Linear B

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The Linear B is the first Greek writing system. This was used between the 14
and 12
century B.C..Linear B was
first deciphered by Michael G. Ventris, in 1952. Linear B was found initially at Knossos in Crete island and the other
centers of Mycenaen civilization on Greek mainland, Pylos, Mycenes, Thiba Tyrintha. The script was found in the
form of clay tablets.The Linear B was used for writing by the Mycenaen and consists about 90 signs, each
representing a syllable and there are signs for vowels a, e, i, o, u. Also there are arithmetic sings.

How to read
First there is the original word as written on the tablet ( ) , next comes the first transcription in the Latin writing
system (a-pu ), continuing with the restoration of the genuine Greek word (p).Finally there is the word translated in
English. F is the classic Greek letter same with the English letter W .In Greek Mycenaen language there is
not discrimination between R and L. Also, in several prohellenic words we can not discriminate the letters D and L(R)
The dictionary is suggestive and does not contain all the words from the tablets. Many of the words written on the
tables can not be easily translated in English.

(m.h.n.) male human name (f.h.n.) female human name (m.n.) month name (c.n) city name (p.n) place name (P)
prohellenic word (Etym.) etymology

Translated words

ai-ka-sa-ma axmnj points heads

ai-za aza goat

a-ja-me-na aasmnoj with symbols

a-ka-ta-jo 'Aktaoj (m.h.n.) Etym. kt = coast

a-ke gei leads, guides

a-ke-ro ggeloj messenger

! ! ! ! a-ke-ti-ri-a sktria decorator (female)

a-ke-u 'Alkej (m.h.n.) Etym. lk = power

! ! ! ! a-ki-ri-ja gria wild

a-ko-ro grj field/country
a-ko-so-ne xonej axes

a-ku-ro rgrw silver

. . . . a-mi-ni-so 'Amnis$ (p.n) P

a-mo-ta rmota wheels

a-na-mo-to nrmostoi not assembled

a-ne-mo nmwn winds (plural)

a-ne-ta neta with no taxes Etym. from word nhmi= free

a-ni-ja nai reins

a-no-we n#ej vessel type with no handle

a-pa-ta-wa Apta#ra (c.n) P

1 1 1 1 a-pi-e-ke mficei contain

1 1 1 1 a-pi-go-ro mfi#gloi`i chamberlains

a-po-re-we mfor#ej amphora (plural)

a-po-te-ra mfterai both

a-pu p from

a-pu-do-si pdosij attribution

a-pu-ko-wo-ko mpuk#orgo craftsman of horse veil (plural)

a-ra-ka-te-ja lakateai threads (plural female) Etym. = lakth distaff

a-ra-ru-wo-a rar#a (with) connects

a-re-ka-sa-da-ra 'Alexndra (f.h.n.) Etym. lxw= protect + nr = man

a-re-pa leif ointment

a-ro-a roa better perfect

a-ro-u-ra roura plow , lister

. . . . a-sa-mi-to sminqo$ bath (P)

a-ta-ra-si-o talnsioi with no weigh of cooper (plural)

a-ti-ja nta slanting beam Etym nt = contrarily, anti.. ,

a-to-mo rqmj band of workers

a-to-ro-go nq#kw human

da-da-re-jo-de Daidlion temple name Etym. From name Dadaloj (P) +

. . . . da-mi-ni-ja Lmnia ship name (P)

da-mo dmoj village , community

da-mo-ko-ro damokroj the overseer of village

! ! ! ! da-pu-ri-to-jo laburnqeio temple name (P) lbruj = ax

da-so-mo daismoj tie , bind (plural)

da-wo Davos? village name (P)

de-de-me-no dedemno corded

. . . . de-mi-ni-a dmnia bedclothes

de-re-u-ko dlekoj grape must

de-u-ki-jo-jo Dekioj (month name)

di-pa dpaj cup

di-pte-ra difqra leather

di-we Di#ei (Zeus) God name (dative)

do-e-ra doela slave (female)

do-ra dra gifts

do-ro-me-u Dromej (m.h.n.) Etym. drmoj = road

do-se dsei give

do-so-mo dosmn offer

do-we-jo dor#eo made of wood, created using wood

du-ru-to-mo drtomeij woodcutters Etym. drj =oak + tom =cut

du-wo-we d#oej vessel type with two handles

e-ge-ta ktaj attendant

e-ka-ra scra grill

e-ke cei have

e-ki-no cnoj urchin , porcupine (male human surname )

e-ko-me-no 'Ercmenoj (p.n) Etym. o = come

e-ko-si consi have (dative)

e-ko-to Ektwr (m.h.n.)

e-ma-ta rmata straps

. . . . e-mi-to misqon person paid for working , rented animal or land

e-ne-ka neka because of. , due to

1 1 1 1 e-pi p on ,upon (same with p)
1 1 1 1 e-pi-ki-to-ni-ja picitnia mantles Etym. p =on + citn = mantle
1 1 1 1 e-pi-ko-wo pko#oi pay attention Etym. p =on + ko#o = listen , (watch for)

. . . . e-po-mi-jo pmio shoulder strap Etym. p =on + moj = shoulder

e-ra Hrai Goddess name

e-ra-pe-ja lfeia (material taken from) deer Etym. o@ =deer

e-ra-wa la#a olive tree

e-ra-wo la#on oil

e-re-mo rmon desert

e-re-pa-to lfantoj ivory Etym. lfantaj = elephant

e-re-ta rtai rowers

e-re-u-te-ro-se leuqrwse set free Etym. leqeroj = free (person)

e-re-u-ti-ja 'Eleuqa Goddess name (goddess of parturition )

! ! ! ! e-ri-ka lkaj willow tree

. . . . e-ru-mi-ni-ja lmnia stilt ,ridgepole

e-ru-ta-ra ruqra red (plural)

e-to-ki-ja ntocia enwalled

e-u-ke-to eceto wishes

e-u-po-ro-wo Eplo#oj (m.h.n.) Etym. e- = good + plw = sail

e-u-ru-da-mo Erdamoj (m.h.n.) Etym. erj = wide + dmoj =village

ga-si-re-u gk#asilej local leader

ge gk# and

ge-ra-na gk#rana specific type of vase

ge-ro gk#lia bracelet

ge-to g#toj specific type of vase

ge-to-ro-we g#ketr#ej specific type of a vase

gi-ra g#la baby

! ! ! ! gi-ri-ja-to grato buy

gi-si-pe-e xfh swords (small)

go-u-ka-ra g#oukra (decorative object ) Etym. gboj = cow + kra = head

go-u-ko-ro g#oukloi cowherds

i-do-me-ne-ja 'Idomneia (f.h.n)

i-go kk#oi horses

i-ja-te atr doctor physician

` ` ` ` i-je-re-ja erea priestess (female)

` ` ` ` i-je-we e#e son (dative)

1 1 1 1 i-pi-a ppa arm

i-te-ja-o steiwn spar (plural)

. . . . ka-da-mi-ja kardmeia cardamom

ka-ke-we calk#ej coppersmiths

ka-ko calkn copper

ka-ko-de-ta calkdeta bind with cooper

ka-ma kma field

ka-na-ko knkoj crocus (plant crocus sativus)

ka-na-pe-u knafej the man who card the wool

1 1 1 1 ka-pi-ni-ja kapnaj chimney Etym. kapnj = smoke

ka-ra-re-we clar#ej amphora type

ka-ra-wi-po-ro klai#ifroj switchman Etym. kl#aj = key + frw = bring

ka-ro caroj pork (P)

ka-tu-ro kanqulwn cargo (plural)

ke-ka-u-me-no kekaumnoj burnt

ke-ke-me-na kekemna lease field (plural)

ke-ra-me-we keram#ej workers of ceramics

ke-re-a sklea legs, limbs (plural)

ke-re-si-jo Krsioj (m.h.n.) Etym. Krhsa = Crete (island)

ke-se-nu-wi-ja xn#ia foreign

ki-ta-no krtanoj (plant pistacia terebintus)

ki-ti-me-na ktmena field

ki-to ctwn tunic

ki-wo k#wn column

ko-ki-re-ja koclaj (decorative object) Etym. koclaj = snail

ko-ma-we-te-ja koma#nteia Goddess surname Etym. kmh = (rich) hair

ko-no skonoi kind bush (plural)

ko-no-so Knwssj (c.n)(P)

ko-re-te koretr governor

! ! ! ! ko-ri-ja-da-na koradna coriander (plant) (plural)

! ! ! ! ko-ri-to Krinqoj (c.n) P

ko-ru kruj helmet

ko-so-u-to xoqoj blond (male)

ko-to-na ktona estate

ko-wa kr#ai girls

ko-wo kr#oi boys

Ku-do-ni-ja Kudwna (c.n)

ku-ke-re-u Kuklej (m.h.n.) Etym. kkloj = cycle

. . . . ku-mi-no kminon cumin

ku-na-ja gkunaa woman

ku-na-ke-ta-i kunagtai hunters Etym. kwn = dog + gw = lead

ku-pa-ri-se-ja kuparsia made of cypress

ku-pa-ro kperoj (plant cyperus rotundus)

ku-ru-so crusj gold (P)

ku-wa-no-wo-ko kuano#rgj worker of lapis lazuli and glass

ma-ka-wo Macwn (m.h.n.) Etym. mch = battle

ma-ra-tu-wo mraq#on fennel (plant) (P)

! ! ! ! ma-ri mal wool

ma-te-re matr mother

me-no mhnj month

! ! ! ! me-re-ti-ri-ja meltriai mill workers (female)

me-re-u-ro mleuron flour

! ! ! ! me-ri mli honey

! ! ! ! me-ri-du-ma-te melidomatej accountable man of honey (honey administrator) (plural)

me-ta met after

me-wi-jo me#o`a little in quantiy

. . . . me-zo-e-mi mzo`a much in quantity

. . . . mi-ta mnqa mint (plant) (P)

. . . . mi-to-we-sa milt#esai madder , very red

! ! ! ! mo-ri-wo-do mli#doj lead (metal) (P)

mu-jo-me-no muiomnw people who have been intitaded (singular)

na-u-do-mo naudmoi shipbuilders (plural) Etym. naj = ship + dom =duild

na-wi-jo n#io (from the) temple Etym. naj = temple

ne-wa n#a new (female)

no-pe-re-e (a)nwfel not work Etym. a(privative) + fel = avail

o-da-o da? too , also

o-da-twe-ta dnta#nta with tooth Etym. dntoj = tooth + frw= bring

o-do-ke doke ( he) gave

o-ka ca hold

o-ke-re-se grhse take (uptake )

o-na-to natn lease field

o-no noi donkeys

o-pa-wo-ta p#orta tackle Etym. p =on + frtoj = cargo , load

o-pe-ro felwn owe

1 1 1 1 o-pi-a-ra pala coastal Etym. p =on + lj =sea

1. 1. 1. 1. o-pi-da-mi-jo pidmioi accountable man of village (plural)

11 11 11 11 o-pi-i-a-ja-pi paiafi blinkers

1 1 1 1 o-pi-ka-pe-e-we piskafej accountable man of ships

1!. 1!. 1!. 1!. o-pi-ri-mi-ni-jo 'Opilmnioj (m.h.n.) Etym. p = on + lmnh = lake

1 1 1 1 o-pi-su-ko pisukj accountable man of figs Etym. p = on + skon = fig

o-po-go p#kw blinker

o-re-ta 'Orstaj (m.h.n.) Etym. roj = mountain

! ! ! ! o-ri-ko lgoj few (male)

o-te te when

o-u-di-do-si o ddonsi not giving (dative)

o-u-ge o#ke neither

o-u-ru-to ourotoi guard Etym. r = watch for , stare

pa-i-to Faistj (c.n.) P

pa-ka-na fsgana (small) sword

pa-ke-te-re paktrej stake

pa-ko-we faskfen sage (plant)

pa-ma-ko frmakon medicine

pa-ra - par - (preposition)

pa-ra-jo palai old (things)

pa-ra-ku-ja park#ia ( type of dress)

pa-ra-wa-jo para#aw whiskers, (part of a helmet put on the cheeks)

pa-si psi all , everyone and everything

pa-ta-jo paltaoi` arrows

pa-te patr father

pa-we-a par#a (type) cloth

pa-wo-ke-te pan#orgn te all the workers

pe-di-ra pdila sandals

pe-ko-to plekt knitwear

pe-ma sprma seed

pe-pu-te-me-no pefuthmnon planted field

pe-re frei bring

pe-ru-si-nu-wo perusin# last year

11 11 11 11 pi-pi-tu-na Pipituna ? Goddess name (P)

1 1 1 1 pi-ri-ja-o fliwn lintel

.` .` .` .` pi-ri-je-te prietr ivory worker Etym prin = saw

1 1 1 1 pi-ro-we-ko Fil#ergoj (h.n.m) Etym. floj= friend +rgon= work

po-da spondj libations (genitive)

po-ge-wi-ja forg#eia headstall

po-ki-ro-nu-ka poikilnuca with different nails (decorative object ) Etym. poikla= different + nucaj = nail

po-me-ne poimnej shepherd

po-ni-ki-ia foinkiai purple (color)(plural)

po-ni-ki-jo foinkion palm tree?

! ! ! ! po-o-e-ke-te-ri-ja proektria pokers nippers,

po-ro ploi foals

po-ro-te-u Prwtej (m.h.n.) Etym. prtoj =first

po-ro-u-te-u Ploutej (m.h.n.) Etym.plotoj = riches

po-ro-wi-to-jo Plw#istooj month name Etym. plw = sail

po-ru-po-de polupdej octopus Etym. pol =many + pdion = foot

Po-ti-ni-a Potna (The Great Lady ) Goddess surname Etym. ptij (male) = the master

po-ti-ro pontlo sailors Etym. pntoj = (sea)bridge

pte-re-wa ftel#a elm tree

pu-ra-u-to-ro praustron tongs Etym. pr = fire

! ! ! ! pu-te-ri-ja futera plantation

ra-pte ptej tailors

ra-su-to Lsunqoj (c.n) (P)

ra-to Lat(c.n) (P)

ra-wa-ke-si-o la#agsion (house) of la#agtaj

ra-wa-ke-ta la#agtaj military leader Etym. laj = people + gw = lead drive

re-a rna nose

! ! ! ! re-ke-to-ro-te-ri-jo lecestrwtrion (religious feast) Etym lcoj = bed + strnumi = spread , (make the bed)

re-po-to leptn thin

re-u-ka leuk white (plural)

re-u-ko-nu-ko leuknuco (decorative object) with white nails

re-wo Lwn (m.h.n.) Etym. lwn = lion

re-wo-to-ro-ko le#otrocoj Accountable man of bath Etym l#o = bathe , wash + cw = pour (whater)

! ! ! ! ri-jo ron cape

! ! ! ! ri-me-ne limnej port (plural)

! ! ! ! ri-no linn linen

sa-ma-ra Samra (p.n.) Etym. sma= (point, mark) monument

sa-pa sapa ? type dress

1 1 1 1 sa-pi-de sarpdej boxes

sa-sa-ma ssama sesame (P)

! ! ! ! se-ri-no slinon celery (P)

si-a-ro saloi porks

si-to stoj wheat

su-go-ta sugkbtai porks herders

! ! ! ! su-ri-mo Slimoj (c.n) (P)

ta-pe-ja tpeia carpets (plural)

ta-ra-nu-we qrnuej beams

ta-ta-mo staqmj stylobate

te-ke qke put,set

te-me-no tmenoj temple

. . . . te-mi-dwe-ta termid#nta wheel with teeth

te-o-do-ra Qeodra (f.h.n.)

te-o-i Qeo`i Gods

te-re-ta telestj master of ceremonies

! ! ! ! ti-ri-o-e-we tri#ej with three handle (decorative object)

! ! ! ! ti-ri-po-de trpodej with three foots (decorative object)

! ! ! ! ti-ri-po-di-ko tripodskoi small disk with easel (plural)

to-ko-do-mo toicodmoi building workers Etym. tocoj = wall + dom = build
to-ko-so-wo-ko toxo#orgo arcs workers Etym. txon =arc
! ! ! ! to-no-e-ke-te-ri-o qronoelktrion (religious feast) Etym. qrnoj= throne + lkw = pull

to-pa trpaj basket

to-pe-za trpeza table

to-ra-ke qrakej thorax

to-so tso so many

to-to toto this

tu-ka-te qugatr daughter

! ! ! ! tu-ri-so Tulisj (c.n) (P)

tu-na-no (type dress ?)

tu-ro troi cheeses

tu-we-a q#ea perfume

u-po p under

wa-na-ka #nax King (P)

wa-na-ka-te-ro #anakatroio The house of King , palace

wa-tu #stu urban , civil

we-e-wi-ja #u#ha (material taken from) porks (plural)

` ` ` ` we-je-we u#ej vines

we-ka-ta #ergtai workers

we-re-ne-ja #rhnea (material taken from) lamps (plural)

we-to #toj the running year

wi-de #ede see

wi-na-to Fnatoj (c.n) (P)

wo-ka #kca (horse) vehicle

wo-ko #okoj home

wo-no-wa-ti-si #oino#stisi gardens with vines Etym. #onoj = wine (P)

wo-wo #or#o limits

za-we-te tza#tej this year

ze-u-ke-si zeugesi span (dative) Etym. zegoj = pair, doublet

John Chadwick : The Decipherment of Linear B
John Chadwick :
John Chadwick :
Martin Ruiperez , Jose Melena :
James T. Hooker :
. :
Gareth Owens :

The dictionary is free and created in 2000 by Gavalas Markos Email : ( )
Many thanks to Mr Curtis Clark for help and for Linear B true type fonts (

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