7010 Computer Studies: MARK SCHEME For The October/November 2012 Series
7010 Computer Studies: MARK SCHEME For The October/November 2012 Series
7010 Computer Studies: MARK SCHEME For The October/November 2012 Series
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This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners meeting before marking began, which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers. Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner Report for Teachers.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.
Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2012 series for most IGCSE, GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level components and some Ordinary Level components.
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Syllabus 7010
Paper 12
Any three from: data shall be processed/obtained fairly/lawfully data shall only be used for the specific purpose for which it was collected data shall be adequate/relevant/not excessive data shall be accurate/up to date data shall not be kept any longer than necessary individuals have the right to see data about them (and have it changed if inaccurate) sufficient means taken for security/integrity of data data shall not be transferred to a country with lower protection laws data users must be registered Any four from: gather information from human experts populate/create/design the knowledge base create/design the inference engine create/design the rules base create/design the user interface create/design output formats create expert system shell - test system with data with known outcomes
3 List of hardware items webcam, microphone, speakers barcode reader, POS terminal Application video conferencing/chat e.g. supermarket checkout shop sales point stock control system library systems burglar/intruder alarm
virtual reality (applications) (NOT VR) simulation e.g. motor racing simulator
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Any three benefits and one drawback from: benefits: greater productivity robots are not paid/humans need wages less expensive in the long term more consistent product produced dont go on strike/holidays/breaks/become ill/feel tired no need for expensive re-training programmes can put more people into quality control/research/more interesting jobs no need for high quality lighting/air con systems in factories (no people!!) work in extreme/hazardous conditions drawbacks: expensive initial outlay/maintenance introduces new hazards into work place programming/robot errors lead to faulty production runs cost of redundancies/retraining robot breaks down production is halted
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1 mark
3 1/8
1 mark
8/1 4
Yes No
1 mark
No Yes
1 mark
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one mark for name of method + one mark for corresponding benefit emails: fast delivery of messages (to recipients mail box) able to send attachments can store messages for later use auto-translation no language problems can open email at a convenient time
video conferencing/calling/chat: removes need to travel (saves time and money) allows face to face discussions works in real time (only allow once) VoIP: much cheaper than normal international calls direct communication between people works in real time (only allow once)
chat rooms/instant messaging: instantaneous reply anyone can join in social networking: can ensure only your friends are in communication usually free to join and use talk to (multiple) friends at the same time 7 (a) Any two from: she had actually described verification data could be incorrect, therefore same incorrect data typed in twice accept description of validation process e.g. range check (b) (i) Any one from: the computer appears to freeze/hang computer wont respond failure of hardware (stops computer normal functioning) failure of software (stops computer normal functioning) (ii) Any one from: back up her files (onto CD/DVD/memory stick) send files to a central database on the Internet cloud computing (c) Any one from: file too large she didnt have correct software on her computer to open the attachment the file was somehow corrupted during transfer person forgot to attach file password protected encrypted invalid digital signature rejected by virus checker
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(d) Any one benefit and one drawback benefit: no trailing wires no restriction on movement of mouse can work anywhere (as long as in range) drawback: restricted range of operation needs batteries possible interference NOT WiFi security 8 (a) Any two from: poor/low resolution low bit map image insufficient pixel density/picture has less pixels (b) Any two from: as picture is enlarged covers larger area ...... ...... so pixel density gets smaller and sharpness of image is lost pixels become too big (c) Any one from: printer (e.g. dot matrix) television/monitor/screen projector (d) 9 uses up large amount of memory/storage space download/upload takes longer
(a) Any two from: lower costs in wages lower rental costs (for office) better coverage of time zones work can be done in the developing counties when there are strikes in Europe creation of new jobs in the developing counties (b) Any two from: problems with dialects/accents/language different cultures stick to scripts so can be frustrating to the customer long distances may lead to poor reception negative public reaction to overseas call centres time e.g. to set up centres, train staff cost of setting up new centres/training staff be aware of European legislation (e.g. Data Protection Acts)
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(c) Any two from: potential job losses (in Europe) de-motivation of remaining work force re-training of some staff relocation for some staff (d) Risk + reason one mark any two from: RSI/ carpal tunnel syndrome from using keyboard continuously/long time periods RSI/carpal tunnel syndrome from repeated clicking of the mouse buttons headaches/eye strain/dry eye from screen glare/staring at the screen back/neck problems from poor seating position/sitting for long periods of time electric shock from cables, water etc. potential for heavy equipment falling if desks used are inadequate trip hazards from trailing wires 10 one mark for naming security risk + one mark for a correct description viruses: phishing: pharming: hacking: unauthorised access to a computer system in an effort to use data illegally (e.g. fraud) to change/delete/corrupt data on a computer malicious code which self replicates designed to delete, alter or corrupt files
sending emails to recipients claiming to be a legitimate company when email opened, recipient is directed to a bogus website/gets details about customer malicious code installed on PC or a server code misdirects user to a fraudulent website (without their knowledge)
key logging/spyware program installed on a computer to monitor all key presses each key press is relayed back to the program writer or spyware scan files on hard drive snoop applications shoulder surfing: the act of watching a person key in secure data (e.g. PIN, password, etc.) stealing security data by using binoculars, CCTV near ATMs etc. to watch key presses etc. war driving: locating a wireless network by touring round an area requires a laptop, special software and an antenna
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1 mark
T 1 mark
1 mark 1 mark
1 mark AND
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12 (a) Any two from: sequence of digital signals/bits over a communications path/the Internet transfer of data at a high speed .... ...... so there appears to be no time lag requires reliable/fast broadband reference to buffering of data/complete file not required (b) (i) Any two from: dont have to wait for whole file to be downloaded to watch film no need to store large files on demand playback/watch films at any time (ii) Any two problems from: Internet/broadband connection not very fast (then quality is poor)//requires high speed internet connection inadequate buffering of data stream if website/Internet down, cant access film files websites can withdraw film files without notice may require specific software to work (c) webcam sending images videoconferencing listening to music online game playing rolling news from a website
13 (a) Any five points from: sensors send information to the computer converted to a digital signal by an ADC data compared to stored data (sound level) in computer memory if it is identified as a drip in the outer pipe ...... ...... a signal is sent out by the computer (to the actuators) use of DAC to convert signal to analogue actuator/motor used to close valve in the inner pipe message sent to screen in control room/alarm sounds (b) Any two points from: computer response is much faster than a human 24/7 monitoring is possible/no breaks taken a human may miss signs of leakage/computer doesnt get tired no/removes human errors (therefore safer) automatic graph/generation of a spreadsheet
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14 one mark per correct column in the table S 0 1 C 1 2 3 4 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 10 11 5 [5] 15 (a) Minus one mark for each different error E 1 2 3 4 5 6 Minimum number of nights (=)(E2 =) B2/(C2 * D2) (=)(E3 =) B3/(C3 * D3) (=)(E4 =) B4/(C4 * D4) (=)(E5 =) B5/(C5 * D5) (=)(E6 =) B6/(C6 * D6) [2] N 15 8 251 35 60 3 2 1516 19 55 T 0.15 0.08 2.51 0.35 0.60 0.03 0.02 15.16 0.19 0.55 OUTPUT
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(b) (=)(C7 =) SUM(C2:C6)/5 OR (=)(C7 =) AVERAGE(C2:C6) OR (=)(C7 =) (C2 + C3 + C4 + C5 + C6)/5 (c) Any two from: add 0.5 to the number ...... ...... format cell and choose number, 0 decimal places OR use the INT function ...... ...... and add 1 OR use INT(E2+0.9) (one mark for correct term INT and one mark for correct values in brackets) OR use ROUNDUP(E2, 0) (one mark for correct term ROUNDUP and one mark for correct values in brackets)
16 (a) (i) 44 100 16 2 = 1 411 200 bits/second 1 411 200/8 = 176 400 (bytes) (two marks for correct answer. If answer is incorrect, award one mark for a good attempt at the calculation.) [2] (ii) 3 minutes = 180 seconds 176 400 180 = 31 752 000 bytes = 30.281 (megabytes) (allow 0, 1, 2 or more decimal places) (two marks for correct answer. If answer is incorrect, award one mark for a good attempt at the calculation, allowing follow through from (i)) [2] (b) Any one from: similar to how ZIP/Jpeg files work file is compressed lossless compression AND Any one from: using perceptual music shaping uses human ear characteristics to remove unneeded data//removes sounds that the human ear cant hear only keeps the sounds that the human ear hears better than others if 2 sounds played together, human ear can only hear louder one and not the softer one which is consequently discarded [2]
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17 (a) sample program: x = 0: y = 0 input number while number < > -1 do if number > 1000 then x = x + 1 else if number < 1000 then y = y + 1 input number endwhile print x, y marking points: initialisation of variables first and subsequent inputs in the correct place correct loop control (only repeat or while loops work here) check if number > 1000 and increment total check if number < 1000 and increment total output totals outside the loop (1 mark) (1 mark) (1 mark) (1 mark) (1 mark) (1 mark)
(b) sample program T=0 for N = 1 to 50 read D1, D2, D3, D4 if D1 = D4 and D2 = D3 then T = T+1 next N percent = T * 2 print percent (1 mark) (1 mark) (2 marks) (1 mark)
marking points correct loop (for, repeat or while loops all work) correct input check whether D1 = D4 and D2 = D3 summation if D1 = D4 and D2 = D3 calculate percentage and output the value outside the loop