New Bulletin Apr 14th 2013 Merged

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Eucharistic Celebrations

Sundays 9:00am, 11:30am & 6:30pm Weekdays

See Week at a Glance

3rd Sunday of Easter April 14th, 2013

Bishop of Saskatoon Most Rev. Donald Bolen Pastor Very Rev. Fr. David Tumback Sacramental Support Fr. Bernard de Margerie Deacon Rev. Mr. Bob Williston Cathedral Administrator Patrick Clarke Pastoral Associate Garth Horn Faith Formation Coordinator Andy Korvemaker Youth Minister Anthony Olusola Financial Secretary Linda Bobowski Facility Manager Jim Nakoneshny Full-Time Custodians Daryl Miller Chat Linatoc Half-Time Custodian Ashly Hanns Housekeeper Lorena Samoyao On Leave Jane Korvemaker Parish Pastoral Council Chair Mike Cey Finance Committee Chair Keith Pavo Stewardship Committee Chair Terry Sirois

Pedestrian/Vehicle Access at the Cathedral Entrance Plaza

Each Sunday we welcome well over 2,000 people coming to worship at the Cathedral. For the safety of all of our visitors we request your attention when dropping off passengers at the Cathedral entrance. The Plaza is primarily for pedestrian use. Vehicles should remain in the Loading Zone area on the roadway in front of the building and refrain from driving onto the paving-stone portion of the plaza. Only if you are dropping off someone with limited mobility (i.e. walker, wheelchair) and you require more time and space to unload, then may you drive onto the paving stones. Vehicles may not drive closer than 6m (20) to the doors to unload passengers. If you must unload on the plaza:

Allow yourself room to continue to drive through. Dont attempt to back up! Always watch carefully for pedestrians, especially young children. Remember, pedestrians always have the right-of-way. Thank you for helping to keep our families safe.
123 Nelson Road Saskatoon, SK S7S 1H1 (Off Attridge Dr. by St. Joseph High School) PH: 306-659-5800 FAX: 1-888-897-7980 E-mail: Office Hours: 9am4:30pm Monday thru Friday

NEW PARISHIONERS: We are pleased to welcome new parishioners to our Christian family. If you desire to be registered we ask that you contact the Parish Office at 306-659-5800. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS: SPRING IS HERE I hope. This means a busy time for our council. The state convention and our breakfast for this month are over. Thanks to all who volunteered and were able to help. This evening is Pointmen Sunday, held at Horizon College, topic self esteem a man to-day. One of the speakers will be our Bishop Donald Bolen. The other and coming events that need your attention. Our next meeting is Monday, April 15 at 7:30. The agenda is full of we need you items, from helping at events to letting your name to be presented as a fellow knight who is willing to serve his council as an executive member. Sunday Sundae is set for April 28. Can you help? Call John Benesh 306-249-3592. May meeting dates May 6 & 20; May 9 March for life in Regina; Blackstrap clean up May 11; May 25 4th degree exemplification. Membership drive is always on! CWL WE HAVE SEEN THE LORD! The Diocesan Convention is quickly approaching. If you would like to attend, please let President Wendy Dale know. Details: Mon. Apr. 29th in Humboldt 9:30 start, 4:30 mass with Bishop, 6:00 banquet. Lunch $10, Banquet $25, Bus $20 (deadline for this Apr. 16th). If you would like to sign up to receive the Elijah Cup for a week, please contact Eileen Materi @ 306-652-1289. If you know of someone who is sick or in the hospital please let Eileen Schneider know (306-978-2262). Congratulations to Doris Smith who was elected for a second term on the CWL Clothing Depot Board. This past year, the depots volunteer hours added up to 4,277 hours. Holy Family CWL contributed 724 hours for sorting and 65 hours in sales. Teen Aid Fundraising Supper will be on Sun Apr. 21st. at St. Annes Church. Cost $20, tickets available from Mary Kehrig at 306-665-7950. CWL Twilight Evening at Queens House on Thur. May 16th at 7:30pm. Presentation by Brendan Bitz followed by prayer and social. DID YOU KNOW? That Saskatchewan is the 4th highest in Canada for membership at 7,470 members. Earth Day is Apr. 22nd. Please pray for: Pope Francis, that the Holy Spirit may guide him in leading his flock in the universal Church. HOLY FAMILY CRAFT GUILD: If you are downsizing or have craft items that you no longer need, consider donating items such as: fabrics, wool, crochet cotton, notions, or any items that can be used for crafts to the Holy Family Craft Guild. Will meet every Thursday from 9:00am to 12 noon. For more information or to donate contact Anna Hartman at 249-0071 or Emily Coutts 242-5475. PARISH PICTORIAL DIRECTORY: Due to some production and editing delays, the Parish Pictorial Directory will not be available until mid to the end of May. We apologize for the long wait and appreciate your patience. Your Pictorial Directory Committee.

CELEBRATING OUR HOLY FAMILY! Join us on Wednesday May 1st at 7:00pm for the official unveiling of our Five Year Shared Vision! Enjoy a wine & cheese social as the parish staff and Parish Pastoral Council share the vision for our parish community for the next five years. To assist us with hospitality we are asking folks to sign-up in the Area of Welcome after Mass, by calling the parish office 306-659-5800 or by e-mailing
NEW BLOG POST BY PATRICK CLARKE entitled What Are You Worth? So, what are you worth? Im not asking about your financial net worth which you take to the bank in the hope of getting a loan. Im asking about a person...a human much are you worth? To read more go to

Holy Yoga is Christ-centered yoga using prayer and scripture to deepen our relationship with Jesus while getting some exercise. Classes will start again Mondays: Power Yoga at 7:30 pm (fitness, challenging), Tuesdays: Gentle Yoga at 9:00 am (relaxing, all levels), Thursdays: Level 1 Yoga at 9:00 am (gentle with some challenges). Saturday classes will resume in fall. To register, e-mail or If you have never tried a class, join us for a free class with no obligation. GOLDEN AGE CLUB: All seniors are welcome to come and enjoy an afternoon of fun playing cards (whist) on Thursday at 1:30 PM. For further information contact Len Breckner 306-477-0518 or Alice Molle 306-373-0450 SMALL CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY/SCRIPTURE STUDY: is on Tuesday mornings at 10:30 am by the fireplace. There is no charge and all are welcome. MOM'S MORNING OUT (MMO): Tuesday April 16th 9:30am-11:30am. This session we have guest Tanya MyrfieldWolfe (mysmarthandssaskatoon), returning with another workshop on Singing & Sign Language for children, toddlers and babies! This workshop will start right at 10am! All the moms and little ones had lots of fun with Tanya in January and look forward to another great workshop! OUR MULTICULTURAL FAMILY IS GROWING HERE AT THE CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY FAMILY: Our goal is to encourage the active participation of all new Canadians in our liturgies and to incorporate our native practices into the liturgical life of the Cathedral. Please join us in serving at 6:30pm on every first Sunday of the month. We serve as Acolyte, Altar children, Eucharistic Ministers, etc. and we are working on putting together a choir. The Cathedral can be our second home that we serve for the glory of God. Please call Lettie Corpus: 306-244-3736 or Naty Mathews: 306-249-5058 FRIENDSHIP INN: You may still sign up to serve meals at the Friendship Inn. Call the parish office at 306-659-5800 CAMPAIGN LIFE COALITION SASK. FUNDRAISING BANQUET: CLC Sask. fundraising banquet will be held on May 4th, 2013 at Holy Spirit Parish Hall in Saskatoon. The doors open at 6:00 p.m. and the banquet is at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $25 a person or a table of 8 for $180. Our guest speakers are Robyn Friesen and Julie Abernethy. They will share their experiences of working at the Pregnancy Options Center (Saskatoon) and Aid to Women (Toronto). Deadline for tickets is May 1st, 2013 and can be obtained by calling Denise at 306-249-2764 or e-mail Gift baskets will also be raffled.


Grade 3 5 Youth Group: Grade 6 8 Youth Group: Senior Youth Faith Sharing: Senior Youth Bottle Drive: Tuesday April 23rd 6:00pm 7:30pm Thursday April 25th 6:00pm 7:30pm Sunday April 14th 4:00pm 6:00pm Saturday April 27th 11:00am 2:00pm

All activities take place at the Youth Room!!! Bring Your Friends Along!!!

AVOID late ticket purchase!!! Multicultural

Festival Ticket Sales deadline is set for SUNDAY APRIL 14th at $25.00. $30.00 at the door! Payment could be made with Major Credit Cards at the Concierge Desk. Quote of the week: Theres no substitute to human touch. I am, because you are. -Ubuntu

Week at a Glance
Mon Apr. 15th RCIA Knights of Columbus Holy Yoga (Power Yoga) Holy Yoga Moms Morning Out Scripture Study Mass (+Alfredo) Mass (+Norma Jean Bennett) Craft Guild Holy Yoga Mass (+ Rodney & Theresa Hrynchyshyn) Golden Age Sherbrooke Mass (+Shirley McIntosh) Haiti Mission Fundraiser No Reconciliation 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 9:00am 9:30am 10:30am 12:15pm 12:15pm 9:00am 9:00am 12:15pm 1:30pm 10:00am 12:15pm 7:30pm

Baptism (Infants): Please contact Andy Korvemaker. RCIA (Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults): Please contact Andy Korvemaker. Confirmation and First Eucharist: Contact Andy Korvemaker at the parish office. Marriage: Contact Father David at the Parish Office at least one year prior to the anticipated date of marriage. Reconciliation:11:00am - 11:30am on Saturdays or by appointment. Communion to Homebound & Elderly: Contact Garth Horn at the Parish Office. To add people to the prayer list: please contact the Parish Office during the week at 306-659-5800 The sick:
Emery Hirsch Tony Carreiro Delores Wolfe Valerie Dychko Raymond Beauregard Dorothy Spoonheim Monique Stevens Nolan Barnes James Kostyk Kate Gardner Debbie Haanen Nash Jacobi Francis Bourgeois Al Molle Paula Wowk David Pitka Rose Boechler Owen Stephens Alma Bennett John Kuzyk Ray Gerwing Dale White Mary Martinez Pearl Stratulat

Tues Apr. 16th

Wed Apr. 17th Thurs Apr. 18th

Fri Apr. 19th Sat Apr. 20th Sun Apr. 21st

MINISTRY Coordinator Greeters Ushers Concierge Altar Servers

MINISTRY SCHEDULE APRIL 21ST 9:00AM 11:30am Ron O Lillian R Chris G Alex G Allan R Helen S Rick G Bill G Ally R Barry R Joise G Terry C Carol G Jared G Tristan G Justin E Madison K Emmarae D Patrick C Alyssa C Tom F David F Melissa E Darren F Terri F John G Heather G Colleen G Raymond C Larry G Jeff H Mark I Lynette M Daisy M Evan B Roland G Thomas C Reg B Alice D Shelly T Regan R Amanda S Taylor R Ally R Alicia Z David B Tyler W Diego M Maria M Shannon S Paulette S Jeff W Jackie W Gil W Alicia Z Raymond B Mariette M Angie B David B Tom S Megan M Sheri R Eileen O Cassandra D Pat D

6:30pm Lorie L Lettie C Greg M Mike C Laura C Gerard O Mona G MacKenzie C Heidi B Jacob C Maria V Kieran K Arielle M Cara L Rob L Jacqueline D Diana B Rory B Doreen C John C Regan C Paige C

Commentator Lectors EMC

Recently Deceased: Frank Zabraczki


Childrens Lit.

Sunday CollectionsApril 7th, 2013

Envelopes (Building & Operations) Loose Chalice PAG TOTAL $ 7,832.00 $ 1,248.40 $ 176.91

In todays Gospel, Jesus tells Peter again and again, If you love Me, feed my sheep. He says the same to each of us, If you love Me, use the gifts I have given you to serve your brothers and sisters.

Follow us on Twitter weareholyfamily Fr. David @FrDavid1 Pat Clarke @PatrickJClarke1 Andy Korvemaker @akorvemaker

$ 2,195.00 $ 11,452.31

Sunday, April 14, 2013 Third Sunday of Easter

Diocesan Bulletin

St. Annes CWL presents the Second Look Fashion Show, Friday, April 19 at St. Anne parish in the Fr. Donlevy Hall, 217 Lenore Drive, Saskatoon. Doors open 7 p.m.; fashion show 7:30 p.m. Tickets $10 each; available at the parish office or by calling (306) 242-7213. Proceeds will be donated to the Saskatoon Food Bank. Clothing is by the CWL Clothing Depot.

Evangelization: What is it? What is My Role and How do I do it? - a Foundations: Exploring Our Faith Together session with Christy Dupuis 7 p.m. Thursday, April 18 at St. Francis Xavier , 222 Willow Street (corner of Hilliard St. & Melrose Ave.), Saskatoon. Cost: $5. Pre-register by calling: (306) 933-1108.

Foundations: Exploring Our Faith Together - Theology of Elvis with Blake Sittler 7 p.m. Monday, April 15 at St. Anne parish, 217 Lenore Drive, Saskatoon. Cost: $5. Register by calling Sr. Dianne Sehn, OSU, at (306) 931-4700.

Upcoming Events

In all things we are rooted in Christ, in His desire to bring Gods love to all peoples.

Saskatoon Prayer Breakfast at Prairieland Park with keynote speaker Michael "Pinball" Clemons, Saturday April 20, Breakfast is at 7:30 a.m., program at 8:30 a.m. Tickets are $30 available through or 1-800-970-7328 or (306) 938-7800 or at Ticketmaster outlets.

In Canada the feast day of our newest saint, Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, is marked on April 17. To celebrate this special day, Our Lady of Guadalupe parish will begin with a procession with the parishs Saint Kateri statue, starting at 5 p.m. Wed., April 17, walking from Guadalupe Parish Center at 426 Ave J South to St. Marys Parish Hall at Ave. 0 and 20th Street. Along the way we will offer prayers and sing, celebrating our first Aboriginal saint. At the hall there will be a free meal of soup and bannock with live entertainment. Everyone is invited
Rachels Vineyard founder Dr. Theresa Burke will speak at 7:30 p.m.Wednesday, April 24 at Ss. Peter and Paul parish, 10th St. and Monroe Ave., Saskatoon on the topic of Spiritual and Psychological Healing after Abortion. (Freewill offering) to be a part of this joyful occasion!

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Feast Day

Defend Dignity is a justice initiative of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches to abolish prostitution in Canada. An information forum will be held at 6 p.m. Sunday, April 21 at Circle Drive Alliance Church, 3035 Preston Ave S, in Saskatoon;

Teen-Aid Fundraising Supper will be held 5 p.m. Sunday, April 21 at St. Anne Church, 217 Lenore Drive, Saskatoon. Tickets are $20 each; call Darlene at (306) 934-3570.

The Maddest and Baddest of Broadway - Music therapists and others perform numbers by some of the best (worst?) of musical villains 7:30 p.m. April 20 at Grace Westminster United Church 505 -10th Street E., Saskatoon. Tickets $10. This is a fundraiser for the Canadian Association for Music Therapy annual conference to be held in May 2013 in Saskatoon.

Parish Nursing Information Forum will be held at Christ Church Anglican, 515 28th St. West, Saskatoon Saturday, April 20 from 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon (registration begins at 9 a.m.). This is an inter-church event and is open to anyone interested in exploring the role of the Church in health and healing. For more information contact Joyce at (306) 653-4288, Elaine at (306) 652-4524, or e-mail: p .n u rs i n g @ s a s k te l .n e t

Created for Greatness - YEP (Youth Evangelization Project) is a day for high school youth presented by Pure Witness Ministries 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 20 at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Saskatoon. Cost is $20 (includes lunch).

St. Michaels parish 10th annual perogy and sausage supper Sunday, April 28 begins with cash beer/wine/cooler bar at 4:30 p.m. and supper at 5:30 p.m. April 28. There will be a 50/50 draw, several gift baskets for raffles, and auction of a supper for six cooked by Fr. Patrick Ampani. Tickets: $12 for a full meal (12 perogies, 2 sausages) and $8 for a half meal (6 perogies, 1 sausage).. Children under 5: free, but need a ticket. Call Myrna at (306) 242-5150 (St. Michaels church, 18-33rd St. E., Saskatoon) and leave a message (name, phone number, number of tickets needed, and full or half meals). Bring a friend. Retrouvaille AGM will be held Saturday, May 11 at 7:15 p.m. at St. Philip Neri parish, Saskatoon. Open to anyone interested.

Discernment House - Explore all vocations: single life, marriage, religious life, priesthood, missionary life at a live-in Discernment Weekend for single, Catholic men and women, 19 years of age and older 7 p.m. Friday April 26 to noon, Sunday April 28 at Discernment House, 851 University Drive, Saskatoon. Cost is $50. Contact: Sr Evelyn \ Sr Lucie at (306) 244-0726; s k.d h o u se @ g m a i l .co m

Intentional Leadership - a Foundations: Exploring Our Faith Together session with Pat Clarke will be held 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 24 at St. John Bosco, 1202 Avenue 0 South, Saskatoon. Whether you are the pastor, a staff member, or volunteering for a ministry in your parish - anyone can lead. This session will de-mystify leadership. Cost: $5. Pre-register by calling Mona Fox at (306) 934-2824.

If you would like your name added to the New Library Resources Notice, send your e-mail address to Norlayne ScottGaare at:

Message Board

Healing a Wounded Heart: Grief, Loss and Transformation will be held 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 27 at Sacred Heart Parish in Denzil, SK. Our losses are many and varied: the loss of a significant other to death; loss of a child; loss of self-esteem, physical ability, or a job; or the breakdown of a marriage. Losses can lead to debilitating grief. This retreat will use scripture, creative expression, story, music, reflection and sharing to help participants voice their grief and transform it into new life. Facilitated by Gisele Bauche. Cost: $30 (includes lunch). Registration: Michelle Sieben (306) 358-2057; e-mail:

The Fullness of Purpose Parish Mission

Immaculate Heart of Mary parish 300-8th Ave. S., Martensville, SK. The parish mission aims at leading people to experience a life of joy and meaning through embracing the fullness of the Catholic faith. Since 1999, Ken Yasinski has been speaking fulltime challenging people to realize their full potential in life: which is to become a saint. During the parish mission he provides practical, dynamic messages including: What is the purpose of my life? Finding a Life of Freedom Living with An Eternal Perspective Finding a Life of Joy Five Life-Changing Decisions (A freewill offering will be taken.) Popular Catholic speaker and author Ken Yasinski will present a three-evening Parish Mission:

April 23, 24, and 25

Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools International Student Program is in need of homestays for the upcoming school year. Majority of students are in grades 9-12 from many different countries. Host families are reimbursed $700 a month. Please consider being part of this wonderful program by opening your home to an International Student. Contact: (306) 659-7688 for information or see: w w w.g s cs .sk .c a /i n te r n a ti o n a l

"A Measure of Justice" - Saskatchewan Pro-Life 2013 Provincial Convention will be hosted by the Pasquia Pro-Life Group on Friday, April 26 and Saturday, April 27 in Melfort, SK. Phone: (306) 752-9421 or e-mail: An Engaged Encounter Weekend for couples preparing for marriage will be held: May 3-5, 2013 at the picturesque setting of St. Peter's Abbey, Muenster. Cost is $340. Call: Heather & Craig Stomp (306) 682-3326 or register at:

Fundraising for sustainable development projects in South Sudan - Yuba Development Agency (YDA) support evenings featuring great food, music and a chance to make a difference are being held Sunday, April 28 at Cathedral of the Holy Family (5 p.m. cocktails, 6 p.m. dinner followed by presentation about YDA and music) and Monday, April 29 at St. Philip Neri parish (5:30 p.m. cocktails, 6:30 p.m. dinner followed by presentation and music). For more info contact Ron Schira at (306) 373-4253 or and visit the website at: Brazil Mission Notes: Sr. Marie-Noelle Rondot, SMS, writes from So Jos da Laje: Viva o Papa Francisco! this was an expression of great joy which resonated throughout the city when the news came that Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio had been elected our Pope. Some people of course could not resist adding: but oh! too bad he is not from Brazil! a very human reaction, but most were delighted at the thought that we now have a Pope from South America! It would certainly seem that, in such a short time, o Papa Francisco has already won the hearts of many with his beautiful, almost shy smile, and outstanding simplicity.

Our Call to Holiness: Using Our Gifts to do Gods Work The 2013 Western Canadian Catholic Stewardship Conference will be held in Prince Albert from May 31 to June 2. For information visit: or

The James P. Mahoney Institute of the Family provides grants to registered charities with initiatives and programs intended to strengthen and support the family in rural and urban communities within the geographic area of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon. Like the popular bishop for which it is named, the Mahoney Institute reaches beyond the Catholic community and operates on a non-denominational basis. All grant applications are reviewed for their impact on families. The institutes decisionmaking volunteers recognize this sometimes means funding activities involving couples, parents, children or youth rather than the family as a whole. The Mahoney Institute does not fund infrastructure, such as playground equipment and building projects. Apply online by 4 p.m. May 15. (306) 665-1766; 101-4th Ave. N, Saskatoon, SK. w w ska to o n co m m u n i tyfo u n d a ti o n .c a

Campaign Life Coalition Saskatchewan Annual General Meeting and Banquet will be held May 4: at 4 p.m. AGM; 6 p.m. Banquet and speaker; at Holy Spirit Parish Hall, 114 Kingsmere Place, Saskatoon; $25 /person. For tickets contact Denise at 306-2492764 or e-mail C a m p a i g n l i fe sk @ g ma i l .c o m

For more on stewardship see:

In todays Gospel, Jesus tells Peter again and again: If you love Me, feed my sheep. He says the same to each of us, If you love Me, use the gifts I have given you to serve your brothers and sisters.

Stewardship Corner: Your Faith in Action

Diocesan Prayer Intention: We pray as a diocesan family for all the newly baptized members of our faith community: May the joy of the Easter sacraments inspire and sustain them as they continue their Christian journey.

Sunday Smile - Phil showed up at the revival meeting, seeking help. I need you to pray for my hearing, Phil told the preacher. The preacher put his fingers on Phils ears, and he prayed, and he prayed. When the preacher was finally done, he asked Phil: How is your hearing now, my boy? I dont know, said Phil. I dont go to court until next Tuesday....

The communications office is supported by the Bishops Annual Appeal.

Catholic Pastoral Centre, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon SK S7S 1H1 Phone: (306) 242-1500 or Toll free: 1-877-661-5005 E-mail: communications @s as kato o nr cdioces m

This Diocesan Bulletin is a publication of The Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon

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