Draft: Major General, New York Guard Commander
Draft: Major General, New York Guard Commander
Draft: Major General, New York Guard Commander
Major General, New York Guard
1. Purpose. This Directive establishes NYG policy, provides procedures, and assigns
responsibilities for the training of military personnel and military units.
2. Application
a. This Directive applies to the New York Guard, and all its Major Commands and Units,
hereafter referred to collectively as “the NYG”.
b. This publication is directive in nature. These formats, and procedures will be followed,
except when, in the judgment of the commander, exceptional circumstances dictate otherwise.
3. Scope. This publication describes the processes used to create, review, submit and manage a
training program for NYG activities by all organizations comprising the New York Guard.
4. Basis. Division of Military and Naval Affairs has no training regulation, therefore. Army
Division, Air Division and Civil Military Affairs Brigade may refer to appropriate service
publications for additional guidance.
NYGD 1322 Draft-1
I POLICY……………………………………………………………….………….. I-1
II RESPONSIBILITIES…………………………………………..…….…….……… II-1
1. Commander New York Guard..………………………………………….... II-1
2. J2 Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence………..…….………….……….. II-1
3. J3 Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Training...………….……….. II-1
4. J4 Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics..……………….………….……….. II-1
5. J6 Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications & Electronics…………….. II-1
6. The Surgeon…………………………………………….………………….. II-1
7. The Inspector General………………………………….………….……….. II-1
8. The Provost Marshall.………………………………….…………….…….. II-2
9. Commanders of New York Guard Components .………………..….…….. II-2
Glossary...................................……………………………………………………….. GL-1
Draft-1 NYGD 1322
It is NYG policy to provide military training programs for the total force that effectively support
required levels of force readiness and that use resources efficiently.
NYGD 1322 Draft-1
Draft-1 NYGD 1322
1. The Commander NYG, or his designee, shall be responsible for overall policy and program
review of training programs for military personnel and programs for the collective training of
military units. The Commander will forward Command Training Guidance to the MACOMs for
the annual training cycle. To be provided 2 years in advance of the training cycle.
a. Have primary responsibility for policy and program review of training in intelligence
skills and intelligence-related foreign language skills.
b. Establish policies and procedures to ensure that general intelligence training is provided
to NYG Components
3. The J-3, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Training, shall:
a. Have primary responsibility for policy and program review of NYG component training
conducted in an inactive duty status or during annual training (AT).
b. Advise NYG CDR on special training conducted by other state components and attended
by NYG personnel in other than IDT or AT status.
d. Will formulate and prepare the Yearly Training Guidance for the Commander’s signature.
4. The J-4, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, shall have primary responsibility in the NYG
for policy and program review of the acquisition of training devices and the operation of the
integrated logistics systems.
5. The J-6, Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications and Electronics, shall ensure the
technical adequacy of all communications training.
6. The Surgeon, shall have primary responsibility for policy and program review of training
programs for health care personnel.
7. The Inspector General, shall have primary responsibility for policy and program review of
training programs for audit, inspection, and investigative personnel.
NYGD 1322 Draft-1
8. The Provost Marshall shall be responsible for policy and program review of training
programs for personnel engaged in security assistance activities.
9. The Commanders of the NYG Major Commands (MACOM(s), (i.e., NYG Army Division,
NYG Air Division, NYG Civil Military Affairs Brigade), shall;
b. Notify and provide copies of follow-on regulations or instructions to New York Guard
Headquarters for review and approval.
d. Provide the following enumerated reports to NYG J3, on an annual basis, prior to the
commencement of the annual training cycle. (Appropriate formats for the listed documents may
be obtained from relevant U.S. Army and Air force publications.)
Draft-1 NYGD 1322
1. General
a. Training as a System. All types of military training, as defined in the attached glossary
shall be considered as interdependent parts of an overall training system. Possible effects on
other parts of the system shall be considered when decisions are made that primarily concern one
part of the system. For example, the effects on unit training shall be a key consideration in
decisions on institutional training.
c. Application of Simulation. Simulators and other training devices for weapon systems
and equipment shall be utilized when they are available and capable of effectively and
economically supplementing training on the actual equipment. Particular emphasis shall be
placed on simulators that provide training that might be limited by safety considerations or
constraints on training space, time; or other resources. When deciding on simulation issues, the
primary consideration shall be improving the quality of training and consequently the state of
readiness. Potential savings in operating and support costs normally shall be an important
secondary consideration.
e. Use of Contract Support. Contract services may be used to support and/or conduct
instruction in military training programs when applicable, using the appropriate resources within
2. Individual Training
a. Training Requirements and Utilization. All training of military members shall be based
on requirements for knowledge and skills needed for specific missions or, as applicable, on
requirements for broader military skills, such as leadership. Required knowledge includes an
understanding of the conduct necessary to maintain high standards of mission effectiveness and
unit cohesion.
(1) The number of members to be trained shall be based on the number of job positions
in the approved force structure, the projected inventory of qualified members, and projected
gains and losses in each skill and skill level.
NYGD 1322 Draft-1
(2) To avoid unnecessary training, assignment policies for each job skill shall be aimed
at fully utilizing qualified members with relevant previous training.
(1) Identify training requirements for tasks to be performed on the job (OJT) and the
knowledge and skills required to perform those tasks.
(2) Determine the proper allocation of training tasks between institutional training and
OJT in operational units.
(3) Choose the most cost-effective methods of instruction and identify training
equipment and other media requirements.
(4) Investigate methods of tailoring training to the more restricted time available to
members of the NYG components and develop curricula to meet their needs.
(6) Develop methods based on performance objectives for evaluating student progress
and success.
(7) Develop procedures, including feedback from operational units, for evaluating
training programs to provide a basis for revisions and to verify that the programs meet
training requirements at an acceptable cost.
(1) Institutional training courses shall be no longer than required to fulfill course
objectives as identified through a systematic needs analysis. Teaching methods such as
individualized instruction, which satisfy course objectives and compress time in training
status, shall be considered for use when determined to be effective and economical and when
student capabilities make these teaching methods feasible
(2) The satisfactory performance of identified learning tasks, when feasible, shall be the
criterion for graduating from school courses.
(3) The ability of units to conduct effective OJT shall be considered when dividing
responsibility for teaching tasks between schools and units during the development of
training programs
Draft-1 NYGD 1322
d. Training of New NYG Personnel. All new officer and enlisted personnel shall be given
fundamental instruction for transitioning to the military environment, instilling discipline, and
teaching military skills required of all or most members of the NYG concerned. This training
shall include briefings upon entry and periodically thereafter required under the Code of Military
Conduct as contained in the Military Law of the State of New York. In addition, new personnel
shall receive training in occupational specialties through institutional training courses or OJT.
Such institutional training normally shall be limited to the skills required in the initial period of
service, i.e., the first enlistment period for enlisted personnel and the initial term of obligated
service for officers.
h. NYG Schools. When skills with a high degree of commonality are required in more than
one MACOM, consideration shall be given to establishing a single NYG school, if cost effective,
to provide the required training.
i. Capability for Mobilization Expansion. Each MACOM shall review periodically its
requirement for trained military manpower under mobilization conditions and its capacity in
facilities, equipment, and training staff for meeting this requirement. Verified deficiencies shall
be considered for correction.
3. Collective Training
b. Realism. Subject to such constraints as safety requirements and limits on space for
training, all collective training shall be conducted under conditions and rates of activity closely
approximating those that the units being trained may encounter in accomplishing their assigned
NYGD 1322 Draft-1
(1) When constraints limit the use of realistic training conditions, then simulation and
other products of training technology shall be used as applicable to enhance realism.
(2) All collective training exercises shall emphasize realistic performance of the
functions of individual personnel in the exercising units.
(3) Support units shall be integrated into exercises for realistic training in their state
active duty / mission supporting roles.
(1) Units from two or more MACOMs that might operate together in an active duty
mission shall conduct joint exercises periodically to maintain a high standard of coordination
and joint control.
(2) Combined exercises with DMNA forces, and state agencies shall be conducted for
establishing and maintaining a capability to cooperate effectively in accomplishing assigned
d. Shared Use of Training Facilities. To ensure effective and efficient utilizing of training
facilities,. each of the MACOM, as applicable, shall coordinate with the other MACOMs the
shared use of training ranges, devices, and other training resources under its control.
g. Evaluation. All collective training and exercises shall be evaluated against established
standards of mission proficiency for identifying and correcting deficiencies. (Provide After
Action Reports.)
4. Training Events. Any major training event, planned by a MACOM, shall be subject to the
suspense dates as shown in the event time line as listed in Appendix A.
Draft-1 NYGD 1322
1. Training. Instruction and applied exercises for the acquisition and retention of skills,
knowledge, and attitudes required to accomplish military tasks.
2. Collective Training. Instruction and applied exercises that prepare an organizational team
(such as a team, company, battalion, or multi-Service task force) to accomplish required military
tasks as a unit.
NYGD 1322 Draft-1
Draft-1 NYGD 1322
Purpose. The following suspense dates / timelines shall be adhered to when MACOMs are
planning training events. This is necessary to insure that appropriate administrative, logistical
and operational support can be provided, by J-Staff, to all MACOMs. The “D” is defined as the
first day of the scheduled event. Most entries are minus(-) periods, prior to the event. Upon
submission to HQ NYG, coordination will be made with appropriate DMNA Directorate.
NYGD 1322 Draft-1