GEARBOX ASSEMBLY, INBDARII COMPRESSOR-TO-GEARBOX MOUNTINGINSERTS-REPLACEWITH FLANGEDSTUDS 1. PLANNING INFORMATION: A. Effectivitv: All Model 250-C20, and 250-B17 Series Power and Accessory Assemblies are affected by this bulletin as follows: &g&g 250-C20 Gearbox S/N Gearbox Assemblies Prior to S/N CAG 30408 Gearbox
Converted 250-C20 Gearbox Assemblies (identified by the letters BA following the engine serial number) - inspect and conform as necessary. 250-B17 B. Reason: To provide locations. C. Descriotion: The flanged compressor mounting inserts in the gearbox housing at the two inboard positions are replaced by flanged studs. Formerly, the inserts were torqued into the magnesium housing providing a specific preload stress on the threads. When the compressor was attached, the mounting bolt torque resulted in a load that could reduce the original insert installation load on the magnesium threads. During engine operation, vibrations could sometimes cause motion in the threads and result in loosening of the inserts. By replacing the inserts with flanged studs, the clamping load retaining the compressor to the gearbox has no tendency to unload the threads engaged in the housing. To obtain the new configuration, the two inboard inserts are removed and the two bosses refaced and reworked as necessary. Two flanged studs are installed. When the compressor is mounted to the gearbox, two new nuts and washers replace two bolts formerly used. Following 'rework, the gearbox housing and assembly are reidentified. April 13, 1972 Revision No. 3 August 30, 1993 250-C20 Series 250-B17 Series CEB 1013 TP CEB 1009 Page I of 6 improved compressor-gearbox mounting at the two inboard Gearbox Assemblies Prior to CAG 60012
ALLISON GAS TURBINE Commercial Engine Bulletin 1. PLANNING INFORMATION: (Continued) D. Interchanqeability: When installing gearbox assemblies nuts and washers must be used. E. Compliance: Compliance Code 6. To be accomplished at next overhaul availability of parts. F. G. H.
ADDrOw :
the flanged
TECHNICAL ASPECTS ARE FAA APPROVED. It is estimated that approximately one man-hour will be required to accomplish this bulletin at time of overhaul. Availabilitv: Nomenclature Stud, Flanged Nut Washer Gearbox Assy Id. Plate Gearbox Assy Id. ,Plate Screw Washer Packing Gear Flanged Stud. QLY ; 2 A:t E 2
Manpower: Material
New Part No. 6B76030-1,2,3 MS21043-4 AN96OC416L 6B76674 6B5533B MS35206-241 MS122054 AS3OB5-012 I. J. K. Toolinq:
2. ACCOMPLISHMENT INSTRUCTIONS: I. Rework P/N 6853324 (B17) or P/N 6B75492 (C20) Gearbox Assembly as follows: A. B. C. Disassemble as necessary to remove the P/N 6870817 or P/N 6870678 Gearbox Housing Assembly. Refer to Figure 1. Remove P/N 6875011 Insert P/N 6875012 Insert from location A. from location B and
Refer to Figure 2. Reface bosses at,A-A and B-B to obtain 3.786-3.788 dimension to Surface P. Rework tapped holes as necessary to meet dimensions shown. Use 0.500-16UNJ-3B Lead and Bottom Taps. Clean the threads Treat and adjacent areas with MEK or equivalent. per AMS 2475. P/N 6876030 Studs with (also fill relief DIA under (AS3085-012) and studs, torque. Use T/N 6872927 installing studs.
D. E. F.
Refer to Figure 3. Coat threads of two Devcon "F" or Metal Set A-4 epoxy resin heads with the epoxy). Install packing torquing to 125-150 lb. in. plus running Reduction Gear Flanged Stud Wrench when Studs are available Part No. 6876030-l 6876030-2 6876030-3 in the following Pitch DIA
After installation of the two P/N 6876030 Studs, it may be necessary to replace the one P/N 6854936 Insert and two remaining P/N 6875011 Inserts to obtain a desirable flange level relationship. G. Obliterate 1. 2. former gearbox housing part number:
P/N 6B70817 Housing (B17) as 6877171 per AS478-2Dl or P/N 6870678 Housing (C20) as 6877181 per AS478-2Dl or
PApril 13, 1972 Revision No. 3 August 30, 1993 250-C20 Series 250-B17 Series CEB 1013 TP CEB 1009 Page 3 of 8
ALLISON GAS TURBINE Commercial Engine Bulletin 2. ACCOMPLISHMENT INSTRUCTIONS: (Continued) II. Reidentify A. gearbox assembly as follows:
This applies to P/N 6853324 Gearbox Assemblies (Bl7) only. Obtain a new P/N 6855338 or P/N 6876674 Gearbox Assembly Identification Plate (81ank). 1. Transfer all information from the old to the new plate except the gearbox assembly part number. Identify the gearbox assembly as P/N 6877170. Information may be metal-stamped, vibropeened or scribed. Install new identification and two MS122054 Washers. plate, using two MS35206-241 Screws
2. B.
This applies to P/N 6875492 Gearbox Assemblies (C20) only. Obtain a new P/N 6855338 or P/N 6876674 Gearbox Assembly Identification Plate (Blank). 1. Transfer all information from the old to the new plate except the gearbox assembly part number. Identify the gearbox assembly as P/N 6877180. Information may be metal stamped, vibropeened or scribed. Install new identification and two MS122054 Washers. plate, using two MS35206-241 Screws two
2. III.
When assembling compressor assembly to reworked gearbox, replace MS9218-12 Bolts formerly used at the inboard positions with two MS21043-4 Nuts and two ANg6OC416LWashers.
IV. Record compliance with 250 CEB-1013 (C20) or 250 TP CEB-1009 (B17) in the Gearbox Assembly (yellow pages), Modification Record, Part III of the Engine Log Book.
Gearbox Housing Front View Figure April 13, 1972 Revision No. 3 August 30, Igg3 1 CEB 1013 TP CEB 1009 Page 5 of B
0.4392 - 0.4466 MINOR DIA THRU, Sp0TFACE 1.125 DIATO DIMENSION SHOWN. CSK 9V TO 0.510 ~ 0.550 DIA. OSCO.16 UNJ-3B THRU.
0.4392 - 0.4466 MINOR DIA., 0.654 DEEP, SPOTFACE I.125 D~A ~0 DlkdENSl0~ SH0WN CSK 90 TO 0.510.0X1 DIA 0.5O3.16 UNJ-~BXL~CHIMN DEEP.
250-C20 Series
250-B17 Series
ALLISON GAS TURBINE Commercial Engine Bulletin 3. MATERIAL INFORMATION: A. B. Basis for quantities is per engine assembly, gearbox assembly, turbine assembly. Bill of material: compressor assembly,
New P/N 6B77lBO 6877170 6877181 6877171 ------68750111,2,3 68760301,2,3 6876674 6855338
1 I 1 1
Nomenclature Gearbox Assy, Power & Act. Gearbox ASSY, Power & A&c: H;;;w;~~A=Y,
Qt-y 1 1 1 I I 3 1 Alt 2 2 3 -
Instructions/ Disoosition 1 1 2 2
Power & Act. 6870817 J-;;z~AssY, 9 Power & Act. Insert 6875012-I,2,3 Insert 6875011-1,2,3 Stud Plate, Gearbox Assy Ident (Blank) Plate, Gearbox
- - - -- - 6876674 6855338
Ident (Blank) Screw, No. MS35206-241 8-32x0.250 in. Washer. 0.164 MS122054 in. Ib Bolt MS9218-12 Nut --------Washer --------Packing ----- ----
INSTRUCTIONS/DISPOSITION NOTES: I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Reidentify. Rework and reidentify. Remove. One removed. Added. Two removed. Scrap removed part. CUSTOMER SUPPORT Allison Engine Company April 13, 1972 Revision No. 3 August 30, 1993 250-C20 Series 250-Bl7 Series CEB 1013 TP CEB 1009 Page 8 of 8