A Critical Appraisal of A Recent Research Study
A Critical Appraisal of A Recent Research Study
A Critical Appraisal of A Recent Research Study
1. Subject of study
A Study of Continuous Evaluation on Students Educational Progress. Unpublished dissertation, K.M.D. College Of Education, Jaipur (Raj.)
2. Type of study
Ms. Sangeeta Kushwaha has worked on her topic keeping in mind the currently popular outline of dissertation/thesis. The dissertation has been divided into 5 chapters. They are:-
Chapter I Introduction The need Statement of the problem Importance of problem Operational definitions of terms Justification of the problem Hypotheses Design of the study
Chapter III Method of study Population and sample Variables and their measures Data gathering tools Data collection Statistical techniques used
Chapter IV Introduction Hypothesis tested under the following heads Analysis Interpretations
Chapter V Introduction Problem Statement of the problem Objectives of study Hypothesis Review of the procedure adopted Findings related to the hypothesis Conclusions Suggestions based on the conclusions Limitations of the study Suggestions for further research Bibliography
PARTS OF DISSERTATION According to J.W. Best, in his book Research in Education the points, which are necessary to taken care while writing or criticizing a research report, are listed below: 1. The Title and Abstract - Are they clear and concise? - Do they promise no more than a study can provide? 2. The Problem and Hypothesis (Introductory Section) - Is the problem clearly stated? - Is the problem clearly delimited? - Is the significance of the problem recognized? - Are hypothesis of the problem recognized? - Are hypothesis clearly stated and testable? - Are assumptions and limitations testable? - Are important terms defined? 3. Review of Related Literature (Introductory Section) - Is it adequately covered? - Are important findings noted? - Is it well organized? - Is an effective summary provided? - Is the literature cited directly relevant to the problem and hypothesis?
4. Method Section - Is the research designed described in detail? - Is it adequate? - Are the samples described in detail? - Are relevant variables recognized? - Are appropriate controls, provided to establish experimental validity? - Are data gathering instruments appropriate? - Are validity or reliability of the instruments established? - Can the sample and procedure of replicated based on the information and references given?
5. Result Section - Is the statistical treatment appropriate? - Is the appropriate use of table and figure done? - Is the analysis of data relation-logical prospective and objective? 6. Discussion Section - Is the discussion clear and concise? - Is the problem/hypothesis is restated appropriately? - Is the analysis objective? - Are the findings and conclusion justified by the data presented and analysed? - Did the author(s) generalize approximately or too much?
7. Overall Writing of Paper - Is it clear, concise and objective? - Are the parts of the papers properly related to each other? Through the critical analysis e, the student may gain some insight into the nature of research problem, the methods by which it may be attached, the difficulties inherent in the research process, the ways in which the data are analyzed, style in which report is presented.
SUMMARY OF CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION According to the investigator education can be categorized as formal, informal, and non-formal. Learning is a continuous process and so evaluation is. Evaluation is a life-long process. If evaluation is not there in human life than the objectives of living got diminished. Psychology and education is more important because in these two fields no progress is shown without the help of evaluation. Researcher has also given the information about the different steps taken by the government for correct evaluation. In 1949 Dr. Sarvapalli Radha Krishnan has formed a committee and cited that if university education needs improvement than it can be only through evaluation.
In 1953 Board of Secondary Education under Dr. Laxman Swami Mudaliers direction discussed that the burden of test has made students monotonous towards the studies. 1957 is an important year in the field of evaluation , Dr. Bloom has studied educational problems of India. He published fifteen books. 1966s Kothari Commission and 1986s National Education System has also given importance to evaluation. In Gurukulas also there was the system of evaluation prevailed.
THE NEED There is a need for a positive step to be taken by the new generation as twenty first century has reached as its fullest. So it is essential for a student ,to evaluate his progress completely. Today students only used to rote the matter instead the evaluation must be based on true knowledge.
IMPORTANCE OF PROBLEM Teachers are related to the educational process. That is why they are considered as a first evaluator. Evaluation done by them is trustful and legal. To explore the interaction with Society evaluation is must.
OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS In present research continuous evaluation on students educational process, is studied. The terms used here are :1. Continuous evaluation 2. Education
1. Continuous evaluation--Evaluation is a continuous process through which behavioral changes are recorded. Decision is given in the field related to direction and level of education. 2. Education --Education is conceived to be the adjustment of man to his environment to the end that the most enduring satisfaction may occur to the individual and to the society.
JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROBLEM Only few research work has been done on this topic. The finding will help in understanding the problem in evaluation process. HYPOTHESES Measures of central tendency, t test, U test has used. The Null Hypotheses is used which states that no relationship exists between the variables studied or no difference will be found between the experimental treatments.
DESIGN OF THE STUDY Method Sample Tools survey 80 questionnaire constructed by the investigator
CRITICISM OF CHAPTER- I : --The problem taken by the investigator is current and needs study over it. Introductory part is very lengthy. The researcher should have made it a more concise. Investigator has talked about various systems prevailed in evaluation. She has correctly cited the information related to the topic. Investigator has found the need for the topic to be studied intensely and then chosen the apt topic. A specific definition of the terms in this research is necessary, therefore, so that the reader will fully understand the meaning and significance of the results. Investigator has done the job well. The null hypotheses is basically used in education and here it is aptly used which states that no difference exists and the statistical tools test this hypotheses by determining the probability that whatever difference is found in the research subjects is a true difference that also is present in the population from which the research samples have been drawn.
SUMMARY OF CHAPTER II Study of related literature is an independent task in the research; it helps the investigator to develop deep insight into the subject and keep his knowledge up- to- date with respect to latest trends, methods, tools and techniques used in the field. Reasons for discussion of the related literature given by the investigator are:To explain and clarify theoretical rationale of the problem. To tell the reader what research has and has not been done on the problem.
CRITICISM OF CHAPTER II The chapter is written according to the divisions done in the index. Introductory part of the chapter is good. Related research works has been defined. Researcher has mentioned the related work done by different researchers on the topic of dissertation. But she has only defined the lines written by different writers in their articles.
SUMMARY OF CHAPTER III METHOD OF STUDY Investigator has used method for her investigation. It is a descriptive survey method.
THE POPULATIONResearcher has considered Class- VIII boys and girls in her investigation.
VARIABLESIndependent variable:Age of students Continuous evaluation of class VIII boys and girls.
Dependent variable:Language skills of class VIII boys and girls Emotional interaction between/among the age groups.
DATA GATHERING TOOLS Keeping in mind the limitation of time, finance and reliability the investigator has used the most common tool for investigation - i.e. the questionnaire.
DATA COLLECTION The investigator has gathered data from both private schools and public schools, from 12 to 14 age groups boys and girls. She surveyed on both the sexes.
HYPOTHESES A hypothesis is a bunch of the solution to a problem. The hypothesis logically relates known facts to intelligent guesses about unknown conditions in an effort to extend or enlarge our knowledge. The researcher has stated some definitions given by Munro, John W. West and Greenwood on Practice method.
CRITICISM OF CHAPTER III Variables taken are too many and are more than sufficient. They could make the investigator confuse. Investigator has collected data from public and private students, from both sexes of 12 to 14 age groups, which was a good practice to make the survey reliable.
SUMMARY OF CHAPTER IV In this chapter the researcher endeavored to give the methodology adapted to study the problem. The present chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of the collected data. The appropriateness of an analytic procedure on three factors. The nature of measurement procedure The manner in which data are generated The assumptions inherent in the mathematical derivation of the statistic. Present study is aimed at the inferential analysis. In order to test this hypothesis Mann-Whitney U test, t test, measures of Central Tendency were used.
HYPOTHESIS I Continuous evaluation affects students educational progress in a positive way. CONCLUSION I: Continuous evaluation gives feedback to students in a positive way and they work better.
HYPOTHESIS II There is an apt difference between public and private school students progress in controlled and practical groups. CONCLUSION II: The students who are weak in studies, they gets feedback and improves their performance. HYPOTHESIS III There is an apt difference between public and private school students progress if the matter tested is very lengthy. CONCLUSION III Students gain less marks in continuous evaluation, if the matter tested, is very lengthy.
HYPOTHESIS IV High profile school students are good at studies. CONCLUSIONS Schools which provide quality education, are pioneer in education, they affects students in a positive way. They provide students good infra-structure facilities and also trained and experienced teachers. Thus students educational level is high and they are good at studies.
HYPOTHESIS V Gender differences between Class VIII students does not affect more on their educational progress.
CONCLUSION Gender differences between same age groups do not affect their educational progress much.
HYPOTHESIS VI Feedback in weak students helps them improve their progress in studies.
CONCLUSION Continuous evaluation and feedback in weak students improves their progress in studies, test taken again and again improves their learning power and makes the matter stable in their mind.
CRITICISM OF CHAPTER- IV Introductory part of chapter is very impressive. Researcher has used U test, t test, measures of central tendency for her hypothesis. Data is not fed properly. The researcher has not defined it clearly.
SUMMARY OF CHAPTER V FINDINGS : As revealed in the first and the third chapter the investigator attempted to explore the possibility of using educational evaluation in its broad sense for the development of students. Conceptual hypothesis were also framed in the first chapter. Operational hypothesis were reported in the third chapter and to explore it, the survey design has been used. The studyof the population is based on both sexes of same age group. The investigator construlcted questionnaire for students of class VIII of public and private schools and results were given. The analysis of data is given in chapter IV.
CONCLUSION: Through continuous evaluation, schools must keep an eye on students progress. The weak students must be given feedback time by time when required, through evaluating them in a proper way. Lengthy matter can be difficult for the weak student to grasp so instead evaluating a large amount of matter, unit system in curriculum must be added. Gender differences of same group students, do not affect their progress. School should provide better infrastructure facilities, trained and experienced teachers, appropriate curriculum for the students. Suggestion given by the investigator is very nice and can change the progress of students in a very drastic way, if implemented. Graphs shown are impressive and help in giving a concrete view of the problem.
OVERALL CRITISICM OF THE DISSERTATION To sum up the whole research work I can now conclude that the topic of the dissertation is very much impressive and is one of the burning problems of the Indian schools. It is also very interesting. It seems that the investigator was very serious in doing this dissertation as she has done the job well.
She has given many citations of research work done by other investigators related to the topic. But there is ambiguity in the hypothesis which puts a big question mark on the conclusion. Printing quality is poor. Many typing mistakes are present. Suggestions for the future researchers should have been given in a concrete shape so that they may get benefitted. In chapter III, she had not mentioned about the development of the tools. She should have mentioned the items taken in and number of dropped items. She has used U test, t test in her research. Suggestions given by the investigator to the principal, teachers and students are very nice and can change progress of students in a drastic way, if implemented. Graphs shown are impressive and help in giving a concrete view of the problem. BIBLIOGRAPHY She has gone through several books related to the topic.
Observation deals with the overt behavior of persons in appropriate situation. - Goode
Observation Method:Introduction The observation method is the most commonly used method specially in studies relating to behavioral sciences. In a way, we all observe the things around us, but this sort of observation is not scientific observation. Observation becomes a scientific tool and the method of data collection for the method of data collection for the researcher, when it serves a formulated research purpose, is systematically planned and recorded and is subjected to checks and controls on validity and reliability.
Functioning :Under the observation method, the information is sought by way of investigators own direct t observation without asking from the respondent. For instance, in a study relating to consumer behavior, the investigator instead of asking the brand of wrist watch used by the respondent, may himself look at the watch.
The advantages:1. The main advantage of this method is that subjective bias is eliminated, if observation is done accurately. 2. Secondly, the information obtained under this method relates to what is currently happening; it is not complicated by either the past behavior or future intentions or attitudes. 3. Thirdly, this method is independent of respondents willingness to respond and as such, is relatively less demanding of active co-operation on the part of respondents. This method is particularly, suitable in studies which deal with subjects(i.e. respondents) who are not capable of giving verbal reports of their feelings for one reason or the other. Limitations:1. 2. 3. 4. It is an expensive method. The information provided by this method is very limited. Sometimes unforeseen factors may interfere. At times, the fact that some people are rarely accessible to direct observation creates obstacle for this method to correct data effectively. It is very difficult to establish the validity of observation. Many items of observation cannot be defined. The problem of subjectivity is involved. Observation may give undue stress to aspects of limited significance simply because they can be recorded easily, accurately and objectively. Various observers observing the same event may concentrate on different aspects of a situation.
5. 6. 7. 8.
Participant:In participant observation the observer works his own way into the group he is to observe and becomes the member of the group.
Symonds gives a list of nine essential of good observation;1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Good eyesight Alertness Ability to estimate Ability to discriminate Good physical condition An immediate record Good perception Freedom from preconceptions Emotional disinterest
4. 5. 6.
While using this method , the researcher should keep in mind things like :1. 2. How the observations should be recorded ? How the accuracy of observation can be ensured?
Sometimes we talk of controlled and uncontrolled observation 1. If the observation takes place I the natural setting, it may be termed as uncontrolled observation, 2. When observation takes place according to definite prearranged plans, involving experimental procedure the same is then termed controlled observation. 3. In non-controlled observation, no attempt is made to use precision instruments. The major aim of this type of observation is to get a spontaneous picture of life & persons. It has a tendency to supply naturalness and completeness of behavior, allowing sufficient time for observing it.
Steps:----[1] Process of Observation:To know students awareness about environment a self aptitude test is taken. There are 30 questions, divided into 3 categories. 1. Certain 2. Uncertain 3. Indefinite
[2] Direction :-
There are 30 questions, nothing is wrong or correct. This questionnaire is only to know students view about environment.
[3] Administration :This test is for secondary level students. Observer has first taken permission from the Head Master then 30 Minutes time is given to students for the completion of test.
[4] Marks :-
True / False
2 0 1
OBSERVATION SCHEDULE Study of Environmental aptitude of Secondary School students. Sr. Comment Certain Uncertain Indefinite No 1 Deforestation is the main cause of environmental pollution. 2 Water pollution is caused due to Industrial Wastage 3 Diarrhea, Dysentery are caused due to the usage of polluted water 4 Harmful UV rays emerging from Sun affects the environment 5 Water plants (Hydrophytes) and Water animals die due to Water pollutions. 6 Radio Activity is one of a big cause of Environmental pollution 7 Vishnoi Society has contributed remarkably in Forest preservation. 8 Chemical Waste of Industries cause Air pollution. 9 Percentage of CO2 is increasing day by day. 10 Air pollution causes, Asthama, Ring, Itching, etc. diseases
11 Noise pollution is created due to increase in means of transport. 12 Noise Pollution affects the environment. 13 It is a duty of every Indian citizen to keep peaceful environment. 14 Awareness towards environment can be brought through Educational Tours in students. 15 Cruise Missiles are affecting environment. 16 Forests are helpful in developing natural environment. 17 Planting plants increase in earths fertility. 18 Deforestation causes environmental imbalance. 19 Natural calamities causes due to deforestation. 20 Destruction of earth is certain due to deforestation. 21 Mans existence is the root cause for deforestation. 22 Life exists in forests; this is the base of forest preservation. 23 Artificial scented products affects environment.
24 Societies should be developed to save environment. 25 Increase in planting trees makes environment clean. 26 Noise pollution decreases due to Plantation awareness programs. 27 Digging of minerals affects environment in a negative way. 28 Urbanization is increasing environmental problems. 29 Historical monuments are facing danger because of pollution. 30 Cutting of forests causes natural calamities
S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 N=20
Students Name Pintu Saini Rajendra Saini Rahul Gupta Abhay Hada Yogesh Jain Hansraj Meena Pradeep Sahu Bharat Singh Makkhan Lal Gurjar Bhupendra Sharma Hemakshi Jain Dimple Verma Vidya Sharma Antima Saini Santosh Rathore Seema Sain Rani Chobdar Neetu Singh Gayatri Singh Pooja Choudhari
category High High Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium High Medium Medium High Medium Medium Medium Medium High High High High Medium
= X/n =970/20=48.5
Category division:60-80=high 40-59=medium 20-39=low Conclusion:According to the above index out of 20 students, 8 students falls in high, 12 in medium category. To make the conclusion effective observer has used mean scale. Mean 48.5 scored. This concludes that sec. school students are aware towards the environmental problems. This is a positive observation.
1. Verma
Sharma ,R. S.
Sharma ,R. S
Kothari, CR
Research Methodology; Methods & Techniques 2nd Edition New Age International Publishers, 2004.
6. 7.
Quest In Education : Vol. 22, July 1998 Educational Herald : April June 1996 Vol. 27 No.2