Impact On Retention Strategies On Employee Turnover
Impact On Retention Strategies On Employee Turnover
Impact On Retention Strategies On Employee Turnover
ISSN 2422-8397 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.42, 2018
This study is to examine the significant relationship between Retention Strategies (Compensation, Career
Development-Succession Progression, Work-Life Balance (WLB), and Terminal & Other Benefits) and
Employee Turnover (ETO), focusing in the case of Banking Sector in Karachi. The latest studies in Human
Recourse Management have focused on development of human capital. The organization who wants to survive
in current era with success needs to raise effective and competitive workforce, as the economies in the world
have immense pressure and constraint. Therefore in order to tackle with this; organization needs to train and
retain their employees with effective strategies.This study is largely comprises the primary data & least on
secondary data. This research study will greatly help in those organizations where employee turnover (ETO) is in
increasing trend or high. This study emphasis on employee retention problem in Banking Sector of Pakistan from
the perspectives of effective Retention Strategies, hence this will help other organization also to implement these
strategies in order to reduce the Employee Turnover (ETO).
Keywords: Employee Turnover (ETO), Retention, Compensation, Career Development-Succession Progression,
Work-Life Balance (WLB), Terminal / Other Benefits.
1. Introduction
In today’s world employees are facing very uncertain and dynamic environment with respect to their jobs and
career. Everyone wants a certain future where their life and their families’ life are secure as far as jobs are
concerned. As a consequence, employees always search for better opportunity, better working conditions, better
career and succession progression in the organizations. A main reason of high turnover rate in the organization is
the monetary aspect. People change for better compensation. Mobley (1982) defines ETO as the common
voluntary termination of membership in an organization by an individual who receives monetary compensation
for participating in that organization. This definition elaborates the separation of an employee from the company
rather than promotion, internal movement or transfer of employee. Many organizations are facing high turnover
of employee due to which they should develop and implement some retention strategy to stop this switching,
attract the capable pool of employee and to retain the talented employees in the organization, and same in the
case of Pakistan. With respect to this, it is noted that the Banks are recommended as the most crucial financial
institution in the country economy. Pakistani Banking sector have this potential to stabilize the economic growth
with revenue generation. Research suggest and indicates that retention strategy have positive impact on ETO.
Employee Turnover can be defined as a movement of an employee out from an organization to another
(Bohlander 2001). Researchers and practitioners are interested in this area. Managers of the organization are
quite concerned on this issue because when employees leave or terminate voluntarily its incurred costs.
Employees are the stake of an organization, and ETO ratios have contributed in the benefits and disadvantages of
the organization. If we consider the benefits; they are the productivity, better performance, acquiring of new
knowledge, reduce labor cost, new business ventures, promotional opportunities, new technology and
competition. While on negative side it increases the costs, productivity losses, quality service, lost business
opportunity, burden on the administrative staff lost of morale among others employees (Griffeth and Hom, 1994).
Although Glebbeek and Bax (2004) tested the hypothesis and revealed that the high turnover is very harmful for
the organization.
2. Literature Review
2.1 Employee Turnover and Retention
Hom and Griffeth (2000), defines the employee turnover, as it is the voluntary termination by the employee from
the organization. Loquercio (2006) reveals that the turnover of staff is the proportion of the leaving employee
from the organization in the given period of time regardless of their employee contract. It can also be defined a
voluntary move by the organization to build such an environment that employee can engaged with the
organization in long term (Chaminade, 2007).
While Employee Retention is the process in which organization tries to hold employee for the maximum
period of time or until the end of the project. Employee Retention is very useful for the employees as well as the
organization. In these days, employees are different from earlier. They have more opportunities in the market; if
they feel dissatisfaction to the current job or organization they move to the other organization where they would
have better opportunities. It is the responsibility of employer that they retain these employees by compensating
Journal of Resources Development and Management
ISSN 2422-8397 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.42, 2018
and through better retention policies, if they have no retention policies; they will be left with no superior
employee in the organization. A good employer and organization should know how to attract and retain the
employee to keep them in the organization (Sheridan, 1992).
Journal of Resources Development and Management
ISSN 2422-8397 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.42, 2018
2001). One of the past studies, Allen, Shore and Griffeth (2003) reported that there is comparison in term of
compensation of each employee to differentiate themselves from another employee for the sake of attracting and
retaining the talented employee and quality workforce. Therefore, organization should adopt the strategy to
attract the capable pool of employees, retain the competent employee and maintain the equity among the
employee in the organization.
Mercer (2003) finds in his study that employee will stay longer in the organization if they rewarded justly
and equitably and they may leave if they do not rewarded or rewarded poorly. Another study conducted by
Horwitz, Heng and Quazi (2003) reveals that compensation management is still one of the most crucial and
influencing factor of employees’ retention. According to Teseema and Soeters (2006) there is a positive
correlation between compensation practice and employees retention. One way to retain talented employees in the
organization is; the better compensation package, which should be internally equitable and externally
competitive. An organization can only be successful through their compensation policies, it should includes
competitiveness, market-related pay and benefits because this motivates employee and plays a role of positive
reinforcement to retain employees in the organization and greater organization commitment (Lockwood and
Walton, 2008).
Stemming from the Literature Review above, my third Hypothesis focuses on Impact of Compensation on
Employee Turnover.
3. Hypothesis
3.1 Hypothesis-1
Ho: Retention Strategy has no significance impact on Employee Turnover.
Hi: Retention Strategy has significance impact on Employee Turnover.
3.2 Hypothesis-2
Ho: Compensation has no significance impact on Employee Turnover.
Journal of Resources Development and Management
ISSN 2422-8397 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.42, 2018
3.3 Hypothesis-3
Ho: Career Development & Succession Planning has no significance impact on Employee Turnover.
Hi: Career Development & Succession Planning has significance impact on Employee Turnover.
3.4 Hypothesis-4
Ho: Work Life Balance has no significance impact on Employee Turnover.
Hi: Work Life Balance has significance impact on Employee Turnover.
3.5 Hypothesis-5
Ho: Terminal Benefits have no significance impact on Employee Turnover.
Hi: Terminal Benefits have significance impact on Employee Turnover.
4. Research Methodology
4.1 Nature of Research
Figure 4.1
Primarily, the research type is explanatory, which is based on co-relational study. Explanatory research is a
cause and effect study which distinguishes relationship between dependent and independent variables.
The Data is reflecting the primary source to interpret the finding and hypothesis result testing. In which data is
collected by the employees through questionnaire and interview were made with the managers and supervisor to
find the relationship between dependent and independent variable. However, the secondary data includes
external sources like journals, internet search, and literature etcetera.
4.2 Population
The population in this research study is based on the employees with only population of Karachi including 5
branches, largely focused on manager level employees of the Banking Sector in Karachi. Population includes
both male and female employees. Population is therefore estimated at 100 employees.
Journal of Resources Development and Management
ISSN 2422-8397 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.42, 2018
Journal of Resources Development and Management
ISSN 2422-8397 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.42, 2018
Journal of Resources Development and Management
ISSN 2422-8397 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.42, 2018
Standard Deviation shows the spread of responses, the larger the standard deviation the lager the spread is.
Variance shows the variability of the data. The Skewness shows the degree of asymmetry. Normal distribution
has a skewness of ‘0’. The curve which skewed to the left has negative skewness and the curve which skewed to
the right, has positive skewness. In the last column the Kurtosis defined that how much distribution is heavy
from its tails. The normal distribution has Kurtosis ‘0’. Kurtosis is negative if the tails are lighter and positive
when the tails are heavier than the normal distribution.
Journal of Resources Development and Management
ISSN 2422-8397 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.42, 2018
Table 5.11
Career Development-Succession Planning & Turnover
CareerDevSuccPlanning Turnover
CareerDevSuccPlanning Pearson Correlation 1 -.440**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 80 80
Turnover Pearson Correlation -.440** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 80 80
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
If p value is less than 0.05 than the result is significant, we found that there is negative relation between
above two variables i.e. Career Development-Succession Planning and ETO.
The correlation coefficient is -0.440 which mean there is negative relation between them; per unit change in
independent variable i.e. the Career Development-Succession Planning, the dependent variable i.e. ETO will
decrease by -0.440.
Table 5.12
Benefits & Turnover
Benefits Turnover
Benefits Pearson Correlation 1 .243*
Sig. (2-tailed) .030
N 80 80
Turnover Pearson Correlation .243* 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .030
N 80 80
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
If p value is not less than 0.05 which shows that the result is not significant, by looking into above table we
can say that there is no significant relationship between Terminal & Other Benefits and ETO after having the
responses from the sample.
The correlation coefficient is 0.243 which mean a significant change in Terminal & Other Benefits; the
ETO has no effect.
6. Conclusion
The purpose of this research study is to find out the relationship between ETO & impact of Retention Strategies
through these four factors; which have been picked for this research: Compensation, WLB, Terminal & Other
Benefits and Career Development & Succession Planning.
With the help of filled questionnaires and conducted interview from the manager the research can be
concluded as there is significant relationship between dependent variable i.e. ETO and independent variable i.e.
Retention Strategy (Compensation, WLB, Career Development-Succession Planning and Terminal & Other
This Research showed Banking sector follow the heavy Retention Strategy Program to retain the talented
pool of employee when they are intended to quit. In the Employment Book there are many benefits and career
development program including training and development session, succession progression. Other than this they
also offer terminal benefit to their regular confirmed employees. They also have other allowances and facility for
employees. These are the reason that employee are attract towards Banks and remain in work in long time.
Lastly, by going through the several literature reviews the evidence of this research supports the study of
my topic i.e. impact of Retention Strategy on Employee Turnover. The study based on five hypotheses, formed
with independent variables. From the data analysis on questionnaires, the correlation test has applied for testing
the significance relation between dependent and independent variables. If the p-value is less than 0.05, it reflects
that there is a significance relation between variables. By testing the correlation, it is found that Retention
Strategy, Compensation, WLB, Career Development-Succession Progression has a negative significant
relationship with the dependent variable i.e. ETO, which mean if these independent variable increases, the ETO
will decreases. But the variable i.e. Terminal & Other Benefits have positive relationship with the dependent
variable i.e. ETO, which shows that 1 unit change in terminal & other benefit will increase ETO by 0.243. With
this it is concluded that the four null hypotheses is rejected (Retention, Compensation, WLB, Career
Journal of Resources Development and Management
ISSN 2422-8397 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.42, 2018
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