Error Tracking System1
Error Tracking System1
Error Tracking System1
Project title
: ERROR TRACKING SYSTEM A ERROR tracking system is a software application that is designed to help quality assurance and programmers keep track of reported software ERRORs in their work. It may be regarded as a sort of issue tracking system.
Many ERROR-tracking systems, such as those used by most open source software projects, allow users to enter ERROR reports directly. Other systems are used only internally in a company or organization doing software development. Typically ERROR tracking systems are integrated with other software project management applications. Having a ERROR tracking system is extremely valuable in software development, and they are used extensively by companies developing software products. A major component of a ERROR tracking system is a database that records facts about known ERRORs. Facts may include the time a ERROR was reported, its severity, the erroneous program behavior, and details on how to reproduce the ERROR; as well as the identity of the person who reported it and any programmers who may be working on fixing it. Typical ERROR tracking systems support the concept of the life cycle for a ERROR which is tracked through status assigned to the ERROR. A ERROR tracking system should allow administrators to configure permissions based on status, move the ERROR to another status, or delete the ERROR. The system should also allow administrators to configure the ERROR statuses and to what status a ERROR in a particular status can be moved. Our project ERROR TRACKING SYSTEM provides services to the employees, managers as well as Administrator of that particular Software Company. The primary objective of this system is to help the quality assurance and keep track of reported ERRORs in their work. Mainly the ERROR TRACKING SYSTEM acts as a bridge between the Test Team Professionals and Develop Team Professionals. Administrator is responsible of performing various tasks like adding, removing an Employee, viewing status of an Employee and requests from Employees.
In a corporate environment, a ERROR-tracking system may be used to generate reports on the productivity of programmers at fixing ERRORs. However, this may sometimes yield inaccurate results because different ERRORs may have different levels of severity and complexity. The severity of a ERROR may not be directly related to the complexity of fixing the ERROR.
In the olden days the communication between the employees would have been done through emails to over come this problem we are developing this kind of applications to help the software professionals.
Due to this, report generation becomes accurate and fast. On the whole our System benefits Software departments /Organizations. .
Software Constraints:
Backend Front End : My SQL, PHP. : HTML, CSS, JAVA SCRIPT.
Hardware Constraints
1GB RAM 250 GB Hard Disk Drive CPU : dual core
This volume presents the manner in which the software was developed and how the various problems are tackled at the different levels to convince the user. We hope that this package would prove to be an excellent environment for managing web sites.
The main benefit of a ERROR-tracking system is to provide a clear centralized overview of development requests (including both ERRORs and improvements, the boundary is often fuzzy), and their state. It provides one roof solution for all the ERROR issues in the software development. It doesnt provide any kind of solution to any kind of problem. It only acts as a means to transmit the issues and their details to the concerned programmers with accuracy. It is a tool that helps in providing the solution in right time . The resource of the ERROR Tracking System is accessible to anyone (employee) With in an Organization .
Manual way of handling seems to be impossible in these modern days of high speed. Issue / ERROR finder, generator, specialist are all located in different places making the timely solutions difficult. Keeping track of all these issue related activities is another big area where maintenance is tougher.
As these ERRORs/issues management solutions will come with different price tags and implementation bottlenecks, which make them not so adoptable for all the organizations involved in development. Few solutions may need more processing power, few demand separate systems, and even few needs separate personnel to handle these issues. And few automated processes insist complete structural changes in the organization. But nevertheless, few readymade packages, which really solve all these, will cost more.
Though the proposed system doesnt answer all the above- mentioned drawbacks, it certainly answers many. The suggested solution will tackle the entire major issues related to transmitting, tracking, updating the statuses with minimal overheads.
The proposed solution contains a simple intranet or Internet based website, which will be accessible to all the programmers participating in the development project. All these personnel will have to authenticate themselves to report any kind of problem aroused in developing the specified project. These problems will be carried to the concerned developer for solution. It also makes the administrator to administer these issues or ERRORs centrally to ensure these issues or ERRORs are answered in time by the concerned programmers.
Related issue details, but at the same time proper security is incorporated into the software enabling only the related developers can go to in depth details. And only these people can respond to those unanswered issues or ERRORs.
The centrally managed database makes the administration easy. It provides summarized information about the issues, ERRORs, and problems. It also provides standard bookmarks to find out related ERROR issues that logged developer. ERROR Issue Management application also incorporates rigorous search engine to find out any kind of ERROR issue for its details.
Finally, it is planned in such a way that administration of the ERROR Issue Management Application itself is in very easy and intuitive way giving the administrators an easy walk over it.
Introduction to Environment:
By using this ERROR Tracking System facilitates to enroll the details of the newly joined employee into the database and maintains employees details up to date. The Administrator store and retrieve the Departmental details when required.
Administrator can update the details if he wants to do so. He/she will do all these things. For this purpose he/she needs to login to the system by entering user_id and password. The employee can view all the details as per the requirement i.e., could generate reports of those details. And also he/she can do some various tasks. Some of those tasks are as shown below.
ADD EMPLOYEE This service enables the Admin to add the new employee details. And he/she can generate an employee serial no, and it sends to that particular employee what ever is created by him.
He/she can also add the employees on the bases of their department. And also Admin create the user_id and password of the each and every employee and it send to their mail address. He/she can also view the employee details according to their department. DELETE EMPLOYEE This service enables the Admin to delete the employee. He/she can also delete the employee based on their department.
MODIFY EMPLOYEE This service enables to the Admin to modify the employee details. He/she can also modify the employee based on their department. By using this scenario he/she can change or modify the details like addresses, expertise details, user_id, parent position, password, status of an employees etc .. By using this module he/she can manage the total organization or a software companies details up to date by providing the status of those particular employees.
This service enables a user is in an active state or in an inactive state. If the user is in an active state it shows Active (1) otherwise it shows IN Active (0) state. By using this module he/she can manage the total organization or a software companies details up to date by providing the status of those particular employees. Admin can generate status of an employee. Whenever he/she creates that particular employee status must be generated.
VIEW EMPLOYEES By using this service enables the whole details of the employees who are working in that particular organization or a software company. And also by using this Admin can view the details of an employee according to their departments also.
VIEW REQUESTS By using this service the administrator enables the whole requests of the current working employees those who want to make changes in their profile and then the administrator can update their profiles.
LOGOUT This service enables the Administrator to exit from the software.
The Project ERROR TRACKING SYSTEM over all deals with the tracking of ERRORs. The ERROR tracking system supports the concept of ERROR life cycle. The system has to manage the assignment of ERROR, submission of a ERROR and resolution of ERROR.
Mainly the ERROR TRACKING SYSTEM acts as a bridge between the test team and development team.
Typically a ERROR tracking system begin when ever any vendor gives any project to the administrator then the admin is going to add the particular project in to their database and divides the project in to different type of modules and assign the modules to their respective team members to resolve the ERRORs.
The privileges of administrator is adding, removing an Employee, view status of an Employee, Edit profile, View requests from employees and Add Project. The privileges of Test Manager is assign module and notified ERRORs. The privileges of Test Engineer is report ERRORs and re-test of ERRORs. The privileges of Develop manager is to assign module to test engineer. The privileges of Test Engineer is to report ERRORs and re-test ERRORs.
The project which has been divided into modules the modules are assigned to test manager the test manager is again going to assign the module to test engineer for testing. The Test Engineer perform different type of test methodologies to find the ERRORs and he is going to report the details of the ERROR if any to the test manager. The Test Manager is now going to assign the module which has been received from test engineer to Develop Manager. The Develop Manager is now assign the module to the Develop Engineer including the details of the module Id, module name, ERROR Id and the name of the person who raised.
When ever the Develop Engineer logs in into his account he can able to view the details of ERROR and then he perform different type of methods to find out the reason for the ERROR and he forward that details to Test Engineer first the person who raised the ERROR. Then the test engineer perform test on the module and perform re-test if any ERRORs present and closes the module if no ERRORs present.
Feasibility Study
Feasibility study is a compressed capsule version of the entire System Analysis and Design Process. The study begins by clarifying the problem definition. Feasibility Study is not to solve the problem but to determine it is worth doing.
Once an acceptable problem definition has been generated, the Analyst develops a logical model of as reference. Next the alternatives are carefully analyzed for feasibility. At least three different types of feasibility are considered.
A system that can be developed technically and that will be used if installed must still be a good investment for the organization. Financial benefits must equal or exceed the cost. The cost of feasibility study should be approximately 5 to 10percent of the estimated cost. Next factor the cost of development of this sort of project is the cost per man-hour. In this case cost is nil and considering the time factor the project is to be completed in1month.Hence it is economically feasible
The technical issues usually raised during feasibility are does the necessary technology exist to do what is suggested? Can the system be expanded if developed? The present object is being done after all the software requirements are met and also there is provision for further enhancement. Language that can reach to system level is needed to give a solution this problem. Scripting Language like javascript, PHP to provide this option. Minimum hard is enough to fulfill the requirements to develop this project hence we conclude that this project is technically reliable.
This test of feasibility asks if the system will work when it is developed and installed. Here are the questions that help tests the operational feasibility of a project. Is there sufficient support for the project from management and users? Will the proposed system works under all conditions? Have the users been involved in the planning and development of the project. The project has been done with the involvement of management and users and it is tested to work in all conditions. So it can be considered as operationally feasible
A data flow diagram is graphical tool used to describe and analyze movement of data through a system. These are the central tool and the basis from which the other components are developed. The transformation of data from input to output, through processed, may be
described logically and independently of physical components associated with the system. These are known as the logical data flow diagrams. The physical data flow diagrams show the actual implements and movement of data between people, departments and workstations. A full
description of a system actually consists of a set of data flow diagrams. Using two familiar notations Yourdon, Gane and Sarson notation develops the data flow diagrams. Each component in a DFD is labeled with a descriptive name. Process is further identified with a number that will be used for identification purpose. The development of DFDs is done in several levels. Each process in lower level diagrams can be broken down into a more detailed DFD in the next level. The lop-level diagram is often called context diagram. It consists a single process bit, which plays vital role in studying the current system. The process in the context level diagram is exploded into other process at the first level DFD.
The table below offers a consolidated view of the Use-Cases. Detailed descriptions of the use cases are given in the Use-Case Specification section following this table.
Use-Case ID
Use-Case Name
Status of Verification
Login Add Employee Delete Employee Edit Employee View All Employees Inactivate Employees Log out
Use case activities done by the Test manager 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Login Home Assign modules Notified ERRORs Request to admin View all Log out High Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium High Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Verifiable Verifiable Verifiable Verifiable Verifiable Verifiable Verifiable
Use case activities done by the Test engineer 3.0 3.1 3.2 Login Home Report ERRORs High Medium Medium Stable Stable Stable Verifiable Verifiable Verifiable
Use case activities done by the Develop Manager 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Login home Assign ERRORs Request to admin View all Logout High Medium Medium Medium Medium High Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Verifiable Verifiable Verifiable Verifiable Verifiable Verifiable
Use case activities done by the Develop Engineer 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Login home Assigned ERRORs Request to admin View all Logout High Medium Medium Medium Medium High Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Verifiable Verifiable Verifiable Verifiable Verifiable Verifiable
Activity Diagram of the Administrator in This System is as shown in the following following figure.
Activity Diagram of the Test Manager in This System is as shown in the following following figure.
Activity Diagram of the Test Engineer in This System is as shown in the following figure
Activity Diagram of the Develop Manager in This System is as shown in the following following figure
Activity Diagram of the Develop Engineer in This System is as shown in the following figure
Sequence Diagram
Sequence Diagram
Collaboration diagrams:
Collaboration diagram
Collaboration Diagram
Module_id(FK) Testing_id(PK) Priority Status Estimated_end_date End_date Raised_by Atbt_02 Atbt_03 Atbt_04 Atbt_05
Emp_id(PK) First_name Last_name Address1 Address2 City State Zip Mail Phone_no Join_date Status Expertise Parent_pos Name Pass Possition Emp_ext Atbt_02 Atbt_03 Atbt_04 Atbt_05 Atbt_06
Project_id(PK) Project_name Start_date
Emp_id(FK) Last_name Description Atb_01 Atb_02 Atb_03 Atb_04 Atb_05
ERROR_id(PK) Module_id(FK) Desc Title Priority Raised_by Raised_date Assigned_to Estimated_end_date Status End_date Atbt_01 Atbt_02 Atbt_03 Atbt_04
Module_id(PK) Module_name Assigned_date Estimated_end_date End_date Assigned_to Status Project_id(FK) Project_name Atbt_03 Atbt_04
atbt_05 atbt_06
datetime int(10)
No No
The project has been appreciated by all the users in the organization. It is easy to use, since it uses the GUI provided in the user dialog. User friendly screens are provided. The usage of software increases the efficiency, decreases the effort. It has been efficiently employed as a Site management mechanism. It has been thoroughly tested and implemented.