The Anointing The Annointing Articles of The Anointing
The Anointing The Annointing Articles of The Anointing
The Anointing The Annointing Articles of The Anointing
Oil In The Old Testament To anoint describes the procedure of rubbing or smearing a person or thing, usually with oil, for the purpose of healing, setting apart, or embalming. A person can anoint himself, be anointed, or anoint another person or thing. From ancient times the priests and kings were ceremonially anointed as a sign of official appointment to office, and as a symbol of God's power upon them. The anointing in the Old Testament represented the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit who was poured upon all flesh on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4; Joel 2:28-29). The Old Testament describes how oil was used in the practice of anointing to consecrate Gods people for ministry and His vessels for worship. It refers to the anointing as the physical act of pouring oil over someone's head that indicated God's choice of them for a very special function or office in Israel such as kings, priests and prophets. With the physical and ceremonial act of anointing, done according to God's will and upon only those chosen by God, went the special endowment of the Spirit or divine enablement to carry out the functions of the office for which they were being anointed. The Old Testament also predicted a special anointed One, who would come and bring salvation and deliverance to Israel. Everything the oil was to be applied to, whether it be the vessels, the instruments or the priesthood, was only to be applied to that which was holy, set aside and consecrated for service. It was never to be put on that which was unclean, or that which was unholy (Ex. 30:22-24) The Five-Fold Anointing Oil The Lord gave Moses a very detailed recipe for the anointing oil (Ex. 30:22-24). The anointing oil consists of four principle ingredients mixed with olive oil, which was the fifth component. God instructed Moses to use the best spices as
ingredients of the anointing oil. They were valuable, costly and rare. They were not common or cheap. The four principle spices were as follows: Five hundred shekels of pure myrrh two hundred and fifty shekels of sweet cinnamon two hundred and fifty shekels of sweet calamus five hundred shekels of cassia. These were compounded together and then combined with the fifth component, a hin of olive oil. These elements were carefully chosen because of their unique quality fragrance and aroma. 1. Myrrh Myrrh is the first spice and represents bitter things, or the sufferings of the cross of Jesus. It is a pale yellow gummy substance or liquid from a small thorny shrub which grows in Somalia, Ethiopia and Arabia. It is used for spice or as an ointment. The oil of myrrh is purifying in its application. It is very costly. Fragrant at the smell and bitter to the taste, it is also used as a balm to rub on sore parts of the body to bring relief. 2. Sweet Cinnamon Sweet cinnamon represents sweet things, the sweetness of grace. The cinnamon oil is distilled from the bark of the cinnamon tree growing in Ceylon. It is something very tasty and is usually used to flavor food because of its pleasant aroma. God told Israel in that he would not smell the fragrance of their sweet aromas because of their disobedience (Lev. 26:31) and that whatever they were offering or doing for God's satisfaction was not pleasant to Him. Whenever God's children are disobedient to Him, He is not pleased with their prayers or whatever sacrifice they can offer to Him. He preferred obedience to sacrifice (1 Sam. 15:22 ). 3. Sweet Calamus Sweet calamus represents government and divine order, the extended rule of divine anointing and is pictured in Jesus Christ in his resurrection and kingdom rule. The calamus is a sweet cane plant of about ten feet high growing in Asia in marshy places. When it is crushed and broken, it exudes a sweet fragrance. The more it is broken, more of the fragrance is exuded. In its spiritual application, the calamus
speaks of brokenness. 4. Cassia Cassia represents the true humility of anointed worship. Cassia is the aromatic bark of a tree growing in Arabia. It is often used by some doctors as medicine. Cassia is derived from a Hebrew root word quadad meaning to bend, to bow, or to stoop. This represents Gods people who are to bow down before the strong hand of God (1 Pet. 5:6). Cassia also speaks of humility. 5. The Olive oil Olive oil is symbol of the Holy Spirit that activated and released the ingredients to mix and flow together. These different ingredients of the anointing oil represent the differences in ministries. The olive oil was one of the main tree crops of ancient Israel. It was during the month of November that the olives were picked and pressed for oil. Olive trees can stand for long periods of drought. They take two years to mature, and then the fruits ripen slowly. The olives are placed on a grooved stone wheel and another stone is turned over them which is worked by a beam. The pulp is then pressed under weight. The oil runs into stone vats where it is then left for sometime to settle and clear. According to the instructions of God to Moses after the principal spices had been prepared, they would be blended with olive oil. Dimensions of the Anointing 1. Weight The myrrh in the anointing oil, though it was a liquid, was measured by weight which speaks of the Glory of God, the weightiness of His presence influence and power (2 Cor. 3:18). It is the will of God and the destiny of every believer to be conformed into the image of Jesus (Rom. 8:29). His image and likeness is being brought forth on the inside of every believer. His likeness is full of Glory, the very weightiness of the
substance of His presence (2 Cor. 4:16-18). As each Spirit-filled individual submits to the working of the Spirit of God, Christ is increases the weight of His glory on the inside of that person. Figuratively, weight means abundance and authority. An increase in strength produces and increase in weight (glory), and an increase in glory (weight) produces an increase in strength (1 Pet. 5:8-10). 2. Length Another ingredient in the anointing oil was sweet cane. While sweet cane was also measured by weight, it was used as a measuring rod to measure length. This speaks of territory, sphere and boundaries. Although much prayer is offered for territory to be enlarged, the only key to seeing an increase and enlarging is the anointing (2 Cor. 10:13). Each believer has been apportioned a sphere of activity by God. Just as each has received gifts to function in within His Body, so have they also been measured an area, or sphere of influence in which they are to be effective, such as the local church, community, city, nation or nations. Gods people do not boast of things according to their own measure, but to the measure of the rule God has distributed to them (2 Cor. 10:13). The anointing that each believer has been given is for their our measure of rule, for their sphere of activity to which they have been assigned. But it will be applicable if they do not stretch themselves beyond that measure (2 Cor 10:14). However, Paul also knew the key to extending his measure of rule (2 Cor 10:15, 16). 3. Capacity Olive oil as measured the normal way liquids were measured - capacity. This speaks of volume, magnitude, ability and use. Whatever gifts and abilities the Lord has given to his anointed, should be given back to His Body. The gifts are for the edification of the Church (Lu. 6:38). The measure that is used is measured back (Ma. 4:24, 25 ). God is wise and does not waste resources where they are not stewarded properly (Matt. 25:14-28). This this context, capacity refers to the volume and magnitude
of the ability of God working in and through believers according to use. Five-Fold Traits of the Anointing Oil 1. Beaten The anointing oil was beaten from olives which represents the flesh that must die. 2. Fresh The Anointing oil had to be fresh and new for use which represents fresh anointing. 3. Perfumed The anointing oil was a perfumed mixture which represents the fragrance of Christ. 4. Mixed The spices in the anointing oil were mixed together which represents the mixture and diversity of the gifts by the same Spiit. 5. Pure The anointing oil had to be pure which represents the Holy Spirit that flows through lives that are pure before the Lord. Anointing the Tabernacle As Moses dedicated the newly built tabernacle to the Lord, he anointed it with oil (Lev. 8:10). Wherever the tabernacle went, the blessings of God followed. Where the tabernacle went, the enemies of God fled in fear. Where the tabernacle went, righteous judgment was issued as shown in the classic example of when Miriam and Aaron stood against Moses. The power of God contained in the tabernacle made that object contain such power. The following is a list of the different parts of the tabernacle that were anointed with the holy oil for service.
1. Anointing of the brass altar. The place of sacrifice to God is the place of the anointing of the Spirit 2. Anointing the brass laver. The place of cleansing by the Word is the place of the anointing of the Spirit 3. Anointing the golden candle stick. This refers to the importance of daily filling ones life with the Spirit of God. 4. Anointing of the show bread table. This is a challenge to all Spirit-filled leader to pray for more illumination and understanding on the communion table of the Lord. 5. Anointing of the golden altar of incense. Refers to the ministry of prayer and worship to the Lord which releases Gods anointing 6. Anointing of the golden arc of the covenant. Refers to the presence of God through the blood. The Five-Fold Old Testament Anointing Types There were many priests, prophets and kings which were anointed for their specific function in the Old Testament. All New Testament believers need to function in these five types of anointings. 1. The Anointing of David Anointed to Rule David was anointed as King over Israel. He was a man after God's own heart. All believers need to operate successfully in the David-type of anointing, because God has made His people kings and priests unto God who shall reign on the earth (Rev. 5:10). All believers have been adopted into the royal family of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords (1 Pet. 2:9 ). A king rules and reigns over his kingdom. God has anointed His people to rule and
reign with Him on earth, now, in this time (1 Jn. 4:17). 2. The Anointing of Samson - Anointed to Destroy the Enemy Samson was anointed to overcome the enemy (Jud. 14:5-6). The Philistines had mighty armies which continually waged war against Israel. The Spirit of God anointed Samson to supernatural defeat the enemy. All believers need to operate in the anointing of Samson. They have been empowered to defeat every work of the devil in every sphere of daily living. 3. The Anointing of Gideon Anointed to Destroy poverty God anointed Gideon to release the Israelites from poverty and bondage (Jud. 6:4,6, 34). The Mideanites systematically destroyed their crops and livestock, which caused poverty and starvation to destroy Israel. God anoints believers with His Spirit so that they are able to overcome the curse of poverty and to set those who are bound by the spirit of poverty, to be set free in the name of Jesus. 4. The Anointing of Elisha Anointed for Signs and Wonders Elisha received a double portion of God's anointing. His mighty exploits make it clear that he operated supernaturally in supernatural signs and wonders (1 Ki. 19:16; 2 Ki. 13:20). God has anointed each believer to perform similar exploits in the name of Jesus, by means of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We are created for signs and wonders (Is. 8:8) and for good works (Eph. 2:10). 5. The Anointing of Elijah Anointed to Witness Elijah was anointed by the Holy Spirit to preach the message repentance towards the living God of Israel (1 Ki. 17:1 2; 2 Ki. 13:20). When God raised up John the Baptist, who preached repentance, Jesus referred to him as Elijah (Mal 4:5-6; Matt. 17:12). .
All believers are anointed and empowered by the Holy Ghost to be witnesses for Jesus (Acts 1:8). The Anointing Oil of the New Testament In the Old Testament, the anointing oil is a foreshadow or a type of the unction of the Holy Spirit. Gods whole intention toward man is summed up in saving, blessing and restoring man and it becomes easy to see the progression of Gods plan upon entering the New Testament. The many symbolic demonstrations of anointing in the Old Testament were each involved in depicting a systematic design which is the plan of salvation. When a priest was anointed to serve in a tabernacle which was the shadow of heavenly things, it was both to facilitate the plan of God and to provide meat to enrich the understanding of Gods people, who receive the full measure of the promise. Moses was given the formula for the anointing oil and the principles regarding its use for the priests and the holy vessels in the Tabernacle. The sanctuary of God, the tabernacle, was a picture or foreshadow of Heaven, of the Church, of Jesus Christ, of the believer and also of the Godhead. This relates to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, three distinct Persons. The Oil of the New Testament The tabernacle is now present in the spirit of every single man and woman of God. It is residing in every child of God, born again by the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 3:16). Each individual is the living moving temple of the Holy Spirit which incorporates Gods presence. The Lord painted a picture in the Old Testament for New Testament believers to recognize and apply in their spiritual walk. For their temples to be made Holy unto the Lord and to carry the same kind of protection, power and judgment, these temples need to be consecrated with the oil of the New Testament. The oil of the New Testament is the ever living and most powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit, given in power to every believer of the Lord Jesus Christ who have had a similar experience to those on the day of Pentecost. When Christ ascended and
offered His own blood on the tabernacle in heaven, He sent the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Five-Fold Oil of the New Testament 1. The Oil of Cleansing In the Old Testament, a leper presented himself to the priest to be consecrated and cleansed. He had to remove all his clothing, shave all the hair from his body and bathe in water. Then the priest would examine the former leper, pronounce him clean and anoint him with blood and oil. Christ strips believers of their old life to put on the new (2 Cor.5:17). They are washed in baptism through dying to self and are raised in Christ as their spirits are renewed (Rom. 6:1-11). There is cleansing by the blood of Jesus (1 Jn. 1:7) and anointing by His Spirit (Acts 2:28). The leper was anointed in three places. a. The Ear First, the ear was anointed. The ear represents whatever is listened to and allowed into the mind. Jesus often said that anyone who is willing to hear, should listen to the Spirit and understand what the Spirit is saying to the Churches (Rev. 3:13; Jn. 4:24). b. The Right thumb Next, the priest anointed the right thumb of the cleansed leper. That represents work and service. Jesus tells His people to let their good deeds shine out for all to see, so that God can receive praise (Matt. 5;16). c. The right Toe Next, the priest anointed the right toe of the cleansed leper. This represents walking in the Spirit. d. The Head Finally, the priest poured oil over the head of the cleansed leper indicating that the cleansing was completed and the person was free of all diseases. In Christs
anointing, believers are set free from the leprosy of sin to live consecrated to Him. 2. The Oil of Light The oil in the Old Testament lampstand represented the fiery presence of the Holy Spirit. But today, under the new Covenant, believers are Gods temple and lampstands. They are Gods lights that shine Jesus brightness everywhere in the world. The oil in the tabernacle was to be tended continually so the light would never be extinguished. Likewise, the anointing of the Spirit ignites believers continually as they shine for Christ. Jesus is the light of the world (Jn. 8:12). So when he sends the Holy Spirit, He continually ignites His oil in the hearts of the people so that they can burn for Him day and night. Ephesians 4:17 5:14 describes in detail what a true life on fire with the anointing is like. Sexual purity, no obscene foolish talk, thankfulness to God, not greedy, holy, not subject to anger, honest, no foul language, rid of bitterness, kind to others, forgiving others, making no excuse for sin. 3. Oil of Holiness The anointing oil of the Old Testament was regarded as holy as set apart unto the Lord. It was pure, consecrated. Since the oil was Holy anything or anyone anointed with it was made Holy. Nothing about this anointing oil was commonplace or ordinary. It was specially made and kept for ministry by the priests because it symbolized the Spirit Who would anoint every New Testament believer. The oil of the Holy Spirit anoints the lives of Spirit-filled believers who become Holy because His holiness is imparted to them. They are set apart for Gods exclusive use. Holiness is not a goal that is attained, but it is an act of grace applied by the Holy Spirit through the shed blood of Jesus Christ (Jn. 17:17, 1Cor 3:17; Eph. 4:24; 1 Pet 1:15). The oil of the Old Testament was specially prepared, then kept from worldly contamination. In the same way, the outpouring of the Holy Spirits anointing consecrates and makes one Holy. But to continually walk in holiness, the lives of
Gods people must be disciplined by the Spirit to keep them from worldly contamination and to continually guard their hearts and minds from temptation and pride. 4. Oil of Provision A widow came to Elisha in desperation. She had nothing at all except a flask of olive oil. Elisha told her to borrow as many empty jars from her friends and neighbors and then to go into her house with her two sons and to shut the door. She would then have to pour olive oil from her flask into the empty jars, setting the jars aside as they were filled. She did as she was told and soon every container was full to the brim. (2 Ki. 4:1-7). Like the widow in the story it may not be realized that with Gods Spirit, a little is much. The miraculous use of oil is a reminder of the anointing a. When there is nothing except the anointing, there is enough. The widow saw nothing in the house to meet any of her deepest need, except the flask of olive oil. But that was enough. So like her when there is nothing except the Holy Spirits anointing, there is enough. When believers reach the end of their own resources, they are ready for a miracle (Zech 4:6). The widow was told by Elisha to find as many empty vessels as possible. When she did, the overflow of the oil from the first vessel filled all the remaining empty vessels and did not cease until there were no empty vessels left. In the same way, the anointing uses believers when they are empty vessels. He pours Himself into every vessels that will empty itself of pride and self (Ps. 51:8-17). b. The anointing fills every vessel completely The widow discovered that she could fill every empty vessel to the brim. Likewise, the anointing also fills every believer up completely. But the Spirit will not share space within a believer who has anything because God is a jealous God and Gods people are Holy, consecrated, and dedicated vessels to be used totally by Him (Eph. 5:18).
c. The anointing meets every need Finally, the widows account shows that when there are no empty vessels the anointing stops flowing. When the members of the body of Christ become too full of self to minister to one another needs and the needs of the world, the Spirit anointing ceases to flow because the anointing flows through believers to others. 5. The Oil of Joy God poured out his anointing of joy upon Jesus, His anointed one. Gods children, who are in Christ Jesus, partake in this outpouring of Joy (Heb. 1:9). The Spirit that is in every believer is greater than he that is in the world (1 Jn.:4). Therefore, nothing in this world can overcome the anointing and nothing has the power to defeat the anointing of joy. The only way to loose the oil of joy is to resist it or give it away. Jesus said that no one can rob His people of their joy (Jn.16: 22). Believers also loose their joy when they give up on Jesus because he is the source of their anointing. He replaces all mourning with joy (Is. 61: 1-3). Jesus life was filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit (Lu.10:21 ). He fills the lives of His people with the same joy. Jesus overcame the world through the cross and resurrection. Because the victory has already been won through the cross and resurrection, not even death can rob believers of their joy in Christ (1Cor. 15:54-58).
2. The Anointing WHAT IS THE ANOINTING Very few Christians - have true understanding of anointing. What they have been taught may not be exactly right. They probably know that the anointing involves power, that it has something to do with Holy Spirit, and that's about it. There is an old saying "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing ". I will attempt to impart as much knowledge regarding the anointing by means of God's Word as well
as revelation knowledge. The anointing is the manifest presence of God. The word "anointing" means "to rub with oil, especially in order to consecrate something (holy object) or someone (holy person)." The anointing is tangible and when God's presence manifests, something supernatural happens. The anointing is supernatural equipping to perform supernatural things. God's anointed vessels are clothed with a mantle of God's supernatural power. The Word teaches us that it is not our might, or our power but it is the power of God's Holy Spirit that enables us to perform mighty deeds. Many ministers and Christians try to live their lives without the anointing, or they try and minister in the flesh. That places a tremendous burden upon them and that is why their ministry or Christian walk is an uphill struggle. However, that should not be the case, because Jesus tells us to take His burden and to put on His yoke, because it is easy, it is light. There are therefore two ways of doing things - the hard way or the easy way. The easy way is to ensure that God's power and presence is upon you at all times. NATURAL AND SUPERNATURAL LAWS From the day you were born again, you were adopted into the Kingdom of God. From that day, a different set of rules applied to your day to day life on earth. In the past, natural laws applied and it was those laws that determined your success or failure. But now, a new set of rules apply which enables you to function on a greater level of ability, success and power. These rules are called supernatural laws, which are not understood by ordinary people. Unfortunately, they are also mis-understood by Christians, who are the very people whose lives they are intended for. They are labeled as "foolish" by the world, because they are so different from other natural laws. For example, the principal of tithing entails living more successfully and victoriously on 90 % of your income that on 100 % of your income. Try and explain that to a carnal person and you will probably be scoffed at. However, by simply
applying that supernatural principle by faith on the grounds of God's unfailing Word, prosperity, health, favour and many other blessings are imparted to you from God's kingdom. Many Christians fail miserably because they are not prepared to live by these supernatural laws. THE ANOINTING UPON JESUS Not only does God want you to live in prosperity and blessing, but He also wants you to live victoriously as an overcomer. That is possible by an impartation of God's anointing upon your life. Not even Jesus could function supernaturally whilst on earth, without the anointing. Before He could heal the sick, raise the dead or perform any miracle, he had to be anointed for the task. How much more is that applicable to you and I! Isaiah 61 v 1
The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me (Jesus) because He has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor, he has sent Me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound.
Acts 10 v 38
How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.
I believe the power of God's Spirit if the missing ingredient in the lives of God's people. From the above verses, it is clear that Jesus has given you and I authority over:
However, this power and authority has one prerequisite - the anointing of the Holy Spirit. This is what enables believers to function supernaturally. Jesus tells us that we are to do greater works than He did. The question is - what are we doing? THE OLD TESTAMENT ANOINTING The anointing is God's mandate for you to function in the supernatural. In the Old testament, there were only three type of people who were anointed. They were:
If you were not one of these three, you were excluded from the manifest power and presence and anointing of God. However, on the Day of Pentecost, all that changed. The Holy Spirit was poured out on all flesh - men and women, Jews and gentiles, rich and poor, free and slave. THE PROMISE Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He promised that He would send the Holy Spirit to empower all believers. Acts 1 v 8
But you shall receive power when the Holy Ghost comes upon you and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.
Just as God authorised His own Son, He authorises you and I to perform His will by anointing us with the Holy Spirit. THE ANOINTING DESTROYS THE YOKE Isaiah 10 V 27
It shall come to pass in that day that his burden shall be taken away from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck. The yoke will be destroyed because of
the anointing.
We live and function under God's supernatural spiritual laws. Therefore, as God's chosen people, we should not suffer from stress, burnout, depression and oppression because of the anointing which destroys the yoke of the enemy. If it is not easy - it is not God The anointing destroys the yoke, which means that the yoke is destroyed ie the yoke of poverty, yoke of sickness, yoke of sadness, yoke of depression, yoke of oppression THE FIVE-FOLD ANOINTINGS There were many priests, prophets and kings which were anointed for their specific function in the Old Testament. I believe we need to function in five types of anointings. 1. The Anointing of David David was anointed as King over Israel. He was a man "after God's own heart". We need to walk in the David-type of anointing, because God "has made us kings and priests to our God and we shall reign on the earth" (Revelation 5 v 10.) We have been adopted into the royal family of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. 1 Peter 2 v 9
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, his own special people; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:
What does a king do? He rules and reigns over his kingdom. God has anointed you and I to rule and reign. When? Not in the future, but now, here on earth. 1 John 4 v 17
And the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon him, and he rent him as he would have rent a kid, and he had nothing in his hand: but he told not his father or his mother what he had done. Then went Samson down, and his father and his mother, to Timnath, and came to the vineyards of Timnath: and, behold, a young lion roared against him.
Samson was anointed to overcome the enemy. The Philistines had mighty armies which continually waged war against Israel. The Spirit of God anointed Samson to supernatural defeat the enemy. We need to operate in the anointing of Samson. We have been empowered to defeat every work of the devil. 3. The Anointing of Gideon Judges 6 v 4 & 6
And they encamped against them, and destroyed the increase of the earth, till Gaza, and left no sustenance for Israel, neither sheep, nor ox, nor ass. And Israel was greatly impoverished because of the Midianites; and the children of Israel cried unto the LORD.
Judges 6 v 34
But the Spirit of the LORD came upon Gideon, and he blew a trumpet; and Abi-ezer was gathered after him.
God anointed Gideon to release the Israelites from poverty and bondage. The Mideanites systematically destroyed their crops and livestock, causing poverty and hunger. I believe God anoints us with His Spirit so that we are able to overcome the curse of poverty and to set those who are bound free from bondage.
4. The Anointing of Elisha Study 1 Kings 19 v 16 - 2 Kings 13 v 20 Elisha received a double portion of God's anointing. When you read about his mighty exploits, it is clear that he operated supernaturally in signs and wonders. God has anointed each one of us to perform similar exploits in the mighty name of Jesus, by means of the gifts of the Holy Spirit..
Study 1 Kings 17 v 1 - 2 Kings 13 v 20 Elijah was anointed by the Holy Spirit to preach repentance. When God raised up John the Baptist, who preached repentance, Jesus referred to him as Elijah. Malachi 4 v 5 - 6
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.
According to Acts 1 v 8, we are empowered by the Holy Ghost to be witnesses for Jesus. Foundational Keys to experience the Power of God's Anointing
submit under the covering of anointed ministry develope an honest prayer life get a fresh infilling of the Spirit every day learn to yield to the Holy Spirit fellowship with the Holy Spirit be consistent
You have an anointing from the Holy One and you know all things
1 John 2 v 27
But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teaches you all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it has taught you, you shall abide in Him.
3. The Five-Fold Levels of the Anointing The Five-Fold Levels of the Anointing Ezekiel 47:1-10 & 2 Corinthians. 3:17-18 Be Continually Filled Every born-again, Spirit-filled child if God has the anointing upon their life. However, each individual is responsible for keeping and increasing the level of anointing. That is why some walk in a greater anointing than others. The Word teaches Christians to be filled and continually filled with Gods Spirit, thus ensuring a fresh outflow of the anointing (Eph. 5:18). It should be noted that after the outpouring of the Holy Ghost recorded in Acts 2, the disciples experienced another outpouring soon afterwards. (Acts 4:31) The Five-Fold Levels of Ezekiel Ezekiels prophecy gives believers a clear picture of how the level of Gods presence and power can increase in the lives of His people. Water, streams and rivers often refer to the presence and flow of Gods Spirit. The highest attainable level of Gods anointing is represented by the waters which flow from Gods throne to individuals, groups or nations, and is often referred to as the sea. Wherever these water go, they bring healing and life to the needy. Spirit-filled believers have rivers of living water flowing from their innermost being. Because they are
the New Testament temple of the Holy Spirit, they are the source of Gods river. Ezekiel gives a clear description of a five-fold level of the anointing upon every Spirit-filled believer.
Level 1 Watching
Here Ezekiel watched the waters flow from the temple of God. Many believers do not have the full revelation that they are the source of Life, because they are the temple of Gods Spirit. So instead of activating the life-source that resides within them, they become mere spectators of Gods power. They watch how others flow with the anointing. This represents people who know the way but are unwilling to take the first step of commitment.
Many believers only desire a shallow experience with God. Although they are saved and Spirit-filled, they seldom go beyond that point and live a carnal existence. They are not in a position to affect anyone around them with the Gospel. To them, the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a once-off experience. Thereafter, they seldom desire spiritual gifts and spiritual anointing.
The knee deep level of the anointing is not much greater than the ankle deep experience. However, it does indicate a deeper experience with God. The knee represents prayer and could indicate a loyalty to the things of God, but at the same time they dare not wander deeper in the unknown realm of what God has for them.
The waist often refers to influence. This type of believer is active in the things of God and interacts with others around them. They may even have an active role in the local Church. They love the Lord and are somewhat involved in the activities of the ministry.
But it does indicate an unwillingness to give everything. The waist measures half of the body length, indicating a half-hearted approach to full surrender. This is the point where is Jesus refers to those who are lukewarm (Rev. 3:16) and also those who must make a choice to either submit everything to God or everything to the world ( Matt. 6:24).
Level 5 - Fully-Immersed
This represents the believer who lives by faith and does not make decisions according to outward appearances, but has absolute faith in the voice of the Word and the Spirit. These believers are those who produce fruit, who are led by the Spirit (Rom. 8:14) and are not influenced by the flesh or natural surroundings. They are a blessing to others, bringing light, hope, joy and healing to those who are yoked in bondage. They produce Kingdom fruit in their Christian walk and experience a breakthrough relationship with the Holy Spirit.
A key to growing in the Spirit is to ensure an acceptable Level with fresh oil ( Ps. 92:10). God told Moses that the anointing oil had to be fresh (Num. 11:8). King David asserts that the anointing of fresh oil upon his life will ensure the defeat of his enemies (Ps. 92:10-12). The same principle applies to the New Testament anointing of the Holy Spirit. Believers who wish to be effective need to receive a fresh outpouring of Gods anointing upon them (Acts 4:31). The Five-Fold Levels of Anointing on King David From the anointing performed upon David by Samuel the prophet (1 Sam. 6:1-13), David grew in his anointing and resultant authority and influence.
After the first anointing, which took place among his brothers, David killed a lion and a bear. God first tests believers with small things before they are promoted
(Luke 16:10).
After his success in killing the lion and the bear, David overcame a supernatural battle by killing Goliath. If he had not exercised his Godly anointing by killing the lion and the bear, he would not have had the courage to face Goliath (1 Sam. 17:34). No one took the challenge of this Philistine, including King Saul. This brought about promotion and soon David was eating with King Saul and ministering to him.
David's time in Saul's court developed him further. Evading murderous threats and actions was an experience new to the shepherd boy turned court minstrel. When personal elevation is due to God-given victories, a spirit of jealousy can be released from those who once had the anointing and who came to know the value of what they had only after they had lost it. Pursued by a jealous King Saul, David fled to the cave of Adullam, where his family joined him along with a number who were distressed, in debt, or discontented. After many years of struggling to survive, during which he refused to kill Saul, David faced his greatest test to stay alive as well as to stay free of bitterness. The anointed upon his life kept him from harm by the thousands of soldiers in Sauls army, who were in hot pursuit of him every day. But at the same time, he moved in the favour and power of God when he pursued the Amalekites and recovered everything and everyone that had been taken. David progressed beyond his first anointing - from shepherd boy to national hero; from the leader of 400 rebels to a warrior able to recover quickly from grief and win back more than he had lost. Along the way, David remained true to God's promise that he would fulfill his divine purpose and Israel and refusing to fight King Saul, even though he had the full mandate to rule when the prophet Samuel poured oil on his head.
King of Judah
Soon after, King Saul and three of his sons died in a fight with the Philistines and David's life as a fugitive came suddenly to an end. Leading the distressed debtridden and the discontent misfits into a 400-strong fighting force developed David even more. Mastering the temptation to kill Saul when the opportunity presented itself did likewise. Defeating discouragement at Ziklag (1 Sam. 30:1), which was a far greater giant than Goliath, was David's final, first-level step. His days as a hated, hunted fugitive were at last over. Although anointed king by the prophet Samuel, David's initial development in the anointing took place while hiding from Saul. On learning of the king's death, David asked the Lord for direction and was guided to Hebron which was a town belonging to Judah, his own tribe. Then the men of Judah came to David and they anointed David king over the house of Judah (2 Sam. 2:4). Although David was no longer a king without a kingdom, his reign was to be a limited, tribal one for the next seven years. Judah was much smaller than the kingdom God had promised him. To David, however, a portion of the kingdom was better than no kingdom at all. After having kept his family and 400 others safe while being hunted in the wilderness, he could keep safe his family and his followers in the territory of his own tribe.
King of Israel
King David reigned for 40 years, from the age of 30 until the age of 70. The waiting period from first to final recognition was at least 20 years. Those were years spent developing in the anointing. However, this new level of responsibility brought change. Instead of random skirmishes, there was a long war between the dynasties of Saul and David. (2 Sam. 3:1) But as David grew stronger and stronger, the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker because David's house had an anointed king. Saul's dynasty died with Ishbosheth. All the tribes of Israel came to David after
the death of Sauls son, Ishbosheth and recognised his right to rule, and swore loyalty to him. Acknowledging his past leadership and faithfulness to Saul, they also remembered that, through the prophet Samuel, God had long before chosen him as their rightful king (2 Sam. 5:3). Successful Achievement In just 20 years, David had developed in the anointing, from potential king to nominal king to actual king. He had grown from shepherd to warrior to ruler. He had been recognized by his family, his tribe and his nation. It is possible to begin ministry as a person with potential, winning small but important victories - as David did over the bear and the lion - without continuing to develop in the anointing. It is important to go beyond the initial empowerment (Acts 2:4) and develop a continuous relationship and intimacy with the Holy Spirit. Gods anointed followers can and should develop in the anointing by degrees. Experiences in the anointing are progressive and steps to higher levels. David's first steps were the killing of a lion and a bear, and led him to the next level, the conquest of Goliath. Israel's inability to face the giant Philistine was the result of the nation's longtime failure to deal with its fears (Num. 13:33). Many of David's actions portrayed those of the coming, greater Son of David, Jesus Christ. David's victory over Goliath portrayed Christ's victory over Satan. Since David was a prophet, much of what he said and did was prophetic (Acts 2:2531). David was anointed three times - the second, among his tribe, and the third, among his nation, confirming the first, which had been among his family. Each was a further, and wider, recognition of David's right to rule. Although he was anointed five times, David did not have five anointings! The Bible speaks of "the anointing" which is singular in meaning. However, the gifts are plural. One anointing but many expressions. Level of the Anointing upon Jesus Jesus functioned and flowed in the anointing. Obviously, Jesus was flowing according to the will of God. He also determined how much anointing to flow in at a
particular time and place. Sometimes when God tells Him to flow in a sign, He will demonstrate a sign. In Mark 5, when the woman with the issue of blood for twelve years touched His garment, the anointing flowed out of Him and healed her. Jesus knew that the anointing had flowed through His life. He knew how the anointing came upon His life and how the anointing can flow out of Him. Jesus acknowledged Gods anointing upon Him (Luke 4:18). He was announcing it. He was telling it to the people using Scriptures from the prophet Isaiah that the anointing was upon His life for the people. It is for the people to exercise their faith, believe it, and then receive the anointing of God into their lives. In the same manner when people are not sensitive to the anointing of God, they would not know what it is like when it is present. Levels of the Anointing upon Believers 1. Measure Upon Measure Believers must learn to be sensitive to the anointing. God anointed Jesus without measure. However, He gives the anointing by measures to His own. The anointing upon the lives of Christians is increased measure upon measure, as they grow and prove their faithfulness to the anointing. The fullest potential of the anointing is the anointing without measure which is the same as the anointing upon Jesus life. The potential is there, but can only be attained through effective growth. 1. Without Measure Believers will do greater works than what Jesus did (Jn. 14:12). This implies that now the Holy Spirit is sent without measure. The Holy Spirit has been sent in Acts 2 as prophesied without measure. He is now pouring out on all flesh. The potential is there for people to reach into that measureless anointing that Jesus had. Some people have moved in their respective office to a realm quite close to that. As they move into the anointing, they must move exactly as God shows them. No more and no less. There have been men and women who have moved into levels of anointing close to
the level of Jesus Christ in the office God has called them. Every minister called by God should aspire to reach into that anointing without measure. 1. A Deposit First However there are principles to move into that measureless anointing. All start with a measure of anointing God placed on our lives. God does not give an anointing without measure immediately. There must be testing; there must be proving and there must be faithfulness shown. God will give a deposit of anointing upon a believers life up to a certain level. As they are faithful in it and function effectively in it, then God gives another measure. Then at that greater measure God will tests their faithfulness. The Corinthians had the gifts of God but they were not operating them perfectly. This shows us that the operation and perfection of the gift depend on us not on God. Paul never question that the gifts that the Corinthians had were not from God. He acknowledged that they were from God but he wrote that he would show them a more perfect way to operate those gifts. The operation and perfection of a gift depends on us not on God. It is our responsibility. 1. The Anointing is Measured The anointing can be measured. The anointing enables one to do the works of Jesus. The anointing can be increased. Just as believers grow from faith to faith, from glory to glory, and from grace to grace, so do they also grow in the level of anointing in their lives. In addition, the Holy Spirit is received in measures. The amount and the level of anointing that operates in a believer can be measured. There are different degrees, different measures of the anointing. Factors Affecting the Level of the Anointing in a Meeting.
When the anointing upon is not functional upon a Christians life, it will be lifted
off. It will not be present all the time. The anointing functions according to the will of God as the Spirit wills. It depends on the will of God whether God wants to manifest supernaturally at that moment in time or not. If there is no need for the anointing to manifest then the anointing will not manifest. The anointing comes only when there is a need for it. It depends on the will of God to manifest the anointing although the fullest potential is available.
The level of the anointing will vary according to a believers preparedness. Sometimes, Christians are more prepared than at other times. Sometimes they may be able to spend time waiting on God more than other times. It is important to spend time in fellowship and intimacy with God in order to build up a preparedness to move when the Spirit moves. By being prepared, Christians are more able to tap into the full measure of the anointing upon their life. There is a price to pay in anointed ministry, such as waiting upon the Lord, praying, fasting, studying the Word and seeking the mind of the Spirit. There are sacrifices that have to be made in order to walk in Gods fullness. Preparedness affects the anointing of God upon an individuals life. When God places a call upon a person, he expects total submission. This almost always means turning off the voice of the flesh. Jesus said that He sanctified Himself for the purpose of anointed ministry (Jn. 17). He consecrated Himself because He had such a high mission for the sheep. He gave Himself entirely to the Lord.
Expectancy Level
When people are expectant, there is the potential to operate at a higher level. Jesus could do no mighty works in His own city, because the people there did not receive Him. They were offended at Him and that stopped the flow of Gods anointing (Matt. 13:58). Many people were healed when the expectancy was high and the power of God was present to heal them (Luke 5:17). Some people pay a high price to receive their
miracle. They may have to push through the crowd like the woman with the issue of blood (Matt. 5:25). Or they may have to shout to draw attention to their plight (Matt. 20:30). Some may have traveled long distances with the hope of receiving a touch from God. 4. Supernatural People LIFE IN THE SPIRIT I believe every born again should live a life in the Spirit. How does one live a life in the Spirit? Well, for one, it is not a walk in the flesh whereby we live to satisfy the lusts of the flesh. It is not even a walk whereby we live as born again believers, who have experienced salvation, repentance and forgiveness of sins. As born-again believers, washed in the blood of Jesus, just having the salvation experience actually falls short of what God intends us to live. So what then is a life in the Spirit ? LIVING SUPERNATURALLY Acts 19 v 1 - 7
While Apollos was at Corinth, Paul took the road through the interior and arrived at Ephesus. There he found some disciples and asked them, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" they answered, "No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit." Paul asked, "Then what baptism did you receive?" "John's baptism," they replied. Paul said, "John's baptism was a baptism of repentance. He told the people to believe in the one coming after him, that is, in Jesus." On hearing this, they were baptised into the name of the Lord Jesus When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied. There were about twelve men in all.
What Paul was saying to these believers who were saved and baptised, that their Christian walk was not complete, that there was another experience following salvation and water baptism. It was the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues - an experience that imparts the power of God's
Spirit upon all believers who are baptised in the Holy Ghost, enabling them to function supernaturally. God desires that all believers operate in the supernatural. That is why the devil tries so hard to get Christians to reject the full manifestation of the Holy Spirit because he knows that without this power, Christians will never be a real threat to the Kingdom of Darkness. There is more to your salvation. In order for you to effectively penetrate the supernatural Kingdom of Darkness, you have to function in the supernatural. How do you function in the supernatural? By being filled and continually filled with the Spirit of God. It is for that reason that Paul taught these believers the experience of Pentecost. He knew that they were not equipped to come against the works of Satan, to turn cities and towns around for Jesus and to bring healing and deliverance in the name of Jesus. How were they changed? By being baptised in the Holy Spirit. THE BIG FIVE God expects his Church to be a supernatural church, consisting of supernatural people, empowered by God's Spirit, who daily live a life in the Spirit. Essentially to rule and reign over, what I call, the big five. God has empowered by His Spirit you to rule and reign over
Sin in your own life Sin in lives of others Poverty Sickness All the power of the devil
What is the evidence of a supernatural church? Having the big five in subjection.
What is the evidence of a supernatural believer? Having the big five in subjection. Follow the following steps:
Give your life to Jesus Get baptised in water Get filled with the Spirit Live a life in the Spirit by being continually filled every day Then start ruling over sin, over poverty, over sickness and over every work of Satan. God has given us that authority - let us exercise it.
REPLACE FAITH WITH FEAR Many Christians are afraid to operate in the supernatural They are scared of the supernatural. You can only accept this authority and operate in God's power by faith. Yes, the circumstances may look overwhelming, the odds may seem stacked against you. But remember, it is not your power in operation, it is God's power. You are only a vessel which God uses to overcome negative circumstances. "Not by (man's) might, nor by (man's) power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord" The Church is empowered to set the captives free, but sadly, it finds itself in bondage itself. Believers get into fear when they see sicknesses, when they see people bound by alcohol and drugs as well as many other social problems. But when you live a life in the Spirit, these circumstances will not present themselves as obstacles, but rather as challenges for a supernatural person to confront and to bring into subjection to the Word of God. God wants to use you for greater things - so break out, step out and move out into the supernatural realm and be a world shaker! If sickness is holding you back, rule over that in the name of Jesus. If poverty is holding you back, rule over that! Do it by faith - remember, the demons are subject to those who are empowered by the Spirit of God.
BE READY FOR DIVISION A supernatural person will cause division. A supernatural person will have enemies. Jesus said, if everybody likes you, you are probably a false prophet. When you start living a life in the Spirit, operating in the supernatural, the devil will stir up people against you to contradict you, to ridicule you or openly oppose you. When God moves, he divides the things of the enemy from the things of God. A supernatural person knows that darkness and light cannot mix - it must be divided. Flesh and Spirit cannot mix - it must be divided. Love of the world and love for God cannot mix - it must be divided. Jesus himself told us that no man can serve two masters - either he will love one and hate the other. Many believers live far below their potential because of compromise with worldly standards and opinions. The Word tells us the friendship with the world is enmity with God. Jesus tells us in the book of revelation that believers in the last days will have a form of godliness but denying the power - ie: a rejection of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Acts 1 v 8 tells us that we receive power when the Holy Ghost comes upon us, so that we can become witnesses for Jesus. We see the problems Paul encountered by being a powerful witness for Jesus. He was jailed, mocked, stoned, hounded by the Jews from city to city. He brought division between the true lovers of God and religion. He was called a plaque, the creator of division and a "pesky fellow ." In other words, he became a real pest! However, that did not stop him from turning the entire world around for Jesus! So dont think all your friends and family will applaud you when you tell them you saw an angel, or that you speak in tongues, or that you were healed of cancer. They may even reject you. You may now have new enemies. That's the life of a supernatural person - doing supernatural things - turning their world upside down for Jesus. EXPERIENCES ARE CAUGHT - NOT TAUGHT Experiences, whether godly or ungodly are caught and not taught. If you wish to
grow more powerful in the things of God, then mix with supernatural people, because the experiences are contagious. (Like laughing, weeping, etc.) Many times these experiences are caught. For example, if you have a desire to be used by God for supernatural healings, mix with people who pray for the sick. If you want to experience a greater measure of joy, mix with happy people. You will never be greater than those with whom you associate. CONCLUSION In summary:
The salvation experience is not enough Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and receive power Speak in tongues Be continually filled with the Holy Spirit Start exercising your authority over the big five Turn your world around for Jesus!! Be a world shaker!!
What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall He not with him also freely give us all things? Who shall lay a charge of God's elect? It is God that justifies. Who is he that condemns? It is Christ that died, yes rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also
makes intercession for us. Who shall separate us from the love of God? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For your sake we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
The apostle Paul shares wonderful truths with us in Romans 8, especially in the above verses. We can sum these up as follows:
If God be for us, who can be against us ? Who shall bring a charge against God's people ? Who can condemn us ? Who shall separate us from His love ? In all these things, more than conquerors
THE NEW IS BETTER THAN THE OLD This is an awesome message to the Lord's people - it is revelation that all believers should take hold of and embrace. These principles are enshrined in our covenant with Jesus, which is better than the covenant God made with Abraham. Hebrews 8 v 6
But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises.
I believe many of God's people do not understand their covenant rights by the blood of Jesus. Many do not even understand how good the old covenant was - and how much better the new one is. Looking at the blessings of the old covenant, my comment is "I could live with that!" Let's check it out. It's based on the covenant God made with Abraham.
THE OLD COVENANT WAS GREAT! These are the minimum blessings:
God changed Abraham's name from Abram. A name is important - it always reflects who and what you are. The name "Abraham" means "father of many nations." Under the new covenant, Jesus has given us His name. It is the name above all names - at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. In His name, every work of the devil is brought under subjection. The name of Jesus has authority over sin, sickness, poverty and demon spirits. There is an old Pentecostal song that goes like this - "There's a new written down in glory, and it's mine, Oh yes it's mine." Because your name is linked with the name of Jesus under the new covenant, it is written in the Lamb's book of life, ensuring eternal life.
Abraham had great wealth, many possessions and was very prosperous indeed. He was well respected by the kings in the land and enjoyed the favour of God and man. But this was the blessing of the old covenant - our covenant is based on better promises. Think about it - better wealth, better possessions, better prosperity.
God promised Abraham (under the old covenant), that these blessings would be inherited by his descendants. God said "I will make your seed as the stars of heaven" Remember, under the old covenant, God promised a blessing up to the third and fourth generation. It meant that any man or woman of God, who served God faithfully, could believe that God would pass these covenant blessings on to the children, grand-children as well as the great-grandchildren.
But the new covenant blessings are based on even better promises. These blessings are applicable today - the blood of Jesus has power to ensure that our children will be saved and touched by the power of the blood, up to the fourth generation. I have seen parents sow many tears for their children, so that they could come to know Jesus. However, let us trust in the covenant of Jesus, which is based on better promises - let us trust that the Lord will not permit our children to go to a lost eternity. We may not see their conversion in our lifetime, but God's Word is sure! THE NEW COVENANT IS BETTER! We can now understand Romans 8 v 31 - 39 is part of our new covenant blessings. We can say with confidence:
If God be for us, who can be against us ? Who shall bring a charge against God's people ? Who can condemn us ? Who shall separate us from His love ? In all these things, more than conquerors
We have authority in the name of Jesus over sin, poverty, sickness and every work of the devil. We have received power to perform great things for God by the baptism of the Holy Ghost - God has placed His kingdom inside our bodies - we are the temple of the Holy Ghost! We have free access into the most holy place - "having the boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus" We are included, not excluded. The veil has been torn in two. Our sins have been blotted out and removed as far as the east is from the west. We have fellowship with the Father - we have two-way communication with Him. Surely, the new covenant is better than the old. We are truly blessed! GOD COMMANDS A BLESSING When we walk in true fellowship with the Lord, He commands a blessing upon us. As
He did under the old covenant, the same applies under the new - God commands a blessing. Remember, with God there are conditions - He requires us to fulfill the first and second commandments - "to love the Lord with your whole heart, mind and soul and to love your neighbour as yourself." These are the conditions. If they are fulfilled, God commands a blessing upon you. Deuteronomy 28 v 8
The LORD shall command the blessing upon you in your storehouses, and in all that you set your hand He shall bless you in the land which the LORD your God has given you.
That's great news - the Lord commands a blessing - how does He do it? Easy - He does it, you don't. I have seen Christians stress and panic trying to manipulate things, so that they can be blessed. Relax, chill out, and let God do it for you! If you understand your new covenant position with Christ, you would stop trying to make things happen and let God make them happen for you. HE COMMANDS A BLESSING - not you. So, how doe He do it. Don't ever forget this Scripture in 1 Kings 17 v 9 . Elijah, God's prophet, was in desperate need of provision due to the drought the land was experiencing. Because he was a covenant son, Elijah did not have to sort the problem out - God did it for him. How? God commanded the blessing to come. 1 Kings 17 v 9
Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to provide for you.
Can you see how easy it is - as a covenant child of God, He knows your need even before you ask Him. He knows you need a miracle - He knows you need supernatural intervention, supernatural provision. He promises to command a blessing for you which means He commands people to come to your aid. The blessings come from outside sources - the provisions do not fall from heaven, but God commands people
to tend to your needs. What a great God we serve. What a wonderful covenant we have. Let us serve Him with our whole heart, mind and soul - let us walk in those blessings - let us stop trying to make things happen - let God command a blessing upon you - and walk in victory. Let me end with Romans 8 v 31 - 39
If God be for us, who can be against us ? Who shall bring a charge against God's people ? Who can condemn us ? Who shall separate us from His love ? In all these things, more than conquerors
CHARACTERISTICS OF GREAT CHRISTIANS There are certain characteristics that take believers from a mediocre Christian life to one of victory and success. However, one's motivation must not be a selfish one, but a desire to extend the Kingdom of God. The Word of God gives us many examples which we can use in this assessment. There are examples of those who succeeded as well as those who failed. The characteristic traits of both types are valuable in extracting information which will help us to fulfill our purpose and to achieve the impossible. The Bible gives us an account of only two men who did not see death. Enoch and Elijah were unique in that they did not die. Both were taken alive from the earth (raptured). They received glorious bodies and were brought into the presence of the Lord. So what is the difference to being translated in this fashion and dying a normal death? The answer is simple. The spirits of those who die in Christ are with the Lord. However, their bodies are not. They have to await the end of this age before they are united with their bodies. So, it must be remembered, that they are not
complete. The Bible tells us that they are in a state of "rest". This indicates that we are probably going to be busy again once we are united with our bodies. Not so with Enoch and Elijah. They are complete in the presence of the Lord; body, soul and spirit. In fact, they are no different to Jesus who was raised from the dead and received a glorious body (ie: in terms of completeness, not deity). Jesus afterwards ascended into heaven and is seated on the right hand side of God the Father. In our first two character studies, we will study the life of Elijah and Enoch.
There is no limit to achieving great spiritual growth. The limit is a walk that is so close to the Lord, that you are taken out of this world alive and in the presence with God as was the case with Enoch. So, if that has not happened to you, there is still room for improvement! I believe Enoch's life is a lesson to each and every believer not to become complacent or proud in our spiritual growth and achievements.. There's always room for improvement, there always are higher heights to rise to, always greater levels of spiritual achievement, even when we think we "have arrived". The Bible tells us that "Enoch walked with God." Let us examine his life. Genesis 5 v 21 - 24
And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah: And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.
Although we are not given much detail of Enoch's life, we are told that his walk with God was so perfect that God took him. But we can see from the above passage of Scripture that Enoch did not always walk with God. It was only after his son Muthuselah was born (Enoch was already 65 years old) that he changed his relationship with God to one that was more intimate and closer. The issues that
separated him from his walk with God became non-existent. One of the characteristics of great men and women of God are those who deny the flesh, who walk in the Spirit, who shut off the voice of man and pursue a life that is pleasing to God. Those who feel the heart beat of God on every issue of life, who are in touch with the Lord each and every moment of the day. Their entire existence is one which is God breathed, God inspired, God ordained and Godcentred.
The second person whose character we will study is that of Elijah. His walk and relationship with God also took him bodily into the presence of God. The Spirit which was upon Elijah motivated him to turn the hearts of the people to God. His entire life was spent focussing people on the one and only true God - the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This same Spirit was upon John the Baptist. Jesus referred to him as a type of Elijah because his sole purpose was to exhort men and women to repent of their sins and turn their hearts and minds to the Lord. Malachi 4 v 5 - 6
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.
God has called each and every one of us to turn hearts to Jesus. Many Christians busy themselves with other kinds of "heart turning" for eg: turning their fellow Christians hearts against their Church, their Pastors, leaders, the vision of the Church. Or they get so engrossed in issues of doctrine that the simple salvation message and soul winning is no longer a fire that burns within them. Jesus has empowered us with the Holy Spirit for this very purpose.
Acts 1 v 8
But you shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
We are reminded of one of the greatest questions ever asked (Elijah) "How long will you halt between two opinions" What he was asking was "How long are you going to be stuck in the middle - make a decision today and become either hot or cold, but don't get stuck in the middle. Choose today between the world and God, but don't get stuck between the two." Great men and women of God are those believers who turn the hearts of the lost toward Jesus..
The Bible tells us that we are to be "filled and continually filled with the Holy Spirit." This kind of reminds me of the internet. The internet is a gigantic well-organised storage facility of information on virtually every topic. If you need to know anything on space technology, that information is available in detail. If you are living in South Africa and want to buy a house in France, every home on the market in France is available for you to scrutinize. Many people perform self-diagnoses on symptoms of sicknesses by merely accessing medical information on the internet. The options are without limit, except for this one important thing. You have got to get connected. That is the secret. All that information is absolutely meaningless unless you gain access to it by means of your computer via the correct communication channel. How does this equate to you and I becoming great men and women of God? Simple. Every bit of information necessary for you and I to conduct our spiritual walk on earth is available on God's "internet." The Bible tells us that God is omniscient which means he is "all knowledge" or "all information" (all internet !). So then, why do we stumble and fall because of bad moves and unwise decisions?
Simple. All the information relative to our personal success and fulfillment of godly purposes, is fully available on the website "777.omniscient.univ". But you have got to get connected and stay connected!! Paul tells us to pray without ceasing. Why? To stay connected. This speaks of a life of continual communication with the Lord. Remember, prayer is a two-way communication system. Many relationships suffer shipwreck for this very reason there is only one person in the relationship doing all the talking. Listening is just as much a part of communicating as talking is. Every waking moment of each day, we react naturally to information we receive from the natural environment; the things we see, the things we hear etc. However, great men and women of God do not react to the natural environment, but rather to the information God imparts to them from the spiritual environment. It's like being connected to an umbilical cord. The life-giving substance that flows from this cord is of more importance than that which is imparted elsewhere. It is for this reason that we should never be affected by what is going on around us. In times of drought, we should be drinking the best water. In times of famine, our tables should be groaning with the variety of delicacies spread on it. In times of war and violence, we dwell in safety.
So many Christians are busy running everywhere but never really settle down. They try this for a time and if it does not work out, they try something else. And after a lifetime of fruitless searching, the best years of their lives have been wasted. Each believer has a call of God on his or her life. It is therefore important to find out from God what that call is. Find out where God wants you to live. Found out who He wants you to marry. Find out what He wants you to spend the rest of your life doing. He is not confused. Generally, God will send you to a certain place for a particular purpose and will keep you there until you have fulfilled that purpose. If your life is drifting by aimlessly, something is wrong. Boredom is a good indication that something BIG is missing in
your walk with God. I also believe that God plants you in a local assembly. (Depending on your call and ministry, of course). But as an ordinary believer, God will place you under the authority of a Pastor or a spiritual leader. Generally, God will not move you around. If you have moved to two or three churches in the past few years, there is something wrong. If you have moved out because of problems with the Church leaders, you have even bigger problems. You will probably never fulfill your Godgiven purpose unless you start seeking God once again, repent and re-discover your calling. God has not placed you on this earth to live and die. Every step you take should be directed towards your spiritual goal. Do not take one step unless it is going to produce something positive. Don't waste time either - it is a precious resource. Joshua 1 v 1 - 3
Now after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the LORD spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying, Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you, and all this people, to the land which I have given to them, even to the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given to you, as I said unto Moses.
What was God saying to Joshua? This about sums it up "I have called you. Get up and get going. Calculate each step you take - each step must add value to your dream. Make sure you move forward and not backwards" 5. CONFRONT Great men and women of God are not afraid to confront any issue and deal with them. Many believers live a life of self-inflicted compromise, thus limiting their godly potential , because they are too afraid to confront situations. And most times, this means people. There are two type of confrontations that are needed - external and internal. External confrontation is the easier of the two. This comes by way of spiritual
warfare. Your enemy, the devil, wages continuous spiritual warfare against believers in order to discourage them and to bring them into subjection to his will. However, those Christians who are well- trained, know how to defeat the devil. They know how to put on their spiritual armour and to confront satan successfully by means of spiritual warfare and spiritual authority. But when it comes to internal conflict, Christians tend to avoid confrontation, thus giving the devil a spiritual stranglehold onto them. Remember, satan always uses people in these situations and they are normally those who are close to us, like loved ones and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. In order for you to become effective in your spiritual walk, you will do well to confront these people when the need arises and settle the issues once and for all. Many Christian parents do not live victoriously because they are afraid to address their minor children on essential spiritual matters. Many Churches fail to make any impact because the Pastors and leaders are afraid to confront those who cause division and strife. Or they have allowed people to come into a position of leadership without first addressing issues of compromise and sin in the lives of these individuals. Many great churches with great potential are standing still because all kinds of evil spirits are let loose through people and with no will on the part of the leadership to confront them. King David was a great man of war who subdued his enemies during his rule and reign in Israel. He became famous for his mighty exploits and conquests against the enemies of God's people. However, he started out as the King of twelve tribes. At the end of his reign he only was recognised and respected by one tribe - the tribe of Judah. The reason for this is clear. King David was not afraid to confront any enemy of Israel. But when it came to those who worked against him within the kingdom, he failed to confront them and to deal with them. His own commander of the armed forces, Joab, was one such person. Joab committed murder and also betrayed his king. However, King David never confronted him. It took his son Solomon, after the
death of his father David, to try and execute Joab for murder and treason. However, in David's lifetime, Joab enjoyed his position of power and authority. There is also the incident of David's son, Absolom, who decided to steal the kingdom away from his father. Over a period of forty years, Absolom gained the favour of all the well-known men in Israel by inviting them over to his house and forming close bonds with them. Eventually, King David had no-one who was loyal to him. It then became easy for Absolom to drive his father from the City of David, to pronounce himself king, and to humiliate his father by raping his father's concubines in the presence of the people. Sadly, King David never did a thing to re-establish his god-ordained position as the ruler of Israel. It took a tragic accident which caused the death of Absolom resulting in King David regaining his position by default. Great men and women of God are fearless. They are not afraid to confront anyone, whether these people are sworn enemies, or whether they are loved ones. If confrontation takes place timeously, most times it leads to a better understanding between individuals and the relationship can be strengthened. The reason why people do not confront internally, is because of the unfounded fear that it will cause separation. It rarely does. The lack of confrontation causes much greater heartache. Some of the greatest friendships have been forged out of confrontation. 6. NOT LIMITED BY CIRCUMSTANCES Many Christians do not achieve their spiritual goals because they allow physical limitations to dictate their success. If you are going to stop what you are doing for God because of limited finances, then you have failed already. Someone once said. "It is not finances that creates faith but faith that creates finances." Many people have placed limits upon themselves because of their education, their cultural background, colour of their skin, physical handicaps, etc. But if you have a dream that takes you beyond those limitations, you will accomplish
your goals. The limitations are often not those that others place upon us, but those that we place upon ourselves. I have met two men who were born in Africa in abject poverty, unable to speak any western languages, with little or no formal education, barely able to read and write, with every limitation possible. But once they met Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, a spirit of victory lifted these great men above those circumstances and they have become much sought after world-wide to minister at large conferences and to impart knowledge which the Holy Spirit has given to them. Both have written best-selling books and have impacted many nations with their anointing. Many times, victory is birthed from failure. In America you can buy a potent chemical cleaner called "409." I asked this question "Why is it called '409' ?" The answer was a simple one. "We made 408 failed attempts to formulate the most effective chemical cleaner on the market. Refusing to give up, we finally achieved success on the 409 th attempt." Money and material resources do not determine the success of great men and women of God - They succeed in spite of lack, in spite of difficulties and disabilities. 7. LIVE A LIFE OF HONESTY AND INTEGRITY People will always look at your life. They will always assess whether your life lines up with the Word of God. They look for the evidence of godly character, honesty and integrity and will decide whether God's Word is effective or not. Francis of Assissi once said "preach the gospel all the times and only if it becomes necessary, use words" We are Christ's ambassadors here on earth, representing the Kingdom of God. The only Jesus the world will ever witness is represented in what our lives project. Not like Lucy in the peanuts cartoon. Lucy says to Charlie Brown "I will make a great Evangelist." "How come?" asks Charlie Brown. "I convinced a boy in front of
me at school that my religion is better than his." "How did you do that?" asks Charlie "Easy, I hit him over the head with my lunchbox!" There are simple matters of integrity that can cause people to loose respect for you. For example, being on time for appointments, services, etc. The Bibles tells us "Let your 'yes' be your 'yes' and let your 'no' be your 'no'. Be determined to fulfill your commitments. They normally relate to a prophetic word over your life. Many Christians get tired of waiting for God to release them in the full manifestation of the prophetic word over their lives and give up, or pack up and try something else which, they believe, will open doors for God's purpose in their lives. They normally lose their destiny. If you have committed yourself to serve in a particular position, then do it faithfully until God opens up new challenges for you. Remember, you don't have to make it happen. God will make it happen for you and it will be easy! Remember to wage warfare according to the prophesies over your life in accordance with 1 Timothy 1 v 18. 8. THE DEVIL KNOWS THEIR NAMES ACTS 19 V 13 - 16
Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preaches. And there were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and chief of the priests, which did so. And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you? And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.
It never ceases to amaze me to see how Christians get into a frenzy by seeking the devil out in order to engage him in spiritual warfare. Great men and women of God never have to look for the devil - he finds them. They normally draw enemy fire by virtue of their spiritual activity which makes it uncomfortable for the Kingdom of Darkness. However, when the fiery darts are
launched, they are deflected by means of the armour and weapons which we have access to in accordance with Ephesians 6. The devil knows the names of those who are active and successful in promoting God's Kingdom. He does not know the names of his own followers, or the names of those who are doing nothing to threaten his agenda on earth. So if the devil is not engaging you in any way, perhaps you need to search your heart to find out why. Or if he is busy destroying you and you are helpless to stop him, you had better find out why. Great men and women of God draw enemy fire but always manage to make a public spectacle of the devil. Like Daniel who was thrown into the lion's den, but came out unscathed. Or like Peter who was thrown into prison, but was supernatural released by an angel sent from the Lord. The Bibles gives us many examples of conquests over the works of the devil; the greatest of course is Jesus himself, who died on the cross, rose again on the third day, taking with him the keys of hell and death and making a public spectacle of the devil, putting him to open shame! The devil only knows the names of those who are a threat to his plans - to ensure as many people are thrown into the lake of fire with him. In hell, no-one has a name, because the devil does not know the names of his victims. To be nameless is the final insult of eternal separation from God. The world strives for great names; names displayed in neon lights, etched in history books, in the Guinness Book of Records - but in hell, all the victims are nameless. There is a story of a grade 5 girl who opposed her teacher who attempted to convince her class that it was impossible for a whale to swallow a grown adult, due to the restricted size of it's throat. The little girl said to her "The Bible teaches us that Jonah was swallowed by a whale and I believe it. When I get to heaven, I will ask Jonah." The teacher then asked "But what if he is in hell?" "The you can ask him", replied the girl If you are on fire for God, the devil knows you. He knows what you are doing and he
organises his demonic structures and activities around what you are doing so that he can attack you. But praise the Lord, we have the victory every time "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world."
LAWS There are supernatural laws which God has put in place for His followers in order for them to live a life of victory. "As He is, so are we, in this world." The secret of living in constant victory, is taking the Word and believing and trusting in what it says. Many Christians are weak in their faith, because they doubt God's Word, or they try to explain away miracles, or they corrupt God's pure and undefiled Word by mixing it with man-made doctrines and philosophies. Great men and women take God's Word literally. If God says that Moses lifting his rod and the Red Sea parted, then so be it. If the Word tells us that God himself came in the flesh, born of a virgin, died for the sins of mankind, rose again on the third day, ascended and is seated on the right hand of the Father - what right do we have to explain any of that away? God has empowered us by His Holy Spirit to take authority over sin, poverty, sickness and to rule over every work of the devil. Let us accept that mandate and move in the power and might of God's Holy Spirit. Living in victory means not doubting the Word even if it seems that the situation is impossible. The same applies to compromising the Word. Many Christians live far below their potential because they are not prepared to live life of holiness, but instead change the Word of God to suit their lifestyle. I believe the worn-out statement made by believers "but Jesus turned water into wine" is one the greatest deceptions which render God's people ineffective against the work of satan. This is just one example. There are many others.
If one studies the ministry of the apostle Paul, one finds that he suffered greatly in his flesh. He experienced hunger, thirst, beatings, the elements, sleeplessness,
shipwreck, imprisonment, and many other discomforts. Now find out how he summarises his attitude to the hardships of life: Philipians 4 v 11
Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, to be content.
The theme of the entire letter to the Philippians is joy - "rejoice - and again I say rejoice." What would cause Paul be full of joy and content, considering the hardships he had to endure on a daily basis? It is because the source of his joy did not come from the natural environment but from a spiritual relationship with the Lord. Many Christians derive their happiness and joy from their material possessions, the position they have attained to in the secular world, modern comforts, etc. Paul's joy did not come from any of these worldly attributes, but from the power of the Holy Spirit. When you walk in the Spirit, your spirit shuts off the voice of the flesh and it is that power which releases a supernatural emotion - love, joy, peace, and so on. If your emotions are built on the physical, then it follows that one's emotions can be destroyed if those physical elements are removed or lost. Supernatural rest is a blessing which the Lord wants His people to find and to enjoy. The more we pursue a relationship with the Holy Spirit, then more of the fruits of the Holy Spirit are evident in our lives, bringing us to a place of supernatural rest. Paul calls that "contentment", a state which has truly eludes God's people. It then does not matter what your physical environment becomes; your emotions remain stable, because they are founded on supernatural principles. CONCLUSION We have discussed ten powerful characteristics of great men and women of God those whom God uses - those who do mighty things:
Walk with God (like Enoch) Turn hearts to Jesus (like Elijah) Spirits connected with God's Spirit Don't waste energy Confront Not limited by circumstances Live a life of honesty and integrity The devil knows their names Live victoriously by God's supernatural laws Power, joy, peace and rest is evident
6. Living Victoriously THE GOOD TIMES AND THE BAD TIMES Life will always contain two aspects: good times and bad times. Through the passage of our life on earth, we will go through various seasons. We will experience good times, we will also experience bad times. The reason I believe why people (including Christians) cannot settle down, cannot put roots down, are always searching is because they cannot accept that even a life in the Spirit contains good times and bad times. As Christians, we may come under bondage and self-condemnation, thinking that the trials are due to sin or bad choices. Sure, we should examine our hearts when the storms come in case we have left a door open to the devil. However, apart from the above, we need to realise that bad times will come and we need to be prepared for the valley experiences of life. If you can understand that these positive and negative aspects of life are a given, then I believe we can better equip ourselves to cope with the bad times when they
come. This teaching serves as an exhortation to every believer experiencing a season of negative circumstances and I want to encourage you by telling you that it does not matter what your situation is; you may even think this is the end of the road and that you will never be able lift your head up again. But God has not given up on you. God is not through with you. He promises in Psalm 23 v 24 "..though I walk through
the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me.."
God makes another promise in 2 Chronicles 16 v 9
"For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong on behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.."
God has not given up on you and He never wants you to give up on yourself so don't give up on yourself. Even if the situation seems hopeless, never give up on your dreams and your goals. Jesus is our hope in a hopeless situation. Yes, storms come but He takes us through the storms of life. We will come out of adversity victorious and strong! FAITH IS THE KEY In order to live a victorious life in spite of negative circumstances, we must cooperate with the Word of God and the Spirit of God. Faith brings you hope in the good times and the bad times. Remember, God wants you to appropriate your miracle by faith. Faith says "regardless of the circumstances, God is my source, God is my provider." God wants us to appropriate His provision and His blessings by faith on a daily basis. This is regardless of whether we have our own provision or not. That is called "living by faith." We do not rely up our own abilities, or on our own strength, or our own resources - we rely totally on Him. Jesus taught us to pray like this "..give us
faith in the good times. How are they going to appropriate God's provision, by faith, in the bad times? Remember, good times are a fact of life, bad times are a fact of life. How then should we live? The bible tells us to live by faith. So practice living by faith in the good times so that when the bad times come you know how to be victorious HOW NOT TO EXERCISE FAITH I want to take you to a story in Judges chapter 6. It is the story of Israel who went through a season of intense suffering due to the attacks by the Mideanites on their crops and livestock. They suffered severe food shortages. They then called upon God to relieve them of their plight. Gideon was threshing wheat in a winepress in order to hide his activities from the enemy when the Lord appeared to him. The Lord told Gideon that God would use him as an instrument of might and power to overcome the enemy. As you read this account, you soon realise how not to go about applying the word of the Lord. Refer to Judges 6:
He complained (v 13) He asked for a sign (v17) He asked for second sign (v37) He asked for a third sign (v39)
I am so glad that God was gracious to Gideon even in his state of unbelief. However, I believe God tolerated this because of the pleas of the nation. However, I wonder how far God will go with us when we require personal victory and insult him by a faithless response? God does not want this kind of response. He has empowered us by his Spirit to conquor, not to question.
REMEMBER GOD WANTS YOU TO BE A BELIEVER AND NOT A DOUBTER. Victory comes by faith. HOW TO EXERCISE YOUR FAITH In the above-mentioned story, I showed you an example how not to exercise your faith. In the next story, we have a wonderful example from the life of the Apostle Paul. He shows us the correct way to exercise our faith in Jesus. Please study Acts 27 & 28. It is another story of hopelessness. Paul was bound as a prisoner and was being sent to Rome to be tried. He, together with other prisoners were put on board a ship. The total number of persons on board was 267. The ship encountered a life-threatening storm and for 14 days, all the occupants suffered hunger, thirst, cold and sleeplessness. There seemed to be no hope for the ship and no hope for those on board. The Lord appeared to Paul and told him not to fear as no-one on board would lose their lives. As the ship neared shore in dire straits, the decision was made to abandon ship. The guards also wanted to kill all the prisoners to ensure that they could not escape. I am sure that you will agree with me, that Paul's life, either way, was in grave danger. But this is how he appropriated his faith in a hopeless situation.
God told Paul that no-one would perish. He communicated this to everyone on board. So then, by virtue of Paul's faith, the other 266 persons on board were saved. This is so typical of our faith. When we place our faith in God, then even in the bad times, we become the channel by which others are saved.
Stay on board
God told Paul to ensure that everyone stayed on board. Many Christians jump from the fat into the frying pan in a desperate attempt to escape their trials. Instead of leaving your job, leaving your spouse, leaving your Church, stay put. That may be the very vehicle God wants to use to bring you to safety.
Take nourishment
Paul perceived that for each one to survive, they would have to eat. They had not eaten for 14 days. In bad times, take nourishment. Do not neglect your spiritual intake of the Word, prayer, fellowship with other Christians and fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
All 267 persons on board landed safely on the island of Malta where they were received warmly by the local inhabitants.
For three months, Paul was able to minister to the people of the island with signs and wonders following. The bad times prepare us for the power of God. Study this passage of God's Word in light of the above account. 1 Corinthians 10 v 13
There has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it.
God bless you.