11 Mar, 2013. <http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/00649707/>. We use this picture when describing the acquaintances of Frank McNamara. This portrait is in our First Dinner page, along with a portrait of Ralph Schneider. Authentic United States $5 Lincoln Red Seal Legal Tender. 2013. National Collectors Mint, Inc., Port Chester, NY . Web. 8 Feb. 2013. <http://www.ncmint.com/>. This image was very valuable, in which we have incorporated into our own website. The image is of a United States five dollar bill. Black, Hillel. Buy Now, Pay Later. New York:William Morrow and Co., 1961. Print. From this book we used information about how the Diners Club had rough going with the business at first, then we used a quotation about attaining a status from the tenth anniversary of the Diners Club. Along with this book we use a quote from Dr. Dichter, a man Hillel Black interviewed. We also used a quote found in the book from a Restaurant Management magazine survey. This book is primary because it was written at the time all of this was occurring. "Credit Card." American History 44.6 (2010): 17. Humanities International Complete. Web. 26 Feb. 2013. This is a primary article extracted from Badgerlink. This article explains how credit cards have affected us over the years, especially in the area of debt. This article gives us many numbers about the amount of credit card debt Americans have.
Credit, Don't Ask, It Isn't Square. 1877. Library of Congress, Washington D.C.. Web. 10 Mar, 2013. <http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/2003671535/resource/>. This image compares credit with cash, as people who use cash tend to be wealthier. This is described with a sick horse, representing credit, and a healthy horse winning a race, which represents cash. We use this cartoon from 1877 in our Consumer Credit Card Debt section. Daltrey, Roger, perf. TV ad for American Express with Roger Daltrey "Don't Leave Home Without It". 1985. Film. 3 Mar, 2013. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2ljY2qDgQ>. This is a video clip of a television advertisement for American Express. We use when talking about the first television ads, and American Expresss effective slogan. This might be from Youtube, but it was posted by the Ogivly Museum in the United Kingdom, making this a primary source. Danny Kaye and Cara Williams in A Scene from "The Man from the Diners' Club". Library of CongressWeb. 28 Mar 2013. This is a scene from The Man from the Diners Club movie. This image gives a good visualization of the movie for our page Credit Cards Hit the Media. Frank X. McNamara. 1969. DinersClub International Web. 10 Mar, 2013. <http://www.diners.rs/istorijat.htm>. This image, extracted directly from DinersClub International. This is simply an image of Mr. McNamara, as we explain how he was involved in business before the Diners Club. "Growing Bank Credit Cards." New York Times 11 Sep 1976, Print. Growing Bank Credit Cards was actually used more as an image in our website rather than article, as we display it as an image. This article basically shows the rapid growth of credit card use.
Guseva, Alya. Internet Videoconference Interview. 15 Mar 2013. Alya is the author of the book Into the Red, a book about the credit card spreading to Asian countries. Although Alya was mostly knowledgeable in credit cards in modern time, she was still very helpful with how and why credit cards first moved from the United States to other countries. We include a couple sound clips of the interview in our website. Irving NATIONAL BANK Flatbush BROOKLYN NY 1924. 2012. Image Preziosi Postcards, New Jersey. Web. 23 Feb 2013. This image is of a postcard which has a painting of the Flatbush Bank in Brooklyn, New York. We used this image as an aid when describing John Biggins, one of the creators of the credit card. The reason Biggins is involved with this bank is because he was the inventor of the bank that released the first credit card. This is a primary source because it was extracted from Preziosi Postcards, which distributes these postcards. Klein, Lloyd. It's in the Cards: Consumer Credit and the American Experience. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 1999. eBook. This book gave us information of how the credit card has completely changed the American way of life. In our website, we quote Mr. Klein on the subject of social impact. This is a primary source because Lloyd had experienced this impact and change in society. Lewis Mandell. Photo. N.d. Lewis MandellWeb. 3 Mar, 2013. <http://lewismandell.com/>. In our website we wanted a picture of Lewis Mandell when we display a recording from our interview with him. This portrait was taken right from his personal website.
The Man From the Diner's Club. Image. N.d. Zap 2 it Web. 3 Mar, 2013. <http://tvlistings.zap2it.com/tv/the-man-from-the-diners-club/>. This image is of an old poster from The Man from the Diners Club movie. We use this picture in our description of the movie. This image is primary because it came from its original TV listing. Mandell, Lewis Ph.D. Internet Videoconference Interview. 22 Dec, 2012. Our video conference with Lewis Mandell gave us a topic of information we did not receive from his book- social change. Mr. Mandell briefly describes to us how Americans way of life changed, we use his description in a form of audio clip on our website. Lewis was the first person to write a book about the credit cards history, was a professor of Finance and Political Science, and worked at the University of Michigans Survey Research Center, where he conducted Survey of Consumer Finances. Marty Allen, half-length portrait, holding wallet with six credit cards extended in accordion fashion. Photo. N.d. Library of CongressWeb. 19 Mar 2013. This is a photograph famous comedian, Marty Allen holding up his wallet full of credit cards. This picture is support for our Attaining a Status page, as more and more credit cards gives the image that the more credit cards a person has, the wealthier you are. Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Bortzfield. Photo. 1957. Library of CongressWeb. 3 Mar, 2013. <http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/00649713/>. This image is of Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Bortzfield. We use this image in our description of credit cards used international and the Bortzfields trip across the world.
No More Credit. Photo. N.d. Library of Congress, Washington D.C.. Web. 10 Mar, 2013. <http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/2003664962/>. This picture is an old cartoon, comparing people who use credit from those who do not. We use this picture for our Consumer Credit Card Debt section, to help explain that the credit card, or any debt at all, has led to debt. Ralph Schneider, Bust Portrait, Facing Front. Photo. N.d. Library of Congress, Washington D.C.. Web. 11 Mar, 2013. <http://www.loc.gov/pictures/resource/cph.3c24488/>. This is a portrait of one of Frank X. McNamaras acquaintances, Frank Schneider. We have this portrait right next to our picture of Alfred Bloomingdale, in our description of the first supper. Ritzer. Photo. 2013. George RitzerWeb. 17 Mar, 2013. <http://georgeritzer.com/>. This is a photograph of George Ritzer, we use this image in support for our several sound clip of our videoconference with him. Ritzer, George. Internet Videoconference Interview. 13 Mar, 2013. This interview was with George Ritzer, who is a professor at the University of Maryland for sociology and is also the author of the book Expressing America: A Critique on the Global Credit Card Society. From this interview we learned information not covered in his book. Examples of this are why only the rich had a credit card at first, why the credit card was used for attaining a status, and ease of use. We display some parts of the interview in sound clips on our website. Simons, Matty. The Credit Card Catastrophe: the 20th century phenomenon that changed the world.. Virginia: Barricade Books, 1995. Print. From this book we learned about the movie, The Man from the Diners Club; who started it, the plot, and the famous actor in the movie that made it popular. This book was written by Matty Simons, who was former executive vice president of the Diners Club, who then later on when to produce movies.
Sinz, Tammy, and Matt Middendorp. Personal Interview. 13 Jan 2013. Tammy and Matt gave us a wealth of information in modern day without a credit card, amount of money spent with a credit card, convenience, and debt. We also discussed the use of credit cards in the small bank they are a part of, Security Financial, which is also used in significant amounts. Pink Floyd. Money. 1973. Sound. iTunesWeb. 10 Mar 2013. <https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/dark-side-moon-deluxe-experience/>. This song is a great eye opener for our website to catch attention to the site. This song by Pink Floyd opens up with the jingle and clicking of money, perfect for the opening of our website.
Secondary 1979 Lee Harty Maitre d' Windows on the World Diners Club Credit Card Print Ad. Photo. 1979. EbayWeb. 17 Mar 2013. <http://www.ebay.co.uk>. This image is used for our support of our Attaining A Status page. This image is of an article from early Diners Club magazine. Alfred Bloomingdale. Photo. 2010. EBSCOhostWeb. 26 Feb, 2013. This picture is of one of the first credit cards from the Diners Club. We use it as a display on our homepage. This is extracted from an article on BadgerLink. Ancient Coins. Image. 2013. Lumino InternetWeb. 28 Feb 2013. <http://www.mintproducts.com/ancientroman-greek-coins/>. This site gave us a digital image of ancient coins that were used before our current system. This source also gave us information on the history of money. BankAmericard. N.d. ProxibidWeb. 19 Mar 2013. <www.proxibid.com>. The BankAmericard was using signs that said Your BankAmericard is welcome here. This image is located in Growth of the Credit Card.
Bowers and Merena to Offer Diverse Selection of US Banknotes in Baltimore. 2010. CoinLink CoinCollecting News, Baltimore. Web. 2 Feb. 2013. <http://www.coinlink.com/News/banknotes/>. This site gave us information and an interesting image of currency that stands for the representative money that was used before cash and credit cards. Bris, Arturo. "60 YEARS OF CREDIT CARDS." Tomorrow's Challenges. IMD. Web. 4 Jan 2013. <http://www.imd.org/research/challenges/>. From this source we sited a quotation and used it on our own website. It also celebrated the 60 years since the creation of the credit card. Charge-It. N.d. X-TimelineWeb. 24 Mar 2013. <http://www.xtimeline.com/evt/view>. This is image is of the John Biggins credit card, called Charge-It. The image helped support our page about John Biggins. "The History of the Credit Card." Finance. NerdWallet, 09 Feb 2011. Web. 3 Jan 2013. <http://www.nerdwallet.com/>. This web based article gave us a clearer look at the basic history and development of the credit card and where it came from. This is the source where we got our timeline from. We used this as this base of our research, as it gave a general idea of the credit cards history. Holmes, Tamara. "How Different Cultures Handle Credit Cards." Not all cultures are as free with their plastic as we are in the USA.. (2010) This is a news article that shows how much other countries use credit cards compared to the United States. This article does many comparisons to mainly Eastern Asian countries and European countries. Also, from this web article, is a quote from Susan Hirshman, predicting that China might follow in Americas footsteps.
Maas Brothers History. N.d. TampapixWeb. 11 Mar, 2013. <tampapix.com>. This image is of a charge plate. We use this picture in our section describing the first supper. This picture describes the charge-plate, which is what Frank McNamara and his acquaintances used for an idea to make the credit card. We cropped the picture, separating the front and back, so it would be viewed in a vertical way. The Man from the Diners Club Intro. 1963. Film. 3 Mar 2013. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lq_oLpCmIl8>. This is the introduction to The Man from the Diners Club movie. We use this as support when describing the movie. Mandell, Lewis Ph.D.. The Credit Card Industry: A History. Boston, Massachusetts:Twayne Publishers, 1990. Print. In this book we use information we used information about John Biggins. From this book we also use information of the entire in-depth story of The Famous Dinner. Ritzer, George. Expressing America: A Critique of the Global Credit Card Society. Thousand Oaks, California:Pine Forge Press, 1995. Print. This book describes the advantages and disadvantages of the credit card, especially on a societal form. In this book we also used information about the globalization of the credit card, with the enormous credit card growth volume in places like Asia. Woolsey, Ben, and Emily Starbuck Gerson. "The history of credit cards." CreditCard.com. N.p., 11 May 2009. Web. 2 Feb 2013. <http://www.creditcards.com/credit-cardnews/credit-cards-history>. This site gave us information on the history behind the credit card. It backs all the information that is contained on our website, and was a great source for us to read.