Emergency Procedures Checklists
Emergency Procedures Checklists
Emergency Procedures Checklists
Rev: 0612
Block 50-52 / MLU Checklists EMERGENCY Procedures
Not suited for Real Operations Made for FALCON 4 and suitable for any version*
*Some switches might not work depending on your version.
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Anti-Ice valve failed open and/or bleed air temperature greater than 850F
Engine anti-Ice valve failed in closed position The CADC supplied mach number to DEEC is no longer available
Loss of redundant FTIT signals received by DEEC Communication lost between EDU and MUX bus
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Note: Most of the Electrical faults are not implemented in Falcon. Whenever you encounter an electrical fault, land as soon as possible
1. AOA 12 max (200kts Min) 2. EPU switch ON (If EPU run light OFF)
Not implemented in F4
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAIN GENERATOR FAILURE .. A-3 MAIN GEN (ground and in flight) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------FLCS PMG FLCS PMG FAILURE ... A-4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Uncommanded EPU operation: 1. Throttle Min practical thrust 2. Stores Jettison (if required) 3. Land as soon as possible If EPU is running with normal indications: 4. EPU Leave running 5. Land as soon as possible Abnormal EPU operation: 1. Throttle 2. EPU Fuel quantity 3. Land as soon as possible
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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------LEF MALFUNCTION .. B-4 LE FLAPS Symmetric/Asymmetric -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------OUT OF CONTROL RECOVERY .. B-5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTROLLABILITY CHECK .... B-3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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1. TRIM/AP DISC switch DISC then NORM If Normal operation is not restored: 2. TRIM/AP DISC switch DISC 3. ROLL and PITCH TRIM wheels As required Other considerations: Autopilot cannot be engaged
If CADC caution light illuminates and ENGINE FAULT caution light is also ON: 1. Depress F-ACK button and check for ENG MACH FAIL PFL After fault acknowledgement or if ENGINE FAULT caution light was OFF: 2. AOA Cross-check with airspeed. 3. Land as soon as practical.
1. Attain safe altitude 2. Gross weight Reduce (as required) 3. LE FLAPS switch Lock (if required lef damage) 4. Determine optimum configuration available for landing. 5. Stores Selectively jettison (if required) Refer to Selective Jettison page F-7 6. Slow only to that AOA/airspeed which allows acceptable handling qualities Other considerations: In the event that structural damage of unknown extent is encountered, consider accomplishing applicable EJECTION (TIME PERMITTING) page F-6 prior to proceeding with CONTROLLABILITY CHECK If the aircraft is not controllable down to a reasonable landing speed (given consideration to weather, runway conditions, facilities, pilot experience and fatigue,) an ejection is recommended.
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Other considerations: Minimize Rudder input Do not use rudder trim. Lock operating LEF as near symmetrical as possible. Consider selective jettison of stores from the heavy wing as a means to reduce roll control requirements Prior to landing, consider AC configuration, pilot fatigue and experience, airport facilities, weather, winds and light conditions. If conditions are not favorable, a controlled ejection is recommended. If crosswind component is greater than 10kts choose a runway, if possible, which allows landing with the heavy wing upwind.
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Other considerations: Recovery from a deep stall condition will present a low airspeed situation in which the aircraft may require more than 6000ft of altitude to attain level flight If other than AB do not move the throttle. Neutralize rudder as rotation stops and then use as required to minimize rotation Maintain firm pressure. The MPO switch must be held in the OVRD position until the deep stall is positively broken as evidenced by the pitch rate stopping, AOA in the normal range (-5 to 25) and airspeed increasing above 200Kts. Early release of the MPO may delay recovery.
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ENGINE malfunctions
If ENGINE is ON, check RPM and FTIT indication If RPM and FTIT are normal, land as soon as practical.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENGINE FAILURE ON TAKE-OFF .. C-3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOW THRUST ON TAKEOFF . C-3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENGFIRE ENGINE FIRE C-4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------OVERHEAT CAUTION LIGHT ...C-5
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENGINE STALL RECOVERY .... C-6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABNORMAL ENGINE RESPONSE .. C-7 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOW ALTITUDE ENGINE FLAMOUT . C-7 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEC CAUTION LIGHT.... C-8
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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOZZLE FAILURE .................... C-9 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------AIRSTART PROCEDURE ... C-10 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------FLAMEOUT LANDING ... C-12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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If on Take-off and conditions permit: 1. ABORT If Take-off is continued: 1. ZOOM 2. Store Jettison (If required) At a safe altitude: 3. Throttle Min practical If ENG FIRE warning light goes off: 4. FIRE & OHEAT DETECT button Depress If FIRE persists: 5. EJECT If FIRE indications cease: 5. Land as soon as possible
Other considerations: If fire occurred in AB, ENG FIRE warning light may not illuminate. Fire shouldextinguish after throttle is retarded; however , nozzle damage may result in lower than normal thrust
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If vibrations persist: 1. Throttle 2. Land as soon as possible Minimum Practical
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If AB stalls do not clear or If AB stall(s) clears: stall(s) occurs below AB: 2. Throttle As required 2. Throttle - Idle 3. Anti-Ice switch OFF (N.I. in F4) If stall continue at idle and Progress to a stagnation (engine RPM less than 60 percent with RPM response to throttle movement): 4. Throttle CUT OFF Initiate airstart Refer to airstart procedure page C10 If non AB stall clears: 5. Throttle Midrange or below 6. Land as soon as possible
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If thrust is low with a failed open, damaged, or missing nozzle 1. ENG CONT switch Confirm in SEC If within gliding distance of Suitable landing field: 2. Throttle min practical 3. Land as soon as possible Plan a flame out landing Refer to FLAMEOUT LANDING page C-12 If not within gliding distance of a Suitable laning field: 2. Stores Jettison 3. Throttle Maintain 850C FTIT and 250 Kts until level flight can If level flight cannot be maintained By 1000ft above minimum recommended ejection altitude or min safe altitude, whichever is appropriate: 4. Throttle As required to maintain 250Kts in level flight above min recommended ejection altitude or min safe altitude whichever is appropriate 5. Land as soon as possible, Plan a flameout landing Refer to FLAMEOUT LANDING page C-12
Other considerations: With Nozzle loss, catastrophic engine failure and fire are probable with prolonged high power settings above 850C FTIT while in SEC If airspeed drops below 250 Kts, trade altitude to reaquire 250 Kts. Do not descend below min recommended ejection altitude or min safe altitude, whichever is appropriate
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To accomplish an airstart: 1. Throttle OFF 2. Airspeed As required When RPM is 50-25 % with FTIT below 700C 3. Throttle IDLE, then advance 4. Idle detent Toggle 5. RPM Check increasing If RPM below 20% with FTIT below 700C: 3. Attitude Below 20.000 feet and < 400 kts 4. JFS START 2 5. Throttle RPM at 20% min - IDLE, then advance 6. Idle detent Toggle 7. RPM Check increasing 8. Throttle Idle If Engine does not respond Normally after airstarts: 9. Refer to FLAMOUT LANDING page C-12 If engine responds normally: 9. JFS Confirm OFF 10. EPU switch OFF then NORM 11. ADI check for OFF and/or AUX flags 12. Throttle as required 13. Land as soon as possible
Other considerations: FTIT should decrease rapidly when throttle is OFF. If FTIT does not decrease rapidly, verify that throttle is OFF. Maintain max range or max endurance airspeed (200 or 170 Kts respectively, plus 5 kts per 1000 lbs of fuel/store weights over 3000 lbs) If warning flags are in view, refer to TOTAL INS FAILURE page F-6 If only AUX flags are in view, pitch and roll attitude information is likely to be erroneous due to INS autorestart in the attitude mode when other than straight and level unaccelerated flight conditions existed. If SEC caution light is ON, refer to SEC CAUTION LIGHT page C-8
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Airstart enveloppe:
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1. PFD 2. Stores 3. EPU switch 4. AIRSource knob 5. Glide AoA 6. Best Glide Speed 7. Radio Tower 8. Glide Path 9. LG Handle 10. ALT GEAR handle 11. Flare 12. Final Approach Checks After touchdown: 13. Drag chute (NE- NO) 14. Hook switch Check for engine Fire (Eject) Jettison (If required) ON RAM 6AoA (Glide Ratio: 1,4Nm/1000Ft) 210 Kts (add 4Kts for every 1000Lbs) Declare Emergency Between 11 and 17 Down Pull (if required) Decrease Airspeed to 160kts
If brakes/JFS accumulator braking is used: 15. Stop straight ahead and set parking brake FUEL/ STORE WT 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 ALTITUDE FEET AGL HI LOW 7000 3000 7500 3250 8000 3500 8500 3750 9000 4000 9500 4250 10000 4500 10500 4750 KIAS LG-UP 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 LG-DN 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 225 MIN 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215
Other considerations: Brake pedal deflection of 1/16 inch activates the brakes and bleeds the brake/JFS accumulators. To avoid brake activation and loss of accumulator fluid, do not rest feet on the brake pedals. Do not attempt to taxi clear of the runway. Loss of brake/JFS accumulator pressure results in the inability to stop or steer the aircraft.
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A: HIGH KEY 6000-9000 feet AGL approximately 1/3 runway length. 210 knots CLEAN. 190 Kts optimum (170 Kts MIN) LG down. B: LOW KEY 3000-5000 feet AGL Abeam touchdown point - Airspeeds same as high key C: BASE KEY 2000 feet AGL MIN 190 Kts LG Down
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FUEL IMBALANCE .. D-3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------FWD FUEL LOW And/or AFT FUEL LOW
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F-16 checklists EP volume
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If fuel imbalance is indicated by AL and FR pointers with FUEL QTY SEL knob in NORM: 1. Fuel Flow Reduce to the min required to sustain flight below 6000 PPH. If AFT fuel imbalance exists (AFT CG): 2. AOA 15 Max If a fuel leak is suspected: 3. Go to FUEL LEAK page D-6 If a fuel leak is not suspected: 4. Fuel Quantities Check 5. ENG FEED knob FWD or AFT If imbalance is not corrected If proper distribution is attained 6. Land as soon as possible 6. ENG FEED knob NORM 7. Fuel balance Monitor Other considerations: A fuel imbalance when not carrying an external tank(s) indicates a System malfunction. A fuel imbalance when carrying an external tank(s) may be the result of normal system operating tolerances. Limit fuel flow to the min required to sustain flight while the cause is determined. Avoid negative G flight when either reservoir is not full. AFT fuel heavy (red portion of the AL pointer showing) result in increased susceptibility to departure and deep stall conditions. Limit AOA and avoid max command rolling maneuvers. Use the FUEL QTY SEL knob to determine if a trapped fuel condition exists. Refer to TRAPPED EXTERNAL FUEL page D-5. Use only the ENG FEED knob to correct a forward and aft fuselage imbalance and not to correct imbalance between reservoirs. Do not exceed 25000pph fuel flow when balancing fuel Beware of landing with an AFT CG, nozzle, speedbrake and ventral fin may contact the runway.
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If FWD FUEL LOW and/or AFT FUEL LOW caution light illuminates: 1. Fuel flow reduce to the min required to sustain flight below 6000 PPH. 2. ENG FEED knob NORM 3. FUEL QTY SEL knob RSVR If either or both reservoir Tanks are low: 4. Land as soon as possible If a fuel leak is suspected: 5. Go to Fuel Leak page D-6 If external fuel has not transferred: 6. Go to TRAPPED EXT FUEL p D-5 If forward and aft fuselage fuel is not properly balanced: 7.Go to FUEL IMBALANCE page D-3 If Fuel is properly balanced 8. Land as soon as possible If reservoirs tanks indicate full: 4. FUEL QTY SEL knob TEST If AL and/or FR pointers test bad, or FUEL quantity indicator is inop: 5. Land as soon as possible If AL and FR pointers test good: 6. Individual fuel quantities Check and compare with totalizer 7. Land as soon as practical
Other indications: A fuel low caution light may be caused by a fuel leak, trapped external fuel, a fuel imbalance between the forward and aft systems, prolonged AB operations or a fuel sensing problem. The FWD FUEL LOW and AFT FUEL LOW caution lights indicate reservoir tank quantities are less than: FWD: 400 Lbs AFT: 250 Lbs Other considerations: Limit fuel flow to the min required to sustain flight while the cause is determined. Avoid negative G flight when either reservoir is not full. Leave FUEL QTY SEL knob out of NORM if FUEL quantity indicator displays erroneous information. Consider stores jettison if range is critical. Consider a flamout landing.
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If a fuel leak is suspected: 1. Range If fuel flow is abnormally high: 2. ENG FEED knob OFF 3. Land as soon as possible Maximise If fuel flow is normal: 2. ENG FEED knob NORM If leak is from the forward system: 3. FUEL QTY SEL knob Out of NORM If external tank contains fuel: 4. Tank inerting switch to TANK INERTING Reduce tank pressurisation If external tanks are not installed or when they are empty: 5. AIR REFUEL switch OPEN 6. Land as soon as possible If AFT fuel imbalance exists (AFT CG): 7. AOA 15 max.
Other considerations: A fuel leak is indicated by abnormally high fuel flow, by totalizer decreasing at abnormal rate, or visually. If a suitable landing field is not within gliding distance, consider increasing airspeed and altitude (without the use of AB) to maximize range by using fuel which would otherwise be lost. Consider stores jettison if range is critical. Consider a flamout landing AFT fuel heavy result in increased susceptibility to departure and deep stall conditions. Limit AOA and avoid max rolling maneuvers.
If FUEL/OIL HOTcaution light illuminates or gravity feed situation exist: 1. AIR REFUEL switch Check CLOSE 2. TANK INERTING switch Check OFF (N.I. in F4) 3. Altitude 10000ft MAX (if practical) 4. Fuel Flow 4000 PPH Min until landing is assured when in a hot fuel situation If FUEL/OIL HOT caution light If FUEL/OIL HOT caution light goes off: remains ON or gravity feed 5. Land as soon as practical situation exists: 5. Land as soon as possible
F-16 checklists EP volume D-6
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LG FAILS TO RETRACT E-3 LG FAILS TO EXTEND... E-3 ALTERNATE LG EXTENSION.. E-4 LANDING WITH A LG UNSAFE/UP. E-5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------NWS FAILURE . GO TO F-7
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1. Airspeed 300 Kts MAX. 2. LG handle DOWN. If Landing Gear comes down normally: 3. Gross Weight reduce prior to landing. If landing Gear does not indicate down and locked: 4. Go to ALTERNATE LG EXTENSION page E-4 Other considerations: Do not cycle the LG handle. Damage to LG or LG doors may result
If LG handle cannot be lowered normally: 1. DN LOCK REL button Depress and lower LG handle (N.I. in F4) If LG handle still cannot be lowered: 2. ALT FLAPS switch Extend. 3. Go to ALTERNATE LG EXTENSION page E-4 If Landing Gear lowers and one or more LG indicates unsafe: 1. LG Handle Cycle and monitor LG handle warning light and WHEELS down light. If LG handle warning light illuminated when the LG handle was lowered, then went OFF and tests good, or if WHEELS down light operated normally: 2. Speedbrake Verify opening is less than 43 3. Land Normally If LG handle warning light did not illuminate or remained illuminated after LG handle was lowered, and if one or more WHEELS down light did not illuminate: when the LG handle was lowered, then went OFF and tests good, or if WHEELS down light operated 4. Go to ALTERNATE LG EXTENSION page E-4
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Other considerations: Alternate LG extension can be used up to 300 Kts. However, the NLG may not fully extend until 190 Kts. Time above 190 Kts should be minimized in case there is a leak in the pneumatic lines. Do not depress the ALT GEAR button while pulling the ALT GEAR handle. This action may preclude successful LG extension. If possible get a visual confirmation of LG position. Consider a go-around capability in the event the brakes are found to be inoperative after touchdown. NWS is not available following alternate gear extension.
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Miscellaneous Malfunctions ABORTED TAKE-OFF ... F-3 ACTIVATED EPU F-3 CANOPY MALFUNCTION . F-3 DRAG CHUTE DEPLOYED IN FLIGHT .. F-4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------CABIN COCKPIT PRESSURE MALFUNCTION F-4
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EMERGENCY JETTISON .. F-5 EJECTION . F-6 INS FAILURE F-6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OXY OXYGEN MALFUNCTION ... F-7
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If landing with an activated EPU: 1. Oxygen 100% When on the ground: 2. AIR SOURCE OFF 3. Taxi to an isolated parking area and park the aircraft with left wing into the wind if possible 4. EPU switch OFF 5. Shut down the engine Other considerations: If AIR SOURCE knob is placed to OFF, also turn off nonessential avionic equipment as electronic equipment may overheat.
If CANOPY warning light illuminates: 1. Canopy handle Push Outboard (N.I. in F4) If CANOPY warning light remains ON: 2. Airspeed 180 Kts MAX. 3. ALT FLAPS switch EXTEND 4. Land as soon as possible
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1. GND JETT ENABLE switch 2. EMER STORES JETTISON button ENABLE (if LG is down) Depress (1 sec.)
Other considerations: Use EMER STORE JETTISON on the ground only as a last resort. Emergency Jettison is not available if a MMC FAIL PFL message is present. Emergency jettison can be restored by placing the MMC switch to OFF If the initial actuation of the EMER STORE JETTISON button fails to jettison all aircraft stores, subsequent attempts may successfully release the remaining stores
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Ejection (IMMEDIATE): 1. Ejection Handle Ejection (Time Permitting): 1. IFF MASTER knob 2. MASTER ZEROIZE switch 3. Throttle 4. Ejection Handle PULL EMERG ZEROIZE IDLE PULL
Other considerations: Slow to lowest practical airspeed before ejecting. Failure to remove Track-IR prior to ejection may cause injury. If unable to remove TrackIR, a proper ejection body position (head back against the seat headrest) reduces the chance of injury from the trackIR
Indication of a total INS failure: Avionics Fault caution light ADI AUX warning flag ADI OFF warning flag HSI compass card frozen ADI frozen/tumbled HUD pitch ladder, heading scale, Roll scale and FPM also blank PFL code: INS BUS fail OFF for 10 seconds. Straight, Level and unaccelerated IN FLT ALIGN Enter Straight, Level and unaccelerated until ALIGN appears in the HUD or ADI OFF warning flag goes out of view after approximately 10 sec.
IN FLT align in F4 Maintaining a straight, level and unaccelerated course and entering the magnetic heading is the DED is not mandatory in F4
F-16 checklists EP volume F-6
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1. NWS 2. AR/NWS light 3. Rudder and Brakes Disengage Verify OFF As required
Other considerations: NWS malfunctions at any speed may cause an abrupt turn, tire skidding or blowout, aircrfat tipping, and/or departure from the prepared surface.
If OXY LOW caution light illuminates: 1. Cockpit pressure altitude 10000ft Max If unable to descend immediately: 2. Emergency Oxygen Activate 3. Oxygen Hose Disconnect Other considerations: OXY LOW caution light indicates oxygen quantity below 0.5 liter or pressure below 42 PSI.
1. GND JETT ENABLE switch 2. MASTER ARM 3. MFD 4. S-J OSB (MFD) 5. S-J Page (MFD) 6. WPN REL or ALT REL button ENABLE (if LG is down) ARM SMS format Depress Select Store desired for jettison Depress
Other considerations: Selective jettison of stores while the main landing gear is down may cause LG and store collision. When 300 gallons and 370 gallon fuel tanks are carried simultaneously, the 300 gallon fuel tank must be separated prior to the 370 gallon fuel tanks
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Rev: 0612
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Store config switch is in incorrect position Verify STORE CONFIG switch is in proper position for aircraft category BUC selected and engine operating in BUC or main fuel pressure is low None.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------MODE 4 REPLY switch in OUT with C&I switch in BACKUP or RF switch in QUIET or SILENT Depress F-ACK to acknoledge fault and reset Avionic Fault caution light Hook not up and locked.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------AVIONIC FAULT
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------All LG not down and locked or TEFs not fully down with LG handle down Probe heaters system failure avoid areas of known or suspected icing conditions.