Result: Thus The Maximum Deflection, Tangential and Radial Stress Induced in Long Cylindrical Pressure
Result: Thus The Maximum Deflection, Tangential and Radial Stress Induced in Long Cylindrical Pressure
Result: Thus The Maximum Deflection, Tangential and Radial Stress Induced in Long Cylindrical Pressure
using ANSYS. Maximum hoop stress = 6665.58N/ cm2 Maximum radial stress=-99984.51N/cm2
To determine the deflection of an open coil helical spring. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: An open coiled helical spring consist of 10 coils of mean diameter 5cm the wire forming the coils bring 6mm diameter and making a constant angle of 300 with planes perpendicular to the axis of spring. The spring is attached to a tensile load of 125N E=2.1E7N/cm2, G=8.4E6 N/cm2. The spring is analyzed for maximum deflection 3D-10 node tetrahedral structural solid element solid 92 is used to perform the analysis. PROCEDURE: PREPROCESSOR: 1. Initially click the preferences and select the structural preferences structural Ok 2. In the main menu select preprocessor Element Type Add/Edit/Delete on the library of element types dialog box select structural solid in the box and select Tet 10 node 92 in the right list box. 3. Select preprocessor Material Props Material models Double click structural Linear Elastic Orthotropic Enter 2.1E7 for Ex, EY,EZ and 8.4E6 for Gxy, Gyz, Gzx. 4. Select preprocessor Modeling Create Key points inactive CS Enter (0,0,0) for x,y,z location. 5. Select work plane select and change active CS to global co-ordinates. 6. Select preprocessor Modeling Create Lines In Active CS co-ordinates pick key points 21 and 22 in the same order and close the picking menu. 7. In the utility menu select work plane off set wp by increments enter(0,0,90) for xy,yz,zx angles and Click Ok. 8. Select preprocessor Modeling Create Areas Circle Solid Circle enter 0.3 for radius and click Ok. 9. Select Preprocessor Modeling Operate Extrude Areas Along lines Pick area 1 and click Ok.
10. Select preprocessor Meshing Mash tool on the mesh tool dialog box click mesh and click pick all from mesh volumes picking menu. 11. Select preprocessor Loads define Loads Apply Structural Displacement On Areas Pick Area and click Ok . Select all DOF and click Ok. 12. Select Preprocessor Loads Define loads Apply Structural Force/Moment On key points Pick key points and click Ok. 13. On the apply Force/Moment on key points dialog box select Fz from direction of Force/Moment drop down box and enter 125 for Force/Moment value. SOLUTION: 14. In the main menu select Finish and select solution Solve Current Ls. 15. In the main menu select finish. GENERAL POST PROCESSOR: 16. Select general post processor Plot results Counter Plot Nodal solution Select Nodal Solution DOF solution Z component of displacement Click Ok.
RESULT: Thus the axial deflection of an open coil is determined of an open coil helical spring is determined using ANSYS.
Minimum axial deflection =-0.003329cm Maximum axial deflection=1.229cm EX.NO:6 Date: 00.02.13 AIM: To determine displacement at modal points of cantilever beam using ANSYS and analysis the modal results. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: MODAL ANALYSIS ON CANTILEVER BEAM
NOMENCLATURE: L =5m, Length of beam b =0.5m, Cross Section Base h =0.5m Cross Section Height E=7*1010 N/m^2, Youngs Modulus of Aluminum =0.35, Poissons Ratio of Aluminum =2700kg/m^3, Density of Aluminum =1/192 m^4, Moment of Inertia In this module, we will introduce the ANSYS Mechanical APDL Vibration Analysis Type. This uses the Modal solution method. This tutorial will explore the free vibration of a cantilever beam modeled with 1D BEAM elements and we will extract the natural frequencies and mode shapes at these frequencies. PROCEDURE PREFERENCES 1. Go to Main Menu Preferences 2. Check the box that says Structural
3. Click OK
KEY POINTS Since we will be using 1D Elements, our goal is to model the length of the beam. 1. Go to Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Create Keypoints On Working Plane 2. Click Global Cartesian 3. In the box underneath, write: 0,0,0. This will create a key point at the origin. 4. Click Apply 5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for 5,0,0 6. Click Ok 7. The Triad in the top left corner is blocking keypoint 1. To get rid of the triad, type /triad,off in Utility Menu Command Prompt 8. Go to Utility Menu Plot Replot LINE 1. Go to Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Create Lines Lines Straight Line 2. Select Pick 3. Select List of Items 4. Type 1,2 for points previously generated. 5. Click Ok PREPROCESSOR 1. Go to Main Menu Preprocessor Element Type Add/Edit/Delete Add 2. Click Beam 2D Elastic 3 .Click OK REAL CONSTANTS AND MATERIAL PROPERTIES. Now we will dimension our beam. 1. Go to Main Menu Preprocessor Real Constants Add/Edit/Delete 2. Click Add 3. Choose Type 1 Beam3 Click OK 4. Under Cross-sectional area AREA enter 1/4 5. Under Area moment of inertia IZZ Enter 1/192 6. Under Total beam height HEIGHT enter 0.5 Click OK 7. Click Close Now we must specify Youngs Modulus, Poissons Ratio and Density 1. Go to Main Menu Preprocessor Material Props Material Models 2. Go to Material Model Number 1 Structural Linear Elastic Isotropic 3. Input 7E10 for the Youngs Modulus in EX.
4. 5. 6. 7.
Input 0.35 for Poissons Ratio in PRXY .Click OK Go to Material Model Number 1 Structural Density Input 2700 for the Density in DENS .Click OK close Of Define Material Model Behavior window
MESHING 1. Go to Main Menu Preprocessor Meshing Mesh Tool 2. Go to Size Controls: Global Set 3. Under NDIV No. of element divisions put 10. This will create a mesh of a total 10 elements .Click OK 4. Click Mesh 5. Click Pick All 6. Go to Utility Menu Plot Nodes 7. Go to Utility Menu Plot Controls Numbering 8. Check NODE Node Numbers to ON .Click OK DISPLACEMENT 1. Go to Main Menu Preprocessor Loads Define Loads Apply Structural Displacement On Nodes 2. Select Pick Single and click node 1.Click OK 3. Under Lab2 DOFs to be constrained select All DOF 4. Under Value Displacement value enter 0 .Click OK SOLUTION Analysis Type 1. Go to Main Menu Solution Analysis Type New Analysis 2. Choose Modal .Click OK 3. Go to Main Menu Solution Analysis Type Analysis Options 4. Under No. of modes to extract enter 8 .Click OK 5. Since there is no added Frequency, click OK in Block Lanczos Window 6. Go to Main Menu Solution Solve Current LS GENERAL POSTPROCESSOR Natural frequencies Go to Main Menu General Postproc List Results Detailed Summary MODE SHAPE To view the mode shapes that correspond to these frequencies: 1. Go to Main Menu General Postproc Read Results By Pick 2. Select the lowest Eigenvalue: Set 1 Click Read.Click Close 3. Go to Main Menu General Postproc Plot Results Deformed Shape
RESULT: Thus the displacement at modal points of cantilever beam can be determined using ANSYS and analysis the modal results.
Analysis of a simple conduction as well as a mixed conduction, convection and isolation problem is carried out. The mixed conduction, convection and isolation boundary conditions. Example is constrained as shown in fig. assume section to be infinite long. PROCEDURE:
PREPROCESSOR: 1. Create geometry. Modelling create areas rectangle by 2 corners x=0 y=0 width = 1 height = 1 2. Element type. Preprocessor element type Add/Edit/Delete Select thermal mass solid Quad4node 55.
3. Material properties. Preprocessor material props material model Thermal conductivity Isotropic kxx=1v 4. Mesh size. Preprocessor meshing size control manual Size areas all areas. 5. Mesh. Preprocessor meshing mesh areas free pick all. 6. Define load. Solution define load apply thermal temperature on lines. 7. Apply convection boundary convection. Solution define loads apply thermal convection on lines. 8. Apply insulated boundary condition. Solution define loads apply thermal Convection on lines. 9. Solve. Solution solve current LS Solution is done. 10. Read Results. General post processor plot results contour plot Nodal solution DOF solution temperature.
RESULT: The mixed boundary [conduction/convection/insulation] for given example were determined using ANSYS.
To determine stresses and the vertical displacements at joints and supports of bridge structure with ABAQUS results. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The two dimensional bridge structure, which consists of steel T sections, is simply supported at its lower corners. A uniform distributed load of 1000 N/m is applied to the lower horizontal members in the vertical downward direction. Determine the stresses and the vertical displacements. PROCEDURE: 1. Start Abaqus and choose to create a new model database 2. In the model tree double click on the Parts node (or right click on parts and select Create) 3. In the Create Part dialog box (shown above) name the part and a. Select 2D Planar b. Select Deformable c. Select Wire d. Set approximate size = 20 e. Click Continue 4. Create the geometry shown below (not discussed here)
5. Double click on the Materials node in the model tree a. Name the new material and give it a description
b. Click on the Mechanical tabElasticityElastic c. Define Youngs Modulus and Poissons Ratio (use SI units) WARNING: There are no predefined system of units within Abaqus, so the user is responsible for ensuring that the correct values are specified d. Click OK 6. Double click on the Profiles node in the model tree a. Name the profile and select T for the shape i. Note that the T shape is one of several predefined crosssections b. C lick Continue c. Enter the values for the profile shown below d. Click OK 7. Double click on the Sections node in the model tree a. Name the section Beam Properties and select Beam for both the category and the type b. Click Continue c. Leave the section integration set to During Analysis d. Select the profile created above (TSection) e. Select the material created above (Steel) f. Click OK 8. Expand the Parts node in the model tree, expand the node of the part just created, and double click on Section Assignments a. Select the entire geometry in the viewport and press Enter b. Select the section created above (Beam Properties) c. Click OK 9. Expand the Assembly node in the model tree and then double click on Instances a. Select Dependent for the instance type b. Click OK 10. Double click on the Steps node in the model tree a. Name the step, set the procedure to General, and select Static, General b. Click Continue c. Give the step a description d. Click OK 11. Expand the Field Output Requests node in the model tree, and then double click on FOutput1 (FOutput1 was automatically generated when creating the step) a. Uncheck the variables Strains and Contact b. Click OK
12. Expand the History Output Requests node in the model tree, and then right click on HOutput1 (HOutput1 was automatically generated when creating the step) and select Delete 13. Double click on the BCs node in the model tree a. Name the boundary conditioned Pinned and select Displacement/Rotation for the type b. Click Continue c. Select the lowerleft vertex of the geometry and press Done in the prompt area d. Check the U1 and U2 displacements and set them to 0 e. Click OK f. Repeat for the lowerright vertex, but model a roller restraint (only U2 fixed) instead 14. Double click on the Loads node in the model tree a. Name the load Distributed load and select Line load as the type b. Click Continue c. Select the lower horizontal edges of the geometry press Done in the prompt area d. Specify component 2 = 1000 i. Note that because we have been using standard SI units the load applied is 1000 N/m, which is a total of 10,000 N distributed across the lower horizontal members e. Click OK 15. In the model tree double click on Mesh for the Bridge part, and in the toolbox area click on the Assign Element Type icon a. Highlight all members in the viewport and select Done b. Select Standard for element type c. Select Linear for geometric order d. Select Beam for family e. Note that the name of the element (B21) and its description are given below the element controls f. Click OK 16. In the toolbox area click on the Seed Edge: By Number icon (hold down icon to bring up the other options) a. Select the entire geometry, except the lower horizontal lines, and click Done in the prompt area b. Define the number of elements along the edges as 5 c. Repeat for the lower horizontal lines, except specify 10 elements along the edges
17. In the toolbox area click on the Mesh Part icon a. Click Yes in the prompt area 18. In the menu bar select ViewPart Display Options a. Check the Render beam profiles option on the General tab b. Click OK
19. Change the Module to Property a. Click on the Assign Beam Orientation icon b. Select the entire geometry from the viewport c. Click Done in the prompt area d. Accept the default value of the approximate n1 direction 20. Note that the preview shows that the beam cross sections are not all orientated as desired (see Problem Description) 21. In the toolbox area click on the Assign Beam/Truss Tangent icon a. Click on the sections of the geometry that are off by 180 degrees 22. In the model tree double click on the Job node a. Name the job Bridge b. Click Continue c. Give the job a description d. Click OK 23. In the model tree right click on the job just created (Bridge) and select Submit a. While Abaqus is solving the problem right click on the job submitted (Bridge), and select Monitor b. In the Monitor window check that there are no errors or warnings i. If there are errors, investigate the cause(s) before resolving ii. If there are warnings, determine if the warnings are relevant, some warnings can be safely ignored 24. In the model tree right click on the submitted and successfully completed job (Bridge), and select Results 25. In the menu bar click on ViewportViewport Annotations Options a. Uncheck the Show compass option b. The locations of viewport items can be specified on the corresponding tab in the Viewport Annotations Options c. Click OK 26. Display the deformed contour of the (Von) Misses stress overlaid with the undeformed geometry a. In the toolbox area click on the following icons
i. Plot Contours on Deformed Shape ii. Allow Multiple Plot States iii. Plot Undeformed Shape 27. In the toolbox area click on the Common Plot Options icon a. Note that the Deformation Scale Factor can be set on the Basic tab b. On the Labels tab check the show node symbols icon c. Click OK 28. a. b. c. To determine the stress values, from the menu bar click ToolsQuery Check the boxes labeled Nodes and S, Misses In the viewport mouse over the element of interest Note that Abaqus reports stress values from the integration points, which may differ slightly from the values determined by projecting values from the surrounding integration points to the nodes i. The minimum and maximum stress values contained in the legend are from the stresses projected to the nodes Click on an element to store it in the Selected Probe Values portion of the dialogue box Click Cancel
d. e.
29. To change the output being displayed, in the menu bar click on Results Field Output a. Select Spatial displacement at nodes i. Component = U2 b. Click OK 30. To create a text file containing the stresses, vertical displacements, and reaction forces (including the total), in the menu bar click on ReportField Output a. For the output variable select (Von) Misses b. On the Setup tab specify the name and the location for the text file c. Uncheck the Column totals option d. Click Apply e. Back on the Variable tab change the position to Unique Nodal f. Uncheck the stress variable, and select the U2 spatial displacement g. Click Apply h. On the Variable tab, uncheck Spatial displacement and select the RF2 reaction force i. On the Setup tab, check the Column totals option j. Click OK 31. Open the .rpt file with any text editor
a. One thing to check is that the total reaction force is equal to the applied load ( 10,000 N)
RESULT: Thus the stresses and the vertical displacements of the bridge structure are determined using ABAQUS.
To Determine temperature distribution on the inside the cylinder using ABAQUS. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Consider a thin aluminum cylinder of length 1 m and inner and outer radii 0.2 m & 0.21 m respectively. The cylinder is kept fixed at one end and at the other end a tensile load of 200
kPa is applied. The fixed end of the cylinder is at 273.15 K (the ambient temperature) and the free end at 274.15 K (all other sides are insulated). The cylinder expands due to the heat flow. PROCEDURE: The various functions within ABAQUS are organized into modules and we are going to use these modules to define the steps in our procedure. 1. >module load abaqus/6.9-2 2. >abaqus cae 3. Once you start ABAQUS CAE select Create Model Database to create a new model. 4. The default module that opens up is the Part Module. PART MODULE: This module allows you to create the geometry required for the problem. To create a 3-D geometry you first create a 2-D profile and then manipulate it to obtain the solid geometry. 1. From the Part Toolbox on the left of the viewport select Create Part. 2. You can name the part as cylinder or anything else you like. We are going to create a deformable solid shape in the 3-D modeling space through extrusion so we do not change the default selections. 3. Enter 1 as the approximate size and click Continue. 4. Click Create Circle Center and Perimeter on the drawing toolbox and enter 0, 0 as the center point in field below the viewport and press Enter. Enter the perimeter point as 0.21, 0 and press Enter to complete the circle. Similarly make another circle with the same center and the perimeter point as 0.2, 0. Press Esc to exit the circle definition and then press Done. 5. Enter the extrusion depth as 1 and press OK. 6. Click Auto-Fit View in the toolbar above to zoom out and view all the points. This finishes our work in the Part module. Select Module: Property from the toolbar above the viewport. PROPERTY MODULE: In this module you define the material properties for your analysis and assign those properties to the available parts. 1. Select Create Material from the Property Toolbox.
2. Enter material name as Aluminum. Click on the General tab and select Density from the drop-down menu. Type in the mass density as 2700. Click on the Mechanical tab and select Elasticity>Elastic from the drop-down menu. Enter the Youngs Modulus as 70E9 and the Poissons Ratio as 0.33. Click on the Mechanical tab and select Expansion. Edit the reference temperature to 273.15 and the expansion coefficient to 23e-6. Click on the Thermal tab and select Conductivity. Enter the thermal conductivity as 160. Click on the Thermal tab and select Specific Heat. Enter the value as 900 and click OK. 3. Select Create Section from the property toolbox. Name the section as you like. We need a solid homogeneous section for our problem. Click Continue. Select the material as Aluminum and click OK. 4. Click Assign Section on the property toolbox and select the part from the viewport. Click Done below. Select the section you had created and click OK. Our work in the Property module is done and we select the Assembly Module from the toolbar above the viewport. ASSEMBLY MODULE: This module allows you to assemble together parts that you have created. Even if you have a single part you need to include it in your assembly. 1. Select Instance Part from the Assembly Toolbox. 2. Select the part you have created from the parts list and then select Instance type: Independent. Click OK. Select Module: Step from the toolbar above.
STEP MODULE: This module allows you to select the kind of analysis you want to perform on your model and define the parameters associated with it. You can also select which variables you want to included in the output files in this modules. You apply loads over a step. To apply a sequence of loads create several steps and define the loads for each of them. 1. Select Create Step from the Step Toolbox. 2. Name the step as you want and select Coupled temp-displacement as the procedure. Click Continue.
3. The edit step dialog box lets you choose the solution technique, the solver type and define the time stepping strategy. 4. Under Basic change the Response to Steady-state and click OK. The Interaction Module allows you to set up interactions (contact, film), constraints, connectors, fasteners and wire feature between parts. Our problem does not involve any of these features but it will be a good idea to explore this module on your own at a later time. Select Module: Load from the toolbar above. LOAD MODULE: The Load Module is where you define the loads and boundary conditions for your model for a particular step (indicated in the toolbar above). You can even define loads and boundary conditions as fields like electric potential, acoustic pressure, etc. 1. Select Create Load from the Load Toolbox. Select Surface Traction and click Continue. Select the top face of the cylinder (z=1) (it gets highlighted in red) and click Done. 2. Change the Traction type to General. Click on the Edit tab under Direction in the dialog box. Enter the starting point of the direction vector as (0, 0, 0) and the end point as (0,0, 1). Enter the Magnitude as 2e5 and click OK. 3. Select Create Boundary Condition from the Load Toolbox. Select Symmetry / Antisymmetry / Encastre and click Continue. Select the bottom face (z=0) of the cylinder and click Done. Select Pinned (U1=0, U2=0, U3=0) and click OK. 4. Again select Create Boundary Condition from the Load Toolbox. Switch Category to Other and select Temperature and click Continue. Select the bottom face of the cylinder and press Done. Enter the magnitude as 273.15 and click OK. Similarly put the top face at 274.15. Now that we have defined the loads and the boundary conditions we move on to mesh the geometry. Select Module: Mesh from the toolbar above the viewport. MESH MODULE: The mesh model controls how you mesh your model the type of element, their size etc. 1. Select Seed Part Instance from the mesh toolbox. Enter the approximate global size as 0.025. 2. Click on Mesh Part Instance and then on Yes to mesh the model.
3. Select Assign Element Type from the mesh toolbox. Under Family select Coupled Temperature-Displacement and switch Geometric Order to Quadratic. Click OK. When finished select Module: Job from the toolbar above. JOB MODULE: This module allows you to submit your model for analysis. 1. Select Create Job from the Job Toolbox. Name the job as you like. Select your model and click Continue. 2. You can add a description to the job, allocate memory, allot multiple processors and select precision. Use the default values and click OK. 3. Select the Job Manager from the toolbox and click on the Write Input tab. 4. If you are running the job for the first time it is advisable to run Data Check to check the input file for errors. Click OK to overwrite the job files. 5. Once the data check is completed Submit the job for analysis. Click OK to overwrite the job files. You can click Monitor to observe the progress of the solution process. You can see the errors, warnings, data and message file. 6. Once the job is completed click on the Results tab on the job manager. This opens the Visualization Module for post processing. VISUALIZATION MODULE: This model allows you to look at your model after deformation. You can also plot values of stress, displacement, reaction forces, etc. as contours on your model surface or as vectors or tensors. 1. Select Plot Deformed Shape from the Visualization toolbox. 2. Select Plot Contours on Deformed Shape to plot stress contours on the model surface. 3. You can see the location of the maximum & minimum stresses by selecting Contour Options>Limits>Show Location. 4. Select Results>Field Output from the main menu. This opens a dialog box that allows you to select the variable you want to plot in the viewport. 5. Select U (Spatial Displacement at nodes)>Magnitude>OK to plot the displacement contours on the model.
6. To plot displacement vectors click on Plot Symbols on Deformed Shape on the toolbox. 7. You can now animate this plot by selecting Animate Harmonic.
Thus the temperature distribution on the inside the cylinder determined using ABAQUS .