Some Aspects of Numerical Simulation of Control Valves For Steam Turbines
Some Aspects of Numerical Simulation of Control Valves For Steam Turbines
Some Aspects of Numerical Simulation of Control Valves For Steam Turbines
The control valve in a steam turbine is a main component included in the turbine set. This system comprises control fittings (i.e. valves, screens or control partitions) that control the flow of steam into the turbine. The system includes valve control (i.e. servos or HP hydraulic system) which sets the valves and screens to the required flow rate and pressure of the steam. It also contains an electronic system with control software which enables setting the valves, i.e. changing the steam flow into the turbine and thus changing the turbo-set output, from the control centre. The control valve should reliably regulate the amount of steam flow and thus the turbine set output. The actual regulation is achieved by a change of the flow area between the plug and the valve seat. The control valve design is outlined in Figure 1. These valves are produced in many versions with various arrangements and plugs. The development of a reliable valve is not easy; it involves a combination of numerical and experimental methods. It is a topical problem of the applied research and is performed to obtain data for design of reliable control valves. More information you can find e.g. in engineering oriented article [1] or in contribution summarizing the CFD solution of problem [2]. The target of this work is accuracy verification of a CFD simulation of the flow characteristics, to explain away some questions from work [3] and evaluating an effect of the inflow angle of the valve seat (and some other parameters) on the flow characteristics to compare the results with the older [4] and new experimental results.
The control valves are divided into balanced and unbalanced valves according to the force necessary to change the position of the plug from the OFF position into the ON position. If the force equals force corresponding with the product of the annular area and the difference of pressures before and behind the valve, as shown in equation F = (d d ) ( p p ) , the valve is unbalanced. If the force controlling the plug is lower, the valve is balanced. 4 Valve balancing is a constructional adaptation of the valve that reduces the drive force of the valve; it involves insertion of a smaller valve into the plug of the main valve so that initially the smaller plug is moved during the opening, thus reducing the difference of pressures before and behind the valve, and only then the main plug is opened. The force necessary for lifting the small plug is low enough because the annular area is small. The force necessary for lifting the main plug is reduced because the difference of pressures is reduced. Operations described in this work concern an experimental model valve located in the koda Power s.r.o. laboratory. Unlike the real steam valves, the flow medium for this valve is air. The results are transferred by means of dimensionless quantities. Valves of large performance turbines are usually designed as balanced; this balancing system and its adjustment is a subject of further research. Also the researched valve is balanced, but the balancing was ignored in the calculations and the valve was considered unbalanced. The reason is that in the simulated higher travel of the tested valve, the flow through the balancing system has practically no effect on the overall flow and the research concentrated on comparison of the flow characteristics in higher travels. The balancing of the experimental valve can be manually closed and it can be operated as an unbalanced valve.
0,9 h. 14 mm 60 2. tr. h. 21 mm 60 3. tr. h. 28 mm 60 4. tr. h. 38 mm 60 5. tr. h. 48 mm 60 1. tr. h. 10 mm 90 2. tr. h. 15 mm 90 3. tr. h. 20 mm 90 4. tr. h. 27.4 mm 90 5. tr. h. 35 mm 90 turbine's char.
= p2/p0 [-] 0,84 0,85 0,86 0,87 0,88 0,89 0,90 0,91 0,92 0,93 0,94 0,95 0,96 0,97 0,98 0,99 1,00
= p2/p0 [-] 0,84 0,85 0,86 0,87 0,88 0,89 0,90 0,91 0,92 0,93 0,94 0,95 0,96 0,97 0,98 0,99 1,00
Further results were reached in verification of certain parameters on the results of the simulations. It particularly concerns an effect of the flowing medium and the size of the numerical area on the outlet. Ideal gas representing steam with realistic parameters for an 800 MW turbine was used as the flowing medium for the comparison. The parameters of the medium were prepared according to the methodology for replacement of steam with ideal gas in numerical calculations where a calculation of substitute parameters of the gas from the inlet and the anticipated outlet condition was performed. Also the marginal conditions were changed to conditions of the real performance. Although the flowing media and the marginal conditions are very different, they can be easily compared via the dimensionless quantities and q. The comparative simulations were performed for selected lifts and proportional pressures. It is clear from the chart in Figure 9 that the flow characteristics of the steam as a flow medium in the first travel height virtually do not differ from the flow characteristic in the third travel height, but a certain deviation is evident. This deviation, however, is not great and the simulations satisfactorily confirm justification of modelling with the selected medium and the transfer of values via dimensionless coefficients to different conditions. Although the simulations correspond with each other as regards mass flows, differences in the flow pattern are ) Fig. 10: Characteristics of a model with visible. In simulations with steam, the steam flow is separated from the diffuser wall in certain modes. This fact was also verified by a change of the numerical model Fig. 9: Comparison of characteristics (90 for two various flow media prolonged piping which did not disprove the separation of the flow. In simulations of identical modes on 3D mathematical models, the separation of the flow did not occur, but the mass flow was virtually identical, see Figure 9. This fact led to adaptation of the geometrical model and prolongation of its outlet section behind the diffuser with piping. This modification was to determine the effect of the prolonged piping on the flow characteristics, or on the flow pattern. Comparison of characteristics for air in Figure 10 shows that they are identical; the extent of the outlet area has no effect on the flow characteristics. The characteristics for alternate steam produced the same mass flows and the characteristics are mutually approximating. A small increase of the mass flow is evident in the 3D model. The characteristics are not much different from the others, the deviations fluctuated around 5 8 %.
results of CFD simulations
q = m/mKR [-]
q = m/mKR [-]
3. tr. h. 20 mm air 3D
= p2/p0 [-]
0 0,84
0,88 0,89
= p2/p0 [-]
The contribution summarizes results of existing works on a model of the new type of control valve for steam turbines. In the initial phase, the works concentrated on comparison of flow characteristics obtained by experiments and numerical methods. Then an effect of the seat angle on the flow characteristic and secondarily an effect of the flow medium within the calculation area of the numerical model were numerically verified. The results imply the following conclusions: The experimental valve of a modular design allows measurement of characteristics in a broad range of parameters; it can be operated as an unbalanced as well as balanced valve. In addition, it allows measuring pressures in the balancing system and force effects on the plug and shaft, thus significantly extending the spectrum of tasks for the actual development of the valve and for comparisons with CFD simulations. Comparison of flow characteristics with the experiment produced satisfactory results. The results are quite unique in their scope of comparisons of characteristics because they map a great extent of modes under known conditions. The results suggest that relatively accurate characteristics for unbalanced valves can be obtained by means of axially symmetrical models whose creations and calculations are now very simple. The 3D effects in the flow, e.g. its separation in the diffuser area, are more complicated. These effects are hard to predict by calculations (they depend on a correct selection of a number of parameters including a turbulence model) and their measurement is also complicated. The study also suggests that to a certain extent, they need not affect the flow characteristics, but can affect force impacts on the valve. The results of the simulations and produced curves proved that a change of geometry in the flow part of the valve to a newly suggested 60 version can increase the flow through the valve while keeping the same flow area. The increase of the mass flow rate was approximately 3 5 %. These results negate outcomes of an earlier report; although it contains experimentally measured flow characteristics of both versions of the inflow angle in the nozzle, it lacked a necessary detailed description of the measured conditions. Increase of the flow amount through the valve brings about reduction of thermodynamic loss of the valve, which affects the efficiency of the entire turbine set. Should the new version be put into practice, it would be necessary (besides further measurements) to adapt it to higher demands on the control equipment, i.e. the servo drive which must allow a broader extent of axial displacement. Testing of the effects of the flow medium confirmed an assumption regarding similarity of the valve behaviour for various flow media and the marginal conditions corresponding to conditions of a real operation of a steam turbine set with parameters of admission steam; the resulting characteristics are in line with the anticipations. Nevertheless, the simulations discovered changes in the character of the flow pattern in the diffuser. The output area showed practically no impact on the characteristics; partial deviations were in the flow pattern again. The work confirmed that numerical simulations of valves that have already been performed in large numbers are difficult to solve due to the complicated geometry and the flow patterns; no general methodology for the solution can be determined, so that a suitable mathematical model and methodology for calculation must be specified for each researched mode of the valve. The work produced a number of interesting findings applicable in development of control valves. The study of this issue by means of physical as well as mathematical models will continue and concentrate on a balancing system of the valve including its numerical model. Its correct adjustment is essential for the valve control equipment because it fundamentally affects its force load.
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Acknowledgement These results were achieved in the framework of 1M06059 project of the Vyzkumna centra MMT programme (Research Centres, Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic) and in specific research (project ZCU SGS-2010-040). The access to the MetaCentrum computing facilities provided under the programme "Projects of Large Infrastructure for Research, Development, and Innovations" LM2010005 funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic is acknowledged.
Richard MATAS, University of West Bohemia, Univerzitn 2732/8, 306 14 Plze,; Dana KOVANDOV, KODA POWER a.s., Tylova 1/57, 301 28 Plze,; Martin HAJMAN, KODA POWER a.s., Tylova 1/57, 301 28 Plze,