3 Sem Metallurgy

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Scheme of Teaching and Exam

Metallurgical Engineering
Sem. III
Periods per week L Mechanics of Solids & Fluids Mathematics III 3 4 T 1 1 P Scheme of Exam Theory/ Pract. ESE CT TA 80 80 20 20 20 20

S. Board of Study No.

Subject Code


Credit Total Marks L+(T+P)/2

1 2

Civil Engg. Applied Mathematics Applied Geology Applied Chemistry Metallurgical Engg. Metallurgical Engg. Applied Chemistry Applied Geology Metallurgical Engg. Metallurgical Engg. Humanities etc.

338311 (20) 300311 (14)

120 120

4 5

338313 (13)

Geology of Minerals Chemical Characterization of Materials Ore Dressing





338314 (11)





338315 (38) 338316 (38)





Fuels & Refractories Chemical Characterization of Materials Lab Geology of Minerals Lab Ore Dressing Lab Fuels & Refractories Lab Value Education





338321 (11)




338322 (13)




338323 (38)





338324 (38)





300325 (46)



12 Total





15 640

240 1000

L-Lecture, T-Tutorial, P-Practical, ESE- End sem. Exam, CT-Class Test, TA- Teacher's Assessment,


Semester: B.E. III Sem. Subject: Mechanics of Solids & Fluids Total Theory Periods: 40 Total Marks in End Semester Examination: 80 Minimum number of Class tests to be conducted: Two Branch: Metallurgical Engg. Code: 338311(20) Total Tutorial Periods: 12

Section A Mechanics of Solids

Unit I Friction and Lubrication- Laws of Friction for dry and Lubricated Surfaces, Journals and pivots, Rolling Friction. Resilience: Shock, Stress due to change of temperature. Columns and struts Long and short colums, euler's and Rankine's formula, combined axial and bending stress. Riveted and welded joints:- Analysis of riveted joints in structures, efficiency of joints, design of joints as per codes, introduction to welded joints. Theories of elastic failures: Maximum Principal stress Principle strain total energy theories, maximum shear stress theory, maximum distortion energy theory.

Unit - II

Section B Fluids Mechanics

Unit - III Physical Properties of Fluids: Specific weight, density, viscosity. Hydrostatic Law:- Pressure Measurement by manometers, Pressure on curved and plane surface, center of pressure. Unit - IV Steady and Unsteady Flow, uniform and Non-Uniform flow. Continuity equation for one-dimensional Flow. Application of Bernoullis Equation. Total energy line. Unit - V Hydraulic Grade line, Losses in Pipes, Friction Loss, Darcy- weisbach Equation, Friction Factor, flow through pipes, Minor losses, Bends, Expansion etc. Transmit ion of power through pipe. Types; of Pumps and Parameters for selection of pumps, in series and parallel.: Books Recommended : 1. Fluid Mechanics by Dr. A.K. Jain 2. Fluid Mechanics by Modi and Seth Reference Books 1. Mechanics of Solids 2. Strength of Material By Popov By Timoshenko


Semester: B.E. III Sem. Branch: Metallurgical, Civil, Mechanical, Mining, Chemical, Bio Medical Engg Code: 300311 (14) Total Tutorial Periods: 12

Subject: MATHEMATICS-III Total Theory Periods: 50 Total Marks in End Semester Exam. : 80 Minimum number of class test to be conducted: 02 UNIT - 1 FOURIER SERIES

(No. of periods 8+2)

Eulers Formula, Functions having points of discontinuity, Change of interval, Even & Odd functions, Half range series, Harmonic analysis. UNIT - 2 LAPLACE TRANSFORM (No. of periods 8+2)

Definition, Transform of elementary functions, Properties of Laplace transform, Transform of derivatives & integrals, Multiplication by tn, Division by t, Evaluation of integrals, Inverse Laplace Transform, Convolution theorem, Unit step function, Unit impulse function, Periodic function, Application to solution of ordinary differential equations. UNIT - 3 PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION (No. of periods 8+2)

Formation, Solution by direct integration method, Linear equation of first order, Homogeneous linear equation with constant coefficients, Non-homogeneous linear equations, Method of separation of variables.
UNIT - 4 COMPLEX VARIABLES (No. of periods 8+2)

Derivative, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Analytic functions, Harmonic functions, Flow problems, Complex integration, Cauchy theorem, Cauchy integral formula, Taylor & Laurent series, Singularity, Residue, Evaluation of real definite integrals.
UNIT - 5 STATISTICS (No. of periods 8+2)

Random variables, Discrete & continuous probability distributions, Expectation, Mean & Standard Deviation, Moments & moment generating function, Distributions- Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Higher Engg. Mathematics by Dr. B.S. Grewal Khanna Publishers. 2. Advanced Engg. Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig John Wiley & Sons. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Advanced Engg. Mathematics by R.K. Jain and S.R.K. Iyengar Narosa Publishing House. 2. Applied Mathematics by P.N.Wartikar & J.N. Wartikar. Vol- II Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Pune. 3. Applied Mathematics for Engineers & Physicists by Louis A. Pipes- TMH.


Semester: B.E. III Sem. Subject: Geology of Minerals Total Theory Periods: 50 Total Marks in End Semester Examination: 80 Minimum number of Class tests to be conducted: Two Branch: Metallurgical Engg. Code: 338313 (13) Total Tutorial Periods: Nil

Unit 1 General Geology: Solar System; A brief idea of the Origin and Age of the Earth, Interior of the Earth-Internal Structure, Seismic Data and Pressure with in the Earth, General idea about Volcanoes and Earthquake. Unit II Mineralogy: Physical Properties of Minerals; Classification of various Rock Forming Minerals, Introduction and Preliminary study of Principle Rock Forming Mineral Groups; Quartz, Feldspar, Mica, Pyroxenes, Amphibole, Garnet, Feldspathoids. Unit III Petrology: Definition, Origin and Classification of Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rock, Texture and Structure of Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rock, Petrographic Description of Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rock. Unit IV Economic Geology I: Introduction and Scope of the subject, Fundamental Terms and there Definition, Processes of Ore Formation, Distribution and Utilization of Ore including Coal and Petroleum Deposits of India. Unit V Economic Geology II: Mode of Occurrence, Origin, Distribution, Association, and Industrial uses of important Metallic (Al, Au, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mn, Sn, Pb and Zn) and Non- Metallic Mineral (Diamond, Mica, Gypsum, Dolomite, Manganese, Corundum, Kyanite, Calcite, Sillimanite, Andalusite, Tourmaline, Barite. Beryl, Fluorite, and Asbestos.)

Books Rcommended book: 1. Text Book of Geology G.B. Mahapatra

2. 3.

Text book of Engineering Geology Prabir Singh

Principles of Mining Geology V.M. Banar

Reference book : 1. Physical Geology G.B. Mahapatra 2. Rutley's element of mineralogy C.V. Grible 3. Petrology Turnes/Gilbert 4. Igneous and metamorphic petrology Turner 5. Ignous and metamorphif petrology winter 6. Economic Geology economic mineral deposite Omeshwar Prasad


Semester: B.E. III Sem. Subject: Chemical Characterization of Materials Total Theory Periods: 40 Total Marks in End Semester Examination: 80 Minimum number of Class tests to be conducted: Two Unit 1 Branch: Metallurgical Engg. Code: 338314 (11) Total Tutorial Periods: 12

Numerical Problems based on all types of analysis. Fundamentals of Quantitative analysis and theoretical Principles. Sampling, Classification of errors & their minimization. Accuracy & Coefficient of Variation. Common Techniques of Classical methods of analysis. Chemical & Ionic Equilibria, Acids & Bases. Volumetric & Gravimetric analysis Neutralization titration, Redox titration Complexometry, Theory of indicators. Purity of precipitate. Fractional Precipitation Organic Precipitations. Electro Analytical Methods Potetiometry, Conductometry, Coulormetry, pH measurement. Separative Techniques Solvent Extraction. Chromatography. Ion exchange. Optical methods of Analysis Absorption Methods: Visible U.V. && I.R. Spectrophotometry. Atomic absorption Spectroscopy. Emission methods; Emission spectrography. Flame Photometry. Fluorimetry.

Unit 2

Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5

Text Books : 1. Chatwal Anand Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis. 2. B.K. Sharma Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis. 3. I. Vogel's Text book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis. Reference Book: 1. B. Stuart Modern Infrared Spectroscopy 2. G.E. Johnson, H.E. Taylor and R.K. Skogerboe- Analytical Chemistry. 3. I.M. kolthoff and P.J. Elving Treatice on analytical Chemistry. Part-I Volume 4 4. Wilson and Wilson's Comprehensive analytical Chemistry Vol- II A 5. T. Meites and L Meites Analytical Chemistry.


Semester: B.E. III Sem. Subject: Ore- Dressing Total Theory Periods : 40 Total Marks in End Semester Exam. : 80 Minimum number of class test to be conducted: 02 Branch: Metallurgical Engg. Code: 338315 (38) Total Tutorial Periods: 12

UNIT -1 Mineral deposits of India ad status of mineral dressing Industries. Scopes and objectives of Ore dressing sampling of ore by different methods. Economic justification of ore-dressing operations. Theory of communication, Liberation of Minerals:- Primary, Secondary and special crushing units, and their relative advantages and drawbacks. Theory of ball mill operation, effect of ball load, critical speed etc. Rod mills, Tub e mills, pot mills, pot mills and pebble mills. Open and closed circuit grinding. Liners used in grinding mills. Laws of crushing and grinding. Energy relationship and work index. Effect of beneficiation and concept of optimum grind. Ore microscopy and its use. UNIT -2 Sizing :Sizing scales. Various types of screens, screen analysis. Laboratory sizing, screen efficiency. Factors affecting performance of screens. Industrial sizing methods. Classification- Sizing and sorting classifiers. UNIT -3 Movement of solids in fluids. Stoke's law and Newton's law. Terminal velocity and its relation with size. Relation between Time and velocity. Relation between distance traveled and velocity. Free and hindered settling ratio. Quantifying ore- dressing operation. Ratio of concentration, Recovery, Selectivity index and Economic recovery Metallurgical accounting. UNIT - 4 Jigging and Tabling: Mechanism, types of units, and factors affecting the operations. Applications. Magnetic; and electrostatic separation- principles, units and operations. Dry and wet methods. Applications to beach sands. UNIT 5 Flotation and heavy media separation:Principal requirements, different processes as applied to metallic ores and coals. Complete physical and chemical aspects of Flotation. Application of flotation to concentration of copper, Lead, Ainc and other important ores. Efficiency of flotation, factors affecting flotation. Indian Ore- dressing practices. Simplified flow sheets with reference to Indian deposits like those of Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe, and coal.

Text Books :

1. 2. Reference Book : 1. 2.

Principles of Mineral Dressing A.M. Gaudin Mineral Processing Technology B.A. Wills Mineral Dressing Taggaart Ore- Dressing S.K. Jain


Semester: B.E. III Sem. Subject: Fuels & Refractories Total Theory Periods: 40 Total Marks in End Semester Examination: 80 Minimum number of Class tests to be conducted: Two Unit - I Branch: Metallurgical Engg. Code: 338316 (38) Total Tutorial Periods: 12

Origin and types of coal' properties, testing and storage of coal; characteristics of Indian coal deposits; preparation, selection and blending of coals; metallurgical coke, manufacture, specifications, testing and properties; low temperature carbonization; by products of coking . Details of Coke Ovens in Indian Integrated Iron and Steel Plants. Fuel for Sponge Iron Plants. Liquid fuels, their properties, testing and metallurgical applications. Oil refineries in India. Gaseous fuels, their properties, testing and metallurgical application, manufacture of producer gas and water gas. Cole Oven Gas, Blast Furnace Gas and natural Gas. Factors affecting the choice of fuels. Acid, basic and neutral refractories, their composition and properties; Methods of production ;of fire clay, silica, magnesite, chrome- magnesite, dolomite and insulation bricks; special refractories; selection of refractories for metallurgical applications. Refractory industry in India. Testing of Refractories, Factors deciding the choice of refractory for a particular furnace and its parts.

Unit II Unit - III

Unit IV

Unit V

Text Books : 1. Brane, J.S.s.K. King J.G., fuels, solids, liquids & gaseous E. Aronld Ltd. London 2. A. Rashid Chesti, Refractories. Prenticae- Hall of India private ltd. Reference Book 1. 2. 3. 4.

Gilchrist, J.D. fuels & Refractories, Macmillan , 1963 Norton, Fo H. Refractories, McGraw- Hill, N.Y. 1958 Butt A Metallurgical problems McGraw-Hill, Book Company London 1943 Efficient use of fuels, HMSO London 1953


Semester: B.E. III Sem. Subject: Chemical Chacterizating of Materials Lab Total Practical Periods: 40 Total Marks in End Semester Examination: 40 Branch: Metallurgical Engg. Code: 338321 (11)

List of Experiments.
1. Determination of Calcium & Magnesium by EDTA 2. Determination of Copper in Copper alloy by lodometry. 3. Determination of Maganess in Steel by Potentiometer. 4. Determination of Chromium in Steel by Potentiometer. 5. To determine the Conductivity of an Electrolytic solution by Conductometer. 6. Conductometric Titration of a Strong acid with strong base 7. Determine the molarity of HCL, pH metrically provided M/10 NaOH. 8. Determination of Iron in a Iron ore by Spectrophotometrty. 9. To determine max of a slolution of Cobalt chloride. 10. Separtion of Metal Cations using paper Chromatography.Estimation of Ni by DMG.

Text Books : 1. Chatwal Anand Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis. 2. B.K. Sharma Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis. 3. I. Vogel's Text book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis. Reference Book: 1. B. Stuart Modern Infrared Spectroscopy 2. G.E. Johnson, H.E. Taylor and R.K. Skogerboe- Analytical Chemistry. 3. I.M. kolthoff and P.J. Elving Treatice on analytical Chemistry. Part-I Volume 4 4. Wilson and Wilson's Comprehensive analytical Chemistry Vol- II A 5. T. Meites and L Meites Analytical Chemistry.


Semester: B.E. III Sem. Subject: Geology of Minerals Lab Total Practical Periods: 40 Total Marks in End Semester Examination: 40 Branch: Metallurgical Engg. Code: 338322 (13)

List of Experiments: 1. Megascopic description of Rock forming minerals (Non-metallic) and ore minerals. (metallic) 2. Petrographic description of Igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rock. Books Rcommended book: 1. Text Book of Geology G.B. Mahapatra 2. Text book of Engineering Geology Prabir Singh 3. Principles of Mining Geology V.M. Banar Reference book : 1. Physical Geology G.B. Mahapatra 2. Rutley's element of mineralogy C.V. Grible 3. Petrology Turnes/Gilbert 4. Igneous and metamorphic petrology Turner 5. Ignous and metamorphif petrology winter 6. Economic Geology economic mineral deposite Omeshwar Prasad


Semester: B.E. III Sem. Subject: Ore- Dressing Lab Total Practical Periods : 40 Total Marks in End Semester Exam. : 40 Branch: Metallurgical Engg. Code: 338323 (38)

Practical: - Experiments based on the above syllabus. List of experiments 1 Crushing of ore, using Jaw crusher 2. Crushing of ore, using roll crusher 3. Grinding of ore, using Rod mill. 4. Grinding of ore, using Ball mill 5. Concentration of ore with the help of wilfley Table 6. Classification of ore using Akin's classifier 7. Concentration with the help of froth flotation cell 8. Study of thickener 9. Grinding of ore, using Pot mill 10. Study of Vibrating screens 11. Study of laboratory Jig. Text Books : 1. 2. Principles of Mineral Dressing A.M. Gaudin Mineral Processing Technology B.A. Wills

Reference Book : 1. 2.

Mineral Dressing Taggaart Ore- Dressing S.K. Jain


Semester: B.E. III Sem. Subject: Fuels & Refractories Lab Total Marks in End Semester Examination: 40 Branch: Metallurgical Engg. Code: 338324 (38) Total Practical Periods: 40

List of Practicals: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Determination of flash & fire point of given oil by pensky martin. Determinati9on of flash & fire point of given oil by Able's apparatus. Determination of viscosity using Redwood viscometer. Study of distillation characteristics of given oil Study of different types of Refractories Segar Cone test for refeactories Determination of spelling resistance of Refractories Determination of Calorific value of a solid fuel using Bomb Calorimeter. Determination of Calorific value of a liquid fuel. Determination of Volatile matter in coal Determination of Ash content of coal. Determination of Refractoriness under load. Determination of thermal conductivity of Refractories.

Text Books : 1. Brane, J.S.s.K. King J.G., fuels, solids, liquids & gaseous E. Aronld Ltd. London 2. A. Rashid Chesti, Refractories. Prenticae- Hall of India private ltd. Reference Book 1. Gilchrist, J.D. fuels & Refractories, Macmillan , 1963 2. Norton, Fo H. Refractories, McGraw- Hill, N.Y. 1958 3. Butt A Metallurgical problems McGraw-Hill, Book Company London 1943 4. Efficient use of fuels, HMSO London 1953


B.E. III Sem. Subject: Value Education Total Practical Periods: 24 Minimum number of class test to be conducted: Two

Branch: Common to all Branches

Code: 300325(46) Teacher's Assessment: 40 Mks

UNIT I ?? STUDY OF BASIC HUMAN OBJECTIVES: Everlasting solution lek/kku] prosperity le`f)] trust in self and others vHk;] and coexistence lgvfLrRo for balance in nature. Need and importance of aforesaid basic human objectives and how to achieve these. UNIT II ?? CONCEPT AND UNDERSTANDING OF HUMAN HAPPINESS

Meaning and concept of "happiness", incessant happiness, its relationship with gaurantee of physical needs, comforts, physical and sensory pleasures with its transient nature, misery; The only method to minimize incessant happiness : gaining right understanding about oneself, one's body, one's relationship with other human beings, Nature and total existence.
UNIT III ?? PROPER UNDERSTANDING about the order in Nature O;oLFkk and co-existence lgvfLrRo at various levels, such as, I and my body, family, society, Nature and existence. ?? UNDERSTANDING THE SELF : Understanding human reality I and my body, present understanding of the self, physical needs, relation with others and with Nature, gaining proper understanding of the self, discrimination between 'I' and my 'body', characteristics and the needs of 'I', of my 'body' and 'body' & 'I'. UNIT IV ?? SYNERGATIC ORDER O;oLFkk and COEXISTENCE lgvfLrRo among HUMANS, IN NATURE & IN EXISTENCE : Conceptual understanding of natural relations and consequent values, of family and relation therein, of society and role of engineers therein, overall excellence' : concept, its universal parameters and total human behaviour Inanimate tM+ and consciousness pSrU; aspects of Nature, Four distinct synergetic orders in Nature - Padaarth Awastha inkFkZ voLFkk] Pran Awastha izk.k voLFkk] Jiv Awastha tho voLFkk] and Gyan Awastha Kku voLFkk] complementary supplementary evolutionary connection amongst above orders, identifying and implementing "Appropriate Technology". Synergetic order among interacting entities of Nature operating in all pervading changeless Shunya or Satta, Indivisible interconnectedness of Satta and Prakriti and its implications. UNIT V ?? IMPLICATIONS OF PROPER UNDERSTANDING - Awakening tkx`fr] the common goal of all human beings, - promotion and perseverance of synergetic order and co-existence at all levels leading to incessant happiness. - Natural manifestation of universal human values and thereby incessant happiness - Undivided Society vfoHkkT; lekt and Universal Organised System lkoZHkkSe O;oLFkk - Transition from synergetic disorder vO;oLFkk to synergetic order O;oLFkk - Evaluation of Understanding, work and behaviour. REFERENCES 1. Jeevan Vidya Camp f'kfoj notes 2. An Introduction to Jeevan Vidya by Shri A. Nagaraj

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