Karate Info Anko Itosu

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What is Karate? Section 1 The Definition of Karate When one is asked the question: What is Karate?

What comes to mind to differentiate it from kickboxing or Chinese Kempo? They are all martial arts, which employ punches and kicks, but there must be some essential difference between them. Although we use the term "karate", there is an extremely large number of "karates" that exist today. First off they can be divided by style. Beginning with the four major styles on the mainland, and the three major Okinawan styles, there are countless numbers of organizations that have arisen as styles have split or new branches of styles have been formed. Then there are styles divided by rules. There are various competition rules, the main ones being "non-contact", "full padding", "full contact", and "glove rules", etc., and even those, which have added elements such as, mat techniques, etc. There are so many variations in styles and rules that it is impossible to get a precise overall picture of karate. This phenomenon is not found in other martial arts such as Kendo and Judo. In fact it may be correct to say that there is no definition of karate. That, however makes it difficult to further discuss this topic, so for the purpose of this book, I would like to divide karate into the following categories. Okinawan karate before it was imported into the mainland of Japan, and the karate that was developed on the mainland after it was imported. Also, since this book concentrates on the bunkai, or the use of katas as its main thrust, I will not include those new wave styles, which do not maintain the practice of kata. This book deals only with those styles which predominately practice Shuri style katas which were created in Okinawa. While I realize that there are many different views and philosophies about martial arts and karate, I will use certain terms for the sake of practical expression and organization. From a historical standpoint, this book will concentrate on karate after it was imported to the mainland. I will concentrate on other details elsewhere. I have also written about other martial arts, such as the traditional arts of jujutsu and kenjutsu, and the modern art of judo for the purpose of comparison. Karate has been influenced most, perhaps, by traditional martial arts, the best known being Shinkage Ryu Heiho (kenjutsu).

I will also refer to "shintai sousa" (proper body mechanics), which has received considerable attention recently, as "jutsu", or a complete technique and the form of punches and kicks as "waza" as separate techniques. "Kata bunkai" refers to the use of kata. Section 2 What is Kata? With the spread of karate much thought has been put into different methods of holding competitions, such as "non contact", "use of protective equipment"," full contact", "gloves", etc. The World Karate Federation World Championships have reached their 17th year and are becoming more and more extravagant. There is even talk of karate becoming an Olympic event. Along with kumite competition, there is also the extremely interesting part of karate, kata competition. Recently the WKF rules have changed to "tournament style", increased the number of shitei(compulsory)katas, and required the kata bunkai for the finals in team events. All of these events have increased the need for further study of bunkai in Japan, the birthplace of karate. The question, which arises here, is "What is kata?" The martial art of karate developed on the island of Okinawa under the influence of Chinese kempo; under the historical backdrop of the domination of the Satsuma feudal lords. It is believed to have developed in a unique way. The major characteristic is that it was transmitted orally, using no written training manuals. An exception to this is the "Bubishi" of the Naha style, but that is really believed to be the transmission of the White Crane kata of Chinese Kempo. A major difference between Okinawan karate and karate practiced on the mainland is that because it was prohibited by law, Okinawan karate was practiced in secret, and passed down orally. On the mainland, while there were some schools, which adhered to the principle of "Mongai fushutsu", or keeping the knowledge within the school, for the most part, many styles were given names and transmitted openly. Characteristics of martial arts of the mainland are: 1.Since katas are practiced with two people, the roles of defense and offense are clearly defined so the use of the techniques is easy to understand. 2.There are instructional manuals. (Techniques are clear) 3.There is a system for advancement in rank. 4.The styles have names. (The lineage of instructors is clear.) 5.For the most part they have been handed down by masters who were part of the samurai class.

Okinawan karate, on the other hand, differs from other martial arts in that it was not taught in dojos, it did not give names to its styles, and it was taught in secret. The following are its characteristics: 1.It was passed down through katas performed individually. 2.There were no written texts. 3.The method of advancement was unclear. 4.There were no styles. 5.For the most part it was practiced by the samurai class, but because it was practiced in secret, there was no system, which clearly defined one person as the founder of the school. In the end, the only thing we are left with in Okinawan karate is the katas. Thus, in order to know the meaning of karate, it is necessary to know the meaning of the katas, which have been passed down. In other words, we must clarify the katas, which have been left for us in order to know what the true nature of the original karate was. Until now, most of the study of kata has been concerned with such literary issues as to which Chinese character to use or superficial things such as how each movement differs from style to style. There has been no written discussion, however, of the technical meaning of the actual techniques involved. I believe that it has not been possible due to various factors, such as problems within the different styles, or organizations, or between teachers and students. The primary purpose of kata was to provide a record of offensive and defensive techniques. Of course the person who created a kata knew the meaning of its movements. There was a possibility, though, that future generations would not know the meaning of the movements by just looking at them, so there was a need to orally pass down the meanings of the techniques, so they could be could be recreated. As I stated earlier, if one understands the bunkai, or meaning of a kata, the external differences need not be such a problem.

Section 3 Okinawan Karate Because karate was practiced in secret, it is not known for sure when it first began. References to karate were seen in print around the middle of the Meiji period (Meiji period: 1868~1921) after the passing of Masters Anko Itosu

of Shuri style and Kanryo Higaonna of Naha style. Before that, because it was passed down orally, there were no written records. Also, according to oral legends, there are many stories of various masters being taught by Chinese emissaries, or having gone to China to learn first hand. Thus, it is believed that Okinawan karate was influenced considerably by Chinese kempo. Since the history of this period is covered elsewhere, it is beyond the scope of this book. I will only introduce an outline after the Meiji period. After the Meiji Restoration (1868) the interest in martial arts fell into decline. Around the time of the Seinan no Eki (Coup d'etat) in 1877 the study of kendo and judo gained popularity under the government's plan to "enrich the nation and build strong a defense". In 1876 a bare handed means of self defense was recognized under the government's proclamation against the use of the sword. In 1879 Master Anko Itosu opened the first karate dojo in Okinawa and began teaching his first students openly. Only his students received attention for being awarded the rank Koushu (High rank) in the military conscription examination. They went on to return home as decorated heroes after the Japan-China war of 1894, and JapanRussia war of 1904. In 1901 karate became part of the public school curriculum. At that time Okinawan karate was practiced individually, and there were no style names, rather, it was referred to as "someone or some place's hand". In 1904 Master Itosu created the Heian katas as a tool for teaching in the public junior high schools. That same year karate was first introduced in the mass media. An article written by Master Gichin Funakoshi in which he interviewed Master Anko Asato appeared in the Ryukyu Newspaper. Karate gained interest, not only as a method of selfdefense, but also for physical education, and there was a concerted effort, including the use of public demonstrations, to introduce it to the general public. In his "Ten Principles of Okinawan Karate" (1908), Master Anko Itosu wrote "One should know the meaning and application of a kata before practicing it." From this we know for a fact that the meaning (application) for katas existed at that time.

Section 4 Introduction of Karate to the Mainland The two public demonstrations by Master Gichin Funakoshi in 1916 at

the Butokuden in Kyoto, and the other at the Tokyo Physical Education Exposition in 1922 were the first to introduce Okinawan karate to the mainland. For some reason 1922 is given as the date of the introduction of karate to the mainland in written documents. In that year Master Funakoshi was invited by Dr. Jigoro Kano, the founder of judo, to teach karate for several months at the Kodokan. So, if we are talking about the spread of karate rather than the introduction, then the year 1922 can be credited as the beginning. Master Funakoshi never returned to Okinawa, concentrating instead on spreading karate throughout the mainland, primarily in the universities. There were, however, certain difficulties in having karate recognized, compared to judo and kendo. 1: Judo and kendo already had national organizations. 2: Dr. Jigoro Kano had endeavored to unified judo. 3: Okinawa did not have equal status on the mainland. 4: Katas were practiced individually, so it was difficult to access karate's true ability. In 1924 Master Funakoshi promoted his first student to first-degree black belt. In 1929 Master Chojun Miyagi created the first "style" of karate. In the year 1931 Okinawan karate was recognized as a part of judo by the Ministry of Education. The Chinese characters were changed from "Chinese hand" to "empty hand" around this time. Master Kenwa Mabuni established Shito Ryu in 1934. Likewise, Shotokan Ryu, which took until 1935 to formulate and develop its curriculum, established its full time dojo, Shotokan in Soshigaya, Tokyo in 1939. Although Master Funakoshi did not give his style a name, other styles and schools such as Goju ryu and Shito ryu began to appear. Unlike judo and kendo, which unified jujutsu and kenjutsu respectively, karate became further divided into separate styles. I would like to summarize these trends. Judo and kendo moved toward unification. 1.After the Meiji Restoration, there was a move to unify these systems, while maintaining the old styles. 2.Competitions were established according to unified rules enabling a clear method of evaluating ability. 3.A standardized system of awarding belts was employed. 4.Katas were unified and recreated. Karate moved in a factional direction.

1.In the Showa period styles were established, and further divided into numerous branches and sub styles. 2.There many different rules for competition. 3.Promotions for rank were held by the Japan Karate Federation, but each style recognizes their own ranks. 4.Katas were not unified. The war ended and the Federation of all Japan Karate Do was established. The different styles joined, and "noncontact" rules were unified for kumite, and the first tournament was held in 1957. The problem of how to unify katas, however, was left up to each style, and remained unsolved. A system to teach beginners comprised of basics, moving basics, and one-, two- or three-step sparring was established. To this day, however, there has evolved no teaching methodology for intermediate and advanced students. This is especially true since only fairly basic katas have been introduced openly, and many practitioners are not satisfied with the bunkai, or application, which has been introduced.

Section 5 Karate as a Sport The original meaning of karate as an art of self-defense has become lost with the development of karate on the mainland. Also the trend for it to become a competitive sport has become stronger. Especially after the war, martial arts have become known primarily as a sport. Martial arts had been once considered an important part of a military education. After the war, with the introduction of democracy, there was a trend to change the name from a " martial art" to a "sport". The introduction of judo as an Olympic sport in the Tokyo Olympics in 1959 spurred this trend. Thus begun the great epoch where, while there was kumite before the war, rules were established and kumite developed into an official event. Just as judo and kendo were spread with competition at its core, with the use of mats and protective gear, making competition possible, karate followed along the same path. As the number of tournaments increased, the purpose changed from defending one's self to winning in competition, and more and more practice was spent on kumite competition and kata as well. In competition rules, unlike in self-defense, certain dangerous techniques are forbidden, so only those techniques, which are applicable to the competition, are emphasized, and that is what makes a sport. As a side note, it has been said that the reason kata competition takes place before kumite

competition was to determine whether or not the competitors have sufficient ability to compete in kumite.

Problems Facing Karate Section 1Unusable Katas The greatest problem facing modern karate is the gap between kumite and kata. In other martial arts, almost all katas are practiced with two people, so it is possible to learn the bunkai, or application from the beginning. In judo, for instance, the throwing kata for a Seoinage is the same as an Ippon Seoinage. Therefore it is impossible in judo not to know the application of the Seoinage. In contrast, the chasm between the movements of kumite and the movements of kata is large, and there is no explanation for how to get from one to the other. Furthermore, bunkai or application of katas is not clear, or the explanations that exist are not practical. This is the unfortunately situation for many karate practitioners. So, that fact that only strikes and kicks can be used is a simple problem that most karate practitioners face at some time. It is possible to come up with two major reasons why katas cannot be used. 1.They are unusable due to insufficient practice. 2.The explanation itself is incorrect. Let's look at both of these possibilities.

Part 1 Katas are Unusable Due to Insufficient Practice. In judo the "over the seoinage" and the "nage no kata" are the same technique, but it takes a lot of practice to be able to use that it. Accordingly, unless one practices a certain specified amount, they will not be able "own" that technique, so the notion that a "technique cannot be used without sufficient practice is valid. Also, since there are some techniques, which are prohibited in kumite competition, it is possible that they will not be practiced. It is often said will not be able true, though? It to the mainland. that "unless one practices for 20 -30 years, one to actually use it." Is that really has been over 80 years since karate was introduced There are many karate

practitioners who have been training for over 20 - 30 years primarily using katas, but there are perhaps only a small percentage who able to apply them practically. Furthermore, if it takes 20 to 30 years of practice to be able to use a technique, it can hardly be considered practical. In the case of other martial arts on the mainland, historically there are many instances where it is possible to attain a master ranking after training for five to six years. Of course polishing one's techniques takes a lifetime, but if it takes too long to learn the techniques of a particular style, then the very existence of that style may be in danger. In the days when the life expectancy was fifty years, if it took thirty years to master the techniques of one's style, then they would die before they would be able to pass it on and the style would die out in one generation. Thus we see that the idea that insufficient practice is responsible for kata being unusable is not applicable here.

Part 2. Explanations for the Katas are Incorrect to Begin With. Currently there more than a few instances where the bunkai, (application) for katas which one has learned is not practical. This may not be a problem for beginners, but after one has trained for a while, or if they have trained in other martial arts many may have questions about whether certain bunkai are really applicable or not. Even if one learns from a great master, if the bunkai is not applicable, what they have learned is merely a dance, and has no meaning as a martial art. So, why are there techniques, which cannot be used? I believe we have to accept the possibility that the bunkai itself is incorrect. If one accepts that fact, then even if one practices for twenty to thirty years, it is makes sense that they will still be unusable. This would the same if one were to practice a Chinese character beautifully, but incorrectly for many years, one would not be able to communicate the correct meaning to someone else. Practicing incorrect characters is the same as practicing incorrect techniques. One will not be able to overtake one' s opponent. If an instructor teaches incorrect techniques, the people who have learned from will have wasted a lot of time and energy. In the case of case incorrect explanations, we can the following.

1.One hasn't been taught. 2.One has been taught incorrectly. 1. One Hasn't Been Taught. Actually there are many instances where one knows the movements of a kata, but doesn't know the bunkai. It is also possible to pass a black belt examination by only performing a kata by itself. As a result, there are many instructors who do not know the bunkai for katas, and those instructors produce instructors like themselves again and again. There some who say that even if one hasn't been taught bunkai, if they practice long enough they will be able to figure it out on their own naturally. In fact, though, as I previously mentioned, even if one practices a kata for a long time, if is incorrect, they will not be able to use it. 3.If One is Taught the Bunkai. Incorrectly. In olden times, one would be at a disadvantage if their techniques were seen by others. Perhaps the same was true when karate was introduced to the mainland and the Okinawan karate masters decided to only teach the most basic katas. In other words, they were influenced by the so-called traditional Japanese practice of Mongai fushutu or Isshi Soden (Not letting the body of knowledge to be known outside the school, or passing on the body of knowledge only to one's own child.) Okinawan karate was no exception from other martial arts in that only those who were deemed of sufficient character were allowed to begin training. Other than a teacher putting himself in a disadvantageous position, there were two reasons for that. First, since they were teaching potentially killing techniques, it was necessary to determine whether or not the student would act violently. Second, it was necessary to judge a person's character in order to prevent that master's teachings from being leaked to the outside. When Okinawan karate, which became strictly disciplined in such a manner, was taught in schools after the Meiji period, there were bound to be problems with teaching such dangerous techniques to the general public. Thus there was a need to protect the core teachings while opening it up to the public. There arose a need to make a distinction between "regular students" and "technically advanced students". Martial arts on the mainland developed a system of beginning level, intermediate level, and advanced level, so that

the regular student could continue learning techniques, while not showing the advanced or hidden techniques to the general public. Compared to that, Okinawan karate had no such system. It is believed that the masters changed the techniques or changed the explanation in order not to openly teach to beginners or regular students. Until now, it has been written in karate articles that certain movements were changed or abbreviated on purpose. This may account for unusable katas.

Part 3 Is it Possible to Block to the Front and Back Simultaneously? One of the most difficult techniques in karate is the yama kamae or manji kamae. The bunkai explanation for it is that it is a defense against multiple attackers (to the front and to the back). It is not as if we are a super hero, so why does such an explanation exist? I believe it is because either they are confusing movie action with reality, or they have never seen the original bunkai for this technique. It is hard enough to defend against an attacker from the front, I don't believe it is possible to defend against an opponent to the rear who you can't even see. If you try to defend against two opponents simultaneously, you will see that you would have to train as if you were a stunt actor. If, let's say one could defend against attacks from the front and the rear, and even manage to counter against the opponent in the front, the rear opponent is not going to wait for that attack to finish.

Also, even if one is attacked both attacks by moving. There increase the risk factor when situation. Even beginners can rational explanation.

from the front and rear, one can avoid is no need to one is already in a dangerous understand this if given a

Pert 4 Original Form and Application The people who originally created katas, in order to teach certain techniques to future generations, made them based on a set pattern of movements against an imaginary opponent. At that time they were probably practiced with a partner, or if one did not have a partner, one could practice against a pretend partner, like shadow boxing. That was how the original katas came about. That is also where the

original application exists. Depending on the movement, however, a technique could have different applications, so when a master taught his students the kata he would also teach them the different applications. This was a cause for confusion. In martial arts on the mainland katas are practiced with a partner, and there are teaching materials, so the original techniques are passed down. Also, the application is taught separately within the framework of the curriculum of that particular style, reducing the confusion between katas and application. In the case of karate, however, where katas are practiced individually, when numerous versions of bunkai are taught, from the point of view of the learner, the original kata, the application, and the bunkai are all the same. In that case, depending on the whim of the instructor, the importance of the kata and the application may be reversed, and through the creation of new applications of the application itself, it is possible that it may end up quite different than the original form. If that is the case then the movements of the kata themselves may be influenced by the new application and undergo change. This explanation is believed to be the reason for so many different variations of the same kata. The only way to know which of those is the original would be to go back in a time machine and ask the person who made it. I do believe, though, that we can recreate something close to the original by reenacting the most rational bunkai.

Section 2 Why do We Practice Unusable Katas? Why do we practice katas, which are unusable? One can think of several reasons for that. I would like to categorize them as follows. Part 1Katas as Tradition The techniques, which have been passed down from the past are important to traditional martial arts and traditional arts, and they must be preserved. That is because the wisdom of generations are built into them. Even in modern judo and kendo it is understandable that kata remains as the theoretical aspect of those martial arts. Also in certain martial arts, there are those katas, which are important since they express the identity and theory of that particular style. Through the practice of those katas, which

have been created by the founder of the style, it is considered ideal to become as close to the founder as possible. Likewise in the case of karate, it is thought to be important to learn techniques though the correct practice of traditional katas, which have been passed down.

Part 2 Preventing the Deterioration of Techniques An often heard reason for practicing katas is to avoid the deterioration of techniques. In other words, if one doesn't practice basics and kata, and only practices free sparring, their techniques will deteriorate and they will need to fix them through the practice of kata. At the basis of this idea is the notion that "basics are important". This is a common theme central to all knowledge, not just martial arts. Let's look at an example from judo. To learn the over the seoinage, one starts to learn by "uchikomi" practice, where they learn the basics, such as "kuzushi", "tsukuri", and "kake", leading up to the actual technique. Then they actually perform the technique in "randori", or free style with the opponent resisting the throw. So, unlike uchikomi practice, one isn't always able to able to execute the throw using proper form. If one only practices free style or " randori" their form will deteriorate so they have to practice "uchikomi" to correct their form. To be sure, there is no real difference between the form and free style practice, so there is no problem with this method of teaching. In karate, however, where the katas have been stylized, this method may not be appropriate. This is because the purpose of the stylization is, apart from the real meaning, to strive for beauty when performing them. It is important to consider this and think about exactly what the basics are.

Part 3 Feudal Student Teacher Relationship Vestiges of the feudal system still remain in Japanese martial arts. And, even up until recently, it was considered taboo to question one's teacher. A unique system of progression has arisen throughout the long history of Japanese traditional learning. Under this system the order of advancement is specified in a detailed manner, from beginning, intermediate, and inner knowledge, to secret hidden knowledge. Since one could not advance until they mastered the problems given to them by their instructors, it was until recently considered proper to obey their instructor, and it would be taken as rude for one to ask questions of one's teacher. It was not uncommon for students to be

chastised by their instructors if they asked questions by saying that it is 10 years too early! Moreover, it was said that "it takes 3 years to master one kata". The notion that the core of practice should be the diligent practice of kata for more than three years has had a large influence on many instructors who have been taught this way.

Part 4 The Organization of Karate Whereas, originally there was no system of styles in Okinawa karate, the different styles arose around the beginning of the Showa Era (1926). With the setting up of styles, there arose the need to differentiate each from the other and form each style's own identity. That difference essentially meant a difference in katas. Thus it was necessary to rearrange the katas, establishing their own set of katas. Even within the same styles there were differences between the katas taught to the early students and those, which were taught later. An example that represents this is the Heian katas created by Master Anko Itosu. Introduced less than 100 years ago, there are already numerous variations by the time karate was introduced to the mainland. Master Itosu, himself was responsible for this. Depending on when he taught the katas, the movements differed. Even the same katas taught under Master Itosu were different, resulting in their existence as different styles. If, at the time the bunkai had been clearly specified, this problem would have been minor, but since it wasn't, the differences in movements were passed on, and led to different styles' katas.

Part 5 Competition. It cannot be denied that one's interest in training is heightened and the level of perfecting katas is raised, thus contributing to the preservation of katas when competition is the goal. Essentially, this is a good thing, but recently it has led to a trend to rearrange katas. An often quoted example of this is the kata Chatanyara Kushanku. The competition version of this kata is quite different from the original. If this is so, then it would appear that competition also caused some damage to katas. Also, because it is difficult to win in competition unless they

perform high-level katas, beginning students skip the basic katas, and only practice advanced katas. Furthermore, as katas of other styles are performed in tournaments, students are required to perform those katas as well. So the strange reality arises where, not only must one practice one's own bassai, but the bassai katas of other styles in order to compete in tournaments. The biggest problem with this phenomenon is that in tournaments competitors are not asked whether or not they can use the kata, so they brazenly perform katas for which they They do not know the bunkai. Thus we can see that are many reasons to practice katas, which are unusable. By understanding the bunkai, though, we can lessen this problem. Team kata is a part of kata competition. It is difficult to understand the reason for several people to move in a synchronized manner from a martial arts point of view. Recently, however with the change in the WKF rules, it is necessary perform the bunkai in the finals, sparking an interest in bunkai. This is basically a good trend, I believe.

Section 3 What is Meant by "Styles"? "Style" denotes a group arising from technical differences. In kenjutsu different styles, such as Shinkage Ryu, Nen Ryu, and Itto Ryu, have arisen due to philosophical differences among the founders. Therefore, unless there is no change in the body of technical knowledge that style should bear the same name as it is passed down through each generation. To the continuation of the body of technical knowledge, the founder or grand master will approve those instructors who have mastered the body of technical knowledge. The founder or grand master will be the guide for that school. In large schools, not only the founder or grand master, but other masters are granted the right to certify students, and in some cases, practitioners have come to Edo (Tokyo) to receive their master certification, and returned to their homeland to teach, giving rise to new schools. Unless there is a change in the technical knowledge, though, the style should be the same. They should be thought of as factions within the same style. Thus, the emergence of certain factions (ha) within the same style (ryu) will arise. In karate, one can observe the peculiar phenomenon whereby two students of the same master may profess to

belonging to different styles. This can be attributed to several reasons. Since there is no standard for the qualification of instructors in karate, and also, because the curriculum is unclear, it is understandable that instructors may develop individual interpretations of the technical knowledge. In fact the main reason that karate, unlike judo and kendo, which are moving toward a consensus, is moving toward a splintering is the confusing trend toward the emergence of different factions within the same style.

Also the different factions within karate are not moving apart so much from technical differences as differences in competition rules. The major differences are "non-contact rules", "protective gear rules", "full contact rules", and "glove rules". The basis for this problem lies in the fact that the rules for karate competition were not clearly defined. It is clearly known that judo is the creation of Dr. Jigoro Kano, and that its roots are in Jujutsu. There is a vast difference between judo, a martial art that was developed by one person, and karate, which was developed by many persons. With this in mind, I believe it is necessary to redefine what karate is.

Section 4 Consideration of the Changes on the Mainland. Since the teaching of the bunkai for katas was not complete when it is was introduced to the mainland, it was necessary to fill in the gaps, since "necessity is the mother of invention." As a result, karate developed in its own fashion on the mainland, and the gap between kata and kumite widened. I would like to organize the factors responsible for this. Part 1 The Explanations for Katas Were Not Understood. All of the problems can be solved if one rectifies the causes. Moreover, they are the result of the overlapping of various factors. Those causes are: 1.The explanations 2.The explanations 3.The explanations 4.The explanations not pass them on.

were lost in Okinawa. weren't passed down in Okinawa. were passed on only to certain persons. were passed on to certain persons, but they did

Part 2 The Ideological Difference in the Practice of Karate in Okinawa and the Mainland. I believe there is a significant difference in the attitude toward the practice of kata in Okinawa and on the mainland. Martial arts on the mainland were practiced mainly by two persons paired against each other. Even Iaido is practiced with two people at the advanced level, even though one generally imagines that it is practiced by oneself, as in basic kendo. In Okinawa, on the other hand, the thinking is the opposite, as characterized by the quote of Sensei Hiroshi Kinjo, that "Kata is a stylization, not the actual technique" in Gekkan Karate Do, and that of Sensei Kiyoshi Arakaki that " there is no value in applying the techniques of katas to kumite or real fighting situations." excerpted from "Karate Sangokushi" Gekkan Karate Do. They believed that through the individual practice of kata one would be able to temper and understand their body movements, and become able to use the katas and apply them to kumite. It is possible that the masters who introduced karate to the mainland did not understand this difference in ideology, and that difference may actually have contributed to the fact that karate developed in a unique manner on the mainland. Free sparring, may have begun as an adaptation of bunkai kumite on the mainland.

Part 3 Characteristic Differences Between Judo and Karate. In the history of the development of judo, one notes that there were confrontations with traditional jujutsu around the beginning of the Meiji period (1968~), with boxing around the Taisho period, and with wrestling around the Showa period (1926~). Also, Kodokan was engaged in a rivalry with the Butokukai of Kyoto, so they established the Traditional Martial Arts Study Association, and encouraged the senior students to study Aikido and Jojutsu. The martial art, judo that Dr. Jigoro Kano envisioned was a modern martial art which included overall free sparring practice which included kicks and punches. Master Gichin Funakoshi's demonstrations in 1916 in Kyoto, and in 1922 in Tokyo were held during this time, so I am sure that they were of great interest. Dr. Kano invited Master Funakoshi to come to the Kodokan and teach karate to his senior students for several months. Then he went to Okinawa the following year, where he publicized

karate, and encouraged Masters Kenwa Mabuni and Chojun Miyagi to go the mainland. It appears that Dr. Kano considered making karate a part of judo. In 1931 he submitted a report to the ministry of culture entitled "Karate as a Part of Judo". On the other hand, the major karate masters had hoped to establish karate as one of the three major martial arts along with judo and kendo. Accordingly, they elected to accentuate its uniqueness in order to keep it independent of judo. It seems that, even though Okinawan karate contained throws and joint techniques, the decision was made to emphasize kicks and punches, in order to distinguish it from judo and traditional jujutsu.

Part 4 Understanding Karate. It is said that Master Funakoshi began the practice of yakusoku kumite (practicing with a partner) around 1929. Apparently, until then everyone only practiced katas or punches against a makiwara. Master Funakoshi had been teaching at the Tokyo University Karate Club since 1926, but they became dissatisfied with his instruction, and they began they own tournaments using protective gear. In 1930 Mr. Jisaburo Miki of the Tokyo University Karate Club published a book entitled An Outline of Kempo. He wrote that book as an antithesis to Master Funakoshi's method of only teaching kata. Seeking the real thing, Mr. Miki traveled to Okinawa, and studied under the top masters. He was, however, unable to solve his questions. In one chapter, he questions the notion that karate does not include grabs, throws, and holds.

Part 5 Simplification Through Free Kumite. What will happen if we introduce free kumite without any holds, and throws, only punches, strikes, and kicks? Obviously what will develop will be completely different from the original. The original purpose of free kumite and kumite matches was to test the techniques that one had learned. One can easily imagine that once the idea of competition enters the picture, the notion of "testing" will change to "winning". In to prevent this from happening, sensei Jigoro Kano explained that one must compete in free practice and competition with the "presumption of losing". For if one only

concentrates on winning, one will not improve their techniques. This is because at first, one will not be proficient and they will lose often, but if one avoids losing then there will be few chances to test one's techniques and their progress will be impeded as a result. Furthermore, since advanced techniques are more difficult to use, they will likely be exchanged for simpler techniques, which are easier to use, and the more they are used in competition, the more they are likely to degenerate. Sensei Kubota commented that "no matter how much I teach certain techniques, if they are not applicable to competition, no one is interested in learning them." I hear similar stories from other schools and styles that if the students cannot use techniques in competition, they show no interest in learning them.

Part 6: The Abundance of Tournaments There are tournaments, which decide the winner in overtime for kumite. It is human nature to want to win, as long as one has entered the tournament. One competes within rules, which are in place to guarantee safety. From a judging standpoint difficult or more complex techniques are given more value. Long ago, people did not learn karate to compete, rather most people learned in order to become stronger. Also since there were so few competitions, only the very best students were chosen to compete. More and more, in order to win, competitors have begun to utilize their practice time efficiently by practicing only techniques, which are allowed under the rules. As a result, with the number of tournaments increasing, this trend is increasing.

Part 7: The Prevalence of Various Rules After the war, karate became a competitive sport, influenced by judo and kendo. At that time non-contact and rules using protective equipment became prevalent. Also, the experiment of wearing gloves already existed by 1955. Then in 1965, with the appearance of full contact karate the karate world was a -------------?. For all of the different types of competition, the goal was to maintain safety while coming as close as possible to real fighting. Each of these sets of rules, however, had their own

advantages and disadvantages. Recently it appears that there has been even further minute differentiation of these rules. Since each these different types of rules are based on principle of competing safely, many techniques, which are found in kata, have been eliminated. Conversely new techniques, which are effective under certain types of rules, have been developed.

Section 5: Are Practice Methods Effective? Part 1: Outside Block as an Example From my limited experience, it seems that there are many questions about the manner in which karate is taught and practiced, especially compared to judo or kendo. It seems as though the more we contemplate such questions as "what is the correct bunkai for kata?" or "What are the correct stances or postures?" or What is the relationship between basics and kumite?" the more of a confusing maze we seem to find ourselves in. When confused, the proper strategy is to return to beginning. Judo and kendo were preceded by jujitsu and kenjutsu. There are many articles and artifacts, which allow us to research their original basics. In the case of karate, though, there are no written records, and it is not certain whether or not it has been handed down completely, therefore it is difficult to get an idea of its original form. As I was watching a program on TV about the Athens Olympics, I learned that there are many scientific approaches to training in order to establish new records. In particular, the swimming head coach earned his position essentially based on his analytical skill, and the gymnastics team produced wonderful results with the implementation of organizational measures over the last 20 years. Judo, under a plan proposed 20 years ago by Coach Yamashita sent children to compete abroad to gain international experience. Those children achieved exceptional results at this Olympics. Already, we can see that it is extremely difficult to set a world record at the Olympics solely through individual based efforts. Recently, many books have been published which relate the shintai sousa of traditional martial arts to sports. In one of these that dealt with namba running (the traditional style of running in Japan whereby the same arm and leg are used together) it was written that, due to an error in translation,

the Japanese were taught to run incorrectly. Upon reading this I strongly felt the need to research such issues as they relate to karate. There are many technical books on sports other than those in the Olympics, such as golf and baseball, in bookstores. In comparison, it is true that there is not as much activity in the field of karate. When we think of a scientific approach in karate we usually come up with tests to measure the force of a punch or kick. I am sure that are other sports oriented theories, but if we take a diversified approach to the technical aspects and instruction methods, then it may be possible for karate to flourish again. As karate advances with the Olympics in its field of vision, varied scientific research is bound to take place. Is the manner in which karate is practiced efficient? Let us return to the topic. I have doubts whether the training methods, which were created after karate was introduced to the mainland, are effective. In the case of kata bunkai, if we look at each bunkai, it is possible to come up with something completely different, even if it is for the same kata. The training method consisting of basics, moving basics, kata, onestep sparring,and free sparring, was said to have been created by Master Kentsu Yabu, and established after the introduction of karate to the mainland. Compared to other martial arts, karate has a relatively short history and it perhaps has not stood the test of critical analysis. I would like to take a careful look at one example. Of the basic techniques; punches, strikes, kicks and blocks, while punches, strikes, and kicks are used effectively in competitive kumite, when it comes to blocks, it is not possible to say that the movements that we learn in basics and kata are not effectively utilized. In particular, let's take a look at soto uke (Shotokan terminology). As an exercise, let's look at various hypotheses', which would explain why a soto uke cannot be used in kumite. Premise 1: The unusable technique was passed down incorrectly. 2: Insufficient practice 3: Incorrect usage Proof

1: The unusable technique was passed down incorrectly. Since the same technique is found in many other styles, including Okinawan styles, the possibility of soto uke itself being incorrectly passed down is not likely. Next, one may imagine that the technique was incorrectly named, and that soto uke is not really a block. It is easy to imagine that the real purpose of a soto uke is to take out an opponent's elbow joint. In maser Choki Motobu's "Kumite Technical Manual" soto uke is paired with a reverse punch, thus we can assume that soto uke is indeed a block. 2: Insufficient Practice In practice, soto uke is primarily used in yakusoku kumite, and it is difficult to use in free sparring. Whether or not the amount of practice is insufficient, or whether the technique itself is so difficult that one tends not to practice it, is like asking which came first, the chicken or the egg. The result, though, has been influenced by both.

If, on the one hand, one increases the amount of practice and the movement in its basic form does not afford a difference in ability, then it is essentially unusable. Thus, I believe that it is not just a simple matter of practice time. 3: Incorrect Usage In shotokan's 20 principles, there is an article, which states that "kata should be correct, and actual fighting is a different thing." If one takes that literally in actual fighting it is okay not to use the exact technique in its basic form. Moreover, since it is true that kata is a stylization of kata, in actual kumite one can use it (soto uke) if it is used as a parry with the bottom of the fist to the inside. Therefore, one can see that there is no problem if it is used as a basic movement. I believe this is satisfactory to most people. Is That Really True? Why don't we, however, take it a step further and examine whether this is really acceptable. Let's approach it from a different angle, looking at the differences between kata and kumite. The major differences are: In kata, soto uke is performed moving forward. (pic. 1, 2) In kumite, soto uke is performed moving backwards. (pic. 3, 4)

Thus, the difference is in the forward and backward movement. Unlike kata, it is impractical to move forward when blocking in yakusoku kumite. This is because, since the attacker is moving forward so if the defender moved forward, as well, the distance would be too short and the technique could not be executed. (pic. 6, 7) therefore, in order to maintain the correct distance in yakusoku kumite, the defender needs to take a step backwards when performing a soto uke. (pic 3, 4) If one blocks while stepping back, though, the attacker will not be taken off balance, so they will be able to attack again. As an example, if an opponent attacks with only a straight punch, then it is just like three step or five step sparring.

Furthermore, if the opponent throws a one-two combination attack, then the possibility of the second punch being faster than the defender's block and counter punch is high. (pic. 8, 9, 10) If that is the case then why do we even practice it? From the above, we see that whether retreating or advancing, the soto uke is not effective. The question is "what can one do to use it effectively?" Let's look at the following experiments in an attempt to solve this problem. 1: Perform a Soto Uke Stepping Forward as in the Kata. Try to do this by doubling the starting distance, and both the attacker and defender step in and block. In this experiment, we found that he opponent is thrown off balance. It is not realistic, however, for both to step forward. This is because the attacker would not initiate a straight punch that would not reach, and a defender would not purposely step in t block a punch that would not reach. (pic. 14, 15) 2: Add a Switch Step. A switch step has been added to maintain a realistic distance. With a switch step, if one steps in half a step, and steps back half a step, from a visual perspective, it creates the situation as stepping in. Also, the entire body weight can be applied to the block, making the block stronger. If one blocks in such a manner, the opponent's posture will be thrown off balance, and they will not be able to deliver a one-two attack, and the defender can counter with a reverse punch. (pics. 16, 17, 18)

3: Why is the Opponent's Posture Thrown off Balance? A fist in karate is typically made by clenching the first and second fingers with the thumb tightly around them. (Pictures 18) In this state it is easy to move the opponent's arm along the plane in the picturestures. (Pictures 19, 20) (ref. pictures 16, and 17) In other words, when an opponent attacks with a left straight punch, it will be easy to take the attack off balance when moving backwards diagonally to the right. Therefore to defend against this attack, the defender should perform a soto uke while stepping backwards diagonally to the right. In this case, the opponent will be thrown off balance. (pic. 11, 12) From the above experiments, we can see that in yakusoku kumite if a soto uke is performed while stepping back, the opponent will not be thrown off balance. Therefore, if an opponent uses a one-two attack, stepping back and performing a soto uke and counter reverse punch is not realistic. (pic 8, 9, 10) When the One-two Attack is a Feint What would happen if the one-two attack is a feint? In that instance, if one performs a junzuki (kizami zuki) with the front hand after performing a soto uke, there is a likely possibility of it getting in before the opponent's reverse punch. Sensei Choki Motobu said that "blocks must also be attacks" It is possible to recreate this. Examination of Written Records In support of the above hypothesis sensei Choki Motobu said that " In true Okinawan karate combination punches are not possible." That is because in true Okinawan karate, if a block is performed properly, the opponent would not be able to initiate another punch. In photographs of kumite left by sensei Motobu we can see numerous instances where he is using a soto uke. In all of these photographs they are using a half step forward. Sensei Kubota's Kumite Sensei Kubota's kumite can perhaps be characterized by many techniques, which attempt to move around to the back one's opponent. When asked in what manner one could move around to one's opponents back, sensei replied, "

You must bump in to them" This conversation seems like a Zen riddle, but if we keep it in mind, we can understand the explanation that "if one blocks while moving forward, they will unbalance their opponent, and then turn them around so one can attack their back. The Results of Testing the Premise According to the above tests, the result is that the movement of the block is not incorrect. Rather, the movement of the feet is incorrect. Since these tests have not been applied to all situations, they are nothing more than test results of one hypothesis. These results do not necessarily prove that the method of practicing yakusoku kumite is incorrect. It is quite obvious, though, that there is a need to evaluate if from various angles. Here, I have introduced one notion based on an idea from sensei Nagata's concepts. From this time forward, many old techniques are sure to be reevaluated and modernized by many people.

Part 2: The Divergence of Free Kumite and Kata In his book entitled "Koubou Kempo Karatedo Nyumon", Master Kenwa Mabuni explained the relationship between kata and kumite by saying that the purpose of kumite is for the practical application of kata. Currently, though, kata and kumite have developed into separate entities. In Master Gichin Funakoshi's 20 principles, it says that "kata should be performed correctly and that actual fighting was different". I believe that this has been misconstrued by some to mean that kata and actual fighting are completely different.His real intent was that kata should not be used in its actual form, but rather, it should be adapted to fit the situation in actual fighting. Because the application of kata is not clear, problems arise where the techniques of kata cannot be used in kumite. Thus kata and kumite have developed in separate directions. In judo, dangerous techniques such as punches, kicks and reverse techniques are not allowed in competition, but are practiced in kata. In karate, however, punches, and kicks, which are considered dangerous in judo, are the mainstay of karate, so they must be used in competition, making it difficult to differentiate between competition and kata. Judo: kata= dangerous techniques Karate: kata=?

From the above we see that the guidelines for kata are not clearly defined. Furthermore, since the application of kata is unclear, the trend has leaned toward stylized esthetics, and very solid stances in an effort to show strength. Kumite, on the other hand has seen the need to adopt a different means of footwork in order to win. Kata: solid stances Kumite: light / quick footwork One can see at a glance that the methods of practice will conflict. Because of this there are many kumite competitors who do not practice kata at all. This will obviously cause more and more confusion in the karate world.

Part 3: Karate and Okinawan Kobudo In Okinawa Ryukyu Kobudo has been passed down in the same manner as Okinawan karate. On the mainland karate was introduced as a superior empty-handed method of fighting. It developed primarily within the framework of kumite and kata competition after WWII. Ryukyu Kobudo, on the other hand has not gained popularity in dojos in Japan. Of those practicing it, Sensei Kenshin Taira of the Ryukyu Kobudo preservation association is the foremost instructor. This trend has come about after the Showa period. Originally, it is said that bo and sai were used by the samurai class and the tonfa and kama (sickle) were practiced by the common people. It appears that Ryukyu Kobudo is commonly taught in dojos abroad. Whether this is because American servicemen, who served on bases in Okinawa, could learn directly from Okinawan masters, or whether there was more of an interest in the self-defense aspect, the interest level for weapons was high. Since both disciplines were developed simultaneously, it is best to learn both. Recently it has become possible to make special weapons using polyurethane, or rubber tubing together with lightweight protective gear enabling the possibility of weapons competition like some kind of samurai sport. section 6: Is Karate Incomplete? From what we have examined thus far, while it is only a hypothesis, we can see that as a school of martial arts, karate was passed down incompletely. Compared to other martial arts of the mainland:

1: It has been passed down unclearly. 2: The application of kata is unclear. 3: The system for advancement is unclear. Part 1Bunkai Has Been Passed Down Incompletely. It is not clear who created many of the katas in karate. Oral tradition states that many katas were taught by Chinese teachers. The names have been passed down orally, but there remain few written records. The pronunciation indicates that they are essentially Chinese. The manner in which, and to what degree martial arts were taught by Chinese and to what degree they changed in Okinawa is absolutely unclear. Even the relatively new Heian katas, made by master Itosu in the Meiji period, are though to be based on a kata called Channan taught to him by a Chinese by the same name. Furthermore, since it was common to learn different katas from different teachers who specialized in particular katas, such as Naihanchi from A sensei, and Passai from B sensei, Okinawan karate was more of an individualized discipline. I look forward to further study in this area.

Part 2: The Application of Kata is Unclear. Previously I have touched on the fact that the application of kata is unclear. It is inconceivable, though in other martial arts that the method of application could be unclear. The whole purpose of learning a martial art is to learn how to apply its techniques in a real situation. We know that the use of kata as a method of practice came from Chinese martial arts. Merely studying kata, however, is not the same as studying martial arts. It is only when one studies the application of techniques that one can say that they have begun to learn. Certainly other methods of practice, as well as methods involving weapons are necessary. The departure point for martial arts, though, is the study of the application of the techniques. If one is not taught application, the techniques will not function as a martial art. What can one hope to gain from ineffective study year after year? Master Anko Itosu, the creator of the Heian katas, wrote in his 10 principles in 1908 that "one should learn each movement in a kata, making sure of their application before practicing that kata." From this statement, we know that the application did exist in Itosu's time, and it is unacceptable that the application of katas is unclear today.

Part 3Method of Advancement is Unclear In the Shuri style of Okinawan karate, before the creation of the Heian katas it was common to learn Naihanchi and Passai or Kushanku. There was no specific order after Naihanchi, and as previously stated, it was customary to study under different teachers, so the system of advancement through novice, intermediate, and advanced levels as in other schools of martial arts on the mainland was unclear. Since the system of advancement was unclear, there was also no certification system, nor was there a clearly defined teaching curriculum. Under these conditions it is very difficult to get a full picture of the technical body of knowledge. In those styles which have a historical background, one can see attempts to establish a system of advancement in ranking, since there was a need to establish a successor. In Chinese martial arts, which were there forerunners to Okinawan karate, there existed training methodology. The creation of the Heian katas by Itosu was an attempt to introduce a system of advancement. From Heian 1 to Heian 5, they progress in order of difficulty. In his 10 principles, Itosu stated that "one should be able to advance to an advanced level in 2 to 3 years, so we know that there was a method for practice at that time. Unfortunately, though, since the methodology is unclear, it is difficult to measure the results.

Questions Facing Karate Section 1 The Reason That Katas are Unusable Reviewing the issues which we have looked at up to this point, we come up with these three points: 1. The bunkai for katas is not understood. 2. Bunkai cannot be used within the rules of competition. (in Japan) 3. It is possible to win using only simple techniques.

Part 1The Bunkai for Katas is Not Understood This is because it was not possible to introduce Okinawan karate in its original form to the mainland. It appears that until now no specialized research has been carried out concerning the fact that kata bunkai is unclear. "An Instructional Text for Karate", published by the Japan Karate

Federation is the only book about the bunkai for the Heian katas. It states in its preface, however, that "this training manual is not about the original combat aspects of karate, rather it maintains the educational standpoint of competitive sports based on the rule of mutual respect." Since that publication, no other works dealing with the martial aspect of bunkai has been published. Recently WKF competition rules require the study of bunkai. I believe that, as the study of bunkai advances, the interest in using different techniques will increase.

Part 2 Bunkai Cannot be Used in Competition. Karate was introduced to the mainland primarily as a martial art consisting of kicking, punching, and striking According to "Explaining Kempo", published by the Todai Karate research Society, "There is nothing else in karate except kicks, punches, and strikes." Accordingly, many competition rules prohibit grabbing. World Karate Federation rules, however, permit grabs under a few seconds and throws are used aggressively. There appears to be an overall trend to return to the basics.

Part 3It is Possible to Win Using Only Simple Techniques. Currently, since most kumite competitions are won mainly by kicks and punches, emphasis is put on perfecting fairly easy techniques. It is a fact that it is better to practice fewer simple techniques, which are easy to use in tournaments. One can also not deny the trend to practice techniques, which are rewarded higher points according to WKF rules. Consequently, as the number of tournaments increases the tendency to practice only techniques for use in competition will become stronger. Indeed, if one doesn't, it will become more and more difficult to win.

Section 2 How to be Able to Use Kata? Part 1 The Definition of Bunkai Because Okinawan karate was taught in secret to a small number of disciples, there is nothing similar to a textbook explaining the movements of katas. Currently, it is common practice to practice katas without knowing the meaning behind the movements. Learning a martial art involves learning the techniques, which have been passed down through that particular

martial art. In the case of karate, though, bunkai for katas (the body of traditional techniques) is mysteriously unclear. To practice katas individually after one has learned the application of the techniques is meaningful, but merely the individual practice of a kata without knowing the application, is like performing a dance or gymnastics. On one hand it has been sated that "katas should not be changed." In fact, though, katas had already undergone changes before Okinawan karate was introduced to the mainland. The fact that a person's name has been attached to a different katas, such as such and such a bassai, or such and such a Kushanku, itself proves that katas had undergone change from their original form. If katas changed from their original forms, then it follows that their bunkai changed too. Thus, we see that the problem lies not in the changes of simple movements, but in changes in the techniques themselves.

Recently one hears stories where people imitate winning katas, which have been arranged (changed) in order to win. If that is true, then katas will continue to change more and more. Since the standard for winning in tournaments is whether or not the kata is strong and beautiful, not whether or not it is applicable, this phenomenon will increase. In the case of other martial arts on the mainland, katas are traditionally practiced by two people, and there are written texts, which contain the techniques being practiced, so even though there may be differences in the outward appearance, there are no major differences. Therefore I believe that it is impossible to correctly teach kata unless it is taught together with bunkai, working with two people. Consequently, I believe that kata texts should not just describe the sequence of moves, but should include and explanation of the bunkai of the kata.

Part 2The Need for a System of Advancement in Rank. In addition to learning bunkai, it is also necessary to introduce into karate a systematic method of advancement with regard to the mastering of techniques and advancing in rank. In schools of martial arts on the mainland, there is a framework within which the transmission of techniques occurs. This system begins with "shoden" novice, to " chuden" intermediate, and to "okuden" advanced. This system was developed in the Edo period when it was

customary to pass on the set of skills to one child. It was not possible to guarantee, though, that a suitable successor would be born into one's family, so the head of the family would choose a successor and teach him the body of knowledge. Recently there are many books and videos about body mechanics. Some of them relate the style of movement of top Olympic athletes to the body mechanics of traditional martial arts. One gets a sense of the systematic method that Dr. Kano had in mind when he decided to introduce the basic technique of breaking the opponent's balance as the first technique to learn in the syllabus of judo. In traditional Japanese arts the curriculum advances in a prescribed way. Karate, on the other hand has not established the same unified system for advancement, and there are many questions, which arise, such as: How can one use the katas, which are the accumulation of the technical knowledge? Where does the practice of kata fit in to the overall curriculum? What is the relationship between basics, kata and kumite? The order that was proposed by sensei Kentsu Yabu; basics, moving basics, one step sparring, kata, and kumite is sufficient for general purposes, but I do not believe it is sufficient for the advancement of higher level students. Part 3 The Need For Logical Rules For Technical Advancement. Because of the need to practice specifically for tournaments, there is a trend toward not practicing or studying those techniques, which cannot be used in tournaments. In martial arts, it is necessary to test one's strength against another. Apart from that, there is a need to have rules, which evaluate the degree to which one has mastered the techniques, which they have learned. In karate, as well, it is necessary to create a situation where one must use specified techniques in order to win. If the rules require the use of bunkai for katas, then the need to practice bunkai will arise.

If, for example, one must master certain work skills in order to make a living, they would desperately learn that skill. If one purposely creates the condition where a technique must be used, then the techniques, which are appropriate to that situation, will be practiced and improved upon. In an article in the magazine Gekkan Karatedo about free

sparing in Goju Ryu, the system whereby one's ability is urged by how well they use the techniques, which are in the Goju Ryu's katas. I believe this is an extremely good system. If the method in this example is used more often, then the connection between kumite and kata will be strengthened, and the level of karate will be raised.

Section 3 Karate as a Means of Self Defense. I believe that more research is necessary in this area, since karate was originally developed as a means of selfdefense. One can also imagine that the interest in self-defense among the general public is heightened these days due to the recent worsening of public safety. I believe it is also one of the duties of martial arts is to respond to the needs of such people. For the purposes of self-defense, it is necessary to teach the technical ability to fight off on attacker when the need arises. The need to fight an attacker must be available now, not in 10 to 20 years. In other words, the content must be such that one can use those techniques which they have been taught, or to the extent to which they have practiced them. In that sense, if ones one kata, and they practice it so that they will be able to use it, they should be able it to a self-defense situation. Of course there is a world of difference between knowing a technique and being able to use it. Let's take the example of the over the back throw of judo. Much practice is required to use it effectively. Even though one trains every day with a partner and then does free style practice, it will be quite some time before one can actually throw n opponent. With this in mind, one can understand the fact that master of old did not learn a great number of katas. Heian Shodan, for example, is made up of 5 different combinations of techniques; gedan barai (down block), oizuki (straight punch) as a defense against a chudan zuki (mid section punch) and mae geri (front kick), kentsui (hammer fist), and oizuki, as an escape from a hold, a jodan age uke (upper block) as a defense against a jodan (face) attack, and a shuto uke (knife hand block) as a defense against a chudan attack and throw. If one were able to learn these techniques alone and be able to apply them, they should be able to defend themselves using those techniques. Additionally if one studies the use of weapons, one will learn how to defend oneself using objects close at hand.

Consideration of Kata Section 1What is Kata? Part 1Is A Kata Merely a String of Basic Techniques? It appears that the understanding of kata in modern karate is that it consists of basic techniques strung together. According to bunkai kumite, which has been passed down b a master, one can see that techniques consist of various complex movements. A movement that is called a block is not necessarily expressed as a block. Therefore even if one can perform the basic techniques such as punches, kicks, and blocks separately, a kata is not just made up of those individual techniques. "A whole is not a gathering of its arts, rather it is a union of its parts." For instance let's take a jigsaw puzzle. At first, all of the pieces are in a box or a can. At that point, all of the pieces are separate, and one cannot see the picture or photograph. They are only physically together in one place. That is the condition that the pieces are simply "gathered" together. In order to complete the photograph or picture, the pieces must be put together in their correct positions. By doing so, the picture or photograph is completed. This is the condition where the parts are "united" to form a whole. Accordingly, if one just removes individual techniques from a kata, such as punches, kicks, and blocks, they alone will not be able to express the original intended meaning. It is through the learning of how to put the techniques together that one can understand the application and recreate the original meaning of that kata. So we can see that no matter how much one practices the basic techniques, they will not be able to grasp the essence of the kata.

Part 2A Means to Record Offensive and Defensive Techniques. Katas were created to record techniques. In the case of martial arts, each technique is recorded as a kata. There are written records of the steps and explanations for these katas. Okinawan karate was influenced by Chinese martial arts and employed as a means of training the practice of arranging numerous techniques in one kata. A close friend told me an interesting example relating to this. He said that it is easier to learn individual vocabulary when learning them with a melody, as in a song. If one learns katas by actually performing them, there will be no need for texts.

Part 3Oral Instruction

The purpose of katas is to transmit the knowledge to the next generation. To learn a kata is to learn that kata's techniques, so the idea that one knows the kata but not its application is, to the rational mind, impossible. Accordingly, if one learns a kata, but hasn't been taught the application of the techniques, then one cannot say that they have learned the kata. The masters who created the katas of course knew the meaning of the techniques and left a tool by means, which future generations could recreate, the moves of the kata. That tool is the oral instruction of bunkai. Master Anko Itosu, in his "Ten Principles", said that "one must understand the meaning before practicing. Also, the real usage is often explained orally." As Master Itosu wrote, katas have been handed down together with an oral explanation of the bunkai, and the reason this has not been passed down is that many instructors themselves have not been taught.

Part 4Training When one speaks of training there is a tendency to interpret it as referring to physical training. In Japanese, the word "kiso" (foundation) is related to the word "kisotairyoku" (fundamental physical strength). I believe the general conception is to equate "kiso" with "stamina", and "training" with "power" Here, I will use the word training to refer to the effort to learn how to use proper body mechanics, which is the foundation for use of techniques. Through the practice of katas and their bunkai, one can learn the dynamics of proper body mechanics in the process of perfecting these techniques. As this knowledge, then, is passed down through several generations, a certain amount of techniques are amassed and the terms "tips" and "points" undergo a linguistic transformation, and individual techniques become and independent technique. Understanding these various techniques is useful in hastening ones advancement in karate. Therefore, without the knowledge of bunkai, it is very difficult to understand proper body mechanics as it relates to karate. Moreover, once can imagine that the reason one should begin practicing simple katas like Naihanchi and Seishan for three years, is because the simpler the kata, the easier it is to master the techniques. Another way to look at it is that the purpose of practicing these katas is to create correct body mechanics for the practice of karate. This

information, as with the bunkai and kata, has been passed down orally.

Section 2 Kumite Makes Katas Useable. Today, kata and kumite are two separate entities in competition. Originally, though, the purpose of kumite must have been to be able to use katas. The key to that was the application of the katas, or bunkai kumite. Unfortunately, though, much of that has not been handed down or lost. The proper order to practice was to first understand the bunkai kumite, then after one has thoroughly practiced a kata individually, begin to practice kumite with a partner. In this progression the practice of kumite enables the use of katas. In "Okinawan Karate Gai Setsu", Master Kentsu Yabu states that Master Sokon Matsumura practiced kumite with a partner. Today, however, much of the bunkai kumite that one sees is for beginners, and as similar to the kirikaeshi in kendo, and it is not the real bunkai for katas. Regarding the assertion that, "If one practices a kata for many years, they will be able to understand it by themselves." It may be true in some instances, but the odds of that are slim, and there is the danger of losing many techniques to future generations. More than anything, though, if one were generally able to learn by one self, then they would not require teachers. Furthermore, if, for example, one were supposed to learn independently, then all of the practitioners of karate from its introduction about 100 years ago to the present should be able use katas. The bunkai of kata is fundamentally meant to be learned along with the oral tradition from one's teacher. No matter how genius one is, katas, which are the accumulation of the wisdom of generations of the masters, are not that simple as to be solved through only on lifetime of practice. I believe that the biggest challenge facing us is to begin to organically connect katas with kumite through the understanding of bunkai.

Section 3 Kumite Did Exist Part 1 Kumite Did Exist Part 1 Historically speaking with regard to karate, the common explanation is that long ago the individual practice of kata was the principle method of practice, and that kumite was not

practiced, rather the practice of challenge matches akin to fights was common. Is that really true? Could martial arts training really have been complete with just the practice of kata? Did they just suddenly go from kata and use the techniques in real combat situations? Were all karate practitioners a bunch of thugs who roamed the streets looking for fights anytime they saw someone who looked strong? If someone began learning karate, only practicing kata and hitting a makiwara at their dojo, or at home, and then went out to town selling karate through challenge matches, like some kind of street fighter, what would people think? That seems pretty strange, actually when we think about it. Since karate is stylized, one must understand the actual bunkai kumite, because there are many movements, which are not obvious from the outward appearance. Naihanchi is a truly representative example of this. Even if one were to practice Naihanchi for 3 to 5 years, could one truly use the techniques in a real fight? Since the practice of challenge matches is practiced secretly, if one were to just diligently to practice kata as one is instructed by one's master, it is would be insufficient as a martial art. So we see that when we carefully examine these commonly held notions we are left with many questions and doubts. I will cite several pieces of circumstantial evidence to support my premise that they are incorrect. No. 1 In Chinese martial arts, which is the basis for Okinawan karate, in addition to the practice of kata by oneself, there is a method of practice with a partner. No. 2 In 1867, at a demonstration for the Chinese envoy kumite using weapons as well as bare hands was performed. No. 3 Since Master Sokon Matsumura of Shuri style karate was quite talented at Jigen Ryu swordsmanship, it is only natural that he was familiar with the fighting forms of swordsmanship. No. 4 It is said that Master Kosaku Matsumora of Tomari style karate learned kumite from his instructor.

No.5 In 1905 Master Chomo Hanashiro, a student of Itosu, wrote a handwritten book entitled Karate Kumite. It indicated that kumite was a part of karate. No. 6 It is said that when Master Itosu made the Heian katas, his partner was Master Chomo Hanashiro. So, at least for the Heian katas, bunkai kumite existed from the beginning. No. 7 In Goju ryu and Uechi Ryu there is a method of practice involving 2 persons, called "kakete". No. 8 There are photographs of Master Chojun Miyagi, the founder of Goju Ryu practicing kumite when he was young, and also instructing his students in kumite. No. 9 There is a photograph of Master Chotoku Kiyan and a student facing each other in a fighting stance. No. 10 I have heard stories of sensei Kubota practicing kumite with master Funakoshi. There is more that I can add, but in terms of circumstantial evidence, I believe this is sufficient. I believe this evidence points to the existence of kumite. In Master Funakoshi's Karate as My Way of Life it nowhere states that he practiced kumite. Rather, he stresses the practice of katas individually. It is likely that because of the "secret pact" of which I heard about from sensei Kubota, he did not write about kumite.

Part 2 Kumite Did Exist. Part 2 The first person to introduce kumite to the mainland was Master Choki Motobu, in his book entitled My Okinawan Karate there is a section called "kumite". The gist of that book was that in Okinawan karate, both basics (kata) and kumite existed. In that book, however, it did not specify how to do it, but it could be practiced after learning basic kata, as a kind of "uke hazushi" (blocking and countering). So it was something like bunkai kumite, or ippon kumite. Also, there that is evidence that the term "kumite" existed apart from teachings from individual teachers.

Part 3 Kumite Did Exist In Kempo Gai Setsu (Published in 1930) by Jisaburo Miki, and Mizuho Takada, there is an interview entitled "The

Distinguished master and Experts of Ryukyu." In it he interviewed some of the masters who were considered distinguished at the time. The following excerpt touches on kumite. Sensei Kentsu Yabu Yamakawa cho, Shuri shi Currently he is teaching at the Instructors School. He has also spent some ten years in America giving lectures on Okinawa Kempo at various seminars throughout the United States, as well as taking challenge matches to show karate's true power. His serious efforts undoubtedly gave birth to many American karate students. He has not only been a close friend, but he has trained for many years with sensei Choki Motobu, but his main objective has been actual fighting. In his youth, he frequently fought matches and challenged other dojos on occasion. He said that his method of training is to engage in serious practice sparring matches with Master Matsumura (Yabu's instructor) after practicing kata 3 or 4 times, without the use of protective gear. I was able to gain valuable insight into his method of offense and defense. Master Kentsu Yabe is known as a student of Master Anko Itosu, but he was originally a student of master Sokon Matsumura and apparently he was a fellow student of Master Itosu. From the above article, we see that master Yabu, a student of Master Itosu, spent more time on practicing with a partner than individual kata work. By the way, there is a photograph of Master Yabu engaging in kumite with Mr. Miki, who is wearing protective gear. (Picture 21)

Section 4Consideration of Heian Katas It is said that Master Anko Itosu (1830 - 1915), the father of the revival of Shuri Te, introduced the Heian katas and used them as a part of the curriculum in schools in 1904. The popular belief is that master Itosu used an existing kata, removed the dangerous moves and created a new set of katas for the purpose of teaching karate in physical education courses in public schools. Recently they have become widely used as beginning katas, and often used only for promotion test, but they are rarely used after one puts on a black belt. I would like to take a look at the Heian katas in the following manner.

Part 1 The Historical Background When the Heian Katas Were Created. I found a website which investigates the opinions on the mainland

concerning the movement to introduce martial arts into the educational curriculum in the Meiji period. This is comparable to the period when Master Anko Itosu introduced karate into the school education in Okinawa. The following is an excerpt from the Kenshido website, which I have permission to quote. (http://www.namiashi.com/Kenshido) Also, in the case of Kendo, which had fallen into decline after the Meiji Restoration, there was a heightened movement to start kendo in the public schools around the early 1880's. The Ministry of Education began an investigation into whether martial arts were appropriate for introduction in to public schools, in response to petitions to do so from the civilian sector. In 1883 the Ministry of Education charged the National Gymnastics Institute with carrying out the investigation. While recognizing its physical and mental merits, it was deemed inappropriate because it would be difficult to teach as a regular course due its dangerous and violent nature, and its insanitariness. After the Japan- China War of 1893 and 1894, with the establishment of the Dai Nippon Butokukai, and the increase in popularity in Kodokan's judo, the day to day interest among the general population was high. In 1896 the Ministry the same Institute to investigate the merits of including kendo and judo in the public schools. They gave the same answer as before, that martial arts were inappropriate as a regular subject. In 1904 the Committee for Gymnastics and Recreation was established. After meeting 37 times, it too, concluded in a report that mainly from the standpoint of its growth and development, and the fact that was inadequate research into its method of instruction, it should be denied introduction as a regular subject. After that the movement to allow kendo to be introduced as a regular course continued to be taken up in committee, and the "Proposal for Physical Education" was submitted and approved. Even then, though, the Ministry did not move on it, and finally the proposal was recognized but martial arts did not become a regular course, rather in fact a mere elective. So, we see that it took over 30 years for a martial art, which began in the early 1880's to bear fruit. I can cite various reasons for this, including the lack of equipment, the lack of facilities, and the dearth of qualified instructors,

but perhaps the biggest reason was the fact that thee was no clear method of instruction. In 1908 the final proposal to introduce martial arts as a regular course was approved in the Diet. After that there were changes in the regulations of the Ministry of Education, and in 1911 the "Ordinances and Regulations For Normal and Junior High Schools" was made public. At that time kendo developed as a regular course in physical education. As we see from the above, it took 30 years for the Ministry of Education to decide whether or not to introduce martial arts into the education curriculum. It is important to note that, even in the case of kendo and judo, they were passed over because they did not have a reliable method of teaching. Let's take a look a Master Itosu's activity around that same time. In 1901 he taught karate at Shuri Elementary School. In 1904 he introduced the Heian katas. 1905 he taught at the Dai Ichi Jr. high School and normal School. In 1908 He submitted the "10 Principles" for the practice of karate to the Prefecture Office. When he submitted his " 10 Principles" it was during the above historical background as a reply to the investigation of the Prefecture Office. Of course, the Okinawan Prefecture office was aware of the activities of the Ministry of Education, as well as the rise in popularity of Kodokan judo, and kendo.

Part 2 the Intent of Itosu's "10 principles". In his "10 Principles" he used such phrases as "one person against ten opponents" and "a useful part of a militaristic society". Such phrases make it clear that he viewed karate as a martial art, with a philosophy, which was the opposite of modern day sports. When the "10 Principles" was written, Japan had just ended the JapanChina War 1888 - 1895) and the RussoJapan War (1904 - 1905), and the trend toward creating a prosperous and militaristic country was growing daily. Also, when Master Itosu submitted his petition to have karate introduced into the public schools, the governor of Okinawa was reported to have said that "if the training in karate is so effective for the realizing the confidence of body and mind of soldiers, we should recognize its value, and for the encouragement of the youth of the prefecture, it should be adopted as a part of the physical education program immediately." Master Itosu, who submitted the

proposal, and the Governor, who approved it, both recognized the value of a militaristic education.

Part 3 The Characteristics of the Heian Katas. The characteristics were, as Master Itosu wrote, "They were designed so that one could advance through them in a short time. And they can be used for a quick attack, and the application must be transmitted orally." As we saw earlier, in order to successfully introduce karate into the public schools, it was essential to establish a method of instruction. Until that time the most common way to learn karate was to learn Naihanchi from such and such an instructor, then learn Passai from another instructor, and so on, learning from various instructors. It is believed that Master Itosu created the Heian katas because he felt it was necessary educate instructors, and create a system to facilitate the spread of karate. The terms " shodan" and "nidan" are the same used in the Jigen style of swordsmanship to denote the order of steps. Thus they were created with the idea of advancing step by step. He said that if one were to train 2 to 3 hours per day for 3 to 4 years, one would possibly be able to understand the hidden parts of the katas. It is also believed that the Heian katas were made with a great deal of consideration to the effectiveness as an immediate means of self-defense, without lowering the traditional technical level. Also, since in olden times it was common for karate practitioners to know only 2 to 3 different katas, he believed it necessary to use the technical framework from many different katas order not lower the overall technical level. Therefore it can be said that the Heian katas embody the essence of Shuri Te

Part 4 Are They Simply Beginning Katas With Dangerous Techniques Removed? The common notion is that Master Itosu removed the dangerous techniques to make the Heian katas appropriate for the public school education in physical education. Is this really true, though? In his "10 principles" he wrote that "It (karate) is extremely appropriate for soldiers." And that "Some students will be able to learn the inner secrets in 3 to 4 years." In other words he was training the ability to respond immediately in a combat situation. For example, if one were to create a new kata, would one create something that was unusable as a sport like version that his students would unable to use? I think one would create a kata which is easier to learn, and is more effective. In Itosu's "10 principles" he wrote that "There are many

oral teachings concerning the application." This indicates that there were oral teachings concerning the Heian katas. Thus there is the possibility that the Heian katas were created in such a way that they were not effective without the oral teachings that were meant to accompany them. In reality the oral teachings, which I learned from Sensei Kubota about the Heian katas' bunkai are simple, but are amply effective, and they included dangerous techniques.

Part 5 What are Dangerous Techniques? Generally speaking, "dangerous techniques" are considered eye gouges, and groin kicks. These are stipulated as prohibited techniques in many combat sports. But, were those techniques really removed from karate and the Heian katas? If we look at the writings of masters Funakoshi and Mabuni, we see that they included groin kicks, and nukite. In "Kempo Karate" published in the year 1933, the explanation for a front kick is that it is a groin kick. Additionally in the book "Karatedo Taikan" (Genwa Nakasone), which was written to introduce karate to elementary school students, groin kicks are included. So, from these examples, one can conclude that the idea that dangerous techniques were excluded is impossible. There exists the explanation that groin kicks were changed to front kicks. Anyone, however, can change a front kick to a groin kick. Also, there is also groin kick where you kick up with the instep. So, I think the basis for that explanation is weak. It has also said that the face punch was changed to a body punch. But if you pull in the opponent's hand they will lose their balance and their head will be at body level so a mid level punch becomes an upper level punch. The same is true for eye gouges; they have not been removed from karate texts.

Part 6 Would Karate Have Been Able to Last Had it Not removed It's Dangerous Techniques? The idea that in order for karate to survive after the Meiji period, it was necessary to make it a part of the school curriculum is problematic. I do not believe that as the case. Even though karate was prohibited by governmental policies, and was for forced to be taught in secret, not in public schools, it was still able to survive and be passed down generation after generation. It is a well known fact that, while judo removed the dangerous techniques from randori practice, they still remain in katas. Other disciplines such

as traditional jujutsu, and kenjutsu have maintained their dangerous techniques, and yet managed to survive. Moreover in the age of a militaristic society, at that time, there was ample room for the existence of martial arts. In conclusion, what was important for making karate acceptable for public school education was not to remove dangerous techniques, but to establish a methodological teaching system. The Characteristics of the newly created Heian katas is that they progress in difficulty from Shodan to Godan. In addition to that master Kentsu Yabu created the etiquette, and the warm up exercises under the influence of military training.

Part 7 About the Fact That There are Various Different Versions of Heian Katas. Currently there are numerous versions depending on the style. Why do they exist, and which ones were newly created in the Meiji years? The photograph entitled "Kata practiced at an Okinawan elementary school" shows the students doing a zenkutsu dachi (front stance) and a gedan barai (down block). In Shotokan they are performing Heian Shodan. It is often said that master Funakoshi changed the kata, but photograph of master Funakoshi teaching Heian katas on the mainland is approximately the same as the photograph of the Okinawan elementary school. On the other hand, it is different from Shito Ryu's neko ashi dachi (cat stance), tettui uke (hammer fist block), and motodachi (basic stance). According to Sensei Hiroshi Kinjo the karate that Master Itosu taught could be divided into "the karate, which he taught at his home" and "that which he taught at schools". It may be that the photograph shows the "karate, which he taught at the schools." Sensei Kinjo also wrote in his book "Karatedo Taikan" that Master Itosu altered the traditional katas, so even among his own students there was a differences among his students before they were changed and those who studied with him after the changes. Master Mabuni, in his book, Kobo Kempo Karate do Nyumon, wrote that the original name for the Heian katas was Channan. Thus, indicating that the katas were not named Heian when they were created. In the same work he wrote that there were differences in the katas known as Channan and Heian. It appears that there was a divide in the transmission of the kata in Okinawa, even before it was taught on the mainland. Also, according to "Karate Kenkyu (YoujuShorin) master Choki Motobu was reported to have learned

Cannan from master Anko Itosu. It makes reference to the fact that Heian and Channan were different. Sensei Motobu was from 17 to 25 years old during that period. So, since he was born in 1870 that would have been 1887-1895. Since the Heian katas were officially introduced in 1904, we can imagine that the Channan, which is considered the original existed for quite some time before that. From these facts we can guess that various versions of Heian katas existed even in their creator, master's lifetime.

Section 5 Consideration of Shotokan Heian Katas. So, it is generally believed that Shotokan katas have been altered, but in exactly where and in what way manner have they been altered? Here, I would like to do a comparative examination of the katas in Karate Kempo. Karate Kempo was written by Mr. Mizuho Mutsu in 1933 he studied under Master Gichin Funakoshi, but wasn't satisfied, so he went to Okinawa with Mr. Jisaburo Miki around 1928 to study under sensei's Kentsu Yabu, Chomo Hanashiro, Chodo Oshiro and Chotoku Kiyan, who were considered to be the leading students of Master Itosu at the time. These sensei's were co-disciples under Itosu. Mr. Mizuho Miki also co-wrote Gaisetsu of Okinawan Kempo, which contains interviews with Mr. Jisaburo Miki in 1930, and he also was an instructor at the Tokyo University karate club from 1933 - 1936. In the table of contents of that book, in section 2, there is a portion of bunkai, under the heading "The Meaning of Individual Postures". Then, after that there are some illustrations of katas explaining the "Method of Katas". In that book 20 Shuri katas; Heian, Naihanchi, Passai Dai, KushankuDai, Jitte, Seishan, Wanshu, Jion, Chinto, Passai Sho, KushankuSho, Niseshi, Chinte, and Gojushiho.

Part 6 A Consideration of Shotokan's Side Kick.

Basically, the katas, which Master Anko Itosu taught, did not contain side kicks. It is said that Master Gichin Funakoshi altered Master Itosu's katas. One of the things, which he changed, was the side kick. This side kick is Shotokan's signature technique, and it is a major characteristic of its katas. When Master Gichin Funakoshi came to the mainland, the Sidekick was already in the kata. Master Funakoshi was born in 1868, and was in his fifties when he came to the mainland. It is pretty hard to believe that he changed a leg technique from that time. It is believed that he practiced and used the side kick from when he was younger. Let's look at where the side kick came from. It is said that master Funakoshi was taught it by his first teacher, Sensei Anko Asato (1827 -1903). Sensei Asato was one of Master Sokon Matsumura's early top students. If we look at traditional oral lore, Master Funakoshi is his only student ever listed. In 1902 in the Ryukyu Shimpo Newspaper there was an article dictated by Sensei Asato, and written by Master Funakoshi entitled "Okinawan Combat Techniques". In that article, there is a reference to a leg technique that attacks from "below the field of vision". "I believe that there are many who value hand techniques over secret leg techniques, but sometimes leg techniques can be more valuable. In actual fighting, one must not forget that when in hand to hand combat, it is always the leg." From this article one can surmise that Sensei Asato was very good at leg techniques.

Section 6 The Mystery of Naihanchi (Tekki) Part 1 Karate's Biggest Mystery. This kata was originally called Naihanchi or Naihanchi. In Shotokan master Funakoshi changed the names of katas from their Chinese pronunciation to Japanese pronunciation. At first it was changed to Kiba Dachi and then to Tekki. In Shuri Te, karate, before the creation of the Heian katas, it was the first basic kata which one learned, and it was said that students were made to practice this kata for 3 years. It is believed that it look its present form when master Itosu improved upon kata called Channan. Itosu further broke down the one kata into its Nidan and Sandan forms. In the dialogue "Speaking About the History of Modern Karate" (Shinkin Gima, Ryozo Fujiwara) the following conversation is introduced concerning the ------- in Okinawa around the time the " Bubishi" was introduced. I would like to take an excerpt from it.

Fujiwara- This is a story, which I heard from when I visited Okinawa about 10 years ago. Around the end of the Edo period, there were some Chinese drifters who came to Tomari who were quite skilled at martial arts. They built a log hut near the Tomari cemetery, where they lived. It is said that Masters Sokon Matsumura and Kizo Teruya paid a certain amount of money for tuition and took lessons in Chinese martial arts from them. When the Chinese were going to return home, they asked for some paper and a brush. In a few days they handed a scroll to Master Sokon Matsumura." Gima- "There is also a story that says Master Anko Itosu learned Chinese kempo from Channan, a Chinese drifter who was living near the Tomari cemetery." Fujiwara- "Yes, that is the kata Naihanchi, which Master Kenwa Mabuni learned in his youth. In other words, Master Mabuni learned the kata Naihanchi from the pupil of Sokon Matsumura, Sensei Morihiro Matakichi. Years later, when he performed that kata in front of Master Anko Itosu, he was told by Itosu that "That is the original form of the kata which he had learned from the Chinese drifters. The current kata is one, which I have altered after careful study. So stop practicing the old form, and practice the new form." There are conjectures about the identity of Channan; that he was a Zen priest, that he was a spy, or that he was a pirate, but it is certain that he was a practioner of martial arts. It is also true that Master Anko Itosu learned the kata Naihanchi from him." This kata is representative of those katas, which are difficult to explain. There many interesting explanations for the embusen (line of performance), which is in a straight line horizontally. Some say that it is for fighting with one's back to a wall, or that it is for fighting on a bridge, or for fighting in a narrow space like a hallway. I think these explanations came about because few people actually know the actual application. It is said that Master Choki Motobu, a master of actual combat, knew only this one kata. (This, in fact, is a misconception because it was only transmitted to a few disciples.) It is a mysterious kata, though, which is effective for fighting, but the application is practically unknown. Currently, the application of this kata is probably one of the biggest mysteries of the karate world.

Part 2 The Alteration of Naihanchi

As we have seen, a legend about Master Kenwa Mabuni was that he was told by master Itosu that "That is the form of Naihanchi before I changed it." Because of this it is said Master Itosu changed the kata. But to what degree did he actually change it? Master Mabuni began studying under master Itosu in 1903 around the age of 14. Since this coincides with master Itosu's introduction of Okinawan karate into the public schools, he may have been referring to the changes, which he made for teaching at school. In an interview with Choki Motobu, in "Karate Kenkyu" (Genwa Nakasone) he states that Master Matsumura and Master Itosu's Naihanchi were different. Master Matsumura performed the hook punch diagonally in the front, and Master Itosu performed the hook punch with a bent elbow. Master Matsumura performed the nami gaishi by putting his foot down quietly, while Master Itosu stomped his foot fiercely. In Hiroshi Kinjo's Karate Taikan, he wrote that in generations before his time (1919) the double handed hook punch was performed open handed, and the hand that supported the uraken (back fist) was a nihon nukite (two finger thrust). Currently, those are the changes that are believed to have been made. If the bunkai had been passed down with the kata these would not pose a problem. If Master Itosu did make major changes in the movements, it would be radically different from the Naihanchi of other styles, but even if we compare it to the Tomari Naihanchi, except for the direction of the moves at the beginning of the kata, there is not a recognizable difference.

Part 3 Did Master Itosu the 2nd and 3rd Parts to Naihanchi? It is reported that Master Itosu created Naihanchi 2 and 3. Since other styles also have 2 and 3, it raises some doubts about that. I think it is natural that they existed already.

Part 4 The Characteristics of Naihanchi 1: Learning Basic Posture One can learn basic posture from standing in a kiba dachi (horse stance). Master Choki Motobu said that "The posture of the legs and hips in Naihanchi is the basic posture for karate." Also, "Whichever direction one turns, to the left or to right, they will be in a correct fighting position, and all of the hidden movements (meaning) are included.

" The width of the stance is the length of the shin plus two fists. One should stand on the ball of the foot. At that width, if one turns their body diagonally to the front and places their weight to the front, it becomes a zenkutsu dachi (front stance). And if they adjust their weight to the rear, it becomes a kokutsu dachi (back stance). In this sense, it is a basic stance. Also, through the repetition of the basic movements, it effectively trains the body. 2: Application for Close in Fighting Contrary to the stereotypical notion that Shuri Te style karate is for fighting at a distance, the application for Naihanchi, the first kata taught, is for close in fighting. It is a good text for learning to immobilize one's opponent before striking, which a basic principle of combat. If one were to describe this kata in one word, I believe it would be that it is surprisingly complete.

Hidden Karate

Section 1 Sensei Kubota Sensei Kubota was purported to have been one of the last of master Funakoshi top students to whom he entrusted his final words. Articles about sensei Kubota appeared in "Karate and Martial Arts" in 1985 in the February, April, May, June, and July issues, and in "Modern Karate" in 1986 in its February issue. April 1935 He entered Tokyo Shoka University (Currently Hitotsubashi University) and began training under master Funakoshi. 1941 He was awarded 3rd degree black belt by Master Funakoshi upon graduation. (At that time were only 5 levels of black belt.) 1944 As an infantry Second lieutenant of army he demonstrated to Master Funakoshi the results of his instruction of martial arts to his subordinates and was awarded a fourth degree black belt. 1947 - 1950

Taught at karate clubs at Chuo University and Senshu University. During that time, he restored the karate club to his alma mater, Hitotsubashi University to Shotokan style. For the ten years after 1947 he concentrated on " tournament training". He met Sensei Zenya Kunii of the Kashima Shin Ryu style of kendo, and was asked by him to succeed him as the Grand master of that style, but he declined. 1951 He moved to Osaka. He received a fifth degree black belt from Master Mabuni Kenwa. 1952 Taught karate to officers from the US Air Force physical education department as a representative of karate instructors organization, of which Master Funakoshi was head.Participated in the foundation of the Japan Karate Association. 1954 He held the first red/white match at the Tokyo Gymnasium. 1957 He moved to Nagoya. He instructed at Nagoya Kogyo University and Aichi Gakuin University. 1961 He was invited to take the post of technical advisor to the Japan Karate Federation. He declined, however, due to a conflict with his own karate values 1962 He was tournament advisor for the World Karate Tournament held at the Nippon Budokan. 1985 He became the instructor for the Hitotsubashi University karate club, and taught martial arts karate to alumni of the same club, "Ikukai". President of same club. 1972 Resigned as president of "Ikukai". Supreme instructor for junior students. 1976 Passed away

Section 2 Katas Can be Used!

When I first met Sensei Kubota, he showed me Heian Shodan. I knew that he was a karate instructor, but I could not recognize the kata that he performed as Heian Shodan. It looked liked some kind of Tai Chi kata. Myself; "Is that Tai Chi or something?" Sensei; "It's karate." Myself; "What is the name of the that kata?" Sensei; "It's Heian Shodan." Myself; "????. What is your style?" Sensei; "Shotokan. Direct from Gichin Funakoshi." Myself; "Huhh!? I also practice Shotokan, why is it so different?" Sensei; "You are just doing gymnastics." Myself;"why?" Sensei;"Can you use your kata with kumite?" Myself;"No. I can not." Sensei;"So, You are just doing gymnastics. " Myself; "Sensei can you use your kata for kumite?" Sensei; "Let's see. Come at me." Myself; "Are you sure, your pretty old, I thought to myself." "Pow, ouch! Myself; "I give up!" Ouch, what's up with this old man?" Thus was my first encounter with him. Sensei Kubota believed that the Heian katas contained the essence of karate in a very concise form. In particular, he believed that Heian Shodan was central among them. In fact, the first move (gedan barai), and second move (chudan oizuki) contain important hints to explain katas, but n reality it is often looked upon lightly as a kata for beginners.

Section 3 The Secret Pact Before meeting Sensei Kubota, I myself, believed that one could not use kata for kumite. According to Sensei Kubota, katas were altered on purpose when they were exported to the mainland. The following is what I was told by Sensei Kubota. When Master Gichin Funakoshi introduced Okinawan karate to the mainland, there was a "secret pact" made among the practitioners of Okinawan karate. Karate was primarily spread at universities, and the explanation, which Sensei Kubota learned, was about the same as today. It was, however, completely different than what he was taught at night by Master Funakoshi at his house. When asked "Why did he teach something different than in the day time?" His answer was that " Master Funakoshi was actually not supposed to teach it." In other words, because of a "secret pact", whereby he was not to teach the "yamatonchu" (The slang for Japanese mainlanders.) or teach them katas which they cannot use. When he taught his ordinary students he taught them katas, which they would not be able to use. Sensei Kubota also learned from Master Kenwa Mabuni. Master Mabuni who also divided his teaching into "the original form" and " the other form". Sensei Kubota learned Naihanchi when Master Mabuni offered to teach him the original form of Naihanchi. In return, he said that he taught Master Mabuni the Shotokan side kick and it's defense. There is a well known saying in karate that goes; "Even if you teach the kata, don't teach the actual techniques." I believe this phrase expresses well the contents of the "secret pact." According to Sensei Kubota, in order to unravel the kata, it is necessary to know the oral instruction, which will restore the bunkai to its original form. When I myself learned the bunkai for the first movement of Heian Nidan, I felt that it was handed down incorrectly, but rather it was clear that it had been changed deliberately. This is true also of the Shuri style katas, which seemed to have been changed to make the movements of the katas as far from the original bunkai as possible.

Section 4 A Consideration of the Secret Pact. lWas there an organized movement in the karate world at that time? The "Okinawan Karate Kenkyu Kai" was established in 1918 with Master Kenwa Mabuni in charge. The members included Masters Kentsu Yabu, Chomo Hanashiro, Gichin Funakoshi, Choshin Chibana, Anbun Tokuda, Shinpan Shiroma, Chozo Oshiro, Masasumi Tokumura, Takayuki Ishikawa, and Chojun Miyagi. lIs there any evidence that Master Funakoshi was in contact with Okinawa with regard to teaching Okinawan karate on the mainland? In the book Karate, my Way of Life by Funakoshi, he states that in 1922 he sent letters to both sensei's, consulting with them about teaching Okinawan karate on the mainland. It is believed that the content of those letters was deliberated upon by the "Okinawan Karate Kenkyu Kai". lWas there a necessity for Master Funakoshi to consult with Okinawa? Master Funakoshi did not originally go the mainland to teach, rather, he went to demonstrate Okinawan karate. Therefore, I believe it was only natural for him to consult with his fellow colleagues, as well as the "Okinawan Karate Kenkyu Kai" about teaching on the mainland. This is because he had planned to eventually return to Okinawa. Life in the countryside is the same everywhere. The consensus of the community is very important. There was the possibility, that not only he himself, but also his family as well, could not ignore it for fear of losing their support. Moreover, with his family still in Okinawa, and he planning to return to Okinawa, one can surmise that he was not in a position to ignore the opinions of his colleagues and the "Okinawan Karate Kai". lWhat actions did the central figures of Okinawan Karate take after that? If we look at the fact that the 12 katas which were established by the Okinawan Karate Shinko Kyokai (consisting basically of the same members as the Okinawan Karate Kenkyu Kai) were similar to the katas, which Taikyoku organized for beginners, we can that the leading figures in Okinawan karate at that time were considering how to disseminate Okinawan Karate. In other words they had already begun to differentiate katas between those the general spread of karate, and those for their own style.

lHave the proper body mechanics and kata bunkai? Unfortunately, even for such basics katas as the Heian katas, there is no acceptable bunkai today for these katas.

Section 5 Discrimination Against Okinawa at that Time. One can find assertions by both Masters Gichin Funakoshi and Kenwa Mabuni in their writings that "Okinawa's are Japanese" and that "Okinawan karate is a martial art". It may seem strange to us in this day and age, but I believe those claims were necessary amid the social backdrop of discrimination that existed against Okinawa. The following historical event sheds light on the social mood of the day. The Human Museum Incident In 1903, from March to July, the government held its 5th Industrial Exhibition at the Osaka's Tennoji. At the same time, unrelated to the exhibition, various for profit side show booth sprang up around there. One of those was a thatched hut called "Academic Human Museum." Listed as its academic research credentials, it had North Koreans, Hokkaido Ainu, Taiwanese Mountain Villagers, Indians, Javanese, Turks, Africans, and Okinawa's on display. Needless to say, the "Academic Human Museum" became embroiled in sharp criticism and protests from Okinawa. In addition to that, in a journal kept by Master Chojun Miyagi, the founder of Goju Ryu, referred to discrimination, which he encountered. It is easy to imagine the ideological background in which, with respect to the exportation of Okinawan karate to the mainland, the Okinawa's were anxious to actively progress toward assimilation into Japan in order to improve their social standing. At the same time one can imagine that they felt some antipathy toward the Japanese who had dominated them. It is not curious in the least that there would have been a conscious effort toward "not teaching the essence of Okinawan karate to the mainland Japanese."

Section 8 If You Teach Karate, Do Not Teach the Real Techniques Part 1 Katas Really Can Be Taught

There is a saying in karate that "Even if you teach the kata, do not teach the hidden techniques." I believe that the techniques they are referring to are bunkai and proper body mechanics. Also, since another way of saying "Do not teach the hidden techniques." is "hidden techniques can be taught." In other words they can be taught, but they should not be taught. In traditional martial arts on the mainland, one cannot learn the intermediate techniques while they are beginners. In the case of karate, though there is no clear delineation of technical levels, so what has happened is that the movements of the katas have been taught, but the bunkai hasn't. The result is that only the superficial techniques like kicks and punches are taught, while the other techniques are kept under cover.

Part 2 Choose Who You Teach To. Because karate is a martial art containing potentially deadly techniques, the masters of old could not teach it to just anyone. That is also part of the idea that they should not teach the hidden techniques when they taught katas. Consequently it was necessary to judge one's character before teaching them. Thus the saying "karate is a virtuous man's martial art". This does not mean that one will become virtuous through the practice, rather that unless one were virtuous, they would not be taught. Accordingly, it was common to only teach the basics until the teacher would ascertain whether or not the student was of sufficient character to teach the hidden techniques.

Part 3 To Whom Could They Teach? In the case of martial arts on the mainland, the rank of menkyokaiden (master rank) meant that they were allowed to be taught the secret techniques. In the case of karate, though, because it was practiced in secret, there was no system of certification. Until one was told that they were ready to be taught, they could not be sure of their own level. Also, there was some confusion due the fact that it was the practice to learn different katas from different instructors. Accordingly it was difficult for the karate teachers to objectively judge the students' level.

Section 9 Oral Instruction Is The Key To Unlock Katas. Originally oral instruction explaining the meaning and application of katas existed. Sensei Kubota, (picture 22), passed down this oral instruction for the bunkai of katas. It is similar to the "Principles of Kaisai" in Goju Ryu. Once one learns the oral instruction, katas become full of a sense of reality. For example it is said that the front hand is for offense and the back hand is for If this oral instruction is applied to the first move of Heian Nidan, it will look like picture 23. This picture is from the book Karate do Kyohan written by Master Funakoshi. His opponent is Master Otsuka, the founder of Wado Ryu. Heian Nidan was the first kata that I learned, and I was fond of it, but I had some questions about the normal bunkai. The bunkai shown in picture 23 is the first bunkai that I learned from Sensei Kubota. It most certainly characterizes the phrase " to strike straight from one's eyesight". The normal bunkai for this is a left inside block of the opponent's right upper punch. (picture 24) With this method, the following attack would be a second count. On the other hand, Master Funakoshi's bunkai indicates a left upper block and a right upper cut. In this case the block and the attack are executed in a single count. In other words, the method of countering an attack according to the common explanation is the opposite of the true bunkai. Since this is true for other styles, as well, it cannot be attributed to mistakes or changes. Rather, it is clear that a conscious effort was made to make it the exact opposite.

Section 10 Demonstration Katas Versus Actual Combat Katas. Sensei Kubota divided katas into "katas for demonstration" and "katas for combat". Katas for demonstration are for show, so the movements have been stylized and in order not to be revealed, the techniques that are executed in one count are broken down into two counts. It is safe to say that most katas which one sees are this type. Just performing these kinds of katas, which are used in tournaments and demonstrations, they will not be able to actually use them. Katas for combat are those, which show the bunkai, and can actually be used. Generally speaking, they are almost unknown. They are devised so that they can be used directly for bunkai kumite.

Katas should be practiced together with oral instruction in order to be able to use them There are various ways to practice these katas; breaking them up into blocks, performing them quickly, or slowly. One should not however practice them in the same manner as those for demonstration. There is a similar method of practice in Shinkage Ryu Heiho (kenjutsu), which I studied. In Shinkage Ryu, One technique is broken down into to two steps for the purpose of teaching. For beginners a technique is practiced in to counts or movements. The same technique is practiced in one count or movement by advanced students. Therefore if someone only practices a technique as a beginner using two counts for many years, they will not be able to use it effectively. It is necessary to graduate and practice it at the next level. Section 11 Sensei Kubota's Teaching Method. Sensei Kubota, as with most old fashioned martial artists, would not easily teach the bunkai of katas. Instead of teaching me, he would constantly ask me, "What is the meaning of that move?" When I couldn't answer, he would just laugh and say that it's your homework, and leave. The next time I saw him, I would show him the results of my research and have him critique it. He would continue to give me the same problem until I was able to solve it. If I was having a hard time figuring out a move, he would say to me "Come at me." Then we begin kumite. Sensei Kubota, however, would ask "how would you attack from here?" But would be twice my normal distance, and did not know what techniques he would use, so I was so fearful that I could not get close to him. Conversations with Sensei generally went as follows: Myself: "Sensei, what is that?" Sensei: "Such and such a kata." Myself: "Huh? Really?" "How do you use it?" "Can you really use that?" Sensei: "Arrg!, okay then come at me!" Myself: "Ohh!" "Yikes!!!!"

And so on. Sensei: "Higaki, you're kicking to the rear, but there is no opponent." Myself: "But sensei, you say that, but your kata has a kick to the rear." Sensei: "Arrg! The opponent is to the front!" (That's all) Sensei: "Higaki, do you think a knife hand block is finished with just the block?" Myself: "..No." Sensei: "Then what do you think follows it?" Myself: "I don't know." Sensei* "Think about it!" Myself: "You're not going to teach me?" So then I try and try to figure it out while Sensei watches and laughs. "Sensei, is this it?" Sensei: "Yes, that's it." (The lesson is finished.) That was his style of teaching. Every once in a while he would give me a hint. As far as techniques go, I was usually the one being attacked, so it was difficult for me to objectively know how to execute the technique. Rather than having been taught, it is better to say that pain was inflicted on me. It sounds like he was just a mean old man. After a hellishly hard practice session, though, we would go to a local yakitori restaurant and talk about many things over beers. I wish now that I had written more things down. He would say things like "One's antenna must be sensitive." Or "I can't teach guys who just don't get it.", and "You can't improve if you don't use your head." Recently, I have come to realize that I wasn't just taught, but I was able to learn how to figure things out. This method is good because when one figures something out on their own, they will not forget it.

In this day and age, I wonder just exactly how many people would go along with that kind of teaching.

Combat Techniques Of Karate

In order to understand bunkai, it is necessary to understand certain combat principles of karate. These can be broken down into countering the first contact and measures taken after that. Some of these techniques will overlap with those presented in the next section, so I will cover only a few of these here.

Section 1 There is no First Strike in Karate. This is the second of "Master Funakoshi's 20 Principles of Karate". This is commonly taken as a moralistic statement meaning that "Those who practice karate should not act in a violent way." From a technical point of view, however, I believe this aptly characterizes an important combative principle of karate. One is able to maintain a safe position when countering an opponent's attack. Using that countering method, one is able to deliver an effective attack.

Section 2 Think of Your Hands and Feet as Swords. The 15th of the "20 Principles of Karate", "think of your hands and feet as swords." was a continuation of Master Anko Asato philosophy. It is said by some that the model for karate is Jigen Ryu Kenjutsu. Whether this is true or not aside, it was certainly thought of as a means of self-defense. Weapons existed throughout the history of combat. Empty handed fighting is actually the exception. It was not possible to block an armed attack with one's body alone. In such an attack, it was likely that one would have carried a weapon, so Master Asato felt that it was important to practice as if one' were carrying one. In other words, in order truly protect oneself, one should practice as though "One's hands and feet are swords."

Section 3 Counter Methods.

The most common combative technique in karate is a counter. A counter is where an attack is blocked and an attack is executed. In Master Choki Motobu's teachings there is an interesting concept. He said that "the blocking hand must immediately become the attacking hand. It is not a true martial technique to block with one hand and counter with another. As one progresses, the block and counter attack will be simultaneous, and that is the true martial technique. This is why "there cannot be multiple attacks against true Okinawan karate, because if an attack is countered properly, there can be no further attack." Section 4 Immobilize The Opponent Before Striking. According to Sensei Kubota, Master Funakoshi often said "Immobilize your opponent before striking." What this means is to render your opponent into such a state that he cannot attack again, or even move, before executing a strike or a kick. As one progresses in their understanding of bunkai, this concept becomes clearer. Just about whenever I practiced bunkai with Sensei Kubota, I was rendered into an immobilized state.

Section 5 Kick Low While Grabbing The Opponent. There is a saying that goes "Kicks are meant to be delivered below the belt." Also, if we take a look at most of the bunkai for katas, they are executed while grabbing the opponent. In that manner, one can avoid the unstable situation of "standing on one leg". Moreover, by grabbing one's opponent and knocking them off balance, the opponent will not be able to execute a counter attack. In close fighting where one can grab an opponent, the field of vision is limited, so it is difficult to defend against a low kick. In the Book Kempo Karate, written in the late 1920's, most of the kicks it showed were described as groin kicks. Also in the kumite matches that used protective gear at the University of Tokyo's karate club, point were awarded for front kicks, which hit the groin, cover.

Section 6 The Development of Power. Techniques essential to the development of power are also hidden in katas. For beginners it is sufficient to grab an

opponent and punch while pulling them in to you. But how is one to develop the power required to execute a "killing blow", which is the catch phrase of karate? The answer is in proper posture and movement. A hint is hidden in Heian Shodan's first movement, down block, straight punch. The method of moving in karate is walking, not a connected gait. For purposes of practice, the simpler the better, so the Heian katas and Taikyoku katas were designed for that purpose.

Section 7 Throws and Reverse Techniques. The common perception is that karate consists of kicks and punches, and Mr. Jisaburo Miki, in his book Karate Kempo Gaisetsu, defined karate as having no throws or reverse techniques. If one carefully examines kata bunkai, though, they will find that there are many throws, reverse techniques, and countermeasures against weapons. Master Funakoshi, in his early writings introduced many of these techniques along with photographs. Also in 1956, in a 35 mm film produced by the Nihon Karate Kyokai many throwing techniques were recorded. In Karate Kempo and Karate Kyohan published in the late 1920's, "disarming a short sword" and "disarming a wide sword" were introduced. Also in his book Master Kenwa Mabuni wrote, karate is not only kicks and punches. Even though the masters who introduced karate to the mainland clearly stated that Okinawan karate contained throws and reverse techniques, there was a discrepancy in the understanding of the students who learned from them.

Section 8 Parts of the Body That are Used. In karate, many various parts of the body are used for attacks. Techniques such as nakadaka ippon ken, nukite, shuto, kentsui, and hiraken can be used effectively. There is a possibility, though, that they will be forgotten along with the bunkai for katas. Also grabs will be forgotten unless they are practiced.

Section 9 Weapons Karate is basically an empty handed martial art, but if an opponent

attacks with a weapon, it is not necessary to defend oneself empty handed. In karate there is a saying that goes, "weapon for a weapon". It sounds like "an eye for an eye". No one goes into war without their weapons. Taking weapons into war is a fundamental principle of combat. In times of peace though, we can't carry weapons. In Okinawa, the governmental ban on weapons, created the environment where the practice of weapons developed secretly. An added value of practicing weapons is the weight of the weapons themselves, which aides in the training of the body. When karate was introduced to the mainland, the use of hands was emphasized, so the practice of weapons was not common, but it is a good idea to practice Okinawan weapons and karate together.

Oral Instruction of Bunkai For Kata

Karate's katas cannot be used just as they are. The reason for this is two-fold, one is to insure secrecy to outsiders, and the other is to maintain a progression of advancement from beginner to advanced level. Katas have also become stylized for the purpose of presentation in competition, further confusing the line between usable and unusable katas. In order to unlock the information encoded katas, oral instruction in bunkai is necessary. It may be possible to recreate the original meanings of katas through repeated practice of the movements, but it will involve much time. Books on bunkai published in foreign countries have taken that approach, and while they are still lacking, they should be valued for their efforts in that direction. Just as Master Anko Itosu wrote in his "10 Principles of Okinawan Karate", in 1908 "There are many oral instructions.", the accompanying oral instruction is necessary to understand the bunkai for katas. The following key phrases were taught to me directly by Sensei Kubota. Section 1 Countering Please refer to the previous chapter, Combative Methods in Karate.

Section 2 Immobilize The Opponent Before Striking. Please refer to the previous chapter, Combative Methods of Karate.

Section 3 The Names of Movements have Been Disguised. Originally there were no names for movements. Names were given when karate was introduced to the mainland. Since Okinawan karate was taught on an individual basis, an instructor could show a movement directly to his student, there was no need to give them names. On the mainland, though, karate was taught primarily at universities, it was necessary to establish set terminology and create textbooks. It wasn't until about 1935 that Shotokan established its terminology and method of instruction (warming up, basics, moving basics, kata, and kumite). There is a problem with this terminology, though, and the real meaning of the techniques was hidden. In the bunkai, which Sensei taught me, many techniques that were called blocks were really attacks. It is not possible to understand the bunkai for katas if one is fooled by the terminology.

Itosu's Ten Precepts

Chapter 1The Origin Of Karate Modern karate began with Master Anko Itosu (1831~1915). Not only did Master Itosu bring karate out from the veil of secrecy, he organized traditional katas in a unified manner, and created new katas. Moreover, he established a foundation whereby Karate could extend beyond Okinawa to mainland Japan and to the world, by teaching it to many students, and introducing it into the school system itself. I believe these meritorious contributions are comparable to those of Dr. Jigoro Kano, the founder of judo. In this chapter I will look at the starting point of karate based on Itosu's Ten Precepts (The Ten Principles Karate), which he wrote in 1908. Section 1 A Brief History of Master Anko Itosu Master Anko Itosu studied Shuri-Te (Shuri style Karate) under Sokon Matsumura (1809~1899), Naha-Te (Naha

style Karate) from Master Nagahama, and Tomari-Te (Tomari style Karate) from Master Kosaku Matsumora (1829~ 1898), and was very famous for his powerful breaking ability. Also, as a secretary for the Kingdom Of Ryukyu, his calligraphy was excellent. After Okinawa was annexed to Japan in 1879, Master Itosu continued to work as a secretary and taught karate to regular students at his home. He received attention from the prefectural government due to the fact that all of those who passed with a high physical classification for the conscription examination were students of Master Itosu. After that, the tide turned toward the introduction of karate into the school curriculum. In 1901, Shuri Elementary School adopted karate as a part of its physical education program. Master Itosu introduced the Heian katas in 1904. In 1905, Master Itosu became an instructor of karate at the Prefectural Dai Ichi Junior High School, and the Instructors School. In 1908, Master Itosu announced the Ten Precepts (The Ten Principles of Karate) Master Itosu passed away in 1915.

Chapter 2 A Consideration of Itosu's Ten Precepts.

The Original Text and a Modern Translation I would like to consider the true nature of karate by examining Master Itosu's so-called "Ten Precepts". Master Itosu submitted what he called "The Ten Principles of Okinawa karate" to the Okinawan prefectural office in response to questions concerning the nature of karate. I will refer to the explanation provided by Sensei Hiroshi Kinjo, who has carried out extensive research concerning Itosu's Ten Precepts. I first cite the original text, but since it contains obsolete characters, I have provided a modern translation. Precept Modern Translation Preface Karate did not develop from Buddhism or Confucianism. In the past the Shorin school and the Shorei school were brought to Okinawa

from China. Both of these schools contain certain characteristics that I will delineate now so they may be preserved without too many changes. 1 Karate should not merely be practiced for one's own physical benefit, rather it should be used to protect one's family or lord.It should not be used against a single assailant (for personal fights), and if at all possible one should attempt to redirect the confrontation when attacked by a villain or ruffian. In no case should one use punches and kicks to injure someone. 2 The purpose of karate is to make the muscles and bones hard as rock and train the hands and legs so that they will become like spears, thereby becoming naturally courageous. If children were to begin training in karate while in elementary school, they would be well suited for military service and other martial arts. Remember the words of the Duke of Wellington after he defeated Napoleon "The Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of our schools." I believe this quote is truly apt. 3 Karate cannot be learned quickly. Like a slow moving bull, that eventually travels a thousand miles, if one trains diligently everyday for one to two hours, in three to four years their body structure will become different from that of an ordinary person and in many cases they will be able to master the advanced aspects of karate. 4 The training of punches and kicks is important in karate. So training with a makiwara is important. To do this, one should lower their shoulders, open their lungs, taking (out) their strength, grip the floor with one's feet and lower one's energy to their abdomen (tanden). Practice in this manner using each arm one to two hundred times. 5 In karate it is important to practice the stances with a straight back, shoulders lowered, taking (out) one's strength, putting one's strength in their legs, lowering one's energy to their abdomen (tanden). It is important to maintain proper balance between the strength of the upper and lower body. 6 Practice katas often, learning the meanings and when to use them before practicing them. There are many oral instructions for the strikes, blocks, escapes, and grappling techniques. 7 Before practicing kata, decide whether you are training for physical development or for learning the technical application. 8 When you train you should train as if on the battlefield. Make your eyes glare, lower your shoulders and harden your body. If you

train with the same intensity and spirit as though you are striking and blocking against an actual opponent, you will naturally develop the same attitude as on a battlefield. 9 When training, be careful not to use an inappropriate amount of power for your body. If you do, your energy will rise to your upper body and your eyes and face will become red, which is dangerous for the body. 10 From the past there have been many karate masters who have enjoyed long lives. The reason for this is that it develops the bones and muscles and aids in digestion and circulation. If karate were introduced as a foundation for physical education in public schools, and widely practiced, we would be able to produce many students who have mastered it enough to be able to defeat ten assailants. Prologue In keeping with the above ten precepts, I believe that by having the students of the teacher's school practice it and, upon graduation, after receiving detailed instruction, they would be able to teach it at various elementary schools. If taught correctly, within ten years it will have spread not only throughout Okinawa, but through the entire country of Japan. I believe it will be of tremendous benefit to our nation and military. It is my hope that you will give this serious consideration. Anko Itosu October 1908

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