Makalah - TA Thazin Aungsoe
Makalah - TA Thazin Aungsoe
Makalah - TA Thazin Aungsoe
more widely than JPEG2000. In this final year project, JPEG and JPEG2000 will be compared from various points of views to see why JPEG is more popular than JPEG2000. 2. Literature Study 2.1 Digital Image A digital image is a rectangular array of dots, or picture elements, arranged in m rows and n columns. The expression mn is called the resolution of the image, and the dots are called pixels. The term resolution is sometimes also used to indicate the number of pixels per unit length of the image. 2.2 Compression Compression is the technique to reduce the redundancies in data representation in order to decrease data storage requirements and hence communication costs. Reducing the storage requirement is equivalent to increasing the capacity of the storage medium and hence communication bandwidth. Compression is performed by a program that uses a formula or algorithm to determine how to compress or decompress data. In other words, Data compression is the process of converting an input data stream into another data stream that has a smaller size. 2.3 JPEG In the baseline mode, the image is divided in 8x8 blocks and each of these is transformed with the DCT. The transformed blocks are quantized with a uniform scalar quantizer, zig zag scanned and entropy coded with Huffman coding. The quantization step size for each of the 64 DCT coefficients is specified in a quantization table, which remains the same for all blocks.
The DC coefficients of all blocks are coded separately, using a predictive scheme. Compression technique in JPEG is a symmetric compression technique which means compression process and decompression process in JPEG use the same basis algorithm but with different direction. For general, symmetric compression of JPEG compression and decompression is described in Figure 1 and Figure 2. Because of the symmetric process, the exploration will be mainly focus on the compression process of JPEG.
Input image
JPEG2000 is one of the standard and newest in making compression for digital images which is resulted from ISO with ITU (International Telecommunication union). JPEG2000 is included in symmetric compression method where compression and decompression based on the same algorithm but different directions. General picture of JPEG2000 process can be seen in Figure 3. The source image Data will be firstly pre procession and then transform with DWT. Then the result will be quantized and entropy coding. At last the
compressed image data is produced. Because of compression method as in JPEG, the exploration of JPEG2000 will be focus on the compression process of JPEG2000.
The compression ratio gives the ratio between the original and compressed file sizes. It is a dimensionless quantity and is often stated as:
Figure -3 Block diagrams of the JPEG2000 (a) encoder and (b) decoder [CHR00]
The disadvantage of this metric is that it can be changed just by padding the original representation of the data to more bits. 3. Analysis and Design 3.1 General Description of system Application to be developed, as have already explained in previous chapter study literature, is the application to compress digital image of the certain format which is the input from the user and will produce the compressed digital image in JPEG and JPEG2000 format. This application is named as CompareJJ2k.Application CompareJJ2k have a special feature, which compare the result of JPEG and JPEG2000 image in some aspects and will give result to the user.
2.5 Quality of compression result in visual Firstly, Measuring the quality of compression result towards the original image will be done by calculating MSE value (Mean Square Error) and also PSNR value (Peak Signal-to-noise ratio). MSE value from digital image with the size of N x M will be calculated by the following formula:
F (m, n) is the original digital image before compression, while f(m , n) is the compressed digital image. The big MSE value describes that the differences between original image and compressed image is quite big. PSNR can be calculated by using the following formula:
Application User
MAX is the maximum possible intensity value in the image. For example for eight bits depth images MAX = 28 1 = 255. If PSNR is bigger, then quality of the compressed digital image is better because there is not
3.2 Product function Some of the main functions from CompareJJ2k application are as follows:
1. 2.
4. 5. 6. 7.
Can display digital image with certain format, i.e., 24bpp bitmap. Can compress the input digital image and produce the compressed digital image with format JPEG and JPEG2000 (*.jpg, *.j2k). User can do the decompression process to the digital image with JPEG and JPEG2000 format and can display the result on the application layer. Can save the result compression and decompression image into file. Can calculate PSNR form the result digital image. Can calculate degree of compression. Can display the result of the comparison between JPEG and JPEG2000. The result includes information about file size, time of compression, MSE, PSNR and degree of compression. Can display the decompression file size and time to decompress the image. Can display help and about for the application.
4. Implementation and Testing 4.1 Implementation CompareJJ2k is implemented by using programming language C and C++ with Microsoft visual studio .NET IDE software. CompareJJ2k uses some predefined function of JPEG and JPEG2000 library from open source which is already implemented in C language. Moreover, the other software which is useful in doing this final year project is: 1. Microsoft Office Word 2007 for writing the document. 2. Microsoft Office Visio 2003 for figure and interface design. 3. StarUML for making use case and class diagram. The hardware environment are 1 2 3 4 5 6 Monitor CPU Harddisk Graphic Card Memory Input device : 14 : AMD Turion 64x2 1.9 GHz : 80GB : GeForce 7000M 128 MB : 1536 MB DDR SDRAM : Keybord device, mouse
3.3 Functional requirement analysis Functional requirements and description of software will be described in Use Case Diagram as in figure 5.
The purposes of testing towards the CompareJJ2k application are: 1. To know the correctness of the compress image and decompressed. Testing will be done to see whether the JPEG and JPEG2000 image will be produce after the process compressing and to see the BMP image will be output after the decompressing process. 2. To know the performance from the JPEG and JPEG2000 image by
comparing the result from JPEG and JPEG2000. 3. To calculate the PSNR and MSE value and compression ratio from original image and compression imgae. 4.2.1 Testing result of compression image
Table -1result of compression image
No. 1. Process The result of JPEG and JPEG2000 image file Result Success
20.8131 0.189255 17103.1 53.9309 82261 15.2468 0.338909 7113.87 57.7406 696430 21.7058 3.92052 5943.7 58.521
1.76682 2.08449 9043.77 56.6981 536440 2.33803 3.02764 13174.4 55.0643 2250939 6.71569 21.8117 9092.11 56.675
Compression Ratio BIG_MAN. Time bmp MSE PSNR File size Compression ratio VBIG_chev Time .bmp MSE PSNR
2. 3.
Success Success
4.2.4 Testing result of comparing result from ACDSee 4.2.2 Testing result decompression image
Table-2result of decompression image
No. 1. 2. 3. Process The result file of BMP image from JPEG The result file of BMP image from JPEG2000 Displaying the output image Result Success Success success Grey_small_le na256.bmp (66KB) Grey_lena512. bmp(258KB) Medium_lena. bmp(769KB) 34KB 37KB 33KB 139KB 161KB 435KB 63KB 77KB 47KB 26KB 77KB 30KB
524KB 2.199M B
157KB 1.354 MB
5. Closing 5.1 Conclusion The conclusions that can be taken from the implementation of this final year project are as follows: 1. JPEG image compression algorithm produce the smaller file size image than the JPEG2000 compression
algorithms and the time to compress JPEG image is also very small. JPEG2000 compression and decompression algorithms are very complicated and need many calculations of difficult mathematical equation. Both JPEG and JPEG2000 can compress and decompress Grey scale image as well as colour image. The quality of JPEG2000 compression result is usually better because JPEG2000 has bigger PSNR value. But if the input image file is bigger than 1MB, then PSNR for JPEG became bigger than JPEG2000. Finally, JPEG compression algorithm is more popular than JPEG2000 algorithm because JPEG is more efficient for many purposes which probably doesnt need the quality of the image and only focus on compression time, smaller file size and bigger compression ratio. The use of JPEG and JPEG2000 library from open JPEG and independent JPEG group is very useful only with a small bug.
d. Exploration of JPWL (Wireless JPEG2000) 2. Should also explore about other JPEG method like progressive or hierarchy method. 6. References
[ACH05] Tinku Acharya, Ping-Sing Tsai. 2005. JPEG2000, standard for image compression, concept, algorithms and vlsi architectures. Nelson, Jean-Loup Gailly . The data compression book(2nd edition) Mark John Miano. 1999. Compressed Image File Formats JPEG, PNG, GIF, XBM, BMP David Salomon. 2007. Data Compression the complete reference T.Ebrahimi, D. Santa-Cruz, J.Askelof, M.Larsson and C.A. Christopoulos. 2000. JPEG2000 still image coding versus other standards
[WAT94] Andrew B. Watson.1994. Image compression using the Discrete Cosine Transform, NASA Ames Research Center. [BRU08] [WAL07] [FOU05] Arcangelo Bruna, JPEG2000 Descrizione ed applicazioni Bryan Wallace, overview JPEG2000
5.2 Suggestion The followings are some suggestion to make more improvement or perfection of the idea related to this final year project topic are: 1. Can do more exploration towards JPEG2000 compression method because there are still many features which dont cover in this project such as: a. Exploration of Region of Interest (ROI) of JPEG2000. b. Exploration of lossy technique because this project only develop lossless technique for JPEG2000. c. Can be developed application which use other formats other BMP and J2k.
W.Fourati, M.S.Bouhlel, A novel approach to improve the performance of JPEG2000 Charilaos Christopoulos, Athanassios Skodras, Touradj Ebrahimi, The JPEG2000 still image coding system: An overview. Augustina linda, Penerapan Region of interest (ROI) pada Metode Kompresi JPEG2000 graphics/jpeg