The Claflin Imperative Preparing Stduents For Leadership and Service in A Multicultural, Global and Technological Society
The Claflin Imperative Preparing Stduents For Leadership and Service in A Multicultural, Global and Technological Society
The Claflin Imperative Preparing Stduents For Leadership and Service in A Multicultural, Global and Technological Society
Claflin University School of Education - - - EDUC 323 Reflective Lesson Plan Model Name: Jordan Jefferson Date: 10/30/12
Source Music Subject Area (s) 3rd Grade Grade Level TSWBAT: 1. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music. 2. Evaluating music and music performances. Curriculum Standard(s) 3. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
What will students experience during the lesson? What is the agenda for the lesson? What is the content to be taught?
During this lesson, students will be exposed to the whole and half note for the tine. While being taught the value of those notes the student will also focus on playing individual rhythmic lines at the same time along an opposing rhythm.
What will I need to teach this lesson? What do students need to participate?
Dry erase board Agogo bell Triangle Hand Wood block *Students will not need any material besides pencil and paper.*
What will students be able to do at the conclusion of this lesson? Write measurable objective(s).
Lesson Objectives
The Student will be able to play the music on their line with 80% accuracy.
How will I vary these objectives for students who do not understand the material? How will I vary these objectives for students who have already mastered the concept? How will I vary these objectives for students who are presently learning English?
For students who do not demonstrate proficiency after my informal assessment, they will receive extra help during group activities. I will review the material of Genres and ask what information they know to build on what I need t to do as the teacher. For students who do not speak English I will find examples for them and also provide then with the proper translations.
I will take rhythm examples written on the board and ask specific questions about them and their rhythmic values. This will allow me to see what the student have remembered from their previous lesson.
What will I do to make a connection between students and this lesson?
I will play a video of a band performing and then discuss the importance of playing or singing your own part or line in a piece.
What will I say to explain the importance of learning this lesson?
Statement of Purpose
This lesson prepares students for being able to play in a middle school or high school band or choir and shows the importance of playing your own line. Each part is different and you must stay on your own line so that all musical ideas can be manifested.
What will I do to show students what is expected?
I will remind them of the rules at the beginning of class and make sure that they are aware of all consequences for misdemeanors.
What will we do together as they learn how to succeed at the new task?
Guided Practice
In the beginning, the class as a whole will clap the rhythms together as a class. After going through all of the rhythms the class will then go line by line.
What will I ask to know if students understand so far? List questions. What will I do throughout the lesson to determine if students understand the information? List activities/techniques or describe the strategies that you plan to use.
I will perform the rhythms for the students and then ask then which on I had done.
What will students do to internalize the knowledge?
Independent Practice
The students will be given time to come up with their own rhythm and present it to the class.
What will students do to demonstrate what they learned during the lesson? If an assessment is used, attach a copy. If using an authentic assessment, attach a copy of the scoring rubric.
The class will come up in groups of 5 and they will be given an individual line to play all together making an ensemble.
How will I conclude the lesson and relate it to future experiences?
I will express the importance playing your own individual line in an ensemble. Also I will express the importance of being able to hear the sound of the ensemble around but not get distracted off your part.
What can students do at home or in the classroom to apply the knowledge or skills? What will you do to connect the lesson with the home, community and community agencies?
Extension Activities
The class can start an African drum group and begin reading their own individual lines. If they are able to play their line with the ensemble then they have mastered the concept.
How is technology meaningful to this lesson? How do you plan to use implement student used technology during the lesson?
Technology will be used by the radio playing the accompaniment to our drumming.
What activities do you plan to implement to connect your lesson across the curriculum to all 7 content areas?
English: Writing in the Homework Assignment Math: Critical Thinking Science: educated Guessing Social Studies: Discussing the different origins of all music discussed Art: Drawing the different instruments from the different genres P.E.: Bring in drums and let the students play the drum while some dance.
I wish that I had a writing activity for the students to complete. They do not bring paper and pencil to class. For the next time, I will need to provide paper and pencil for the students. A written follow up activity will make this lesson more involved.