Biblical Principles of Church Planting
Biblical Principles of Church Planting
Biblical Principles of Church Planting
1. To help students learn what the Bible talks about Church Planting & Growth
2. To see how these principles will be relevant to each one’s context.
1. A Group of believers is responsible for taking the gospel to its own
o The disciples followed Jesus' command to begin in Jerusalem to preach the gospel.
o They not only preached the gospel but also witnessed the gospel by their life style
(Acts 2:42-47).
o Individuals can witness the gospel in their community, but the most lasting and
effective witness is through a body of believers living their new faith in love and joy
in their community.
o The result of believers’ manner of living was that “the Lord added to their number daily
those who were being save.”
o A strong local church was established in Jerusalem.
o Then the church began to grow quickly in the surrounding areas: Judea, Samaria, and
within a short time to the nearby provinces.
3. The New Testament Church identified and sent out those whom God called
to take the gospel to their areas.
o While it is the responsibility of every believer to witness in his or her community, there
are those who have the ability and call to go out to new areas.
o For example, Paul and Barnabas were set apart by the Holy Spirit from the church at
Antioch (Acts 13:1-3).
o This talks about the cross-cultural ministry of the apostles.
5. The New Believers were integrated into the life of the body of the local
o People who accepted the message of salvation through Christ were immediately
identified with the body of Christ - the church (Acts 2:41).
o They were taught by the apostles and nurtured in prayer and fellowship with the other
members of the body (2:42).