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Advective Diusion Equation

In nature, transport occurs in uids through the combination of advection and diusion. The previous chapter introduced diusion and derived solutions to predict diusive transport in stagnant ambient conditions. This chapter incorporates advection into our diusion equation (deriving the advective diusion equation) and presents various methods to solve the resulting partial dierential equation for dierent geometries and contaminant conditions.

2.1 Derivation of the advective diusion equation

Before we derive the advective diusion equation, we look at a heuristic description of the eect of advection. To conceptualize advection, consider our pipe problem from the previous chapter. Without pipe ow, the injected tracer spreads equally in both directions, describing a Gaussian distribution over time. If we open a valve and allow water to ow in the pipe, we expect the center of mass of the tracer cloud to move with the mean ow velocity in the pipe. If we move our frame of reference with that mean velocity, then we expect the solution to look the same as before. This new reference frame is = x (x0 + ut) (2.1)

where is the moving reference frame spatial coordinate, x0 is the injection point of the tracer, u is the mean ow velocity, and ut is the distance traveled by the center of mass of the cloud in time t. If we substitute for x in our solution for a point source in stagnant conditions we obtain (x (x0 + ut))2 M exp C (x, t) = . (2.2) 4Dt A 4Dt To test whether this solution is correct, we need to derive a general equation for advective diusion and compare its solution to this one. 2.1.1 The governing equation The derivation of the advective diusion equation relies on the principle of superposition: advection and diusion can be added together if they are linearly independent. How do we know if advection and diusion are independent processes? The only way that they can be dependent is if one process feeds back on the other. From the previous chapter,


2. Advective Diusion Equation


z x y



Fig. 2.1. Schematic of a control volume with crossow.

diusion was shown to be a random process due to molecular motion. Due to diusion, each molecule in time t will move either one step to the left or one step to the right (i.e. x). Due to advection, each molecule will also move ut in the cross-ow direction. These processes are clearly additive and independent; the presence of the crossow does not bias the probability that the molecule will take a diusive step to the right or the left, it just adds something to that step. The net movement of the molecule is ut x, and thus, the total ux in the x-direction Jx , including the advective transport and a Fickian diusion term, must be Jx = uC + qx C . (2.3) x We leave it as an exercise for the reader to prove that uC is the correct form of the advective term (hint: consider the dimensions of qx and uC ). As we did in the previous chapter, we now use this ux law and the conservation of mass to derive the advective diusion equation. Consider our control volume from before, but now including a crossow velocity, u = (u, v, w), as shown in Figure 2.1. Here, we follow the derivation in Fischer et al. (1979). From the conservation of mass, the net ux through the control volume is M = m in m out , (2.4) t and for the x-direction, we have = uC D m |x = uC D C x yz uC D C x yz.


As before, we use linear Taylor series expansion to combine the two ux terms, giving uC |1 uC |2 = uC |1 uC |1 + (uC ) x x 1

2.1 Derivation of the advective diusion equation


= and D C x +D

(uC ) x x C C + D x 1 x 2 2C = D 2 x. x = D +

(2.6) x C x

C x



Thus, for the x-direction 2C (uC ) xyz + D 2 xyz. (2.8) x x The y - and z -directions are similar, but with v and w for the velocity components, giving m |x = (vC ) 2C yxz + D 2 yxz y y 2C (wC ) zxy + D 2 zxy. m |z = z z Substituting these results into (2.4) and recalling that M = Cxyz , we obtain m |y = C + (u C ) = D 2 C t or in Einsteinian notation C ui C 2C + =D 2, t xi xi (2.9) (2.10)



which is the desired advective diusion (AD) equation. We will use this equation extensively in the remainder of this class. Note that these equations implicitly assume that D is constant. When considering a variable D, the right-hand-side of (2.12) has the form C Dij xi xj . (2.13)

2.1.2 Point-source solution To check whether our initial suggestion (2.2) for a solution to (2.12) was correct, we substitute the coordinate transformation for the moving reference frame into the onedimensional version of (2.12). In the one-dimensional case, u = (u, 0, 0), and there are no concentration gradients in the y - or z -directions, leaving us with 2C C (uC ) + =D 2. t x x Our coordinate transformation for the moving system is = t, = x (x0 + ut) (2.14)

(2.15) (2.16)


2. Advective Diusion Equation

Solution of the advectivediffusion equation 1.5 Cmax Concentration 1 t1 0.5 t2 t3

5 Position


Fig. 2.2. Schematic solution of the advective diusion equation in one dimension. The dotted line plots the maximum concentration as the cloud moves downstream.

and this can be substituted into (2.14) using the chain rule as follows C C C C = + +u + t t x x C C + + D x x x x which reduces to C 2C =D 2.



This is just the one-dimensional diusion equation (1.27) in the coordinates and with solution for an instantaneous point source of C (, ) = M 2 exp 4D A 4D . (2.19)

Converting the solution back to x and t coordinates (by substituting (2.15) and (2.16)), we obtain (2.2); thus, our intuitive guess for the superposition solution was correct. Figure 2.2 shows the schematic behavior of this solution for three dierent times, t1 , t2 , and t3 . 2.1.3 Incompressible uid For an incompressible uid, (2.12) can be simplied by using the conservation of mass equation for the ambient uid. In an incompressible uid, the density is a constant 0 everywhere, and the conservation of mass equation reduces to the continuity equation u=0 (2.20)

(see, for example Batchelor (1967)). If we expand the advective term in (2.12), we can write (uC ) = ( u)C + u C. (2.21)

2.1 Derivation of the advective diusion equation


by virtue of the continuity equation (2.20) we can take the term ( u)C = 0; thus, the advective diusion equation for an incompressible uid is C 2C C + ui =D 2. t xi xi (2.22)

This is the form of the advective diusion equation that we will use the most in this class. 2.1.4 Rules of thumb We pause here to make some observations regarding the AD equation and its solutions. First, the solution in Figure 2.2 shows an example where the diusive and advective transport are about equally important. If the crossow were stronger (larger u), the cloud would have less time to spread out and would be narrower at each ti . Conversely, if the diusion were faster (larger D), the cloud would spread out more between the dierent ti and the proles would overlap. Thus, we see that diusion versus advection dominance is a function of t, D, and u, and we express this property through the non-dimensional Peclet number D Pe = 2 , (2.23) ut or for a given downstream location L = ut, D . (2.24) Pe = uL For P e 1, diusion is dominant and the cloud spreads out faster than it moves downstream; for P e 1, advection is dominant and the cloud moves downstream faster than it spreads out. It is important to note that the Peclet number is dependent on our zone of interest: for large times or distances, the Peclet number is small and advection dominates. Second, the maximum concentration decreases in the downstream direction due to diffusion. Figure 2.2 also plots the maximum concentration of the cloud as it moves downstream. This is obtained when the exponential term in (2.2) is 1. For the one-dimensional case, the maximum concentration decreases as 1 Cmax (t) . (2.25) t In the two- and three-dimensional cases, the relationship is 1 (2.26) Cmax (t) and t 1 Cmax (t) , (2.27) t t respectively. Third, the diusive and advective scales can be used to simplify the equations and make approximations. One of the most common questions in engineering is: when does a given equation or approximation apply? In contaminant transport, this question is usually answered by comparing characteristic advection and diusion length and time scales to


2. Advective Diusion Equation

the length and time scales in the problem. For advection (subscript a) and for diusion (subscript d), the characteristic scales are L (2.28) u L2 . (2.29) td = Ld = Dt ; D From the Gaussian solution to a point-source, for instance, we can show that the time required before a cloud can be considered well-mixed over an area of length L is tm,d = L2 /(8D). These characteristic scales (easily derivable through dimensional analysis) should be memorized and used extensively to get a rough solution to transport problems. La = ut ; ta =

2.2 Solutions to the advective diusion equation

In the previous chapter we presented a detailed solution for an instantaneous point source in a stagnant ambient. In nature, initial and boundary conditions can be much dierent from that idealized case, and this section presents a few techniques to deal with other general cases. Just as advection and diusion are additive, we will also show that superpostion can be used to build up solutions to complex geometries or initial conditions from a base set of a few general solutions. The solutions in this section parallel a similar section in Fischer et al. (1979). Appendix B presents analytical solutions for other initial and boundary conditions, primarily obtained by extending the techniques discussed in this section. Taken together, these solutions can be applied to a wide range of problems. 2.2.1 Initial spatial concentration distribution A good example of the power of superposition is the solution for an initial spatial concentration distribution. Since advection can always be included by changing the frame of reference, we will consider the one-dimensional stagnant case. Thus, the governing equation is C 2C =D 2. (2.30) t x We will consider the homogeneous initial distribution, given by C (x, t0 ) = C0 if x 0 0 if x > 0 (2.31)

where t0 = 0 and C0 is the uniform initial concentration, as depicted in Figure 2.3. At a point x = < 0 there is an innitesimal mass dM = C0 Ad , where A is the cross-sectional area yz . For t > 0, the concentration at any point x is due to the diusion of mass from all the dierential elements dM . The contribution dC for a single element dM is just the solution of (2.30) for an instantaneous point source

2.2 Solutions to the advective diusion equation


C C0 dM = C0 Ad

Fig. 2.3. Schematic of an instantaneous initial concentration distribution showing the dierential element dM at the point .

(x ) 2 dM , (2.32) exp 4Dt A 4Dt and by virtue of superposition, we can sum up all the contributions dM to obtain dC (x, t) = C d (x ) 2 0 (2.33) exp 4Dt 4Dt which is the superposition solution to our problem. To compute the integral, we must, as usual, make a change of variables. The new variable is dened as follows C (x, t) =

x = 4Dt d . d = 4Dt Substituting into the integral solution gives C0 C (x, t) =

x/ 4Dt

(2.34) (2.35)

exp( 2 )d.


Note that to obtain the upper bound on the integral we set = 0 in the denition for given in (2.34). Rearranging the integral gives C0 C (x, t) = C0 =
x/ 4Dt 0

exp( 2 )d

x/ 4Dt

exp( 2 )d

exp( 2 )d .


The rst of the two integrals can be solved analyticallyfrom a table of integrals, its solution is /2. The second integral is the so called error function, dened as 2 exp( 2 )d. (2.39) erf() = 0 Solutions to the error function are generally found in tables or as built-in functions in a spreadsheet or computer programming language. Hence, our solution can be written as C (x, t) = C0 x 1 erf 2 4Dt . (2.40)


2. Advective Diusion Equation

Solution for instantaneous step function for x < 0 1 0.8 Concentration 0.6 Increasing t 0.4 0.2 0 5

0 Position

Fig. 2.4. Solution (2.40) for an instantaneous initial concentration distribution given by (2.31) with C 0 = 1.

Figure 2.4 plots this solution for C0 = 1 and for increasing times t.

Example Box 2.1: Diusion of an intravenous injection.

A doctor administers an intravenous injection of an allergy ghting medicine to a patient suering from an allergic reaction. The injection takes a total time T . The blood in the vein ows with mean velocity u, such that blood over a region of length L = uT contains the injected chemical; the concentration of chemical in the blood is C0 (refer to the following sketch).
-x x

where t0 = 0 at the time T /2. Following the solution method in Section 2.2.1, the superposition solution is

C (x, t) =

(x )2 C0 d exp 4Dt 4Dt

which can be expanded to give C (x, t) = C0 4Dt




(x ) 2 4Dt (x ) 2 4Dt

d d .


What is the distribution of chemical in the vein when it reaches the heart 75 s later? This problem is an initial spatial concentration distribution, like the one in Section 2.2.1. Take the point x = 0 at the middle of the distribution and let the coordinate system move with the mean blood ow velocity u. Thus, we have the initial concentration distribution C (x, t0 ) = C0 if L/2 < x < L/2 0 otherwise


After substituting the coordinate transformation in (2.34) and simplifying, the solution is found to be C (x, t) = C0 2 erf erf x + L/2 4Dt .

x L/2 4Dt

Substituting t = 75 s gives the concentration distribution when the slug of medicine reaches the heart.

2.2.2 Fixed concentration Another common situation is a xed concentration at some point x1 . This could be, for example, the oxygen concentration at the air-water interface. The parameters governing

2.2 Solutions to the advective diusion equation


Solution for fixed concentration at x = 0 1 0.8 Concentration 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

Increasing t



2.5 Position



Fig. 2.5. Solution (2.43) for a xed concentration at x = 0 of C0 = 1.

the solution are the xed concentration C0 , the diusion coecient D, and the coordinates (x x0 ), and t. Again, we will neglect advection since we can include it through a change of variables, and we will take x0 = 0 for simplicity. As we did for a point source, we form a similarity solution from the governing variables, which gives us the solution form C (x, t) = C0 f x . Dt (2.41)

If we dene the similarity variable = x/ Dt and substitute it into (2.30) we obtain, as expected, an ordinary dierential equation in f and , given by d2 f df + =0 2 d 2 d (2.42)

with boundary conditions f (0) = 1 and f () = 0. Unfortunately, our ordinary dierential equation is non-linear. A quick look at Figure 2.4, however, might help us guess a solution. The point at x = 0 has a xed concentration of C0 /2. If we substitute C0 as the leading coecient in (2.40) (instead of C0 /2), maybe that would be the solution. Substitution into the dierential equation (2.42) and its boundary conditions proves, indeed, that the solution is correct, namely x (2.43) 4Dt is the solution we seek. Figure 2.5 plots this solution for C0 = 1. Important note: this solution is only valid for x > x0 . C (x, t) = C0 1 erf 2.2.3 Fixed, no-ux boundaries The nal situation we examine in this section is how to incorporate no-ux boundaries. No-ux boundaries are any surface that is impermeable to the contaminant of interest. The discussion in this section assumes that no chemical reactions occur at the surface and that the surface is completely impermeable.


2. Advective Diusion Equation

Example Box 2.2: Dissolving sugar in coee.

On a cold winters day you pour a cup of coee and add 2 g of sugar evenly distributed over the bottom of the coee cup. The diameter of the cup is 5 cm; its height is 7 cm. If you do not stir the coee, when does the concentration boundary layer rst reach the top of the cup and when does all of the sugar dissolve? How would these answers change if you stir the coee? The concentration of sugar is xed at the saturation concentration at the bottom of the cup and is initially zero everywhere else. These are the same conditions as for the xed concentration solution; thus, the sugar distribution at height z above the bottom of the cup is C (z, t) = C0 1 erf z 4Dt .

To determine how long it takes for the sugar to dissolve, we must compute the mass ux of sugar at z = 0. We already computed the derivative of the error function in Example Box 1.1. The mass ux of sugar at z = 0 is then ADCsat m (0, t) = Dt where A is the cross-sectional area of the cup. The total amount of dissolved sugar Md is the time-integral of the mass ux

Md =

ADCsat d D

Integrating and solving for time gives td =

2 Md 2 2 4A DCsat

The characteristic height of the concentration boundary layer is proportional to = 2Dt. Assume the concentration boundary layer rst reaches the top of the cup when 2 = h = 7 cm. Solving for time gives h2 . 8D For an order-of-magnitude estimate, take D 109 m2 /s, giving tmix,bl = tmix,bl 6 105 s.

where td is the time it takes for the mass Md to dissolve. This expression is only valid for t < tmix,bl ; for times beyond tmix,bl , we must account for the boundary at the top of the cup. Assuming Csat = 0.58 g/cm3 , the time needed to dissolve all the sugar is td = 5 104 s. By stirring, we eectively increase the value of D. Since D is in the denominator of each of these time estimates, we shorten the time for the sugar to dissolve and mix throughout the cup.

As you might expect, we rst need to nd a way to specify a no-ux boundary as a boundary condition to the governing dierential equation. This is done easily using Ficks law. Since no-ux means that q = 0 (and taking D as constant), the boundary conditions can be expressed as C C C , , x y z q | Sb n = 0



where Sb is the function describing the boundary surface (i.e. Sb = f (x, y )) and n is the unit vector normal to the no-ux boundary. In the one-dimensional case, the no-ux boundary condition reduces to C x = 0,


where xb is the boundary location. This property is very helpful in interpreting concentration measurements to determine whether a boundary, for instance, the lake bottom, is impermeable or not.

2.2 Solutions to the advective diusion equation


C Su p e r p o s iti on s o l u tion Boundary

x0 Real sour ce 2L Ima ge s our ce x

Fig. 2.6. Schematic of a no-ux boundary with real instantaneous point source to the left and an imaginary source to the right. The dotted lines indicate the individual contributions from the two sources; the solid line indicates the superposition solution.

To nd a solution to a bounded problem, consider an instantaneous point source injected at x0 with a no-ux boundary a distance L to the right as shown in Figure 2.6. Our standard solution allows mass to diuse beyond the no-ux boundary (as indicated by the dashed line in the gure). To replace this lost mass, an image source (imaginary source) is placed to the right of the boundary, such that it leaks the same amount of mass back to left of the boundary as our standard solution leaked to the right. Superposing (adding) these two solutions gives us the desired no-ux behavior at the wall. The image source is placed L to the right of the boundary, and the solution is M (x x i ) 2 (x x 0 ) 2 exp + exp (2.46) 4Dt 4Dt A 4Dt where xi = x0 + 2L. Naturally, the solution given here is only valid to the left of the boundary. To the right of the boundary, the concentration is everywhere zero. Compute the concentration gradient C/x at x = 0 to prove to yourself that the no-ux boundary condition is satised. The method of images becomes more complicated when multiple boundaries are concerned. This is because the mass diusing from the image source on the right eventually will penetrate a boundary on the left and need its own image source. In general, when there are two boundaries, an innite number of image sources is required. In practice, the solution usually converges after only a few image sources have been included (Fischer et al. 1979). For the case of an instantaneous point source at the origin with boundaries at L, Fischer et al. (1979) give the image source solution C (x, t) = C (x, t) =
M (x + 4nL)2 exp 4Dt A 4Dt n= (x + (4n 2)L)2 exp . 4Dt


Obviously, the number of image sources required for the solution to converge depends on the time scale over which the solution is to be valid. These techniques will become more clear in the following examples and remaining chapters.


2. Advective Diusion Equation

Example Box 2.3: Boundaries in a coee cup.

In the previous example box we said that we have to account for the free surface boundary when the concentration boundary layer reaches the top of the coee cup. Describe the image source needed to account for the free surface and state the image-source solution for the concentration distribution. We can ignore the boundaries at the sides of the cup because sugar is evenly distributed on the bottom of the cup. This even distribution results in C/x = C/y = 0, which results in no net diffusive ux toward the cup walls.

To account for the free surface, though, we must add an image source with a xed concentration of Csat somewhere above the cup. Taking z = 0 at the bottom of the cup, the image source must be placed at z = 2h, where h is the depth of coee in the cup. Taking care that C (z, ) Csat , the superposition solution for the sugar concentration distribution can be found to be C (z, t) = Csat erf 1 + erf z 4Dt 2h 4Dt erf .

2h z 4Dt

2.3 Application: Diusion in a Lake

We return here to the application of arsenic contamination in a small lake presented in Chapter 1 (adapted from Nepf (1995)). After further investigation, it is determined that a freshwater spring ows into the bottom of the lake with a ow rate of 10 l/s. Advection. Advection is due to the ow of spring water through the lake. Assuming the spring is not buoyant, it will spread out over the bottom of the lake and rise with a uniform vertical ux velocity (recall that z is positive downward, so the ow is in the minus z -direction) va = Q/A = 5 107 m/s. (2.48)

The concentration of arsenic at the thermocline is 8 g/l, which results in an advective ux of arsenic qa = Cva = 4 103 g/(m2 s). (2.49) Thus, advection caused by the spring results in a vertical advective ux of arsenic through the thermocline. Discussion. Taking the turbulent and advective uxes of arsenic together, the net vertical ux of arsenic through the thermocline is Jz = 4.00 103 + 2.93 103 = 1.10 103 g/(m2 s) (2.50)

where the minus sign indicates the net ux is upward. Thus, although the net diusive ux is downward, the advection caused by the stream results in the net ux at the thermocline being upward. We can conclude that the arsenic source is likely at the bottom of the lake. The water above the thermocline will continue to increase in concentration until

2.4 Application: Fishery intake protection


L = 7 00 m

Fishery intake

Qf Qr Qr

D a m (A = 3000 m2)
Fig. 2.7. Schematic diagram of the reservoir and sh farm intake for the copper contamination example.

the diusive ux at the thermocline becomes large enough to balance the advective ux through the lake, at which time the system will reach a steady state.

2.4 Application: Fishery intake protection

As part of a renovation project, the face of a dam is to be treated with copper sulfate to remove unsightly algae build-up. A sh nursery derives its water from the reservoir upstream of the dam and has contracted you to determine if the project will aect their operations. Based on experience, the sh nursery can accept a maximum copper concentration at their intake of 1.5 103 mg/l. Refer to Figure 2.7 for a schematic of the situation. The copper sulfate is applied uniformly across the dam over a period of about one hour. Thus, we might model the copper contamination as an instantaneous source distributed evenly along the dam face. After talking with the renovation contractor, you determine that 10 kg of copper will be dissolved at the dam face. Because the project is scheduled for the spring turnover in the lake, the contaminant might be assumed to spread evenly in the vertical (dam cross-sectional area A = 3000 m2 ). Based on a previous dye study, the turbulent diusion coecient was determined to be 2 m2 /s. The average ow velocity past the shery intake is 0.01 m/s. Advection or diusion dominant. To evaluate the potential risks, the rst step is to see how important diusion is to the transport of copper in the lake. This is done through the Peclet number, giving Pe = D uL = 0.3


which indicates diusion is mildly important, and the potential for copper to migrate upstream remains.


2. Advective Diusion Equation

x 10 2.5 Concentration [mg/l] 2

Copper concentration at fishery intake

Contamination threshold 1.5 1 0.5 0



2.5 Time [days]



Fig. 2.8. Concentration of copper at the shery intake as a function of time. The dotted line indicates the maximum allowable concentration of 1.5 103 mg/l.

Maximum concentration at intake. Because there is potential that copper will move upstream due to diusion, the concentration of copper at the intake needs to be predicted. Taking the dam location at x = 0 and taking x positive downstream, the concentration at the intake is (xi ut)2 M exp . (2.52) C (x i , t ) = 4Dt A 4Dt where xi is the intake location (-700 m). Figure 2.8 shows the solution for the copper concentration at the intake from (2.52). From the gure, the maximum allowable concentration is expected to be exceeded for about 1 day between the times t = 0.3 and t = 1.3 days. The maximum copper concentration at the intake will be about 2.4 103 mg/l. Thus, the sh farm will have to take precautions to prevent contamination. What other factors do you think could increase or decrease the likelihood of copper poisoning at the sh farm?

This chapter derived the advective diusion equation using the method of superposition and demonstrated techniques to solve the resulting partial dierential equation. Solutions for a stagnant ambient were shown to be easily modied to account for advection by solving in a moving reference frame. Solutions for distributed and xed concentration distributions were presented, and the image-source method to account for no-ux boundaries was introduced. Engineering approximations should be made by evaluating the Peclet number and characteristic length and time scales of diusion and advection.

2.1 Integral evaluation. Dene an appropriate coordinate transformation and show that



1 I=

4Dt+x2 / Dt

can also be written as Dt x2 I= + 4Dt 1 erf 2 Dt

x2 2x Dt exp + 4Dt Dt




2.2 Peclet number. A river with cross section A = 20 m2 has a ow rate of Q = 1 m3 /s. The eective mixing coecient is D = 1 m2 /s. For what distance downstream is diusion dominant? Where does advection become dominant? What is the length of stream where diusion and advection have about equal inuence? 2.3 Advection in a stream. To estimate the mixing characteristics of a small stream, a scientist injects 5 g of dye instantaneously and uniformly over the river cross section (A = 5 m2 ) at the point x = 0. A measurement station is located 1 km downstream and records a river ow rate of Q = 0.5 m3 /s. In order to design the experiment, the scientist assumed that D = 0.1 m2 /s. Use this value to answer the following equations. The uorometer used to measure the dye downstream at the measuring station has a detection limit of 0.1 g/l. When does the measuring station rst detect the dye cloud? When does the maximum dye concentration pass the measuring station, and what is this maximum concentration? After the maximum concentration passes the measuring station, the measured concentration decreases again. When is the measuring station no longer able to detect the dye? Why is the elapsed time between rst detection and the maximum concentration dierent from the elapsed time between the last detection and the maximum concentration? 2.4 Fixed concentration. A beaker in a laboratory contains a solution with dissolved methane gas (CH4 ). The concentration of methane in the atmosphere Ca is negligible; the concentration of methane in the uniformly-mixed portion of the beaker is C w . The methane in the beaker dissolves out of the water and into the air, resulting in a xed concentration at the water surface of Cws = 0. Assume this process is limited by diusion of methane through the water. Write an expression for the vertical concentration distribution of methane in the beaker. Assume the bottom boundary does not aect the prole (concentration at the bottom is Cw ) and that methane is uniformly distributed in the horizontal (use the onedimensional solution). Use the expression found above to nd an expression for the ux of methane into the atmosphere through the water surface. 2.5 Concentration proles. Figure 2.9 shows four concentration proles measured very carefully at the bottom of four dierent lakes. For each prole, state whether the lake bottom is a no-ux or ux boundary and describe where you think the source is located and why.


2. Advective Diusion Equation

C Lake A z z Lake B

C Lake C Lake D
Fig. 2.9. Bottom concentration proles for the four lakes in problem number 2.4.

2.6 Double point sources. To demonstrate the image-source method, a professor creates two instantaneous point sources of dye (three dimensional) a distance L apart and measures the concentration of dye at the point halfway between the two sources. Estimate the radius of the cloud for each point source by r = 2 . Write an expression for the time t when the two sources rst touch. Write an expression for the concentration distribution along the line connecting the two point sources. Dierentiate this solution to show that the net ux through the measurement point along the axis of the two sources is zero. 2.7 Smoke stack. A chemical plant has a smoke stack 75 m tall that discharges a continuous ux of carbon monoxide (CO) of 0.01 kg/s . The wind blows with a velocity of 1 m/s due east (from the west to the east) and the transverse turbulent diusion coecient is 4.5 m2 /s. Neglect longitudinal (downwind) diusion. Write the unbounded solution for a continuous source in a cross wind. Add the appropriate image source(s) to account for the no-ux boundary at the ground and write the resulting image-source solution for concentration downstream of the release. Plot the two-dimensional concentration distribution downstream of the smoke stack for the plane 2 m above the ground. For radial distance r away from the smoke stack, where do the maximum concentrations occur?




(0.5L,0.75L) y (0,0) x

Open boundary

No-flux boundaries

Fig. 2.10. Sketch of the boat arena and spill location for problem number 2.4.

2.8 Damaged smoke stack. After a massive ood, the smoke stack in the previous problem developed a leak at ground level so that all the exhaust exits at z = 0. How does this new release location change the location(s) of the image source(s)? Plot the maximum concentration at 2 m above the ground as a function of distance from the smoke stack for this damaged case. If a CO concentration of 1.0 g/l of CO is dangerous, should be factor be closed until repairs are completed? 2.9 Boundaries in a boat arena. A boat parked in an arena has a sudden gasoline spill. The arena is enclosed on three sides, and the spill is located as shown in Figure 2.10. Find the locations of the rst 11 most important image sources needed to account for the boundaries and incorporate them into the two-dimensional instantaneous point-source solution. 2.10 Image sources in a pipe. A point source is released in the center of an innitely long round pipe. Describe the image source needed to account for the pipe walls. 2.11 Vertical mixing in a river. Wastewater from a chemical plant is discharged by a line diuser perpendicular to the river ow and located at the bottom of the river. The river ow velocity is 15 cm/s and the river depth is 1 m. Find the locations of the rst four most important image sources needed to account for the river bottom and the free surface. Write a spreadsheet program that computes the ratio of C (x, z = h, t = x/u) to Cmax (t = x/u), where u is the ow velocity in the river and h is the water depth; x = z = 0 at the release location. Use the spreadsheet program to nd the locations where the concentration ratio is 0.90, 0.95, and 0.98. From dimensional analysis we can write that the time needed for the injection to mix in the vertical is given by h2 xmix = (2.55) u D where D is the vertical diusion coecient. Compute the value of for the criteria Cmin /Cmax = 0.95. Why is the value of independent of D? tmix =


Table 2.1: Table of solutions to the diusion equation Schematic and Solution Instantaneous point source, innite domain
C 8 x0 C Cmax 21 42 x C(x,t = 0) = M ( x -x 0) A

2. Advective Diusion Equation

(x x 0 ) 2 M exp 4Dt A 4Dt M Cmax (t) = A 4Dt M (x x0 ) (x x 0 ) 2 exp qx (x, t) = 4Dt 2At 4Dt C (x, t) =

Let = 2Dt and 2 (2 ) = 8Dt. For x0 = 0: C (, t) = 0.61Cmax (t)

Let = 2Dt and 2 (4 ) = 32Dt. For x0 = 0: C (2, t) = 0.14Cmax (t)

Instantaneous distributed source, innite domain (x x0 ) C0 1 erf 2 4Dt Cmax (t) = C0 (x x0 )2 C0 D qx (x, t) = exp 4Dt 4t C (x, t) =

C C(x,t = 0) = C 0 , x < x0 0 , x > x0

Let = 2Dt and 2 (2 ) = 8Dt. For x0 = 0: C (+, t) = 0.16C0 C (, t) = 0.84C0

Let = 2Dt and 2 (4 ) = 32Dt. For x0 = 0: C (+2, t) = 0.02C0 C (2, t) = 0.98C0

x0 C

C0 2 21 42 x

Table 2.1: (continued) Schematic Solution

Fixed concentration, semi-innite domain

C C0 C(x = x 0,t ) = C0

C (x > x0 , t) = C0 1 erf Cmax (t) = C0 qx (x > x0 , t) =

x0 x

(x x0 ) 4Dt

(x x0 )2 2C0 D exp 4Dt 4t

Let = 2Dt and 2 = 2Dt. For x0 = 0: C (+, t) = 0.32C0 C (, t) = Undened

Let = 2Dt and (2 )2 = 8Dt. For x0 = 0: C (+2, t) = 0.05C0 C (2, t) = Undened

C C0

2 x

Instantaneous point source, bounded domain M A 4Dt exp

dC =0 dx x

C C(x,t = 0) = M (x-x ) 0 A 8 C Cmax

C (x, t) =



(x x0 + 4nLb )2 4Dt

(x x0 + (4n 2)Lb )2 4Dt

Using the image-source method, the rst image on the opposite side of the boundary is at x0 2Lb .


Cmax (t) =

M A 4Dt



(4nLb )2 4Dt

(4n 2)Lb )2 exp 4Dt Exercises qx (x, t) =

2L b x

M 2At 4Dt


(x x0 + 4nLb ) exp

(x x0 + 4nLb )2 4Dt

(x x0 + (4n 2)Lb ) exp

(x x0 + (4n 2)Lb )2 4Dt



Table 2.1: (continued) Schematic Solution

2. Advective Diusion Equation

Instantaneous 2-D point source, innite domain

y C(x,y,t = 0) = M ( x- x0) ( y - y 0) H (x0,y0)

C (x, y, t) =

M 4Ht Dx Dy (y y0 )2 4Dy t M 4Ht 8Ht2 Dx Dy M


(x x0 )2 4Dx t

Let Dx = Dy , = 2Dt, (2 )2 = 8Dt, and r2 = (x x0 )2 +(y y0 )2 . For r = : C (, t) = 0.61Cmax (t)

x y

Cmax (t) = q (x, y, t) =

Let D x = Dy , = 2Dt, (4 )2 = 32Dt, and r2 = (x x0 )2 +(y y0 )2 . For r = 2 : C (2, t) = 0.14Cmax (t)

Dx Dy


(x x0 )2 4Dx t

(y y0 )2 ((x x0 )i + (y y0 )j ) 4Dy t

Instantaneous 3-D point source, innite domain

z C(x t = 0) = M (x - x0) ( y- y0) ( z - z 0) H

C (x, y, z, t) =

M 4t 4tDx Dy Dz


(x x0 )2 4Dx t

y (x0,y0,z0) x z Iso-concentration surface

(z z0 )2 (y y0 )2 4Dy t 4D z t M 4tDx Dy Dz M 4tDx Dy Dz exp (x x0 )2 4D x t

Cmax (t) = q (x, y, z, t) =

4t 8t2

Let D x = Dy = Dz , = 2Dt, (2 )2 = 8Dt, and r2 = (x x0 )2 + (y y0 )2 + (z z0 )2 . For r = : C (, t) = 0.61Cmax (t)

Let D x = Dy = Dz , = 2Dt, (4 )2 = 32Dt, and r2 = (x x0 )2 + (y y0 )2 + (z z0 )2 . For r = 2 : C (2, t) = 0.14Cmax (t)

(y y0 )2 (z z0 )2 4Dy t 4D z t

((x x0 )i + (y y0 )j + (z z0 )k)

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