Islandrail Mar09
Islandrail Mar09
Islandrail Mar09
Page 3
Rail Trail #3
L–R from the top- Abby Gaylord and her future ex-husband
Kirnen showed up w/the latest Spring fashion tattoos as did the
pork-party leader as properly introduced by fans at the Dock as
well as Monkey Business fans and supporters for the re-opening
cele on Feb 21st. there. Onward thru the fog!
Ravings Of A Diseased Mind aka I’m only serious when I’m not laugh-
Full Moon Rising
ing aka HHRBS Blurbs aka No Opinion, No Brain!
March 10th, 2202 pm
by c james
First Time Rail Reader? Great! We luv when that happens! From our ‘09 Winter Staff, The Supreme Masters of
“Money’s Worth” Relaxed Living of the World, We’d Like to welcome Y’all to our little neighborhood..,
Welcome Folks.., to one of the Low Country’s finest hours. If you don’t find something inside that moves you,
there’s a very good chance that you may be dead. Otherwise, we’d like to welcome the good folks of..,
Hilton Head, B’Town, Daufuskie, Moss Creek, Buckingham, Heritage Lakes, Colleton River, Sawmill Forest, Westbury park,
Woodbridge, The Farm, Lake Linden and now Pineridge. Welcome, you’ve got Rail! – Rail staff 2009 –
And so much for the promise to ban-
ish the money changers and influence
Distribution peddlers from the temple. An ostenta-
✫✼G❊GL✡✵II✏✱✱M tious executive order banning lobbyists
was immediately followed by the nomi- Nitelife News starts
nation of at least a dozen current or
All letters re. E:mail-V:mail- former lobbyists to high position.
Snail:mail will be published Followed by a Treasury secretary who pg. 16
unedited when submitted by allegedly couldn't understand the pay-
the 25th of the month. roll tax provisions in his 1040. Followed
by Tom Daschle, who had to fall on his
HHRBS Publications sword according to the new Washing-
ton rule that no Cabinet can have more
PO Bx 6233, HHI-29938 than one tax delinquent.
Swell, O’ is now running fully amock
without a teleprompter and the cream
E:mail: is rising to the top. The problem is that
843-842 5156
the cream is sour and self-reliance has
been given up for standing in line for ill-
gotten gain.
RailTrail #6
✲➠❊PP❊❋❙ The Scheme Of Things
❀❊✭❙❘✼❙L❙❏✽LI✸P➠✫❙❊❍✻MI By Roger Franklin
If That’s All
Winter of our Discontent ll There IS
By C. James
On discovering that the current
By Roger Franklin, HHI store owner, Italian immigrant Alfio Then let’s keep dancing. Its not
Marullo, might be an illegal alien, he only impossible that Dennis Gerwing
Well now come to find out, first turns him into the Immigration and acted alone in the alleged murder
Shakespeare was a pretty hip old Naturalization Service and then and body removals of John and
dude after all. Not unlike his play “King deceives him in handing the store Elizabeth Calvert, it is a matter of
Richard lll” the book, as published in back to Hawley. Eventually, he even record that he didn't. It says so. right
1961 by John Steinbeck, (his last) manages to become "somebody" in between the lines.
defined the “Winter of our Discontent” the local town by taking possession of The empty Kendall Jackson bottle
as “over now and new beginnings are a strip of land needed by local busi- found in the Villa where Gerwing's
in order”. nessmen to expand an airport; he'll body was discovered, and the toxi-
At the risk of being accused of wax- get the land from Danny Taylor, the cology report stating that no alcohol
ing philosophical, Steinbeck could town drunkard and Ethan's childhood was found in his bloodstream,
very well still be alive and well and friend, in exchange for enough money –”zero”– proves that a third party was
writing “Winter” as a reflection of the to drink himself to death. present at that villa at one time or
present day. The stark difference of In this way, Hawley gets to a position another during his single overnight
course is that the Winter of our dis- where he's able to get in on and even stay there. Were there prints? Wiped
content has just begun and Spring is a manipulate and control the behind- clean perhaps? What?
long way off. the-scenes dealings of the corrupt Also according to the tox report, at Dennis Gerwing
The story revolves around New town businessmen and politicians; no approximately 9:30 pm on March 10, later", strongly indicates that Gerwing
Englander Ethan Allen Hawley, who longer will he or his family want for Gerwing phoned his lawer from the had an accomplice. A mild mannered
works as a clerk in a grocery store he anything. Ethan assuages his guilt by Villa to let him know where he’d be wine connoisseur with no priors, with
used to own. His wife and children finding excuses: Marullo really wanted staying and to leave him the phone plans to murder two people in 3 hours
resent their lowly social and economic to get back to Sicily; Danny really number there. At 3:58 pm the follow- going casually about his way?
position, and don't put any value in the wanted to die. ing afternoon, Gerwing’s body was And then there was Gerwing’s
high levels of honesty and integrity Which brings us back to reality. Our found. The Coroner’s report states “motivated” suicide that many doubt
that Ethan struggles to maintain in a current Government wallows in cor- that he’d been dead since somewhere could have ever happened as con-
corrupt society. Under this constant ruption so that the status quo is pre- between 5am and 9 am that morning. cluded. Trying to makes sense of a
pressure, Hawley will eventually man- served. They have convinced Main Interesting to think what Gerwing may guy that offs himself with a cheap ser-
age to get back the store by renounc- Street that the stimulous is to have been doing all night between the rated kitchen knife is difficult because
ing his morals, but the re-found wealth save/create jobs but what they know hours of 9:30 pm, March 10, and the it would mean a spur of the moment
will not bring happiness. but aren’t saying is that without jobs time of his death 8-12 hours later. decision. Suicide is not something
Feeling the pressure from his fami- they have no payroll tax, no incomes According to the BCSO summary that just suddenly pops into a person’s
ly to achieve more than his current to tax, no sales to tax, no production report on page 5, 3rd paragraph, that mind. As a person planning suicide by
station, Ethan considers letting his excise tax, no consumption (VAT) tax a car was left at the airport approxi- bleeding to death would surly have
normally high standards of conduct or imports to tax. Big brother is not mately 3 hours prior to the March 3rd razor blades, or at least a good sharp
take a "brief" respite in order to attain bailing out Main St., Main St. is bailing meeting "for friends that were flying in knife, we think it safe to conclude that
a better social and economic position. out Big Brother.
there was no plan to commit suicide if
indeed it was.
Then there’s the problem with the
money Gerwing stole single handed-
ly. It was never located. No one knows
where it went but its gone. Just like
the Calverts, without a trace. The only
referrences made to its whereabouts
were found in the suicide notes. “Its
gone”. A cover-up, but for who?
know, you can differentiate which are 629 ~ United Arab less, in the past three updates about themselves or to see
made in Canada , Philippines , Emirates years, developments in updates about others."
Taiwan and China. Its so simple, the 690 ~ 695 China social networking and As with many technologies, enthu-
first 3 digits of the barcode is the 740 ~ 745 Central internet applications siastic users have used Twitter for
country code wherein the product America have begun providing more than just answering the ques-
was made. Government and related BUY AMERICAN internet users with tion, "What are you doing?" Twitter
departments won't educate the pub- WHEN POSSIBLE more opportunities for has been used to help organize and
lic, so we have to educate ourselves. THANK YOU!!! sharing short updates disseminate information during major
Sample: All barcodes that start at about themselves, their events like the 2008 California wild-
690 - 695 are all MADE IN CHINA . lives, and their where- fires, the recent American elections,
471 is Made in Taiwan. abouts online. Users the Mumbai massacre and even the
Nowadays, Chinese businessmen may post messages about their sta- January 2009 crash of US Airways
know that consumers do not prefer
products 'Made in China, ' so they Twitter aka tus, their moods, their location and
other tidbits on social networks and
flight 1549 into the Hudson River.
Janis Krum, a passenger on a ferry
don't show from which country it is blogging sites, or on applications for that rushed to the scene, took a photo
made anymore. However, you may Mindless sending out short messages to of the plane with a cell phone and
now refer to the barcode, remember if friends on networks like Twitter, sent it out via his Twitter feed.
the first 3 digits are: 690-695 then it is Chatter? Yammer and others. Twitter and other status updates have
Made in China. As of December 2008, 11% of also been used for many other pur-
BARCODES By R. Mathis, HHI online American adults said they poses including the airing of com-
used a service like Twitter or another plaints against companies, sharing
00 ~ 13 USA & CANADA The editor of this publication’s opin- service that allowed them to share ideas, forwarding interesting material,
30 ~ 37 FRANCE ion on social networking sites is that updates about themselves or to see documenting events, conversing and
40 ~ 44 GERMANY “the youngsters are lonely these days the updates of others. Just a few flirting.
49 ~ JAPAN and the reason for that is spending far weeks earlier, in November 2008, 9% Twitter and similar services have
50 -UK too much time one the net” and that of internet users used Twitter or been most avidly embraced by young
57 ~ Denmark “they’re trying to make up for the updated their status online and in adults.3 Nearly one-in-five (19%)
64 ~ Finland inherent need for human contact by May 2008, 6% of internet users online adults ages 18 to 24 have ever
76 ~ Switzerland and Liechtenstein holding dear and close a gadget that responded yes to a slightly different used Twitter and its ilk, as have 20%
471 ~ Taiwan some clever peddler has sold them questtion, where users were asked if of online adults ages 25 to 34. Use of
480 ~ Philippines on.” they used "Twitter or another these services drops off steadily after
628 ~ Saudi-Arabia Franklin mya be right but neverthe- ‘microblogging' service to share age 35.
Quote of the Month: Page 11
"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs
the torments of man”.
–Friedrich Nietzsche
130 Arrow Road • Suite 104 • Hilton Head Island, SC • 843 785 7762 (PRANA)
Page 14
By Gwen Czura, HHI
Meryl Streep and Philip Seymour how Jamal knows the answers
Hoffman; The Wrestler with are given in flashback. Each Classic Film Quotes:
Mickey Rourke and Milk, for question he has answered has
which Sean Penn received the its roots in tragedy, and When all was black & white
best actor award. There also are although the movie doesn't
some decent films that got no come out and say it, he proves "I suppose I'll be able to get a drink
Oscar attention, such as Taken that he has definitely earned there."
and Defiance, both good action the money awarded to him, as "I told the stewardess liquor for three."
flicks. Again, this is the time to every right answer was "Who are the other two?
get to theaters, while a couple of acquired through blood & tears. "Oh, there are no other two."
months from now will be the time to rent Some of the memories are deeply dis- James Bond (Sean Connery) & Felix
these same flicks at Blockbuster. Unless turbing, with horrific scenes of poverty Leiter (Cec Linder)
Hollywood makes some major changes, and violence. But despite his hard -Goldfinger (1964)
we can probably expect another long dry upbringing, Jamal retains a sense of inno-
good, there are also pure evil characters,
T his is the time to get to the the-
aters. Most of the Oscar-nomi-
spell until next winter. cence and romance into adulthood. His
older brother Salim (Madhur Mittal) has notably a smooth kidnapper who lulls his
victims into a false sense of security with
nated films are playing, and those that Slumdog Finally, the host has Jamal his love of ballads.
disappeared probably will be brought arrested and brutally inter- The story is an old one, but in a new set-
back for audiences to get a second Starring: Dev Patel, Freida ting. It is the tale of a poor honest kid who
chance. In about a month, the Academy
Pinto, Madhur Mittal & Anil
rogated to find out how an makes his way by depending on his wits
Awards will be history, and lame movies uneducated nobody could alone. He falls in love with a beautiful but
undoubtedly will be released, making us
inaccessible girl. In a typical Hollywood
suffer another year of mediocrity. Directed by: Danny Boyle possibly know the answers ending, love triumphs and everyone sings
Most of the Oscar-nominated films from and dances. What sets Slumdog apart is
2008 are worth seeing, some are not. The Directed by a brilliant and highly diverse to such a wide array of ques- the fascinating look at modern-day India,
Curious Case of Benjamin Button has filmmaker and starring a bunch of actors tions. from its poverty, corruption, prejudice and
incredible special effects and some nice from India, Slumdog Millionaire deserves
no such illusions. Salim is a more inter- gang warfare to its elaborate palaces, rich
moments, but at nearly three hours with its reputation as the little movie that could.
esting character, as his life choices are costumes and advanced technology.
little action, it is too long. The story of a It's an independent film made on a slim
mercurial, alternating between good and Despite some very hard scenes, Slumdog
boy who is born old at the end of World budget that somehow transcended the
evil. He and Kumar are both complex is ultimately a feel-good movie, resonat-
War I and ages backward, dying as an indie genre to succeed as an epic block-
characters with ambiguous motives, ing well with audiences who are tired of
infant in his true love's arms, Button buster that strikes a chord with audiences
resisting definition. Where Jamal is pure bad news in the world.
keeps coming across like a Forrest Gump everywhere. It is saved from being cutesy
wannabe. Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett and superficial by Danny Boyle, the eclec-
have good chemistry, and they generate tic director of such original films as
an old-fashioned romance on screen. The Trainspotting in 1996 and 28 Days Later
film also makes the audience consider the in 2003. Under Boyle's direction, the film
temporal nature of life, imparting the les- combines magical visual effects with
son that time is short and we should enjoy energetic storytelling, resulting in a movie
the good things while we have them. This that keeps us watching and leaves us
is all good and well, but the morals could smiling at the end. Audiences feel like a
have been conveyed in two hours or less. tourist in the Hindi world.
Definitely worth watching is Slumdog If Charles Dickens had lived in 21st cen-
Millionaire, the heartwarming indie film tury India, this is a story he would have
from India that stole audience's hearts written. Eighteen-year-old Dev Patel
and walked away with Oscar gold, includ- plays Jamal, the David Copperfield-like
ing best picture and best director. Other character, rising from an impoverished
movies tried but failed to get nominated, childhood in the slums of Mumbai (for-
such as Revolutionary Road, which only merly known as Bombay) to winning a for-
got one Oscar for best supporting actor. tune on India's most popular televesion
Kate Winslet, who won best actress for quiz show, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.
The Reader, had hoped she would get the The show's smarmy host Prem Kumar
nomination instead for Revolutionary (Anil Kapoor), who pronounces the word
Road, also starring Leonardo DiCaprio. "millionaire" in a unique way, becomes
Both films are worth seeing. Other heavy- angrier and angrier as the young kid from
weight acting can be seen in Rachel nowhere ingenuously bests him with
Getting Married with Anne Hathaway as a every correct answer. Finally, the host has
drug addict fresh out of rehab at her sis- Jamal arrested and brutally interrogated
ter's wedding; Doubt, set in a Catholic to find out how an uneducated nobody
school with accusations of child molesta- could possibly know the answers to such
tion, featuring stellar performances by a wide array of questions. The answers to
Czura sez..,
It On
walking distance convenience of the
Forest Beach residents and dozens
of near-by white collar workers the
lunch, happy hour and dinner num-
As all bar/restaurant owners/GM’s bers continue to be steady.
have been hard at surviving the While The Sea Shack has been an
Winter it is much to their credit that a economic indicator for several years
surprising majority have succeeded and often reflects bridge market num-
and with the warm season just around bers on any given day the current era
the corner we have yet to get a han- of deflation that’s taking its toll on all
dle on what the ongoing infusion of Island businesses is in evidence
bail-out bucks might mean to poshy there but its doubtful that co-
little spots such as ours. While we owner/GM Gene Baldwin will be com-
have little confidence in a stimulous ing out of pocket any time soon.
plan that applies more to Government Remy’s has been offering more
entities than any private enterprise value-minded lunch, happy hour and
beyond those already on the dole dinner hour deals there and with the
some Dem’ Party spec has it that the After the longest Winter in 20 yrs. Spring kick-09 was a welcomed arrival and real music 5 nights weekly will likely
pork ladened bill itself will have to tho’ eco gloom/doom rudely pervades Islanders wasted no time getting with it be able to eke out ends that meet this
trickle down somewhere albeit via Wedding plans & V-Day activities. L-R from the top- BCSO Lt. Lou Novak
obscured to date. We’ll see. popped the question from onstage @ The Jazz Corner w/Capn Bob, Laura
Moretti and Tom Berenger in tow, the Ruffalos did the town on V-Day, and the PB Sunrise Cafe has ruled the
Meanwhile, its still the nitelife desti- breakfast hours Island-wide for years
party hards @ The Tavern showed up in spades for Friday nite open mic there.
nations maintaining an aggressive now and we see little change through-
MO that continue to enjoy viability Wednesday April 15th - Lost In The out the Winter months there as PBSC
and elbows are bent and hat tips. Media (Local Band) Thursday April The Jazz Corner continues to rule continues to attract the lion’s share of
16th - Jupiter Coyote (Full Band). GM live music venues Island-wide and as the breakfast/brunch locals seeking
and former Monkey Biz DJ Mike co-owner Bob Masteller continues to variety and prompt in and out access.
Who’s Doin’/Not Taylor enjoyed a good turnoout for the add and tweak the weekly stage per- Cap’n Woody’s continues to do
The Value of The Grand Reopening on Feb 21st and
plans for a full weekly schedule dur-
formance schedules while dropping
the cover for locals and adding a
steady lunch and good happy hour
numbers and accentuated by the out-
Entertainment ing the Summer months and with the
Shoreline’s concert schedule growing
value minded late night menu has us
believing that little will change the
door dining and water-side Hurricane
Bar will be doing festive numbers on
While no doubt a struggle the defla- steadily will mean more Nat’l acts to steady turnouts 7 nights there. nice days on into the Spring there and
tion all bar/restaurants are feeling choose from than ever. The Wild Wing’s value formatted Capt’n Russels fishing news will be
these days has low and high-end While The Tavern has struggled all menu and regular live music schedule coming soon.
menus alike becoming more scrut- Winter the Spring shift finds all new is producing steady all you can eat Prnana Int’l is by far doing the
enized and those intent on weather- and first time touring bands lined up lunch numbers and accentuated by biggest numbers week-ends and the
ing it all are creating ways to get peo- and the Friday night open mic hosted good turnouts Thu-Sat for the no barrage of noise complaint news from
ple through the doors. by Tommy and Jeanelle continues to cover real music offerings there we the cubbies at the IP has done noth-
grow drawing some of the best local have no doubt that the growing num- ing but helped the exposure. The pre-
Monkey Business has the Nat’l talent around and doing the most ber of frugal minds will be the driver dominantly 18-30 clientele rules and
Concert schedule back up and run- steady lunch numbers in Park Plaza behind this spots continued success. will continue to be instrumental in PI’s
ning with Shows coming this month. has been a plus that will keep doors Aunt Chilada’s frugal to high-end continued success there.
Tuesday March 31st - Kiss Army open throughout the Spring. menu offering continues to draw The Zone is the N-ends hottest spot
steady lunch and happy hour num- currently and we have to believe that
•Chow• ✭❊❖✼❚❙ •Live Music• ✭❊❖✼❚❙ •NiteLifeNewz• pg 17
Sun’s B
Mike @ r
Kavanaugh c
Tues & Sat Nights
Nights v
@ Remy’s @ Hinchey’s Jessie Watkins n
The Spare Parts
‘round Midnight Reid
Tuesdays @ Sun@
Wild Wing
B’Town Hinchey’s
Thursday nights this month @
The Jazz Corner, HHI
Back this month on Thursday,
Feb 25 @ The Electric Piano
3 to 5 p
Deas Guys
Sundays nights this month
@ The Jazz Corner-HHi
Rail Trail #22
Criminal Charges/Offense:
Statute: 16-6-4(B) FELONY • Date of Conviction: 2005-08-05
State of Conviction: GA
Age Of Victim: 15 • Sex Of Victim: F
Sentence Release Date: 2007-11-13
Additional Identifiers
Registration Information
Type of Registering Agency: SO
Last Scheduled Registration Date: 2009-01-12
rev up the mean green
party machine!
Perfect for the Wearing O’ the Green, Eating O’ the Wing,
& Watching O’ the College Madness! Érin Go Bragh!