SOM Newsletter March2013 Blog
SOM Newsletter March2013 Blog
SOM Newsletter March2013 Blog
Bailey is a great student who has maintained an A average in US History the entire year. Currently, she has a 100 average! She attends CCs regularly and always participates. She also goes above and beyond by completing additional writing assignments for the class.
Ms. Carroll
March 2013
Each month, SCVCS will be recognizing two students for attaining Student of the Month status: one student for overall Student of the Month and one for Most Improved Student. SCVCS high school teachers recommend students for this honor. Each month we will have various prizes for our winners! This month we will be sending out a certificate to each student nominated and our winners will receive a $10 Target gift certificate. Congratulations to all of our nominees and winners! Elvin Gene Armstrong SCVCS 10th Grader
Gene is a very hard working student in my physical science class. He attends or watches the recordings of all Class Connect sessions. He has really excelled this year and improved his ability get all assignments completed on time and in a quality manner. In the last month, he has raised his grade two letter grades. These are the reasons why Gene has been chosen as Most Improved. Thanks for working hard and being a conscientious student. Mrs. Morris
March 2013
Davis White Richardson Richardson Wheeler Covert Covert Covert Paerson Paerson Paerson Nyland Howze Howze Howze Reed Lavender Blanton Benton Koellner DeWalk Lowery Knoerr Morgan Morgan Morgan Brewer Brewer Sasser Sasser Sasser D'Annunzio D'Annunzio Shuler Math Other Health Life Skills Music App. Finance Comp. Lit. Digital Arts II Comp. Lit. Game Design Web Design Comp. Lit. Comp. Lit. Markeng II Image Design Spanish Elecve Other Other Fine Arts A Phys. Ed. English English102 English 202 Block English 202 Journalism English IV Block English IV English102 English 104 Honors AP Lang and Comp English 202 Honors English 204 Honors Algebra 2 Jayson P. Tyler P. Kallie E. Tyler P. Christopher T. Morgan Z. Jasmine R. Michael Maxwell P. Carlisie J. Victoria L. Miranda S. Anthony Reese B. Alecia W. Tyler V. Joseph D. Carmen C. Anthony M. Dylan R. Mahew Ryan M. Desmond W. Joshua L. Alicia C. Haley T. Brandon K. Samuel F. Jordan T. Dakota H. Kristena L. Dalton W. Bryant C. James T. Kaleb C. Mahew D. Hannah G. Shuler Shuler Genco Genco Genco Dowling Sherbert Sherbert Sherbert Murphy Murphy Murphy Langford Langford Reed Reed Lauricella Lauricella Morris Morris Staley Smith Smith Smith Smith Brown Merri Pennington Pennington Wood Wood Chambers Chambers Shie Carroll Algebra 2 Block Algebra 2 Geometry Tech Geometry Honors Geometry Math Tech 1 Math Tech 1 Geometry Tech Math Foundaons Algebra 1 Math Tech 1 Block Honors Algebra Precalculus Prob and Stats Math Tech 2 Block Math Tech 2 Applied Biology Honors Biology Physics Physical Science Chemistry Applied Bio I Applied Bio II Earth Science Block Earth Science Biology US History Government Anthropology Psychology Economics World History Geography Geography US History Amber D. William P. Kaitlin B. Darian V. Cassandra W. Megan H. Timothy B. Stephen N. Mahew M. Cody T. Deja Sarita C. Aaron H. Jennifer B. Aubrey R. Ausn Tyler J. Briany H. Brandon W. Stephen C. Sara A. Elvin A. Rebecca P. Lance E. Briany C. Shayla J. Hunter B. Robert B. Kayla N. Shamyrie F. Caitlin R. Joshua C. Victoria G. Harris M. Alexander V. Allison B. Marquis P.
Maria D. 9th (4 experiences) Brittany C. 9th Marshall C. 10th Summer E. 10th Kayla C. 10th
DaAsia J. 11th (2 experiences) Kari V. 9th Amanda K. 12th Kimberly M. 10th Abigail S. 12th (12 experiences)
Nine (9) of these students choose to participate in a face-to-face shadowing experience. These students actually went to the employees place of business to learn about the specific career. Some of the businesses/careers shadowed include: practic Clinic, NASA. Participants to Face-to-Face Job Shadowing: Caleb M. 10th Christopher S. 10th Gavin M. 10th Thomas W. 10th Alexis B. 9th Cassidy R. 12th Kayla T. 11th Madeline S. 9th Katherine J. 10th Bennettsville Post Office,, Premier One, WLFT Radio, Humane Society, Ball Memorial Hospital and Ehlich Chiro-