A New Approach For Watermark Attack

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BSS: A New Approach for Watermark Attack

Jiang Du
Choong-Hoon Lee
Heung-Kyu Lee
Youngho Suh

Department of Computer Science
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
373-1 Guseong-Dong, Yuseong-Gu, Daejon, South Korea
** Content Technology Department, Computer & Software Technology Laboratory
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
161 Gajeong-Dong, Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon, 305-350, South Korea
Email: [jdu, chlee, hklee] @casaturn.kaist.ac.kr syh@etri.re.kr


Digital watermarking is the enabling technology to prove
ownership on copyrighted material, detect originators of
illegally made copies, monitor the usage of the
copyrighted multimedia data, and analyze the spread
spectrum of the data over networks and servers. Most
watermarking methods for images and video can be
viewed as a communications problem in which the
watermark must be transmitted and received through a
watermark channel. This channel includes distortions
resulting from attacks and interference from the original
digital data [1].
It is well accepted that an effective watermarking
scheme may be described as the secure, imperceptible,
robust communication of information by direct embedding
in and retrieval from digital data. For verifying the
security and robustness of watermarking algorithms,
specific attacks have to be applied to test them. In this
paper, using a theoretical approach based on random
processes, signal processes, and communication theory,
we propose a stochastic formulation of a new
watermarking attack using blind source separation-based
concept. The proposed attack consider the watermarking
channel as a black-box. A host image was passed
through the black-box, which include the watermarking
embedding process, and then the watermarked image was
produced. The watermarked image is viewed as linear
mixtures of unknown source signals, and then we attempt
to recover sources from their linear mixtures without
resorting to any prior knowledge by using blind source
separation theory.

1. Introduction

Digital watermarking systems can be viewed as digital
communication systems. The information b is embedded
directly and imperceptibly into digital multimedia
documents, which is called host documents or original
documents, to form marked signals. The embedded
watermark should be reliably decodable even after further
processing of the marked data, which is also denoted as
attack against the embedded watermark. Such processing
can be simple D/A-A/D conversion of the documents, but
also a malicious attempt to impair watermark reception [2].
Here, digital watermarking is considered as the robust,
imperceptible, and secure communication of information
by embedding it in and retrieving it from other digital data.
For instance, the information b can provide messages
about the copyright holder of a document or indicate the
copy state of the digital content. Over last years, many
different watermarking schemes for large variety of data
types have been developed. Potential applications of
digital watermarking include copyright protection,
distribution tracing, authentication, and conditional access
As the research area of digital watermarking matures,
one can see some general trends in its development. There
was initial work in the use of basic digital signal
processing strategies for watermark embedding.
Robustness-enhancing strategies were employed using
intuition on human perception and basic communications.
However, as the area has grown, some theory is emerging.
This framework aims to unify much of the past work and
establish technical insights for future algorithms. The new
mathematical language for describing watermarking
Proceedings of the IEEE Fourth International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering (MSE02)
2002114351/02 $17.00 2002 IEEE
borrows tools from statistical communications and
information theory [3]. Recently, more theoretical
approaches have attempted to provide watermarking, and
the larger field of information hiding, with a stronger
foundation [4][5][6].
Many applications of digital watermarking, like
ownership protection, copy/access control, and
authentication, stay in rivalry environment where an
adversary has incentives to obliterate the embedded data.
Testing the robustness and security of a watermarking
system via attacks is as important as the design process
and can be viewed as its inseparable element in a broad
sense. A number of attacks as well as some
countermeasures have been reported in the literature [7][8].
Most of the previous attacks target at specific types of
watermarking schemes, for which analysts have full
knowledge of the watermarking algorithms. The analysts
are able to perform experiments with many watermarked,
non-watermarked, and attacked samples, and to observe
the results in real time. In this paper, we will discuss
attacks under an emulated rivalry environment in which
analysts have no knowledge of the watermarking
algorithms. Here we consider attack using blind
estimation without priors which is based on the
assumption that the watermark is additive.
In this paper we will concentrate on watermarking
attack of still images, which is one of major research areas
in watermarking technology. Obviously, the attack
introduced in the article can be applied to audio and video
watermarking algorithms with the safety of generality and
technical modifications depending on the physics of the
considered media. The paper is organized as follows. The
state-of-art in watermark attacks is given in Section 2. A
general model of digital watermarking is presented in
Section 3. In Section 4, blind source separation problem is
reviewed. We consider the watermarked image as linear
instantaneous mixtures of the host image, present a blind
source separation algorithm. Finally, Section 5
summarizes the main conclusions and discusses the
practical implication of this study.

2. State-of-art Watermarking attacks

In watermarking terminology, an attack is any processing
that may impair detection of the watermark or
communication of the information conveyed by the
watermark. The processed watermarked data is then called
attacked data. There are two kinds of watermark attacks:
non-intentional attacks, such as compression of a legally
obtained, watermarked image or video file, and intentional
attacks, such as an attempt by a multimedia pirate to
destroy the embedded information and prevent tracing of
illegal copies of watermarked digital video. Watermarking
is treated as a communications problem, in which the
owner attempts to communicate over a hostile channel,
where the non-intentional and the intentional attacks form
the channel. The owner tries to communicate as much
watermark information as possible while maintaining a
sufficient high data quality. Contrary, an attacker tries to
impair watermark communication while impairing the
data quality as little as possible. Therefore, digital
watermarking scenarios can be considered as a game
between the owner and the attacker [9]. Continuing with
the analogy of watermarking as a communications system,
some researchers have chosen to work on modeling and
resisting attacks on the watermark. They work on the
philosophy that the more specific the information known
about the possible attacks, the better we can design
systems to resist it.
In November 1997, the first version of StirMark was
published as a generic tool for simple robustness testing of
image watermarking algorithms. It introduced random
bilinear geometric distortions to de-synchronize
watermarking algorithms. In January 1999 the authors
discussed the urgent need for fair evaluation procedures
for watermarking systems and a first benchmark was
made possible with the release of StirMark 3.1. [17][18]
Voloshynovskiy et al. [7] proposed a stochastic
formulation of watermarking attacks using an
estimation-based concept and a new benchmark. The
proposed attacks consist of two main stages: (a)
watermark or cover data estimation; (b) modification of
watermarked data aiming at disrupting the watermark
detection and of resolving copyrights, taking into account
the statistics of the embedded watermark and exploiting
features of the human visual system. Compared with the
model of the Stirmark benchmark, the authors proposed
the 6 following categories of tests: denoising attacks and
wavelet compression, watermark copy attack,
synchronization removal, denoising/compression followed
by perceptual remodulation, denoising and random
bending. Results indicate that even though some
algorithms perform well against the Stirmark benchmark,
almost all algorithms perform poorly against their
benchmark. This indicates that much work remains to be
done before claims about robust watermarks can be
Su et al. [8] presented a channel model for imperfectly
synchronized watermark detection. The focus of their
analysis is on blind scalar Costa scheme (SCS)
watermarking, which is for perfectly synchronized
detection independent from the host signal statistics and
thus outperforms the popular spread-spectrum (SS)
watermarking by far. Robust watermark detection after
desynchronization attacks is still an important problem in
the field of digital watermarking. The authors computed
the maximum achievable watermark rate for imperfectly
synchronized watermark detection within the given
channel model. The results show that the characteristics of
the host signal play a major role in the performance of
Proceedings of the IEEE Fourth International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering (MSE02)
2002114351/02 $17.00 2002 IEEE
imperfectly synchronized watermark detection. Applying
these results, the authors proposed a resynchronization
method based on a securely embedded pilot signal. The
watermark receiver exploits the embedded pilot
watermark signal to estimate the transformation of the
sampling grid. This estimate is used to invert the
desynchronization attack before applying standard SCS
watermark detection.
The watermarking game for Gaussian original signals
had has been first investigated by Moulin et al.

however, with a differently defined attack distortion
measure. Moulin et al. derive that the optimum attack
under all possible attacks is a specific amplitude scaling
and additive white Gaussian noise (SAWGN) attack, the
Gaussian test channel (GTC). Eggers et al.

[10] translated
SAWGN attacks into effective AWGN attacks and
presented the capacity analysis of SAWGN attacks. The
authors showed that optimal watermark embedding in case
of SAWGN attacks produces watermark signals that are
correlated with the original signal.
Kundur et al.

[11] assert that certain attacks such as
cropping, filtering and perceptual coding can be modeled
as fading in a noise attenuating non-stationary channel.
Thus, the authors employ principles of diversity and
channel estimation to improve performance of
watermarking schemes. Analysis is provided to show that
for common attacks such as spatial cropping and
compression, the wavelet-domain, which tends to isolate
these distortions, is one of the best domains in which to
embed the information. The approach is implemented in a
technique known as Robust Reference Watermarking
(RRW) that employs watermark repetition and a reference
watermark to estimate the attack characteristics.
Simulation results verify their observations demonstrating
that the class of attacks for which a watermarking scheme
is robust can be greatly broadened.
Craver et al. [12] proposed the first protocol attack.
They introduce the framework of invertible watermark
and show that for copyright protection applications
watermarks need to be non-invertible. The idea of
inversion consists of the fact that an attacker who has a
copy of the watermarked data can claim that the data
contains also the attacker's watermark by subtracting his
own watermark. This can create a situation of ambiguity
with respect to the real ownership of the data. The
requirement of non-invertability on the watermarking
technology implies that it should not be possible to extract
a watermark from non-watermarked image. As a solution
to this problem, the authors propose to make watermarks
signal-dependent by using a one-way function.
Kutter et al. [13] donated another kind of protocol
attack, called watermark copy attack. The concept of the
attack consists in copying a watermark from a
watermarked image to a target image without using any
specific information about the watermarking technology.
This new attack has several important implications
depending on the application of digital watermarking. If a
technology does not resist to the copy attack, a user may
not be sure if a detected watermark really belongs to the
data under inspection. This is a big problem for many
applications. New watermarking technologies should
therefore take the watermark copy attack into account
during the technology design process.
Previous analytic work in the area of watermark attack
has assumed additive Gaussian watermark channels or
taken into account the statistical properties of the images
and watermarks in the design of attacks. This paper
present a general model for watermark attacks based on
blind source separation. The new thought is to recover the
host image from their linear instantaneous mixtures
(watermarked image) without resorting to any prior

3. Preliminaries and Notation

We consider digital watermarking a communications
problem. Fig. 1 depicts a general perspective on digital
watermarking. From now on, variables in bold letters will
represent an M-dimensional discrete-time/discrete-space
process x[n] whose elements are independent identically
distributed(IID) random variables(RVs)~ ) , 0 (
N . An
image x is transformed into a watermarked version s
applying a watermarking embedding function. The inputs
of the embedding function also include a secret K only
known to the copyright owner and a message m taken
from a finite discrete alphabet with M elements. The
embedding process is dependent on the key K and must be
required that the quality difference between x and s is not
too large. For embedding, a key sequence k of appropriate
length is derived from the key K. The watermark signal is
denoted by the difference w = s-x. The watermarked data s
might be further processed or even replaced by some other
data. This process, denoted attack, produces the attacked
data r. The attack can be any processing such that the
quality difference between x and r is acceptable. Usually,
the goal of the attack is to impair or even remove the
embedded watermark information. The attacked data r is
equivalent to the received data r, which is input to the
watermark reception process. Watermark reception
denotes both, decoding of a received watermark message
m using key K and, watermark detection, meaning the
hypothesis test whether r is watermarked or not. In some
applications of digital watermarking, the original data x
might be available to the watermark receiver; however, in
many applications it is not available. We focus on blind
watermarking which denotes the scenario where the
watermark receiver operates without access to the original
data x. Here, x, w, s, r, and k are an M-dimensional
discrete-time/discrete-space process, and x
, w
, s
, r
, and k

Proceedings of the IEEE Fourth International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering (MSE02)
2002114351/02 $17.00 2002 IEEE
refer to their respective nth elements.
Embedding Attack Decoding
x x
s r

Fig.1 General model of digital watermarking
We treat the original signal x as a discrete-time/space
and in turn model signals as M-dimensional
discrete-time/space non-Gaussian random processes.
Indexing of an M-dimensional signal x is denoted by x[n],
where n=(n
). The watermark signal w is treated as
a discrete-time/space and in turn model signals as ergodic,
zero-mean, wide-sense stationary, M-dimensional
discrete-time/space Gaussian random processes. The
watermark signal w is represented by the random process
w[n] and has variance

, where n=(n
). The
original x[n] and the watermark w[n] are assumed
independent of one another.
4. Attack using blind source separation
In blind signal separation (BSS) the goal is to recover the
original signals from their mixtures. The only assumption
for the methods of BSS is mutual statistical independence
of the original signals. Usually, the signals are assumed to
be mixed linearly. The data model and basic idea is shown
on Fig. 2. Let's denote the source signals (host image) x[n]
= [x
, x
, , x
, mixed signals(watermarked image) s[n]
= [s
, s
, , s
and recovered signals(attacked image)
r[n] = [r
, r
, , r
, The mixing is static, so the data
model can be expressed as follows:
x s A = (1)
n n

is an unknown mixing matrix. It's
obvious the task can be solved up to scale and permutation.
The aim is to find the unmixing matrix B so that:
x r B = (2)
and thus
PD BA = (3)
n n

is a permutation matrix and D = diag(d
, , d
) diagonal matrix.

Fig.2 Data model for proposed watermark attack
The application of BSS is in many research areas, such
as cocktail party problem, preprocessing for speech
recognition tasks, biomedical applications (artifact
removal from EEG, extraction of fetal ECG, event-related
potentials study and searching for epileptic centra in brain,
MRI), GSM communications, cryptography etc

[14]. The
BSS can be accomplished by various methods. In this
paper we discuss the standard Principal Component
Analysis (PCA) as a preprocessing step for more
sophisticated Independent Component Analysis (ICA)
based on higher order statistic (HOS)[15].
BSS task is accomplished by finding demixing matrix
B so that the mutual information at the output is I(r
, r
) =
0. This is also the basic noise-free definition of ICA
(Independent Component Analysis)[16]. It is equivalent to
maximization of joint entropy H(r). The maximization of
joint entropy (or minimization of mutual information) is
performed by introducing higher order statistics (i.e.
Since we do not know the original pdfs, various
functions are used to approximate them. Here we use
cumulative density function (cdf), which is defined as
Let x is observed signal, r = Bx is separated signal by
B and z is transformed from r by some nonlinearity z
). For a single variable z = g(r), the H(z) is maximized
when g() is a cumulative density function (cdf.) of r.
Often a standard sigmoid function is commonly used, i.e.
) 1 (

+ =
e z then f(r)=1-2z or hyperbolic tangents
z=tanh(r) and f(r)=-2z. From [15] we have rule:

+ = +
x r f
B k k B k B ) (
] [ ] [ ] 1 [
The stochastic gradient ascent algorithm is easy to
implement by means of neural networks. The estimated
unmixing matrix B is a matrix of weights of NN. In case
of not zero mean sources we should also include bias
weights in update but it is better to subtract the mean
values from the signals to avoid further updating.
The equation (4) can be implemented in one layer
neural network but the convergence will be very slow. So
we make as the first step the decorrelation or whitening of
the observed data.
] [ ]) [ ( ]) [ ( ] [ ] [ ] 1 [ k B k r
g k r f I k k B k B

+ = +
Whitening can be accomplished by PCA method in the
first layer of NN simply taking f, g = r. In next layers (at
least one) of the designed NN the ICA is simultaneously
performed. The design looks like on Fig.3. We can use
various nonlinear functions and equation (5) for ICA.
Especially for ill-conditioned mixing matrices it's
necessary to use more layers with decreasing learning rule.
The nonlinearity can be: f(r) = r
, g(r) = r; f(r) = r, g(r) =
tanh(ar); f(r) = r
, g(r) = tanh(ar).
Proceedings of the IEEE Fourth International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering (MSE02)
2002114351/02 $17.00 2002 IEEE
signals r
separation whitening

Fig. 3 Multilayer neural network

5. Conclusion and Future Work
A conceptually new watermark attack using blind source
separation was analyzed. The basic idea of this kind attack
was that source separation algorithms do not assume any a
priori information on the watermarking system, the
knowledge of watermark embedding, and other physical
parameters, which determine the linear system. While
much attention has been paid to the blind identification of
convolution mixtures, source separation concerns itself
only with multiplicative mixtures. In this paper, the
algorithm we used is based on the block processing of
higher order cumulates. It assumed non Gaussian source
signals but do not require the exact knowledge of their
distributions. When the source distributions are known in
advance, significant improvement can be gained by taking
this information into account. In this case, it is possible to
implement a maximum likelihood approach to solve the
source separation problem. Based on the analysis above,
we are going to do the corresponding attacks on
commercial watermark schemes to test our models as the
basis of a new piracy tool and for further enhancement of
the existing watermarking techniques. In the future, we
will apply the presented model also for the analysis of
geometric signal modifications such as scaling or affine
transformations of images and video sequences.
This work was supported by the Korea Science and
Engineering Foundation (KOSEF) through the Advanced
Information Technology Research Center (AITrc)

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Proceedings of the IEEE Fourth International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering (MSE02)
2002114351/02 $17.00 2002 IEEE

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