Virginia Defense Force: Memorandum For: Brigade, Battalion and Company Commanders Subject: Vadf Regulation 600-10

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500 Dove Street
Richmond, Virginia, 23222
Telephone (804)228-7018 Fax (804)228-7031

Office of the Commander

Major General John D. Taylor

VADF-HCG 1 October 2006

MEMORANDUM FOR: Brigade, Battalion and Company Commanders

SUBJECT: VaDF Regulation 600-10

1. Attached is the VaDF Regulation 600-10 of 1 October 2006. It supercedes the VaDF
Regulation of 1 October 2001. The regulation is being issued as a paper copy and on CD-
ROM. The additions and deletions are based on the input of the staff at Division
Headquarters and from personnel in the field. They also reflect the current interpretation of
the regulation.

2. There has been little change in the various chapters other then to redefine and strengthen
the wording and correct the typographical errors. However, there are two major exceptions:

a. Chapter 7, Personnel Services has been re-written and describes the new ID Card
b. Chapter 8, paragraph 4, Office Symbols has also been re-written to reflect the
changes to the VaDF organizational structure.

3. All of the Appendices have been re-worked and there are changes to many of the VaDF
Forms. These forms are found on the enclosed CD-ROM as well as the paper copy of 600-

1 October 2006



This regulation supersedes previous ones and is effective upon receipt.

Examples contained in this regulation are provided for describing

procedures, formats and content.

The proponent of this publications is the AcofS G-1. Suggestions for

amendments are to be forwarded to VaDF HQ, attention VaDF-H1
VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 October 2006


References 1-1 1
Effective Date 1-2 1
Purpose 1-3 1
Proponent 1-4 1
Policy 1-5 1

Eligibility Criteria 2-1 2-3
Persons Ineligible for Appointment 2-2 3
Grade to be Appointed 2-3 4-5
Authority 2-4 5-6
Recruiting 2-5 6


Section I Officers Promotion

Administrative Criteria 3-1 7-8
Officer Reduction 3-2 8

Section II Enlisted Promotions

Administrative Criteria 3-3 9-10
Procedures 3-4 10-12
Promotion Boards 3-5 12
Enlisted Reduction 3-6 12


Section I Officers
Officer Reassignments 4-1 13
Officer Transfers 4-2 13-14

Section II Enlisted
Enlisted Reassignments 4-3 14
Enlisted Transfers 4-4 14

Section III Auxiliary

Transfer to Auxiliary 4-5 15
Transfer from Auxiliary 4-6 15-16
Discharge from Auxiliary 4-7 16

Scope 5-1 17
Criteria 5-2 17
Format 5-3 17

Classes of Discharge 6-1 18
Reasons for Discharge 6-2 18-19
Individuals with Property
Responsibility 6-3 20
Authority to Discharge 6-4 20
VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 October 2006

Identification Cards
Purpose 7-1 21
Authority 7-2 21
Card Issuing Procedure 7-3 21-23


Correspondence 8-1 24-25
Unit Files 8-2 25-26
201 Files (MPRJ) 8-3 26-28
Office Symbols 8-4 29-31
Distribution 8-5 32-35
Authorized Abbreviations 8-6 35


Morning Reports 9-1 36-37
Consolidated Morning Reports 9-2 37
Personnel Rosters 9-3 37
Sheet 9-4 37
Report of Alternate Training 9-5 37
Report of Extra Volunteer Hours 9-6 37
Military Leave Request 9-7 37


Insurance Coverage 10-1 38


General 11-1 39
Applies to 11-2 39
Evaluation Report 11-3 39
Raters and Endorsers 11-4 39
Quality Control 11-5 40
Completion of Form 11-6 40-43

A – VaDF Form 3R - Request for Personnel Action
B – VaDF Form 2-1R - Personnel Qualification Record
C – VaDF Form 337R - Oath of Office/Enlistment
D – VaDF Form 1R - Monthly Morning Report
E – VaDF Form 2R - Consolidation of Morning Reports
F – VaDF Form 2-428R - Identification Card Form
G – VaDF Form 14R - Consent of Parent or Guardian
H – VaDF Form 35R - Promotion Screening Board Report
I – VaDF Form 20R - Transfer of Property Book
J – VaDF Form - Military Leave Request
K – VaDF Form - Military Leave Taken
L – VaDF Form - Memorandum Format Example
M – VaDF Form - Order Formats
N – VaDF Form - Enlistment Certificate
O– - Enlistment Promotion Certificate
P – VaDF Form 55 & 56 - Honorable and General Discharge Certificates
Q– - Authorized Abbreviations
R – VaDF Form 27PR - Personnel Register
S – VaDF - Personnel Evaluation Form
T– - Training Requirements for promotion
U – VaDF Form ATEV - Report of Alternate Training
W– - Command Policy Letter CG 01-1
X– - Promotion Screening Check List
Y– - Personnel Actions at a Glance.
Z– - Change of Personal Information Form
VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 October 2006


References 1-1 1
Effective Date 1-2 1
Purpose 1-3 1
Proponent 1-4 1
Policy 1-5 1

Eligibility Criteria 2-1 2-3
Persons Ineligible for Appointment 2-2 3
Grade to be Appointed 2-3 3-4
Authority 2-4 4-5
Recruiting 2-5 5


Section I Officers Promotion

Administrative Criteria 3-1 6-7
Officer Reduction 3-2 7

Section II Enlisted Promotions

Administrative Criteria 3-3 8-9
Procedures 3-4 9-11
Promotion Boards 3-5 11
Enlisted Reduction 3-6 11


Section I Officers
Officer Reassignments 4-1 12
Officer Transfers 4-2 12

Section II Enlisted
Enlisted Reassignments 4-3 13
Enlisted Transfers 4-4 13

Section III Auxiliary

Transfer to Auxiliary 4-5 14
Transfer from Auxiliary 4-6 14-15
Discharge from Auxiliary 4-7 15

Scope 5-1 15
Criteria 5-2 15-16
Format 5-3 16

CHAPTER 6 Individuals with Property

Responsibility 6-3 18
Authority to Discharge 6-4 18

Classes of Discharge 6-1 17
Reasons for Discharge 6-2 17-18
VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 October 2006

Identification Cards
Purpose 7-1 19
Authority 7-2 19
Card Issuing Procedure 7-3 19-21


Correspondence 8-1 22-23
Unit Files 8-2 23-24
201 Files (MPRJ) 8-3 24-26
Office Symbols 8-4 27-28
Distribution 8-5 29-32
Authorized Abbreviations 8-6 32


Morning Reports 9-1 33-34
Consolidated Morning Reports 9-2 34
Personnel Rosters 9-3 34
Sheet 9-4 34
Report of Alternate Training 9-5 35
Report of Extra Volunteer Hours 9-6 34
Military Leave Request 9-7 34


Insurance Coverage 10-1 35


General 11-1 36
Applies to 11-2 36
Evaluation Report 11-3 36
Raters and Endorsers 11-4 36
Quality Control 11-5 37
Completion of Form 11-6 37-40

A – VaDF Form 3R - Request for Personnel Action
B – VaDF Form 2-1R - Personnel Qualification Record
C – VaDF Form 337R - Oath of Office/Enlistment
D – VaDF Form 1R - Monthly Morning Report
E – VaDF Form 2R - Consolidation of Morning Reports
F – VaDF Form 2-428R - Identification Card Form
G – VaDF Form 14R - Consent of Parent or Guardian
H – VaDF Form 35R - Promotion Screening Board Report
I – VaDF Form 20R - Transfer of Property Book
J – VaDF Form - Military Leave Request
K – VaDF Form - Military Leave Taken
L – VaDF Form - Memorandum Format Example
M – VaDF Form - Order Formats
N – VaDF Form - Enlistment Certificate
O– - Enlistment Promotion Certificate
P – VaDF Form 55 & 56 - Honorable and General Discharge Certificates
Q– - Authorized Abbreviations
R – VaDF Form 27PR - Personnel Register
S – VaDF - Personnel Evaluation Form
T– - Training Requirements for promotion
U– - Report of Alternate Training
V– - Report of Extra Volunteer Hours
W– - Command Policy Letter CG 01-1
X– - Enlisted Promotion Screening Check List
Y– - Personnel Actions at a Glance.
VaDF Regulation No. 600-10 1 Oct 2006



1-1. References:

a. Title 44, Code of Virginia (Military Laws of Virginia)

b. Permanent Order 1-1, (VaDF), TAG, VA, 1 March 1988

1-2. Effective Date: This regulation is effective upon receipt and supersedes any
previous instructions, which conflict herewith.

1-3. Purpose: This regulation prescribes criteria and procedures for all personnel and
administrative actions.

1-4. Proponent: The AC of S, G-1 is the proponent of this regulation. Suggested

changes will be forwarded to VaDF HQ, Attention G-1.

1-5. Policy:

a. Nondiscrimination. Personnel actions prescribed in this regulation will be

accomplished without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin,
the terms persons, applicants, individuals, members, and personnel apply to
both men and women.

b. Qualification: An individual’s eligibility for appointment or enlistment in the

Virginia Defense Force will be determined on the basis of their ability to meet
all requirements of this regulation.

VaDF Regulation No. 600-10 1 OCT 2006



2-1 Eligibility Criteria:

a. Citizenship: The applicant must be a citizen of the United States of America.

b. Residence: The applicant must be a legal resident of the Commonwealth of

Virginia at the time of their application and be within a 50-mile radius of the
desired unit (Includes neighboring state residence). If the residence is outside
the 50-mile radius the applicant must have approval of the unit commander
granting an exception to this policy. The approval must be in the form of a
letter stating that drill attendance will not be affected by the distance and
agree to be mobilized with the unit at the call of the Governor of Virginia.

c. Social Security Number: Applicant must have an assigned Social Security


d. Age:

(1) Officers/Warrant Officers: Individuals may not be commissioned in

the Virginia Defense Force prior to their 21st birthday. Initial
appointment of individuals with prior service after age 60 will be on a
case-by-case basis.

(2) Enlisted: Effective 1 July 1996, the Military Laws of Virginia was
changed to read –Applicants for enlistment must be at least 16 years
and less than 65 years old. Applicants under the age of 18 must have
written consent of at least one parent.

e. Character: Each applicant must be of good moral character.

f. Mental: Applicant must be free of mental or emotional disorders.

g. Medical: Applicants must be physically able to perform the duties of position


h. Appearance: Beards are not permitted. Mustaches may be worn if trimmed at

the lip line. Medical profiles will be considered on a case by case basis.

VaDF Regulation No. 600-10 1 Oct 2006

i. Assignment/Position Vacancy: Appointment/Enlistment will be to fill existing

cadre MTO vacancies only. Applicants for appointment to a commissioned position must
possess qualifications as potential leaders and have the ability to deal effectively with
people. Prior service commissioned officers meet this requirement. The position grade
must be compatible with assigned rank.

j. Prior Service:
(1) Officers/Warrant Officers – Each applicant for appointment in the
Virginia Defense Force must have served a minimum of 2 years in the
Federal or State military forces to be appointed at the same rank as
that held at separation, except those individuals who have successfully
completed 4 years of college ROTC. Documentary evidence must
accompany request for appointment. All applicants with prior military
service (Federal or State) must have served honorably, and prior
service must be documented by DD-214, NGB-22, etc.
(2) Enlisted – Applicants with prior military service (Federal or State)
must have served honorably and DD-214, NGB-22, etc must
document prior service.

2-2 Persons Ineligible for Appointment:

a. Subversive or disloyal persons – Individuals who are known to have engaged
in disloyal or subversive acts against the United States of America or the
Commonwealth of Virginia.
b. Prior Military Service other than Under Honorable Conditions – Persons with
prior military service that was not separated under honorable conditions from
such service.
c. Members of Other Military Forces – Individuals who are members of the
Armed Forces of the United States, their Reserve Components, or the State
Military Forces of other states.
d. Convicted Felons – Persons who have been convicted by Civil Court of a

2-3 Grade to be Appointed:

a. Non-Prior Service:
(1) Officers – Applicants without prior commissioned service in a federal or
state recognized unit of the armed services may be recommended for
appointment to a professional, MTO position. Professional MTO
positions are defined as Medical Officers, Nurses, Chaplains, Judge
Advocates, Aviators, and Military Police. Education, technical and
professional skill documents must support the requested grade.
Appointments of personnel in this category require a favorable pre-
determination by Division. Upon a favorable pre-determination by
Division, Division will publish appointment orders.
VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

(2) Applicants with a college degree, but who do not have a professional
degree or specialty/technical experience defined in 2-3 a. (1), and without prior
commissioned or warrant service MUST BE ENLISTED NOT APPOINTED. They
may be enlisted up to the grade of Corporal (E4). After a minimum of one (1) year of
satisfactory service (75% drill attendance) and the completion of the required VaDF
courses (Appendix T) the individual may be commissioned if an open billet exists.

(3) Warrant Officers – Applicants without prior VaDF service may be

appointed a Warrant Officer provided they possess the technical skills that are
commensurate with the requirements of the MTO vacancy. Division must make a
favorable pre-determination prior to appointment. A high school diploma or GED
and good communication ability is required, see paragraph 2-1d, APPENDIX T.

(4) Enlisted – Initial enlistment will be for an indefinite period.

Enlistment will be as recruit E-1, unless civilian experience/education warrants
consideration for enlistment in a higher grade. The unit commander will
determine the grade of enlistment up to the rank of Corporal, (E-4), based on
documentation submitted at the time of enlistment.

b. Prior Service:
(1) Officer/Warrant Officer – Applicants with prior service in federal or
State recognized service of the armed forces as an officer or enlisted,
may be considered for initial appointment as follows provided MTO
position vacancy support that rank. Documentary proof must
accompany request and a pre-determination for the appointment will
be made at Division. Screening Board action at Brigade level prior to
submission to Division for pre-determination is left to the discretion of
the Brigade Commander. Upon favorable pre-determination by
Division, Division will publish appointment orders. Rank must be one
in which the individual actually performed military duties.
Table 2-1
Service Yrs Svc Grade Attained VaDF Grade
Commissioned 2 2LT thru BG Same Grade
Warrants* 2 WO1 thru MW5 Same Grade

*Warrant Officers may also be given consideration for appointment to

the following grades: CW5 & CW4 to MAJ; CW3 to CPT; CW2 to
1LT; WO1to 2LT. These are Army grades. Grades of other services
must be translated to their equivalent pay grade.

Note: JROTC (High School) is not considered prior service for

appointment to an officer grade.

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

Enlisted – Grade of enlistment will be the same grade as when discharged

from prior service, provided MTO supports the rank. If prior service
grade at time of separation was less than E-5 may be enlisted in grade of

2-4 Authority:

a. Officers/Warrant Officers – Appointment authority for the appointment of

Officers/Warrant Officers in the Virginia Defense Force rest with Division.
Division will publish all appointment orders.

b. Branch in which appointment in the Virginia Defense Force will be in General

Staff (GS); Line (LN); Medical (MC); Chaplain (CH); Aviation (AV); Military
Police (MP); Judge Advocate (JA); Adjutant General (AG); Signal Corps (SC).

c. Enlisted:
(1) Authority levels, to include authority for publishing orders, are
established as follows:
Table 2-4
Grade Authority
PV1 – CPL Cdr, Co, HC
SGT – SFC Cdr Bde

(2) Enlistment Procedures are as follows:

(a) Authority to enlist applicants to fill Cadre vacancies is the Unit
(b) Required documents for enlistment in the VaDF are:
(1) If the requesting officer has the authority (see Table 2-4 above)
to enlist an order number is placed on the line above
“Subject”, (Appendix A). If the requesting officer does not
have the authority to enlist, VaDF form 3R is used for
transmittal and an order number will be placed on VaDF
Form 3R or an order will be cut at the applicable level.
(2) VaDF Form 2-1R Qualification Record (Appendix B).
(3) Prior Service Documents substantiating all periods of service
in the Armed Forces such as DD-214, NGB Form 22 or an
equivalent document. Authentic documentation substantiating
all awards and decorations must accompany enlistment
documents before awards can be worn on a VaDF uniform.

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

(4) The Oath of Enlistment, (VaDF Form 337R), will be

administered by the Unit Commander or his authorized
representative that is a commissioned officer (Appendix C).
NOTE: If the unit commander DOES NOT have the authority to
enlist, the oath should not be administered, until an order of
enlistment is received.
(5) Applications for ID Card VaDF Form 2-428R (Appendix F).

(c). All documentation required above will be submitted to VaDF

Headquarters attention G-1 as soon as possible after enlistment.

2-5 Recruiting:
All units must exert maximum effort to recruit qualified, responsible and
respected citizens of the community to fill unit Cadre MTO vacancies.

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006



Officer Promotions

3-1 Administrative Criteria:

a. Promotion will be based upon time in grade; completion of the required

training courses prescribed in Appendix T, and demonstrated command and
staff ability. Promotions will be accomplished only when an appropriate
Cadre vacancy exists in the unit.

b. All officers eligible for promotion under criteria in Table 3-1 will be
considered for Cadre vacancies under the promotion authority’s command.

c. Minimum Criteria: Minimum time in grade is limited to time actively

assigned to a position authorized by an appropriate MTO. Service as a
commissioned officer in an inactive reserve component in which the
individual does not actually perform military duties at the rank shall not be
considered as the basis for promotion.
(1) Drill Attendance: Nominees for promotion must have attended at least
75% of all scheduled drills during the twelve (12) months preceding
date of nomination.

Table 3-1
WO1 CW2 1 Year Brigade
CW2 CW3 2 Years Brigade
CW3 CW4 3 Years Brigade
CW4 MW5 5 Years Division
2LT 1LT 1 Year Brigade
1LT CPT 2 Years Brigade
CPT MAJ 2 Years Division
MAJ LTC 2 Years Division
LTC COL 2 Years Adjutant General
COL BG 2 Years Adjutant General

Time in grade requirement will not be waived.

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

d. Required Documents:
(2) Applications for promotion must be supported by properly prepared
copies of the following documents:
VaDF Form 3R (Personnel Action Request) (Appendix A)
VaDF Form 2-1R (Qualification Record) (Appendix B)
Personnel Evaluation Report VaDF Form PE (Appendix S)
e. Promotion Board:
(1) A Promotion Board will be established at Brigade and Division levels.
Division’s Board shall act upon all recommendations for promotions
of HHC GW Div, Div MP CO, Div Training Command and Aviation
(2) Each board will consist of at least 3 but not more than five members.
Members will be at least one grade higher than officers being
considered. A pool of officers will be appointed on orders to ensure
that this requirement is met.
f. All required administrative documentation must be complete when submitted to
the promotion board.
g. Effective date will be that specified in the promotion order. Officers are not
authorized to wear the Insignia of rank of the higher grade prior to receipt of the
promotion order.
h. The designated authority upon completion of favorable board action will
publish promotion orders.

3-2 Officer Reduction:

a. Voluntary reduction may be requested by the officer to accept assignment to a

Cadre position vacancy of a lesser grade.

b. Request for voluntary reduction will be prepared in letterform and forwarded

to the appropriate authority listed in Table 3-1.

c. Reduction orders will be published by the authority designated and will state
“Voluntary Reduction without Prejudice”.

d. The time in grade accrued prior to voluntary reduction will be maintained and
may be applied to subsequent service if the individual is administratively
returned to his or her previous rank.

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

Enlisted Promotion

3-3. Administrative Criteria:

a. Promotions will be based upon time in grade, completion of the required

training courses prescribed in Appendix T and demonstrated ability as
documented in accordance with Para 3-4 (E-6 and above).

b. Promotions will be accomplished only when an appropriate Cadre vacancy


c. Minimum criteria:

(1) Authority and Time Requirements:

Promotion Criteria
Table 3-3
E1-E2 Company Grade 4 Months Advancement
E2-E3 Company Grade 6 Months Co
E3-E4 Company Grade 6 Months Co
E4-E5 Company Grade 6 Months Bde
E5-E6 Company Grade 1 Year Bde
E6-E7 Field Grade 1 Year Bde
E7-E8 Field Grade 2 Years Div
E8-E9 0-6 & Above 2 Years Div
E9 (CSM) 0-6 & Above 2 Years Div

(2) Drill Attendance: Nominees for promotion must have attended at least
75% of all scheduled drills during the twelve (12) months preceding date
of nomination.

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

(3) Documentation/Statement from the commander stating individual leadership

ability and performance for NCO position.

3-4. Procedures:
a. Request for Promotion
(1) Request for promotion to grades E8 and E9 will be forwarded through
channels to Headquarters VaDF, ATTN: Enlisted Promotion Board.
Convening authority for VaDF Enlisted Promotion Board CDR VaDF or
ACofS, G-1. Recommendations will be submitted on VaDF Form 3R,
with nominee’s Military Personnel Records Jacket (MPRJ), VaDF Form
2-1R (formats for VaDF Forms 3R and 2-1R are found at Appendix A and
B respectively and Personnel Evaluation Report found at Appendix S,
Promotion Screening Report (PSR), format found at Appendix X, with all
documents listed under “Documents Check List” on PSR which includes
completed Personnel Action Request for Appointment/Promotion VaDF
Form 35R (format found at Appendix H) and all supporting documents i.e.
Prior Promotion Orders, VaDF Course completion certificates, statements
of Non-Drill Volunteer Hours, and percentage of drill attendance will be
included with promotion request package. Required VaDF Course
completion is indicated in Appendix T. Promotion request package will
be forwarded to Division Command Sergeant Major for Promotion Board.
(2) Request for promotion to grades E5, E6 and E7 will be by Brigade
Promotion Board, except for request for personnel of Div HHC, MP
Company, Division Training Command, and Aviation Battalion, which
will be considered by the Division Enlisted Promotion Board.
(3) Ensure that the promotion packet has been through all proper channels
before forwarding to any board. The Battalions and/or Brigade Command
Sergeant Major will review the package and add a written endorsement to
go with the package. If there is not sufficient personnel to hold a
screening board a letter or memo to that effect will be forwarded to the
board with the promotion package.
b. Promotion Orders.
(1) Promotion of enlisted personnel to grades E2 through E4 will be
announced on orders published by the Company Commander using a
Form 3R (including Headquarters Co), using the proper format in
Appendix A. Promotions to E5, E6 and E7 will be announced on orders
published by Brigade, using the proper format in Appendix A, X and H.

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006
(2) Promotion to grade E8 and E9 will be announced by orders published
by Headquarters VaDF using the appropriate format in Appendix M.
(3) One copy of each promotion order issued IAW (1) above will be
forwarded to Headquarters VaDF and one to each intermediate
c. Effective Date of Promotion.
(1) The effective date of a promotion will be the date indicated on the
promotion order.
d. Appointment to Position of Command Sergeant Major (CSM)
(1) Command Sergeants Major in the VaDF will serve on the personal
staff of commanders at Battalion, Brigade and Division level, and will
be utilized in accordance with the spirit and intent indicated on Page 4-
30, FM 101-5. Members of the CSM Selection Board as well as
commanders nominating individuals for CSM appointment, are
instructed to ensure that only the highest qualified individuals are
selected for such appointment.
(2) Minimum Criteria for Selection. Nominated individuals must have:
(a) Served honorably in a military status for at least ten (10) years.
(b) Served at least two (2) years at the E8/E9 level.
(c) Attended at least 75%, including alternative training, of all
scheduled drills during the twelve- (12) months-proceeding date of
(d) A statement from the nominating commander which describes the
individual’s demonstration of ability to serve satisfactorily in the
NOTE: An individual with documented proof of having previously
held the designation of CSM in an Army component (or equivalent
in another service) may be appointed to a CSM vacancy in the
VaDF without regard to criteria in (a) and (b) above, but only with
the approval of the CSM Selection Board.
(3) Nomination of individuals for CSM will be submitted on VaDF Form
3R by the Battalion/Brigade commander concerned, to Headquarters
VaDF ATTN: CSM Selection Board, with individual’s MPRJ and
other information as indicated above in paragraph 3-4 a.
(4) Appointment Orders. After final selection by the CSM Selection
Board and approved by the convening authority (CG VaDF), the
nominee will be appointed on orders published by Headquarters
(5) In the event of non-selection, as approved by the convening authority,
all records and forms will be returned to the submitting Headquarters
without further action.
(6) Nominations for selection, which do not conform, to the provisions of
this Regulation will be returned to submitting Headquarters without

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

e. Required Documents. Recommendations to promotion board will be made as

(1) Recommendation for promotion must be received by the convening authority
for processing prior to the training assembly.
(2) Memorandum from the Unit Commander recommending promotion in a
grade showing paragraph and line number of position being promoted to.
(3) Documents indicated above in paragraph 3-4 d.
(4) Other document such as former military service, special schools, etc may
be submitted.

3-5 Promotion Boards:

(1) A promotion board will be established at Brigade, and Division levels to

consider promotions.

(2) Each board will consist of at least 3 members but not more than 5, E5 and
above. The majority will be enlisted members of a higher rank than those
being considered for promotion.

3-6 Enlisted Reduction:

(1) Voluntary reduction may be requested by the enlisted member to accept

assignment to a Cadre position vacancy of a lesser grade.

(2) Request for voluntary reduction will be prepared in letterform and forwarded
to the appropriate authority listed in Table 3-1.

(3) Reduction orders will be published by the authority designated and will state
“Voluntary Reduction without Prejudice”. Time in grade accrued prior to
voluntary reduction will be maintained and may be applied to subsequent
service if the individual is administratively returned to his or her previous

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006




4-1 Officer Reassignments

a. Commanders of Virginia Defense Force units may reassign officers to fill

existing Cadre vacancies within their units provided the officer’s rank does
not exceed the grade of the position. Officers and Warrant Officers appointed
to a Professional/Technical MTO Position (see 2-3a(1) and 2-3a(3), MAY
NOT be reassigned to a position, outside of their professional/technical
specialty until after one (1) year of satisfactory service (75% drill attendance)
and the completion of all VaDF required courses (Appendix T). An officer
may choose a voluntary reduction (Para 3-2 may apply).
b. Request for reassignment of officers to a Battalion command position will be
submitted to Division using VaDF Form 3R for approval at Division level
with orders being published at Division.
c. For officers with property book responsibility, the request will be
accompanied by a request for transfer of the property account to the new
property book officer using VaDF Form 20R (Appendix I).
d. All requests for reassignment (except to Battalion command position) will be
submitted to Division ATTN: G-1 using a VaDF Form 3R, with an order
number, for the purpose of updating the personnel datatbase and MTO.

4-2 Officer Transfers

a. Officer transfers will be for the following:
(1) The Battalion Commander will approve transfer of an officer between
companies of a Battalion with orders being published at the Brigade level.
(2) Transfer from one Battalion to another or transfer from a Battalion to the
Brigade within the same command will be requested by the Battalion
Commander, approved by the Brigade Commander and the order
published at Brigade level.
(3) Transfers from Brigade to Division, Division to Brigade or Brigade to
Brigade will be initiated by the losing Commander, approved by the
gaining Commander with orders published at Division.
b. Transfers may be requested by the officer being transferred, by the gaining
unit, or by the loosing unit; and must be to a vacant Cadre position of equal or
higher rank. If the vacancy is of a lower grade then the officer being
transferred a request for reduction must accompany the request for transfer.

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

c. All officer transfers will be accomplished using the VaDF Form 3R; however,
the Form 3R must be forwarded to Division G-1 for review and updating the
personnel database and MTO. The G-1 will forward the documents to the
orders publishing authority.
d. Officers and Warrant Officers appointed to a Professional/Technical MTO
position (see 2-3a(1) and 2-3a(3), MAY NOT be reassigned to a position,
outside of their professional/technical specialty until after one (1) year of
satisfactory service (75% drill attendance) and the completion of all VaDF
required courses (appendix T).


4-3 Enlisted Reassignment

a. Reassignment of enlisted personnel within a unit to fill existing Cadre
vacancies is the privilege of the unit commander. However, the grade
vacancy must be equal to or higher than that requested. If the grade is less
than requested, reduction orders prior to or concurrent with the reassignment
is required. Demonstrated ability to fulfill requirements of grade and position
is mandatory. Time in grade alone is not the only criteria for reassignment.
b. Enlisted reassignments will be accomplished by use of the VaDF Form 3R,
with an order number. The Form 3R is to be forwarded to Division ATTN: G-
1 for review and updating the personnel database and MTO.

4-4 Enlisted Transfers

a. Enlisted transfers will be for the following:

(1) The Battalion Commander will approve transfer of enlisted personnel

between units of a Battalion. The Battalion will publish the orders from a
request submitted on a VaDF Form 3R.

(2) The Brigade Commander will approve transfer of enlisted personnel from
a Battalion to the Brigade and orders will be published at the Brigade

(3) Transfer of enlisted personnel between Brigades and between Division

and Brigade will be approved at Division. The individual’s commander
requests transfer, approval is at the next higher headquarters and orders
are published at Division level.

b. All requests for transfer will be accompanied on a VaDF Form 3R. The
individual’s files will be sent to the receiving unit. The VaDF Form 3R must
be forwarded to Division ATTN: G-1 for updating the personnel datatbase and

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006


VaDF Auxiliary
4-5 Transfer to Auxiliary
a. Reference: Command Policy Letter CG 01-1 dated 1 October 2001. Letter of
Instruction, The Adjutant General of Virginia dated 1 July 1994.
b. Transfer of a member of the VaDF to the Auxiliary will be to retain the
association of the individual with the VaDF when active service is not
practical or permitted by law. Individuals must have served actively in the
VaDF for no less than two (2) years of exemplary service and 75% drill
attendance. Individuals serving in the Auxiliary who are less than 65 years
old may be returned to active status. Transfers to the Auxiliary will not be
used as a form of discharge for undesirable, disruptive or non-productive

Transfer to the VaDF Auxiliary will be for the following:

(1) Maximum age (65) for active service
(2) Unit reorganization/MTO change
(3) Individuals request that meet the criteria prescribed in Command Policy
Letter CG 01-1, Appendix W.
(4) Special circumstance request on a case by case basis.
c. Transfer to the Auxiliary will be at the individual’s WRITTEN request and at
current rank, unless individual had taken a voluntary reduction in grade to fill
a Cadre position, he or she will be returned to original rank held prior to
voluntary reduction and documented on appropriate orders. Division will
publish all transfers to the Auxiliary.
d. Participation by members of the Auxiliary will be limited to social functions
or ceremonies in the VaDF uniform with VaDF rank or in the uniform of the
service in which they served with rank held in that service. Auxiliary
members are not authorized to attend training assemblies, except when
personnel that possess unique qualifications as instructors may be invited to
teach on a case by case basis. Request for personnel to serve, as instructors
must be submitted in advance with full justification to Division for approval
and publishing of orders.
e. All members of the Auxiliary under the age of 65 annually, NLT 30 June, will
advise Division of their current address, phone number, state of health and
availability for recall to duty in the event of an emergency.

4-6 Transfer from Auxiliary

a. Transfer from the Auxiliary will be for the following:
(1) MTO position exists and rank is/will be compatible.
(2) Conflict or reason for transfer no longer exists.
(3) Individual age meets criteria for enlistment/appointment.

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

b. All transfer requests will be accompanied by appropriate justification

and approved by Division. Division will publish orders.

4-7 Discharge from Auxiliary

a. Discharge from the VaDF Auxiliary severing all ties with the Virginia
Defense Force will be for the following:
(1) Personal request
(2) Age 75
(3) Death
(4) Failure of an Auxiliary member under age 65 to maintain contact at
Division with current information.

b. Upon receipt of documentation requesting discharge from the VaDF

Auxiliary, Division will publish appropriate orders and issue an honorable
discharge certificate.

c. The Division G-1 will take action to remove discharged individuals from the
personnel database.

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006


5-1 Scope

a. This regulation prescribes policies and procedures for preparing and issuing
orders and permanent orders by all elements of the Virginia Defense Force.

5-2 Criteria

a. The Virginia Defense Force will publish orders for the following actions:

Officer Enlisted
(1) Initial Appointment/Enlistment Chapter 2 Chapter 2
(2) Transfers Chapter 4 Chapter 4
(3) Reassignment Chapter 4 Chapter 4
(4) Promotion/Enlistment Chapter 3 Chapter 3
(5) Discharge/Separation Chapter 6 Chapter 6

5-3 Format

a. This regulation requires using this order format for action pertaining to VaDF

b. Numbering of orders will be consecutive for a calendar year. As each day’s

orders are published, the next number will be assigned for that day with page
numbers. Example, On 2 January the unit is publishing orders for the first day
this year. The number will be Order 1-1. If there is more than one group of
orders published on that day then they would be numbered 1-2, 1-3, etc.
Orders published the next day will bear the numbers 2-1, etc.

c. When only one paragraph is used in an order, that paragraph will not be
numbered. When more than one paragraph is used, all paragraphs will be
numbered. Use two sides of a sheet before adding additional sheets.

d. Use consolidation of orders whenever possible.

e. The standard name line will consist of the Last Name, First Name, Middle
Initial, SSN, Rank, Branch, Unit Assigned, MTO, HOR.

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006



6-1 Classes of Discharge

a. Honorable Discharge: A form of discharge given a member of the VaDF

whose character of discharge is “Honorable” by honest and faithful service.
VaDF Form 55 will be issued Appendix P.
b. General Discharge (under Honorable Conditions): A form of discharge given
under honorable conditions with bar to re-enlistment in the Virginia Defense
Force. VaDF Form 56 will be issued Appendix P.
c. General Discharge: A formal discharge given a member of the VaDF whose
character of service is under conditions of “other than honorable, see
paragraph 6-2d, g. This type of discharge constitutes a bar to re-enlistment in
the Virginia Defense Force. VaDF Form 56 will be issued Appendix P.

6-2 Reason for Discharge

a. Resignation: The VaDF is a voluntary organization, and any officer or enlisted

member may request discharge, IN WRITING, at any time. Should the
officer or enlisted member have property responsibility, that member must be
relieved of that responsibility prior to receiving discharge. An
b. Change of Residence: An individual may request a discharge when he or she
changes their residence to a location too distant from their unit to attend
scheduled assembly or participate in unit activities and no other VaDF unit is
available to transfer to. NOTE: A move to another state does not require
discharge if initial service met appointment/enlistment criteria. However, if
the residence is over a 50 mile radius from the unit of assignment, the
commander must approve continued service with a letter stating that the
member agrees to be mobilized at the call of the Governor of Virginia. An
c. Physical Disability: If an individual is found to be physically unqualified to
perform the duties of the position to which assigned, he or she may be
discharged. An HONORABLE DISCHARGE may be issued.
d. Enlisted VaDF personnel who are to be appointed as Warrant Officers or
Officers must first resign, IN WRITING, from their enlisted position. VaDF
Warrant Officers who are to be appointed as officers also must resign, IN
WRITING, from their Warrant Appointment. An HONORABLE
DISCHARGE will be issued.

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

e. Attainment of maximum age:

(1) Members of the VaDF will be discharged upon attainment of age 65. An
(2) In the event there is no suitable replacement for the Cadre MTO position
of the incumbent member and he or she remains physically fit and duty
performance has been outstanding, The Adjutant General on a case by
case basis, may authorize retention beyond age 65, but not to exceed age
75. Requests for retention of these members will be initiated, IN
WRITING, by member through the chain of command at least 90 days
prior to members 65th birthday and must be fully justified.
f. Age seventy-five (75): When a member of the VaDF reaches his or her 75th
birthday they will be retired and discharged. A RETIREMENT
g. Death: An HONORABLE DISCHARGE will be issued with the effective
date being that of the date of death.
h. Continually failing to attend military assemblies: Members of thte VaDF
failing to attend 75% of military assemblies, within a twelve (12) month
period, may be discharged. A GENERAL DISCHARGE UNDER
i. Unfitness: An individual may be discharged for unfitness due to incidences of
discreditable nature with civil or military authorities, sexual perversion, drug
addiction, alcohol abuse, or violation of Federal, State and local laws, an
established pattern for showing dishonorable failure to pay debts, or an
established pattern showing dishonorable failure to contribute adequate
support to dependents. A GENERAL DISCHARGE will be issued.
j. Fraudulent entry: An individual will be discharged for fraudulent entry into
the Virginia Defense Force. Fraudulent entry includes deliberate lying on
appointment/enlistment documents and unauthorized changes to legal
documents such as DD-214, etc. A GENERAL DISCHARGE will be

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

6-3 Individuals with Property Responsibility

Officers assigned as Property Book Officers and who have State property issued
to them will not be separated until a property settlement has been effected by an
authorized representative of the VaDF, (see paragraph 4-1 c).

6-4 Authority to Discharge

a. Enlisted Members:
Commanders having authority to enlist (see table 2-4) and promote (see table
3-3) also has authority to publish orders discharging enlisted personnel?
Copies of orders discharging enlisted members under the authority of this
regulation will be forwarded to Division, and an appropriate discharge
certificate will be issued to the individual. ORDER FORMAT WILL BE
b. Officers:
The authority to separate Warrant Officers and Officers rest with the
Commanding General of the Virginia Defense Force. Commanders, on VaDF
Form 3R, will submit recommendations for separations of Warrant Officers
and Officers with individuals 201 File, through, channels, to Division. If
approved, Division will publish separation orders and an appropriate
discharge certificate will be issued.

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006




Identification Cards

7-1 Purpose: The purpose of this section is to establish the procedures, responsibility
and authority to the issuance of Identification Cards (ID) within the VaDF. The
provision of this section will apply to officers, warrant officers, and enlisted

7-2 Authority: The primary authority for issuing of Identification Cards is assigned to
the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-1. The G-1 will maintain records reflecting the
issuance and recovery of all Division ID cards.

7-3 Card Issuing Procedure:

a. ID cards will be sent, in blocks, by Division to Brigade and Aviation Battalion

Commanders for issuing to individual in their units. Division Headquarters will
issue ID cards for Division HHC, MP Company and Division Training
Command. Commanders have the sole responsibility and accountability for
issuing and recovering Identification Cards within their units.

Supply of ID Cards-Based on anticipated need an initial block, of forty-eight

(48) ID cards, for each brigade and twenty (20) ID cards for the Aviation
Battalion will be forwarded to the commanders. Brigade commanders are
responsible for the issuing of blocks of cards from their supply of forty-eight
(48), to the commanders of their subordinate battalions. The block of cards
issued to subordinate battalions should be issued under a Hand Receipt (VaDF
Form 2062). When the supply of cards is down to ten (10), commanders may
request additional cards from Division Headquarters: which will be forwarded in
blocks of forty-eight (48). Both the initial block and any subsequent supply, will
be accompanied by a Hand Receipt. The Hand Receipt will be signed and
returned to Division Headquarters, ATTN: G-1. Blank ID cards are
accountable, sensitive property and must be kept in a secure (locked)

b. The G-1 is responsible for keeping records and control of all blank ID cards in
card serial number sequence and will ensure that adequate stocks are on hand at
all times. The G-1 will maintain a permanent log, which shows the distribution
of each ID card. The log will indicate the following information:

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

1) Block Issue-List, in ID card serial number sequence, the block of ID cards

sent to each Brigade and Aviation Battalion Commander.

2) Issued-When an ID card is issued, the individuals name, unit and date of

issue will be entered next to the corresponding ID card serial number.

3) Recovery/Mutilated/Lost-When an ID card has been recovered from

individual leaving the VaDF; or has been mutilated, the card will be returned
to Division Headquarters, ATTN: G-1 and that information will be entered
next to the corresponding ID card number. Lost or stolen ID cards will be
reported to appropriate Commander and subsequently to Division
Headquarters, ATTN: G-1, as soon as possible.

c. Justification for Issue:

1) A TEMPORARY ID card that will expire six(6) months from date of

appointment/enlistment will be issued upon appointment/enlistment to insure
all soldiers can be identified, while serving during the first six(6) months of
duty, at home station or in the field performing assigned missions.

2) Upon expiration of the temporary ID card a PERMANENT ID card will be

issued for three (3) years.

3) Change of grade due to promotion or reduction.

4) Official change of name and/or Social Security number.

5) Replacement of lost, mutilated and worn out cards or cards with the
incorrect date.

d. ID Card Issuing Process:

1) Two (2) copies of VaDF Form 2-428R (Appendix F) will be filled out and
signed by the individual and by either the Commander, Executive Officer
or S-1. The serial number of the card must be written in the Card
Serial Number block. One (1) completed copy will be retained (in the
individuals MPRJ file) by the headquarters issuing the ID card and one
(1) copy will be sent to Division Headquarters, ATTN: G-1.

2) Using a TYPEWRITER, complete all sections on the ID card with the

exception of the signatures.

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

3) Take a photograph of the individual. The photograph must be a head and

shoulders image and have a name block. One (1) copy of the photograph
is attached to the designated area on the center front of the ID card. A
second copy of the photograph should be attached to the copy of VaDF
Form 2-428R that is sent to Division Headquarters.

4) The individual, to whom the card is issued, should sign on the front of the
card in the “Signature” block. Either the Commander, Executive Officer
or S-1 should sign on the back of the card in the “Signature of Issuing
Officer” block.

5) The ID card receipt stub (attached to left of card) should be completely

filled out with the name, date and signature of the individual to whom the
card is issued. The completed stub should be attached to the copy of
VaDF Form 2-428R, that is in the individuals MPRJ file maintained by
Headquarters issuing the card.

6) The completely filled out ID card should be laminated.

7) Subsequent to the issuance of identification cards to members of the

VaDF, personnel will be required to have an ID card in their possession at
all official UTA’s, MUTA’s and alert drills.

8) ID CARDS ARE STATE PROPERTY. Commanders are responsible

for retrieving ID cards from all personnel who, resign, are discharged or
otherwise separated from the VaDF. These cards will be forwarded to
Division Headquarters, ATTN: G-1, for record keeping purposes.

9) Authorizing signatures on VaDF Form 2-428R and ID cards and

delegated responsibility for ID cards will be limited to the following:

a) Brigade and Battalion Commanders, Executive Officers and S-1s.

b) Chief of Staff, Assistant Chief of Staff, G-1, Deputy G-1.

c) Commander, VaDF

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006



8-1 Correspondence
a. Definition: The term “correspondence” includes all forms of written
communications between units or individuals of the VaDF. However, for the
purpose of this regulation, only the two principal forms of correspondence
utilized in the VaDF will be discussed. These will be Memorandums and
b. General Rules:
(1) Preparation: Military correspondence will be prepared on 8-1/2” x 11”
paper or pre-printed forms and may be word processed, typewritten,
printed, or written. If typewritten, a black ribbon will be used; and black
will be used for printed or written correspondence.
(2) Number of Copies: Correspondence to which no reply is expected should
reach the addressee in one copy. Correspondence to which a reply is
expected should reach the addressee in two copies, original and one copy.
If routed through channels, sufficient copies should be prepared to allow
each intermediate headquarters to retain a copy.
(3) Using one side of Paper: Except when using prescribed forms or when
reproducing material by reproduction machines, only one side of a sheet
of paper will be used for a communication or enclosure.
(4) Quality of Writing: Military writing should be clear and concise. Short
words, short sentences, and short paragraphs should be used to the fullest.
(5) Address correspondence as directly as possible to the action office
concerned. Include the action officer’s name and office symbol when
addressing correspondence.
(6) Route correspondence through commands or offices expected to exercise
control or take action.
(7) Do not route correspondence through a headquarters that has no interest or
concern in the matter or action; however, a copy of the correspondence
will be sent to the office that was bypassed.
c. Memorandums:
(1) Whenever possible and appropriate, official business will be conducted by
personal contact, telephone, fax, or electronic mail (e-mail). A
Memorandum for Record (MFR) should be used to document any
decisions or agreements reached during these communications.
(2) Do not use the memorandum format for correspondence with the families
of VaDF personnel or private businesses.
(3) Address correspondence to the office that is expected to complete the
action. If the memorandum is sent to someone’s attention, place the
person’s name in parentheses after the office symbol.

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

a. Multiple Address Memorandums:

(a) Begin listing the addressees on the line below: MEMORANDUM FOR”
and indent under the third character.
(b) Type addresses in either all uppercase or upper and lowercase type; be
(c) Prepare one original and make copies for additional addressees after
signature. Place a check mark to the immediate left of each addressee to
designate the addressee’s copy.
b. There are two types of memorandums, formal and informal.
(1) Formal Memorandums - The formal memorandum will be used for
correspondence that will be sent outside the headquarters, or command.
(2) Informal Memorandums – The informal memorandum will be used for
correspondence that will be internal to the headquarters or command.
Informal memorandums may be preprinted and used as form letters.
(3) Endorsements: Endorsement is eliminated as an authorized form of
correspondence. The memorandum will be used in all instances where an
endorsement was previously used.
c. Letters – Letters are used when corresponding with civilians and military
members addressed by name. Use the letter also when corresponding with a
civilian agency, or other government agency officials. Letters may be used
for official personnel correspondence, letters of welcome, letters of
appreciation or commendation.
d. Enclosures – Enclosures are documents accompanying correspondence and
they may be an integral part of the correspondence required to complete the
communication or to keep the body of the communication as short and clear
as possible. They may also be used to furnish additional information, to
present details, to explain data, or to add generally for better understanding of
the subject. See Appendix L for an example of placement of the enclosure
listing on a military letter.
e. Letters of Transmittal – Letters of transmittal for documents, reports, and
correspondence, which are self-explanatory in nature, are not required and are
unnecessary. For instance, letters of transmittal are not necessary for
Certificates of Completion of Sub-courses, enlistment records, clothing
request, etc.; as these documents contain the name of individuals to which
they apply.

8-2 Unit Files: VaDF units are required to maintain file copies of documents,
records, and publications pertinent to the operations of the unit. Unit files will normally
be maintained in manila folders or three-ring binders. They will be available for
inspection by representatives from higher headquarters or the Inspector General’s Section
of the Adjutant Generals Department. The items listed below are considered to are the
minimum files maintained by each unit or headquarters as indicated.

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006


Month Morning Report X X X X

Permanent Orders X X X X
Orders (Published by HQ, VaDF) X X X
Orders (Published by Unit) X X X X
VaDF Regulations & Pamphlets X X X X
Correspondence File X X X X
Annual Training Program X X X X
Quarterly Training Schedule X X X X
After Action Report X X X X
Area Studies X X X X
Area Maps X X X X
Alert Plan X X X X
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) X X X X
Operations Plans X X X X
State-Owned Property Records X X X X
Locally Acquired Property Records X X X X
Unit Fund Records X X X X

8-3 Military Personnel Records Jacket (201 File):

a. General: Division Headquarters will maintain MPRJ files on all VaDF
personnel. Individual MPRJ Files will be established and maintained for
every person enlisted or appointed in the VaDF.
b. Responsibility: The Company Commander is responsible for opening and
maintaining the MPRJ files for himself and all persons assigned to MTO
positions in his unit. MPRJ files for Staff Officers/Warrant Officers and
Enlisted assigned or attached to HHC’s are the responsibility of the HHC
c. Division Headquarters will maintain MPRJ files on all VaDF personnel.

d. Storage:

(1) MPRJ Files are confidential data to be stored in file drawer(s) or cabinet(s)
capable of being locked. They will be locked except when in the use
authorized by the responsible commander.
(2) Access to MPRJ files is restricted to:
Line Co – Co Cdr HHC – Bn/Bde/Div Cdr
1SG – Co Clerk S-1 or G-1 and
authorized assistants
HHC Cdr, 1SG – Co Clerk

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

(3) MPRJ Files will be stored alphabetically by Brigade at Division and

alphabetically by Units at Brigade and Battalion level.

e. Contents: MPRJ Files shall contain the following as a minimum.

(1) Officer/WO’s:
1). Orders - all except temporary (TDY) orders
2). VaDF Form 3R
3). VaDF Form 2-1R
4). VaDF Form 2-428R
5). VaDF Form 35R
6). Prior military service documents (DD214, NGB 22, etc)
7). VaDF Form 337R
8). Awards
9). Certificate of completion of military education
10). All letters, memorandums and other correspondence pertaining to the

(2) Enlisted:
1). Orders
2). VaDF Form 3R
3). VaDF Form 2-1
4). VaDF Form 2-428R
5). VaDF Form 337R
6). Prior military service documents (DD214, NGB 22, etc)
7). Awards
8). Certificate of completion of military education
9). All letters, memorandums, and other correspondence pertaining to the

f. Withdrawal: MPRJ files may be withdrawn to accompany request for personnel

action to Headquarters authorized to take such actions. Orders resulting from
personnel action request will be inserted in the MPRJ files before return to the unit of
assignment. When Withdrawn, MPRJ files will be replaced by locator cards
(1) Members name and social security number
(2) Reason for withdrawal
(3) Headquarters to which file(s) are sent

g. MPRJ (201) files will be returned to unit as soon as possible following personnel
action. If transfer is involved, file will be sent to new unit for its files.

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

h. Files for Discharged or Separated persons will be forwarded to Division for

record storage.

i. Disposition Upon Transfer or Attachment: Upon transfer or attachment of an

individual from one unit to another, the loosing unit personnel custodian will
be responsible to post all personnel records to date and forward the Military
Personnel Records Jacket (201) file to the gaining unit without delay.

j. MPRJ file of individual transferring to Auxiliary will be forwarded to

Division Headquarters, Attn: G-1, for record storage.

k. Disposition Upon Discharge or Death: When a member of the Virginia

Defense Force dies or is discharged, the unit personnel records custodian will
post all personnel records to date and forward the Military Personnel Records
Jacket (201) file to Division without delay.

l. Placement of documents within MPRJ file will be as Follows:

Left Side Right Side

(by date, current on top)
1. Orders 1. Change of Address Form (Appendix Z)
2. Permanent Orders 2. 2-1R
3. Promotion Papers with orders 3. Oath
4. Awards 4. ID Card Form 2-428R
5. Personnel Evaluation (Appendix S)
6. Course Completions
7. Letters of Commendation Certificates
8. Professional Certificates
9. Prior Service (DD214, NG20, etc)
10. Civilian Education
11. Military Education

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

8-4 Offices Symbols (Supersedes VaDF Regulation 600-10, 1 October 2001)

Commander VaDF-HCG
Deputy Commander VaDF-HADCA
Deputy Commander VaDF-HADCB
Command Sergeant Major VaDF-HCSM

Chief of Staff VaDF-HCS
Secretary of the General Staff VaDF-HSGS
Liaison Officer (JOC) VaDF-HLOJ
Liaison Officer (EOC) VaDF-HLOE
Protocol Officer VaDF-HPRO
Budget Officer VaDF-HBUD


G-1 VaDF-H1
Deputy G-1 VaDF-H1D
Personnel Services Officer VaDF-H1PO
Administrative Services Officer VaDF-H1AO
Chief Personnel Services Sergeant VaDF-H1SM
G-2 VaDF-H2
Deputy G-2 VaDF-H2D
Chief Intelligence Sergeant VaDF-H2SM
G-3 VaDF-H3
Deputy G-3 VaDF-H3D
Operations Officer VaDF-H3O1
Air Operations Officer VaDF-H3O2
Civil/ Military Operations Officer VaDF-H3O3
Plans & Training Officer VaDF-H3O4
Safety Officer VaDF-H3SO
Chief Operations Sergeant VaDF-H3SM
G-4 VaDF-H4
Deputy G-4 VaDF-H4D
Maintenance Officer VaDF-H4M
Chief Logistics Sergeant VaDF-H4SM
Chief Food Operations Management Sergeant VaDF-H4FS
Senior Mechanical Maintenance Operations Sergeant VaDF-H4MS
G-6 VaDF-H6
Deputy G-6 VaDF-H6D
Chief Communications Operations Sergeant VaDF-H6SM

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

Chemical Officer VaDF-HCM
Deputy Chemical Officer VaDF-HCMD
Chief CBRNE Sergeant VaDF-HCMS
Provost Marshal VaDF-HPM
Deputy Provost Marshal VaDF-HPMD
Chief Provost Marshal Operations Sergeant VaDF-HPMS
Inspector General VaDF-HIG
Public Affairs Officer VaDF-HPAO
Recruiting Officer VaDF-HRO
Senior Public Affairs Sergeant VaDF-HPAS
Division Surgeon VaDF-HSU
Medical Officer VaDF-HMO
Chaplain VaDF-HCH
Staff Judge Advocate VaDF-HJA
Deputy Staff Judge Advocate VaDF-HJAD
Legal Assistance Officer VaDF-HJAL
Senior Paralegal Sergeant VaDF-HJAS


Company Commander/HQ Commandant VaDF-HC
First Sergeant VaDF-HCSG
Communications Platoon Leader VaDF-HCP

Company Commander VaDF-HMPC
First Sergeant VaDF-HMPS


Headquarters VaDF-1HO
Commander VaDF-1HCO
Executive Officer VaDF-1H5
Director of Instructions VaDF-1HDI
Adjutant/Registrar VaDF-1H1
Operations Officer VaDF-1H3
Logistics Officer VaDF-1H4
Director Course Development VaDF-1HCD
Director NCO Academy VaDF-1HNA
Director Leadership Academy VaDF-1HLA
Detachment Headquarters Commander VaDF-1HC
Detachment Headquarters First Sergeant VaDF-1HCS

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006


Lafayette Black Horse Highland

Brigade Brigade Brigade
Headquarters VaDF-2HO VaDF-3HO VaDF-4HO
Commander VaDF-2HCO VaDF-3HCO VaDF-4HCO
Executive Officer VaDF-2H5 VaDF-3H5 VaDF-4H5
S-1 VaDF-2H1 VaDF-3H1 VaDF-4H1
S-2 VaDF-2H2 VaDF-3H2 VaDF-4H2
S-3 VaDF-2H3 VaDF-3H3 VaDF-4H3
S-4 VaDF-2H4 VaDF-3H4 VaDF-4H4
S-6 VaDF-2H6 VaDF-3H6 VaDF-4H6

21 22 23 33 24 31 34 AVN
Bn Bn Bn Bn Bn Bn Bn Bn
Headquarters VaDF-21O 22O 23O 33O 24O 31O 34O AHO
Commander VaDF-21CO 22CO 23CO 33CO 24CO 31CO 34CO AHCO
S-1 VaDF-211 221 231 331 241 311 341 AH1
S-2 VaDF-212 222 232 332 242 312 342 AH2
S-3 VaDF-213 223 233 333 243 313 343 AH3
S-4 VaDF-214 224 234 334 244 314 344 AH4
S-6 VaDF-216 226 236 336 246 316 346 AH6
HHC VaDF-21T 22T 23T 33T 24T 31T 34T AHT
Company A VaDF-21A 22A 23A 33A 24A 31A 34A AAT
Company B VaDF-21B 22B 23B 33B 24B 31 B 34B ABT
Company C VaDF-21C 22C 23C 33C 24C 31C 34C ACT
Company D VaDF-21D 22D 23D 33D 24D 31D 34D ADT

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

8-5 Distribution
a. Purpose: This paragraph describes the procedures and formulas for distribution of
publications originating at Division.
b. Responsibilities:
(1) The originator of the publication is responsible for determining the distribution
required, using the following guidelines:
(a) Due consideration will be given at all times to the fact that VaDF funds are
limited, and distribution of publications must be kept to a minimum in order to
save on cost of paper, reproduction envelopes and postage.
(b) Distribution formula in Paragraph 8-6d below will be used for economy of
effort as well as for accuracy, consistent with conveying essential information
to VaDF commanders and staff officers. A standard distribution formula will
be selected from Paragraph 8-6d, and expressed as Distribution “A”,
Distribution “B”, etc.
(c) Where distribution to Division, Brigade and Battalion Headquarters is
reflected in a formula, the number is based on one copy each for the
Commander and each G staff officer. The assumption is that each G- and S-
staff head will pass information to subordinate special staff officers under
their supervision when appropriate.
(d) When the list of desired addressees is drastically different than any formula in
Paragraph 8-6d, use Distribution “I” followed by the titles of all addressees.
(e) Division Chief of Staff will be responsible for selective distribution to Deputy
Division Commanders, ADC’s and CSM.
c. Distribution Policy:
(1) General: Routine correspondence relating to individual actions and units will be
prepared and distributed in accordance with AR 25-50, found in the VaARNG
unit libraries. Items requiring wider distribution will utilize codes shown below
translated into numbers of copies shown in Paragraph 8-6d distribution list.
Items, which require distribution outside VaDF will indicate individual or agency,
concerned and number of copies to be forwarded. Outside agencies or individuals
will be listed under “copies furnished” (CF) in accordance with AR 25-50. Staff
members will receive orders under Code E.
(2) Distribution Codes: The codes used in VaDF distribution formulas are as follows:


A To be used exclusively for matters relating to Cadre, Plans/Instructions/Actions.

Distribution to all VaDF commanders heading Cadre teams, plus Division CofS and
Division G-Staff.

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

B Distribution for all VaDF commanders down to company. Division distribution

includes 1 copy each for Division Commander, Chief of Staff, and Headquarters
Commander. Distribution at Brigade includes 1 copy each for Brigade
Commander and Headquarters Company Commander. Distribution at Battalion
includes 1 copy each for Battalion Commander, Headquarters Company
Commander and each letter company commander. May be used to distribute
items for unit libraries.

C Distribution for Division/Brigade/Battalion commanders plus Division Chief of

Staff and G-Staff. This distribution applies to material of more limited
application than “A”; may address matters requiring further action by these
commanders prior to involving company commanders.

D Distribution for Division/Brigade commanders only, plus Division Chief of Staff.

E Distribution for Division General and Special Staff Officers only. Includes Chief
of Staff, SGS, G-1 through G-6, LnO, IG, SJA, Chaplain, Surgeon, Aviation
Officer, Division PAO, Finance Officer, and Provost Marshall.

F Distribution for G-1 matters, to be routed at each Headquarters concerned to

Division Chief of Staff and G-1; LI/Bde S-1; Bn S-1; and all Co/Cdrs (including
HQ Co).

G. Distribution for G-3 matters, to be routed at each Headquarters concerned to

Division Chief of Staff and G-3; LI; Bn S-3; and all company commanders,
(including HQ Co).

H Distribution for G-4 matters, to be routed at each Headquarters concerned to

Division and G-4; LI/Avn/Bn S-4; and all company commanders, (including HQ

I Distribution intended for designated single or multiple VaDF commanders and

staff officers and not for VaDF wide use.

Re-supply. Additional copies or replacement copies must be arranged through the originator,
except for Distribution “B” items for unit libraries may be requested from Division G-1.

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

a. Distribution List.




VACS 1 1 1 1 1 1

VAPA 1 1 1 1

VAOT 1 1 1 1

VAFM 1 1 1 1

VARS 1 1 1

VAMA 1 1 1


CofS 7 7 7 2 21 3 3 3


DIV TRN COM: 5 5 1 1 5 5 5

HHC 5 5 1 1 5 5 5
21 Bn 5 5 1 5 5 5
22 Bn 5 5 1 5 5 5


HHC 5 5 1 1 5 5 5
23 Bn 5 5 1 5 5 5
33 Bn 5 5 1 5 5 5

HHC 5 5 1 1 5 5 5
24 Bn 5 5 1 5 5 5
31 Bn 5 5 1 5 5 5
34 Bn 5 5 1 5 5 5

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

AVIATION BN: HHC 5 5 1 5 5 5

DIV MP COMPANY 5 5 1 5 5 5

SIGNAL PLATOON 5 5 1 5 5 5

VaDF G-1 PUBL STOCK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


TOTAL 108 108 32 7 22 101 101 101

*VaDF Regulations or other items for unit libraries.

8-6 Authorized Abbreviations:

a. Policy: Abbreviations and brevity codes authorized by this regulation and AR 310-50
may be used in the preparation of military records, publications, correspondence, and
messages. They may also be used for operations plans, orders, and reports within the
Virginia Defense Force.

b. General Rules for Using Abbreviations: Abbreviations listed in Appendix Q are

furnished for reference and use by units of the VaDF. Abbreviations will be used
only when the meaning is clear. Normally, abbreviation of words is in lower case
letters. Brevity codes (group of words) are normally in capital letters. For example,
the abbreviation for enlisted is written “enl”, while the abbreviation for Virginia
Defense Force is written “VaDF”. In General, the listed abbreviations and brevity
codes may be used, without being changed, to signify any of the various derivative of
the root word, i.e., al, ally, ance, ed, er, ian, ies, ility, ing, ive, ment, etc.

VaDF Reg.No.600-10 1 Oct 2006



9-1 Morning Reports. A monthly morning report will be prepared by each company
personnel gains and losses; assignments and reassignments within the unit; training
subjects covered at the UTA; impacts of personnel actions, and events appropriate
for entry in the morning report.

a. ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS. The morning report will be prepared

ONLY on VaDF Form 1R (Appendix D) with sufficient copies for the following
distribution; 1 copy for unit file; 1 copy to Bn HQ (if applicable); 1 copy to Bde
HQ if applicable); and original copy sent DIRECTLY TO DIVISION HQ,

The following suspenses apply:



b. Preparation of VaDF Form 1R:

(1) Block 1, Date. Enter date on which form is completed. e.g. 11 Mar 02
(2) Block 2, Unit Designation. Enter the reporting unit’s designation,to include
Identity of the parent Bn and Bde, e.g., Co A, 1Bn, Blackhorse Bde.
(3) Block 3, Unit Mailing Address. Self-explanatory.
(4) Block 4, Strength Section. In column 4B, enter the strength data reported in
Column 4E of the last report. In column 4D, enter all losses in assigned
Strength since the last report. Column 4E must reflect on each line the
Mathematical sum of column 4B plus Column 4C minus Column 4D.
Columns 4F-G reflects unit progress in terms of attaining/maintaining Cadre.
Column 4J will reflect the number of personnel attached (not assigned) to the
Reporting unit on the date the morning report is submitted.
(5) Block 5, Changes Section, This block is used to report all changes that have
Occurred since the last morning report. Entries will include explanation of all
Gains and losses reflected in Block 4; all promotions and reductions since the
Last morning report; all reassignments within the unit; and corrections of data
In the last report.
(6) Block 6. Records of Events Section. This block is used to record all unit
Events scheduled and held since the date of the last assembly (i.e., classes
Exercises. Inspections); unscheduled activities ( i.e., emergency missions [cite
Authority]; visits and inspections by higher headquarters; and injuries
Sustained by members during unit assemblies. Note line G.

VaDF Reg.No.600-10 1 Oct 2006

(7) Block 7, Validation Section. This block is used to verify accuracy of entries,
which are independent. When the answer to a listed question is “no”, the
difference must be resolved before the morning report can be submitted to
higher HQ.
(8) Block 8, Authentication Section. This block will identify the Co
Commander, or a representative with delegated authority, and reflect his/her

9-2. Consolidation Morning Reports. Consolidation morning reports may, at the

discretion of the Commander, be completed at Brigade and Battalion level utilizing
VaDF Form 2R, however they are not required at Division Headquarters.

9-3. Personnel Rosters. Compilation/Updates. A computerized personnel roster,

Perpared in order that assigned personnel can be identified in relation to MTO
Assignment, will be forwarded to each brigade and battalion by VaDF HQ to be
Updated quarterly. The Resultant database will be used to compile required
Personnel reports.

9-4. An attendance SIGN-IN/SIGN-OUT sheet must accompany each Morning

Report. This sign-in/sign-out sheet must have the individual’s PRINTED
NAME and handwritten signature that verifies his/her presence at the assembly.
VaDF Form 27 PR (Appendix R).

9-5. Report of Alternative Training. To support make-up training of individuals unable

to attend regularly scheduled drill due to job conflict,illness or planned or
emergency leaves. Bde/Bn Staff meetings do not qualify as Alternative Training.
VaDF Form ATEV (Appendix U).
9-6. Report of Extra Volunteer Hours. Not to be confused with Alternative Training.
This form records extraduty other than drill, i.e. Parades,Community Events,
Recruiting, ect. VaDF Form ATEV (Appendix U).

9-7. Military Leave Request. Under Title 44 of the Military Laws of Virginia, Article 10,
Section 44.93, VaDF personnel who are employees of the Commonwealth or any
Political subdivision of the Commonwealth are entitled maximum of fifteen (15)
Days of military leave each year from their respective jobs. This leave is to be
Granted without loss of seniority, accrued leave, or efficency rating and their shell
Be no loss of pay during such leave of absence. Forms to be used where employers
Required verification of such duty is shown in Appendix J and K.

VaDF Reg.No.600-10 1 Oct 2006



10-1. Insurance Coverage

a. All VaDF Personnel are covered by Commonwealth of Virginia Workman’s

Compensation Insurance while traveling from HOR to Armory or Semi-Annual
Field Exercise site for duty, while on duty,and from Armory or Semi-Annual
Field Exercise to HOR after duty. Personnel making a stop over for personal
Reasons returning to HOR from Armory or duty station and who are injured are
Not covered. All personnel must be on official duty travel orders when assigned
To other than regular drill status. Regular drills or semi-annual AT, Training
Schedule submitted to the Division G-3 will suffice.

b. Any accident or injury will be reported on Morning Report VaDF Form 1R

(Appendix D) Block 6 Record of Events Section.

c. Employer’s First Report of Accident Form must be sent to Division HQ, ATTN:
G-1 within 5 days for filing with the State. Then the following data can follow
When compiled.

(1) Record of Proof of Attendance at Unit training assembly.

(2) Training Schedule for assembly at which injury occurred.
(3) Copy of TDY orders assigning individual to other than regularly
scheduled drill duties.

d. Claim Forms are obtained from the Department of Workman’s Compensation,

Industrial Commission of Virginia. Offices are located in majority of cities and
Towns in Virginia.

e. Brigade must have an IG investigate and corroborate Company Commander’s


f. All Reports and pertinent forms are to be submitted to Division Headquarters for
forwarding to Insurance Agent, within 10 days of accident occurrence.

VaDF Reg.No.600-10 1 Oct 2006



11-1 General Personnel evaluation is a critical professional development tool for

Commissioned officers, warrant officers, and NCOs. Honest and fair evaluation of
VaDF members sets goals for individual growth and development, providers feedback
On duty performance, and ensures individuals with superior potential are selected for
Promotion and assignment to more challenging positions. Their Personnel Evaluation
Provides VaDF members a clear rating of where they stand and how to be better at
Their jobs.

11-2 Applies to.All field and company grade commissioned officers,all warrant officers,
and all NCOs in the rank of SSG and above will receive an evaluation. NCOs and
soldiers in the rank of SGT and below may be evaluated at their commander’s

a. Evaluations. A completed Personnel Evaluation form will accompany all

Recommendations for promotion. Division, Brigades, Battalion and Company
Commanders may require a personnel evaluation on any/all individual(s) in there
Command at any time.

11-4 Evaluation Report. VaDF Form 830 (Appendix S) will be used for personnel

11-5 Raters and endorsers.

a. Immediate rater. Brigade Commanders will provide guidance for their Brigades
on who will be designated as raters. The Chief of Staff will provide guidance on
who will be designated as raters on the Headquarters Staff and in Division troop
b. General principle. Raters, as far as possible, should be individual’s
Supervisors in the chain of command. In general, commanders or their executive
Officers should not rate all members of a command. Rating is a supervisory
Function-its centralization deprives supervisors of an important tool for
Caching and personal development as well as a significant experience as
Managers and leaders.
c. Endorsers. Endorsers on reports are not mandatory. However,endorsements
Allow the chain of command to comment on individual’s records for awards
Promotion, and selection for duty.

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

11-6 Quality Control: Personnel evaluations are critical documents with great potential
effect on a career in the VaDF. Forms should be prepared neatly, and typed if at
all possible. Reports should be reviewed carefully for accuracy against other
records. All comments should be reviewed for appropriateness by the rater’s
chain of command. Reports with errors of fact, in which there are grammar and
spelling errors or those with words not easily, understood, will be returned to the
rater to be corrected.

a. Officer and Warrant Officer Reports: Battalion and Brigade executive officers
or S-1’s may be designated the responsibility for quality control on officer

b. NCOs: The NCO support channel should be used to the greatest degree
practicable to qualify NCO evaluations. Raters and endorsers should confer
with the senior NCO at their level, First Sergeant and Command Sergeant
Major, in the determination of performance and standards assessment.

11-7 Completion of the Form:

a. HEADER: Enter the rated individual’s name, rank, social security number,
unit of assignment, and duty in the unit. If the individual served in more than
one unit or duty in the Training Year, the unit and duty are those at the time of


(1) Set at least three and not more than five significant objectives for the
individual during the year. Objectives should be mutually set by rater and
rate, and should be individualized based on unit needs and individual
ability. These objectives should be measured and performance based,
focusing on activities that will improve the unit. Examples of possible
objectives are:

Establish and maintain a unit VaDF Publications library.

Qualify as a VaDF Radio Operator.
Plan and develop a scenario for a Battalion FTX.
Complete IIB skill training and Damage Assessment.

(2) Rate will initial and date the objectives to indicate they concur with the
objectives, believes they can be met, and agree to work toward them.

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

(1) At the end of the rating period, if designated, rater checks each blocks as
MET or NOT MET. Failure to meet a difficult objective does not
necessarily reflect badly on the rate. On the other hand, meeting five easy
objectives does not make the rate a top performer.


rating period, if designated, evaluate honestly how the rate performs in the six
listed areas. The rating EXCEEDS should be reserved for truly outstanding
performance, the best individual in the unit. In units that are recognized as
being outstanding by formal ratings, no more than half the unit should receive

(1) RELIABILITY: Individual does what they say they will do when they say
they will do it. Individual participates in unit activities, including drills;
MUTA’s work sessions, community support, and state active duty. One
hundred percent is required, but the individual should always let
supervisors know the reason for any absence ahead of time.

(2) INTEGRITY: Individual does not lie, cheat, steal, quibble, prevaricate, or
otherwise shade the truth.

(3) APPERANCE: Individual wears the uniform properly, clean and pressed,
in good repair, with boots and shoes polished, and are well groomed.

(4) ATTITUDE: Individual is positive about the VaDF and what he is doing.
Person acts as a team player. Person shows appropriate respect to
superiors and subordinates as well as to members of other services and
civilian leadership. Person supports equal opportunity for all, and avoids
racism, sexual harassment, and discrimination in word and deed.
Individual inspires others to work with him towards the common goal.

(5) INSTRUCTOR: Individual is a capable instructor in the classroom and in

field skills training. Person can conduct scheduled and hip pocket
training. All students know the material when training is completed.

PERSONAL SKILLS: Individual has a high degree of personal competence in METAL

tasks as shown by completion of level IIA requirements.

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

a. PART III – PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: If the individual attended

training applicable to VaDF mission outside regularly scheduled VaDF drills,
note courses completed. This includes both VaDF and other agency training
and may be classroom or extension training. If an individual is working
toward a degree or professional certification, note this here.

b. PART IV – RATER’S EVALUATION: The rater signs and dates this section
after completion.

(1) OVERALL PREFORMANCE: Check in front of the application block.

Individuals who should be considered for elimination are checked
UNSAT. The average good member in a unit should be checked SOLID
PREFORMER. EXCELLENT should be reserved for the top one or two
officers or NCOs in a unit. In units recognized as outstanding in formal
inspections, no more than half of the assigned personnel should be rated
EXCELLENT. If the individual is eligible for promotion, and if the rater
recommends promotion, check the block PROMOTE NOW.

(2) ATTENDANCE: Indicate the number of UTAs, MUTAs, and other events
individual attended during the rating period.

c. PART V – ENDORSEMENTS: Up to three (3) endorsements may be

completed. In general, NCOs in the grade of MSG and above, CW3 and
CW4, and Major should be endorsed at the Brigade or equivalent level. The
endorser indicates his unit of assignment and signs and dates the block.

(1) PERFORMANCE RATING: Mark the appropriate block with an X to

indicate how the rate ranks among individuals with similar rank in the unit
(the rating pool). Group NCOs, SSG and SFC together, MSG and above
together, Warrant Officers, Company Grade Officers, and Field Grade
Officers as an individual pool.

NOT OBSERVED – OBSERVED: Check observed if you personally know and have
watched this individual’s performance at drill on a regular basis. Check not observed if
you do not have personal knowledge of the individual’s performance

VaDF Regulation 600-10 1 Oct 2006

(1) POOL: Indicate how many persons were in the pool on which you based
your performance rating.


Chief of Staff


AC of S G-1


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