Ansys Tutorial
Ansys Tutorial
Ansys Tutorial
The tutorial takes you into these packages with a simple mechanics problem of an axial loaded cantilever beam. Problem statement: Cantilever beam with 10 inches length , 2 inches width and 0.375 inches thickness Material specification: Youngs modulus: 30 x 107 pounds/inch2 Poissons ration: 0.3 Loading: Axial compressive load of 1000 pounds at the free end , applied at the centre point.
1. Launching Ansys:
i. ii. Log into Hammer using SSH client. As you proceed with your analysis, ANSYS creates a number of very large files which may take up large disk space. Thus, it is suggested that you run these programs from a separate directory such that your home directory is more organized. Create a directory: mkdir ansys Change your directory : cd ansys Launch the graphical version of Ansys 11.0 : ansys110 g (check the RCC webpage for any newere version of Ansys and change this command appropriately) Create a filename by File Change jobname. By this, following files are created in your directory :
filename.db filename.err filename.log filename.rst main data file error file program file results output file
iii. iv.
This is the first step in preprocessor. Typically, in preprocessor, you create the model, define material, define elements and mesh the entity. Let us create the model of the given problem. i. Create the main rectangular shape: Instead of creating geometry using key points, we will directly create an Area. Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Areas > Rectangle > By 2 Corners A window opens. Enter origin, height =10 and width = 2. This will create a rectangle with bottom left corner at (0, 0) and (10, 2) as upper right corner. ii. Define the Type of Element: It is now necessary to define the type of element to use for our problem: Preprocessor Menu > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete 1
Add the following type of element: Solid (under the Structural heading) and the Quad 42 element. For this example, we need plane stress element with thickenss. Therefore, Click on Options button, hold KE button and and select 'Plane strs w/thk'.
Define Geometric Properties: Here we define plane stress thickness. Preprocessor menu > Real Constants > Add/Edit/Delete. Enter 0.375 in the box. This defines a plate of 0.375 inch thickness.
Element Material Properties: Preprocessor > Material Props > Material models > Structural > Linear > Elastic > Isotropic. We are going to give the properties of the steel. Enter 30e6 in the column for Youngs modulus and 0.3 for Poissons ratio.
Mesh Size: To tell ANSYS how big the elements should be, Preprocessor > Meshing > Size Cntrls > Manual Size > Areas > All Areas. Enter a value of 0.5.
Mesh: Now the beam can be meshed. In the 'Preprocessor' menu select Meshing > Mesh > Areas > Free and select the area when prompted. You should see a mesh!
3. Solution Phase: Assigning Loads and Solving: You have now defined your model.
It is now time to apply the load(s) and constraint(s) and solve the resulting system of equations. i. Define Analysis type: Ensure that a Static Analysis will be performed (Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis). ii. Apply Constraints: As defined in the problem, the left end of the beam is fixed. Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On Lines. Select the left end and click on 'Apply' in the 'Apply U,ROT on Lines' window. This location is fixed which means that all DOF's are constrained. Therefore, select 'All DOF' by clicking on it and enter '0' in the Value field. You will see some blue triangles in the graphics window indicating the displacement constraints
Apply Loads: As given, there is an axial load of 1000 pounds acting in the right end of the beam. To apply this load Solution> Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Force > On Nodes. When window appears select the middle node of the right end of the beam. Click OK. Then enter the value of 1000 in FX section and click OK.
Stresses: General Postproc > Plot Results > Nodal Solution... Then select desired stress component from the window.
Quitting ANSYS
To quit ANSYS, click 'QUIT' on the ANSYS Toolbar or select Utility Menu > File > Exit... In the window that appears, select 'Save Everything' (assuming that you want to) and then click 'OK'.
Prepared by: Vikas Argod 224G Computer Building Research Computing and Cyberinfrastructure Pennsylvania State University, University Park PA 16802 Please contact if you have any comments/suggestions to this report.