Diseño Óptimo de Una Leva
Diseño Óptimo de Una Leva
Diseño Óptimo de Una Leva
© 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
1. Introduction
Several factors should be considered in the design of motor engine valve trains
and cams, which may be briefly classified into fluid dynamics and mechanical
ones. The maximum valve lift and the valve timings are determined based on
fluid dynamics considerations. Structural considerations are taken into account to
satisfy these two factors, and at the same to time keep the structural integrity of the
mechanism and optimize its performance. To this aim, efforts should be minimized
to work within the allowable stress levels, and jumping between cam and follower
should be avoided. At the same time, the gas flow through each valve should be
maximized. Further complexity appears because of nonlinearities introduced by
the kinematical chain usually interposed between cam and valve. Last but not least,
the feasible solution space is restricted to avoid mechanical interferences.
The aim of this paper is to develop a systematic procedure for optimal cam
design. After properly defining an optimization problem and solving it, we get a
valve lift profile that is the input data to a mechanical synthesis phase of analysis,
where we compute the cam profile required to reach the desired valve motion.
The intake valve opening and exhaust valve closing are carried out in the neigh-
bourhood of the piston top dead centre (TDC). Since the distances between valves-
piston and also valves themselves are very small, it is necessary during the design
of valve motion to detect and avoid any possible geometrical interference. This
factor is very critical especially in engines with large valves overlapping. Figure 1
shows a detail of the intake and exhaust valves and camshafts for the particular
motor engine that we analyze as an example of application in this paper.
The spring dynamics also plays a fundamental role in high speed cam follower
systems. At high-speeds, springs may lose force due to an internal resonance. This
resonance may be excited by high-order harmonics of the cam lift at any speed.
Distributed-parameter models of the spring have been proposed to simulate
the spring dynamics [6, 10, 14, 16, 20]. Modelling of coil clash phenomena has
been taken into account using a moving boundary technique [11]. Furthermore,
spring designs with variable cross section have also been proposed to minimize
amplitude of spring resonance [9]. Nested springs are used to introduce dissipa-
tion by Coulomb friction between inner and outer spring coils, and damp internal
resonance. The estimation of friction values is a difficult task, so various forms of
predicting them have been proposed [6, 21].
0, θ < θj −1 ,
a [1 − e−λ(θ−θj−1 ) ], θj −1 ≤ θ ≤ θ0.5 ,
aj (θ) = (2)
a j [1 − e−λ(θj −θ) ],
θ0.5 < θ ≤ θj ,
0, θ > θj ,
λ θj −1 + θj
λ= , θ0.5 = , (3)
αj 2
where αj is the length of the interval [θj −1 , θj ]. Function aj (θ) can be seen as
a smoothed rectangular profile, with support [θj −1 , θj ] and height a j . Parameter
λ controls smoothness (and thus jerk): for large values of λ we get accelerations
which are closer to a rectangular profile. In practice we use a value of λ = 7, which
gives us a smooth enough accelerations profile.
Velocities and displacements can be obtained by time integration, giving:
−λ(θ −θj−1 )
− − 1−e
θj −1 ≤ θ ≤ θ0.5 ,
θ θj −1 ,
vj (θ) = vj −1 + aj θ − θj −1 + 1−e−λ(θj −θ ) − 2 1−e−λ/2 , θ0.5 < θ ≤ θj , (4)
ω λ λ
χαj , θ = θj ,
uj (θ) = uj −1 + vj −1 (θ − θj −1 )
a j (θ−θj−1 )2 θ−θ
− λj−1 + 1−e
−λ(θ −θj−1 )
, θj −1 ≤ θ ≤ θ0.5 ,
ω2 2 2
2e−λ/2 (θ−θ0.5 )
aj2 (θ−θj−1 ) − θ−θj−1 +
ω 2 λ λ
+ (5)
−λ(θj −θ )
+ 1−e
, θ0.5 < θ ≤ θj ,
χαj2 /2, θ = θj ,
χ = 1 − (1 − e−λ/2 ). (6)
We may distinguish three zones in valve motion: rise, upper dwell and return. We
use five segments to parameterize the rise and return, and one additional segment
to parameterize the flat zone, as it can be seen in Figure 2. Acceleration amplitudes
a j , j = 1, 11 are fixed a priori, in the form
ahigh , j = 1, 4, 8, 11,
a j = aj ; low , j = 2, 5, 7, 10, (7)
0, j = 3, 6, 9,
where ahigh is determined so that the maximum contact force does not exceed an
admissible value, and aj ; low is fixed in terms of the valve system mass and the
spring constant, to avoid separation between cam and follower:
aj ; low = − min L∗v (θ), j = 2, 5, 7, 10, (8)
m θ∈[θj−1 ,θj ]
with kspr being the spring stiffness and m an equivalent mass which takes into
account masses of the valve, spring and rocker arm; L∗v (θ) is a target valve lift
profile defined as:
∗ θ − θVO
Lv (θ) = L sin π
. (9)
θVC − θVO
In practice, values for aj ; low are iterated in order to get reasonable minimal accel-
erations that avoid false valve motion due to jumping.
Valve motion is therefore parameterized in terms of the set of angles θj , j =
0, . . . , 11. These parameters are not independent, and we may extract a subset of
only six free parameters using the following considerations:
1. The initial and final angular displacements θ0 and θ11 are equal to the valve
opening and closing angles θVO and θVC .
2. During the rise phase, the motion profile should verify the conditions:
3. During the return phase, the motion profile should verify the conditions:
Here, hramp and vramp are the height and velocity of the quietening ramps (at the
design speed). Ramps are added to ensure that the valve contacts the valve seat
at a maximum speed equal to vramp , low enough to minimize impact forces and
avoid jumps, regardless of the actual value of clearance [7]. Typical values of valve
velocity are approximately 0.4/0.6 m/sec, and clearance of about 0.1/0.2 mm is
used between cam and follower.
From the conditions mentioned for the rise phase, angles θ4 and θ5 can be
eliminated from the set of independent parameters. After some algebra, we get
the relationships:
45 − v3
θ4 = θ3 + ω, (12)
|a 4 |χ
θ5 = θ4 + ω, (13)
|a 5 |χ
v32 + 2(L − u3 )a 4 χ
45 = (14)
1 − a 4 /a 5
and v3 = v(θ3 ), u3 = u(θ3 ). Similar relations are derived for the return zone:
78 + v8
θ7 = θ8 − ω, (15)
|a 8 |χ
θ6 = θ7 − ω, (16)
|a 7 |χ
v82 + 2(L − u8 )a 8 χ
78 = (17)
1 − a 8 /a 7
Finally, the selected values for parameterization of motion are the three first
intervals lengths plus the last three intervals lengths, i.e.:
α =
. (18)
The interval lengths are chosen as independent variables for the optimization prob-
lem for many practical reasons, e.g. to easily assign initial values (usually, α = 0
provides a good starting point).
The objective of the design is to maximize the area below the lift curve, in order to
maximize the net flow income. Let us define :
A= u(θ) dθ. (19)
The integral in (19) can be evaluated as A = j =1,11 Aj , with:
αj2 a j αj
Aj = uj (θ) dθ = Aj −1 + uj −1 αj + vj −1 + χ1 (20)
2 ω2 6
12 − 6 e−λ/2 6χ
χ1 = 1 − + 2. (21)
4λ λ
The definition of the optimization problem is completed with the set of con-
1. No interference between valve and piston: the piston displacement with respect
to the closed position of the valve, projected along the valve axis, may be
written as:
x(θ) = + ac (1 − cos θ) + lb − lb2 − ac2 sin2 θ cos β, (22)
The objective function and restrictions are scaled so that the optimization problem
is well defined. To this end, reference values of area, displacement and angular
increments are defined as follows:
Aref = L (θVC − θVO ) /2,
uref = L,
αref = (θVC − θVO ) /200. (27)
An optimization problem is therefore defined, whose solution
α opt = arg max A(α ) (28)
is computed using standard routines for constrained optimization.
Note that the gradients of the objective function and of the constraints are not
easy to compute analytically. Therefore, we use a constrained optimization strategy
where these gradients are evaluated by finite differences. One important aspect is
to appropriately program the analytical expressions above, so that the resulting ob-
jective function and constraints are differentiable. For instance, the routine should
be able to give correct values even if the interval lengths are negative, a situation
which may arise during computation of gradients (see the constraint equation (25)).
Figure 3. Overview of the mechanism model. Left: global view. Right: Detail of the intake
of the intake subsystem. These plots correspond to the mechanism models made
with the software Mecano [2, 3, 15] used for making the analysis. The cam, which
axis is centered at point O, is in contact with the rocker-arm roller centered at B.
The follower is fixed in the pivot rocker-arm A. Note that there is a small cam at
the end of the rocker-arm which is in contact with a thrust piece at the top of the
valve stem. Some important data are intake valve diameter 34.5 mm, exhaust valve
diameter 29.0 mm, roller radius 8.5 mm, spring stiffness 31.4 N/mm, spring mass
48.5 g, spring preload 392 N, valve mass 58 g, rocker-arm mass 43 g.
Figure 4. Intake valve displacement (solid line) and exhaust valve displacement (dashes).
Dots show the piston displacement.
Figure 5. Velocity profile for the intake valve (solid line) and for the exhaust valve (dashes)
at 8500 rpm.
Figure 6. Acceleration profile for the intake valve (solid line) and for the exhaust valve
(dashes) at 8500 rpm.
Figure 7. Cam profiles computed by synthesis, intake (solid line) and exhaust (dashes).
calculate the distance between cam and roller centers, as a function of the cams
angular displacement. So as to consider the rocking motion of the rocker-arm, we
compute also the relative angular position of the roller center with respect to the
cam center, in terms of the cams angular displacement. From these two measures,
a simple geometrical analysis gives us the cam profiles.
Figure 7 shows the obtained intake and exhaust cam profiles. It is interesting
to note that, even though both motion profiles are symmetric, e.g. rise and re-
Figure 8. Cam profiles computed after correction of concavities, intake (solid line) and
exhaust (dashes).
turn phases are almost mirrored, the resulting cams are not symmetric because
of the geometric nonlinearities introduced by the rocking-arm and roller in the
kinematical chain.
The cams profile is described in Mecano using a spline interpolation in polar
coordinates [2]. To this end, the user enters a set of pairs {ri , θi }: using these points,
a C2 cubic spline interpolation is performed passing through this dataset (we note
that the same description served to manufacture the cam master).
The above computed profiles are corrected to avoid negative curvature zones, so
as to allow manufacturing for a given grinding wheel minimum radius. Since the
computed profiles do not have large concavities, we use a fairly simple procedure
of straightening the concave zones, followed by a spline smoothening in which
radius ri is corrected within a given tolerance in order to minimize the norm of the
second derivative of the curve. Figure 8 shows the final intake and exhaust cams
Figure 9. Valves accelerations, intake valve (solid line) and exhaust valve (dashes) at
8500 rpm.
Figure 10. Time evolution of the horizontal and vertical components of reactions at the pivot
rocker arm, intake valve (solid line) and exhaust valve (dashes), at 8500 rpm.
Cams are modelled following the approach presented in [2]. Contact between
cam and follower is represented using a contact stiffness and damping, which can
be assimilated to Hertz deformation. The rocker-arm elasticity was neglected in the
Figure 9 shows the acceleration profiles obtained by the dynamic analysis,
which are in good agreement with those computed in the optimization stage (see
Figure 6). The observed differences are mainly due to the cam smoothening process.
Figure 11. Contact force between roll follower and cam, intake valve (solid line) and exhaust
valve (dashes) at 8500 rpm.
Figure 10 plots the reactions at the pivot rocker arm that arise from the dynamic
response of the follower to the cam motion. These values of forces compared
to those obtained from dynamic analysis with the present cam in use are found
Figure 11 shows the time evolution of the contact forces at cam-follower. We
clearly see that no jumping appears throughout the whole engine cycle, since the
computed values are always positive.
− maximum acceleration,
− harmonic content,
− residual vibration.
We compared our profile with the standard cycloidal and with the polynomial 2–3
proposed by Yu and Lee [23], by analyzing the downward phase from maximum to
zero lift. Curves were normalized to unit lift and angle interval 0 ≤ T ≤ π . Also,
a little upper dwell zone was added to the cycloidal and Yu and Lee profiles to get
the same value of area below the lift curve. We may appreciate that our profile and
Yu and Lee’s close faster than the cycloidal profile of motion (Figure 12).
Figure 12. Valve motion normalized profile at downward zone. Comparison between cy-
cloidal (solid line), Yu and Lee polynomial (dashes) and our profile (dashes and dots).
Figure 13. Normalized valve accelerations profile at downward zone. Comparison between
cycloidal (solid line), Yu and Lee polynomial (dashes) and our profile (dashes and dots).
Figure 13 displays the accelerations for the same three profiles. We may appre-
ciate that the acceleration level at the spring-controlled zone is much higher in the
cycloidal and in the Yu and Lee profiles than in ours with the consequent larger
tendency to produce jumping.
Figure 14. Residual vibration amplitudes. Comparison between cycloidal (solid line), Yu and
Lee polynomial (dashes) and our profile (dashes and dots).
The tendency for a motion to excite vibration of the spring may be characterized
through the response of a single degree of freedom cam follower system. The
residual vibration spectrum is plotted as a function of the normalized operating
speed F = f θ/π ω, where f is the oscillator frequency [rad/sec], θ is the down
angle [rad] and ω is the camshaft speed [rad/sec].
Figure 14 plots the residual vibration spectra for the profiles of motion in study.
We may see that if we increase the angular speed or the spring mass, F decreases
and we get larger values of the residual vibration amplitude. The residual vibration
is increased also when the spring is softened. Typical values of F for our configu-
ration at maximum speed are in the order of F = 2. We may see that the residual
vibration amplitude given by our profile is more or less the same as that given by
the Yu and Lee profile, which they recommend for high speed applications. The
cycloidal profile, though having a lower vibration level at low speeds, gives higher
excitation levels at this regime.
7. Experimental Validation
A cam synthesized following the described methodology was built and experi-
mented. For this purpose, a master cam was cut from a profile described by a spline
curve, and a camshaft was built in a copying grinding machine. We remark that cam
profile errors can have a large influence on the dynamic performance of high-speed
follower cam systems [5].
We should mention that the cam used for the experiences does not correspond
exactly to the one shown in previous sections. For instance, a maximum crankshaft
Figure 15. Intake valve displacement at 8290 rpm: nominal motion (continuous line),
measured motion (dashed line).
speed of 8300 rpm was used in computations, which corresponds to the speed set
at the electronic limit of the motor engine, and slightly different valve timings were
In order to analyze the dynamic behaviour of the cam-follower system, an ex-
perimental setup was used where the camshaft was electrically driven, and the valve
displacements were measured using an optical position transducer. Pressurized mo-
tor oil from an external pump was fed into the experimental setup to lubricate the
valve train in the usual manner. A shaft encoder recorded angular displacements.
The valve train was operated at speeds up to 8900 crankshaft rpm. Figure 15 dis-
plays the displacements time evolution of the intake valve measured at 8290 rpm.
We may appreciate that there are small differences between the designed valve lift
and the actual lift. The valve is beginning to float at the upper dwell and also, there
is a small valve bounce when it returns to seat.
We should mention that these measurements may have been influenced by errors
introduced during manufacturing of this camshaft specimen (i.e. the ramps were
not copied correctly). Nevertheless, we think the displayed measures serve quite
well as an overall indicator of dynamic performance.
The camshafts were installed into the engine. Experiences have shown some im-
provements in torque and power measurements over previously used cams designs
(differences of nearly 4% were evidenced). Clearly, this fact is only an indication
of feasibility of the proposed procedure.
Figure 16. Detail of finite element model of spring at the intake valve.
8. Spring Dynamics
The effects introduced by the internal dynamics of the spring are analyzed using
a discrete valve spring dynamics model, similar to the one used by Schamel et al.
[16]. We take into account coil clash and Coulomb friction between inner and outer
springs. To this end, each spring (inner and outer) is represented by eight springs in
series. Coils clash is modeled as a varying stiffness, with a contact stiffness equal to
10000 times the stiffness of the spring. Coulomb friction is modeled by considering
a friction damper lumped at each internal node (see Figure 16). The friction force
was estimated from static measurements on the actual springs.
Figure 17 displays the evolution of the computed contact force between cam
and follower, for two cycles. If we compare this figure with Figure 11, we can see
the spring oscillations superposed to the contact force evolution computed using a
linear spring model. These oscillations are damped, after valve closing, by internal
friction forces.
We can also appreciate that at crank angular displacements equal to 400 deg
and multiples, high frequency vibrations excited by coils clash develop. These
vibrations are damped when coils come into contact at maximum lift. We think
these vibrations can be at the origin of the separation observed during the experi-
ences (see Figure 15), but further experiences are needed in order to get a definitive
conclusion. In particular, it would be of interest to monitor the contact forces.
Figure 17. Contact force between roll follower and cam at the intake valve at 8300 rpm,
computed with the piecewise spring model.
9. Conclusions
We present here an optimization strategy for cam design. The software obtained
allows to compute cams profiles accounting for all dynamic effects present in a
mechanism, including all geometrical nonlinearities of the kinematical chain.
Once the cams profile is synthetized considering different motion constraints as
avoidance of interferences and limitations on maximal and minimal accelerations,
the results are validated by a dynamic analysis of the full mechanism.
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