Bahrain Media Roundup: in Bahrain, A Growing Sunni-Shia Rift Bahrain: 30 Days in Jail For One Tweet
Bahrain Media Roundup: in Bahrain, A Growing Sunni-Shia Rift Bahrain: 30 Days in Jail For One Tweet
Bahrain Media Roundup: in Bahrain, A Growing Sunni-Shia Rift Bahrain: 30 Days in Jail For One Tweet
demonstrations in Bahrain and documents actions by protesters and police. Demonstrations are illegal here. The government has arrested Shia Muslim leaders. Thirteen have been sentenced to long jail terms for advocating democratic reform. Others had their citizenship revoked, making it almost impossible to nd work. Read More
U.N. Think Tank Opening Office in Bahrain, with Bahraini Government Funding
As Bahrain enters the third year of a crisis sparked by Arab Spring protests in 2011, the government continues to bar many human rights advocates and journalists from entering the country.
But one non-prot group is not only being welcomed into the tiny Gulf kingdom, its opening an ofce there. And its doing so with funding from Bahrains ruling monarchy. The International Peace Institute, a New York-based think tank closely associated with the United Nations, announced last month an agreement to open the ofce to promote development, peace and international security. Read More But, despite ofcial silence on its purpose, observers in Manama claim the miniblimp is used to monitor the population of the capitals restive suburbs, where the majority Shia launch daily confrontations with the security forces of the minority Sunni ruling family. The white surveillance aerostat, which has on occasion crashed in high winds, is a potent symbol of Bahrains new normal. Read More
According to the information received, on March 11, 2013, Mr. Sayed Yousif AlMuhafdhah was cleared of charges of spreading false information on Twitter. The charges dated back to December 17, 2012, when Mr. AlMuhafdha was arrested following his participation and documentation of a peaceful protest held in Manama. He was held in pre-trial detention until January 17, 2013. Read More