Stability of Voltage in Isolated Self Excited Induction Generator (SEIG) For Variable Speed Applications Using Matlab/Simulink
Stability of Voltage in Isolated Self Excited Induction Generator (SEIG) For Variable Speed Applications Using Matlab/Simulink
Stability of Voltage in Isolated Self Excited Induction Generator (SEIG) For Variable Speed Applications Using Matlab/Simulink
constantly running diesel generator. The principle of operation, equivalent circuit analysis, different voltage control strategies are discussed in the following sections
Due to the decrease of resources for fossil fuels dependency on renewable energy is increasing day by day. In these wind energy is drawing more concentration because of it is clean .In WECS induction generators are more predominantly used because their robustness, cheap, reliable. But the problem associated with SEIG is poor voltage regulation. In this different methods are discussed for voltage and frequency control of SEIG. The generators produce AC because DC generators are not reliable and have high maintenance costs because of the collectors, so usually back to back systems are used unless the existence of a
If an appropriate capacitor bank is connected across the terminals of an externally driven Induction machine and if the rotor has sufficient residual magnetism an EMF is induced in the machine windings due to the excitation provided by the capacitor. The EMF if sufficient would circulate leading currents in the capacitors. The flux produced due to these currents would assist the residual magnetism. This would increase the machine flux and larger EMF will be induced. This in turn increases the currents and the flux. The induced voltage and the current will continue to rise until the VAR supplied by the capacitor is balanced by the VAR demanded by the machine, a condition which is essentially decided by the saturation of the magnetic circuit.
Different control strategies adoptedwill be discussed in this section. They can be mainly classified as1)series capacitors2)generalized impedance controller(GIC).3)power electronic converters.
A.Series compensation
Series capacitor are the simple and cheap means for voltage control they are connected in series between the SEIG and the load When a fixed shunt excitation capacitor bank is used, it is not possible to keep the terminal voltage of the SEIG constant under varying loads because the reactive power requirement of the SEIG has to be adjusted with varying loads. However, series capacitors between the SEIG and IM terminals will sometimes cause low-frequency oscillations in the SEIG-IM voltages, currents, motor speed and developed electromagnetic torque of the motor. These oscillations restrict the motor speed to around half of its rated value Large magnitude of stator currents of an IM load clearly points toward the phenomenon of the resonance. Since the frequency of electrical oscillations is less than the frequency of the generated voltage by the SEIG, subsynchronous resonance (SSR) will occur. Under the condition of SSR, the frequency of oscillations in the electrical system depends on the value of series capacitor and the impedance of IM load. The SEIG, being a weak standalone power source, is very sensitive to such subharmonics. A criterion for selection of shunt and series capacitances is described to achieve an improved voltage regulation of SEIG. However, a series capacitor in SEIG-IM system may cause an SSR phenomenon, leading to excessive voltage, current, and unstable oscillations in speed and torque of the IM. An optimum combination of the excitation capacitors for a series-compensated short-shunt
SEIG is achieved avoiding SSR phenomenon and a successful starting, and operation of the IM as a dynamic load on the SEIG. A schematic diagram of a series compensated shortshunt SEIG-IM combination studied It consists of the following: 1) a SEIG 2) a threephase delta-connected shunt excitation capacitor bank 3) an additional capacitor bank for series compensation and 4) a squirrel-cage IM as a dynamic load. .
Here if a squirrel-cage IM is suddenly switched across the SEIG terminals without any series capacitor, its terminal voltage collapses; as a SEIG, it is not capable of supplying additional reactive power needed for the starting of IM. For successful starting of an IM from a SEIG, a series capacitor bank of appropriate capacitance values is connected between the SEIG and an IM.
B. Generalized Impedance Controller
The generalized impedance controller is found to be capable of maintaining the frequency of the SEIG constant under open-loop condition, following the speed and load perturbations. In order to improve the frequency regulation, use of ac/dc load voltage controller in the closed-loop form become unattractive for practical applications,
as large percentage of power is wasted in the dumpload resistance. The GIC is an operationally modified version of STATCOM, and is capable of providing bidirectional flow of both active and reactive power.The schematic diagram of a three-phase SEIG, with a bank of fixed excitation capacitors, generalized impedance controller, and load connected across its terminals, is shown in Fig1.. The Xs is the leakage reactance of the coupling transformer. The GIC offers variable-controlled impedance across the SEIG terminals according to the value of modulation index m of the inverter and phase angle , between the fundamental component of inverter output voltage VPWM and SEIG terminal voltage Vac. The model of the integrated generating system has been developed, which has the following four salient components: 1) Induction machine; 2) Excitation system; 3) Load; 4) GIC Initially, the prime-mover speed is set which is above the synchronous speed of the induction machine at 50-Hz output frequency. Three-phase bank of ac excitation capacitors are connected across the terminals of the machine to make it operate as an SEIG. Following the voltage buildup, the steady-state voltage of the SEIG is limited . Operating frequency of the GIC is set equal to the output frequency of the SEIG; thus, a constant frequency bus is created at the SEIG terminals. With shaft speed remaining the same, SEIG output power is less then the net power demand by the load. Under this condition, the supplied by the GIC by letting to become more positive excess load power is controlled by the output frequency setting of the GIC, irrespective of the nature and magnitude of the perturbation applied and even under open-loop operation of the can be concluded that the magnitude of SEIG
terminal voltage is sensitive to both m and .current through a pulse width modulated voltage source inverter to establish flux in the air gap required for self excitation.
C. Power electronic converters
Mainly the voltage source converter (VSI) is used for voltage and frequency control. A dc link VSI ,by varying the switching pulses of the inverter capacitor is connected across the other side of the A voltage control scheme for SEIG is shown in fig.1.The induction machine for dc link voltage control is modeled in stationary reference frame. Induction machine, pulse width modulated voltage source inverter, dc link capacitor and load, each component of the scheme is modeled separately. A 24 V battery is used for a period of 2 seconds for supplying the necessary magnetizing that for such operation of SEIGGIC system. A DC link capacitor of 500F in parallel with the diode maintains the voltage at set value. The voltage across the dc link capacitor is sensed and compared with the reference output voltage and passed through a discreet PI controller. The output of PI controller is converted to three phase reference waveforms and compared with a 5 kHz triangular carrier to generate the sinusoidal modulated gate pulses. The voltage source inverter acts as a reactive power compensator. The switching instants are tracked by the PI controller from SEIG. The power flow to dc link capacitor is
through a three phase diode bridge converter and the input power to SEIG is through a three leg IGBT converter.
connected which forms an SEIG fed from a variable torque wind turbine. Here the output is give to a dc load (motor) through a universal bridge. The output controlling the pulses to bridge fed to throw motor is maintained constant by controlling the pulses to bridge.
D.SEIG feeding DC motor through universal bridge for varying wind speed The main winding terminal is connected with consumer load of resistive and reactive nature and induction generator controller in parallel. A diode universal bridge converts the AC voltage into equivalent DC voltage. The output DC is connected with dump load resistance and filter capacitor in parallel. The voltage amplitude is computed. The voltage amplitude is compared with the reference and processed through sample based controller. The obtained output is compared with reference wave through a relational operator to obtain a modulated pulse of suitable duration (width). This pulse is given to the pulse generator of universal bridge.
From the results its is observed that the constant dc id fed to the load. The SEIG take some for the voltage build up to take place. The controller is capable of maintaining the output voltage.Some harmonics are presenting the wave form during the voltage build up.
The above simulink diagram has induction machine across which an appropriate capacitor bank is
F. SEIG feeding a induction motor through VSI under varying wind speed The simulink diagram shows a space vector modulate voltage source inverter ,it is connected in between the universal bridge and the induction motor .the switching sequence of the VSI is based on SVM technique .based on the variation on the terminal voltage the SVM controller generates the pulses to maintain constant voltage and frequency.
maintains constant voltage. the GIC controls both active and reactive power ,the rotor resistance control provides control in discrete steps.Finally the power electronic converters gives wide and accurate results for both load voltage and Frequency control of SEIG .the above results with DC and AC motors justifies it. In additional the control of AC and DC loads is possible at a time. This paper concludes that even though series compensation is cheap e the use of power electronic converters gives wide range of operation ,applications and control. REFERENCES [1] R. C. Bansal, Three-Phase Self-Excited Induction Generator: An Overview, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 292-299, June 2005. [2] O. Ojo, Minimum Airgap Flux Linkage Requirement for Self-Excitation in Stand-alone Induction Generators, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 484-492, September 1995. [3] C. Grantham, D. Sutanto, and B. Bismail, Steady-state and Analysis of Self-Excited Induction Generators, IEE Proceedings on Electric Power Applications, vol. 136, no. 2, pp. 61-68, March 1989. [4] D. Seyoum, C. Grantham, and M. F. Rahman, The Dynamic Characteristics of an Isolated SelfExcited Induction Generator Driven by a Wind Turbine, IEEE Transactions on Industr Applications, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 936-944, July/August 2003. [5] G. V. Jayaramaiah and B. G. Fernandes, Novel Voltage Controller for Stand-alone Induction Generator using PWM-VSI, IEEE Conference on Industry Applications, vol. 1, pp. 204-208, October 2006.
The above results says that the output voltage of VSI is constant for varying torque to the SEIG.
In this different techniques for control of load voltage of SEIG are discussed series compensation concludes that appropriates selection of capacitors