Insulation and Manufacturing Process of 500 MW Turbo Generator
Insulation and Manufacturing Process of 500 MW Turbo Generator
Insulation and Manufacturing Process of 500 MW Turbo Generator
An engineer with only theoretical knowledge is not a complete engineer. Practical knowledge is very important to develop and apply engineering skills. It gives me a great pleasure to have an opportunityto acknowledge and to express gratitude to those who were associated with me during my training at BHEL. Special thanks to Mr. A.K.Dhiman Sir for providing me with an opportunity to undergo training under his guidance. I am very grateful to our training officer Mr. Arup Chakrobarty for his support. I express my sincere thanks and gratitude BHEL authorities for allowing me to undergo the training in this prestigious organization. I will always remain indebted to them for their constant interest and excellent guidance in my training work, moreover for providing me with an opportunity to work and gain experience.
Table of Contents
BHEL: AN OVERVIEW............................................................................................ 4 Power Generation....................................................................................................... 4 Heavy Electrical Equipment Plant...................................................................5 COIL & INSULATION MANUFACTURING SHOP (BLOCK-IV) .......... 7 Introduction .................................................................................................... 8 Sections in Block IV ...................................................................................... 9 MFG. Process flow chart of 500MW TG stator bar .................................... 10 MANUFACTURING PROCESS OF BARS ................................................ 11 BAY-1 .......................................................................................................... 13 Testing.......................................................................................................... 14 Tan Test........14 H.V. (High Voltage) Testing ....................................................................... 14 BAY-2 .......................................................................................................... 15 Introduction: ................................................................................................. 15 Insulation Check .......................................................................................... 15 Conductor Cutting ....................................................................................... 16 Cross over insulation ................................................................................... 17 Stack Pressing .............................................................................................. 17 Inter Strand Short Test..........18 Forming ....................................................................................................... 18 End Conductor Cutting................................................................................. 18 Pickling Process........19 Contact Sleeve mounting..19 Brazing Of Coil Lugs....19 End Cutter Testing....19 Water Test.....20 Brazing Of Water Box Top Part...20 ELECTRICAL MACHINES BLOCK (BLOCK I) ................................ 21
Turbo Generator ........................................................................................... 21 CONSTRUCTIONAL FEATURES OF ROTOR ....................................... 22 CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................24 Bibliography ....................................................................................................25
Chapter 1
BHEL: AN OVERVIEW BHEL is the largest engineering and manufacturing enterprise on India in the energy related/infrastructure sector. BHEL was established more than 40 years ago, ushering in the indigenous Heavy Electrical Equipment industry in India, a dream which has been more than released with a well-recognized track record of performance. It has been earning profits continuously since 1971-72.BHEL caters to core sectors of India economy viz. Power Generation and Transmission, Renewable Energy, Defense etc. The wide network of BHELs 14 manufacturing divisions, 4 power sector regional centers, 8 service centers, 15 regional offices and a large number of projects sites spread all over India and abroad enables the company to promptly serve as customer and provide them with suitable products, systems and services- efficiently and at competitive prices. BHEL has attained ISO 9001:2000 certifications for quality management and all the manufacturing units divisions of BHEL have been upgraded to the latest ISO 9001:2000version. All the major units divisions of BHEL have been awarded ISO 14001 certification for Environmental Management System and OHSAS-18001 certification for Occupational Health and Safety management System. BHEL become the first public sector Company in the country to win the coveted prize for in Haridwar unit under the CII Exim Award for the
business excellence as per the globally recognized model of European Foundation for quality management. BHEL is the only PSU among the 12 Indian Companies to figure in Forbes Asia Fabulous 50 list. It has also won the Business standard star Public Sector Company Award 2006. The company received MoU Excellence award for 2004-2005 and Merit Certificate for MoU Excellence for 2005-2006. Power Generation Power generation Sector comprises Thermal Gas, Hydrogen, Nuclear power plant business. As of 31.3.2007. BHEL supplied sets accounts for 80,781 MW or nearly 65% of the total install capacity of 1, 25,414 MW in the country. Significantly these sets contribute 73% of the total power generated in the country. BHEL has proven turnkey capabilities for executing power projects from concepts to commissioning. It possesses the technology and capability to produce Thermal sets with super critical parameters up to 1000 MW unit rating and gas turbine generator sets of up to300 MW units rating. Co-generating and combined cycle plants have been introduced to achieve higher plant efficiencies. To make efficient use of the high-ash-content coal available in India. BHEL also supplies circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion (CFBC) boilers for thermal plants. The company has proven expertise in Plant Performance Improvement through renovation, modernization and upgrading of a variety of Power plant equipment, besides specialized know-how of residual life assessment health diagnostics and life extension of plants. Overall, BHEL built Thermal sets achieved the highest ever PLH of 78.3% in 2006-2007 which is 2.5% higher than the
National average. The combined operating availability of these sets was 84.7%.
Heavy Electrical Equipment Plant BHEL's Heavy Electrical Equipment Plant (HEEP) was set up in technical collaboration with USSR, for the manufacturing of power plant equipment, AC/DC motors of various rating with associated control equipment and started production in January 1967. In 1976, BHEL entered into a collaboration agreement with M/s Kraftwerk Union, AG of Germany for design, manufacturing, erection and commissioning of large size steam turbines. More than40 percent of the country's electrical energy is generated from the power equipment supplied by BHEL, Haridwar. BHEL offer wide ranging products and systems for T & D applications. Products manufactured include power transformers, instrument transformers, dry type transformers, series and stunt reactor, capacitor tanks, vacuum and SF circuit breakers gas insulated switch gears and insulators. The products, which are manufactured in HEEP, are: - Steam Turbines, Turbo Generators, hydro turbines, Gas turbines, etc.
Why do we call it bar? It is quite difficult (rather impossible) to manufacture, handle and wind in the stator slot of generator of higher generation capacity because of its bigger size and heavy weight. That is why we make coil in two parts. One part its bottom part of coil called bottom or lower bar and other part of coil is called top bar or upper bar. Turbo-Generators: The manufacturing of bars of standard capacity such as 100MW,130MW, 150MW, 210/235MW, 210/250MW, 500MW. The plant has capacity and technology to manufacture 800MW and 1000MW generators. Types of generators: The generator may be classified based upon the cooling system used in the generators such as: THRI, TARI, THDI, THDD, THDF, THFF, and THW. T => First alphabet signifies the type of generator i.e. turbogenerator or Hydro-generator. H/A => Second alphabet stands for the cooling media used for the cooling of rotor i.e. hydrogen gas or air. R/D/F/I => Third alphabet signifies the type of cooling of rotor e.g. radial, in direct, forced, direct etc. I/D/F => Last alphabet stands for the type of cooling of stator e.g. indirect cooling, direct cooling, and forced cooling. W => Cooling media used for cooling of stator coil e.g. water. Sections in Block IV
(a) Assembly
Section : Mechanical Assembly Section: - It is equipped with small size drilling machines, welding sets and hydraulic testing equipment for manufacturing turbo-generator mechanical assemblies. Close Cubical Assembly Section
(b) Stator
Bar Winding Section : Conductor cutting, insulation and transposition section having facilities for transposing the bars. Stack consolidation section, forming and lug brazing sections have block type hydraulic press, steel former and induction brazing installations respectively. Insulation taping sections with automatic taping facilities in air-conditionedtemperature covering maximum slot portion each overhung ay both ends. Baking and pressing section having baking moulds for simultaneous curving of straight and overhead portion with electrical heating. Armature Winding, Rotor coil and Stator bar Section Coils are diamond pulled type with Class-B (bitumen) and Class-F (conventional or resin rich discontinuous epoxy insulation) and Class-H Silicon insulation for machines ranging from 5 to 460 KW capacity. This section has the following work centers : Conductors cutting, U- bending and terminal conductor cutting machines, U- bending machines and terminal baths. Forming and Insulation of DC coils. Main and Inter pole Winding: - It is having semi-automatic winding machine. Planking, boat pulling and diamond pulling machine. Insulation and pressing of AC coils: - it is equipped with hydraulic presses of 608 T capacities. Impregnation Section :It is equipped with impregnation tank, ovens for impregnation of DC pole coils.
Insulation Section : Insulating details, machining is equipped with small size lathes, milling and radial drilling machines and jet cutting saw. Press Molding Section: - It has electrical ovens, hydraulic presses, shearing and circular saw cutting machines for manufacturing press molded components of all the electrical machines. Plastic Molding Section: - Is equipped with various presses for plastic molded parts. Bitumen Mica Tape Manufacture: - Is equipped with mica tape manufacturing machine and lathe for slitting mica tape to the required size.
10. 11.
Conductor draws from store. Conductor cutting and end cleaning. Transposition of conductor. Assembly of all conductors to be used in stator bars. Cross over insulation. Consolidation if slot portion of bar. I.S Test (i.e. inter strand test). Forming of bar (to shape overhang portion). Pickling of bar ends. Mounting of contact sleeve & bottom part of water box. Brazing of contact sleeve & bottom part of water box. Pickling of bar ends. Mounting of water box leak test. Re-Pickling. Water flow and Nitrogen test. Thermal Shock Application. Helium leak test. Reforming of bar (i.e. overhang portion). Insulation of bar on CNC machine.
Impregnation & curing of bar insulation. Surface finishing of stator bar. OCP on stator bar. Preparation of bar for HV and Tan test. If O.K. Dispatch to Block-1 for lying in the generator.
Chapter 2
Manufacturing process of bars Bay-1
Testing When the bar is dried it is wrapped with aluminium sheet to make outer surface of the bar conducting so that high voltage test can be performed. After these tests the coating of red gel is applied at both the ends of the bar. Tan Test:Test is performed to find the capacitance of bar because bar will act as capacitor when it is laid in the stator of the generator. In this test Schering Bridge which works on the principle of wheat stone bridge is used to find the unknown capacitance of the bar. For good efficiency, capacitance of the bar should be high but we never approach pure capacitance. H.V.(High Voltage) Testing : This test is also known as insulation test because this test is performed to check the insulation of the bar. In this test the bar which is already wrapped with aluminium is used. High voltage is applied to the bar using auto-transformer and it is increased in steps according to the working voltage of the generator. For
Chapter 3
BAY-2 Introduction:Bay-2 is the manufacturer of stator bars of hydro generators, stator coils of AC motors and stator coils of dc Exciter. The stator coils of AC motors of up to 11KV, stator bars of Hydro generators of 200MW and DC Exciter of all the 500MW THRI generators are manufactured in this bay. The processes involved in the manufacturing of AC motors are as follows:
Insulation check
Conductor tapping Winding boat coil Boat insulation Stack pressing Forming Insulation Impregnation Curing Finishing Some points of manufacturing process is in brief as below 1. Insulation Check For the manufacturing of stator bars insulated copper conductors are brought from Bangalore, its of two types i.e. solid copper conductor & hollow copper conductors which are used in water cooled stator layer glass insulation.
Insulating materials and the conductors are insured to be certified. If required the insulation is checked by the respective agencies. 2. Conductor cutting This process is done by automatic CNC machine. In this process the pre-insulated copper conductor is cut into number of pieces of required length insulation is removed from both ends of the copper conductor out. Lower Bar : Conductor Size 8*4.6*1.5mm(Hollow) 8*2.8mm(Solid) Upper Bar : Conductor Size 8*4.6*1.5mm(Hollow) 8*2.8mm(Solid) 3. Transposition : Transposition means changing/shifting of position of each conductor in active core (slot) part. After cutting the required number of conductors, the conductors are arranged on the Comb in staged manner and then bend are given to the conductor with the help of bending die at required distance. Then the conductors are taken out from the comb and die and placed with their ends in a line and transposition is carried out, This process is repeated for making another half of the bar
which would be mirror image of the first half. The two halves of the bar are overlapped over each other and a spacer is placed between the two halves. Transposition is done in two ways:
Half pitch Transposition:- In this transposition, the first conductor at one end of the bar becomes the last conductor at the other end of the bar. Full Pitch Transposition:- In this transposition, the first conductor at one end of the bar becomes the last conductor in the mid of the bar and then again becomes the first conductor at the other end of the bar. 1. To reduce eddy current losses. 2. Equalize the voltage generator. 3. To minimize skin effect of ac current, small cross section of conductor is used and also hollow conductors are used to effect cooling by D.M water.
Crossover insulation:-
The pre insulator of the copper conductor may get damaged due to mechanical bending in die during transposition, hence the insulating spacers are provided at the crossover portion of the conductor. To eliminate inter turn short at bends during edge wisr bending and leveling of bars in slots portion for proper stacking. 5. Stack Pressing:1
This process is basically done to consolidate the solid as well as the hollow conductors into a single bar, the insulating material provide at crossover position which has gluing properties melts and helps in the proper consolidation of the bar. In this process the bar is pressed both vertically and horizontally in the pressing machines are also provided with the heaters. After pressing the bar at specified pressure and maximum temperature for one hour, the bars are then cooled placing them on cooling plates through which water is allowed to follow below 500 C. The cooled bars are checked for their height and widths at pressed portion of the bar. This complete process performed above is for one half of the bar. The same process is then repeated for the other half of the bar similarly and then checked for bars height and width and pressed portion as done before. Then the ends of both the bars are cleaned with rectified spirit and sand paper for the inter strand test.
Inter Strand Short Test :The consolidation bar stack is tested for the short between any two conductors in the bar, if found then it has to be rectified. This is done to ensure that no local current is flowing due to short circuit between conductors (300V A/C).
In heavy generators each stator coil is very large in size and its manufacturing is difficult as it will be very difficult to handle and process the complete coil. So each coil is manufactured in two halves, i.e. Upper half and Lower half. This process is done manually. First the former is set according to the design making different angles at different position. After forming the formed portion of the bars are assumed to get loose creating air gaps between the conductors due to such a heavy melting. Thus the formed portion of the bar are clamped at different places and provided with heaters to reconsolidate the formed portion, then after allowed to cool at room temp. 8. End Conductor Cutting:Due to heavy melting of the bar for forming it from both the side, i.e. exciter side and turbine side, the conductor of the bar are produced at the end of the bar. Also this process of cutting of the hollow conductors helps in opening of vents of hollow conductors from both the ends of the bar. 9. Pickling Process:So, In order to remove these unwanted particles, basically the oil particles pickling process is performed. The constituents of the pickling solution are
Hydrogen peroxide(H2O2)-5% Water(H2O) There are many other solutions used in this process, they are:
Ammonia Thinner Water Rectified spirit Nitrogen 10. Contact Sleeve Mounting:After the pickling process is complete, contact sleeve and water box bottom parts are mounted on the both ends of the bar. Both the ends of the bar are then again pickled along with contact sleeve and water box bottom parts following the same procedure of pickling. 11. Brazing of coil lugs:Basically there are two types of brazing processes,they are:
Thermal brazing(using LPG) Induction brazing. Brazing is actually the process of fixation of both the contact sleeve and water box bottom part.
In comparison of above both processes, Induction brazing is more beneficial. The types of brazing material used are: LAG 15P(Alloy Silver 15 Phosphorous) LAG 40Cd(Alloy Silver 15 Cadmium)
End Conductor Cutting:As it is clear from the name itself this is the process of cutting of extra conductors, after the cutting of extra conductors from both the ends of the bar, pickling process is done. Same pickling process is mentioned before. 13. Water test:Water test is performed so that there is no blockage in the vents and also to check the flow of water. Flow should be uniform, i.e. all the vents should have same water flow.
Brazing of water box top part:Brazing of water box top part is done with water box part in brazing section of Block-4.For this it should be kept in mind that water box bottom part should have same material as that of water box top part. The difference in previous brazing and
this brazing is that, now flux is also introduced with brazing material and also flux is mixed with copper chips. After brazing of water box, top part. Then it is allowed to cool at room temp. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 24.
Checking of threads and pickling process Nitrogen leak test Internal pickling Baroscopic testing Water test Thermal shock test Helium leakage test Insulation
Reforming 23. Impregnation and baking Micalastic insulation and impregnation Finishing
Chapter 4
Turbo Generator
500MW Turbo generators at a glance :2-poles machines with the following features:
Direct cooling of stator winding with water. Direct hydrogen cooling for rotor.
Micalastic insulation system. Spring mounted core housing for effective transmission of vibrations.
Rated output
: : : : : :
Terminal voltage Rated stator current Rated frequency Rated power factor Efficiency
Important dimensions and weights:Heaviest lift of generator stator Rotor weight Overall stator dimensions(L*B*H) Rotor dimensions(Dia. And Length) : : 255Tons 68Tons : 8.83m*4.1m*4.02m : 1.15m and 12.11m : 428 Tons
2. 3.
Rotor winding Rotor wedge and other locating parts for winding
The second phase of training has proved to be quite faithful. It proved an opportunity for encounter with such huge machines like turbo-generator hydro generators etc. The architecture of BHEL, the way various units are linked and the way working of whole plants is controlled make the realize that Engineering is not just structural description ,but greater part is planning and management. It provides an opportunity to learn tech. Used at proper place and time can save a lot of labor. However, training has proved to be satisfactory. It has allowed us an opportunity to get an exposure of the practical implementation of theoretical fundamentals.
1. Electrical machines by B.L. Threja. 2. Electrical Machines by V.K. Mehta. 3. Electrical machines by Ashfaq Husain. 4. Electro Mechanical Energy Conversion by P.S. Bhimra. 5. Electrical Engineering by B.L. Threja.
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