Bhmedia10 06 13
Bhmedia10 06 13
Bhmedia10 06 13
February of 2011, where protesters have called on the al-Khalifa dynasty to step down. Bahrains al-Wefaq National Islamic Society condemned the regime for sentencing al-Havaj, and additionally, human rights activists have claimed that while the boy has been sentenced to prison, security forces who have killed the protesters and opposition forces are acquitted by Bahrain's judiciary. Read More been uncontested for 41 years, have thrust this small but divided nation into a state of political ux. Reforms have been discussed, talks have been held, and promises have been made. Underneath the surface, however, these efforts have been criticized as unsubstantial talks have lacked any signicant presence of the ruling family and opposition members remain steadfast in their decision not to concede any of their demands, mostly in fear of appearing anything less than determined to contest monarchy loyalists. Read More
since the Arab Spring, Bahrain has been subject to political unrest and turmoil, and over fty percent of the countrys citizens have taken to the streets in protests. What was once a country that many considered a role model for the Middle East has been shutting down internally and closing itself off for over ve years. Ms. Sarah Leah Whitson, director of the Middle East and North Africa division of Human Rights Watch, suggested that a lack of accountability at the highest levels of government is a cause for the unrest. Read More
Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Bahrain have tightened controls on Internet freedoms recently, targeting social media and phone applications alike in their communications crackdown. Across the Gulf, dozens of journalists and social media users have been arrested since the beginning of the year for being in violation of the uncompromising national laws. Read More been denied access to the Kingdom since protests there began in February 2011. In a letter sent June 10, they called on him to demonstrate your commitment to help put an end to abusive practices, including torture. As you know, serious accusations have been made in recent years against members of the Bahraini security forces, who are accused of torturing detainees with impunity, Read More
Members of Congress Urge Bahraini King to Open Kingdom to U.N.s Mendez, Outside Observers
Twenty Members of Congress are urging Bahrains King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa to reconsider his decision to postpone indenitely the visit of United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture Juan Mndez, who has twice