Routing and Multicast in Multihop, Mobile Wireless Networks
Routing and Multicast in Multihop, Mobile Wireless Networks
Routing and Multicast in Multihop, Mobile Wireless Networks
In this paper we present a multicast protocol which builds upon a cluster based wireless network infrastructure. First, we introduce the network infrastructure which includes several innovative features such as: minimum change cluster formation; dynamic priority token access protocol, and; distributed hierarchical routing. Then, for this infrastructure we propose a multicast protocol which is inspired by the Core Based Tree approach developed for the internet. We show that the multicast protocol is robust to mobility, has low bandwidth overhead and latency, scales well with membership group size, and can be generalized to other wireless infrastructure.
I. Introduction
Wireless networks provide mobile users with ubiquitous communicating capability and information access regardless of location. In this paper we address a particular type of wireless networks called multihop networks. As a difference from single hop (i.e. cellular) networks [12] which require xed base stations interconnected by a wired backbone, multihop networks have no xed based stations nor wired backbone [10]. The main motivation for mobile wireless multihopping is rapid deployment and dynamic reconguration. When the wireline network is not available, as in battleeld communications and search and rescue operations, multihop mobile wireless networks provide the only feasible means for ground communications and information accesses. Examples of multihop wireless networks are ad-hoc networks [13, 16] and packet radio networks [5, 14]. Multihopping poses new challenges in wireless network protocol design. For example, routing protocols developed for single-hop networks [12] cannot be applied to multihop networks since there is no xed home agent to maintain routing information. Another challenging problem is multicasting. Traditional multicast protocols [3, 6] are not suitable for this environment. For example DVMRP [6] uses the reverse path forwarding (RPF) protocol to deliver multicast packets. In reverse path forwarding, a router forwards a broadcast packet originating at source if and only if it has arrived via the shortest path from the router back to . If the source moves, the reverse path algorithm will not forward packets correctly [1]. In general, the following challenges are posed by wireless, mobile multicasting: (a) multicast servers (the sources) move, making source-oriented protocols inefcient; (b) multicast group members move, thus precluding the use of a xed multicast topology; (c) transient loops may form during tree reconguration; (d) the tree reconguration scheme should be simple to keep channel overhead low. To address these challenges, we propose a modied version of the Core Based Tree (CBT) multicast algorithm which was
This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Justice/Federal Bureau of Investigation, ARPA/ITO under Contract J-FBI-93-112 Computer Aided Design of High Performance Network Wireless Networked Systems, and by Intel under project QoS Wireless Networks
the current clusterhead. If, on the other hand, a clusterhead moves into an existing cluster, then it may or may not prevail based on ID, connectivity or some other well dened priority. More details are reported in [9]. Figure 5 shows an example of clustering output using LCC with lowest-id among 100 nodes. It should be pointed out that there are many issues must be addressed in the design of a clustering algorithm with code separation across clusters. For example, as described in [10], a common control code must be used for initialization and for reconguration; orthogonal codes must be selected in adjacent clusters, etc. Specic solutions to these problems are omitted here for brevity. The interested reader is referred to [9].
B. MAC layer
Clustering provides an effective way to allocate wireless channels among different clusters. Across clusters, we enhance spatial reuse by using different spreading codes (i.e. CDMA [11]). Within a cluster, we use a clusterhead controlled token protocol (i.e. polling) to allocate the channel among competing nodes. The token approach allows us to give priority to clusterheads in a way which maximizes channel utilization and minimizes delay. Various token scheduling schemes can be used to improve routing efciency. One way to do this is to give higher priority to neighbors from which a packet was recently received. Here is a simple way to implement priority-token-scheduling (PTS). Initially every node in the cluster has the same priority to receive the token from the clusterhead.
When a data packet is transmitted by node , the clusterhead increases the priority of node .
When the token returns from an empty queue at neighbor , the clusterhead decreases the priority of node . More generally, priority token scheduling allows us to forward high priority trafcs with the least delay. Moreover, dynamic scheduling permits us to reserve a portion of the channel by offering more transmission opportunities to real time and multimedia sources. Previous cluster oriented schemes, such as cluster TDMA [10] and cluster token [15], did not take full advantage of clusterheads. In our clusterhead oriented token scheme, the clusterhead plays an important role both in clustering and in dynamic channel scheduling. As a result, LCC clustering is more stable than previous clustering schemes, and token scheduling is more exible.
attention was given to routing in our research. One important requirement in mobile networks is the avoidance of loops which are caused by stale routing tables. Several adaptive, loop free routing schemes have been recently proposed specically for wireless, mobile networks [16, 8]. In our proposed scheme we use as a basis the Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) routing scheme [16] which was recently implemented also in cluster TDMA [10] and cluster token [15] schemes. DSDV stamps increasing sequence numbers on routing updates relative to a given destination. This way, stale updates can be easily detected and loops avoided. In our project, we modify the DSDV scheme by exploiting the clusterheads. Namely, we use hierarchical routing to route packets. Each node maintains a cluster member table which records the destination clusterhead for each node, and broadcasts it periodically. A node will update its cluster member table when it receives a new one from its neighbor. Here again we use destination sequence numbers as in DSDV to avoid stale tables. There are two tables for each node to route packets. One is the cluster member table which is used to map destination address to the destination clusterhead address, and the other is the routing table which is used to select the next node to reach the destination cluster. We call this cluster (hierarchical) routing scheme DSCR. There are ways to improve the efciency of DSCR by optimizing the interaction between routing and MAC layer. The rst strategy we consider consists of routing packets alternatively through clusterheads via and gateways. That is, a packet will be routed are clusterheads and are gate1 , 1 , 2 , 2 , 3 , 3 .., where ways. We call this routing strategy Clusterhead-Gateway Switch Routing (CGSR). Figure 1 shows routing examples for DSDV, DSCR, and CGSR. Node 1 is the source and node 11 is the destination. The main difference with respect to the previous schemes is that the packet is forced to pass through the clusterhead, avoiding gateway to getaway shortcuts as from node 5 to node 7 in gure 1. At rst glance, this may seem to be a drawback rather than an advantage since it increases path length. However, recalling that clusterheads have more chances to transmit than other nodes, and that a gateway-to-gateway transmission requires that both gateways rendezvous on the same code, we realize that the presence of a clusterhead between two gateways is well worth the cost of the extra hop. Experiments verify this conjecture. We
12 8 2 5 1
C. Gateways
We dene a node to be a gateway if it belongs to more than one cluster. To communicate within a cluster, a gateway must select the code used by that cluster. We assume that a gateway can change its code after it returns the permission token or it receives a message. When a clusterhead issues the permission token to a gateway which is tuned to a different code, the token will be lost (i.e. a code conict occurs). Clearly, code scheduling will affect the message delivery performance. The simplest type of scheduling is random code selection. However, simple heuristics can considerably improve performance. One such heuristic, denoted GCS (Gateway Code Scheduling), assumes that when a gateway transmits a packet to the downstream clusterhead, there will be soon another packet coming in from the upstream clusterhead. Thus, the gateway, after the downstream transmission, goes back to the upstream cluster code. Likewise, the gateway, after receiving a packet from upstream, promptly returns its receiver to the downstream code, to receive the token and thus forward the packet downstream as quickly as possible.
9 7
10 13 11 18 14
(1) (2)
21 22 24 20
III. Routing
Routing is a critical component in any multihop wireless network. It is also a key element of multicasting. Thus, particular
can further reduce packet delay by combining CGSR with priority token scheduling (CGSR+PTS), as discussed in section 2. We can go one step further and also add gateway code scheduling (CGSR+PTS+GCS). In the two latter cases, the delay improvement is due to MAC layer features, rather than routing features. In both case, the improvement is obtained by exploiting the knowledge that steady trafc exists on certain paths in the network, and by assuming that this trafc will persist in the future. However, in a mobile situation, the paths change continuously, nullifying the advantage of trafc pattern driven schedules and priorities. To keep the trafc pattern more stable, we may attempt to reserve the path for a connection (in a virtual circuit fashion) until it becomes disconnected, instead of selecting the new shortest path after each move. Once the rst packet selects the path, all the subsequent packets will follow this path until it breaks. We call this path
500 450 400 350 Throughput (kbps) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Node Mobility (m/s)
multicast tree when its group members move or change node-type. A group member can detect the change of its multicast tree by monitoring its connectivity to upstream and downstream members. A member node reconnects to the tree by sending a JOIN REQUEST to its multicast server (core) when its upstream member moves out
of range or changes node type. For example a clusterhead member will send a JOIN REQUEST to the MSid in order to reconstruct the tree, if its upstream member (a gateway) changes to a regular node, or becomes disconnected. When a regular node member (a leaf) moves out of a cluster and enters into a cluster , the clusterhead of will drop it from its descendant list. The regular node will send a JOIN REQUEST to its new clusterhead will of . The clusterhead of send a QUIT REQUEST to its upstream member if it has become itself a leaf. sends a JOIN REQUEST to the core. The JOIN REQUEST will be acknowledged by the rst member in , which sends back a JOIN ACK to node . If node has moved in the interim, the JOIN ACK may trace a different path than the JOIN REQUEST. Thus a loop may be formed. Figure 4 shows an example of loop caused by the move of node . Node , before the move, sends the JOIN REQUEST to the core on the path , , and . Node , the rst member in on the path to the core , returns the JOIN ACK to node . However, since node has moved, the new path , , , and is traced, thus forming the loop , , , , , , , and . To avoid loops, it is required that an established group member, upon receiving a JOIN ACK, return a QUIT REQUEST to the node which sent this JOIN ACK while forwarding the JOIN ACK on the new path. In gure 4, for example, node will send a QUIT REQUEST to node after it receives a JOIN ACK. At to node on the the same time node will forward JOIN ACK new path creating a loop-free branch to node . We can generalize this loop avoidance method as follows: a group member already connected to the multicast tree will acknowledge a JOIN ACK with a QUIT REQUEST, if this JOIN ACK does not come from its upstream member. Since each group member in a tree can only have one upstream member, a necessary and sufcient condition for loop avoidance is to allow only one upstream member.
role. That is, the core will not change to a non-clusterhead node. Unless otherwise specied, we assume that membership is xed. As members move, they leave one branch of the multicast tree and join another. Furthermore, as nodes move, the routes change, thus causing a dynamic reconguration of the tree topology. It is thus important to measure the control packet overhead caused by these recongurations as a function of node speed. In these experiments, the main focus is on algorithm response time and control packet overhead. Thus, the network does not carry any user trafc (only control trafc) to avoid interference between user packets and control packets. Figure 6 shows total number of tree recongurations during the experiment lifetime as a function of node speed (up to 9 m/s). We note that the number of recongurations (i.e., changes in the tree) grows about linearly with speed. In gure 6 we also report the number of JOIN, ACK and QUIT packets. While the rst two grow almost linearly with speed, the third is not very speed sensitive. Also, the QUIT event is much less frequent than JOIN/ACK. The reason is that QUIT is issued by a clusterhead or a gateway only when it has no members below it. Figure 7 shows the number of temporary loops detected and removed. This number grows with speed, but in an erratic fashion due to the very small sample size. In any event, loop detection and recovery does not cause signicant overhead. Figure 8 reports the reconguration and control packet measurements as a function of membership size. Node speed is assumed xed at 5 m/s. Control trafc grows with membership size, as expected, but less than linearly, since the tree route reconguration is independent of membership size. Furthermore, the number of JOIN/ACK packets generated when a member moves from one cluster to another decreases when size increases since there are more members in the tree and the JOIN packet must traverse fewer hops up the tree. On the other hand, the number of moves from one cluster to another increases linearly with the number of members. In balance, we have slightly increasing control packet (ACK/JOIN) trafc for membership ranging from 7 to 80. The number of QUIT packets decreases with membership size, since, when almost all nodes participate in the multicast, no clusterhead or gateway will ever become childless and thus be forced to quit. In summary, the control packet overhead required to maintain the multicast tree does not increase signicantly with member group size. Figure 9 shows packets O/H growth with node speed. Packet ", overhead is computed using the formula !#"%$& '( where !0) number of control packet transmission (ACK, JOIN, QUIT); 1) control packet transmission time (5 2 ); ) average number of clusters ( 3 27), and; 4) total simulated time (62 5 5 2 for our experiments). Thus, the overhead represents the fraction of bandwidth used up by control packets. We note that the growth is less than linear, consistent with gure 6 results. Furthermore, the overhead is only a few percent, even at top speed. The responsiveness of a multicast scheme with dynamic join
can be measured by the latency of a JOIN operation, i.e. the time between the issue of a JOIN request by a new member and the receipt of an ACK. Intuition suggests that latency should increase with speed. The results in gure 10, however, seem to indicate that latency is rather insensitive to speed, at least for the range of speeds considered in our study. For example, using the CGSR routing scheme, JOIN latency is less than 600 ms for the entire range of speeds. Figure 10 also reports latency under the conventional DSDV routing scheme. It is interesting to notice that CGSR performs considerably better than DSDV. The latency reduction in CGSR can be attributed to the clever token and code scheduling heuristics. In summary, the result show that the proposed multicast scheme meets the target performance goals. Namely, it is robust to mobility (latency is insensitive to speed; overhead increases less than linearly with speed); it has low overhead (less than a few percent at top speed); it scales well with member group size, and; it has very low latency (less than 1 s).
group members core cluster heads gateway nodes regular nodes
VII. Conclusion
The two principal contributions of this paper are:(1) the multicast protocol, and; (2) the wireless network infrastructure which supports it. The multicast strategy is inspired by the CBT (Core Based Tree) Internet scheme. It is robust to mobility(low JOIN latency up to 10 m/s); it introduces extremely low control overhead (typically, less than 1%); it scales well with number of nodes and with multicast group size (up to the hundreds). By virtue of the use of CBT, it can be easily interfaced with an Internet CBT. While the proposed multicast strategy is independent of the particular wireless infrastructure (ie, routing, MAC and cluster layers) in use, it has been developed on top of a novel wireless, multihop infrastructure for the purpose of evaluating its performance. The underlying infrastructure itself is innovative and in many aspects improves upon existing architectures. In particular, the LLC clustering algorithm was proven to be more robust to mobility than existing schemes. The clusterhead controlled token MAC layer allows exible priorities and powerful heuristics. The hierarchical routing scheme provides a solution with low overhead and potential for scalability to very large networks. Future research directions include: (1) the dynamic relocation of the CORE;(2) the extension of the Internet (or ATM) multicast tree solutions to the wireless segments, and; (3) QoS multicasting.
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2500 ACK pkts JOIN pkts 2000 reconfig. events quit pkts 1500
# of packets; # of reconfig.
# of transient loop