A Comparative Analysis On Qos Multicast Routing Protocols in Manets
A Comparative Analysis On Qos Multicast Routing Protocols in Manets
A Comparative Analysis On Qos Multicast Routing Protocols in Manets
e-ISSN: 2278-0661, p- ISSN: 2278-8727Volume 15, Issue 4 (Nov. - Dec. 2013), PP 88-92
Abstract: Simultaneous transmission of data from one sender to multiple receivers is called multicasting.
Several widely used applications require multicasting at least at the logical level. Examples include audio video
teleconferencing, real time video streaming and the maintenance of distributed databases. In many cases it is
advantageous to implement multicasting at the level of the routing algorithm (other approaches would be oneto-all unicast or the implementation of multicasting at the application layer). In this paper we are presenting a
comparative analysis on various multicast routing protocols in adhoc networks.
Keywords: multicasting, multicast protocols,dynamic core, performance evaluation,Qos Parameters
Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs) are a class of wireless communication networks without a fixed
infra-structure.The MANET concept has basically evolved to tackle the disaster situations like tsunami,
earthquake, terrorist activities, battlefields, land slides, etc.Later, the concept has been extended to include
applications such as online education, gaming, business, etc. Several applications in MANETs need group
communication to manage the situations. The MANET nodes do not provide reliable services and QoS
(QualityofService) guarantees as compared to other wireless networks such as WiFi, WiMAX, GSM and
CDMA.The main sources of unreliability in MANETs are due to limited battery capacity, limited memory and
processing power, varying channel conditions, less stability under unpredictable and high mobility of nodes.The
QoS parameters to be guaranteed for multimedia group commu- nication are bandwidth, delay, packetloss,
jitters and bandwidth-delay product.Here we discuss some of the important multicast routing protocols.
Multicast routing mechanisms are categorized based on topol- ogy and services within a topology.The
basis of topological classification includes: (a)Mesh (b)Tree (c)Zone,and (d) Others. Multicast routing
mechanisms can be further classified based on the services they provide by mainly focusing on reliability
(Rel),bandwidth (BW), delay(Del)andbandwidth- delay (BD) product.Examples of mesh based multicast routing
include On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (ODMRP) (Su etal.,2002; Leetetal.,1999), Enhanced ODMRP
(EODMRP) (Oh etal.,2008; Hu etal., 2009), Resilient ODMRP (RODMRP) (Xu etal.,2009; Pathirana, 2007),
Forward Group Multicast Protocol(FGMP) (Chiangetal., 1998), link stability based multicast routing in
MANETs(LSMRM) (Biradaretal.,2010), Agent-driven back bone Ring-based Reliable Multicast routing in
mobile Adhoc networks (RRMRA) (Biradarand Manvi,2011a), Reliable Neighbor based Multipath
Multicastrouting in MANETs (MMRNS) (BiradarandManvi, 2011b), Team Oriented Multicast (TOM)
protocol(Yunjungetal.,2003; Egbogahetal.,2008), Delay-Guaranteed Multicast Routing in multi-rate MANETs
(DG-ODMRP) (Chen etal.,2009), QoS-Aware Mesh construction to enhance multicast routing in mobile adhoc
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Most protocols use a distributed implementation, with the only exception being the genetic algorithm
based approach.So, there is a question whether the protocol considers QoS features such as minimal bandwidth
of the multicast. QoS assurance almost always conflicts with resource conservation, as nodes with move
advantageous locations or higher bandwidth will tend to become overloaded. From the surveyed protocols, the
ones considering QoS are: QMRPCAH [5] (soft Qos), QoS multicast routing using multiple paths/trees [6], QoS
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