Cvs and Resumes

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Publication of the Rice University Center

CVs and CVsand Resumes Resumes

for Graduate Students
Whats the difference between a CV and a resume? A curriculum vitae (CV or vita) should tell the reader what you know; a resume should tell the reader what you know how to do. A resume summarizes your background and experience in order to demonstrate your ability to do well in a specic position. A CV is a longer and more detailed document that focuses more exclusively on your academic training and related pursuits in order to demonstrate your potential as a scholar or researcher. Typically, youll need a CV if youre applying for an academic position (e.g., a position at a college, university, or research institution); youll need a resume if youre applying for a non-academic position in the private or public sector. Because of these distinctions, CVs and resumes tend to be phrased and organized differently. HOW TO WRITE A CV The Process Begin by brainstorming a list of relevant facts. What qualies you for the position you want? What distinguishes you from other applicants? After writing down everything you can think of, start organizing this information into categories. Within each category, list your accomplishments in reverse chronological order. The Format For what type of position are you applying? What aspects of your background qualify you most strongly for that position? To a large extent, considerations like these will determine the format of your CV. It is a good idea to ask someone in your academic department for advice, since different disciplines have different conventions when it comes to writing CVs. Generally speaking, if your degree is in the sciences, you should emphasize your research experience, while if your degree is in the humanities, you should emphasize your dissertation and teaching experience. Of course, many types of information will end up on your CV regardless of your academic eld. What to Include in Your CV The following list of categories is by no means exhaustive; if you have relevant qualications that are not covered by any of these categories, feel free to add more. You should check with someone in your department to nd out what a CV in your eld should include or emphasize. Personal information (Heading). This section includes your name, address, area code, telephone number, and e-mail address. Your name should be at the top of the page in bold print. Consider using a larger font size than the rest of the document. Use formal names; never abbreviate on a CV or resume. List your mailing address, along with the best phone number to reach you. Educational history. In this section, list every post-secondary school you have attended. For each school, include your major, degree, date of completion (or expected date), the titles of your theses and dissertations, and your advisor. Also list minors, subelds, and any honors you have received; however, if you have several prestigious honors and awards, you may want to list them in a separate section. If your eld is in the humanities, you may want to have a separate Dissertation section in which you give a short summary of your dissertation and the names of your dissertation readers. Professional experience. All teaching or research positions you have held should go here. Include the course name, dates, and a brief description for each course you have taught. If you want to give a greater emphasis to teaching, research, or any other aspect of your professional experience, you can split this category into multiple categories, such as Teaching Experience, Research Experience, or Fieldwork. Do not forget to use action verbs when describing your responsibilities; they will grab the readers attention more forcefully and make your resume more memorable. Academic service. Include the names of all committees you have served on and a description of each academic service position you have held. Memberships. List all national, regional, state, or local professional organizations to which you belong, with dates of membership. Past memberships and student memberships should be listed if they are relevant.

Suggested CV Categories
Publications. Give bibliographic citations (using the format appropriate to your particular academic discipline) for articles, pamphlets, chapters in books, research reports, etc. that you have authored or coauthored. For people in ne arts areas, this can include descriptions of recitals, art exhibits, etc. Materials pending publication, marked as such, go in this section as well. Papers presented. Give titles of professional presentations (using the format appropriate to your particular academic discipline), name of conference or event, dates, and location. If appropriate in your discipline, you can also include a brief description. Also list any professional workshops you have conducted here. Papers currently under submission. Do not forget to update your CV when the status of one of your papers changes. Grants. For each grant, include the name of the grant, the name of the granting agency, the date received, and the title or purpose of the research project. Teaching and research interests. Generally, these will be two separate categories. Again, if you have a degree in the sciences, you will probably want to emphasize research. Other sections. If you have relevant skills or qualications that do not t into any of these categories, you can include sections such as Languages, Community Involvement, or Educational Travel. Before you add anything to your CV, make sure that it is relevant to the position you are applying for, and remember that a CVs focus is narrower than that of a resume. References. Your references should go on a separate sheet. Academic Preparation Academic Training Academic Background Education Educational Background Educational Overview Professional Studies Degrees Principal Teachers Thesis Masters Project Comprehensive Areas Dissertation Dissertation Title Professional Competencies Educational Highlights Course Highlights Prociencies Areas of Knowledge Areas of Expertise Areas of Experience Areas of Concentration in Graduate Study Professional Experience Professional Overview Professional Background Teaching Experience Teaching Overview Experience Summary Experience Highlights Research Experience Research Overview Administrative Experience Consulting Experience Continuing Education Experience Related Experience Internships Teaching/Research Assistantships Graduate Fieldwork Graduate Practica Academic Accomplishments Professional Achievements Career Achievements Career Highlights Background Publications Scholarly Publications Scholarly Works Books Professional Papers Articles/Monographs Reviews Exhibits/Exhibitions Arrangements/Scores Academic Service Professional Service University Involvement Service Faculty Leadership Committee Leadership Departmental Leadership Professional Association Leadership and Activities Scholarly Presentations Conference Presentations Convention Addresses Workshop Presentations Workshops and Conventions Programs and Workshops Conferences Attended Conference Participation Conference Leadership Memberships Afliations Professional Memberships Memberships in Scholarly Societies Professional Organizations Professional Certication Certicates Licensure Special Training Endorsements Teaching Interests Academic Interests Research Interests Educational Interests Professional Interests Scholarships Fellowships Academic Awards Special Honors Distinctions College Distinctions Activities and Distinctions Honors and Distinctions Honors and Awards Prizes College Activities Foreign Study Study Abroad Travel Abroad Languages Language Competencies Dossier Credentials Placement File References Recommendations

The Curriculum Vitae Handbook. Anthony, Rebecca and Gerald Roe, Rudi Publishing, Iowa City, 1994.

Sample CVs
Environmental Sciences Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6036 (615) 483-1234

Martin pp. 2 of 2 RESEARCH INTERESTS Theoretical and eld study of ecological communities The roles that spatial patterns and processes play in shaping communities How populations and processes that act on different spatio-temporal scales affect the behavior of ecological systems Inuences of disturbance size and frequency on landscape structure TEACHING EXPERIENCE Rice University, 2008-2005 Co-Instructor (with Dr. James Fletcher) Biology of Birds (Fall 2008) Developed and presented lectures Organized and implemented eld trips Teaching Assistant Systematics and Ecology of Vascular Plants (Fall 2006) Directed laboratory and eld trips Graded labs and met individually with students Teaching Assistant Introductory Lab Module in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (Spring 2005) Led laboratory and discussion sections Kendall College, Evanston, IL, 2003-2004 Instructor: Chemistry Laboratory Sole responsibility for laboratory in biochemistry, general and organic chemistry Association of Adirondack Scout Camps, Long Lake, NY, 2002. Wilderness Guide Directed groups of 10 students on six-day canoe and hiking trips Taught Adirondack natural history UNIVERSITY SERVICE Graduate Student Association: Treasurer, 2005 Tour Guide: Ecology laboratory teaching assistant orientation, 2004. Student Advisor: Integrated Science Program, Northwestern University, 2002-2004. PUBLICATIONS and PRESENTATIONS Fletcher, J. and P.M. Martin. 2007. Scrub Jay predation on starlings and swallows: attack and Interspecic defense, Condor 96:503-505. Martin, P.M. and A. Simpson. 2006. Avian predation on Anolis lizards in the northeastern Caribbean: an interisland contrast, Ecology 76:617-628. Martin, P.M. and A. Simpson. Pattern and stability in predator-prey communities: how diffusion in spatially variable environments affects the Lotak-Volterra model, Theoretical Population Biology (in press). Martin, P.M. and A. Simpson. Predation across spatial scales in heterogeneous environments, Theoretical Population Biology (in press). Martin, P.M. and A. Simpson. Species interactions in space, symposium paper presented at the 2005 meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Snowbird, UT; to appear in R. Ricklefs and D. Schulter, eds., Historical and Geographical Determinants of Community Diversity, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Martin, P.M. Species interactions across spatial scales, presented at the November 2004 meeting on Bridging the Gap Between Theoretical and Empirical Ecology, Broaddus, TX. REVIEWER The American Naturalist

EDUCATION Rice University, Houston, TX, 2005-2010 Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 2010, Specialization: Population Ecology M.A. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 2006 Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 2001-2005 B.A. in Biological Sciences, concentration in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology B.A. in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology with honors B.A. in Integrated Science Program, with honors AWARDS and HONORS Hollander Postdoctoral Fellowship (US D.O.E.), 2010-present ARCS Foundation Fellowship, 2007-2008 National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 2006-2010 Andrew Mellon Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, 2008 Phi Beta Kappa, 2004 RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Postdoctoral Research 2010-present Research advisor: Dr. Stephen H. Smith Development of quantitative theory of hierarchical structure in ecological systems. Analysis of how ecological communities reect environmental heterogeneity at different scales. Numerical study of foraging behavior with short and long range movement in heterogeneous environments. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Rice University, Houston TX Doctoral Research 2005-2010 Research advisor: Dr. Abraham Simpson Field study of the impact of avian predation on Anolis lizards in the eastern Caribbean documents the importance of differences in spatial scale between prey and predators. Theoretical analysis of spatial scale and environmental heterogeneity in models of predator-prey communities. Analytical and numerical work shows how species interaction can sharpen underlying environmental patterns and how heterogeneous environments can stabilize predator and prey populations. Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL Undergraduate Honors Research 2001-2004 Research adviser: Dr. Peter T. Hart Investigation of primary events of bacterial photosynthesis. Isolation and spectral analysis of photosynthetic reaction centers. Celanese Corporation, Summit, NJ Undergraduate Summer Research 2002-2003 Research adviser: Dr. Nicholas H. Michaels Organometallic catalysis research. Preparation of catalysts, chemical characterization of reaction products, mathematical analysis of date.

Sandra Jones
1515 Bissonnet, Apt. 123 Houston, TX 77005 (713)123-4567 email:

Ralph Ellison and the African-American Literary Tradition, Institute of North American Studies, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, March 2001. PUBLICATIONS: Co-Author: Instructors Manual for The Short Story: An Introduction, 2nd ed. Ed. Stone, Packer, & Hoopes. New York: McGraw Hill, 2007. ACADEMIC SERVICE: Advisory Panel to the President for the 2007 Commencement Speaker, Rice University, 2006- 2007. Graduate Admissions Committee, Department of English, Rice University, 2003-2004. Graduate Housing Advisory Commissions, Rice University, 2002-2003.

EDUCATION: Ph.D. Rice University, Department of English, degree expected June 2009 A.B. Harvard University, June 2000 DISSERTATION: Race, Reenslavement, and Representation: The Troubled Birth of American Realism This study discusses the social and racial implications of the campaign for American literary realism during the late 19th century, examining works that range from the novels of W.D. Howell and Henry James to W.E.B. Duboiss The Philadelphia Negro and The Souls of Black Folk. Dissertation Readers: Professor John Doe (chair), Professor Jane Smith, Professor Joseph Brown FELLOWSHIPS: Fulbright Junior Lectureship, 2008 Dorothy Danforth-Compton Dissertation Fellowship, 2007-08 Dorothy Danforth-Compton Graduate Fellowship, 2003-2007 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: The New University of Lisbon, Departamento de Estudos AngloPortugueses Fulbright Junior Lecturer in American Studies Jan 2008-June 2008 North American Literature: Introduction to American Literature 1850-1950 Department of English, Rice University, Spring 2007. Course Reader Henry James and Mark Twain Instructor Freshman Composition, Emotion in Writing and Art Teaching Assistant The Development of the Short Story Teaching Assistant Shakespeare

Spring 2007

Spring 2007

Fall 2006

Spring 2005

School of Engineering, Rice University Writing Tutor

Sept 2003-June 2005

TEACHING INTERESTS: Nineteenth- and twentieth-century American prose ction Nineteenth- and twentieth-century African-American literature Literature of the American South American poetry, 1840-1930 Freshman composition PAPERS AND LECTURES: Americans and African-American Literature: Some Vital Connections, The Department of American Studies, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, May 2001. Richard Wright and the African-American Short Story, Annual Seminar on American Literature: The Dark Mirror of American Consciousness: American and African-American Literature, sponsored by the Center for American Studies, Rome, Italy, May 2001.

Turning Your CV Into a Resume Chances are, you will need both a CV and a resume. Fortunately, you can turn your CV into a resume without too much trouble. Remember that a resume should focus on the practical skills and qualications you will bring to a particular position. This means that you will probably end up removing most of the detailed academic information on your CV (publications, memberships, grants, etc.) and focusing instead on your work experience and specic skills. You also may need to organize the sections of your CV to create a good resume. HOW TO WRITE A RESUME The Process First, assemble information about yourself. Write down a list of your skills and qualications, including your academic history, your work experience, honors you have received, equipment or software you know how to use, and anything else that seems relevant. Next, you should tailor your list to the position in which you are interested. Decide which of your skills and qualications are most relevant to the position, and organize your list accordingly. The Format There are three main resume formats, each emphasizing different strengths. Choose the one that best highlights the experiences you want the employer to notice. Reverse chronological. This is the traditional format. It starts with the most recent experience. It is effective if your most recent experiences are also your most impressive. Functional. In this format, your qualications and skills are categorized by function. If you are just entering the job market or are entering a eld in which you have no directly related experience, this is probably the format you will want to use. It allows you to emphasize specic strengths and experiences that are especially relevant to the position for which you are applying. Combination. You can also combine the above formats to your advantage. If your employer needs to see both your history

and your specic skills, this is the format to use. It draws attention to the skills you have developed from your experience.

What to Include in Your Resume The following list of categories is by no means exhaustive; if you have relevant qualications that are not covered by any of these categories, feel free to add more. Personal information (Heading). This section includes your name, address, area code, telephone number, and e-mail address. Your name should be at the top of the page in bold print. Use formal names. List your mailing address, along with the best phone number to reach you. Objective statement. The objective statement is optional, but some employers prefer one to give them an idea of your career interests. It should be specic enough to tell the employer the kind of work you seek, yet general enough to include the full range of jobs you will apply for. Avoid superuous phrases such as a challenging position, or words like exciting or dynamic. Stay away from trite, banal, or overused words such as peopleoriented and stimulating. Some resume experts feel that objective statements are outdated. Try to ascertain the norm in your eld and include an objective statement or omit as you see t. Education. The education section is of particular importance if you have limited work experience or are making a career change. Present your post-secondary education in reverse chronological order. Do not include high school information. You must include information on which institutions you attended, their location, the degrees you received, and the date of graduation. You may also include your GPA (if it is above 3.0), dissertation and thesis topics, class standing, or study abroad experience. Work history. List all the jobs you have held that are relevant for the position ito which you are applying. If some of your jobs seem especially relevant, you can emphasize them by dividing this section up into several sections based on the different kinds of work you have done.

Action Verbs
abstracted accomplished acquired acted addressed advised analyzed arranged articulated assessed assisted authored budgeted catalogued chaired coauthored collaborated collected communicated compiled completed composed conducted consulted coordinated counseled created delivered designed developed directed drafted earned edited elected encouraged established evaluated examined expanded facilitated founded generated guided identied illustrated implemented improved increased initiated instructed integrated interpreted interviewed introduced invented investigated lectured maintained managed mastered monitored motivated negotiated nominated observed organized originated participated performed planned prepared presented presided produced programmed projected promoted published recognized recruited represented researched reviewed revised scheduled screened selected served solved sponsored streamlined strengthened studied supervised taught tested trained

The Curriculum Vitae Handbook.

Sample Resumes
3439 Banbury Houston, TX 77027 Home: (713)621-5304 Ofce: (713)527-8101 ext. 3265 OBJECTIVE: Seeking a position in chemical research and development. EDUCATION: Rice University, Houston, TX Ph.D. in Chemistry, anticipated Spring 2010. GPA: 3.8/4.0 B.A. in Chemistry, May 2005. GPA: 3.5/4.0 EXPERIENCE: Rice University, Houston, TX. August 2006 Present. Graduate Student under Dr. Marco A. Ciufolini. Developed and applied new methods for the synthesis of both aliphatic and aromatic nitrogen-containing compounds. Planned and executed total syntheses of biologically active natural products. Applied various spectroscopic methods including 3000 MHz NMR, mass spectrometry, IR and UV-VIS toward the identication of organic compounds. Taught and helped organize six semesters of organic laboratory. Tutored undergraduates in analytical and organic chemistry. Mobay Corporation, Baytown, TX. Summer 2005. Summer Research Technician Improved and developed new application and quality control testing methods for the companys polyurethane product line. Independently modied new and existing methods to increase efciency and reliability. Summarized ndings and reported directly to plant managers. HONORS: Robert A. Welch Predoctoral Fellow, 2008-2010 Harry B. Weiser Teaching Award in Chemistry, 2007 Z.W. Salsburg Memorial Award in Chemistry, 2006 Presidents Honor Roll ACTIVITIES: Chemistry Department Safety Committee Chief Justice of Lovett College, 2005 Rice University Swim Team, Captain 2005, Letter 2004 PUBLICATIONS: Synthetic Studies Towards Cystodytin A: The Preparation of Novel Cystodytin Congeners, Ciufolini, M.A.; Myers, S.J. Tetrahedron Lett. 2009, 30, 5559-5562 Chemoenzymatic Preparation of trans-2,6,-Dialkylpiperidines and of Other Azacycle Building Blocks. Total Synthesis of (+)-Desoxoprosopinine, Ciufolini, M.A.; Hermann, C.W.; Whitmire, K.H.; Myers, S.J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 111, 3473-3475. Modied Knoevenagel-Stobbe Preparation of Substituted Pyridines: A New Approach to Streptonigrinoids, CiufoliniM.A.; Myers, S.J. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 2008, 1230-1231.

PAUL GARDNER 8901 Braesmont #258 Houston, TX 77096 (713)667-8348 (evening) (713)527-8101x3552 (day) EDUCATION Rice University, Houston, TX Ph.D. in American History, Spring 2009 M.A. in American History, Spring 2006 University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA B.A. in History and Journalism, Summa Cum Laude, May 2001 EXPERIENCE Rice University, Houston, TX Postdoctoral Fellow, 2005-present. Conducted a research project exploring the history of the working class in the United States from 1900-1940. Results will be published in three journal articles. Lecturer, 2007-2009. Taught courses on American history. Formulated course structures and requirements. Created syllabi. Lectured and administered all grades. Teaching Assistant, 2004-2006. Assisted with history course, The United States in 1945. Helped create curriculum, composed exams and term paper assignments, led weekly discussion sections, graded all written work and determined nal grades. Heritage Society, Houston, TX Researcher, 2004-2006. Conducted basic historical research. Selected writers. Assisted in formulating entry lists. Houghton-Mifin, Boston, MA Writer, 2002-2004. Researched and wrote articles on various topics in American history. ABC News, New York, NY Researcher, 2001-2002. Veried the historical accuracy of programs on American history. SKILLS Foreign Languages: Procient in French, Spanish, and Modern Greek. Working knowledge of Italian. Computers: Microsoft Word, Excel, SPSS, and Claris Works.

Activities. Activities such as teaching and serving on committees should be included here. You may include a statement on publications here (such as Research ndings published in several peer-reviewed journals.). Do not include an exhaustive list of publications. You can list them on a separate sheet or include a few related ones in a Selected Publications section. Research and coursework. Include only those research projects and classes that have been most important in your education and are most relevant to the type of job you are seeking. Other sections. If you have relevant skills or qualications that do not t into any of these categories, you can include sections such as Languages, Community Involvement, or Educational Travel. Before you add anything to your resume, make sure that it is relevant for the position to which you are applying. References. It is not necessary to mention references on your resume; although, most employers will ask for a list of references when you apply. The names of your references and their contact information may be listed on a separate sheet of paper. The Scannable Resume Many large companies get more resumes than they have time to read. When this happens, they put resumes into a database and set up a search request telling the computer what criteria are desired in an applicant. Results are ranked by how qualied the applicants are, and nalists resumes are evaluated by human resources personnel. At the center of this technology are key words buzz words and industry jargon. They are typically nouns that describe the more important facets of the job. The more key words you use, the more likely your resume is to be highlighted as a good t for the position. We recommend that you develop two resumes: one to be read by people, the other to be read by a computer. The format you chose for your conventional resume will work here as well, but some things will have to be changed. Here are some guidelines: Develop your list of key words from company literature, job descriptions, trade magazines, class notes, newspapers, materials found in the career library, and the names of computer programs you know how to use. Look for places in your resume (your objective, work experience, course work, activities) to incorporate these words. Use only white paper. No ivory, and especially no colors. Put your name at the top of the page and other identication information on its own line. Skip at least two lines between sections and leave a margin all the way around the resume. Do not condense spacing between letters or reduce the text to t on one page. Use simple fonts like Helvetica or Times, and keep the size between 10 and 12 points. Use boldface and all capital letters only in headings, and eliminate italics, script, and underlining.

Do not use any lines, borders, graphics, gray shading, or text boxes. Minimize use of bullets. Minimize abbreviations. Print with a laser printer. Do not staple or fold the resume. The Reference Sheet A company may ask you to bring your reference sheet with you to an interview or submit it with your resume, so it is important to have one that is current. (The employer must be able to contact your references now.) The reference sheet is simply a list of people that know you well and can attest to your work ethic, capabilities, and character (usually past employers or professors with whom you have worked closely). It is also nice to include a personal reference (not a relative). List them in chronological order, with the most current rst and your personal reference last. Print your reference sheet on the same quality paper as your resume. Other Considerations What Not to Include in Your CV or Resume You should not include any personal information that is irrelevant to the position you want. This includes your age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, race, and religious beliefs. If you are an international student, you should not include your Visa status unless you have permanent residence. Layout Your CV or resume should be as clear, concise, and as consistent as possible. Do not use too many different fonts or font sizes. Be judicious in your use of boldface and italics, and pay attention to the appearance of the text on the page. Use space effectively; you do not want to end up with a narrow column of print along the left side of the page and a huge expanse of white space on the right. Both the CV and the resume are intended to get you to the next level of the selection process, so you should organize your CV or resume so that your greatest strengths are emphasized. The Electronic (e-mail) CV or Resume Many companies require you to submit your resume electronically through their Web site or via email. You will want to create several versions of your resume: a print version (ready to print and handout to your network or interviewers), a scannable version (limit the italics and other word processing treatments), and a plain text version (a plain text le or TextOnly document can be copied and pasted into online applications).

Rice University Center for Student Professional Development Huff House 6100 Main St. Houston, TX 77005 Phone: 713-348-4055

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