Ujian Nasional Sekolah Menengah Atas (Sma) Tahun Pelajaran 2006/2007
Ujian Nasional Sekolah Menengah Atas (Sma) Tahun Pelajaran 2006/2007
Ujian Nasional Sekolah Menengah Atas (Sma) Tahun Pelajaran 2006/2007
Listening Section
In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you
understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section with
special directions for each part.
Part I
Questions 1 − 4
Directions :
For each question, you will see a picture in your test book and you will
hear a question followed by five statements. The questions and the
statement will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test
book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speaker says.
When you hear the question and five statements look at the picture in
your test book and choose the statement that best describes what you
see in the picture. Then on the answer sheet, find the number of the
questions and mark answer. Look at the sample below.
Narrator :
Look at the picture in your test book.
What is the man doing?
A. He is looking at the picture of the two women
B. He is sitting in the garden holding a camera
C. He is pointing at the two women
D. He is taking a photograph of the women
E. He is talking to the women
Part II
Questions 5 − 10
Directions :
In this part of the test you will hear a statement or a question spoken in
English, followed by five response, also spoken in English. The statement
or question and the responses will be spoken two times. They will not be
printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what
the speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each
statement or questions.
5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
“There are many victims in a plane crash in Wonosobo”
A. That’s very kind of you
B. I’m happy to hear that
C. I’m sorry to hear that
D. Thanks for the information
E. I agree with you
Part III
Questions 11 − 15
Directions :
In this part of the test, you will hear 2 conversations. They will be spoken
two times. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read
the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer
to the questions you have heard
Part IV
Questions 16 − 20
Directions :
In this part of the test, you will hear 2 short texts. They will be spoken two
times. After you hear a text and question(s) about it, read the five possible
answer and decide which one would be the best answer to the
question(s) you have heard
In this part of the test, you have to choose the best answer to each
questions from the alternatives given
Text 1
Read the following text to answer questions 21 and 22
The Buyat Bay issue has been a hot topic these past two weeks.
However, no party has claimed responsibility for the pollution in the
bay. This country is suffering from an old illness : it cannot see the culprit
even though it could - if it wanted to do.
The issue started when a non-governmental organization discovered
that a number of people living near the bay in South Minahasa district,
North Sulawesi province, were suffering from skin diseases.
Blood tests showed that some had high levels of mercury in their
Public opinion then turned against the subsidiary of U.S. - based
New-Mont Minahasa Corp, PT New-Mont Minahasa Raya, accusing it of
causing the pollution by dumping its tailings in the bay.
22. “Public opinion then turned … by dumping its tailings in the bay.”
(paragraph 5)
The underlined word means ___ in a careless manner.
A. unloading
B. piling
C. burying
D. packing
E. covering
Text 2
read the following text to answer questions 23 to 26
Two new species of dinosaurs, one a quick-moving meat-eater and
the other a giant-plant-eater have been discovered in Antarctica. The 70
million-year-old fossil of the carnivore would have rested for millenniums
at the bottom of the Antarctic Sea, while the remains of the 30-meter-long
plant-eater were found on the top of a mountain.
The little carnivore-about 1.8 meters tall-was found on James Ross
Island, of the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.
Not yet named, the animal probably floated out to the sea after it died
and settled to the bottom of what was then a shallow area of the Waddell
Sea. Its bones and teeth suggest it may represent a population of two-
legged carnivores that survived in the Antarctic long after other predators
took over elsewhere on the globe. “For whatever reason, they were still
hanging out on the Antarctic continent,” Case said in a statement.
A second team led by William Hammer of Augustan College in Rock
Island, Illinois, found the 200 million-year-old plant-eater’s fossils on a
mountaintop 13,000 feet (3,900 meters) high near the Beard-more
Glacier. Now known as Mt. Kirk Patrick, the area was once a soft
26. “Its bones and teeth suggest it many represent a population of two-
legged carnivores that survived in the Antarctica …” (paragraph 4)
The underlined word means ___.
A. show
B. explain
C. inform
D. portray
E. symbolize
Text 3
Read the following text to answer questions 27 to 31
Each society has its own beliefs, attitudes, customs, behaviors, and
social habits. These give people a sense of who they are, how they
should behave, and what they should or should not do. These ‘rules’
reflect the ‘culture’ of a country.
People become conscious of such rules when they meet people from
different cultures. For example, in some cultures, being on time can mean
turning up several hours late for an appointment, even for a business
meeting ; in others, 3 p.m. means 3 p.m. Also, the rules about when to eat
vary from culture to culture. Many North Americans and Europeans are
used to having three mealtimes a day and organizing their timetable
around them. In some countries, on the other hand, people often do not
have strict rules like this-people eat when they want to, and every family
has its own time table.
When people visit or live in a country for the first time, they are often
surprised at the differences that exist between their own culture and that
in the other country. The most common way of comparing two cultures is
in terms of their differences-not their similarities.
28. New comers often feel ___ because their own culture is not similar to
that in the new country.
A. astounded D. uninterested
B. bored E. embarrassed
C. disturb
Text 4
Read the following text to answer questions 32 to 36
The petroleum we obtain today was formed under the ground for
many millions of years. In the past, small animals living in the sea sank to
the seabed when they died. Layers of these creatures built up over
millions of years, and the actions of heat, pressure and bacteria turned
their bodies into petroleum. The petroleum spread through porous rocks
until it came to impervious rocks. In this way, pockets of petroleum were
formed beneath the ground. Over many thousands of years, this land rose
above the sea, and deposits of oil are now found on or near land.
Oil companies employ scientists to study rocks and discover where oil
is likely to be found. If it seems likely that oil exists beneath their feet, they
will drill a narrow hole to find out whether there is any oil. They may be
unsuccessful ; if a new field is being explored is one chance in nine of
discovering petroleum.
32. What is the text about?
A. Deposits of oil D. The petroleum
B. Pockets of petroleum E. Oil companies
C. Impervious rocks
35. “… and deposits of oil are now found on or near land.” (paragraph 1)
The underlined word means ___.
A. appeared
B. discovered
C. come
D. floated
E. shown
42. Man 1 : The farmers ___ that the new fertilizer will double their
Man 2 : So do we. Our main goal is not only to help the farmers
get more harvest but also to get better quality products.
A. hope D. reject
B. doubt E. approve
C. think
43. X : When my brother and I were going to school, a car hit him.
He broke one of his legs
Y : Oh, ___ I hope he’ll be well soon.
A. it’s fantastic
B. it’s really amazing
C. I should ask him
D. I am sorry to hear that
E. that’s good news
From the dialogue we know that the second speaker ___ the
A. gives D. loves
B. declines E. enjoys
C. takes
47. A : I heard that your boss had changed his new secretary.
B : That’s right.
A : But why?
B : He told me that she was incapable of doing her job well.
48. A : You have only a few minutes before the train leaves, or you ___
B : Thank you for reminding me.
A. might miss
B. have missed
C. are missing
D. have to miss
E. should have missed
49. Agil : The Dewa band’s performance last night was so amusing.
Did you see it?
Ali : Yes, I did. The audience was very ___ The fans
applauded during the show.
A. wonderful D. nice
B. satisfied E. fantastic
C. enjoyable
50. X : Zet, may I borrow camera?
Z : Oh, sorry. It ___ now
A. is repairing D. is being repaired
B. has sold it E. had been sold to my friend
C. will have sold
51. Father : Your hair is long, son. And here is some money for you to
cut it.
Son : Thank you, Dad. And ___ by tomorrow
52. Betty : Do you know why Peter arrived late for work yesterday?
Nancy : He must have missed the bus. If I had been him, I would
have taken a taxi
53. Ryan : Do you know about the illegal import of sugar that
happened recently?
Dave : Yes, but not much. I think the police ___ the importers
and the official who backed this illegal activity
Ryan : I agree with you. But they always have reasons not to be
A. caught
B. have caught
C. are catching
D. would be caught
E. should have caught
54. A. victims
B. accident
C. screaming
D. suffering
E. soldiers
55. A. dead
B. killed
C. damaged
D. destroyed
E. wounded
59. Hellen Keller was known and admired throughout the world for the
way she overcame her handicaps.
The underlined word means ___.
A. clarity in speaking
B. curiosity among friends
C. ability to do something good
D. difficult in understanding something
E. disability of a person’s body
1. Jawab : B
Gambar tersebut menggambarkan seorang dokter yang akan
memeriksa wanita itu.
2. Jawab : E
Gambar tersebut menggambarkan dua orang yang sedang
merampok kasir di supermarket
3. Jawab : C
Gambar tersebut menggambarkan seorang laki-laki yang sedang
membaca suatu surat kabar.
4. Jawab : E
Gambar tersebut menggambarkan seorang laki-laki yang baru jatuh
5. Jawab : C
Ungkapan simpati yang tepat yaitu “I’m sorry to hear that”.
6. Jawab : D
Tanggapan tentang berita yang bagus digunakan ungkapan “I’m very
delighted to hear that”.
7. Jawab : A
Jawaban yang tepat dalam konteks kalimat tersebut yaitu “Sorry, I
was taking care of my mother in hospital”.
8. Jawab : D
Jawaban yang tepat dalam konteks kalimat tersebut yaitu “About five
hundreds meters from here”
9. Jawab : C
Jawaban yang tepat pada percakapan tersebut yaitu “ The number
plate begins with BX”
10. Jawab : D
Tanggapan untuk menerima undangan yaitu “ Oh, that would be
11. Jawab : D
Wanita tersebut menanyakan tentang arah ke shopping center.
12. Jawab : A
Saran pertama laki-laki itu yaitu untuk naik taxi.
13. Jawab : B
Percakapan tersebut terjadi di kantornya Rudy
14. Jawab : D
Rudy melayani tamunya dengan menghidangkan kopi.
15. Jawab : B
Dua wanita itu adalah teman sekerja (colleague)
16. Jawab : A
Topik teks tersebut mengenai “Albert Einstein”
17. Jawab : C
Dia memenangkan hadiah nobel tahun 1919
18. Jawab : C
Dia banyak mengadakan perjalanan untuk bertukar pikiran dengan
ahli yang lain.
19. Jawab : A
Topik teks tersebut mengenai ”Preparing for landing”
20. Jawab : D
Pengumuman tersebut biasanya kita temukan di dalam pesawat.
21. Jawab : E
Topik bacaan tersebut mengenai isu tentang Teluk Buyat
22. Jawab : A
Kata dumping (membuang) = unloading
23. Jawab : D
Artikel tersebut membicarakan masalah penemuan dua jenis
dinosaurus di Antartica.
24. Jawab : C
Inti paragraf pertama yaitu dua jenis itu yaitu “a quick moving meat-
eater and a giant plant-eater”.
25. Jawab : C
Baca pada paragraf kedua, tinggi 1,8 meter itu untuk jenis yang kecil,
padahal yang ditanyakan jenis yang raksasa (besar).
26. Jawab : A
Kata “represent” ( menunjukkan) = show
27. Jawab : C
Bacaan tersebut membicarakan masalah “Perbedaan budaya”.
28. Jawab : A
Baca paragraf ketiga kalimat pertama, …. They are often “surprised”
at the….. Kata surprised mempunyai makna yang sama dengan kata
“astounded” (terkejut).
29. Jawab : C
Baca paragraf kedua kalimat terakhir “ in some countries, on the other
hand, people often do not have strick rules like this……”
30. Jawab : A
Kata “turning up” (muncul/datang) = arriving
31. Jawab : A
Baca paragraf kedua kalimat kedua” …. Turning up several hours late
for appointment, even for a business meeting…”
32. Jawab : D
Inti bacaan tersebut yaitu “The petroleum”
33. Jawab : A
Paragraf pertama menceritakan tentang “bagaimana minyak
34. Jawab : A
Baca paragraf kedua kalimat kedua “ … heat, pressure and bacteria
turned their body into petroleum..” Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa
unsure-unsur tersebut mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam
membentuk minyak.
35. Jawab : B
Kata “found” (ditemukan) = discovered
36. Jawab : D
Kata “ impervious” = not allowing anything to pass through
37. Jawab : B
Kata “soon” menunjukkan bentuk “present future”, sehingga
dibutuhkan bentuk “past future” (would see) dalam “subjunctive”.
38. Jawab : E
Dua kejadian yang terjadi secara bersamaan diwaktu lampau
digunakan bentuk “Past Continuous + when + Simple Past” (Polanya
dapat dibolak balik).
39. Jawab : C
“we have to be proud of them” merupakan ungkapan kebanggaan (
40. Jawab : A
Dari ungkapan yang diucapkan ibunya, tampak bahwa ibunya
mengijinkan Rina pergi ke Pengandaran.
41. Jawab : D
Ungapan yang tepat bagi seorang penjaga toko yaitu “What can I do
for you?
42. Jawab : A
Dalam percakapan tersebut kata yang tepat yaitu “hope” (berharap)
43. Jawab : D
Ungkapan simpati yang tepat yaitu “ I am sorry to hear that”
44. Jawab : A
Ungkapan “Oh, let me take you to a doctor” merupakan ungkapan
suatu “offers help”.
45. Jawab : B
“I’d love to but I have an appointment with my colleagues” merupakan
ungkapan “penolakan suatu undangan”.
46. Jawab : A
“...by the time you come” menunjukkan bentuk “future perfect tense” (
will have been ready).
47. Jawab : B
Kata “incapable” (tidak mampu) merupakan ungkapan
ketidakmampuan (inability).
48. Jawab : D
Kata “or” membutuhkan bentuk parallel pada kata /kalimat
sesudahnya. Kerna sebelumnya berbentuk “simple present’ (have),
sesudahnya juga berbentuk “simple present” (have to miss).
49. Jawab : B
Kata yang tepat untuk menggambarkan penontonnya karena
pertunjukkannya berhasil yaitu “satisfied” (puas).
50. Jawab : D
Bentuk passive dalam bentuk present continuous (now), digunakan
pola “is/am/are + being + VIII (is being repaired).
51. Jawab : E
Ungkapan causative yang tepat yaitu “I will have my hair cut” (Saya
akan menyuruh rambut saya dipotong).
52. Jawab : E
Dalam percakapan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa Peter tidak
naik taksi.
53. Jawab : B
Bentuk kalimat “present” yang tepat untuk menyatakan suatu
kegiatan yang sedang dikerjakan digunakan bentuk “Present
Continuous Tense” ( are catching).
54. Jawab : D
“Kata sifat” yang diawali kata “the" menunjukkan suatu kelompok : the
sick, the hungry and the suffering (orang-orang yang menderita).
55. Jawab : E
Kata terluka yang tepat untuk orang yaitu “wounded”.
56. Jawab : A
Kata yang tepat dalam konteks kalimat tersebut , berdasarkan kalimat
sebelumnya, yaitu “helps for”.
57. Jawab : E
“Writing” (Menulis) hanya dapat dilakukan oleh “manusia”.
58. Jawab : D
Kata yang tepat yaitu “formal education” (Pendidikan formal).
59. Jawab : E
Kata “handicaps” (cacat) = disability of a person’s body.
60. Jawab : C
Kata yang sama maknanya dengan “damage” (merusak) yaitu “harm”.