Employee Retention
Employee Retention
Employee Retention
Abstract Employee Retention is one of the key challenges faced by IT Organizations in India. It has been observed that there is a great demand for skilled IT professionals within India and abroad, which has resulted in technocrats leaving the Organization in search of greener pastures. The IT Organizations in todays context cannot afford to lose their critical workforce due to uncertainty of changing economy, increasing competition and scarcity of skilled workforce as this would in turn affect their bottom lines drastically. This created the need for designing effective retention strategies. A holistic approach is essential to understand the factors controlling employee turnover in Indian IT and Multinational Companies by the HR Managers. The present study therefore not only aims at examining the reasons for employees leaving the Organization, staying back factors, their attitude towards work, work relationships and their prioritised basic expectations from the Organization but also aims at finding out if there is any significant difference in the response among IT professionals of Indian IT and Multinational Companies with respect to the above factors. Based on the analysis of responses of 30 IT professionals carried out, it was found that there was no significant difference among these companies. However with respect to certain demographic factors considered like total experience, position and sponsored certification programs, it was found that there was significant difference between these companies. The outcome of the study is expected to help the HR Managers of these Organizations in minimising the attrition rate by developing effective retention strategies specific to their Organization.
INTRODUCTION: Before the economic liberalisation policy of the Congress Government (1991) in India, the scenario in Organizations were completely different from that which exists now in terms of stability of workforce as opportunities were very few at that time comparatively. In the early 50s and 60s more Government Organizations/semi-government Organizations and very few private players existed. People preferred working in government or semi-government Organizations, as it provided job security and quality of work life. People who entered the job market remained with one employer for a very long time, sometimes for the duration of their working life. If they change jobs it was usually a major career and life decision and someone who made many and frequent job changes was looked at as an incompetent person not able to survive anywhere, struggling to make both ends meet. In the 70s and later, external mobility increased dramatically posing a great threat to the Organizations. The Personnel/HR Managers of the Organizations found themselves with a new phenomenon to consider, the employee turnover. Moreover voluntary turnover has now increased drastically, as the Indian market is opened to foreign players as well. Besides this, the government is also encouraging entrepreneurship, so there are many domestic players also entering the Indian market. This situation has resulted in stiff competition for competent workforce. Poaching and job-hopping has become the order of the day. As the Organization began to feel the impact of the rise of voluntary employee turnover, employee retention strategies emerged. Earlier studies on retention mostly focussed on analysing the causes for employees leaving the Organization, aiming at controlling attrition, and it was found that the causes varied from one Organization to the other. Later studies on employee retention focused on factors that influenced the employees to stay back in the Organization, to concentrate on those factors that hold back the employees. Last decade witnessed studies on attitude/behavioural changes of employees towards work and work relationships, as it was believed to predict turnover.
NEED /IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY: Employee turnover is very high in IT Organizations in India as skilled workforce has umpteen number of opportunities to choose from, prompting each organization to compete with the other in continuously developing attractive and innovative retention strategies to hold back their critical workforce and also to attract prospects. A clear understanding of consequences of employee turnover enables us to understand the importance of this study. Huselid (1995) suggests that low rates of employee turnover are preferable to high rates as turnover has been associated with direct and indirect costs. The direct costs included severance, recruitment and training of new employees (Staw 1980, Darmon 1990, Hom and Griffeth 1995) and indirect costs is due effects on operating performance due to the disruption of existing routines (Staw 1980, Mobley 1982) following the departure of key employees or the loss of the social capital embedded in workers relationships to each other and the organization (Leana and Van Buren 1999, Dess and Shaw 2001). ; demoralization of employees (Staw 1980, Steers and Mowday 1981, Mobley 1982) due to the loss of a respected colleague and also they may be required to do additional work whose capacity is as it is stretched (Mowday et al. 1982).., negative public relations, personnel costs, strategic opportunity costs, decreased social integration (Dalton and Todor 1979, Bluedorn 1982, Colema, 1987) or the loss of an employees accumulated experience (Argote and Epple 1990, Nelson and Winter 1982, Polanyi 1966); Optimal rate of turnover is essential as the firms may benefit from the innovative thinking or increased motivation that new workers bring to a job (Abelson and Baysinger 1984, Mowday et al. 1982, Staw 1980). However Argote and Epple (1990) state that turnover may matter more in organizations where jobs are not standardized and procedures do not exist for transmitting knowledge to new members (p. 922). Further a number of trends like globalisation, increase in knowledge work, accelerating rate of technological advancement, as well as labour shortages in critical industries across the globe have emphasized the need for high quality employees for achieving Organizational success. The above situation posed a great challenge to the managers to acquire and retain these valuable human capitals. In response to these developments the managers have implemented human resource policies and practices to avoid avoidable and undesirable turnover (Fulmer, Gerhart & Scott, 2003; Hom, Robertson & Ellis (2008); Kacmar, Andrews, Van Rooy, Steilberg & Cerrone, 2006; Michaels, Handfield- Jones & Alelrod, 2001)
and has to continue to do so keeping in view the various developments in the industry and changing expectations of the critical workforce.
4. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Indian IT industry is characterized by acute shortage of skilled IT professionals. Further, the Liberalization policy and encouragement of entrepreneurs by the Indian Government paved way for large number of domestic as well as Multinational Companies to setup their development centers in India creating ample number of job opportunities. The Indian IT professionals are more sought after all over the globe. In this context poaching and job-hopping has become the order of the day resulting in high level of attrition among Organizations. Retaining critical workforce in the Organization is therefore a challenge posed by HR Managers of IT Organizations. The study aims at providing relevant information required by HR Managers to devise Retention strategies specific to the type of Organization.
RECOMMENDATIONS/SUGGESTIONS Top Management should view attrition as a serious problem and take measures to control it by involving HR Managers and Business Leaders. An online system or a forum should be created wherein the IT professionals can voice out feedback openly and fearlessly on various issues like their expectations from the Organization, shortfalls in the Organization that hamper their performance that influences Organizations performance. This would help in forming the basis for developing retention strategies. Organizations should periodically conduct exit, engagement and culture surveys to understand the changing expectations of the critical workforce from time to time and take all these inputs to have a holistic understanding of the factors influencing retention of employees. It helps in developing employee specific retention strategies to control attrition. One of the retention strategies could be providing Flexible benefits where employees have options to choose benefits, which are more beneficial for them. It should therefore be entrusted to the HR department who should be solely responsible and accountable for implementing a robust retention process, starting from conducting research to implementing specific employee friendly strategies. The demographic details of the IT professionals should also be considered while designing the retention strategies as some of these variables have proved to have influence on retention. Also based on the changing economic scenario and supply-demand of human resource, Organizations should adopt new initiatives and review existing retention strategies. Constantly monitoring and bench marking the retention strategies of the competitors and taking a proactive step towards implementing novel and attractive strategies
better than them to a large extent prevents poaching of employees. Participating in employer surveys and maintaining top ranking also increases the employees commitment towards the Organization and would be most sought after by prospects.
CONCLUSION: The study showed that there is no significant difference in response among IT Professionals of Indian IT and Multinational Companies in India with respect to most of the items considered in the survey. We can therefore conclude that the Indian IT Companies are in par with Multinational Companies in various aspects. Having a robust retention strategy will help Organizations in attracting and retaining top talent. If the above recommendations can be considered attrition can be controlled to a large extent. 12. SCOPE FOR FURTHER RESEARCH: The study on A Study on Employee Retention factors influencing IT professionals of Indian IT Companies and Multinational Companies in India is limited to Bangalore City. The study can be further carried out in other cities of India as well, where IT Companies are located. The retention studies can be conducted in other sectors as well. Specific studies like Compensation as a retention tool, Career Planning and Development as retention tool, Work life Balance as retention tool etc. can be taken up for research to gain indepth knowledge on the subject matter.
Retention is a complex concept and there is no single recipe for keeping employees with a company. In literature, retention has been viewed as an obligation to continue to do business or exchange with a particular company on an ongoing basis (Zineldin, 2000). A more detailed and recent definition for the concept of retention is customer liking, identification, commitment, trust, readiness to recommend, and repurchase intentions, with the first four being emotionalcognitive retention constructs, and the last two being behavioral intentions (Stauss et al., 2001). Studies have also indicated that retention is driven by several key factors, which ought to be managed congruently: organizational culture, communication, strategy, pay and benefits, flexible work schedule and career development systems (Logan, 2000). Increasing numbers of organization mergers and acquisitions have left employees feeling displeased from the companies that they work and haunted by concerns of overall job security. As a result, employees are now making strategic career moves to guarantee employment that satisfy their need for security. On the other hand, employers have a need to keep their stuff from leaving or going to work for other companies. In fact, companies that offer employee development programs are finding success with retaining workers (Logan, 2000). This is true because of the great expenses associated with hiring and retraining new employees. The adage, good help is hard to find, is even truer these days than ever before because the job market is becoming increasingly tight (Eskildesen & Nussler, 2000). In fact, literature on employee retention shows that wooing existing employees through employee development or talent management programmes costs less than acquiring new talents, as organizations know their employees; their wants & desires; while the initial cost of attracting the new employees has already been expended (Davidow & Uttal, 1989). The literature on employee retention clearly explains that satisfied employees who are happy with their jobs are more devoted for doing a good job and look forward to improve their organizational customers satisfaction (Denton 2000). Employees who are satisfied have higher intentions of persisting with their organization, which results in a decreased turnover rate (Mobley et al., 1979). Abundant studies have hypothesized and empirically validated the link between satisfaction and behavioral intentions and behaviors such as employees retention (Anderson & Sullivan, 1993). Further, numerous studies explain the importance of high employees involvement and how it could enhance their retention (Arthur
1994). In summary, the literature defines retention as continuing relation between employees and their organization. 2.1 Retention Factors for all Employees Agrela, et al (2008) states the need to focus on the factors that affects retention leading to growth and success of organizations. Studies suggests that retention strategies, which effectively satisfy the needs of all employees consequently enhances the ability for companies to adapt more effectively to ongoing organizational change (Gale Group, 2006). Research shows that trends redefining modern retention strategies go beyond the traditional salary and benefits package (Gale Group, 2006) and compensation (Feldman, 2000) embracing employee motivation (Thomas, 2000), as one of the key factors to cater to the diversity and long stay of the workforce in the organization. Retention factors incorporating the needs and desires of employees at any age enhance levels of individual job satisfaction, loyalty, and commitment (Boomer Authority, 2009). Cunningham (2002) states that employees rank employee recognition, flexibility and training as top priorities for prolonging individual employment, while Walker (2001) and others call for establishing a supportive learning and working climate for employee retention. Further, career development (Boomer Authority 2009), organizational commitment (Patrick Owens, 2006), communication (Gopinath and Becker, 2000) and superior-subordinate relationship (Zenger, Ulrich, Smallwood, 2000) are also the factors known for prolonged stay of the employees in the organization. The list of retention factors and literature review is not meant to be exhaustive of all possible theories or variables related to employee retention and turnover (Griffeth et al., 2000). Rather, the emphasis in this study is placed on testing the relative frequency with which various retention factors emerge when analyzing employees versions for why they stay. A brief introduction and review of the 12 retention factors working towards the preservation of an organizations most valuable asset employees (Yazinski, 2009), examined in this study are provided in the following section. 2.1.1 Skill recognition: Providing skill recognition of personal job accomplishments is an effective retention strategy for employees at any age (Yazinski, 2009). Studies indicate fulfilling peoples need for acceptance by acknowledging individual work accomplishments prolongs employment of employees (Redington, 2007). A Study by Yazinski (2009) show trends of an increased number of job applicants seeking out companies that encourage employee input,
growth, education, and teamwork, beyond the traditional compensation/benefit packages offered by employers. The Gale Group (2006) states organizational benefits of personal recognition are priceless, yet statistics supports that the impact of verbal praise has the ability to enhance company loyalty, motivation, and perseverance at no extra charge. Individual skill recognition is restricted by age, and motivates positive behavior, ethics, teamwork, confidence, and growth in all employees (Redington, 2007). Thus, both skill recognition (ranging from verbal praise to incentives/rewards) and learning opportunities (growth/development) enhance individual performance, effectiveness, and retention (Agrela, et al., 2008). 2.1.2 Learning & Working Climate: Since learning and development opportunities appear crucial for the retention of talented employees (Arnold, 2005; Hytter, 2007; Walker, 2001), an organisation must establish a supportive learning and working climate. The concept learning and working climate is derived from previous research (Abrams et al., 2008 etc). In general it refers to the environment wherein employees both learn and work. More specifically, the concept could be described by referring to: guidance and appreciation at work; pressure of work; the amount of empowerment and the responsibility that employees experience; choice in job tasks and development; provision of challenging and meaningful work; and advancement and development opportunities. Results from previous research show that the appreciative approach, operationalised through an appreciative learning and working climate, positively influences employee retention (Abrams et al., 2008; Christiaensen et al., 2009; Kyndt et al., 2009; Van Hamme, 2009; Visser, 2001; Verheijen and Dewulf, 2004). 2.1.3 Job Flexibility: Job flexibility is vital for retaining employees of any age (Boomer Authority, 2009). Researchers describe the importance of employment flexibility such as scheduling variations that better accommodate individual work times, workloads, responsibilities, and locations around family responsibilities (Cunningham, 2002; Pleffer, 2007). Studies show that "flexibility" empowers individuals to facilitate a healthier balance between work and personal obligations, something that appeals to all ages of employees (Eyster, et al., 2008; Scheef & Thielfodt, 2004). Prenda & Stahl (2001) say that employees having job flexibility options report having higher levels of individual commitment, concentration, satisfaction, productivity, loyalty, and mental capacity at any age.
2.1.4 Cost Effectiveness: Studies supports the conclusion that organizations providing cost effective job flexibility options benefit from satisfying the needs of all employees, independent of age, which allows for the reallocation of expenses related to recruitment, work space changes, sick time, absenteeism, and commuting costs (Agrela, et al., 2008; Boomer Authority, 2009; Cunningham, 2002). Consequently, studies indicate that there is a link between cost-effective "flexibility" choices and advanced levels of job satisfaction, accuracy, productivity, recruitment, and employee retention (Boomer Authority, 2009; Cunningham, 2002; Prenda & Stahl, 2001. Eyster, et al (2008) state organizations can cost-effectively fulfill the needs for job flexibility options to promote employee retention. Thus, the provision of cost-effective "flexibility" options is critical in the retention of all employees despite disparity in age, position, skill/knowledge level, and duration of employment (Eyster, et al., 2008; McIntosh, 2001). 2.1.5 Training: Training is a key retention factor for employees at any age. Statistical evidence indicates job training is a critical factor for personal (behavioral) and professional (technical) development (United States Department of Labor, 2009). The availability for all employees having access to training and development programs is critical in facilitating organizational growth, particularly with performance and technological improvements (Boomer Authority, 2009). Research supports that both the organizational benefits and cost savings associated with training programs outweigh the initial cost it incurs (Prenda & Stahl, 2001). Eisen (2005) states that training programs available to all employees correlate with a 70% increase in employee retention rates. Research indicates training methods that engage workers with career challenges, advancement opportunities, work incentives, competitive wages/benefits, and supportive work environments are effective retention strategies for employees of any age (Eisen, 2005). Evidence supports the conclusion that access to regular training programs enhances growth, prosperity, and retention for both employees and employers (Amble, 2006). Research provided by Berryman & Vaughan (1989) and McIntosh (2001) indicate a relationship between enhanced training foundations (competencies, efficiencies, and intelligence) and advanced development of best practices, cross training, mentoring, and technology changes for all employees. Training benefits (tangible or intangible) correlate with higher levels of consistency, competency, productivity, adaptability, independence, and loyalty in employees at any age (Agrela, et al., 2008; Boomer Authority, 2009; Yazinski, 2009).
2.1.6 Benefits: The relationship of benefits with retention is another aspect of making people stay is often investigated by researchers. Maccoby (1984) identified the job satisfaction of employees and supervisors of Bell System over a five-year period and found that the employees and supervisors were satisfied with their pay and benefits and were also motivated to work productively 2.1.7 Career Development: The purpose of career planning as part of an employee development program is not only to help employees feel like their employers are investing in them, but also help people manage the many aspects of their lives and deal with the fact that there is not a clear promotion track. Employers can no longer promise job security, but they can help people maintain the skills they need to remain viable in the job market (Moses, 1999). Eyster, et al. (2008) state that job flexibility along with embracing career and life options, is a critical incentive for all employees. Research shows growing trends of employers providing greater job flexibility that includes flexible career options (i.e. training, mentoring, workstation accommodations, job mobility, and reduced work hours) and life options (i.e. counseling services, health and wellness programs) (Boomer Authority, 2009; Eyster, et al., 2008). The challenge to organizations is that they must accept that this process may lead some employees to leave the company and pursue outside opportunities (OHerron and Simonsen, 1995). 2.1.8 Superior-Subordinate Relationship: Employee development programs cannot exist without a culture that supports them. Any effective program must have strong support from people in senior management positions, and these people must also serve as positive role models to subordinates (Zenger, Ulrich, Smallwood, 2000). Managers and supervisors take on a new role when an organization gets into the business of employee development. They must become coaches to help people manage their careers and support their development efforts. Managers at Sears actually go through a workshop called Managing Career Development to prepare them to work with employees under their career planning system (OHerron and Simonsen, 1995). Coaching employees is valuable in helping them meet their goals, but it is also important for managers to simply show that they care. It is an intangible incentive that can make a big difference in employee motivation (Moses, 2000). 2.1.9 Compensation: Creating a compensation structure that supports an employee development program is a distinct challenge for companies. Many organizations claim to base pay raises on performance, but that is not actually the case. Some companies try to emphasize a team
environment, but continue to reward people for individual achievement (Feldman, 2000). These inconsistencies can cause frustration and cynicism by employees. It is especially difficult when employees are not seeing significant pay raises, yet company leaders are richly rewarded (Feldman, 2000). The entire organization must buy into the culture of employee development. Sears created a new compensation system when they got into the business of employee development. Whereas they used to only offer pay increases to employees who were promoted, they have moved to a system where people may see a pay increase for lateral moves that are appropriate for their own development (OHerron and Simonsen, 1995). 2.1.10 Organizational Commitment: Studies have concluded that committed employees remains with the organization for longer periods of time than those which are less committed. Steers (1977) suggest that the more committed an employee is, the less of a desire they have to terminate from the organization. These highly committed employees were found to have a higher intent to remain with the company, a stronger desire to attend work, and a more positive attitude about their employment. Steers (1977) concluded that commitment was significantly and inversely related to employee turnover. According to Arthur (1994) when organizations seek to foster a philosophy of commitment, then the likelihood of an employee searching for employment elsewhere is lowered. Owens (2006) had a similar finding that employees that had a higher level of commitment also had a higher level of turnover cognitions. A higher score in turnover cognitions indicated that the employee had a more favorable attitude and was less likely to consider turnover representing an inverse relationship of commitment and turnover. The aforementioned studies are representative of much of the research available relating to commitment and turnover. Commitment has a significant and positive impact on job performance and on workforce retention. The underlying belief is that a more committed employee will perform better at their job (Walton, 1985). 2.1.11 Communication: Studies have indicated that effective communications improve employee identification with their agency and build openness and trust culture. Increasingly, organizations provide information on values, mission, strategies, competitive performance, and changes that may affect employees enthuse (Gopinath and Becker 2000; Levine 1995). Many companies are working to provide information that employees want and need in better way of communication, through the most credible sources (e.g., CEO and top management strategies) on a timely and consistent basis.
2.1.12 Employee Motivation: Management theory and practice has traditionally focused on extrinsic motivators. While these are powerful motivators, by themselves they are no longer enoughintrinsic rewards are essential to employees in todays environment (Thomas, 2000). Nowadays motivational issues are more complex because of the wealth and opportunity so many employees have enjoyed. Over the long haul, people need intrinsic rewards to keep going and to perform at their peak (Thomas, 2000). Workers have been forced to take more responsibility for their own careers, going where the work is rewarding and where they can develop skills that will guarantee their employability, in whatever organization (Hall and Associates, 1996). Talented workers have more choices than ever before, and are likely to leave if not satisfied with their employer or job content. As employees have become more likely to leave unrewarding jobs, the impact of loosing individuals has become greater. In the future, the biggest gains will come from systematically improving an organizations intrinsic reward processmaking the work itself so fulfilling and energizing that employees themselves wont want to leave. Rediscovering the role of purpose in work is key to understanding the new work and the motivation of todays employees. Organizations now find themselves competing to attract and retain workers on the basis of the meaningfulness of their jobs.
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