Tone-African Languages
Tone-African Languages
Tone-African Languages
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0 Introduction
The study of tone in African languages has played a significant role in the development of nonlinear
phonology, since the independence of tone and other “segmental” features is most easily
demonstrated in the domain of tone, and many African languages have rich systems of
morphophonemic tonal alternations. Autosegmental phonology, as presented in Goldsmith (1976a),
was motivated primarily by investigation of tonal problems in African languages, and as Yip, in
chapter 13 of this volume observes, African languages have received most of the attention in
theoretical studies of tone. While it is true that African tone systems are better understood today than
they were twenty years ago, it is also true that the vast majority of the more than one thousand
languages spoken in Africa are tonal, and are for all intents and purposes undescribed. Much work
therefore remains to be done in understanding tone as it is represented in Africa.
One of the classical problems of tonology which autosegmental phonology resolves is the
representation of contour tones. It is widely recognized that falling tones are functionally equivalent
to the tone sequence HL, and rising tones to LH. This is apparent when considering the possible
(assimilatory) rules that create contour tones. Rules like (1) are common.
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This fact, whose explanation eluded linear phonology, is solved in autosegmental phonology, where
contour tones are multiple tones linked to one vowel. The well-attested process expand the domain
of a tone to a neighboring vowel.
The unattested processes, on the other hand, cannot be described in this way.
There are occasional challenges to the view that contour tones are sequences of level tones. An
argument for primitive contour tones in Wobe (Kru:Côted'Ivoire) is presented by Bearth and Link
(1980). The evidence from Wobe is difficult to evalute; see Singler (1984) and Paradis (1984) for
alternative analyses. Grebo (Kru: Liberia), discussed in Newman (1986a), is clearer, though open to
reinterpretation. In Grebo, there are four level tones, noted by 1,2,3,4, with 1 indicating the highest
and 4 the lowest. Contour tones are indicated as sequences of these four (e.g., for a tone rising
from 2 to 1). A contour does not act like a combination of a 2 plus a 1 tone. For instance, the
pronoun na- “my” has a 2 before a noun with a 1 tone, and has a 1 tone before nouns with a 2 tone or
lower. Before a tone, na has a 2 tone as it does before a 1 tone - in other words, does not act like
it begins with a 2 tone.
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As a second illustration of the difference between simple 2 tone and the 2-tone component of a 21
contour, a 2 tone downsteps to 3 after a 4 tone, so becomes “She didn't wait for
Kla”, but the 21 contour of “she doesn't hate Kla” does not downstep. Examples like
these, and other problems discussed by Newman, show that rising tones do not act like a combination
of level tones, and do act like single tones. The historical cause of the peculiar behavior of and is
that they arise from level 1 and 3 tones; synchronically, level 1 and 3 tones do exist in Grebo (to
“store”, mc “you” (sg.)).
A second classical puzzle of tonology which is solved by autosegmental phonology is tone
preservation, also known as stability. In many languages, when a vowel deletes, the tones which it
bore are not deleted. Goldsmith (1976a), drawing on Lovins (1971), illustrates this with the now-
classic example of Lomongo (Bantu: Zaire), where phrase-level rules delete (consonants and) vowels,
but tones borne by the deleted vowels are preserved and surface on the surviving vowel of the
Given the independence of the tonal and segmental tiers, deletion of a vowel does not entail deletion
of tones linked to the vowel.
The H formerly borne by o survives, and by general convention is automatically docked on the
following vowel.
Further evidence for autosegmental theory is that it allows abstraction of tonal patterns which are
comprehensible only when viewed independently of the syllables and segments bearing the melody.
Leben (1973) argues for a suprasegmental representation of tone in Mende (Mande: Mali, Senegal)
based on restrictions on tone patterns: there are (supposedly) five tonal classes of nouns.
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The tone melodies may be abstracted away from the syllables which bear them phonetically, mapping
tones to vowels from left to right, creating contour tones only at the end of the word when no
toneless vowels remain. This separation of tone pattern and segmental content explains a number of
facts: (a) the left-to-right mapping of tone to vowels only creates contour tones at the end of the
word.(b) The analysis predicts that, since there are no tone melodies*HHL or *HLH, there could be no
words like *páwûor *lákátà (illustrating *HHL) or *mbálƮ or *mánìnká (illustrating *HLH) - the
characterization of possible tone patterns holds irrespective of the number of syllables in the word.
While the tone patterns illustrated in (7) are the most common, Dwyer (1978) and Leben (1978) note
that other patterns exist.
Furthermore, contrary to the prediction of the left-to-right mapping theory, contour tones can appear
in word-medial position, e.g., klàálì “clerk”. Such word-medial contour tones are controversial; klƮkì
“clerk” could be transcribed as klàákì. There is apparently no phonological evidence that decides
whether these vowels are long, although it is apparent that they have greater phonetic duration than
level-toned syllables.
A fourth problem for the treatment of tone which an autosegmental treatment resolves is floating
tones, that is, tones which are independent of vowels. Certain phenomena in (Anlo) Ewe (Kwa: Togo,
Ghana) illustrate floating tones (Clements 1978; see also Clements and Ford 1979 and 1981 for
floating tones in Kikuyu). Postulating floating H tones for certain words solves various analytic
puzzles, even though the floating tone is not directly manifested. For example, word-final M tone in
Ewe generally becomes L tone, which then spreads leftward to preceding M tones. By these
rules, /ētō/ becomes [ètò] “buffalo”. However, some words do not lower final M, e.g., [ētō] “mortar”.
Failure of lowering is explained by positing that eto ends with H not associated to a vowel, i.e., is
underlyingly /ētō/. M cannot lower, since it is not word final.
Floating H explains other problems. The locative postposition me generally has L (ètó mè “in a
mountain”, ètó mè in a buffalo”), but has falling tone after nouns with floating H such as ētō(ētō mè
“in a mortar”). Finally, there is a rule of Raising (see section 2.2) changing M to R (Raised H), which
changes HMH to HRH. This applies to /ētó meɾgbé/ and gives ētó meɾgbé (which, because of other
rules, surfaces as [èteɾ meɾgbé] “behind a mountain”). The phonological effect of floating H can been
seen here: /ētō meɾgbé/ becomes [ētō meɾgbé] “behind a mortar”.
Across-the-board tone changes give more evidence for the model. In Shona (Bantu: Zimbabwe,
Mozambique), the first H tone of a noun is lowered after a (morphological) class of H-toned
“associative” prefixes (Odden 1980).
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The fact that the rule lowers an unbounded sequences of stem-initial H tones is explained if these
words have one H, linked to a sequence of vowels.
The rule affects the initial H of the stem, which is phonetically transmitted to a number of vowels. The
reason why the word-final H in bénzíbvunzá does not lower, but the H of the first two syllables does,
is that the first two syllables have one H tone which they share, and the final syllable has its own H.
2 Tonal Geometry
There are two central questions about the geometry of tones: (a) where do tones link in phonological
representations, and (b) what features define tones?
One of the fundamental problems in understanding tone is determining what the tone-bearing unit
(TBU) is. Goldsmith (1976a) speaks of the vowel as the TBU, but the preface to that work suggests that
it would be better to treat the syllable as the tone-bearing unit. The view that tones link to a higher
prosodic unit is echoed in Clements and Ford (1979): “There has been some ambiguity in previous
uses of the term tone-bearing unit. It is maintained here that tones are not directly associated with
vowels or other segments, but rather with higher-level units (‘tone-bearing units’) such as the
syllable or syllable-final (rhyme), in which vowels typically function as peaks of prominence (p. 181, n.
In terms of feature geometry (see chapter 7 this volume), the question of what the TBU is becomes,
what do tones link to? There is good evidence that tones link to the mora (on the mora, see chapter 5
this volume). In certain Bantu languages (Odden 1989a), verbs stems are assigned an H in various
positions, depending on the tense-aspect of the verb. In Kikuria (Bantu: Kenya, Tanzania), every stem
has an H, which appears on one of the first four moras of the stem, which mora takes the H is
determined by tense-aspect. H is assigned to the fourth mora in the perfective; a syllable with a long
vowel is functionally equivalent to two syllables with short vowels.
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Regardless of how one counts, what is counted are vowel moras, not segments and not syllables.
Stated in terms of a mora count, H is simply assigned to the fourth mora in the perfective, but there is
no consistent locus of tone assignment if one counts either syllables or segments.
Segment Syllable
(a) n-[tεrεk-eré 8 4
(b) n-[karaang-ére 7 3
(c) n-[ga-karaáng-ére 6 3
(d) m-[beebeét-ére 4 2
(e) m-[ba-beebéét-éeye 6 3
Another possibility is that the syllable is the TBU, a suggestion made for Kikuyu (Bantu: Kenya) in
Clements (1984). As pointed out by Hyman (1988a), there is an overgeneration problem in permitting
the mora to be the TBU, in that one could have a language with many types of contour-toned
syllables. A bimoraic contour-toned syllable could be represented in five ways. 31.12.2007
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Yet no language has more than one kind of contour tone. Linking tones to syllables, not to moras
within the syllable, solves this problem.
In the syllabic tone theory, all that can be said is that the whole syllable has a falling tone. In the
syllabic TBU theory, there simply is no way phonologically to manipulate the realization of tones
relative to the moras of a syllable.
The Chimaraba dialect of Makonde (Bantu: Tanzania, Mozambique) provides evidence for the syllable
as the TBU, in the form of rules which refer to the toneless status of syllables. There is a rule that
spreads H rightward to the following syllable, provided that the recipient syllable is followed by a
toneless syllable (Odden, 1990b).
Failure of H spreading in the last example is explained because the syllable te is followed by a syllable
with a H tone. But the mora which follows te is itself toneless-the blocking H tone stands on the
second mora of the syllable.
Clements (1984) gives evidence for the syllable as the TBU in Kikuyu, noting that bisyllabic noun
stems within a tone class have the same surface tone patterns whether the stem vowel is long or short
(HL nouns do not directly manifest the L, which surfaces as a downstep; see Clements and Ford 1979,
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Despite the advantages outlined above which the syllable-as-TBU theory enjoys, there are two
problems: (a) It is not clear how languages such as Kikuria which count moras are handled in the
syllable-based theory. (b) The syllable theory has no way to represent contour tones when one tone of
a contour is phonologically unspecified (see section 5). In Makonde, long syllables display a contrast
between rising and falling tones. As discussed in Odden (1990b), L toned moras are represented
phonologically with no tone, and surface L tone is assigned by a late rule of default tone assignment.
The moraic theory easily represents the contrast between chikáapu “basket” and vamaáka “cats”.
Since there are no L tones in the (early) phonology of Makonde, if tones link to syllables, there is no
way to represent this contrast.
Another possibility, suggested in Clark (1990), is that tone features are under the Laryngeal node, and
therefore are segmental features. This view runs into many problems, especially that of counting
moras in a language like Kikuria, and it is hard to see how tone preservation resulting from vowel
deletion would be handled, since by making tone a segmental feature, there is no reason for it and it
alone to be preserved when all other features of the vowel delete. However, the laryngeal tone theory
draws some support from the fact that tone interacts with laryngeal features in synchronic
phonologies. The phonetically expected interaction is for voiceless obstruents to “act like” they have H
tone, and for voiced obstruents to “act like” they have L tone. This may be manifested in a number of
ways. Spreading of H in Bade (Chadic: Nigeria) is blocked by voiced obstruents (Schuh 1978a).
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If a complete identification of tonal and phonatory features were made, in such a way that the feature
for voicing is the feature for L tone and the feature for voicelessness is the feature for H tone, then
such effects could be explained in terms of the ban against crossing association lines.
Phonological tone-consonant interactions are actually rare; there are many languages where the
phonatory features of consonants are transparent to tone spreading, and only a few where they are
not. In Digo (Bantu: Kenya, Tanzania; Kisseberth 1984) and in the Nguni languages (Bantu: South
Africa; Khumalo 1987) where interactions between tone and consonant type are found, early rules
treat voiced and voiceless consonants alike, making them transparent to tone rules. It is only later in
the grammar that voiced obstruents influence tone, blocking rightward spreading of H in Digo
(anafúrukûtâ → anafúrúkútâ “(s)he is moving about restlessly” but akasúrubîkâ → akasúrúbîkâ”(s)he
has thatched with”), and causing insertion of L in Zulu (ízihlâlo → izîhlâlo “seats”).
Certain peculiar cases remain unexplained. As noted in section 3, verb stems in Kanakuru (Chadic:
Nigeria) beginning with a voiced obstruent have the tone pattern HL (bómb lè “to scrape”), and those
beginning with a voiceless obstruent have LH (t k lé “to trick”). Stems beginning with sonorants take
either LH or HL (lùkùré “to disperse”, láp rè “to hold down”). While there is a correlation between tone
and phonation, it is not the expected one: voiced obstruents should be followed by L, not H, and
voiceless obstruents should be followed by H not L. In Ewe (Stahlke 1971; Clements and Halle 1983)
the noun prefix has M tone if the stem begins with a sonorant (ā-ŋígbá “floor”), but has L tone if the
stem begins with an obstruent, voiced or voiceless (à-gbádz “reed sieve”, à-šík “tail”). At this point,
the most that one can say is that there are a number of good candidates for the TBU, and further work
is required to give a definitive answer to this question.
The theory of tone features is faced with two problems. The first is stating what the features are for
distinctive pitch levels. The second, unique to tone among phonological phenomena, is downstep and
Yip (1980b) postulates two features, a register feature [upper] and a tone feature [High] which allows
the following tonal representations.
This model predicts that there could be partial tonal assimilation, where tonal register assimilates
without making the tones identical. Viewing tone height as a continuous function, such rules would
appear to “skip over” a phonetically intermediate tone. Ewe has a rule raising M to R when flanked by
H tones.
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This spreads the register feature [+upper] from the surrounding [+upper, -high] H tones to the [-
upper, +high] M and deletes the existing [-upper] designation, giving not H tone but R tone.
One problem with this model is that it does not allow more than four tone levels. But languages with
five levels do exist: Hollenbach (1984) mentions Copala Trique, Ticuna, Ivory Coast Dan, and Kporo as
examples. The greatest number of tone levels in any language is found in Chori (Plateau: Nigeria),
with six surface levels. Dihoff (1976) points out that dictionary entries require only three underlying
tones, namely level 1 (the highest), 4, and 6 (the lowest). Most cases of tone 2 come from a rule
turning a 4 tone into 2 before 1. Tones 3 and 5 can be derived from underlying contour tones, where
→ 3 and → 5. These systems could be handled by an enrichment of the Yip model, adding a third
feature to give distinctions between primary register, secondary register, and tone feature. It would
then be possible for a language to distinguish eight levels of tone, though the extreme rarity, if not
downright absence, of such systems could be attributed to perceptual problems with maintaining
such a rich surface tone system.
Describing downstep and downdrift is more challenging. Downstep and downdrift canonically
describe lowering of pitch range at the transition from L to H tones (Welmers 1959). The following
Shona example is composed of alternating L and H tones, but the pitch level of the L syllables or of
the H syllables is not identical. This is due to downdrift, whereby pitch level is lowered at every
transition from L to H. Pitch lowering can progress to the point that a H tone relatively late in the
utterance has a lower pitch than an earlier L.
Pitch lowering can be contrastive (and is then termed downstep), as in Kenyang (Mamfe Bantu:
Cameroon), where the site of pitch lowering is notated with .
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Upstep (pitch raising) also exists. In Kimatuumbi (Bantu: Tanzania), adjacent H tones are separated by
upstep (notated with ).
Earlier literature on downdrift postulated rules performing arithmetic manipulations. In Peters (1973),
initial L has the value [3pitch], initial H has [1pitch], and all other vowels have [0pitch]. H toned vowels
are given the value [-2pitch] after L, and L toned vowels are given the value [+3pitch] after H;
subsequently every vowel is given a pitch value equal to the sum of its own pitch value and that of the
preceding syllable.
30 0 0 0 0 Initialization
3 -2 +3 -2 +3 -2 Contextual adjustment
31 4 2 5 3 Surface pitch value
Clements (1979) points out many problems with this approach. The most cogent, from a
contemporary perspective, is that it gives phonologies the power to do integer arithmetic, a level of
descriptive power which is unwarranted.
Clements (1981b) proposes a hierarchical account of lexical tone and phrasal pitch readjustments. In
this theory, tone levels are represented as tonal matrices containing multiple rows of h, l, and Ø.
Specifying a tone in the first row with h or l indicates that the tone is in the upper or lower register
respectively; h or l in the second row indicates the higher or lower tone within that register. Such a
two-row system allows four levels of tone.
This is similar to Yip (1980b). By extending the representation in a fashion analogous to metrical
trees, the formalism gives a representation for downstep and upstep. The Shona example (27) would
be treated as follows. Every h after l begins a new tonal foot, which includes the maximum string of
tones not already in a tonal foot. Any remaining tones are gathered into a foot, and feet are grouped 31.12.2007
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Starting at the top, tones dominated by h on the left branch (the L of zva) are produced in a higher
register than those dominated by l (the remaining tones). Within that right branch, tones dominated
by h (ndáka) have a higher pitch register than those dominated by l (the remaining tones); this
interpretation procedes to the bottom of the tree, with any tones dominated by h being in a higher
register than those dominated by a sister l.
Reversing the direction of the tree and the labeling gives upstep: each h forms a tonal foot, and a
left-branching tree labeled [l, h] is built.
Downstep is handled quite naturally in this framework, at least in the majority of cases where it arises
because of a floating or linked L tone between H tones. Tree construction operates entirely on the
tonal string, where a floating l serves as the trigger for tonal foot construction just as linked l's do in
(32). Not all phonemic pitch lowering occurs because of floating L tones. In Kishambaa (Bantu:
Tanzania; Odden 1982b), Supyire (Gur: Mali; Carlson 1983) and Temne (West Atlantic: Sierra Leone;
Nemer and Mountford 1984), any time two H tones are concatenated, a downstep emerges between
the H's. The following example from Kishambaa can be accounted for by generalizing the rule for
building tonal feet. Each h begins a tonal foot, without the requirement for a preceding l.
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Violation of this condition is repaired in the simplest way possible: insertion or deletion of association
lines is simpler than insertion or deletion of autosegments. Multiple ways of satisfying the
Wellformedness Condition exist, so it is taken to be preferable to link a tone to a vowel which does
not already bear a tone, and it is preferred to link an unassociated tone with a vowel. The theory does
not include a universal algorithm for attaining a wellformed state. However, in the vast majority of
cases, there is only one simplest way to satisfy the Wellformedness Condition. If there are more
vowels than tones in a string, the tones and vowels are linked one-to-one from left to right, until the
tonal string is exhausted (given the preference to not reassociate an element already associated).
When the last tone is linked to a vowel, that tone spreads to the remaining vowels, since now there is
no possibility of satisfying the Wellformedness Condition without reassociating the already associated
final tone.
Clements and Ford (1979) propose three explicit association conventions. The first exhaustively
matches free tones and free vowels in a one-to-one fashion after an existing tone-vowel link.
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The second links a free tone to the maximal sequence of free vowels providing the tone is neither
proceded nor followed by a free tone.
The third spreads a linked tone to the maximal sequence of free vowels (given a choice, not a tone
linked to an accented TBU, and preferably a tone from the left).
Besides providing an explicit characterization of how the Wellformedness Condition is satisfied, these
conventions have empirical differences from Goldsmith's approach.
First, floating tones are not required to automatically dock to a neighboring vowel which already bears
a tone. This is motivated in the analysis of Kikuyu downstep, which they argue is a floating L that
remains floating throughout the phonology. From this it follows that creating a contour tone comes
about by a language-specific rule docking a floating tone to a syllable already bearing a tone.
Second, the one-to-one mapping of tones to vowels is implemented by the first convention (37),
which requires that there already be a vowel-tone association. Therefore, one-to-one mapping must
be preceded by a language-specific rule, the Initial Tone Association Rule, which associates some
tone with some vowel. Generally, the first tone associates with the first vowel, but in Kikuyu, the first
tone associates with the second vowel. It is claimed that the conventions come into effect immediately
after application of the Initial Tone Association Rule.
Finally, the conventions resolve an ambiguity in Goldsmith's approach. In a structure such as (40),
either tone could spread to the free vowel, given that both tones are already associated (and therefore
the preference to not spread associated material has no effect). The Clements and Ford conventions
state that the tone on the left will spread.
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Although Clements and Ford reject the assumption that floating tones automatically link to vowels
already bearing a tone, such a convention was at the heart of the autosegmental analysis of tone
preservation. Clements and Ford offer an alternative convention which reassociates floated tones
without incorrectly requiring that all floating tones dock to a vowel. In Lomongo the first of two
vowels deletes, and tones thereby freed shift to the following vowel (so balónǵo bâkáé → balóng’ âkáé
→ balóng ãkáé), but in Ewe, the second of two vowels deletes and the resulting floating tones shift to
the preceding vowel (mēkp ètú → mēkp → mēkp tú). To account for such patterns of tone
preservation, Clements and Ford propose that “given two related levels (tiers) L , L , a segment of level
j k
L that is ‘set afloat’ due to a process affecting the segment of level L with which it was associated,
j k
reassociates to the segment of L that conditioned the deletion.” (1979, p. 207, n. 18).
Halle and Vergnaud (1982) further restrict the Wellformedness Condition, proposing that automatic
spreading only applies to free tones, simultaneously linking a floating tone to all available toneless
vowels. Pulleyblank (1986a) argues that the Association Conventions should be further restricted to
one-to-one left-to-right linkage of free tones and free vowels. All forms of automatic spreading are
rejected, and where spreading exists, it results from language-specific rule. The argument for
rejecting automatic spreading of tones to free vowels is that there are languages such as Tiv (Bantoid:
Nigeria) which allow linked tones before toneless vowels throughout the phonology.
The underlying representation of the General Past tense !yévèsè “fled” is as follows.
By (39), the H tone should spread to all vowels, giving *!yévésé. But since there is no rule in Tiv which
spreads H here, and by hypothesis there is no universal convention spreading tones, we do not derive
the incorrect form.
There is evidence that even one-to-one docking of free tones to free vowels is not universal, since
there are languages with words having free vowels and floating tones persisting into the pharasal
phonology. such cases arise in Kikuria (Odden 1987c) and Chiyao (Bantu: East Africa). In Chiyao, every
verb stem is assigned a floating H, which is mapped either to the first or to the second stem vowel, as
determined by the tense-aspect of the verb (see section 2.1 for a similar system in Kikuria). In the far
past negative, the H is linked to the second stem vowel (that H may spread to the following nonfinal
syllable). If there is no second stem vowel, the H just floats, and the stem surfaces as toneless.
There is evidence that this floating H is present postlexically. There is a rule in Chiyao assigning H to
the first vowel of any word preceded by a toneless stem. 31.12.2007
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We saw that in the far past negative (42), the H is linked to the second stem vowel, and if there is only
a single vowel in the stem, there is no H on the surface. The phrasal insertion of H after a toneless
stem gives us a way of detecting the floating stem H tone. In (44) we see that the floating H of
monomoraic stems blocks phrasal assignment of H.
This suggests that one-to-one docking of free tones and vowels is also governed by language-
specific rules. Mende-style floating tone melodies, which depend on one-to-one linking of tones to
vowels, are rare and even the celebrated Mende case can be reanalyzed with tones all lexically
Some languages have been claimed to employ right-to-left linking of tones and vowels, rather than
left-to-right linking. Newman (1986b) proposes this for Hausa, based on the fact that certain suffixes
seem to expand their tone to the left, not the right, as left-to-right mapping would predict.
Illustrating the LLH pattern of the suffix -aCCee mapped right-to-left, we find dàf-áffée “cooked” and
gàagàr-árrée “unmanageable”. However, Leben (1985) reanalyses these suffixes as having a floating L
tone preceding a lexically linked H on the initial vowel.
Hausa, then, does not seem to make a case for right-to-left linking.
Kanakuru (Newman 1974) provides better evidence for right-to-left linking. Stems either have the
tone pattern HL or LH subject to the condition that if the stem begins with a voiced stop the stem
selects the pattern HL, and if the initial is voiceless, the pattern LH is selected. Stems with an initial
vowel or sonorant unpredictably select either HL or LH.
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In monosyllabic verbs, the stem is preceded by the first tone of the pattern: floating L is realized as a
downstep (m n 'úa → m n túa “we ate it”), and floating H docks to the word creating a falling tone, or
else docks to the preceding word (nà’ gài → ná gái → nà gâi “I entered it”). In trisyllabic words, the first
two syllables always bear the first tone of the melody, and the last vowel alone bears the final tone of
the melody. In short, the distribution of tones in Kanakuru is the mirror image of Mende. This falls out
from assuming that Kanakuru selects the marked option of right-to-left mapping.
The OCP is at the heart of Leben's explanation for the (supposed) lack of words in Mende with the
tone patterns CVɴCVɵ or CVɴCVɿ (see section 1), which would have the underlying tone melodies HHL and
LLH. The OCP prohibits HH and LL, so words with the patterns CVɴCVɵ and CVɴCVɿ would not exist.
Actually, the tone patterns CVɴCVɵ and CVɴCVɿ do exist in Mende, as pointed out in Dwyer (1978), Leben
(1978), Conteh et al. (1983), and Singler (1985), for example hókpô “navel” and (in some analyses)
fàndê (which becomes fàndé “cotton” by an independent rule). Different conclusions can be drawn
from these examples: Leben (1978) argues for lexical prelinkage of the first tone of the melody to the
last vowel for such words; the melodies still obey the OCP. Conteh et al. and Singler conclude that
these words have the melodies LLH and HHL, violating the OCP. Mende has no phonological processes
which can be called on to arbitrate this dispute, so it is not certain what the correct representation of
such words is.
Odden (1986a) surveys a number of cases relevant to the OCP, showing that a blanket prohibition
against adjacent identical tones is untenable. In Shona, the OCP holds of underlying representations,
but not of derived representations. In section 1 it was seen that there is a rule lowering the first H of a
stem (which may be linked to a number of vowels) after “associative” prefixes, whereby /né-
mbúndúdzí/ becomes né-mbundudzi “with army worms”. All nouns beginning with a string of H
tones lower the entire initial string of H's: we do not find nouns such as hypothetical *hwáhwáhwá
which lower only the H's of the first, or first two, syllables of the stem, giving *né-hwahwáhwá or *né-
hwahwahwá. In short, representations such as (48a), which obeys the OCP, are allowed, but ones such
as (48b)and (48c), which violate the OCP, are not.
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While we do not find multiple adjacent H's within morphemes, we do find them across morphemes. An
associative prefix may prefix may precede an associative prefix (which has an underlying H tone),
resulting in multiple H tones. The examples in (49) show that the Lowering rule iterates from left to
right through the string of H's. If a prefix has a H tone, it lowers the following H, which may be the H
of another prefix; if the prefix has a L tone (because its underlying H has been lowered), then the
prefix does not lower the following H.
Were the OCP an active derivational constraint in Shona, such representations would be impossible -
we would expect the multiple H tone autosegments to fuse into a single H associated with a multitude
of vowels. Instead, it serves as a filter defining well-formed underlying lexical entries.
In some languages, such as Kishambaa, the OCP does not even hold for underlying representations. It
was seen in section 2.2 that adjacent H's in Kishambaa are separated by a downstep. For instance, we
! !
find that / ní kúi/surfaces as ní kúi “it is a dog”, and / a-ngé-lyá/ surfaces as angé lyá “he should
eat”. However, we do not find downstep between every two syllables with H tones. One place where
adjacent H's persist not separated by downstep is in the output of H tone spreading, whereby / ní
kughoshoa/ becomes ní kúghóshóa “it is to do”. The lack of downsteps between these H tones is
expected, since in reality, there is a single H, linked to multiple vowels.
The significance of Kishambaa for the OCP is that there is a contrast within stems between a multiply-
attached H tone (obeying the OCP) which surfaces as CVɴCVɴA and a sequence of H's (violating the OCP)
which surfaces as CVɴA CVɴA.
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In other languages, such as Kipare (Bantu: Tanzania), there is an active tonefusing version of the OCP
which combines adjacent H's arising even at the phrasal level into one multiply-linked H. A prepausal
sequence of H's becomes L after a floating L (otherwise realized as a downstep).
(52) /vá ná vékíjílá nkhúkú ndórí nkhúndú jángú/
[vána vekijila nkhuku ndori nkhundu jangu]
“while the children eat those little red chickens of mine”
[vá ná vékíjílá nkhúkú ndórí nkhúndú jángú θáno]
“while the children eat those fice little red chickens of mine”
We can explain the across-the-board lowering of multiple H's by postulating that there is one H in
such cases.
Underlyingly, however, there are multiple H's: each word (nkhúkú “chickens”, nkhúndú “red” and ndórí
“little”) contributes an H, and in some words (vé-kí-lá “while they eat”, já-ngú “my”), each morpheme
contributes an H. The situation in Kipare, while similar to Shona in illustrating multiply-attached
tones, is different since we find across-the-board lowering of H's standing in different morphemes or
even different words. The explanation for this is that a phrase-level rule in Kipare fuses multiple
adjacent H tones. Such a rule can be seen as a way of satisfying the OCP in a derivation; Shona does
not exploit this option.
An OCP based explanation for other tonal phenomena may be considered. A common rule in Bantu
languages, Meeussen's Rule (Goldsmith 1984a), deletes H after H. An example will be considered from
the Chimahuta dialect of Makonde. In the future tense, the penultimate syllable has a H tone. If the
verb is inflected for 3rd person subject, the initial stem syllable also has H.
When the stem-initial and penultimate H's are on adjacent syllables, for example / vanatéleéka/, the
second H tone deletes, giving the surface form vanatéleeka “they will cook”. This is consistent with the
OCP, since the input contains two adjacent H's and thus violates the OCP. Not all languages have such
H tone deletion rules, and even languages which exhibit some OCP symptoms (e.g., Karanga Shona,
with its Associative Lowering rule and morpheme-internal version of the OCP) may still leave
sequences of H tones undisturbed, for example nda-ká-tórá “I took”, where the H of the prefix ka
stands before the H of the verb root tórú without causing lowering of any tones. Interestingly, in the
Zezuru dialect, there is lowering of the verbal H, so we get ndakátora. And in Arusa (Nilotic: Tanzania;
Levergood 1989) there is long-distance phrase-final lowering of H if a H precedes, no matter how far
apart the H's stand.
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We have the same dissimilative deletion of H after H which looks like an OCP effect, though the H's
are not on adjacent TBU's. A similar long-distance dissimilative effect is found in versions of
Meeussen's Rule in some Bantu languages, so for example Kimatuumbi has a rule deleting final H in
phrase-medial verbs when a H stands somewhere in the stem; thus / paníin-tyátyakiyé ñuʚ mba/
becomes paníin-tyátyakikiye ñuʚ mba “when I plastered a house for him”. Kihunde (Bantu: Zaire) has a
similar rule deleting word-final H when the second stem vowel has H tone - in both cases, the target
H and the triggering H to the left may be nonadjacent. But again, long-distance versions of
Meeussen's Rule are the exception rather than the rule.
Another phenomenon which may be related to the OCP is blockage of rules that spread or assign H, in
case the target syllable is adjacent to a H tone. This can be seen in Karanga Shona, which has a
phrase-level rule spreading H from one word into the next word, provided that the initial vowel of the
second word is not itself followed by a H toned syllable. In other words, H spreading maintains a
buffer syllable between H's, as dictated by the OCP.
This could be explained in terms of the OCP; spreading in the last case would have made H tones
stand on adjacent syllables. However, there are just as many languages which allow spreading with no
OCP blockage. For example, there are H spreading rules in Kikuria that turn underlying / oko-
beebeeta/ first into okobéébeéta, then into the phonetic form okobéébééta “to sieve”: if OCP blockage
of spreading were universal, we would expect *okobéébeéta. Spreading or assignment of H in
violation of the OCP also occurs in Kihunde (Goldsmith 1986), Kikongo (Bantu: Zaire), Kimatuumbi,
and Bukusu (Bantu: Kenya), to name a few examples.
The strongest possible version of the OCP at this point is that there may be a dispreference for
adjacent identical tones; languages are free to express this dispreference by constraining lexical
representations, by adding rules of tone fusion or tone deletion, or by putting conditions on tone
spreading rules. Ultimately, languages retain the option of doing nothing about OCP violations.
5 Underspecification
There has been a significant sentiment in the study of Bantu tone that H and L tones do not have
equal status in the grammar. Meeussen (1954), Stevick (1969), Carter (1972), Odden (1981), and
many others subsequently have proposed in different ways that the contrast is not between two equal
members of a two-way opposition, but between a tone - H tone - and lack of tone. L is assigned at
some point in the phonology to any vowel which is toneless. This notion is echoed in Pulleyblank 31.12.2007
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(1986a), who grounds this viewpoint in a general theory of feature underspecification and defaults
(see chapter 4, this volume).
Pulleyblank proposes two default tone specification rules. One assigns [-upper] to vowels not having a
specification for the register feature, and the other assigns [+raised] (=Yip's [+High]) to vowels
lacking specification for [raised]. In the context of the underspecification theory adopted there, only
[+upper] and [-raised] can be specified in lexical entries; in a four-tone language, underlying
representations would be as in (57).
In this system (as well as in a three-tone system), M has a special status - it lacks tonal specifications.
In a two-tone system, the feature [raised] is superfluous, so the contrast between H and L is
expressed as the contrast between H(=[+upper]) and L(= ø, by default, [-upper]), so in a two-tone
system L has properties like those of M in three- and four-tone languages.
Four arguments support tonal underspecification and default rules. First, in a three-tone language,
neutralization of tonal contrasts by tone deletion will be to M. An example of this can be seen in
Nama (Khoisan: South Africa; Hagman 1977). Reduplication of the root in the causative has the tonal
effect that the tones of the second copy of the root all become M.
This can be explained by letting reduplication copy the segmental tier, but not the tonal tier. The copy
is unspecified for tone, so its vowels receive M by applying the default rules for tone.
Margi (Chadic: Nigeria; Hoffman 1963) points to further motivation for context-free rules assigning
tone feature values to toneless vowels. Verb roots and suffixes in this language fall into three tonal
groups: H, L and “changing.” Changing roots and suffixes are suffixes are simply toneless, and
assimilate the tone of the neighboring morpheme.
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These patterns follow from postulating that the underlyingly toneless “changing” morphemes undergo
a rule spreading tone from one vowel to a neighboring toneless vowel. But once we grant that can be
toneless morphemes, there is no guarantee that a toneless morpheme such as дǩl will always be
joined with a morpheme having an underlying tone. Systematically, toneless roots combined with
toneless suffixes result in words with all L tones, so / дǩl+na/ surfaces as lnà “to sell”. The existence
of default rules for tone assignment serves as a guarantee that such words will be pronounceable.
An argument for default rules assigning M tone to toneless vowels, and for treating M as the lack of
tonal specification underlyingly, derives from the phonologically asymmetrical status of M in Yoruba
(Kwa: Nigeria). Although there are rightward spreading rules creating contour tones out of H and L
tones, M tones can never be the first or second member of a contour tone.
If M is phonologically the lack of tone specification, then it follows that one cannot create a contour
tone composed of some tone plus nothing, hence the lack of contours involving M tone is
The final and most powerful argument for leaving some tones unspecified is the phonological
transparency of L in a number of languages (under the assumption that L and H are characterized by
the same feature(s) and are on the same tier). As noted in section 4, Arusa has a rule lowering a
prepausal H tone preceded by a H tone anywhere in the phrase. The H tones may be separated by
syllables which have surface L tones. In the following examples, a sequence of H tones within a word
is represented as a single H tone linked to multiple vowels, hence the across-the-board lowering of
what seem to be multiple H tones.
If the L toned syllables of òlórìkà have L tones when Lowering applies, then the L standing between
the two H's in the last example should block lowering. A
further interesting point about the specification of L tones in Arusa is that the L component of a
falling tone (which is contrastive in Arusa) is not underspecified. For example, if the phrase-final word
ends in a falling tone, lowering does not apply (ènkér kùrêt “cowardly ewe”). Second, if the preceding
H is part of a falling tone, there is no lowering (òl-kìlâigrave;éjúk “new garment”). In precisely these
two cases, L cannot be assigned by a default rule, since a contour-toned syllable would already bear a
H tone, and would therefore be ineligible to undergo a tonal default rule. Hence L is not unspecified
when it is part of a contour tone.
6 Accent
The notion that “tone languages” are distinct from “accent languages” is a rather old one. Trubetzkoy
(1969, p. 184) states that “distinctive oppositions of tone register must not be confused with the so-
called musical accent.” In the preautosegmental period, as exemplified by McCawley (1970, 1978) and
Hyman (1978a, 1978b), attempts were made to formalize the difference between tone and accent, 31.12.2007
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drawing initially on Japanese, Tonga (Bantu: Zambia) and Luganda (Bantu: Uganda). Accent is treated
as a distinctive feature, which in McCawley (1968) is directly translated into pitch integers. Hyman
(1981) similarly translates accents in Somali (Cushitic: East Africa) directly into pitch integers, by-
passing tones entirely.
It has been a matter of controversy whether there is a legitimate distinction between tone and accent
languages, and if there is such a distinction, what the criteria are for treating a language tonally
versus accentually - in fact, there are languages which have been analyzed as tonal and accentual by
the same authors. In the earlier typological studies of Hyman and McCawley, it was noted that
languages tend to exhibit different properties, depending on whether they are accentual or tonal. A
sharp dichotomy between tone and accent emerged relatively early in the history of this study, based
largely on McCawley's contrasts between Chinese and Japanese. The most widely accepted differences
between tone and accent were the following.
Tone Accent
For a language with n tones, the number of contrasting The number of cntrasts in words with k
tonal patterns in words with k syllables approaches k : syllables approaches k+1: at syllable) in
each syllables has its own tone, with no regard for the the morpheme is identified as bearing
tone of other syllables of the word. an accent.
Phonological rulas are triggered by tones of an Phonological rules may apply over great
immediately adjacent syllable. distances.
Rules are assimilatory or dissimilatory (as discussed in Rules are primarily are primarily
Hyman and Schuh 1974) insertion, deletion, and movement of
But as noted in later works, especially McCawley (1978), languages are not wholely tonal or wholely
accentual. Rather, certain earlier stages of a derivation are accentual, and later stages are tonal.
The “autosegmental accent” theory is set forth for Tonga in Goldsmith (1976a) and worked out in
more detail in Goldsmith (1984b). In this framework, accent (notated with a star) is not an intrinsic
phonetic property, and therefore is not represented as a distinctive feature. Rather, accent is a formal
structural object which governs the autosegmental derivation. Vowels may be unaccented, or have an
accent. An accent language defines a particular tone melody, one tone of which is starred. One copy
of this tone melody is inserted for each accent, and accented vowels and accented tones are linked
(one-to-one, left-to-right), whereupon the normal association conventions apply.
The view that tones and segments are underlyingly separated was pursued in early autosegmental
phonology to the point that in Goldsmith (1976a) there are no lexical linkings between tones and
vowels. In many cases where tone-vowel linkages cannot be predicted, the unpredictable linkage is
encoded by accenting the relevant vowel, so that the Wellformedness Condition will link the starred
tone and vowel. For example, under Goldsmith's analysis of Tonga, words have the melody HL, where
L is associated with a lexically specified vowel of the stem (and all vowels thereafter), and H is
associated with preceding vowels.
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In this account, rather than shifting, inserting, or deleting tones, one shifts, inserts, or deletes
accents; since presence of accent usually entails presence of H tone, these manipulations result
indirectly in changes in tone. For instance, certain stems (i-ma-tongo “ruins”) are underlyingly
unaccented - on the surface they lack H tone. Since surface L (and H) tones arise only when an
accentually-driven tone melody is inserted, there is no apparent source for the surface L tones. An
accent is therefore assigned by rule to the word-initial vowel, allowing the tonal sequence HL to be
inserted (giving -ma-tongo - however there being no contour-toned vowels in Tonga, this surfaces
as i-ma-tongo, with all low toned vowels.).
Another operation, accent deletion (Meeussen's Rule; see section 4), deletes an accent after an accent.
Underlying /b -la-b -b na/ surfaces as balábabona “they see them”. Inserting one copy of the tone
melody for each accent, mapping L to the accented vowel and linking H to vowels by the WFC, we
would expect *balá bábona (derived from bâlábâbona by a rule deleting the first H in verbs and by
decontouring rules of the language).
The surface form is analogous to balábalanga “they look at them” which derives from /b -la-b -b
na/. Yet the two stems are accentually distinct: lang is unaccented (cf. balalanga “they look”
from /ba-la-langa/) and bon is accented (cf. balábona “they see” from /b -la-b na/). This surface
neutralization in tone pattern is explained by Meeussen's Rule, which deletes an accent after an
By this rule expected /b -la-b -bo na/ becomes /b -la-b -bona/ prior to insertion of the HL tonal
melody: inserting two copies of the tone melody and mapping L tones to the accented vowels, we
arrive at the surface form.
Accentual analyses are proposed for Somali (Hyman 1981; Banti 1988), Oromo (Cushitic: Ethiopia,
Kenya; Banti 1987), Ci-Ruri (Bantu: Tanzania; Massamba 1982, 1984; Goldsmith 1982), Haya (Bantu:
Tanzania; Hyman and Byarushengo 1980), Luganda (Hyman 1982a), and Kimatuumbi (Odden 1982b,
1985). The last two languages provided what seemed to be compelling evidence for accents 31.12.2007
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independent of tones, since these languages taken together make a four-way contrast between
accented and unaccented H, and accented and unaccented L.
In Luganda, the accentual melody is HL, and the H links to the accented syllable. The H tone of a noun
object associates with unaccented vowels of the preceding verb (save for the unaccented initial vowel
of abálá ébíkópo, which bears an obligatory boundary L).
H spreads to unaccented syllables, but it does not spread to accented syllables (the final example),
even though the accented syllables have L tone.
It is claimed that in Kimatuumbi (Odden 1982a, 1985) nouns may accent a single syllable. This
syllable receives a H tone and all others receive L. In this account, all underlying H tones are accents,
and all derived H tones are inserted as tones, not accents. Thus, /ngalib becomes ngalibá
“circumciser” and /ki-p ingili/ becomes kiʚpíingili. A tone shift rule, Nominal Retraction refers to
“unaccented H,” which should show the autonomy of tone and accent. By a general rule, a H is
assigned to the second vowel of a prepausal unaccented word, so prepausal /luʚ-bagalo/ becomes lu-
bágalo “lath” and /mbagalo/ becomes m-bagálo “laths”. Nominal Retraction shifts word-final H of
CVCV noun stems to the stem-initial syllable, as long as the final syllable is unaccented. This means
that a shiftable H is assigned by secondary tone rules, and is not an underlying (hence accented) H.
Unaccented nouns of the type CVCV unexpectedly manifest their prepausal H on the initial vowel of
the word, so /ñama/ surfaces as ñáma “meat”, not *ñamá. But final accented H does not shift: /mbak
/ becomes mbaká “cat”, not *mbáka. Hence the retraction rule only targets unaccented H's, as
distinct from accented H's.
The validity of “autosegmental accent” is questioned in Hyman (1982b), Pulleyblank (1984) and
(1986), and Hyman and Byarushengo (1984). Rather than specifying a vowel with an accent, one could
link the vowel to its tone in underlying representations. The argument against accent is its excess
power, in comparison to lexical prelinking of tones. In an accentual system, it would be possible for
the tonal melody of one morpheme to link to an accented vowel of another morpheme. In a
prelinked-tone system (i.e., where “accented” vowels are lexically prelinked to their tones), this is an
impossibility. Such “cross-morpheme prelinking” appears to be unattested. Second, rules in an
accent system can refer to tones, accents, or tones and accents. Rules in a strictly tonal grammar can
only refer to tones, so are more constrained. Finally, there is no parallelism between accents and tone
melodies in the segmental domain; we do not find “continuant melodies” centering around “accented
Pulleyblank points out that the argument for accent based on limited distribution of tone is not
compelling. First, it is arbitrary to attribute a limit of one locus of pitch contrast per morpheme to
accent but not tone. Such limitations, though not common, are known from segmental phonology
(e.g., Japanese only allows one specification [+voice]; see Itô and Mester 1986) but such facts have
not generally caused segmental phonology to be treated accentually. The accentual accounts of
Kimatuumbi and Haya actually overgenerate, in the sense that in Kimatuumbi one would expect four
syllable stems to have five surface tone patterns (any syllables could have accent, or the stem could
be unaccented), but in fact there are only three tone patterns. The accentual analysis must still
stipulate restrictions on the location of accent. Finally, while a restriction of one main stress per word
falls out of the formal properties of a metrical word tree, autosegmental accent does not have those
properties, so there is no theoretical basis for the supposed one-per-morpheme restriction. 31.12.2007
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Pulleyblank reanalyzes Goldsmith's accentual account of Tonga. Earlier accentual analyses have been
reanalyzed (by the authors of th eoriginal accentual analyses), namely Haya (Hyman and Byarushengo
1984), Luganda (Hyman 1982b) and Kimatuumbi (Odden 1989a). It is shown there that the accented L
and unaccented H phenomena of Luganda and Kimatuumbi can be handled without recourse to
accents independent of tones.
More recently, a number of “accentual” analyses of tone in Bantu languages have been set forth. These
analyses differ from the earlier analyses, in that accent is construed as metrical prominence. The
earliest analysis within that framework is an analysis of Kimatuumbi in Pulleyblank (1983b).
Subsequent analyses within the metrical accent approach include Goldsmith (1987a, 1987b, 1992b),
Goldsmith, Peterson and Drogo (1989), Peterson (1989), and Downing (1990) for Nguni; Kenstowicz
(1987) and Kisseberth (1991) for Chizigua (Bantu: Tanzania), Cassimjee and Kisseberth (1989) for
Shingazidja (Bantu: Comoros); Sietsema (1989) for Kimatuumbi, Ciruri, Digo, and Sukuma (Bantu:
Tanzania), and Bickmore (1989) for Runyambo (Bantu: Tanzania). In this approach, formal analogies
between metrical systems and tone are sought: these include long-distance operation, binary
groupings, and quantity sensitivity.
The fundamental question which arises in these recent discussions of (metrical) accent and tone is
why H is attracted to certain positions. For example, in Chizigua (Kisseberth 1991), the rightmost H in
a word is assigned to the penultimate syllable, no matter where the H arose.
What makes the shift to penult suspicious is that the penultimate syllable is a common position for
metrical stress, inviting the inference that H is attracted to a metrically prominent syllable. Spreading
of H to the antepenultimate syllable is found in the Nguni languages (Goldsmith, Peterson and Drogo
1989; Downing 1990), by which underlying /ú-ku-namathelisa/ becomes úkúnámáthélisa (and in
Zulu, ukunamathélisa by a later rule of tone delinking). Again, antepenultimate position is a known
target for stress assignment.
Van der Hulst and Smith (1988) observe that in some languages, tones are attracted to accented
syllables (Eastern Norwegian, Copala Trique), and H toned syllables receive accent (Fasu; see Hyman
1978b). This correlation is recognized in the Tone-Accent Attraction Condition (Goldsmith 1987b,
Accounting for tone spreading in a principled way is even more important when one considers the
descriptive apparatus which seems to be required using strictly tonal devices. Spread of H to the
antepenultimate syllable in the Nguni languages would necessitate a rule such as the following.
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This rule would iterate through the word, reapplying as long as there are at least two vowels following
the syllable taking the H. The operation terminates at the antepenult (úkúnámáthélisa), since there are
no longer the requisite number of syllables after that point.
A widely held desideratum in phonological theory - indeed much of the motivation for nonlinear
phonology and one of the outstanding problems of linear phonology - is that rules should be “local.”
Though there are many unresolved problems in the locality issue, it is generally agreed that a local
rule formulation would only allow specification of one element to the right and/or left of the focus.
Formulations such as (67) are patently nonlocal.
In the analyses of Nguni in Goldsmith, Peterson, and Drogo (1989), Peterson (1989), and Downing
(1990), the antepenultimate syllable is made metrically prominent by rendering the final syllable
extrametrical, and constructing a left-headed binary foot at the end of the word. The Zulu form /ú-
ku-namathelisa/ is accented as /ú-ku-namath lisa/. Subsequently the H tone spreads to the
accented syllable (because of the Tone-Accent Attraction Condition) giving /ú-ku-namath lisa/, and
after deleting all but the last branch of a multi-attached H, we arrive at ukunamathélisa “to make
A second - and, though less well documented, potentially more compelling argument - for interaction
between tone and metrical structure comes from tone alternations where one must parse syllables or
moras into groups of two to get the correct forms. Note that the only mechanism for grouping
prosodic elements into binary units is metrical structure. One way in which binary grouping might be
detected would be to find a language where H is assigned to every other syllable. Pulleyblank (1983b)
makes the claim that Kimatuumbi acts in this way: starting leftward from the lexically specified
accent, binary tone feet are formed on the mora, and H tone is assigned to the head of each foot.
Starting from /ka-luʚ-tebeel /, binary right-headed feet are built, giving /ka-l -tebe e; , which is
interpreted tonally as “little amaranthus”.
As it turns out, “binary alternating H” is the wrong characterization of Kimatuumbi. Odden (1985)
shows that the penultimate H of ka-ló-tebéelé is the “accented” H (underlying H), so this word is
underlyingly /ka-luʚ-tebéle/. The final H derives by a rule assigning H to the last vowel of a word with
penultimate H, and the initial H comes from a rule assigning H to a syllable after a noun class prefix
(subject to the condition that assignment of H cannot bring two H tones together). Inspection of
sufficiently long stems shows that there is no tendency to binary alternating H's, cf. “hospitals”,
mabwánaankuʚbwá “bossess”.
Sietsema (1989) claims that binary feet are required in Sukuma to account for the shift of H two
syllables to the right, whereby /ku-tónol-anij-a/ surfaces as kutonolánija. Again we encounter the
problem of locality; H cannot shift two syllables to the right without running afoul of various
theoretical strictures. In Sietsema's analysis, binary feet are built starting with the underlying H, giving
(ku)(tóno)(lani)(ja); H then spreads from the head of one foot to the head of the following foot, giving
(ku)(tónó)(láni)(ja). This is followed by a delinking rule (exactly like that required for Zulu), giving the
surface form. However, Sietsema's analysis requires a number of devices whose theoretical status is
suspect (phrase-internal extrametricality and improperly bracketed metrical constituents); Roberts
(1991) shows that the apparent tone shift by two syllables arises from two quite independent
processes, each of which spreads H tone to the immediately following syllable. So, /kutónolanija/
spreads H once lexically giving /kutónólanija/, and then because of a later postlexical spreading rule
becomes /kutónólánija/ (then kutonolánija).
A final phenomenon which suggests a connection with metrical structure, quantity sensitivity, has
been noted (Goldsmith 1987b, 1992b): H tones resist being moved off of heavy syllables, and may
move from light syllables to heavy syllables. This is another case of tone-accent attraction: heavey 31.12.2007
12. Tone: African Languages : The Handbook of Phonological Theory : Blackwell ... Sayfa 28 / 29
syllables tend to be accented and vice versa, and H toned syllables tend to be accented and vice versa.
Work in this area of tone and metrical structure is less well developed, but attraction of H to heavy
syllables is well attested, appearing in a number of languages such as Yao, Kimatuumbi, and
Chichewa (Bantu: Malawi).
I would like to thank Jill Beckman, John Goldsmith, Beth Hume, and Larry Hyman for helpful comments on an
earlier draft of this paper. Data used here derive either from the cited source, or from my own field notes on
the language. Tone transcriptions will follow the convention that Raised H tone is transcribed with a double
acute accent, H tone with an acute accent, M tone with a macron, and L tone with a grave; or, following the
conventions of the original sources for Chori and Grebo, raised numbers are used, with 1 indicating the
highest pitch. Following the practice of Bantu linguistics, L toned vowels in Bantu languages are generally
transcribed with no accent, rather than with a grave.
1 In addition, a number of separate tone rule sprimarily sensitive to vowel length will spread the stem H
rightward by as many as three moras.
2 It is an open question whether phonetic implementation provides finer control over the timing of pitch
changes: it might be that in some languages pitch changes are timed relatively early in the syllable, and in
other languages they are timed relatively late. Such control would only be phonetic, never phonological.
There is a way around the excessive-power objection to moraic linkage of tones, which is to allow only the
final mora to bear multiple tones. Possible representations of contour tones would be:
Or, following Hyman (1988a), multiple linking of tones to moras could be restricted to the first mora of the
3 There is no substantial difference between representing the tonal elements with h and l on the one hand,
or with [+H] and [-H] on the other.
4 The left-to-right application of linking is observed almost universally - though see the discussion of
Hausa and Kanakuru below. The theory does not contain any provisions which would explain this.
5 The Q-subscript notation expands to an infinite set of subrules applied conjunctively, similar to the star-
parenthesis notation of linear phonology.
6 Odden (1984) argues that the Wellformedness Condition must not take effect until after application of the
last rule referring to free vowels. Since the Wellformedness Condition would map some tone to any free
vowel, no toneless vowels could persist in the grammar, and therefore rules which refer to toneless vowels
could not exist, unless the Wellformedness Condition is suspended until after such rules.
7 The final two syllables take L tone phonetically, due to a rule assigning L to any toneless syllable - see
section 5.
8 The convention - or rule - which maps tones to vowel one-to-one either left-to-right or right-to-left
might appear to require that vowels and tones be underlyingly unassociated. But there is a different way to
interpret this convention, namely as a static filter on well-formed underlying representations, rather than as
a derivational instruction to link floating tones with free vowels.
9 However, Clark (1990) argues that the default tone in the two-tone language Igbo is not L but rather H.
10 A fourth class, the “rising” class, has the tone pattern LH. These are not relevant here.
11 The theory does not claim that languages cannot have contours involving M tones. The three-tone
language Lulubo allows all possible two-tone contours including those with M, viz., “it is Tombe”, ?
āprime;’ “in the stomach”, ízí “his wife” (Andersen 1987). In such cases the default rules have applied to
supply features for the M tone before creating the relevant contours. Another possibility would be that in
such a language, all tonal features are specified underlyingly, in which case we would not find any 31.12.2007
12. Tone: African Languages : The Handbook of Phonological Theory : Blackwell ... Sayfa 29 / 29
phonological asymmetries.
12 Vowels may also have preaccent or postaccent: preaccent is realized as accent on the previous vowel,
and postaccent is realized as accent on the following vowel.
13 In Clements (1981b) and Leben (1978), underlying representations do contain links between
autosegments and the segmental core.
14 Goldsmith's analysis is carried out in the context of a framework where all tones link to some vowel,
hence the necessity of creating the initial falling and medial rising tones.
15 Besides resisting the retraction rule, a host of other tone rules discussed in Odden (1985) can be used to
determine that this word has a final accent; for example, it retains its final H tone phrase-medially (mbaká
ywaángu “my cat”) whereas unaccented final H's phrase-medially are lost (n'oombé “cow”, n'ombe ywaángu
“my cow”).
16 To be sure, a tone in one morpheme can link to a vowel of another morpheme - such tone shifts happen
in Nguni languages - but the target vowel is always in a constant location, such as the penultimate or stem-
initial syllable. What the prelinked tone theory could not handle would be a language where the melody
shifts to a lexically unpredictable location in a different morpheme.
17 In fact, Goldsmith (1984b) rejects “one-per-morpheme” as being criterial for accent, and his analysis of
Tonga has noun stems with multiple accents.
18 An important exception is that Guarani, which allows a single nasal specification, is treated accentually in
Goldsmith (1976a).
19 Nguni languages also have phonetic stress on the penultimate syllable. It is not clear how the
antepenultimate tonal accent is to be reconciled with penultimate stress accent - perhaps there are multiple
planes of metrical organization, or perhaps the antepenultimate accent is shifted to the penult after tone
20 Sietsema (1989) provides an alternative metrical formalism which expresses the same generalizations as
Pulleyblank's analysis.
Bibliographic Details 31.12.2007