profile & 12% of the employees like growth opportunities. Inference : From the above it is clear that most of the employees like job profile. The response for the growth opportunities is the least. Hence the organization should give more emphasis to growth opportunities. 8. Which of the following best describes your usual work schedule? (a) Day shift (c ) Irregular shifts /on-call Sl No
1 2 3
(b) Evening / Night shift (d) Rotating shifts Percentage 20 66.7 3.3 50
Response Respondents Evening/Night shift 30 Day shift 100 Irregular shifts /on-call 5
Rotating shifts
15 150
10 100
Percentage Evening shift Night shift Day shift Irregular shifts /on-call Rotating shifts
40 30 20 10 0 Category
Interpretation: The survey depicts that 20% of the respondents of IAF are willing to work in evening/night shifts, 66.7% of the employees are interested to work in day shifts , 10% of the employees like to work in rotating shifts & 3.3% of employees wants to work in irregular shifts. Inference : From the above most of the employees are interested to work in Day shifts.
9. How do you rate the work culture in your organization? (a) Excellent
(c) Good
(d) Satisfactory Sl No
1 2 3 4
Respondents 29 41 44 36
0 150
0 100
40 P 35 e 30 r 25 c g 20 e e 15 n 10 t 5 a 0
C Category
Interpretation: The survey depicts that 29.3%of the employees felt that there is good work culture in the organization and 27.3% of the employees felt that work culture is very good and 24%of the employees felt that the work culture is satisfactory and 19.3% of the employees felt that they have excellent work culture in the organization. Inference : From this, we can say that most of the employees feel that they have good work culture and they are confident about it. 10. How are the career developmental activities in your organization? (a) Excellent (d) Satisfactory Sl No
1 2 3 4
(c) Good
Respondents 7 43 52 42 6
Interpretation: The survey depicts that 34.7%of the employees say that the career developmental activities are good and 28.7%felt it is very good and 28%of the employees felt that it is satisfactory and4%of the employees felt it is bad and4.6%of the employees felt it is excellent Inference : It implies that if management focuses on the particular category i.e. mainly on the career developmental activities, then the employees can be motivated and be more useful for the organization. 11.Availability of sufficient opportunities to acquire own qualification. Sl No
1 2 Total
Response Yes No
Percentage 98 2 100
Interpretation: The survey depicts 98% of respondents have stated that they have sufficient opportunities to acquire own qualification where as 2% responded negatively Inference : It implies that opportunity for enhancing own civil qualification is very high.
12. Your main satisfaction in life comes from your work. (a)Strongly agree (b) Agree Sl No
1 2 3 4
(c) Disagree
Respondents 39 79 32 0 150
80 60 Percentage 40 20 0 A B Category C D
Interpretation: The survey depicts that 52.7% of the employees agreed that satisfaction comes from work and 21.3%of the employees disagreed
and 26%of the employees strongly agree that there is job satisfaction. Inference: From this we can say that the majority of the employees of IAF have agreed that the main satisfaction comes from work and it can be further improved.
No of Respondents 59 66 24 1
0 150
0 100
Interpretation: The survey depicts that 39.2% of the respondents are working with very high level of motivation, 44% with high level, 16% responded the level to be Average , 0.8% responded as low and interestingly no respondent has rated very low level of motivation. Inference : It implies that 44% have rated high motivational level where as 0.8 % have responded it to be low.
14. The work profile gives you an opportunity to develop special abilities (a) Very true Sl No
1 2 3 4
(b) Some what true Response Very true Some what true Not too true Not at all true
Respondents 42 58 39 11 150
60 50 40 Percentage 30 20 10 0 A B Category C D
Interpretation: The survey depicts that 69.72% of the employees feels that work profile gives an opportunity to develop special abilities is very true and 38.7%of the employees feels that it is somewhat true & 26% of the employees feel that it is not too true and 7.3% of the employees feel that it is not at all true. Inference: From this we can say that the majority of the employees of IAF are agreed to the fact that their work profile gives an opportunity to develop special abilities. 15.Training programs helps the personnel to achieve the required skill for performing the job efficiently.
I have received the training effectively and efficiently, have enhanced my ability, has made making me capable of performing my job effectively with ease. Sl No
1 2 3 4 5
Respondents 93 30 20 07 0 150
Interpretation: The survey depicts that 62% of the respondents strongly agree , 20% agree , 13.3% are neutral and 4.6% disagree to the statement that they have received effective and efficient training Inference: From this we can say that the majority of the employees of IAF have strongly agreed to the fact that their training programs are so well designed which gives them the required skill to perform the task effectively and efficiently. 16.My job requires that I should work very fast. Sl No
Respondents 30
Percentage 20 58
2 3 4 5
93 20 07 0 150
Interpretation: The survey depicts that 62% of the respondents agree , 20% strongly agree , 13.3% are neutral and 4.6% disagree to the statement that they should work very fast. Inference: From this we can say that the majority of the employees of IAF have agreed to the fact that their job profile requires them to work very fast means stress factor exists. 17.Amplified responsibility gives me more mental pressure. Sl No
1 2 3 4
Respondents 33 54 17 46
Strongly Disagree
0 150
0 100
Interpretation: The survey depicts that 36% of the respondents agree , 22% strongly agree , 11.3% are neutral and 30.7% disagree to the statement that the additional responsibility gives them more mental pressure. Inference: From this we can say that the agreed response (36%) is slightly higher than disagreed response(30.7%) hence majority feel that the added responsibility mounts more pressure.
18. How hard is it to take time off during your work to take care of personal or family matters? (a) Not at all hard Sl No
1 2 3
Response Not at all hard Not too hard Some what hard
Percentage 20 42 34 60
Very hard
6 150
4 100
D 4% C 34%
A 20%
B 42%
Interpretation: The survey depicts that 32.7% of the employees feel that it is not too hard to take care of family matters & 38 %of the employees feels that it is some what hard to take care of family matters and 15.3% of the employees feels that it is not at all hard & 14% of the employees feel that it is very hard to take care of family matters. Inference From this we can say that the majority of the employees of IAF are able to manage personal & family matters efficiently. 19.During your work you normally work as part of a team or mostly of your own Sl No
1 2 Total
Response Yes No
Percentage 82 18 100
Interpretation: 82 % are stating that they work as a team 18 % responded that they work on their own.
Inference: From this we can say that the affirmative response (82%) is for team work and minority response is for working on their own. 20. In general, how would you describe relations in your work place between management and employees? (a) Very good (d) Quite bad Sl No
1 2 3 4
5 Total
Category Respondents Very good 63 Quite good 60 Neither good nor bad 27 Quite bad 0 Very bad 0 150
Percentage 42 40 18 0 0 100 62
Interpretation: The survey depicts that 42% of the respondents describes relationship between management and employees are very good and 40%of the respondents states that the relationship is quite good and 18%describes neither good nor bad. Inference : It is concluded that relationship between management and employees can be further improved for better output. 21.How do you rate interpersonal relationship among employees Sl No
1 2 3 4
5 Total
Category Respondents Very good 63 Quite good 60 Neither good nor bad 20 Quite bad 7 Very bad 0 150
Interpretation: The survey depicts that 42% of the respondents describe the interpersonal relationship among employees are very good and 40%of the respondents states that the relationship is quite good,13.3%describe it to be neither good nor bad and 4.7% rate it as quite bad. Inference : It is concluded that interpersonal relationship among employees can be further improved for better output.
Response Yes No
Percentage 78 22 100
Interpretation: The survey depicts that 78% of the respondents rate the support of supervisor as affirmative and positive where as 22% rate it to be negative. Inference : It is concluded that supervisors should further extend their support on completion of job and mentorship to enhance the quality of work life.
23.Is there a proper provision for channel of communication with higher authorities and redressal of grievance . Sl No
1 2 Total
Response Yes No
Interpretation: The survey depicts that the entire community of respondents have responded that there exist a proper channel of communication with higher authorities.. Inference : It is concluded that this channel of communication maintained is good.
24. Does the management maintain quality circles according to the norms and standards of the employees? (a) Yes
Sl No 1 2
Interpretation: It is revealed that 94%of the employees say that the management maintains quality circles and 6%say that management doesnt maintain quality circles. Inference Majority of the employees are satisfied with the management as it maintains quality circle and it can be improved.
25. Do you think that the organization is paying you fairly and reasonably?
(c) Satisfactory
Respondents 21 75 51 3 0 150
Percentage 14 50 34 2 0 100
E Category D C B A
0 2 34 50 14
Interpretation: The survey depicts that 50%of the employees agree that the organization is paying fairly &reasonably and 34%of the employees satisfied and 14%are strongly agree and2%of the employees disagree. Inference: The organization should have a relook at the pay packages. 26. Is the compensation paid to you is sufficient for providing a satisfactory standard of Living? (a) High (b) Average (c) Low 68
Sl No 1 2 3
High Average Low
Percentage 10 82 8 100
Interpretation: From the survey 82% of the employees say that the compensation paid by the Organization is average for the standard of living and 10% say that it is high and 8% of the employees felt that it is low in maintaining standard of living. Inference: Majority of employees say that the compensation is average for their standard of living. The management has to focus on this category. So that it can be improved further
27. Do you feel that there is job security in your organization? (a) Strongly agree (d) Disagree (b) Agree (e) Strongly disagree (c) Satisfactory
Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Respondents 42 78 30 0 0 150
Percentage 28 52 20 0 0 100
60 50 Percentage 40 30 20 10 0 A B C Category D E
Interpretation: From the survey 52% of the employees agreed that there is job security in the organization and 28% of employees strongly agreed and 20% of employees are satisfied with job. Inference : Hence, it indicates that there is job security in the organization. 28. Are you satisfied with your job and do you get the deserved recognition? Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 Response Much less than I deserve Somewhat less than I deserve Relatively I deserve Somewhat more I deserve
Much more than I deserve
No of Respondents 45 40 55 10 0
Interpretation: From the survey 30% of the feel they are recognized much less than what they should actually have, 26.7% somewhat less , 36.7 feel they relatively deserve and 10% feel they deserve somewhat more and none feel they get recognized much more than they actually should have. Inference : Hence, it indicates that the recognition in the organization is less.
Response Yes No
Percentage 94 6 100
Interpretation: It is revealed that 94%of the employees say that the management maintains adequate safety measures and 6% are not satisfied with the existing safety level. Inference Majority of the employees are satisfied with existing safety measures.
30. What are rewards given for good performance of the team? (a) Commendation (c) Job enrichment Sl No 1 2 3 4 Total (b) Promotion (d) Any other specify Respondents 54 75 21 0 150 Percentage 36 50 14 0 100
D Category C B A 0 10 36 0 14 50 20 30 Percentage 40 50 60
Interpretation: From the survey 50% of the employees have chosen promotion, 36% have chosen commendation and 14% have chosen as job enrichment. Inference: From the above we calculated that 50% of employees chosen as promotion in lieu of their good performance. Rewards system should be improved further to gear up the activities.
31. Is your performance being monitored periodically? (b) Could be Sl No 1 2 3 Total (c) No Category Yes
Could be
(a) Yes
Percentage 88 12 0 100
Interpretation: The survey depicts that 88% of the employees say that their performance is being monitored periodically and 12% of the employees are not sure about it. Inference: Most of the employees say that the performance being monitored periodically.
Response Yes No
Percentage 98 2 100
Interpretation: It is revealed that 98%of the employees are satisfied with the existing promotion policies and 2% are not satisfied Inference Majority of the employees are satisfied with existing promotion policies and also the difference of opinion can be considered for any valid inputs.
(a) Nature of the job (c) Recognition of effort (e) Pay and conditions (mention)____________________ Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total
Category Respondents Nature of the job 45 Working with colleagues 21 Recognition of effort 57 Development opportunities15 Pay and conditions 12 Others (mention) 0 150
Percentage 30 14 38 10 8 0 100
F Category E D C B A 0 10 20 Percentage 30 40
Interpretation: From this survey it is found that 38% of the respondents feel that there is positive attitude towards recognition of effort and 30% towards nature of the job and 14% working with colleagues and 10% of the employees towards development opportunities and 8% felt that pay and condition is one of the reasons towards positive attitude. Inference: Therefore, there is positive attitude towards recognition of efforts and nature of the job.
34.Is the existing work culture attractive enough to encourage you to extend the service beyond the initial term ? Retention Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 Total Category Strongly agree Agree Satisfactory Disagree Strongly disagree Respondents 27 33 40 35 15 150 Percentage 10 22 26.7 23.3 10 100
Interpretation: It is revealed that 26.7%of the employees are willing to extend the service with the existing work culture and 33.3% are collectively unwilling to extend the service. not satisfied Inference Retention policies needs a check.
35.. How do you rate the employee welfare programs in your organization? (a) Excellent Sl No 1 2 3 4 Total (b) Very good Category
Interpretation: From the survey, 50% of the employees are agreeing that the employee welfare programmes are good and 24% of employees felt very good and 20% of employees are satisfied and 6% felt excellent with the welfare programs of organization. Inference: It implies to continue the same and improve it if there is any scope.
36. What could improve the quality of your work life? (a) More suitable working hours conditions (c) Better development/promotional activities (e) Other Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Category More suitable working hours Better pay and conditions Better development/promotional activities Better management Other None of the above (d) Better management (f) None of the above RespondentsPercentage 27 18 48 32 45 30 30 12 0 0 12 8 150 100 (b) Better pay and
Interpretation: From the survey, 32% of the employees feel that better pay & conditions could improve quality of work life & 30% feel that better development & 18% of the employees are of the opinion that more suitable working hours will improve quality of work life & 12% feel that better management & 8% of the employees feel none of the above. Inference : From the above most of the employees felt that better pay and conditions improve the quality of work life. 37. How important do you consider the following? 79
More flexible working hours Sl No 1 2 3 Total Category Respondents Very Important 84 Fairly Important 51 Not Very Important 15 150 Percentage 56 34 10 100
Interpretation: From the above, we can say that 56%of the employees feel that more flexible hours are very important and 34%of the employees feel that it is fairly important and 10%of the employees of the opinion that it is not very important. Inference: Therefore, majority of the employees of IAF feel that more flexible working-hours are necessary.
1 2 3 Total
75 69 6 150
50 46 4 100
60 50 Percentage 40 30 20 10 0 A B Category C
Interpretation: From the above we can understand that 50%of the employees feel that development of health care is very important and 46% employees of the opinion that it is fairly important and 4% of the employees feel that development of Occupational Healthcare is not very important. Inference : It indicates that most of the employees of IAF feel that development of the occupational health care is important.
Hike in pay
Sl No 1 2 3 Total
Respondents 90 54 6 150
Percentage 60 36 4 100
70 60 Percentage 50 40 30 20 10 0 A B Category C
Interpretation: The survey depicts that 60% of employees feels that need for HIKE is very important and 36% of the employees is of the opinion that fairly important and 4% of the employees feels that it is not very important. Inference : This implies that majority of employees at IAF,Sulur feel that hike in pay is very important.
Training Opportunities Sl No 1 2 3 Category Very Important Fairly Important Not Very Important Respondents 81 57 12 Percentage 54 38 8 82
60 50 Percentage 40 30 20 10 0 A B Category C
Interpretation: The survey depicts that 54% of the employees is of the opinion that increase in training opportunities is very important and 38% of the employees feel that it is not very important and 8% of the employees feel that it is not very important. Inference : Therefore, increase in training opportunities are very important
3 Total
0 100
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 A B Category C
Interpretation: The survey depicts that 82% of the employees felt that learning new things is very important and 18% felt that it is fairly important and there are none, who felt it is not very important. Inference : So, the majority of employees at IAF, Sulur felt that learning new thing is very important in the organization
Appreciation of work Sl No 1 2 3 Total Category Very Important Fairly Important Not Very Important Respondents 132 18 0 150 Percentage 88 12 0 100
100 80 Percentage 60 40 20 0 A B Category C
Interpretation: The survey depicts that 88% of the employees felt that appreciation of work is very important and 12% of the employees felt that it is fairly important and there are none of the above who felt that it is not very important. Inference : This implies that majority of employees at IAF, Sulur felt appreciation of work is very important in the organization.
Very High
Very Low
16 40 3 59
4 58 4 66
0 21 3 24
0 1 0 1
0 0 0 0
20 120 10
Job Satisfaction Disagree Strongly Disagree 0 0 0 0 Strongly Agree Agree Category Total
14 22 3 39
6 69 4 79
0 29 3 32
20 120 10
Category Vs Compensation
Category Strongly Agree Agree Compensation Satisfactory Disagree Strongly Disagree 0 0 0 0 Total
13 2 6 21
4 67 4 75
3 48 0 51
0 3 0 3
20 120 10
Category Vs Recognition
Much less than I deserve Somewhat less than I deserve
Relatively I deserve Somewhat more I deserve Much more than I deserve
3 38 4 45
9 30 1 40
8 45 2 55
0 7 3 10
0 0 0 0
20 120 10
38. Your opinions and suggestions regarding quality of work life in the organization?
Employees Opinions:
1. Satisfactory of working conditions 2. Overall Quality of Work Life is good in the organization, giving satisfactory opportunity of individual growth and better professional environment 3. The work life is good, its encouraging and better place to work with healthy environment. 4. Employee relations are good and management consideration towards employees health is impressive and work pressure is considerably less. 5. By giving excellent training, by providing flexible working hours, by working with concentration and hard work, by providing guidelines to juniors, these activities will improve Quality of Work Life. 6. Good co-ordination between team leaders and team members. 7. Better management leads to better work culture. 8. Communication gap between management and employees should get reduced.
Employee Suggestions:
1. Motivation of the employees is very important to reach the ultimate goal. It increases job satisfaction of the employees. 2. Recognition of the skills leads to achieve the organizations goals in broader view. 3. To conduct departmental meetings with team leaders and managers to know how work flows in departments. 4. The success of any organization is highly dependent on how it attracts recruits, motivates and retains its work force. Todays organization needs to be more flexible so that they are equipped to develop the required quality of work force and enjoy their commitment. 5. Organizations are needed to adopt a strategy to improve the employees QWL to satisfy both employee objectives and organization objectives. 6. The best way of increasing QWL is to compensate employee at par with the corporate industry and create a comfortable work culture. 7. Other facilities must be reviewed and efforts should be made to include each individual in the organizational growth. 8. Recognition and individuals efforts and freedom to express individual views relating to work is to be needed. Transparency is also important thing to improve QWL.
compensation packages, leave policies, training and development programs, performance appraisal systems which are in accordance with their expectations.
It is better to keep employees aware of the company goals, vision, mission and keep them informed of all the changes taking place in the company then it would definitely go a long way in the efficiency of the employees.
There should be no communication gap between the Team leader and Group members. The communication flow must be smooth to maintain cordial relations in the organization.
It is better to take timely preventive measures that the work would not be overloaded and maintain better Quality of Work Life.
The efforts to further improve the work culture in the organization should be continued.
The training and development programs can also be more effectively planned and implemented.
This survey is regarding a study on Quality of Work Life at AF Stn Sulur. Kindly spend your Valuable time in going through and filling this questionnaire. Personal Data 1. 2. Name Age group : : Below 20 ( ) 21-30 ( ) 41-50 ( ) 3. 4. 5. 6. Gender Marital Status Category Branch : : : : Male Above 51 ( ) ( ) Female ( ) 31-40 ( )
Married ( )
Unmarried ( ) Civilian ( )
Officer ( )
Airmen ( )
Working Environment 7. How do you feel working with IAF? (a) Excellent (b) Good (c) Satisfactory (d) Poor 102
8. What do you like the most about IAF? (a) Job Profile (c) Growth Opportunities (b) Work environment (d) Compensation & Benefits
9. Which of the following best describes your usual work schedule? (a) Evening shift (d) Irregular shifts /on-call (b) Night shift (e) Rotating shifts (c) Day shift
Job Satisfaction and personality development 10. How do you rate the work culture in your organization? (a) Excellent (d) Satisfactory (b) Very good (e) Bad (c) Good
11. How are the career developmental activities in your organization? (a) Excellent (d) Satisfactory (b) Very good (e) Bad (c) Good
12. Your main satisfaction in life comes from your work. (a) Strongly agree (c) Disagree (b) Agree (d) Strongly Disagree
13. The work profile gives you an opportunity to develop special abilities (a) Very true (c) Not too true (b) Some what true (d) Not at all true
Training and Development Sl No 15 Question I have received the training effectively and 16 efficiently Training Programs Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Agree
helps the personnel to achieve the required skill for Performing the job efficiently
Stress Level Sl No 17 18 Question My job requires that I should work very fast Amplified responsibilities me more pressure Liberty/Freedom 19. During your work do you normally work as part of a team or work mostly on your own (a) (b) Yes, I work as part of a team No, I work mostly on my own ( ) ( ) gives mental Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Agree
20. How hard is it to take time off during your work to take care of personal or family matters? (a) Not at all hard (c) Some what hard (b) Not too hard (d) Very hard
20. Does the management maintain quality circles according to the norms and standards of the employees? (a) Yes (b) No
21. In general, how would you describe relations in your work place between management and employees? (a) Very good (d) Quite bad (b) Quite good (e) Very bad (c) Neither good nor bad
Compensation and Rewards 22. Do you think that the organization is paying you fairly and reasonably? (a) Strongly agree (d) Disagree (b) Agree (e) Strongly disagree (c) Satisfactory
23. Is the compensation paid to you is sufficient for providing a satisfactory standard of Living? (a) High (b) Average (c) Low
24. What are rewards given for good performance of the team? (a) Commendation (c) Job enrichment (b) Promotion (d) Any other specify
25. Is your performance being monitored periodically? (b) Could be (c) No (a) Yes
26. What helps positive attitude towards the job? (a) Nature of the job (c) Recognition of effort (e) Pay and conditions ____________________ Welfare 27. How do you rate the employee welfare programs in your organization? (a) Excellent (c) Good (b) Very good (d) Satisfactory (b) Working with colleagues (d) Development opportunities (f) Others (mention)
28. What could improve the quality of your work life? (a) More suitable working hours conditions (c) Better development/promotional activities (e) Other Safety 29. Are you satisfied with the present level of safety measures (a) (b) Yes No (d) Better management (f) None of the above (b) Better pay and
Sl No 30 Sl No 31
Agre e Agre e
Disagre e
The safety of personnel Question is a highest priority My job requires that I keep learning new things and not monotonous I feel that working for the organization will lead to achieve my personal goals.
Disagre e
31. How important do you consider the following? Very Important More flexible working hours Development of occupational healthcare Hike in pay Increase in training opportunities Learning new things Appreciation of work Fairly Important Not Very Important
32. Your opinions and suggestions regarding quality of work life in the organization?
Thank you
Decenzo & Robbins Human Resource Management, Johnwilley 1998 Biswajeeet Pattanaya, Human Resource Management, PHI-2201 Mirza S Saiyadain - Human Resource Management, TMH-2001 P.Subba rao - Human resource management ,HPH-2003
Search Engines:
x Based on the responses obtained and the gathered data suitable recommendations were given which can help the organization in retaining their employees coded and represented diagrammatically in the form of bar diagrams by calculating the frequency and average. Based on this suitable interpretations were made.
ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY Organization of the study deals with the arrangement of the entire study. The entire work is organized in order to facilitate easy identification of 5 chapters. Chapter-1 Deals with the objectives, scope, methodology and limitations of the study. The objective of the study aims at reviewing the working conditions
including total environment to bring in positive change for betterment of the Quality of Work life of employees. This project gives the descriptive of overview of Ling Technologies emphasizing on the quality of work life. Chapter-2 Deals with company profile. Ling Technologies was founded in 2001 and has over 15 years IT experience in ERP and other software applications. Ling Technologies is a global, full service business consulting company that provides real world solutions to our clients. Ling Technologies specializes in IT and management solutions to business needs. Chapter-3 Deals with literature review Quality of Work life refers to fair remuneration, safe & healthy environment, opportunities for growth. Better Quality of Work life leads to motivation and satisfaction. Motivated and satisfied employees make better contribution to production, quality and productivity Chapter-4 Deals with analysis and interpretations The employees in general felt that the work culture in the company is good. The employees are optimistic, sincere and never try to avoid work. Chapter-5 deals with conclusions and recommendations It is better to keep employees aware of the company goals, vision, mission and they are kept informed of all the changes being occurred in the company then it would definitely increase the efficiency of the employees