3rd Sem Rtmnnu Aero-49-59

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Engineering and Technology

Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur

Syllabus for B.E. (Third Semester) Aeronautical Engineering
Applied Mathematics – III (BEAE-301T)
(Total Credits: 05)
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Theory
Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks
Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

UNIT - I: Laplace Transform 12 Hours

Definition, Properties, Laplace Transform of Derivatives and Integrals, Evaluation of integrals by
Laplace Transform, Inverse Laplace Transform and its Properties, Convolution theorem(Statement
only), Laplace Transform of Periodic Functions(Statement only), Unit Step Function and Unit
Impulse Function, Applications of Laplace Transform to solve Ordinary Differential Equations,
Simultaneous Differential Equations, Integral Equations & Integro-Differential Equations.

UNIT – II: Fourier Transform 04 Hours

Definition and Properties (excluding FFT), Fourier Integral Theorem, Relation with Laplace
Transform, Applications of Fourier Transform to Solve Integral Equation.

UNIT- III: Functions Of Complex Variable 12 Hours

Analytic function, Cauchy- Riemann conditions, Harmonic Functions, Milne-Thomson Method, ,
Singularities, Cauchy Integral Theorem & Integral Formula (Statement only), Taylor’s & Laurent’s
theorem (Statement only), Residue Theorem (Statement only), Evaluation of Real Definite Integrals
by Contour Integration (around unit circle & semi- circle), Conformal mapping, Mapping by Linear
and Inverse Transformation.

UNIT - IV: Partial Differential Equations. 10 Hours

Partial Differential Equations of First Order First Degree i.e. Lagrange’s Form, Linear Homogeneous
Partial Differential Equations of Higher Order with Constant Coefficients. Method of Separation of
Variables, Applications to One- dimensional Heat Flow Equations. Two- dimensional Heat Flow
Equations (only steady state). Applications of Laplace Transform to Solve Partial Differential

UNIT –V: Matrices: 12 Hours

Linear and Orthogonal Transformations, Linear Dependence of Vectors, Characteristics Equation,
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors, Statement and Verification of Cayley- Hamilton Theorem [without
proof], Reduction to Diagonal Form, Reduction of Quadratic Form to Canonical Form by Orthogonal
Transformation, Sylvester’s Theorem [without proof], Solution of Second Order Linear Differential
Equations with Constant Coefficients by Matrix method. Largest Eigen Value and Eigen Vector by
Iteration Method.

UNIT – VI: Numerical Methods: 10 Hours

Error Analysis, Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equation by False Position
Method, Newton –Raphson Method, Newton- Raphson Method for Multiple Roots, Solution of
System of Simultaneous Linear Equations: Gauss Elimination Method, Gauss- Seidel Method, Crout’s
Method, Solution of Ordinary Differential equations by Taylor's Series method, Runge- Kutta 4th
Order Method, Euler’s Modified Method. Milne , s Predictor- Corrector Method.

Total No of Periods- 60 hours

Text Books
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S. Grewal, 40th Edition, Khanna Publication
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreysizig, 8th Edition, Wiley India
3. Applied Mathematics for Engineers & Physicist by L.R. Pipes and Harville,

Reference Books

1. A Text Book of applied Mathematics, Volume I & II , by P.N. Wartikar & J.N. Wartikar, Poona
Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan
2. Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis, by S.S. Sastry, PHI
3. Mathematics for Engineers by Chandrika Prasad
4. A text book of Engineering Mathematics by N. P. Bali & M. Goyal, Laxmi Publication
Engineering and Technology
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur
Syllabus for B.E. (Third Semester) Aeronautical Engineering
Aero- Thermodynamics (BEAE-302T)
(Total Credits: 04)
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Lectures: 3 Hours/ Week Theory
Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks
Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit – I: Introduction to Thermodynamics 7 hours

Basic concepts of Thermodynamics, Closed & Open Systems, Forms of energy, Properties of system,
State & Equilibrium, Processes & Cycles, Temperature & Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics.
Introduction to First Law of Thermodynamics (Law of Conservation of Energy), Heat & Work,
Mechanical forms of work, Non-Mechanical forms work (Electrical, Magnetic etc.) The Ideal Gas
equation of state, Difference between Gas & Vapor, Compressibility factor, Internal energy &
specific heats of gases, Universal Gas Constant.

Unit - II: First Law of Thermodynamics 8 hours

Closed Systems (Control mass system), Work done, Change in internal energy, Heat transferred
during various thermodynamic processes, P-V diagrams. Open systems (Control volume systems),
Thermodynamic analysis of control volumes, Conservation of energy principle, Flow work &

Unit – III: Second Law of Thermodynamics 10 hours

Introduction ( Law of degradation of energy ), Thermal energy reservoirs, Kelvin-Plank & Clausius
statements, Heat engines, Refrigerator & Heat pump, Perpetual motion machines, Reversible &
Irreversible processes, Carnot cycle, Thermodynamic temperature scale.
Entropy: - The Clausius inequality, Entropy, Principle of increase of entropy, Change in entropy for
Closed & Steady flow open systems.
Second law analysis of engineering systems: - Availability, Reversible work, Irreversibility,
Temperature-entropy diagram.

Unit – IV: Properties of Steam 7 hours

Critical state, Sensible heat, Latent heat, Super heat, Wet steam, Dryness fraction, Internal energy of
steam, External work done during evaporation, T-S diagram, Mollier chart, Work & Heat transfer
during various thermodynamics processes with steam as working fluid. Determination of dryness
fraction using various calorimeters.

Unit – V: Air Standard Cycles 7 hours

Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Stirling & Ericsson cycle, Brayton cycle, Vapour cycles :- Simple & Modified
Rankine cycle with reheat & regeneration.

Unit - VI: Application 6 hours

Applications to i) Nozzles & Diffusers ii) Turbine & Compressors iii) Throttle Valves. (Simple
systems like charging & discharging of tanks)

Total No of Periods- 45 hours

Text Book:
1. Thermodynamics An engineering approach by Yunus Cengal, M.A.Boles
2. Thermodynamics by C. P. Arora, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publication
3. Fundamentals of classical by Gorden J. V. Wylen, Sonntag
4. Engineering Thermodynamics by P. K. Nag, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publication
5. Fundamentals of engineering Thermodynamics by R. K. Rajput
Engineering and Technology
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur
Syllabus for B.E. (Third Semester) Aeronautical Engineering
Aero- Thermodynamics (BEAE-302P)
(Total Credits: 01)
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Practical: 2 Hours/ Week Practical
T (U): 25 Marks T (I): 25 Marks

List of Experiments in Aero- Thermodynamics:

1. Study of steam turbines.

2. Study of internal combustion engines.
3. Study of various types of compressors.
4. Performance and evaluation of Rotary air Compressor.
5. Performance and evaluation of Reciprocating air Compressor.
6. Visit to thermal power plant .(Case study to be prepared by students)
Engineering and Technology
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur
Syllabus for B.E. (Third Semester) Aeronautical Engineering
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery (BEAE-303T)
(Total Credits: 04)
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Lectures: 3 Hours/ Week Theory
Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks
Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit – I: Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 7 hours

Properties of fluids, Newton`s law of viscosity and its applications, Pascal`s law, Basic equation of
fluid statics, Fluid pressure & its measurement (Manometers & Bourdon`s pressure gauge),
Pressure variations in compressible & incompressible fluids.

Unit – II: Kinematics of Fluid Flow 8 hours

Types of flow, Stream line, Path line, Streak line, Stream tube, Continuity equation, One & Two
dimensional flow, Velocity & Acceleration at a point, Potential lines, Flow net, Stream function,
Velocity potential, Circulation, Vortex motion.
Dynamics of Fluid Flow: One dimensional method for flow analysis, Euler`s equation of motion,
Derivation of Bernoulli`s equation for incompressible flow & its applications.

Unit – III: Viscous Flow 7 hours

Introduction to laminar and turbulent flow, Reynolds number and its significance, Mach number
and its significance, Boundary layer concept, Wall shear and boundary layer thickness,
Displacement thickness and Momentum thickness, Separation, Drag and Lift on immersed bodies.
Flow of viscous fluids through parallel plates, Pipes, Kinetic energy correction factor.

Unit – VI: Principles & Classification of Hydraulic Machines 8 hours

Impulse Turbines :- Principle, Constructional features, Installation of Pelton turbine, Velocity
diagram & analysis, Working proportions, Design parameters, Performance characteristics,
Governing & selection criteria.

Unit - V: Reaction or Pressure turbine 7 hours

Principles of operation, Degree of reaction, Comparison over pelton turbine, Development of
reaction turbines, Classification, Draft tubes, Cavitation in turbines. Francis turbine, Propeller
turbine, Kaplan turbine: Types, Constructional features, Installations, Velocity diagram & analysis.
Working proportions, Design parameters, Performance characteristics, Governing, Selection of
hydraulic turbines

Unit - VI : Hydraulic Pumps 8 hours

Classification & Applications
Introduction to Centrifugal, axial & mixed flow Pumps, Self priming pumps.
Introduction to Reciprocating Piston / Plunger Pumps.
Rotary Displacement Pumps: - Introduction to gear pumps, Sliding vane pumps, Screw pumps.

Total No of periods: 45
Text Books:

1. Fluid Mechanics by Frank M. White

2. Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Power Engineering by D.S.Kumar
3. Fluid Mechanics for Engineers by P.N. Chartterjee
4. Fluid Mechanics by J.F.Douglas, J.M. Gasiorek
5. Fluid Mechanics & hydraulic Machines by R.K.Bansal
6. Mechanics of Fluids by B.S.Massey
7. Fluid Mechanics by A.K.Jain
8. Fluid Mechanics with engineering applications by Daugherty & Franizini
Engineering and Technology
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur
Syllabus for B.E. (Third Semester) Aeronautical Engineering
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery (BEAE-303P)
(Total Credits: 01)
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Practical: 2 Hours/ Week Practical
T (U): 25 Marks T (I): 25 Marks

List of Experiments in Fluid Mechanics and Machinery:

1. To verify Bernoulli’s Theorem

2. To determine the critical velocity of flow by Reynolds’s apparatus.
3. Performance characteristics of Pelton Turbine
4. Performance characteristics of Francis Turbine
5. Performance characteristics of Kaplan Turbine
6. To study the Centrifugal Pump
7. To study the Axial Flow Pump
8. To study the Reciprocating Pump
Engineering and Technology
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur
Syllabus for B.E. (Third Semester) Aeronautical Engineering
Computer Programming (BEAE-304T)
(Total Credits: 04)
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Lectures: 3 Hours/ Week Theory
Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks
Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit - I: Introduction 8 hours

Introduction to programming, programming languages, algorithms, flowcharts. C: Data types,
Identifiers, Storage class, Constant, Operators, expression, Statements, console I/O statements,
Selection statements: if-else, switch, Iteration Statements: for, while, do-while, Jump statements:
return, go to, break, continue, comments.

Unit - II: Functions 8 hours

Function, Call by value, Call by reference, calling functions with arrays, arguments to main (), return
statements, recursion, function prototypes, inline keyword, preprocessor directives. Pointers:
pointer variables, pointer operator, pointer expression, array of pointers, multiple indirection,
pointers to functions, dynamic allocation functions.

Unit - III: Arrays 7 hours

Arrays: single dimensional arrays, two dimensional arrays, multidimensional arrays, variable
length arrays. Strings, array of strings.

Unit - IV: Structures 8 hours

Structures: array of structures, passing structure to function, structure pointers, structure within
structures. Unions, bit-fields, enumerations, sizeof, type def.

Unit - V: File I/O 7 hours

File I/O: Streams and files, file system basics, fread, fwrite, fseek, random access I/O, fprintf(),
fscanf(), standard streams.

Unit – VI: Advanced Concept in C 7 hours

Advanced Concepts in C: Different types of pointers, ROM-BIOS functions, Elementary TSRs

Total No of Periods- 45 hours

Text Books:
1. The Complete Reference C ( 4th Edition) : Herbert Schildt [ TMH]
2. C How to Program, 4th Edition by H. M. Deitel & P. J. Deitel, Pearson Education.
3. Writing TSRs through C : Yashwant Kanetkar ( BPB)
Reference Books:
1. The C Programming Language : Dennis Ritchie & Brain Kernighan [Pearson]
2. Programming with C : K.R.Venugopal & S.R.Prasad [TMH]
3. Let Us C : Yashwant Kanetkar [BPB]
Engineering and Technology
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur
Syllabus for B.E. (Third Semester) Aeronautical Engineering
Computer Programming (BEAE-304P)
(Total Credits: 01)
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Practical: 2 Hours/ Week Practical
T (U): 25 Marks T (I): 25 Marks

List of Experiments in Fluid Computer Programming:

1. Write a programme to perform swapping of two variables without using third variable.
2. Write a programme to calculate the sum of all digit of a five digit number.
3. Write a programme to check whether the year is a leap year or not.
4. Write a programme to print Armstrong number from 1to 500.
5. A menu programme for finding the factorial of a number, prime number & odd number or
even number.
6. Write a programme to check whether the entered string of number is paleindrome or not.
7. Write a programme to find the biggest number of three numbers.
8. Write a programme to calculate or demonstrate call by value & call by reference
Engineering and Technology
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur
Syllabus for B.E. (Third Semester) Aeronautical Engineering
Elements of Aeronautics (BEAE-305T)
(Total Credits: 04)
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Theory
T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks
Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit - I: Introduction 5 hours

To introduce the basic concepts of aerospace engineering early airplanes, biplanes and monoplanes

Unit - II: Development 5 hours

Developments in aerodynamics, materials, structures and propulsion over the years

Unit -III: Aircraft Configurations 8 hours

Components of an airplane and their functions, Different types of flight vehicles, classifications.
Conventional control, Powered control, Basic instruments for flying, Typical systems for control

Unit -IV: Introduction to Principles of Flight 9 hours

Physical properties and structure of the atmosphere, Temperature, pressure and altitude
relationships, Evolution of lift, drag and moment. Aerofoil’s, Mach number, Maneuvers.

Unit - V: Introduction to Airplane Structures and Materials 9 hours

General types of construction, Monocoque, semi-monocoque construction, Typical wing and
fuselage structure. Metallic and non-metallic materials, Use of aluminium alloy, titanium, stainless
steel and composite materials.

Unit -VI: Power Plants Used In Airplanes 9 hours

Basic ideas about piston, turboprop and jet engines, Use of propeller and jets for thrust production.
Comparative merits, Principles of operation of rocket, types of rockets and typical applications,
Exploration into space.

Total No of periods: 45

Text Books:
1. Anderson, J.D., “Introduction to Flight”, McGraw-Hill, 1995.

Reference Book:
1. Kermode, A.C., “Flight without Formulae”, McGraw-Hill, 1997.

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