Video Lesson Plan
Video Lesson Plan
Video Lesson Plan
Claflin University School of Education - - - EDUC 450 Reflective Lesson Plan Model Name: Jordan Jefferson Date: 3/13/13
Source Band Subject Area (s) 9-12 Grade Level TSWBAT: 1. Reading and notating music. 2. Evaluating music and music performances. Curriculum Standard(s) 3. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of
What will students experience during the lesson? What is the agenda for the lesson? What is the content to be taught?
During this lesson the students will review the breathing process on their instrument, while discussing the breathing process, and how to breathe, when to breath in the music. Also, this practice will improve their tone quality.
What will I need to teach this lesson? What do students need to participate?
The Teacher will need scores to music selections selected for Concert festival. The students will need their instruments, music
What will students be able to do at the conclusion of this lesson? Write measurable objective(s).
Lesson Objectives
The Student will be able to play music with an improved tone quality 80% accuracy.
How will I vary these objectives for students who do not understand the material? How will I vary these objectives for students who have already mastered the concept? How will I vary these objectives for students who are presently learning English?
For students who do not demonstrate proficiency after my reviewing how to breathe, we will play through several exercises. For the students who need extra help they can receive private lessons and instruction on their particular instrument and part. Students who have mastered the concept can help other individuals on the concert band who have not competed mastery of this challenge. For those students not speaking English they will receive all instructions in their particular language.
I will assess the students as they warm up and listen for tone quality, breathing, and correct pitch accuracy.
What will I do to make a connection between students and this lesson?
I will provide the students with clips which they are familiar. This will get the students engaged and ready to learn.
What will I say to explain the importance of learning this lesson?
Statement of Purpose
This lesson will teach that most mistakes made in music are common musical mistake air mistakes. Students do not take the proper amount of air in to sustain a note will a full tone.
What will I do to show students what is expected?
I will demonstrate to them the proper way to take a breathe for playing their instrument. Also, I will sing parts to them to show the characteristic tone that I want them to produce.
What will we do together as they learn how to succeed at the new task?
Guided Practice
We will explore the breathing through playing warms and Chorales in the Tone and Technique Book. This book also provides sight reading for the students to further their sight reading skills.
What will I ask to know if students understand so far? List questions. What will I do throughout the lesson to determine if students understand the information? List activities/techniques or describe the strategies that you plan to use.
I will check for understanding with the playing of Robert W. Smiths Into the Storm starting at measure 76. These measures will bring all of the concepts discussed in class period, breathing, tone, and pitch accuracy.
What will students do to internalize the knowledge?
Independent Practice
They will take instruments home and practice on their own. They will also apply this in their playing in all ensembles.
What will students do to demonstrate what they learned during the lesson? If an assessment is used, attach a copy. If using an authentic assessment, attach a copy of the scoring rubric.
How will I conclude the lesson and relate it to future experiences?
I will express the importance of breathing for all dynamic levels, Playing softy takes as much energy and air to play loud. I will also tell them to make sure to take all of the aspects of breathing and how the air will help produce a better tone in to all ensemble playing.
What can students do at home or in the classroom to apply the knowledge or skills? What will you do to connect the lesson with the home, community and community agencies?
Extension Activities
How is technology meaningful to this lesson? How do you plan to use implement student used technology during the lesson?
What activities do you plan to implement to connect your lesson across the curriculum to all 7 content areas?
I think that most things worked during this lesson because of class size. I was able to hear individual parts because I could clearly hear the timbre of every instrument. I would have done this lesson on another day because it was our short day. They tone really started to improve but we were caught by the announcements. I wish I had more time.