I. INTRODUCTION In hilly and isolated areas plenty of hydro potential is available. These hydro potentials can be used to drive hydro turbine to generate the electricity. However, induction machine can be used as a generator provided its reactive power requirement is fulfilled by capacitor banks, is called self-excited induction generator (SEIG). The SEIG has advantages like simplicity, low cost, rugged, maintenance free, absence of DC, brushless etc. as compared to the conventional synchronous generator. The analysis of the SEIG is complicated because its operation depends on the prime-mover speed, capacitor and load. Capacitance requirement with load and speed for the SEIG is reported in the literature [1-3]. Considerable literature is also reported on the transient analysis of the SEIG under balanced/unbalanced resistive, reactive and motor loads. In the literature [4-6], d-q axes modeling are reported for the transient analysis of SEIG under balanced and unbalanced excitation system. Jain et al. [7] have given a generalized model for the transient analysis of SEIG under symmetrical and unsymmetrical conditions. In hydro plants, a turbine is used with governor to control power generation. In micro hydel application, water is available free of cost then a turbine without governor can be used as prime mover and capacitors are connected across the
Bhim Singh (e-mail: bsingh@ee.iitd.ac.in), S.S. Murthy (e-mail: ssmurthy@ee.iitd.ac.in) and Sushma Gupta (e-mail: sush_gupta@yahoo.com) are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, Huaz Khas New Delhi-16, INDIA
SEIG according to the rated power and the constant voltage can be maintained by electronic load controller (ELC) [8-14]. Thus electronic load controller (ELC) keeps the load constant on the SEIG under balanced and unity pf load. But in case of unbalanced loads, SEIG currents and voltage are unbalanced and at lagging PF loads SEIG voltage drops down because SEIG and load demands the reactive power, which is not fulfilled by the ELC. Most of the reported electronic load controllers are based on controlled and uncontrolled rectifier with DC chopper, which injects the harmonics in the SEIG. Due to harmonics injection, SEIG is derated and voltage and current of SEIG are non-sinusoidal. In case of unbalanced load, SEIG is further derated due to presence of positive and negative sequence component. The current controlled voltage source inverter with self-supporting DC bus employed as static compensator (STATCOM) can be used for filtering the harmonics and balancing the load. In the reported literature [15-19] STATCOM acts as a voltage regulator to maintain constant voltage for the SEIG. Larsen et al [15] have mentioned the advantage of the STATCOM. Marra and Pomilio [19] have given the VS-PWM bi-directional converter for SEIG, which can regulate the frequency and voltage in case of balanced and linear load. However, there is hardly any attempts on the voltage and frequency regulation under unbalanced and non-linear loads. In this paper, an improved electronic controller (IELC) is presented which is the combination of CC-VSI and DC chopper. The IELC consists of current controlled voltage source inverter, which acts as a voltage regulator, and a DC chopper at DC bus of VSI keeps the rated power on the SEIG. A control technique is developed such that SEIG generates the constant power. In microhydel applications, turbine speed is kept constant and for a constant value excitation capacitor SEIG generates constant voltage, frequency and power, which is known as single point operation. Connecting the capacitor across the SEIG according to the balanced and unity PF power can reduce the rating of the CC-VSI. In this case, load balancing, reactive power compensation and harmonic elimination should be provided for the load by the CC-VSI. A mathematical model is developed for the transient analysis of IELC under the resistive, reactive and nonlinear loads with balanced/unbalanced conditions. The improved electronic load controller acts as a voltage and frequency regulator, harmonic eliminator, and load balancer. II. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION AND CONTROL SCHEME The schematic diagram of SEIG with excitation capacitor, improved electronic load controller ((CC-VSI)+DC chopper),
consumer load and control scheme is shown in Fig.1. Excitation capacitors are selected to generate the rated voltage of SEIG at no load. The reactive power requirement of SEIG and load is fulfilled by the CC-VSI with self-supporting DC bus. The SEIG generates constant power and when consumer power changes then DC chopper of IELC dumps the difference power (generated consumed) by consumers in the IELC. Thus, generated voltage and frequency are not affected by the application and removal of the consumer load. The IELC consists of a three-phase IGBT based current controlled voltage source inverter, DC bus capacitor, DC chopper and AC inductors. The output of the inverter is connected through the AC filtering inductor to the SEIG terminals. The DC bus capacitor is used as an energy storage device and provides self-supporting DC bus. DC Chopper is used to control dump power in IELC due to change in the consumer load. The control technique to regulate the terminal voltage, load balancing, and harmonic elimination of the SEIG is based on the controlling of source currents (have two components inphase and quadrature with AC voltage). The in-phase unit vectors (ua, ub and uc) are three-phase sinusoidal functions, computed by dividing the AC voltages va, vb and vc by their amplitude Vt. Another set of quadrature unit vectors (wa, wb and wc) is sinusoidal function obtained from in-phase vectors (ua, ub and uc). To regulate AC terminal voltage (Vt) it is sensed and compared with the reference voltage. The voltage error is processed in the PI controller. The output of the PI controller (I*smq) for AC voltage control loop decides the amplitude of reactive current to be generated by the CC-VSI. Multiplication of quadrature unit vectors (wa, wb and wc) with the output of PI based AC voltage controller (I*smq) yields the quadrature component of the source reference currents (i*saq, i*sbq and i*scq). For self-supporting DC bus of CC-VSI, its DC bus voltage is sensed and compared with DC reference voltage. The error voltage is processed in another PI controller. The output of the PI controller (I*smd) decides the amplitude of active current. Multiplication of in-phase unit vectors (ua, ub and uc) with output of PI controller (I*smd) yields the in-phase component of the source reference currents (i*sad, i*sbd and i*scd). The sum of quadrature and in-phase components is the total source reference currents (i*sa, i*sb and i*sc), which are compared with the source line current (isa, isb and isc). These current error signals are amplified and compared with the triangular carrier wave. If the amplified current error signal is equal to or greater than the triangular carrier wave, lower device of the inverter phase lag is turned on and upper device turned off. If the amplified current error signal is equal to or less than the triangular carrier wave lower device of the inverter phase is turned off and upper device is turned on. The generated power by the SEIG is maintained constant by the third PI controller. The generated power is compared with the reference rated power. The PI controller processes output error of the comparator. The output of the PI controller is compared with triangular wave. If output of PI controller is more than the triangular wave, gate pulse of chopper switch (IGBT) is made high and its current increases through chopper
switch so that SEIG experience same load. If controller output is less than PWM carrier triangle wave, gate pulse of IGBT is low and chopper switch is made open. III. MODELLING OF SEIG-IELC SYSTEM The schematic diagram is shown in Fig. 1, which consists of SEIG, IELC, its control scheme and loads. The mathematical modelling of each component is as follows. A. Modelling of control scheme of IELC Three-phase voltages at the SEIG terminals (va, vb and vc) are considered sinusoidal and hence their amplitude is computed as:
isa a ila ilb ilc isb c
Induction Generator Consumer Load Power calculator Pgen Pref In-phase component reference current i* sbd i* sad i* scd PI controller Ver
PWM controller
ia va
ib vb vc ic iccb icca Ca Cc
Capacitor Bank
b isc
iccc Cb
Prime Mover
PI controller
Vtref +
Quadrature uniit current template wa wb wc Quadratuure component reference current i*saq i*sbq i*scq
PI controller
1 3 4 6
5 2
+ - Cdc
Vt = {(2/3) (va2 +vb2 +vc2)}1/2 (1) The unit vector in phase with va, vb and vc are derived as: ua = va/Vt; ub = vb/Vt ; uc = vc/Vt (2) The unit vectors in quadrature with va, vb and vc may be derived using a quadrature transformation of the in-phase unit vectors ua, ub and uc [17] as: (3) wa = -ub / 3 + uc / 3
wb = 3 ua / 2 + (ub uc) / 23 (4) wc = -3 ua / 2 + (ub uc) / 23 (5) 1) Quadrature Component of Source Reference Currents: The AC voltage error Ver at the nth sampling instant is: Ver(n) = Vtref (n) Vt(n) (6) Where Vtref (n) is the amplitude of reference AC terminal voltage and Vt(n) is the amplitude of the sensed three-phase AC voltage at the SEIG terminals at nth instant. The output of the PI controller (I*smq(n)) for maintaining AC terminal voltage constant at the nth sampling instant is expressed as: I*smq(n) = I*smq(n-1) + Kpa { Ver(n) Ver(n-1)} + Kia Ver(n) (7) Where Kpa and Kia are the proportional and integral gain constants of the proportional integral (PI) controller, Ver(n) and Ver(n-1) are the voltage errors in nth and (n-1)th instant and I*smq(n-1) is the amplitude of quadrature component of the source reference current at (n-1)th instant. The quadrature components of the source reference currents are estimated as: i*saq = I*smq wa; i*sbq = I*smq wb; i*scq = I*smq wc (8) 2) In-Phase Component of Source Reference Currents: The DC bus voltage error Vdcer at nth sampling instant is: Vdcer(n) = Vdcref Vdc(n) (9) Where Vdcref is the reference DC voltage and Vdc(n) is the sensed DC link voltage of the CC-VSI. The output of the PI controller for maintaining DC bus voltage of the CC-VSI at the nth sampling instant, is expressed as: I*smd(n) = I*smd(n-1) + Kpd { Vdcer(n) Vdcer(n-1)} + Kid Vdcer(n) (10) I*smd(n) is considered as the amplitude of active source current. Kpd and Kid are the proportional and integral gain constants of the DC bus PI voltage controller. In-phase components of source reference currents are estimated as: i*sad = I*smd ua; i*sbd = I*smd ub; i*scd = I*smd uc (11) 3) Total Source Reference Currents: Total source reference currents are sum of in-phase and quadrature components of the source reference currents as: i*sa = i*saq +i*sad (12) (13) i*sb = i*sbq +i*sbd i*sc = i*scq +i*scd (14) 4) PWM current controller: The total reference currents (i*sa, i*sb and i*sc) are compared with the sensed source currents (isa, isb and isc). The ON/OFF switching patterns of the gate drive signals to the IGBTs are generated from the PWM current controller. The current errors are computed as: isaerr = i*sa isa (15) isberr = i*sb isb (16) iscerr = i*sc isc (17) These current error signals are amplified and then compared with the triangular carrier wave. If the amplified current error signal corresponding to phase a (isaerr) is greater than the triangular wave signal switch S4 (lower device) is ON and switch S1 (upper device) is OFF, and the value of switching function SA is set to 0. If the amplified current error signal corresponding to isaerr is less than the triangular wave signal switch S1 is ON and switch S4 is OFF, and the value of SA is set to 1. Similar logic applies to other phases.
B. Modelling of DC bus chopper The generated power of the SEIG is calculated by transforming three-phase quantity (a-b-c) into two-phase quantity (- axes) as follows [20]: (18) v = 2/3 (va vb/2 vc/2) v =2/3 (3/2 vb -3/2 vc) (19) i = 2/3 (ia ib/2 ic/2) (20) i =2/3 (3/2 ib -3/2 ic) (21) The generated instantaneous power of SEIG can be defined as: Pgen = v i + v i (22) Power (Pgen) is compared with reference power according to rated power of generator (Pref) as: Per(n) = Pref Pgen(n) (23) Power error is processed in the PI controller to maintain the constant generated power at the SEIG at the nth sampling instant, is expressed as: V*con(n) = V*con(n-1) + Kpp { Per(n) Per(n-1)} + Kpi Per(n) (24) Kpp and Kpi are the proportional and integral gain constants of the power controller. The PI controller output (V*con(n)) is compared with the triangular carrier (Vtri) waveform and output is fed to the gate of the chopper switch (IGBT). when V*con(n)> Vtri, SD = 1 and (25) when V*con(n)< Vtri, SD = 0 The SD is the switching function used for generating the gating pulse of IGBT of the chopper of ELC. C. Modelling of CC-VSI The CC-VSI is a current controlled VSI and modeled as follows: The derivative of its DC bus voltage is defined as: pvdc = (SA ica + SB icb + SC icc - SD Vdc/Rd)/ Cdc (26) Where SA, SB and SC are the switching functions for the ON/OFF positions of the VSI bridge switches S1-S6 and SD is the switching function of chopper. The DC bus voltage reflects at the output of the inverter in the form of the three-phase PWM AC voltage ea, eb and ec. These voltages may be expressed as: ea = vdc (2 SA- SB- SC) / 3 (27) eb = vdc (- SA+ 2 SB- SC) / 3 (28) (29) ec = vdc (- SA- SB + 2 SC) / 3 The (CC-VSI) line voltages are given as: eab = ea - eb; ebc = eb - ec; eca = ec - ea (30) The volt-amp equations of the output of voltage source inverter (CC-VSI) are as: va = Rf ica + Lf pica + eab - Rf icb - Lf picb (31) (32) vb = Rf icb + Lf picb + ebc - Rf icc - Lf picc ica + icb + icc = 0 (33) Value of icc from eqn (33) is substituted in to eqn. (32) which results in: vb = Rf icb + Lf picb + ebc + rf ica + Lf pica + Rf icb + Lf p icb (34) Rearranging the eqn. (31) and eqn. (34) it results in: Lf pica - Lf picb = va - eab - Rf ica + Rf icb (35) Lf pica + 2 Lf picb = vb - ebc - Rf ica - 2 Rf icb (36) Hence, the CC-VSI current derivatives are obtained by solving the eqn (35) and (36) as: pica = {( vb - ebc) + 2 (va - eab) - 3 Rf ica}/(3Lf) (37) picb = {(vb - ebc) - (va - eab) - 3 Rf ica}/(3Lf) (38)
D. Modelling of SEIG The dynamic model of the three-phase SEIG is developed using stationary d-q axes references frame, whose voltageampere equations are [17]: (39) [v] = [R] [i] + [L] p [i] + r [G] [i] From which, current derivatives can be expressed as: (40) p[i] = [L] 1 { [v] [R] [i] - r [G] [i] } Where [v] = [vds vqs vdr vqr] T; [i] = [ids iqs idr iqr] T [R] = diag [ Rs Rs Rr Rr] L s + L m 0 L m 0 0 0 0 0 0 L s + L m 0 L m 0 0 0 0 [L] = L 0 L + L 0 [G ] = 0 L 0 L + L m r m m r m 0 L m 0 L r + L m L m 0 L r + L m 0 (41) The electromagnetic torque balance equation of SEIG is defined as: (42) T shaft = Te + J (2/P) p r The derivative of rotor speed of the SEIG from eqn. (42) is: (43) pr = {P/(2J)} (T shaft - Te) where the developed electromagnetic torque of the SEIG is expressed as [17]: Te = (3P/4) Lm (iqs idr ids iqr) (44) In microhdel system, prime mover have drooping characteristic and may be expressed as: Tshaft = (3370- 10 wr) (45) The SEIG operates in the saturation region and its magenetizing characteristics is non-linear in nature. Therefore the magnetizing current should be calculated in each step of integration in terms of stator and rotor currents as: Im = (ids +idr)2 + (iqs + iqr)2 (46) Magnetizing inductance is calculated from the magnetizing characteristics between Lm and Im. Relation between Lm and Im is obtained by synchronous speed test [17] and can be written as: Lm = 0.1407 + 0.0014 Im 0.0012 Im2 + 0.000048 Im3 (47) E. AC line voltage at the point of common coupling From direct and quadrature axis currents of the SEIG (ids and iqs) are converted in to three-phase (a, b and c). The derivative of AC terminal voltage of the SEIG is defined as: p va = {(ia ila ica) (ib ilb icb)} / (3 C) (48) (49) p vb = {(ia ilc ica) +2 (ib ilb icb)} / (3 C) va +vb + vc = 0. (50) where ia, ib and ic are SEIG stator line currents, ila, ilb and ilc are 3-phase load currents and ica, icb and icc are CC-VSI currents. C is per phase no load excitation capacitor value connected parallel to SEIG. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The SEIG system with IELC feeding resistive and reactive balanced/unbalanced loads is simulated and results are shown in Figs. 2-4. For the simulation, a 7.5 kW, 230V, 15.6 A, 4pole machine has been used as a generator and parameters of the generator are given in Appendix. A. SEIG-IELC System behaviour Feeding Three-phase resistive load
Fig.2 shows the transient waveforms of 3-phase generator voltages (vsabc), generator currents (isabc), three-phase resistive load currents (ila, ilb and ilc), three-phase IELC currents (ica, icb and icc), generated power and its reference (Pgen) amplitude of SEIG terminal voltage and its reference (Vt/Vtref), DC bus voltage and its reference (Vdc/ Vdcref) and generator speed (wg) demonstrating the response of IELC for regulating the SEIG terminal voltage supplying with pure resistive load (7.5 kW). At 5.1-sec. one and 5.2-sec. two-phase of the load are disconnected from the SEIG. Consequently IELC currents increase to balance the SEIG system and chopper current increases to maintain the constant power on the SEIG. At 5.3sec. one phase and at 5.4-sec. two-phase of load is reconnected
500 vsabc(V) 0 -500 5.1 20 0 -20 5.1 10 5.15 5.2 5.25 5.3 5.35 5.4 5.45 5.5 5.55 5.6 5.15 5.2 5.25 5.3 5.35 5.4 5.45 5.5 5.55 5.6
isabc (A)
0 -10 5.1 10 5.15 5.2 5.25 5.3 5.35 5.4 5.45 5.5 5.55 5.6
ilb (A)
0 -10 5.1 10 5.15 5.2 5.25 5.3 5.35 5.4 5.45 5.5 5.55 5.6
ilc (A)
0 -10 5.1 10 5.15 5.2 5.25 5.3 5.35 5.4 5.45 5.5 5.55 5.6
0 -10 5.1 10 5.15 5.2 5.25 5.3 5.35 5.4 5.45 5.5 5.55 5.6
0 -10 5.1 10 5.15 5.2 5.25 5.3 5.35 5.4 5.45 5.5 5.55 5.6
0 5.15 5.2 5.25 5.3 5.35 5.4 5.45 5.5 5.55 5.6
Vt/Vtref (V)
Vdc/Vdcref (V)
300 5.1 700 650 600 5.1 338 336 334 5.1
Wg (r/s)
Fig. 2 Performance waveforms of three-phase SEIG-IELC system supplying resistive load (7.5 kW)
on SEIG. At application of load and under steady state, generator speed remains constant, which shows that generated voltage and frequency are constant. Under three-phase load on the SEIG, IELC current decreases which shows power on the SEIG remains constant. Load currents, generator currents and voltages are sinusoidal and harmonic free. B. SEIG-IELC system behavior Feeding Three-phase Reactive load
500 vsabc(V) 0 -500 5.1 20 0 -20 5.1 20 ila(A) 0 -20 5.1 10 ilb (A) 0 -10 5.1 10 ilc (A) 0 -10 5.1 10 5.15 5.2 5.25 5.3 5.35 5.4 5.45 5.5 5.55 5.6 5.15 5.2 5.25 5.3 5.35 5.4 5.45 5.5 5.55 5.6 5.15 5.2 5.25 5.3 5.35 5.4 5.45 5.5 5.55 5.6 5.15 5.2 5.25 5.3 5.35 5.4 5.45 5.5 5.55 5.6 5.15 5.2 5.25 5.3 5.35 5.4 5.45 5.5 5.55 5.6
Fig.3 shows the transient waveforms of the three-phase SEIGIELC supplying reactive load (0.8 PF). At 5.2-sec one phase load is disconnected from the SEIG consequently IELC current of one-phase increases to balance the SEIG system. At 5.3-sec. two-phases of load is disconnected from the load and hence IELC currents of two phases increase for balancing the SEIG system. At 5.4-sec. one-phase and 5.5-sec. two-phases of load are reconnected on the SEIG. In this case, IELC currents decrease because SEIG system is balanced. Chopper current also increases and decreases when consumer load decreases and increases respectively which shows that the generated power of the SEIG remains constant in spite of variation in consumer load. In reactive load, generator voltage is constant and perfectly sinusoidal which shows that IELC is acting as a voltage regulator and load balancer. The speed of SEIG remains constant, which shows that the generator is generating constant voltage, frequency and power. C. SEIG-IELC system behavior Feeding Three-phase NonLinear load
isabc (A)
500 vsabc(V) 0 -500 6.4 50 0 -50 6.4 20 0 -20 6.4 20 ilb (A) 0 -20 6.4 20 ilc (A) 0 -20 6.4 20 ica(A) 0 -20 6.4 20 icb(A) 0 -20 6.4 20 icc(A) 6.45 6.5 6.55 6.6 6.65 6.7 6.75 6.8 6.85 6.45 6.5 6.55 6.6 6.65 6.7 6.75 6.8 6.85 6.45 6.5 6.55 6.6 6.65 6.7 6.75 6.8 6.85 6.45 6.5 6.55 6.6 6.65 6.7 6.75 6.8 6.85 6.45 6.5 6.55 6.6 6.65 6.7 6.75 6.8 6.85 6.45 6.5 6.55 6.6 6.65 6.7 6.75 6.8 6.85 6.45 6.5 6.55 6.6 6.65 6.7 6.75 6.8 6.85
0 5.15 5.2 5.25 5.3 5.35 5.4 5.45 5.5 5.55 5.6
0 5.15 5.2 5.25 5.3 5.35 5.4 5.45 5.5 5.55 5.6
isabc (A)
Vt/Vtref (V)
300 5.1 700 650 600 5.1 338 336 334 5.1
8000 6000 6.4 350 6.45 6.5 6.55 6.6 6.65 6.7 6.75 6.8 6.85
Vdc/Vdcref (V)
Vt/Vtref (V)
Vdc/Vdcref (V)
300 6.4 700 650 600 6.4 340 335 330 6.4
Wg (r/s)
Wg (r/s)
Fig. 3 Performance of three-phase SEIG-IELC supplying reactive load (7.5 kW at 0.8 PF)
Fig. 4 shows the SEIG-IELC system behavior supplying the non-linear load. A three-phase rectifier with R load and capacitive filter is taken as a non-linear load. At 6.5-sec loading on the rectifier load increases because of that load current increases. It is observed from the figure that generator voltages and currents remain constant and sinusoidal. At 6.75sec. loading on rectifier load is decreased consequently rectifier load currents decrease however the SEIG voltages and currents remain constant and sinusoidal which shows that IELC is acting as a harmonic eliminator. The SEIG speed remains constant in complete duration, which proofs that it is generating constant frequency, voltage and power. V. CONCLUSION The developed mathematical model of three-phase SEIG IELC system has been found an appropriate tool to study the behavior of SEIG with IELC at different types of loads under transient conditions. Simulations have been carried out and simulated results show that SEIG terminal voltage and frequency remain constant while supplying the resistive, reactive and non-linear loads with balanced/unbalanced conditions. When unbalancing of load takes place then IELC generates compensating currents and balances the generator currents and voltage thus IELC acts as load balancer. In case of variation in consumer load, chopper of IELC operates accordingly and generated power of the generator remains constant. The SEIG generates constant voltage and frequency as it is operating at constant power. Therefore, improved electronic load controller acts as voltage regulator, frequency regulator, load balancer and harmonic eliminator. VI. APPENDICES A. STATCOM control parameters Lf = 1.5 mH, Rf = 0.05 and Cdc = 4000F. AC voltage PI controller: Kpa =0.05, Kia = 0.04. DC bus voltage PI controller Kpd = 0.04, Kid =0.005 Carrier frequency = 20 kHz Power PI controller Kpp = 0.4 Kpi = 0.05 B. Machines parameters The parameters of the induction machines are given below. Rs = 1.0, Rr = 0.77, Xls = Xlr = 1.0 , J = 0.1384 kg/m2 VII. REFERENCES
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